Showing Posts For Hickeroar.9734:

Gone after 2 weeks? What is the plan?

in Living World

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


It’s “permanent” in that it will be around next year. He made a big reply in a thread about this the other day. It’s coming back, updated for the next year in the same vein as holiday events.

I don’t exactly agree with his point of view, but it will allow them to work on bigger and better things next time around, which is a massive win for us as players. It’s just hard to see at this state of the game.

I can also see that their goals and vision for GW2 has changed (and has HAD to change) since launch. I think they launched a great game, and then had to figure out how to keep it viable and on-going for players. I think they’ve done a great job of that.

I hate to see temporary content go away, but I understand their reasoning for it. I don’t fault them much for changing their minds and goals along the way. It’s not that they intentionally lied, it’s that they just “changed” or “adapted.”

Crown Pavilion Diminishing Return

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


So I’ve noticed that the longer I farm in the Crown Pavilion, the lower the amount of T6 Mats I get, can anyone tell me how long it take for these diminishing returns to kick in and the best way to combat it?

People have long guessed that about 30 minutes of farming is where the DR starts to become really noticeable. Something like that, anyway. I’d guess that DR here is roughly the same as any other place in the game world.

The new arena?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


GW2 is trying to be a game that has something for everyone. This appeals to certain people. Not to others. I’ll try it out, sure, but I have no intent of spending a notable amount of time here. You can still get gold faster by fast-running various dungeons. I can imagine that people are already working on finding the best dungeon rotation to maximize money.

Exactly why should I buy Character Slots?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


I have 5 80s in 5 slots. They are all vastly different playstyles and are geared for doing different or specific things. I will eventually have 8 slots with one of each class.

I’m not sure I understand the question? If you don’t see a difference between builds and classes, you might be running similar/cookiecutter builds or something across all characters. The perks of keeping everything on one account is substantial. The wallet is evidence enough of that.

(edited by Hickeroar.9734)

Nightmare Wallet for Alt-players Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


I think you have a lot of valid points, but it appears that this is the way things are now. I think all upsides and downsides included, it’s still better this new way. I always hated having to switch characters to move gold around. I switched characters, no exaggerating, about 10 times yesterday for this purpose.

One possible solution is to create guilds to store different amounts of gold in for different purposes. Obviously the 5-guild-limit might pose a problem there.

Maybe track it in a notebook?

Find a player you trust, and at the end of a session send them a “return to sender” mail with that character’s gold, and keep it in your mailbox. 10-mail limit might be a problem there.

Maybe a future feature will allow per-character gold to be stored in the wallet, and you can move it from character to character at will, or stick it in a pot.

Broken Merchants?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Funnily enough, I ran into the same thing earlier this week and learned the same thing from one of my guildmates. Serendipitous! I’d never tried to buy on something less than an 80 before that.

Broken Merchants?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


is the character you’re trying to buy with less than lvl 80? if you’re less than 80, only the invaders tab shows up.

IMO Portal Price is too high

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


I am glad it is that high, I was afraid of what would happen in WvW if everyone was able to portal everyone else everywhere. What a nightmare.

5g for a single port? THAT is a nightmare.

No one is going to use that…

Graphics are not great for me.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


I’m not seeing the difference. O_o

Account Wallet + Pristine Fractal Relics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


still trying to figure out how we are suppose to put the regular fractal relics into the forge now…

I’ve read from other players that there’s something you buy with the relics and you use that instead in the forge. I’m guessing you either buy it from Miyani or from one of the bots in the fractal launchpad.

"Anything less than "Zerk" is being selfish"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Your target is the shaman. You melee range the shaman so you are all under it. Dome covers you 5 and bubbled shaman. Dome blocks elementals.

Even worse. Shaman moves, you still have to RUN to the target, and grubs will be under the dome as well. That also doesn’t accomplish the goal of pulling/grouping up the grubs. As soon as that’s over you have a choice of dying by boss AOE, or dying by grubs. I got the 500-fractals achieve 6 months ago. I’ve run TONS of 40+ fractals, and I’ve never ONCE seen that tactic used.

The ironic part about this whole thing is that with all the “ONLY ZERKER” arguments you’re all spouting, this tactic (if it would even work 5% of the time) still requires a tank guardian.

this "tactic’ is an example of how a competent team would kill shaman, and shaman does move tahts why everyone gets into melee range and once grubs start attacking mesmer drops feedback, feedback also blocks projectiles inside the dome, if your playing with competent players then the bubble will be down before feedback drops, double dodge roll backwards and 0 damage taken

I get the feeling you watched a video and now you feel like you’re an expert… Experience and theory rarely match up. Great plan on paper…..maybe. It might not result in a wipe about 5% of the time.

Account Wallet + Pristine Fractal Relics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Yeah, it’s not a big deal. I’m super happy to just have the wallet as-is.

"Anything less than "Zerk" is being selfish"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Your target is the shaman. You melee range the shaman so you are all under it. Dome covers you 5 and bubbled shaman. Dome blocks elementals.

