I can shed some light on this. Simply put: we found immobilize made nearly every boss trivially easy. In particular the sylvari elite skill because the bosses would never try to break the vines. Our solution was to remove immobilize from the equation and balance the bosses without it.
I do agree it would be nice if we had a way to visually show this. I’ll see what we can do for the next release.
That seems….a little nuts. You basically invalidate control-based builds because they do exactly what they were designed to do.
Insane loading times here too, I´m using 2x Adata XM11 SSDs in RAID0…
Even porting between WPs in the same zone (close wps) is showing a loading screen <goes nuts>
Watch your HD indicator light. I bet it’s not reading for almost that entire time.
yes, i’m having long loading screens, 40 seconds or more with intel SSD
2 Intel SSD (1 OS, 1 Game), loading times are similar. I tried deleting all but the gw2.exe and have it install anew, not much changed (except the new gw2.dat being about 4 GB smaller than before).
Is there anything we could do to reduce loading times?
Read the post above yours real fast and check out the link I posted. I think it’s a network thing, not a HDD/SSD loading issue. Don’t know if that means it’s on the server-end or the client-end though.
Hey MasterYoda – It looks like we suggested deleting the local.dat file and following up with a repair. How did that work out for you?
Tried it. Didn’t help.
Also, check here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/bugs/Long-load-times-after-latest-patch/page/2#post2593863
I don’t think it’s an asset/loading issue. I think it’s a network issue.
Also, I haven’t talked to a SINGLE person who is not having this issue. It’s affecting everyone.
I don’t think it’s an SSD thing. I think it’s more noticeable to SSD’s because we’re used to super fast load times.
I also don’t think it’s a “loading” thing. I think it’s a “network” thing:
1) The HDD isn’t reading for most of the time you’re waiting. Check the light.
2) I’ve noticed that every load consists of some “network” time or some-such. When I’m on a lower speed connection, loads take noticeably longer, and the HD light is historically not on during that stretch. For instance: Teleporting 100 yards in LA can get you a load screen, even when you just ran from there, and there’s no way that stuff isn’t still in ram. HD light isn’t on, but you get a load screen.
Something probably has changed on that front that is causing this.
(edited by Hickeroar.9734)
I wish I’d been hoarding them now. Every time I spend them I find a reason why I should have saved them for something else.
You can do better than that.
Also, I want to see these quotes you dug up of me saying things different to what I am now.
It’s most likely I was trying to say the same thing I am now but used the wrong words.
I don’t need to do better than that. I’ve proven you wrong a dozen times over here, and you’re just refusing to read/comprehend it.
Also, if you wanna see the quote, you’ve got half of five pages of them here in this thread. Go for it.
In a five man group, it’s not really a problem.
Uh, no. In a five man group it’s a huge problem the minute you’ve got more than 1 condition build present. Several builds can maintain 20+ stacks of bleeds indefinitely.
And then there’s the whole condition damage is way less dps than power damage problem.
If you happen to have that sort of group, you’re correct. I’ve rarely seen that kind of thing happen though.
Rampagers gear is great though. Lots of Power/Prec AND Cond. Best of both worlds, if you are skilled enough to not die.
The reason why you rarely see a dungeon group with multiple condi builds is precisely because of the hard cap on conditions, everyone runs vanilla zerker builds so that there is no damage cap
For me it’s because playing conditions isn’t as fun. Yeah, I can run ranger shortbow and stack bleeds like crazy…but that’s boring. There’s no variance to it. Autoattack and avoid damage.
Condition builds, however, are extremely viable in all PvP/WvW.
They’re not lazy, they’re unable. Comprehension. Try it.
Unable to motivate themselves to practice with it, gotcha.
You obviously completely missed the point about the grandparents. Here: “Find a random someone’s grandma without any notable physical impediments and…”
Not like people get slower in their advanced age or anything. Though I’m sure if a grandma was a gamer, didn’t have health problems and was willing to make the effort to use zerker, they quite easily could. Most of the time you’re just autoattacking with the occasional burst skill and evade, like I said it’s not rocket science.
You are SO off base, thinking that losers are only losers because they aren’t trying hard enough. That’s one of the most idiotic things I’ve ever seen someone say.
