Showing Posts For Hickeroar.9734:

[[Unofficial GvG Scene Thread]]

in In-game Events

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Done with reworking the rating system and leaderboards. I ran all the matches up till now (ordered by date) through the system, both the rating system and leaderboard are alot more accurate now and I can say there’s some interesting shifting!

This will also be in for the new website, can’t wait to show it to you guys.

Thanks! Can’t wait to see it!

Teir 1 NA and the way it is effected by "GvG"

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Again, I`m fully supporting your demand for an own gamemode/map or something along that line. But diminishing everything else is just pathetic.

It’s not meant to dimish others, but the GvG scene is made up mostly of people who have been playing WvW the longest, and are the most dedicated to the gametype. There’s a sense of seniority there, because as seniority goes…..they’re senior. Obviously there are exceptions to every rule, but most of the opponents of the idea are those who have not “done their time” in WvW, so to speak.

You really have to stop with this kind of thinking/writing. What you keep saying or implying is that there’s some kind of superiority involved with seniority, or a caste system. That’s simply not true and you are the only person even implying that such a caste system has any kind of legitimacy on all the pages of threads on this topic.

I guarantee I have more hours in WvW than you do. Does that make me more senior to you?

Please stop talking this way. It does not help garner support for GvG.

Like I said, there are exceptions to every rule. Obviously there’s no excuse for rudeness, but GvGers are among the most experienced and skilled players out there. I was simply offering an explanation for why GvGers get passionate about what they love. They have earned the right to be passionate about it. They’ve developed an entire meta within a meta and have worked long, hard hours doing it.

GvGers are treated, more often, as less-than by the non-GvGers. It would be intentional ignorance to pretend there’s no blatant hate for GvGing and GvGers going on…

It’s not a caste system, it’s simple experience, and the directions that experience has led people. Don’t make more out of what I said than what was meant.

Rate classes in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Condition necros are “meh.”

You said exactly what I said. Well Necromancers basically jump around and throw up a bunch of AoE. There is not a lot of skill or timing.

Watch the video and tell me there was no skill or timing.

Wells are only one part of the massive benefit Necro’s provide.

Teir 1 NA and the way it is effected by "GvG"

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


I am literally the worst player on the planet but I still GvG

I’m sorry, but I have trouble taking a D|ERP player seriously that claims to be the worst player on the planet. xD I know better.

Teir 1 NA and the way it is effected by "GvG"

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Again, I`m fully supporting your demand for an own gamemode/map or something along that line. But diminishing everything else is just pathetic.

It’s not meant to dimish others, but the GvG scene is made up mostly of people who have been playing WvW the longest, and are the most dedicated to the gametype. There’s a sense of seniority there, because as seniority goes…..they’re senior. Obviously there are exceptions to every rule, but most of the opponents of the idea are those who have not “done their time” in WvW, so to speak.

[VIDEO] Dragonbrand WvW - [EA] + [TG]

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


What, no EP? /highlyoffended

The Agg fight was pretty funny though. You put up the heading “Agg” in the dead state, and then your guys got stomped by them. I’m assuming that part was a joke. xD

I have a feeling I missed some good music since I don’t have speakers at work.

Also, I saw you spike some poor sap for like 9791 at one point. Ouch.

Rate classes in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


People do not seem to understand that Necromancers are weak in zergs, but excel in small groups.

lol… Necros are one of the main components of the zerg meta these days. Incredibly powerful and useful. Their usefulness has almost nothing to do with damage-dealing conditions. Wells, which pulse unblockable nastiness, are absolutely vital to zerg success. Condition necros are “meh.”

This is how you necro:

Rate classes in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Funny how many people put thieves last. I think that’s more of an annoyance factor since thieves are incredibly powerful in WvW, and most people have gotten killed by them. They’re also very hard to play effectively. Anyone can smash heartseeker all day long, anyone can get away from it too…

My list?

Take it in any order you want:

Ele, Guardian, Necro, Mesmer, Thief, Warrior.