Even worse. Shaman moves, you still have to RUN to the target, and grubs will be under the dome as well. That also doesn’t accomplish the goal of pulling/grouping up the grubs. As soon as that’s over you have a choice of dying by boss AOE, or dying by grubs. I got the 500-fractals achieve 6 months ago. I’ve run TONS of 40+ fractals, and I’ve never ONCE seen that tactic used.

The ironic part about this whole thing is that with all the “ONLY ZERKER” arguments you’re all spouting, this tactic (if it would even work 5% of the time) still requires a tank guardian.

"Anything less than "Zerk" is being selfish"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


High level fractals. If you believe zerker is viable in 40+ fractals….you’ve obviously never run them.

Isn’t a fractals group consisted of a defensive guardian and 4 zerkers? Tell me, what’s the point of toughness or vitality, when enemies one hit kill you with or without those stats? The difference between running a zerker and a non-zerker in high level fractals, is the difference between killing faster or killing slower.

They don’t call the “holy trinity of fractals” guardian-guardian-guardian for nothing. 4 zerks and a guardian is worthless in most cases. One guardian can’t maintain enough uptime on blocks/reflect to protect 4 zerkers.

4 zerker fractals are actually quite common, almost standard at 40+ as many people have pointed out. The most popular video guides are of 4 zerker teams…

Again not saying that another makeup cant beat it but because of the way content is made everyone at higher tiers of PvE are 1-3 shot. dealing 400% more damage is just more valuable then because we all have the same survivability anyways.

Zerker doesn’t provide 400% more damage than knights. Not even REMOTELY close.

1 zerker vs 1 knights = ~100% more damage x 4 = 400%, critical damage is amazing isnt it?

That’s a misunderstand of basic math…

If your four players are all dealing 2k DPS, together they’re dealing 8k DPS total. Increase each player by 100% (4k DPS each), and you doubled to 16kDPS. That’s a 100% increase from the original (8k->16k), not 400%. I would also argue that knights would not cause you to cut your damage in half. Maybe by 1/3 or so.

ah my bad your right hasty math, but for knights vs berserkers full berserkers critical damage provides (depending on group comp) around 100% damage bonus (assume 50% base crit chance, disc banner, perma fury = around 75-85% crit chance for ~250% more damage than someone running knights with no crit damage) of course that would vary greatly if the person was using knights with ruby orbs, or getting 30% crit damage from traits

I assumed the player would trait into Power/Prec with Knights. Crit chance on Knights/Berserkers is the same. Crit damage is going to take a hit, along with power, but the overall numbers are not substantially lower. I would personally run a mix of Beryl Jewels instead of Emerald due to the Vit and Crit damage boost.

so pull them together? ex: shaman whips out his ball, all 5 hop in melee distance and start attacking, mesmer drops feedback to bock projectiles, shield goes down, team retreats to behind grubs, grubs are now only on one side, guardian spams sota and wor

You can’t reliably group/pull all the grubs like that. You can TRY and get them congregated, which helps, but the target limit of 5 on pull skills, combined with the amount of time it takes them to self-travel via aggro still leaves a massive time-hole where zerkers are ripped to shreds by the grubs before there’s any reflect up that last more than a couple seconds, or has any relevant amount of coverage.

dont pull them, once shield dies feedback typically goes down about the same time, double dodge roll to one side (your now out of grubs), spam reflects, (shortest would be smoke wall at 8? not sure), then wall of reflection 12 seconds, sota 20 (30 traited) seconds, thats a total of 40(50) seconds of no grub attacks, more than enough time to kill them all

One feedback covers the entire island? News to me….

now your just not reading, why would you be spread out over the island? way more efficient to jump into melee range once he bubbles up as melee attacks are normally much faster, and OMG WTF feedback covers all 5

Feedback needs a target, or you have to “blind” target it. If the former, you’re sitting under feedback with enemies. If the latter, you have to run to it….which means you’re exposed for several seconds which is more than enough time to be immobilized several times over and….dead.

"Anything less than "Zerk" is being selfish"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


I don’t agree with this, not even with the MF argument, but the Devs have made pretty much said anything other than the optimal build is not promoting the party dynamics they wish to and thus zerker is the way to go.

That’s not what they said.

Running anything less than the optimal build is not in the spirit of coorperation. Thus, running anything other than zerker is not promoting the spirit of cooperation they wish to see.

We want to remove the choice players are currently being forced to make on their gear: “Do I go with better stats, or better loot?” This isn’t in the spirit of cooperation that Guild Wars 2 is all about. As such, we’ll be removing magic find entirely as an item stat and turning it into account stat that improved the odds of rare drops for all your characters.

The tone of that language suggests that the spirit of cooperation is more important than any individual goal. The goals of the party outweigh the goals of the individual. Thus running the most efficient build is in the BEST interests of the spirit of cooperation.

Again, that’s not what they mean at all.

It takes some pretty biased and twisted logic to interpret that quote the way you did.

I still read it as the goals of the party are more important than the goals of the individual. That means optimal build for the party is best.

