Does PvP split include WvW?
WvW is typically lumped with PvE unless specified otherwise.
It’s just a giant mess, really. If you hit T1, you should lose your linked server and close. That’s… really it. That’s the only way to keep it at least somewhat balanced.
You’re just saying that because it’s Saturday and your server is already behind the other two by 10K. :-)
We’re not linked and yet are still neck n neck with DB (who is linked).
Lots of fun fights vs DB…TC, not so much
TC has now officially taken over YB’s spot in T1 as the “run and back cap” server !
It will not be tonight, or next Tuesday, but sometime after that.
I can’t give you an exact day yet, since there are still some technical changes that need to happen before we can run different Borderlands at the same time, but I will let everyone know once we know for sure it is ready to go out.
Take your time ! :-)
Some people just want to watch the world burn.
It will be (wipes tear)… glorious !
Just Stahp.
People are going to play they want regardless of your idea of how they should.
There will always be blobs and K-trains because there are a ton of player who could give two flying monkey butts about builds/comps/consumables. They just want to run for a few hours after work or on their down time. They are the Militia on our servers, the guys and girls that keep the fire burning. Accept it and move on, stop trying to corral them into your ideas.
They outnumber you and me and every other person that plays “For da fites”.
Well said.
It’s called WvW, not GvG for a reason. Same reason it’s not called “Solo Roaming World”
LOL… these guys are simply never gonna give up on their eternal quest to transform WvW into their own personal GvG arena… and to hell with all the casuals/pugs that don’t fit in. You see their insidious plotting in other topics too, such as the “we want hidden commander tags !” threads that occasionally pop up. :-D
You are aware that they plan to rotate in the desert maps on a quarterly basis, right ?
So no need to act like we are stuck with Alpine forever more…
Another thief or mesmer can catch them, or a LB ranger really and CC before they even stealth, if they run d/p.
I’m sorry but long bow rangers were like buffet when I used to main a thief.
If 2 thief can kill 6/8 enemy I think that those enemy are really bad….
First thing to do in that case is to regroup, never chase thief, stay together and the thief won’t be able to kill you… It may be hard to kill the thief, but they won’t kill you…This is true.
You can’t chase a thief.
You must stay tight in a group of 6-8 people.
You can’t kill a thief.
If you don’t stay in group, thief kills you.What a wonderfully balanced profession.
Play a Dragon Hunter. Then you can chase thieves to your heart’s content (you’ll never catch him, but he’ll keep running).
Yes they are doing 2vs1 to BG right now, at least during EU and NA. In our home border the last few days, and sometimes in EBG.
I don´t know if a coordinated 2vs1, but it does not matter.
Coordinated or not, TC are getting blasted during off hours. Ironically YB has closed the gap a bit on them… probably due to BG focusing on TC more than YB.
The other tiers in NA looks great.
So close and exciting!
But T1…look at the huge difference in score.
2nd and 3rd place depends largely on who BG decides to side with =/
Eh… BG hates them both (YB & TC but especially YB) and likewise, they both hate BG. Most likely scenario… an alliance between the two T1 wannabes.
(edited by Hexalot.8194)
azyume.6321 how gw2 is ment to be played, skill and aoe spam all that matters.
With the buff to stabilty, the hammer train is back in play.
Not enough “thanks” go out to the ANet guys I think. I gave a lot of negative feedback when HoT came out and am happy to see they’re turning things around.
That said, in NA, the server tiers have been shaken up greatly and I’m loving seeing different servers to fight more often. I’m on Blackgate and we’ve been fighting Jade Quarry and Yaks bend for god knows how long, now we’re getting Dragonbrand and TC in the mix too. It has been a lot of fun seeing some different servers without having to transfer around.
Very interesting that Yaks Bend and Jade Quarry have dropped to Tier 2 after being in tier 1 for so long as well.
JQ yes, but Yaks hasn’t been in T1 that long compared to the other traditional T1 servers. Six months at the most maybe ?
less tomes of knowledge please. ty
They’ll never stop that. People leveling characters love the tomes and Anet loves people who level characters since you need additional character slots which equals more $$$ for them.