If you want to do solo or small group roaming only, ranger or engi, when built right and operated by a talented person, are very hard to beat. Only moderately useful in zerg fights.

Will there ever be Guild vs Guild content?

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Silence is not golden on this topic. I would still love to hear even a peep from anet on this.

What they SHOULD be doing is consulting the community publically and asking “if we add GvG, what do you want/expect out of it?”

For starters? A big, empty map that can have a “match” started on it, limited to two specified guilds. We want to use our own gear and builds, not the PvP junk.


Add features over time if you want, or don’t. Just let us have that and we’ll be overjoyed.

That simple.

Teir 1 NA and the way it is effected by "GvG"

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


You missed where I said “committed” WvW players. You’re talking from the point of view of a casual here, I’m sure of it.

Sure, if you limit your definition of what a “committed WvW player” is to the players in large guilds that are interested in GvG.

I guess no one else is allowed to be invested in the game. we’ll stay in our casual ghetto then.

Invested in WHAT game? There’s no game left here, other than fights. It’s just population wars. The servers with more population on a given week win. Period. It’s not a game, it’s a farce.

GvG is a game. Even numbered teams, level playing field, test your mettle. Just like any other “sport” in the world. You don’t find the tPvP scene throwing uneven teams at each other then bragging when the team with twice as many players wins…

[[Unofficial GvG Scene Thread]]

in In-game Events

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Thanks to qT and Agg for the scrimmage fights last night. Had a lot of fun!

"New Orbs" - Effect on GvG community

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


My take on this issue? I would love to see GvG areas that are not a part of the WvW maps. One person in this thread suggested Claw Island. That would be just fine by me.

It will not happen until Anet finds a way to monetize it. In the mean time, buy yourselves a private sPvP arena and learn to play Asuraball.

Most GvG guilds already have their own sPvP arenas. 10v10 asuraball… not GvG. How people continue to draw the sPvP/GvG comparison just baffles me. They’re not even in the same realm.

"New Orbs" - Effect on GvG community

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Only a small subset of WvW players even GvG (although some of the most dedicated players love it).

This simply isn’t true. :/

It is certainly true.

In addition, think about the amount of time even your guild participates in GvG vs other WvW activities. Even EP spends more time on core WvW activities than on GvG. GvG is not equal to tagless guild runs.

I think everyone wants GvG. The main point here is that WvW shouldn’t be balanced around GvG. GvG needs its own cross-server arena with the ability for spectators to watch. It would definitely be more popular than PvP.

As I’ve stated before, the same people who gripe that GvG is a “vocal minority” are the same people who whine that those naughty people at the windmill GvGing are ruining their PPT. So much for “minority.” Said it before, saying it again: Pick your story, because the anti-GvG movement is presently at odds with itself.

8/16 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Tarnished Coast

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


PSA The Dolyak parade will be TODAY at 7 PM Server Time!

Once again sorry for the late notice…work interefered with Dolyak’ing!

I think you need to get your priorities straight!!!!!!!!!!

No way, man. I heard a dolyak listened in on Mag’s mumble… I definitely think the next two pages should be dedicated to that. Uncalled for.

WvW go broke or PvE get rich

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


WvW is downright profitable these days. I think the loot factor is right where it needs to be. It’s not as profitable as PvE, but it sure pays off in fun, and I make several gold per night. I’m more than happy with it.

I average just over a gold an hour in WvW most nights. I can easily make 10gph in PvE and had I rode the gold train before they patched it 50gph was achievable.

Since precursors drop at a RIDICULOUSLY low rate (I nor nobody in our small guild has ever seen one and that is well over 10k hours playing) the only way to get a legendary is to PvE or pimp yourself out.

I’d rather have real fun than grind/farm out mobs for hours on end for some artificial currency. It baffles me how people defend their ability to essentially ram their heads against walls for hours on end.

“Well, look at all the chips in that wall!”
“Sure, but now you’ve got brain damage.”

"New Orbs" - Effect on GvG community

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


You better ask for a specific arena and leave wvw maps for what they have been designed for.

We have been since beta. You can see we’ve been heard.