Not really sure how you interpret their comment, but evidently my reading and interpretation of their comment is biased and twisted.

So should everyone carry 6 sets of gear to gear appropriately for whatever party they’re in? Regardless of what people are ignorantly arguing here, it’s a fact that zerker is not the best gear for every person and every scenario.

What is the best for every party? How do you determine it? How do you instantly gear and trait everyone for whatever you’re doing?

Oh wait, GW2 was designed so that almost doesn’t matter.

If YOU want 6 minute CoF P1 speed runs, YOU can run zerker and YOU can run with 4 other zerkers who are very skilled/trained at accomplishing that one goal that YOU want. I ran a CoF P1 two days ago. One person had full zerker. It took 10 minutes. No one died. We had fun.

So what’s best for the party?

"Anything less than "Zerk" is being selfish"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


…And now?

You run the dungeon. :-)

"Anything less than "Zerk" is being selfish"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


High level fractals. If you believe zerker is viable in 40+ fractals….you’ve obviously never run them.

Isn’t a fractals group consisted of a defensive guardian and 4 zerkers? Tell me, what’s the point of toughness or vitality, when enemies one hit kill you with or without those stats? The difference between running a zerker and a non-zerker in high level fractals, is the difference between killing faster or killing slower.

They don’t call the “holy trinity of fractals” guardian-guardian-guardian for nothing. 4 zerks and a guardian is worthless in most cases. One guardian can’t maintain enough uptime on blocks/reflect to protect 4 zerkers.

4 zerker fractals are actually quite common, almost standard at 40+ as many people have pointed out. The most popular video guides are of 4 zerker teams…

Again not saying that another makeup cant beat it but because of the way content is made everyone at higher tiers of PvE are 1-3 shot. dealing 400% more damage is just more valuable then because we all have the same survivability anyways.

Zerker doesn’t provide 400% more damage than knights. Not even REMOTELY close.

1 zerker vs 1 knights = ~100% more damage x 4 = 400%, critical damage is amazing isnt it?

That’s a misunderstand of basic math…

If your four players are all dealing 2k DPS, together they’re dealing 8k DPS total. Increase each player by 100% (4k DPS each), and you doubled to 16kDPS. That’s a 100% increase from the original (8k->16k), not 400%. I would also argue that knights would not cause you to cut your damage in half. Maybe by 1/3 or so.

ah my bad your right hasty math, but for knights vs berserkers full berserkers critical damage provides (depending on group comp) around 100% damage bonus (assume 50% base crit chance, disc banner, perma fury = around 75-85% crit chance for ~250% more damage than someone running knights with no crit damage) of course that would vary greatly if the person was using knights with ruby orbs, or getting 30% crit damage from traits

I assumed the player would trait into Power/Prec with Knights. Crit chance on Knights/Berserkers is the same. Crit damage is going to take a hit, along with power, but the overall numbers are not substantially lower. I would personally run a mix of Beryl Jewels instead of Emerald due to the Vit and Crit damage boost.

so pull them together? ex: shaman whips out his ball, all 5 hop in melee distance and start attacking, mesmer drops feedback to bock projectiles, shield goes down, team retreats to behind grubs, grubs are now only on one side, guardian spams sota and wor

You can’t reliably group/pull all the grubs like that. You can TRY and get them congregated, which helps, but the target limit of 5 on pull skills, combined with the amount of time it takes them to self-travel via aggro still leaves a massive time-hole where zerkers are ripped to shreds by the grubs before there’s any reflect up that last more than a couple seconds, or has any relevant amount of coverage.

dont pull them, once shield dies feedback typically goes down about the same time, double dodge roll to one side (your now out of grubs), spam reflects, (shortest would be smoke wall at 8? not sure), then wall of reflection 12 seconds, sota 20 (30 traited) seconds, thats a total of 40(50) seconds of no grub attacks, more than enough time to kill them all

One feedback covers the entire island? News to me….

"Anything less than "Zerk" is being selfish"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Let’s be clear about one thing. There is no ‘optimal’ armor as a general statement. If you believe one kind of armor is optimal, then it is only optimal for you and those who agree with you. That goes for zerkers or magic finders and any other advocates of different armors.

This pretty much says it all. I’ve said the same thing like 5 times in this thread already. If you can handle it, do it. If what you’re doing can handle it, do it.

"Anything less than "Zerk" is being selfish"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


High level fractals. If you believe zerker is viable in 40+ fractals….you’ve obviously never run them.

Isn’t a fractals group consisted of a defensive guardian and 4 zerkers? Tell me, what’s the point of toughness or vitality, when enemies one hit kill you with or without those stats? The difference between running a zerker and a non-zerker in high level fractals, is the difference between killing faster or killing slower.

They don’t call the “holy trinity of fractals” guardian-guardian-guardian for nothing. 4 zerks and a guardian is worthless in most cases. One guardian can’t maintain enough uptime on blocks/reflect to protect 4 zerkers.