In this game, it’s true. Try hard enough and you can do anything in this game. I’d love to be a stronger pvp player but I don’t try hard enough so I’m sitting there in mediocrity.
I said you’re deluded because you are categorically deluded. You’re living in a fantasy world here. What you’re saying has no basis in reality. None. You ARE deluded. People with delusions don’t know they’re delusions.
Go on, cuss me. Insult me.
I won’t even report you, you’re obviously mad and frustrated.
As I said. Deluded.
Not an insult, just a fact.
In a five man group, it’s not really a problem.
Uh, no. In a five man group it’s a huge problem the minute you’ve got more than 1 condition build present. Several builds can maintain 20+ stacks of bleeds indefinitely.
And then there’s the whole condition damage is way less dps than power damage problem.
If you happen to have that sort of group, you’re correct. I’ve rarely seen that kind of thing happen though.
Rampagers gear is great though. Lots of Power/Prec AND Cond. Best of both worlds, if you are skilled enough to not die.
You need to get out of your little isolated group of players and see how most people play this game. I wouldn’t want 90% of the people I play with running in full zerker.
And those 90% of people are lazy and if they tried could quite easily use zerker.
The fact that you think every player has some innate ability to go “hard mode” is just baffling. What’s easy for you is absolutely daunting for other players. Go find your grandma, teach her GW2, and get her running dungeons in zerker gear. Good luck with that.
Not like my grandparents have arthritis or anything. You know, a physical impediment.
No, actually, they can’t. Why do you think winners win? Because they’re the best. Why to you think losers lose? Because they’re not as good. Some people CAN NOT do what you can do.
Winners win because they strive to be the best. If this 90% of people who can’t use zerkers are the “losers” then it’s because they’re not striving to be the best, not because they can’t do it.
You are a seriously deluded indivudual.
I love this, I get shredded out for calling out people for being bad players (you know, a fact, not an insult), and yet everyone else can call me every name under the sun and nobody bats an eyelid despite me not insulting them. Oh well, I’m not going to QQ about it.
They’re not lazy, they’re unable. Comprehension. Try it.
You obviously completely missed the point about the grandparents. Here: “Find a random someone’s grandma without any notable physical impediments and…”
You are SO off base, thinking that losers are only losers because they aren’t trying hard enough. That’s one of the most idiotic things I’ve ever seen someone say.
I said you’re deluded because you are categorically deluded. You’re living in a fantasy world here. What you’re saying has no basis in reality. None. You ARE deluded. People with delusions don’t know they’re delusions.
gear being bad doesn’t mean it isn’t viable
everything is viable because gw2 is easy
zerker is optimal because it powers through content faster than anything else
Interesting change of tune you’re having suddenly. I’ve been saying this crap for two days now…and you finally get it?
As I’ve said several times already:
A) I have 3 toons in full zerker. I can play them and stay alive.
B) Not everyone can, and that’s why they don’t run it. It’s a lot worse to have someone in full zerker who dies, than having them in Knights or something else and living. At that point, zerker is NON-VIABLE for them, and something else is actually more OPTIMAL for THAT player in THAT situation.
C) Do as much damage as you can and stay alive. Damage is your #2 priority after survival. You can not argue this. If you’re dead, you do no damage at all. If you can survive and wear the best damage gear….do it. That’s what it was MADE for.What you seem to be forgetting is that zerker gear survival is really only difficult and a problem when you’re the only one in the group doing damage. If you’re running and entire group of people in zerker gear, it’s much easier because other people are gasp also doing a lot of damage.
Until that one big hit lays a player flat out dead. Yeah, you personally would dodge it, but that doesn’t mean everyone would have the proper timing, state of mind, understanding to do it. Maybe YOUR GROUP does. The vast majority of groups don’t.
AGAIN (AND TRY READING THIS TIME TIME): Most players have entirely different goals that YOU do. Most players cannot handle full zerker, and they have no desire, talent, or ability to get to a place where they COULD.
Somehow you’ve got it in your head that everyone plays (or can play) at your level. You’re deluded, as I’ve said. 100% wrong.
I have a genuine question for zerkers to answer – and I ask this out of interest and because I’m not good with numbers!