"New Orbs" - Effect on GvG community

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


The GvG is not an Anet Game content nor aspect of the game. I see no issue regarding this fact. You can’t claim to be against a wvw content, balance, or modification in order to satisfy a minority of players that are themselves not caring much of wvw community and are polluting the wvw maps and corrupting the wvw spirit.

You all keep calling GvGers the minority while everyone simultaneously whines about the GvG impact on PPT. Make up your minds.

"New Orbs" - Effect on GvG community

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


80% lol are you high you can see the guilds that do it here.

"GvG"ers make up 1.4k-5k of 3 million players less than 1%; if we use the high end they are 0.166666667%.

Comparing the guilds registered on to the ENTIRE gw2 playerbase? Sounds legit.

Edit: I also highly doubt there are 3M regular GW2 players total anyway…. Copies of the game sold vs total players…. Myself and 9 friends bought GW2 at launch. I’m the only one left playing it.

(edited by Hickeroar.9734)

8/16 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Tarnished Coast

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Sorry, I prefer PvF roaming over organized zerballs.

Ah, yes. The frontier where you’re still losing, but at least everyone notices you.

(edited by Hickeroar.9734)

"New Orbs" - Effect on GvG community

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


This simply isn’t true. :/

It is very much true though.
The vast majority of WvW:ers don’t GvG.
If they did we would never have any actual sieges or real fights.

GvG is done by a small (although quite vocal) minority of the WvW population.

That “vast majority” you’re talking about are the one-dayers who make no difference in the outcome of WvW. They show up for completion and leave. Their presence makes no difference and does not count.

If GvG is so small, why are there so many people QQing about the impact that a GvG has on the ability to earn points? The chief complaint by those against the movement is that the PPT suffers because of it. Hard to have a suffering PPT caused by “almost no one.”

New WvW colors

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Just to be fair please turn the red color into a pink flashy one please ^^

While we’re at it, why don’t we just make the entire guild wars website greyscale. I’m sure if I complained loud enough that the red hurt my eyes, that would make it true, right?

WvW go broke or PvE get rich

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


WvW is downright profitable these days. I think the loot factor is right where it needs to be. It’s not as profitable as PvE, but it sure pays off in fun, and I make several gold per night. I’m more than happy with it.

Teir 1 NA and the way it is effected by "GvG"

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


The majority of committed WvW players don’t give a crap about PPT anymore. The PPT game, as it stands, is completely boring. People want fights.

WvW is just a training ground for the next GvG for most guilds.

Naw, the overwhelming majority of WvW players couldn’t care less about GvG. I doubt most players outside the top3 tiers even know it exists.

I’m not hating on the format, but it’s getting a little out of hand with all the threads claiming it’s the “real WvW”tm.. you’re a vocal minority, quit acting like you speak for everyone. This is the exact same nonsense that paxa tried to do with the “small man tier” a few months ago, and that flamed out spectacularly.

If we are only a vocal minority, how come our impact on the ppt is supposed to be so massive?

This. Hard to argue with bulletproof logic.

Orbs of Power gonna return?

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


So, in regards to GvG and openfield, I don’t see a lot of “rampant speculation” going on. If nothing else, you chose your words poorly. The complaints about this new system potentially killing the GvG scene is entirely grounded.

This forum and this topic in particular are about WvW. WvW is about sieging and controlling objectives and about open field combat. All our changes are with that totality in mind and will continue to be.

First off, <3. Just making an argument, don’t wanna bash.

However, I think you’re completely missing your target here. You’re trying to make WvW appeal to the transient casuals here. The problem is: the WvW casuals and fairweathers aren’t the ones who keep WvW alive. It’s the dedicated, hardcore audience that comes back every day and plays.

You alienate your core, and you won’t have it anymore. PLEASE remember that. Adding stat buffs based on objectives is blind, not only in the way it affects the actual gameplay, but also in how it affects the player activities such as GvG.