4 zerker fractals are actually quite common, almost standard at 40+ as many people have pointed out. The most popular video guides are of 4 zerker teams…

Again not saying that another makeup cant beat it but because of the way content is made everyone at higher tiers of PvE are 1-3 shot. dealing 400% more damage is just more valuable then because we all have the same survivability anyways.

Zerker doesn’t provide 400% more damage than knights. Not even REMOTELY close.

1 zerker vs 1 knights = ~100% more damage x 4 = 400%, critical damage is amazing isnt it?

That’s a misunderstand of basic math…

If your four players are all dealing 2k DPS, together they’re dealing 8k DPS total. Increase each player by 100% (4k DPS each), and you doubled to 16kDPS. That’s a 100% increase from the original (8k->16k), not 400%. I would also argue that knights would not cause you to cut your damage in half. Maybe by 1/3 or so.

ah my bad your right hasty math, but for knights vs berserkers full berserkers critical damage provides (depending on group comp) around 100% damage bonus (assume 50% base crit chance, disc banner, perma fury = around 75-85% crit chance for ~250% more damage than someone running knights with no crit damage) of course that would vary greatly if the person was using knights with ruby orbs, or getting 30% crit damage from traits

I assumed the player would trait into Power/Prec with Knights. Crit chance on Knights/Berserkers is the same. Crit damage is going to take a hit, along with power, but the overall numbers are not substantially lower. I would personally run a mix of Beryl Jewels instead of Emerald due to the Vit and Crit damage boost.

so pull them together? ex: shaman whips out his ball, all 5 hop in melee distance and start attacking, mesmer drops feedback to bock projectiles, shield goes down, team retreats to behind grubs, grubs are now only on one side, guardian spams sota and wor

You can’t reliably group/pull all the grubs like that. You can TRY and get them congregated, which helps, but the target limit of 5 on pull skills, combined with the amount of time it takes them to self-travel via aggro still leaves a massive time-hole where zerkers are ripped to shreds by the grubs before there’s any reflect up that last more than a couple seconds, or has any relevant amount of coverage.

(edited by Hickeroar.9734)

"Anything less than "Zerk" is being selfish"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


You apparently don’t understand the definition of the word “opinion,” because what you’re expressing is PRECISELY an opinion.

No, it’s a logical conclusion.

Then your logic is flawed…. You’re wrong in a myriad of cases.

Convine me, then. Show me a single piece of content in this game’s pve, with the exception of the new patch, where a dps build is not more viable than anything else.

High level fractals. If you believe zerker is viable in 40+ fractals….you’ve obviously never run them.

really? ive never met a team who doesnt require zerker in 48+, especially once get to to the 50s even trash mobs will nearly 1 shot you in full sentinels so why bother using anything except zerker

So when you get killed by 2-3 hits by a grub on the shaman fractal in the 40s….please explain what good you are to the team…..

Even with 4 tank guardians covering a zerker, you wouldn’t avoid being hit 2-3 times and being downed. Zerk is not viable in high level fractals. In high level fractals, they get kicked all the time for dying constantly.

if your getting hit by the grubs your doing something wrong…. i rarely if ever get hit by them

Then you’re running with several guardians, or your lying your face off.

1 guard 1 thief 1 mes, if you cant get 100% projectile absorb/reflect from that you shouldnt even be playing this game its to complex for you

Do the math. You can’t get 100% uptime from those three classes, especially from 360 degrees on the fire shaman.

why would we need 100% uptime? we dodge shamans attacks, its the grubs were using those against, and why the hell is your team spread out over 360 degrees

Grubs spawn in 360 degrees around the players (all over the island). Several dozen of them. They all fire ranged attacks.

(Degrees measure ANGLES….not distance.)

(edited by Hickeroar.9734)

"Anything less than "Zerk" is being selfish"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


High level fractals. If you believe zerker is viable in 40+ fractals….you’ve obviously never run them.

Isn’t a fractals group consisted of a defensive guardian and 4 zerkers? Tell me, what’s the point of toughness or vitality, when enemies one hit kill you with or without those stats? The difference between running a zerker and a non-zerker in high level fractals, is the difference between killing faster or killing slower.

They don’t call the “holy trinity of fractals” guardian-guardian-guardian for nothing. 4 zerks and a guardian is worthless in most cases. One guardian can’t maintain enough uptime on blocks/reflect to protect 4 zerkers.

4 zerker fractals are actually quite common, almost standard at 40+ as many people have pointed out. The most popular video guides are of 4 zerker teams…

Again not saying that another makeup cant beat it but because of the way content is made everyone at higher tiers of PvE are 1-3 shot. dealing 400% more damage is just more valuable then because we all have the same survivability anyways.

Zerker doesn’t provide 400% more damage than knights. Not even REMOTELY close.

1 zerker vs 1 knights = ~100% more damage x 4 = 400%, critical damage is amazing isnt it?

That’s a misunderstanding of basic math…

If your four players are all dealing 2k DPS, together they’re dealing 8k DPS total. Increase each player by 100% (4k DPS each), and you doubled to 16kDPS. That’s a 100% increase from the original (8k->16k), not 400%. I would also argue that knights would not cause you to cut your damage in half. Maybe by 1/3 or less.