(If they take them, which is very rare)
Not denying that there is some double teaming on TC going on right now (new kid on the block, guilds transferred over there from hated Yaks Bend, etc). But your post literally lost all credibility and comes across as nothing more than salty tears with that statement. If nothing else, BG thrives on open field fights. We much prefer them to attacking sieged up the yahoo structures.
I thought we weren’t allowed matchup threads anymore. Please advise?
Eh… the Mods will close it when they deem it time. But if it’s so offense to you, why even bother responding (which then brings it right back to the top) ?
BG is where the fairweathers go. Once the badwagoners meet up with fellow wagon servers they’ll burn themselves out while YB chills.
I’m glad BG got trashed for as long as it did. Now when they try to blob PvD thinking they’re getting any sort of retribution against players like myself (who lol’d at BG’s failures for many months) who haven’t logged into wvw for the past two weeks their revenge is suddenly hollow and laughable. The damage has already been done.
PvD your life away and blob those nameless enemies though! That’ll show the guy who once played!
BG is a lot of things (some good, some bad), but “fair weather” haven it definitely ain’t.
YB on the other hand…
So is Yak’s Bend due for a fall to T2 tonight ?
Or do we have to bash them another week to grease the skids ?
Isn’t DK still playing? He’s a PPT machine and usually finds a way to win matches.
Someone said he announced on team speak that he’s gonna be pulling 24hr duty tonight. :-D
It should just form one ring, which changes in size for 1-5 people caught in it, up to a size slightly large than a static field at 5 people. This way it’s still a nice large cc field but at the same time you can’t loose 6+ stacks of stab if you accidentally wander into that kitten.
It’s not a nice large CC field, it is a nice large CC circle which poses no problems for anyone trapped inside it because they would have enough room to freely dodge around. Hunter’s Ward doesn’t need changes, stability in WvW needs changes.
Well you “may” be in luck. Among the leaked patch notes (on reddit) was the change to stab where you can now lose a maximum of only one stack per second. So if you’ve got 3 stacks on you, you’re guaranteed unimpeded movement for at least 3 seconds… regardless of how much CC is thrown at you.
Can you link the reddit post?
Some say they sound legit… others are more skeptical. Take it however you want.
It should just form one ring, which changes in size for 1-5 people caught in it, up to a size slightly large than a static field at 5 people. This way it’s still a nice large cc field but at the same time you can’t loose 6+ stacks of stab if you accidentally wander into that kitten.
It’s not a nice large CC field, it is a nice large CC circle which poses no problems for anyone trapped inside it because they would have enough room to freely dodge around. Hunter’s Ward doesn’t need changes, stability in WvW needs changes.
Well you “may” be in luck. Among the leaked patch notes (on reddit) was the change to stab where you can now lose a maximum of only one stack per second. So if you’ve got 3 stacks on you, you’re guaranteed unimpeded movement for at least 3 seconds… regardless of how much CC is thrown at you.
(edited by Hexalot.8194)
“Become Yak’s Bend”. Chills shot down my spine. I must take my leave.
I’d quit MMOs altogether first…
Most professions gain over a similarly equipped and skilled opponent without HoT. For this reason Elite Specs should not have been introduced into WvW or PvP at all.
Then good luck getting anybody to buy HoT.
Many on BG and JQ dont care about winning and PPT. We come for fights, because winning and ppt are meaningless. Yaks bend is kittenous garbage server that does nothing but pvd and siegehump. If there was anything on the line, like a tournament I can assure you BG and JQ would be out in force and YB would be crushed.
Many on YB come for fights, but are unable to fight on even grounds due to having considerably smaller forces. JQ and BG have kittenous garbage players that run in much larger groups, often times team up to fight YB, and complain like sore losers just because YB uses allowed game mechanics just to stay competetive. I guess at the end of the day, these players can rest assured that they’re clearly more “skilled” as those 10 YB wouldn’t have killed their 20+ man zergs without siege weaponry.
See, I can do it too.
Do people… honestly think like this? Like… serious question. I’ve met maybe 3 people who had those opinions and I pretty quickly told them to kitten, but for the most part I feel like people who zerg are fairly aware that they’re zerging. Right? Am I just hanging around with the wrong people? I stopped going into public teamspeaks a while ago.
Pretty sure that guy’s so far up DK’s rear end he can’t even see his own ACs anymore.