Your core right now? They play WvW for pretty much one reason: Large scale PvP. The objective game of PPT has become a means to an end. That end is fighting. You keep trying to make it the reverse. People don’t WANT to fight to gain property. People want the property so they can fight… If you succeed in killing off the players’ ability to do the things they WANT to do, you will lose those players, I absolutely guarantee it.

Teir 1 NA and the way it is effected by "GvG"

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


The majority of committed WvW players don’t give a crap about PPT anymore. The PPT game, as it stands, is completely boring. People want fights.

WvW is just a training ground for the next GvG for most guilds.

Naw, the overwhelming majority of WvW players couldn’t care less about GvG. I doubt most players outside the top3 tiers even know it exists.

I’m not hating on the format, but it’s getting a little out of hand with all the threads claiming it’s the “real WvW”tm.. you’re a vocal minority, quit acting like you speak for everyone. This is the exact same nonsense that paxa tried to do with the “small man tier” a few months ago, and that flamed out spectacularly.

You missed where I said “committed” WvW players. You’re talking from the point of view of a casual here, I’m sure of it. Anyone deeply into WvW understands how prevalent the GvG obsession is now. Chances are, the vast majority of the organized WvW guilds you see on the map every day are either into it already, or working on getting ready for it.

Also, bottom tier GvG is quite popular: This is a FC guild.

8/16 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Tarnished Coast

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Sorry, didn’t want that to come across as a rebuttal. I just wanted you to know that we plan on being on the same page in that regard. :-)

[[Unofficial GvG Scene Thread]]

in In-game Events

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Well, looks like we have something to think about, then. Video reviews seem to be the best option, with black marks being given to violators though. I think you can probably find volunteers for the reviewing easy enough. Being marked as a “false denier” on gw2gvg would probably be enough, after a time or two, to convince guilds that it’s just not worth it, once those marked guilds didn’t get any more matchups.

8/16 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Tarnished Coast

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Anywho, most of the guilds in t2 CAN bring 20v20, they just refuse to. These guilds are [NS], [EP], [RE]

For the record: EP will definitely be doing 20v20 in the future. We’re just working on comp and tactics at the moment, until we feel comfortable with it. We know Agg is extremely strong in 20v20 & 25v25, so we’ll definitely want to go down that road. :-)

"New Orbs" - Effect on GvG community

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Only a small subset of WvW players even GvG (although some of the most dedicated players love it).

This simply isn’t true. :/

[[Unofficial GvG Scene Thread]]

in In-game Events

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Perfect example of why it took us awhile to join the ladder. Some take it for other reasons than what it is a place to challenge ourselves and show our fights.

Just had Do you feel Lucky [PunK] from FSP Refuse 2 matches both 5-0 to TUP.

Great welcome I am feeling from some aspects of the community.

If a roaming scrim is arranged or a fun time – like QQ/Mya combo vs tup for lolz or when its uneven numbers, just to kill time – ye that’s not a GvG. But when people ask for GvG then deny the results. One aspect of the scene I feared would rear its head. It was setup, gvg rules, even numbers, arranged gvg yet deny the results…

I guess my first taste of what others have complained about. Kinda sad we can’t be adults here.

I would hope there’s some kind of review process for this though. If there isn’t, gw2gvg should make one. One guild shows a video proving the record, and an admin can override the “deny.” Could also be recorded as a black mark against the denying guild…

Heck, I’d be willing to volunteer as a reviewer, if they’re short on people. :-P

[[Unofficial GvG Scene Thread]]

in In-game Events

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Once again, all of [AoN]’s GvG requests have been declined; even 15v15s…

AoN does 15v15’s? Send them this way

This week is kinda tough for us tho. Last week of summer break most of us are on vacation/busy.

Yeah, if AoN can put on 15v15’s, I think a lot of guilds will be into that. I don’t think anyone knew…

"New Orbs" - Effect on GvG community

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


I will say one thing though: we don’t yet know the nature of the buff(s) that the orb will give, so it’s still possible they won’t affect gameplay. Their wording hinted that it’s probably similar or the same as it was originally, but sometimes they say things that we inadvertently take entirely wrong.