(edited by Hickeroar.9734)

"Anything less than "Zerk" is being selfish"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


You apparently don’t understand the definition of the word “opinion,” because what you’re expressing is PRECISELY an opinion.

No, it’s a logical conclusion.

Then your logic is flawed…. You’re wrong in a myriad of cases.

Convine me, then. Show me a single piece of content in this game’s pve, with the exception of the new patch, where a dps build is not more viable than anything else.

High level fractals. If you believe zerker is viable in 40+ fractals….you’ve obviously never run them.

really? ive never met a team who doesnt require zerker in 48+, especially once get to to the 50s even trash mobs will nearly 1 shot you in full sentinels so why bother using anything except zerker

So when you get killed by 2-3 hits by a grub on the shaman fractal in the 40s….please explain what good you are to the team…..

Even with 4 tank guardians covering a zerker, you wouldn’t avoid being hit 2-3 times and being downed. Zerk is not viable in high level fractals. In high level fractals, they get kicked all the time for dying constantly.

if your getting hit by the grubs your doing something wrong…. i rarely if ever get hit by them

Then you’re running with several guardians, or your lying your face off.

1 guard 1 thief 1 mes, if you cant get 100% projectile absorb/reflect from that you shouldnt even be playing this game its to complex for you

Do the math. You can’t get 100% uptime from those three classes, especially from 360 degrees on the fire shaman.

"Anything less than "Zerk" is being selfish"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


You apparently don’t understand the definition of the word “opinion,” because what you’re expressing is PRECISELY an opinion.

No, it’s a logical conclusion.

Then your logic is flawed…. You’re wrong in a myriad of cases.

Convine me, then. Show me a single piece of content in this game’s pve, with the exception of the new patch, where a dps build is not more viable than anything else.

High level fractals. If you believe zerker is viable in 40+ fractals….you’ve obviously never run them.

Please just watch one of obal’s fractal 48 videos. Please.

I’m not interested in one player’s experience. I’m interested in the masses, and what is viable for the population of the game as a whole. There’s an exception to EVERY rule. That doesn’t mean it’s not a rule.

It’s not one player’s experience, it’s every good group’s experience at fractal 48.

Go pug a lvl 48.

Require zerker gear.

Watch what happens.

"Anything less than "Zerk" is being selfish"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


High level fractals. If you believe zerker is viable in 40+ fractals….you’ve obviously never run them.

Isn’t a fractals group consisted of a defensive guardian and 4 zerkers? Tell me, what’s the point of toughness or vitality, when enemies one hit kill you with or without those stats? The difference between running a zerker and a non-zerker in high level fractals, is the difference between killing faster or killing slower.

They don’t call the “holy trinity of fractals” guardian-guardian-guardian for nothing. 4 zerks and a guardian is worthless in most cases. One guardian can’t maintain enough uptime on blocks/reflect to protect 4 zerkers.

4 zerker fractals are actually quite common, almost standard at 40+ as many people have pointed out. The most popular video guides are of 4 zerker teams…

Again not saying that another makeup cant beat it but because of the way content is made everyone at higher tiers of PvE are 1-3 shot. dealing 400% more damage is just more valuable then because we all have the same survivability anyways.

Zerker doesn’t provide 400% more damage than knights. Not even REMOTELY close.

"Anything less than "Zerk" is being selfish"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


You apparently don’t understand the definition of the word “opinion,” because what you’re expressing is PRECISELY an opinion.

No, it’s a logical conclusion.

Then your logic is flawed…. You’re wrong in a myriad of cases.

Convine me, then. Show me a single piece of content in this game’s pve, with the exception of the new patch, where a dps build is not more viable than anything else.

High level fractals. If you believe zerker is viable in 40+ fractals….you’ve obviously never run them.

really? ive never met a team who doesnt require zerker in 48+, especially once get to to the 50s even trash mobs will nearly 1 shot you in full sentinels so why bother using anything except zerker

So when you get killed by 2-3 hits by a grub on the shaman fractal in the 40s….please explain what good you are to the team…..

Even with 4 tank guardians covering a zerker, you wouldn’t avoid being hit 2-3 times and being downed. Zerk is not viable in high level fractals. In high level fractals, they get kicked all the time for dying constantly.

if your getting hit by the grubs your doing something wrong…. i rarely if ever get hit by them

Then you’re running with several guardians, or your lying your face off.

"Anything less than "Zerk" is being selfish"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Even if there is no holy trinity skills in this game.People will tend to play the holy trinity way.

The point was that high level fractal groups have a VERY high success rate when you have three guardians. The best runs are guard-guard-guard-warrior-mesmer. None zerker. Full knights gear is a high-level-fractal “given.” Most people run knights and have around 2800-3200 armor, and the guards remove conditions with soldier runes and proper traiting. Tanky and quite a bit of damage.