I hail from a small gvg guild thar xferred to YB long before it arrived at its current place. We despise siege, and our commander would chew us out for deploying, building, or using siege. The thing is, when you face opponents that you can not defeat despite superior tactics and superior builds/team comp, you have to change your strategy.
We tried everything under the sun in terms of build and team comp, but with little success. We weren’t having fun anymore. After trying ppting for rallies instead of looking for fights, we found that fun, and started getting bags again. It’s funny, you cap an objective, hold it, build a dash of siege, and these extremely intelligent zergs will come by and die. Repeatedly.
It’s okay that you don’t understand, but please stop characterizing an entire server based on your experiences and limited point of view. Trust me, your servers have used similar tactics in similar situations and are no more skilled or honorable than us.
Here is where your logic fails. YB has always been known for seige humping… it’s deeply ingrained into your server’s culture… and that reputation has followed YB as they moved through the tiers. When they were still in the lower tiers, YB was known for its “defensive” skills… i.e… holding up in towers behind a barrage of siege. When they hit t2 it was the same complaints again… YB won’t leave their towers unless with overwhelming numbers. And now that I’m finally facing them in t1, I can see for myself what everyone was talking about when it comes to that server.
We don’t use Revenants anymore. Wells Necro and Staff Tempest can do same thing better and are much more fun to.
LOL you’re not just a minority in this thread, but likely a minority in the entire WvW game mode as well. You also mention that you don’t like to run pure glass back liners. But ironically, glass Heralds when traited properly can tank just about as well as many a front liner. Let me guess… you were part of the “I hate everthing about Revs and their kitten CoR” army rampaging through here before the hammer nerfs, hmm ? ;-)
Guessing is difficult work, and you are not even close, so perhaps stop trying
Successful WvW groups adapt to the changes, bugfixes and features quickly. Those who stick to the old versions that worked last year will lose the fights. There is currently no reason for us to run Heralds aymore, does not mean we did not run them in the past or will not run again in the future.
I guess you did not manage to read through my entire post and rushed to reply with silly guesswork, but go back and try again. I mentioned this system works for us, and I gave the size of our guild raid. They could be useful in much bigger or smaller groups, in which case you could reply with actual example.
I personally have doubts about your claims for Herald being able to tank as well as Guardian or Reaper, but if it works for you, go for it! It would also help if you could describe the potentially superior Herald build compared to Guardian or Reaper tank, as I expect every class to be traited properly.
Hardening persistence +Invigorating flow (~300 heal every time you use an energy skill), combined with dwarf legend for the elite +staff . If using glint you have protection from Facet of Chaos and/or One with Nature.
Switching to dwarf legend , Rite of the great dwarf is -50% damage and isn’t a boon, while Vengeful hammers is -20% condition damage , -20% regular damage and +280 armor as an alternative. It’s an alternative to relying on boons that can be corrupted.
Staff provides blind/weakness/daze to mitigate damage, as well as condi clear and a knockback.
Thanks Infusion. And may I also add that you can have all that damage reduction/mitigation on a larger base HP pool than a Guardian, while still going pure glass, thus allowing the Rev to wander up front doing huge damage numbers and/or get caught out of position without getting melted instantly like your typical glass Ele/Necro/Ranger. :-)
(edited by Hexalot.8194)
They already know. I wonder if the damage will go up once they fix it.. hm..
That would mean buffing sword damage by 30% if sword once again takes into account weapon damage as it should have, right?
I can guarantee that won’t happen as it would neutralize all the previous intended nerfs. They’ll likely just rearrange the scaling so any changes after bug fix will be minimal.
We don’t use Revenants anymore. Wells Necro and Staff Tempest can do same thing better and are much more fun to.
LOL you’re not just a minority in this thread, but likely a minority in the entire WvW game mode as well. You also mention that you don’t like to run pure glass back liners. But ironically, glass Heralds when traited properly can tank just about as well as many a front liner. Let me guess… you were part of the “I hate everthing about Revs and their kitten CoR” army rampaging through here before the hammer nerfs, hmm ? ;-)
People will move on because of what they see in the update. Anet’s vision is clearly completely different from WvW players’. There’s no chance they deliver.
That may be the case. But if a new group takes up the mantle, and the Old Guard dies, what does it matter?