"New Orbs" - Effect on GvG community

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


I hope, even though it most certainly won’t happen, that the buffs will not affect any skill related to fights. Buffs to WXP, gold, exp, karma, MF would all be great, anything that affects the outcome of a battle is not.

Yeah. The silly part about it is that people have been saying this since the orbs were removed. Bring them back with MF or something useless like that. Gives people something to fight over, and rewards with something that doesnt affect gameplay.

(edited by Hickeroar.9734)

8/16 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Tarnished Coast

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


What I’m saying is thanks for the fights. Our TC server has been lax and is need of a good spanking. So, mag and db, please hit us hard and constant. I want to wake up TC bl. And if she remains asleep, then it means we’re not worth of being the wall. ^.^

TY again.

I think weeks like this are decided over the weekend, and once the matchup has been decided, people just want fights. PPT game isn’t fun once the outcome is already known. It’s the chief reason why this new matchup system has largely killed off the spirit of WvW.

It’s now a massive PvP arena. Old meta: Fights were the means to the “PPT” end. New Meta: Owning/taking structures is now the means to the “let’s get fights” end. It’s been flipped on it’s head.

It’s the rng. Bad move on devs part. But was our fault of asking for it. haha

Well, no one asked for RNG. People wanted to be able to graduate to higher tiers easier. As it was before, it was just too hard… The calculations for rating points needed to be tweaked. Instead they used RNG like they do for everything else in the game. :P

[[Unofficial GvG Scene Thread]]

in In-game Events

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


What if there are two simultaneous GvGs with different server opponents? This happens pretty often.

8/16 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Tarnished Coast

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


What I’m saying is thanks for the fights. Our TC server has been lax and is need of a good spanking. So, mag and db, please hit us hard and constant. I want to wake up TC bl. And if she remains asleep, then it means we’re not worth of being the wall. ^.^

TY again.

I think weeks like this are decided over the weekend, and once the matchup has been decided, people just want fights. PPT game isn’t fun once the outcome is already known. It’s the chief reason why this new matchup system has largely killed off the spirit of WvW.

It’s now a massive PvP arena. Old meta: Fights were the means to the “PPT” end. New Meta: Owning/taking structures is now the means to the “let’s get fights” end. It’s been flipped on it’s head.

Teir 1 NA and the way it is effected by "GvG"

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


The majority of committed WvW players don’t give a crap about PPT anymore. The PPT game, as it stands, is completely boring. People want fights.

WvW is just a training ground for the next GvG for most guilds.

"New Orbs" - Effect on GvG community

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


In all seriousness though, I have heard rumors of Anet working on a GvG style’d area for the gvg scene. However those are just rumors. They do realize how big the scene is getting as I remember showing several anet players the gvg videos and also hearing them tell others they were noticing it and wanting to work on it.

I would love to see them turn Claw Island into a GvG arena. Perfect size, perfect layout, already built.

Whether or not the devs “want” to work on it is somewhat irrelevant. If ANet doesn’t start supporting it in some capacity (official support, or at least an agreement of non-intervention via things like orbs), players are just going to quit. It’s something that tons of people want, and it’s something that needs to eventually be supported. As far as I’m concerned that’s the end of the debate.

Their silence on the topic does hint that they are debating the topic behind the scenes though….at least speaking historically. When they say nothing that usually means something.

[[Unofficial GvG Scene Thread]]

in In-game Events

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Felt inspired and posted this:

Feel free to voice your support for an ANet reply.

"New Orbs" - Effect on GvG community

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Hoping for a simple ANet response one way or the other on this, so we as players know what to expect.

GvG scene, love it or hate it, is getting larger all the time. In-game guesses are saying that probably around 80% of WvW-specific guilds are either already doing “structured” GvG or are interested in (or training for) starting it.

Orbs could stand to undo the entire GvG community in a truly ugly way, as a team getting a buff for ANY amount of time would destroy the fairness of matches.