(edited by Hickeroar.9734)

"Anything less than "Zerk" is being selfish"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


You apparently don’t understand the definition of the word “opinion,” because what you’re expressing is PRECISELY an opinion.

No, it’s a logical conclusion.

Then your logic is flawed…. You’re wrong in a myriad of cases.

Convine me, then. Show me a single piece of content in this game’s pve, with the exception of the new patch, where a dps build is not more viable than anything else.

High level fractals. If you believe zerker is viable in 40+ fractals….you’ve obviously never run them.

Please just watch one of obal’s fractal 48 videos. Please.

I’m not interested in one player’s experience. I’m interested in the masses, and what is viable for the population of the game as a whole. There’s an exception to EVERY rule. That doesn’t mean it’s not a rule.

"Anything less than "Zerk" is being selfish"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


High level fractals. If you believe zerker is viable in 40+ fractals….you’ve obviously never run them.

Isn’t a fractals group consisted of a defensive guardian and 4 zerkers? Tell me, what’s the point of toughness or vitality, when enemies one hit kill you with or without those stats? The difference between running a zerker and a non-zerker in high level fractals, is the difference between killing faster or killing slower.

They don’t call the “holy trinity of fractals” guardian-guardian-guardian for nothing. 4 zerks and a guardian is worthless in most cases. One guardian can’t maintain enough uptime on blocks/reflect to protect 4 zerkers.

"Anything less than "Zerk" is being selfish"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


You apparently don’t understand the definition of the word “opinion,” because what you’re expressing is PRECISELY an opinion.

No, it’s a logical conclusion.

Then your logic is flawed…. You’re wrong in a myriad of cases.

Convine me, then. Show me a single piece of content in this game’s pve, with the exception of the new patch, where a dps build is not more viable than anything else.

High level fractals. If you believe zerker is viable in 40+ fractals….you’ve obviously never run them.

really? ive never met a team who doesnt require zerker in 48+, especially once get to to the 50s even trash mobs will nearly 1 shot you in full sentinels so why bother using anything except zerker

So when you get killed by 2-3 hits by a grub on the shaman fractal in the 40s….please explain what good you are to the team…..

Even with 4 tank guardians covering a zerker, you wouldn’t avoid being hit 2-3 times and being downed. Zerk is not viable in high level fractals. In high level fractals, they get kicked all the time for dying constantly.

"Anything less than "Zerk" is being selfish"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


You apparently don’t understand the definition of the word “opinion,” because what you’re expressing is PRECISELY an opinion.

No, it’s a logical conclusion.

Then your logic is flawed…. You’re wrong in a myriad of cases.

Convine me, then. Show me a single piece of content in this game’s pve, with the exception of the new patch, where a dps build is not more viable than anything else.

High level fractals. If you believe zerker is viable in 40+ fractals….you’ve obviously never run them.

"Anything less than "Zerk" is being selfish"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Or, you can change that PVT to zerker and do even MORE damage, and since you will have learnt the mysteries of the dodge button it won’t matter that you can’t take as much damage as those people wearing gear with toughness/vit since bosses will do their big scary hits during your invulnerability frames.

You sure think that A) all players have infinite dodge, and B ) that players have piles of additional escapes on top of those escapes. I am starting to wonder if you actually even play this game at all…..

"Anything less than "Zerk" is being selfish"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


You apparently don’t understand the definition of the word “opinion,” because what you’re expressing is PRECISELY an opinion.

No, it’s a logical conclusion.

Then your logic is flawed…. You’re wrong in a myriad of cases.

"Anything less than "Zerk" is being selfish"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


I’m pretty sure a zerker in downed state still does twice the damage a PVT person does, so whether or not that is a good argument is questionable.

Besides, a zerker who gets downed occasionally > a PVT person draining time throughout the whole dungeon :/

Don’t even claim all advocates of zerker armor are mean. Making generalizations like that is a very mean thing to do. The reason people don’t want PVT people in their groups is because they fail to contribute to the group, that is a fact.

If someone out there thinks PVT is soooo great and they are being descrimminated against by 1337 zerker jerks, then please feel free to make a gw2lfg post and make PVT a requirement. I would love to see that, besides I definately don’t want you in my group and obviously you dont want me in your group either.

The problem is that a lot of the arm wavers in this this thread apparently don’t understand the concept of “mixed builds.”

What if I wanna run PVT gear with damage-based runes, and zerker trinkets/weapons(with damage sigils)? I will still do gobs of damage (you get about 50% of your stats from trinkets, plus even more from the runes and weapons), and be able to take far more damage.

Also: Most high level fractal groups will have NOTHING to do with zerker builds. It takes about 2-3 hits from the (dozens of) grubs on the shaman fractal to down a zerk in the 40+ range.

(edited by Hickeroar.9734)

Everyone who did not vote earned cash

in Living World

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Please cite the precedence for this change and what would have made ANY player think they should hold onto the tokens.

Giving things like Candy Corn/Zhaitaffy value after their respective festivals were over?

Zhaitaffy was another example of a flueky item that offered no visible immediate benefit in keeping, barring the sugar rush buff (which is also pointless unless they bring back the old achivement from hw1). Candy corn is a crafting material.