So, obviously the DPS you can build into a Warrior is much higher with the DPS you can build into, say, a Necromancer, right? So, even in full zerker gear, the Necro is going to be doing significantly less damage than the Warrior. I think (and please correct me if I’m wrong) that we can agree that is a fact.
Ok, so the Necro has a ton of conditions they can stack, but once you get to a point, adding any more becomes pointless as the stack is full, and you really need to rely on DPS to get the boss to finally quit.
So … what happens if the amount of hurt this boss can dish out just outlasts everything the Necro can throw at it? I mean, maybe the Warrior could get this guy down because his limit of DPS is so high, but the Necro doesn’t have anything like that. So the Necro is left glassy as all heck, but still pretty limited in its DPS.
Is it still better for the Necro to spec for DPS in this case? Or would the party actually be better off if the Necro specced for survivability and brought skills along that could support, like well of corruption etc?
Just as a quick note – please don’t use “anyone who plays Necro is stupid” as an argument. I’m talking hypothetically about the use of zerker gear and trying to establish whether it genuinely is the optimal gear for every class, and I’m doing it because it’s genuinely an interesting debate when people are willing to be reasonable rather than rude.
Questions right my alley homie
My first char, near and dear to my heart, my Necro!
Okay so Condi or Power?
After playing all the builds and gear setups, Power all the way!
Because of the boss buffs Defiant, unshakable, condition caps, conditions overridden by other players, effectiveness % cut by bosses, etc.
If it wasn’t for these nuisances, condi Necro would be king in PvE and dungeons but its not…..
Is a Zerk Necro as powerful as a War? Of course not, but you bring a very neat trick that Wars can’t. Death shroud
Death shroud is great for dmg of course, but amazing at saving your skin when your gettn rdy to get pummeled….
Necro’s weakness: no support whatsoever, especially of your running power.
Bottom line: Necro’s good fun, but not the most optimal class for dungeon running, but if your running Necro, you gotta roll power with Zerk gear….
Thanks for the answer! That makes sense (I main a Necro too and despite all the limitations I can’t help but love her).
Just out of further curiosity, if it weren’t for the lack of support options for the Necro, how does the Necro’s DPS compare with other professions (excluding say, the Warrior, as naturally we know that’s the king of DPS)? I have a char in each, but their levels are so varied and naturally I get better at the game each new char I roll, so I can’t really tell since I don’t have all chars to 80 yet. What I guess I’m trying to ask here, is does the Necro have viable DPS, outside of using death shroud?
Necro is one of the lowest DPS in the game. They can spec for DPS… but that mostly comes through conditions, which aren’t useful in groups. Necros bread and butter, and what’s separates them from other caster classes is their defense… and like people have continually brought up in this thread, you win in PvE with offense, not defense.
They can also set up lots of debuffs on characters which set them up for even more massive damage to be dealt by other players. Immobilize, vulnerability, etc.
Also, if the game isn’t about defense, try running the grawl fractal at lvl 48 without a guardian. Possible? Certainly. 100x as hard? Definitely.
It’s not viable because they die.
so they die once and then just go lolnope guess it’s too hard? is there no such thing as practice?
You also expect that players want-to/can invest the time to become good enough in zerker.
it’s not rocket science it just requires you to actually learn the game encounters rather than wanting to wail way and facetank hits. Take cof p1 for example, before I ran it in a proper group, I didn’t know the effigy’s skills at all. when I ran it in a glass group, I learnt it had a burning attack, a pbaoe-esque projectile knockback and it had another knockback and I learnt the cues for it. it took me like … one run to learn that.
Some players lack gaming talent and no amount of “training” is going to get them to be able to run dungeons in full zerker. Zerker is non-viable for them.
I seriously doubt anyone lacks the talent to run zerker in dungeons. It’s choosing not to or unwillingness to learn. Yes, you’ll die because you’re not used to it but you get the hang of it quickly when you know how much damage you can take.
And yes, I’m saying that some players simply can’t learn to dodge at all the exact right times and avoid all damage. They simply….can’t. This is not complicated. Seriously… It’s not laziness. It’s lack of ability and talent. You don’t criticize a highschool baseball player for not having the ability and talent to get to the major leagues, yet you think that’s ok here?
Actually they can unless they have a physical impediment or lag.