LOL. As if people are quitting because they can’t handle change. No. People are quitting because Anet has “developed” WvW into oblivion. There isn’t going to be a new group taking up the mantle.
I’m sorry but that’s just nonsense. We all agree that WvW in general is in dire straights and many of the old guard have indeed left. But both last night and night before on Black Gate’s EB, I’ve seen zergs led by Commanders who I’ve never seen before (or at the very least, I’m not remotely familiar with). That’s proof enough that there are still players out there willing to take up the mantle and replace those who have given up. Will they be as good as some of our previous veteran commanders who have been tagging up since Beta ?
Probably not. But everyone has to start somewhere…
You’re on the most active map in the most populated tier that players are also migrating towards… I should hope you’ve noticed some new faces.
I can say the same thing. I know for sure that there are players out there looking for fight guilds to run with but then that doesn’t mean said guilds aren’t quickly becoming fewer. This isn’t about player quality. Taking up the mantle of leader means diddly squat when the mode is bleeding players much faster than gaining them. So let’s not pretend that what WvWvW is losing is somehow being replaced.
That’s all well and nice. But lets not also act like everywhere is a case of no one tagging up (or taking up the mantle of leadership so to speak) just because most of the old guard have had enough. And that was my only point. Yes the game mode itself is bleeding players. But tier one is still managing queues on EB in the middle of the week. So as long as there are fights to be had, people will come out to play. Obviously that is not the case for the lower tiers so it looks like server merges and/or mega server for WvW is all but a done deal.
People will move on because of what they see in the update. Anet’s vision is clearly completely different from WvW players’. There’s no chance they deliver.
That may be the case. But if a new group takes up the mantle, and the Old Guard dies, what does it matter?
LOL. As if people are quitting because they can’t handle change. No. People are quitting because Anet has “developed” WvW into oblivion. There isn’t going to be a new group taking up the mantle.
I’m sorry but that’s just nonsense. We all agree that WvW in general is in dire straights and many of the old guard have indeed left. But both last night and night before on Black Gate’s EB, I’ve seen zergs led by Commanders who I’ve never seen before (or at the very least, I’m not remotely familiar with). That’s proof enough that there are still players out there willing to take up the mantle and replace those who have given up. Will they be as good as some of our previous veteran commanders who have been tagging up since Beta ?
Probably not. But everyone has to start somewhere…
(edited by Hexalot.8194)
Most new decisions regarding gameplay and balance seem to push towards trivializing combat and reducing the dependency on skilled gameplay as a whole. People seem to be relishing the power creep and easy gameplay, so I feel like such a request is “out of line” with “popular opinion.”
kitten shame, really.
I’ve been a Thief since beta, and this makes me want to just quit the game entirely. :‘( I liked Thief due to how much skill they needed and quick decisions. I don’t want to just press 3 and 1. Might as well play LoL though I hate that game.
The changes have made you want to quit the game sure. But at the same time I haven’t seen this many thieves running around since beta, as everyone and their dog brings the class out of mothballs and have started playing it again. So yes, you’re in a small (elitist) minority here.
Yep there is a counter.
Its called get your god kitten melee kitten out there to wreck their sorry kitten with a veil from behind.
What a bad reply.
Really… I thought it was a great reply.
Or you could just swap to glint, and have perma swiftness? swiftness alone is 33%, which is a greater increase than all the +25% that other classes have.
Guardian would like a word with you.
I killed this boss exactly once. Why? Waiting for an hour or clicking “join in” for 30 minutes is too annoying.
The sword nerf was uncalled for, oh well Necro here I come! (Jks Ill still play my rev, but necro now…. really? )
Uncalled for? What game are u playing? The consensus was that sword auto was doing too much dmg for an auto. Now it’s on par with most classes.
Rev sword auto was too high ?
So what’s the Thief class excuse then ?
I was wondering about why they nerfed the damage on this skill so hard?
Having the attacks reduced from 7 to 5 comes to about a 28.6% reduction. Each hit was given a plus 10% damage but that just means the overall reduction is 21.4%.
Was this skill really so detrimental before that it needed its damage adjusted so heavily? I feel a 10% nerf to its damage would have been adequate. Although I rarely use it in pve. Was this reduction because of pvp?