You can still use Zhaitaffy to buy the food buffs and the holographic dragon wings. The vender is still in LA.

LOL good luck with that. You can spend hundreds of gold on enough Zhaitaffy….or you can spend 5g on the TP and buy a set of wings. Same goes for the food in equal quantities.

Everyone who did not vote earned cash

in Living World

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Zhaitaffy was another example of a flueky item that offered no visible immediate benefit in keeping, barring the sugar rush buff (which is also pointless unless they bring back the old achivement from hw1). Candy corn is a crafting material.

Well yea, but regardless of how you’re classifying them it’s stuff you earned from a previous festival that was near worthless, and Anet suddenly making it more valuable than previously. There is a precedence for them taking an item and making it much more valuable than before.

I think you need to look up the definition of precedence. There are clear and obvious reasons why those things are completely different than this.

"Anything less than "Zerk" is being selfish"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Zerker gear is the single best gear for this game’s pve. This is not the opinion of a random kitten elitist. It’s reality. And the reason why that is as it is, is because of this game’s pve design.

You apparently don’t understand the definition of the word “opinion,” because what you’re expressing is PRECISELY an opinion.

"Anything less than "Zerk" is being selfish"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


If you are using gear that buffs your own stats without helping the team (toughness and vitality as examples) then you are being selfish. How hard is that to understand?

It’s not my stats that are helping the team. It’s ME in the team.

If a team is not happy with having ME in it, with whatever stats, it’s a selfish team.

Your stats are helping the team because in the case of the zerker it’s increasing their damage output, whereas without any gear, or bad gear you would be doing a lot less damage.

A team wanting you to pull your weight is not selfish, wanting everyone in zerker is actually to make things smoother and faster for everyone involved.

What happens when the zerker dies when they wouldn’t have if they wore something like Knights? You end up with one of these:

1) One less person finishing the content, which lowers the damage output by up to 1/5 or more.
2) Two less people finishing the content because one person is rezzing another. Damage output decreased by 2/5.
3) Everyone dies because of domino effect caused either by rezzing, or inability to handle the content when down by a person.

Except in rare cases, I’d rather take an extra 30-60 seconds on the content and not have people die, which may cause the content to not be achieved at all….or at the very least will still make it take longer than normal. Your logic is deeply flawed by assuming that every player is perfectly skilled and incapable of dying.

his logic isnt flawed at all, your is, your assuming that most zerkers will go down, most will rarely ever go down, instead in my extensive dungeon experience, its the people using ptv, sentinels, clerics, and knights that go down the most because they’re used to having a giant handicap, then they decide to do content thats harder than open world pve and all the sudden they keep getting killed in 1 hit because they never learned to dodge

I’ve watched full zerkers fall time and time and time again.

Even in an experienced CoF speed run, you WILL have a couple players go down almost every run, and once they’re down, they usually die.

The vast majority of GW2 players are simply not skilled enough to run full zerker. As I said…if you can run it and NOT die….more power to ya. If you can’t, which most people can’t, then don’t.

This attitude is completely elitist, and doesn’t apply to the masses. You wanna run full zerker with your “hardcore” group…go for it. Just don’t expect that everyone will be able to. I run full zerker on some of my toons, and tank gear on others. You gear for what you want to accomplish, and what you can handle. Disagreeing with that is just…juvenile and ignorant.

(edited by Hickeroar.9734)

"Anything less than "Zerk" is being selfish"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Your logic sucks. If you stay alive as opposed to dying, you’re HELPING your team. How hard is that to understand? Gear for your ability, and for the activity you’re doing.

Right, and in zerker if you dodge the big lethal attacks and then carry on wailing on the boss you’re helping your team as much as possible by doing the maximum damage possible.

Everyone is limited to two dodges at a time with a decent sized “cooldown.” What happens when you need a third? You don’t need to take a “big lethal attack” to die in zerker gear. Attacks that would impact someone wearing Knights by barely a pittance will half-kill a zerker.

Right, and if you read one of my earlier posts I said PVT is popular in WVW for increasing survivability. When I say zerk or go home, I’m referring to dungeon content. It works well in sPVP as well for thieves and mesmers, and I even use it on my WVW mesmer since I’m keeping out the heat of battle and skirmishing and picking off players on the sides, and that applies to pug zerging and guild raids I take part in.

Great logic if, yaknow, front-lines didn’t specifically target backlines these days. My guild intentionally kills the squishy backlines FIRST before targetting the front line. Once you kill the squishies, you’ve won the fight.

"Anything less than "Zerk" is being selfish"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


If you are using gear that buffs your own stats without helping the team (toughness and vitality as examples) then you are being selfish. How hard is that to understand?

It’s not my stats that are helping the team. It’s ME in the team.

If a team is not happy with having ME in it, with whatever stats, it’s a selfish team.

Your stats are helping the team because in the case of the zerker it’s increasing their damage output, whereas without any gear, or bad gear you would be doing a lot less damage.