You need to get out of your little isolated group of players and see how most people play this game. I wouldn’t want 90% of the people I play with running in full zerker. The 10% who can….I’m happy to support in that decision.
The fact that you think every player has some innate ability to go “hard mode” is just baffling. What’s easy for you is absolutely daunting for other players. Go find your grandma, teach her GW2, and get her running dungeons in zerker gear. Good luck with that.
Actually they can unless they have a physical impediment or lag.
No, actually, they can’t. Why do you think winners win? Because they’re the best. Why to you think losers lose? Because they’re not as good. Some people CAN NOT do what you can do.
You are a seriously deluded indivudual.
gear being bad doesn’t mean it isn’t viable
everything is viable because gw2 is easy
zerker is optimal because it powers through content faster than anything else
Interesting change of tune you’re having suddenly. I’ve been saying this crap for two days now…and you finally get it?
As I’ve said several times already:
A) I have 3 toons in full zerker. I can play them and stay alive.
B) Not everyone can, and that’s why they don’t run it. It’s a lot worse to have someone in full zerker who dies, than having them in Knights or something else and living. At that point, zerker is NON-VIABLE for them, and something else is actually more OPTIMAL for THAT player in THAT situation.
C) Do as much damage as you can and stay alive. Damage is your #2 priority after survival. You can not argue this. If you’re dead, you do no damage at all. If you can survive and wear the best damage gear….do it. That’s what it was MADE for.
The majority of people in this game can show that zerker is simply not viable for THEM as a player. And that’s real viability.
and how is it not viable for them?
Your demand that players farm content over and over to become “leet” enough to do it on zerker goes counter to why MOST people even play this game. The vast majority of players can not, do not, will not, and never will have a desire to play the game that way.
lol, I don’t demand they farm content over and over again at all. all I say is zerker is the best gear to use, and if you’re not very good with it then it’s good to learn to.
Zerker gear, for many players Is. Not. Viable.
so you’re saying many players are so bad that they can’t learn to dodge?
I’d like to pin it down to laziness … but if they’re bad then I guess that works too
Your claim runs exactly counter to that FACT. Thus you believe zerker is the only viable PvE gear. You wanna backtrack on your previous statements now, go ahead. I happened to read them though, and I know where you actually stand.
It’s not viable because they die.
You also expect that players want-to/can invest the time to become good enough in zerker. Some players have completely different goals and desires than you do in this game. They don’t want to change how they play because they like it better than the way you play. How many times am I going to have to repeat that? Zerker is non-viable for them.
Some players lack gaming talent and no amount of “training” is going to get them to be able to run dungeons in full zerker. Zerker is non-viable for them.
And yes, I’m saying that some players simply can’t learn to dodge at all the exact right times and avoid all damage. They simply….can’t. This is not complicated. Seriously… It’s not laziness. It’s lack of ability and talent. You don’t criticize a highschool baseball player for not having the ability and talent to get to the major leagues, yet you think that’s ok here?
You’re being pretentious and ignorant.
And here we are again. Optimal is HIGHLY relative, and changes on a player to player basis. Your all-caps gw2lfg groups can ask for whatever super leetz0r setups you demand. The majority of people in this game can show that zerker is simply not viable for THEM as a player. And that’s real viability.
Your demand that players farm content over and over to become “leet” enough to do it on zerker goes counter to why MOST people even play this game. The vast majority of players can not, do not, will not, and never will have a desire to play the game that way. Zerker gear, for many players Is. Not. Viable. I’m flabbergasted how you feel you speak for all players and all player’s desires and goals in this game.
Your claim runs exactly counter to that FACT. Thus you believe zerker is the only viable PvE gear. You wanna backtrack on your previous statements now, go ahead. I happened to read them though, and I know where you actually stand.
viable =/= optimal
everything is viable
If you do not understand that concept then you are missing the whole point.
You are apparently the one who missed the point. He’s implying that anything other than zerker is non-viable, then backtracking with the statement from him that you quoted.
He can sell his “viable” claims as “optimal” all he wants, but what he has been saying in multiple threads all over the forums is in high disagreement with that little statement he just made.
viable =/= optimal
everything is viable
And here we are again. Optimal is HIGHLY relative, and changes on a player to player basis. Your all-caps gw2lfg groups can ask for whatever super leetz0r setups you demand. The majority of people in this game can show that zerker is simply not viable for THEM as a player. And that’s real viability.