You’re referring to the Sword 3 nerf. This thread is about Hammer 2 and it is more than just the nerf, but the (hopefully) bug that now means that one Rev. using his skill can completely negate another Rev’s use of the same skill. Completely insane and if this isn’t a bug causes real concerns in the future of this company as it begins a majorly negative and dangerous trend.
Bug ?
You’re behind the times dude. Warrior’s long bow elite skill got the exact same nerf:
“Scorched Earth: Enemies are now able to be struck by this skill only once every 0.5 seconds.”
So it’s fairly obvious that this is indeed an intentional path that ANET is going down with regard to certain skills.
Don’t let him freeze you with his Shroud #5 skill and don’t fight inside the ice field because the chill will destroy you. Try to stun him because he doesn’t have lot of stability or stun breakes.
Reaper Shroud doesn’t have a lot of stability?
We playing the same class ?
i find thiefs/daredevils easy to deal with i can even 1v2 them after the patch.
If you can still 1v2 thieves/daredevils post patch, they have to be two of the most awful players of that class on God’s Green Earth.
Meh, currently in WvW god-mode can be summed up in two words:
Dragon Banner
Yesterday we went up against a 25-man french server where one person (female Norn Revenant) always ran with a Dragon Banner. Not fun eating 10k damage instantly when there were only 13 of us. Still they were unable to take the fire keep from us though but that’s because they sucked. :p
The patch tomorrow will nerf the banner by 40%.
I believe at the end of the last Guild chat it was said that this will happen.
CoR is broke all to hell. Nobody should be landing long range AoE damage over 12k on a crit add in that it is ridiculously spammable. Even the Hammer Bolt auto-attack can land for 5k on a crit.
Sustain also needs an adjustment. I am looking forward to the first balance patch that will address some of this.
I got one-shot by it today (19k hit). Yes, it’s ridiculous. I do, however, think that the CC issue is much worse.
The only way you could receive that much damage from CoR is if you were either running naked, an up-level, or you received the infamous “double hit”. Anet has said that the patch release next week will remove the latter. As for the first two… it’s your choice to play that way.
it’s bugged. ANet hasn’t offered a fix yet. Either the search for the root cause is taking longer than expected or the solution affects a lot of mechanics and is tricky to implement (or both).
Well either way they better hurry up and sort it out. Or else people are going to start to think twice about throwing away 2 hours of their life for an event that has a random chance of failing regardless of what the player does.
Camelot Unchained baby. If you haven’t blown this popsicle stand by then, you will once your friends tell you about it.
Blow this popsicle stand for an MMO that has stated it will be going the monthly subscription route ?
LOL… I don’t blame anyone deciding to jump ship if they’ve had enough (game mode is indeed in it’s death throes), but hell if I’m going back to that obsolete format.
I doubt they will go the route of monthly subs but then again they haven’t mentioned it one way or another. I do agree with you though. Buying content once is nice. Mythic didn’t start it actually although not sure if that is what you are implying. Few other MMO’s prior to charged monthly. Anyway something needs to yield because the current state of WvW is a train wreck.
No it’s official (check their authorized Wiki. I could link it but not sure of forum policy on linking other MMOs). Camelot Unchained will be Subscription based.
If you can afford high speed access, how can you not budget 15 bucks a month?
Can’t catch a movie w/ a drink and popcorn for that price…considering how many hours anyone is likely to put into that game.
Simple… subscription mmos tend to make people feel obligated to play, even when they’re dissatisfied with the game, due to the amount of money they have already thrown at it. Secondly, 95% of the newer subscription model mmos eventually drop the subscription model for a f2p one, after they start seeing their monthly sub accounts nose dive. Only thing is… and in a desperate attempt to maintain the previous cash flow… these newly f2p games also quite often tend to go hard core Pay2Win.
So again, thanks but no thanks.
Bad logic. Do you “feel” obligated to stay with the same ISP if you are dissatisfied with their service? Even though you’ve used them for years.
Or stay with the same make and model of vehicle that you dislike just cause you’ve had one for years.
Games are no different. Subscribe for a couple of months, play the game…leave if you don’t like it. “Obligated to play” because of 15 bucks…are you serious?"
LOL… don’t you just love these “first world” problems ?
Guess what… I’m not from the US. So it isn’t just “15 bucks” for me.