What we would like to know is: Does ANet have a plan to allow the continuation of GvG activities along with the orb buffs? Is there any factor, unknown to us as players, that would allow GvG activities to continue despite the incoming orb buffs?

GvG and fair field fighting are what keeps a lot of us playing WvW at the moment. If those concepts get destroyed, people are going to stop playing. That’s not sensationalism, it’s just truth.

Can you please give us a tidbit, a hint, a something so we can set expectations for how this community is going to move forward as these changes come out?

Liquid XP rolled back?

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


One of my guildies got one (Seems to be quite rare, as he’s the only one) and it gave him 2500 world xp. Pretty decent reward.

[[Unofficial GvG Scene Thread]]

in In-game Events

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


We can’t formulate a decision regarding that without first knowing the full game mechanics behind obtaining the buff. I do agree though, it has the potential to destroy the GvG scene utterly, or at least make it a joke compared to what it is now.

Gotta say, it’s getting really frustrating that ANet is completely tight lipped on this topic… A statement of SOME kind would be appreciated so we can set proper expectations and levels of hope, but….nothing. :-/ The idea that a change like this could be on the horizon, with the potential to kill GvG “utterly” as you put it, is really depressing when we know we may have no way to get around it.

New WvW colors

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


I think the vast majority of players seem to like the new colors. This couple pages of QQ seems pretty atypical compared to opinions I’ve seen in the game.

Also, the change was for colorblind players. Yeah, an option would have been better, but seriously….is our community really that selfish? I’d rather have a color that doesn’t look “as good” to me, but allows colorblind players a better (playable) experience.

Twisted Watchwork Portal Device

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Anyone else experiencing the “It throws you flat on your back” problem?

8/16 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Tarnished Coast

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Which server has the skills of a t1 server?

Much <3 to our T1 brethren, but aside from a few exceptions, T1 is really not about “skill” at all.

[[Unofficial GvG Scene: Rules proposition]]

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Why aren’t 10v10’s accepted?

Agreed. The number of players shouldn’t be a rule. It should be agreed upon by the two guilds fighting.

Pretty much this. I would just make the rule state that it should be even numbered teams and leave it at that.

[[Unofficial GvG Scene: Rules proposition]]

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Why aren’t 10v10’s accepted?

It is, sorry slipped out between typing in word and posting on the forum

Haha, sorry to keep buggin ya, but 25v25 is also very popular. EP’s first GvG against Agg was 25v25 actually. I would go ahead and add that in there as well if I were you.

[[Unofficial GvG Scene: Rules proposition]]

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Why aren’t 10v10’s accepted?

This is a good call. I think 10s, 15s, 20s, 25s, and 30s should all be allowed. Heck, I wouldn’t even be opposed to allowing 5v5. 5v5 would probably need a different ladder though, and could theoretically be handled in sPvP.

[[Unofficial GvG Scene: Rules proposition]]

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


d. Exception on rule 4c: Every player has to clear the stacks they have gathered on weapons/equipment using sigils (ex. Bloodlust) before entering a GvG. Stacks gained during a previous game of the same GvG can be maintained.

Can you say snowball? Can’t say i’d be happy with anyone fighting with stacks tbh.

Looks like the OP accepted my suggestion to change that.

[[Unofficial GvG Scene: Rules proposition]]

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


I would amend rule #4 so that stack weapons are simply not allowed at all. EP instated a rule last night (in the middle of the Agg GvG) that stack weapons were not allowed. Guildies actually had to waypoint to spawn and buy new weapons/sigils in the spirit of fairness, being above reproach, etc.

Shouldn’t everybody have stack weapons AND battle weapons on WvW? I mean, unless you are wiping too much, stack weapons become useless as soon you’ve got your stacks so you better have something with useful sigil to switch it to. I know this may sound a bit too hardcore to some, but it is just a common sense, isn’t it?..

It’s a GvG setting. It’s a completely different, controlled setting. As it stands the undocumented rules say all stacks have to be cleared before every round of GvG. No guild is going to accept a set of rules that changes that.

Edit: Thanks to the OP for updating the post.

(edited by Hickeroar.9734)