Your demand that players farm content over and over to become “leet” enough to do it on zerker goes counter to why MOST people even play this game. The vast majority of players can not, do not, will not, and never will have a desire to play the game that way. Zerker gear, for many players Is. Not. Viable. I’m flabbergasted how you feel you speak for all players and all player’s desires and goals in this game.
Your claim runs exactly counter to that FACT. Thus you believe zerker is the only viable PvE gear. You wanna backtrack on your previous statements now, go ahead. I happened to read them though, and I know where you actually stand.
(edited by Hickeroar.9734)
I think it’s more of a limitation because 50 players hitting a single boss would stack up well over 100 stacks of bleed. Maybe 200. That would kill it outright far faster than the regular damage by all the players.
It’s a gameplay decision. I also don’t agree with it because we should be able to stack as much damage on as we can, but I suppose I understand why they did it.
I don’t believe for a second it’s a “technical” limitation. The smallest of WvW zerg fights have far more conditions flying to far more targets than any 50v1 fight against a world boss. They’re tracking hundreds of stacks of bleeds and other condition in those cases. I hardly think they “technically” can’t handle more than 25 on one mob in PvE.
I know what you mean, but why should vanilla damage based builds be more effective against bosses than condition based builds? It doesn’t make sense
I totally agree with you. No argument at all. It doesn’t make sense the way they’ve set it up. In a five man group, it’s not really a problem. In world events, condition builds get the shaft bigtime.
I never have, and never will run MF gear. It’s stupid to me. Just as stupid as insisting that zerk gear is the only viable gear in PvE.
I don’t think a single person has said that in this thread. Or any of the berserker threads for that matter.
Holy mother loving crap.
Have you even read this thread or any of the other threads? That’s what a couple guys have been spamming in them for days saying over and over and over.
Make a video of your full MF Arah runs (preferably p4) and then I’ll believe you. Rangers have just been accepted in to the dungeon meta because of evidence put forward in their favour (frost spirit, spotter, sword/warhorn having strong dps), so if MF supporters could post videos of full MF groups tackling high level content, that would be great.
Rangers have long been one of the highest DPS PvE classes, even without the help of their pets. The closed minded “ZERK WARRIOR OMG ONLY GEAR CHECK PLZ PING YOU GONE GET KICKED” crowd was just too blind and clueless to recognize the facts put right in front of their face for almost a year now.
I also know people who have run Arah tons of times on mixed gear setups, including MF.
If rangers made more effort to make videos showing that they were not terrible and so many ranger players weren’t so FREAKING AWFUL then they would have been accepted ages ago.
The problem is, building for strong DPS requires melee, and like 99.9% of rangers in this game are content camping their wrongbow with bear pet which is why there is such a strong stigma attached to the class, and I’ll never accept a ranger in an experienced group I make unless I already know them or they outlined their build and gear upon joining because good rangers are about as rare as precursors in this game.
Rangers have the same “awful” ratio as any other class. The problem is that people refused to run with them a lot of times, and never saw that they were, in fact, not awful.
Also, the highest DPS rangers are definitely not limited to melee. There are plenty of rangers running long bow that can deal absolutely stupid amounts of damage.
Right, so I’m just going to assume your MF runs actually sucked since you’re too lazy to make a video.
And no, I’m not joking.
If I’m shown evidence which tellsm e something contrary to my initially held beliefs, I don’t mind accepting them. Rangers being legit was a bitter pill to swallow but I accepted it, if I can be shown that MF gear isn’t actually terrible and player skill can make it half decent then I’ll accept that too.
I never have, and never will run MF gear. It’s stupid to me. Just as stupid as insisting that zerk gear is the only viable gear in PvE.
Saying that MF gear is “terrible” when players run the same damage ability with knights gear with great success all the time….makes no sense. MF gear is selfish to a degree, but we all play this game for different reasons. I can’t stand the stuff, and I tell people to take if off if they’re running with me in groups.
It also allows you to deal a lot more damage than other gear types. Damage of Clerics vs Explorers? Explorers wins. Valkyrie? Explorers wins. Knights? Explorers ties. the list goes on.