Secondly… the ISP comparison is a horrible one, since most people don’t get “invested” in their ISP (or cable bill) the same way they do in an MMO.
Thirdly… how many people are ready and willing to immediately ditch a car they only just finished paying off the bank or whomever for, even though it may now need parts or has issues on the road ?
Oh yeah, forgot… first world problems…
What part of “subscription model” did you not get ?
Ive to pay 1 € per year honey .
For what, Mine-craft ?
You would prefer the gw2 model where they don’t make any content except pretty stuff in the cash shop? Yeah, free to play model is SO good /s
Won’t miss your type when CU comes out this year or next.
Well ironically, chances are you’ll be rejoining “my type” soon enough when your precious CU goes f2p 6 months after launch like virtually all the subscription mmos who think they can copy WoW’s success.
Your just displaying your ignorance of CU. How is a purely RvR game trying to copy WoW?
And you’re displaying your lack of comprehension. What part of “subscription model” did you not get ?
As in… trying to copy WoW’s subscription model ?
The things you have to spell out nowadays…
You would prefer the gw2 model where they don’t make any content except pretty stuff in the cash shop? Yeah, free to play model is SO good /s
Won’t miss your type when CU comes out this year or next.
Well ironically, chances are you’ll be rejoining “my type” soon enough when your precious CU goes f2p 6 months after launch like virtually all the subscription mmos who think they can copy WoW’s success.
Camelot Unchained baby. If you haven’t blown this popsicle stand by then, you will once your friends tell you about it.
Blow this popsicle stand for an MMO that has stated it will be going the monthly subscription route ?
LOL… I don’t blame anyone deciding to jump ship if they’ve had enough (game mode is indeed in it’s death throes), but hell if I’m going back to that obsolete format.
I doubt they will go the route of monthly subs but then again they haven’t mentioned it one way or another. I do agree with you though. Buying content once is nice. Mythic didn’t start it actually although not sure if that is what you are implying. Few other MMO’s prior to charged monthly. Anyway something needs to yield because the current state of WvW is a train wreck.
No it’s official (check their authorized Wiki. I could link it but not sure of forum policy on linking other MMOs). Camelot Unchained will be Subscription based.
If you can afford high speed access, how can you not budget 15 bucks a month?
Can’t catch a movie w/ a drink and popcorn for that price…considering how many hours anyone is likely to put into that game.
Simple… subscription mmos tend to make people feel obligated to play, even when they’re dissatisfied with the game, due to the amount of money they have already thrown at it. Secondly, 95% of the newer subscription model mmos eventually drop the subscription model for a f2p one, after they start seeing their monthly sub accounts nose dive. Only thing is… and in a desperate attempt to maintain the previous cash flow… these newly f2p games also quite often tend to go hard core Pay2Win.
So again, thanks but no thanks.
Camelot Unchained baby. If you haven’t blown this popsicle stand by then, you will once your friends tell you about it.
Blow this popsicle stand for an MMO that has stated it will be going the monthly subscription route ?
LOL… I don’t blame anyone deciding to jump ship if they’ve had enough (game mode is indeed in it’s death throes), but hell if I’m going back to that obsolete format.
I doubt they will go the route of monthly subs but then again they haven’t mentioned it one way or another. I do agree with you though. Buying content once is nice. Mythic didn’t start it actually although not sure if that is what you are implying. Few other MMO’s prior to charged monthly. Anyway something needs to yield because the current state of WvW is a train wreck.
No it’s official (check their authorized Wiki. I could link it but not sure of forum policy on linking other MMOs). Camelot Unchained will be Subscription based.
Wow, that was extremely unlucky lol…
But I agree, Dragon’s Stand’s map is really weird. You need to dedicate like 1.5 hours to it. And if you disconnect, can’t get back in. You need to start all over. It’s a very weird map.
Pro-tip (and I used it myself after dc’ing just yesterday in Dragon Stand).
Before the start of the meta event, squad up in your zerg (not the usual party of 5, but the actual “squad” option where you can see everyone in the zerg who have done the same, as blue names). That way if you disconnect or whatever and then log back in, you can click the button “rejoin squad” and you’ll get taxied right back into the main map from whatever under populated map you got bunted to on the re-log.
As I said above, worked like a charm for me even though the map had already closed.