A team wanting you to pull your weight is not selfish, wanting everyone in zerker is actually to make things smoother and faster for everyone involved.

What happens when the zerker dies when they wouldn’t have if they wore something like Knights? You end up with one of these:

1) One less person finishing the content, which lowers the damage output by up to 1/5 or more.
2) Two less people finishing the content because one person is rezzing another. Damage output decreased by 2/5.
3) Everyone dies because of domino effect caused either by rezzing, or inability to handle the content when down by a person.

Except in rare cases, I’d rather take an extra 30-60 seconds on the content and not have people die, which may cause the content to not be achieved at all….or at the very least will still make it take longer than normal. Your logic is deeply flawed by assuming that every player is perfectly skilled and incapable of dying.

The Arts District?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


some of the npcs still refer to it as having been Canthan.

I’m not saying you’re wrong. Just curious which ones….?

"Anything less than "Zerk" is being selfish"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


If you are using gear that buffs your own stats without helping the team (toughness and vitality as examples) then you are being selfish. How hard is that to understand?

Your logic sucks. If you stay alive as opposed to dying, you’re HELPING your team. How hard is that to understand? Gear for your ability, and for the activity you’re doing.

Zerk in a WvW zerg, for instance, is almost universally a selfish choice, because you dying in two seconds can rally half the enemy zerg. You have to apply context, as well as an individual player’s ability, style, goal, and role. Try running full zerker on a front-line warrior in WvW and watch how fast you die and how many enemies you bring back from the brink.

"Anything less than "Zerk" is being selfish"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Anything that goes into downed state is selfish, too. Unfortunately, it’s most often the players in Berserker gear who do go down the most…

Was just thinking that, when you go down thats 2 players “not contributing to DPS and crap”

So i would apply same logic – if you go down in zerk gear -> dump from the group (selfish)

If you are using gear that buffs your own stats without helping the team (toughness and vitality as examples) then you are being selfish. How hard is that to understand?

the problem with this logic is that your assuming players in berserker gear will go down, now I’d 100% agree that people that consider cof p1 to be “elite” will go down a lot once they enter into a dungeon that takes thought, but besides that portion of the community 99% of berserkers will rarely if ever get downed, i’ve personally seen about 25+ fotm 48 groups in full berserker not have a single person go down once (except the occasional maw when not 2 guards and 45 ar)

It really comes down to player ability. If a player can run zerker and NOT die, they should definitely run the gear that will deal the most damage. Do as much damage as you can, but survival is a higher priority than damage. Can’t do damage when you’re dead, and your party can’t do damage while they’re rezzing you.

It’s gotta be a personal choice. I’d rather be in a party of tanks who don’t die, than zerkers who do. But at the end of the day I’d rather be in a party of zerkers who don’t die. :-P

Edit for caveat: Obviously certain builds, such as condition builds, work better with different gear. “Zerker” should be replaced with “highest damage armor for your build.”

Account Wallet + Pristine Fractal Relics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


I’m also curious. Seems like a strange omission.

The Arts District?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


I guess you all missed the absolutely biggest thread this forum has ever seen.

Where did ANet say that it was the canthan district? I thought that was just a theory.

"Anything less than "Zerk" is being selfish"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


If you can run zerk and not die, then run zerk. Do as much damage as you can do while not dying. Don’t go beyond your own ability and cause your team to suffer even more. THAT is selfish.

Everyone who did not vote earned cash

in Living World

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


It’s perfectly fair. People that voted got their candidate’s win as a reward.

Everyone else can sell their stuff for some pocket change.

Except the people who deleted their tickets assuming they’d be worthless like every other one (both voters and non-voters), and the ones didnt get their election win.

Just another odd, silly thing ANet has done against itself.

They shouldn’t have been so hasty.

Silly hobbits.

Please cite the precedence for this change and what would have made ANY player think they should hold onto the tokens.

Everyone who did not vote earned cash

in Living World

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Yes, and thanks to ANet not telling us about this change, I deleted hundreds of tokens yesterday since they were “useless.”


Just Ugh.

8/2 SoR/TC/BG

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Seriously it has come to this?
To the two people from the guild I can t name here who took the BG golems and purposefully destroyed them by jumping of cliffs… this kind of attitude only reinforces BG players’ idea of how pathetic the enemy is…keep it up.

Yeah, TC has major issues with this as well. Had some player kill off 6 omegas in our garrison a couple weeks ago. Ugh.

Watchwork Portal Device

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


5G for a one-time-use teleport? Is ANet off their rocker on this one, or are we just misunderstanding? That seems…..mindblowingly wrong.

7/26 BG/SoR/TC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


If a lag fest like this is what T1 is all about, I’d rather fall back down to T2. FA and SoS brought much better fights than SoR does. Still love me some BG.

You miss us, that’s so sweet. We even have a chair ready for you when you decide to come visit again!

Kinky! Well, if that’s the way you BGers roll, I think we’re open to experimentation….

Please never mistake a SoS’er for a Bg’er again.

LOL! Oops!