(edited by Hickeroar.9734)
Make a video of your full MF Arah runs (preferably p4) and then I’ll believe you. Rangers have just been accepted in to the dungeon meta because of evidence put forward in their favour (frost spirit, spotter, sword/warhorn having strong dps), so if MF supporters could post videos of full MF groups tackling high level content, that would be great.
Rangers have long been one of the highest DPS PvE classes, even without the help of their pets. The closed minded “ZERK WARRIOR OMG ONLY GEAR CHECK PLZ PING YOU GONE GET KICKED” crowd was just too blind and clueless to recognize the facts put right in front of their face for almost a year now.
I also know people who have run Arah tons of times on mixed gear setups, including MF. In case you didn’t notice, Knights gear and Explorers gear have the same damage output. Explorers gets MF at the expense of Toughness. To imply that you can only run Arah with zerk gear is borderline brain damaged.
(edited by Hickeroar.9734)
The reasons I play this game, listed out, would probably be longer than the max post size.
And they’re also hard to actually name and come up with.
I play it because I like it. When I don’t like it (which has happened a couple times for a few days), I play something else.
But I was playing cof p1 with ranger/mesmer/elemental/warrior. Its a different experience playing with different skills. And thats only two runs each. Plus grind made me better playing them.
The prices of skins are so astronomical how else would I get a legendary when for the best ones the cost is 1500g. Let alone several. I would have been done in several years anyway. And then theres always another dye or musical instrument or mini whose base cost is 30g.
It really is a job playing an mmo.
Gotta say that it is kinda telling that players spend about 70% of the time on building a legendary on the gift of fortune. Seems like that wouldn’t have been the “intent.”
I think ANet always risked irritating some people with the changes to dungeons, but they succeeded in pleasing far more players than the number of CoF farmers they irritated. There are now real, predictable, notable rewards from completing a dungeon. Before it was “You will make around 75s to 1g in a dungeon run.” Now it’s "You will make at least Xg, Y tokens, and loot on top of it.
There are now tons of other ways to make a decent amount of gold in the game. I think their changes were needed, and very, very welcome.
As it stands though, the current LOD changes have increased FPS dramatically for me in bigger fights.
I did a world event yesterday and tested my framerate.
Before event started: 106 FPS
After event started: 8 FPS
Mine have gotten worse in fights. I used to maintain at least 15 or so.
Oh. I was maintaining above that from the get go. Turn down/off post processing and click LOD. You should see a huge different. I can remember farming Southsun and getting 15-30 in those big fights. I’m in Pavillion nowadays and its significantly higher and you now how nuts those fights are.
Post processing has no impact whatsoever on my framerate. The only things that really seem to make any difference are shaders (massive drop in visual quality though), shadows (but only 1-2FPS), and reflections (I keep them off all the time). All other settings have no noticeable change on framerate for me at all.
As it stands though, the current LOD changes have increased FPS dramatically for me in bigger fights.
I did a world event yesterday and tested my framerate.
Before event started: 106 FPS
After event started: 8 FPS
Mine have gotten worse in fights. I used to maintain at least 15 or so.
Wouldn’t “reducing spell effects” require the art team to create a whole new set of “reduced” effects? Essentially every action would require two effects: the full version and the reduced version. I’m pretty sure it’s not as simple as simple as people make it out to be.
Removing spell effects is pretty darn easy to code, and rather than waiting 6 months to create new versions of every spell effect, we can have something that is functional now. It’s not pretty, but it works.
There are already reduced spell effects. Just turn your graphics options down and you can see them.
Also, if they were just randomly removing them, that’d be great. That wasn’t their goal, and that’s a bug. Their goal was to scale down effects that are overlapping. “Effect LOD” = “Effect Level Of Detail.” They already, apparently, have the ability to reduce them. Their logic for when/how to do it is what’s broken and too complex. It’s not working properly.
I think the worst decisions they made with the gauntlet are:
A) Small arena. It needed to be 5x this area. Not enough room to move around.
B) The walls compress the camera into the back of your character and you can’t see. Kinda related to A. Should have been an “open” arena.
C) The queue. I would have put a lot more time into the gauntlet if I didn’t have to wait in queues to get in.
D) Kinda related to C is the time limit. These should have been individually instanced and we should have had a non-time-limited fight to the death. Whoever dies first wins, and time shouldn’t be a factor.
E) The stupid tickets. I don’t even know what to say about that. Really lame.
F) The fact that there are bugs that cause you to WASTE tickets.
Edit: That said…I love the idea of the gauntlet. I just don’t find it fun because of the previously stated stuff.
A) Agreed though I don’t find it that bad
B) Totally agreed. As a Norn this is terrible. Camera dazes me.
C) Can’t agree or disagree… I didn’t have much queue and I enjoyed viewing other players fight.
D) Time limit is stupid and force events to be only completed by certain builds… like I said before its unfair for certain classes/specs
E) Disagree. Tickets are a fine mechanic to force people not to stay there all day long. Play a few matches and go back to the real action out there… its a shame that real action is now translated to one spot in the whole world… bottom Pavilion farming champs and veterans.
F) Agreed. Wasting a ticket in vain is kinda lame.
E) If I wanna spend all day in there trying to beat a boss….what’s the problem with that?
What this forum needs is another thread about Berserker gear.
voice acting in gw2 is awful, just sayin
This. It’s been horrible since day 1, and isn’t getting any better. I don’t even think it’s the voice actor’s fault. I think it’s the script’s fault. Nolan North, for instance, is a talented voice actor (albeit a little over-used). He sounds like a lamer every time he delivers a line in this game.
Also: I couldn’t decide if Countess Anise was turning evil this time around, or if the voice actress just played her completely different than ever before… She sounded like she was about to start stealth-stabbing people though.
At the risk of being “that guy,” I’ll bring up WoW. WoW has a setting to “reduce spell effects of players other than me.” Basically it does just that. My spell effects are big and shiny, everyone elses have like half the detail.
That’s what players wanted.
I definitely understand why ANet did what they did, but I think their system is just inherently more complex because of what it’s trying to do, and obviously has some flaws at the moment. I hope they fix it. I have very little hope they’ll back it out and replace it with the “what players wanted” approach though.
ANet has an interesting history of taking player complaints and desires and transmogrifying them into…something else. WvW matchup system, I’m looking at you. :-P
I think the worst decisions they made with the gauntlet are:
A) Small arena. It needed to be 5x this area. Not enough room to move around.
B) The walls compress the camera into the back of your character and you can’t see. Kinda related to A. Should have been an “open” arena.
C) The queue. I would have put a lot more time into the gauntlet if I didn’t have to wait in queues to get in.
D) Kinda related to C is the time limit. These should have been individually instanced and we should have had a non-time-limited fight to the death. Whoever dies first wins, and time shouldn’t be a factor.
E) The stupid tickets. I don’t even know what to say about that. Really lame.
F) The fact that there are bugs that cause you to WASTE tickets.
Edit: That said…I love the idea of the gauntlet. I just don’t find it fun because of the previously stated stuff.
(edited by Hickeroar.9734)
I think it’s more of a limitation because 50 players hitting a single boss would stack up well over 100 stacks of bleed. Maybe 200. That would kill it outright far faster than the regular damage by all the players.
It’s a gameplay decision. I also don’t agree with it because we should be able to stack as much damage on as we can, but I suppose I understand why they did it.
I don’t believe for a second it’s a “technical” limitation. The smallest of WvW zerg fights have far more conditions flying to far more targets than any 50v1 fight against a world boss. They’re tracking hundreds of stacks of bleeds and other condition in those cases. I hardly think they “technically” can’t handle more than 25 on one mob in PvE.
(edited by Hickeroar.9734)
I wish Anet could write this in the patch notes atleast, where they said they changed the effects…
Yeah man, if only they had written something like, I don’t know:
If only….
thats not what i ment, lol.. They wrote they patched so effects dissapear when alot of them are coming at once, but they didnt mention it was setting it to make it back to the way it way before…
The Effect LOD setting basically sets it up so that if two effects of the same kind are overlapping, the quality of one or both of those effects will be lowered. This is so when, for instance, mesmers drop 15 feedbacks in a zerg fight, you don’t have to FULLY render 15 feedbacks, which is a pretty heavy thing.
In short: It’s not going to affect legendary effects.
But it does, how do you explain that?
It’s unintentional. It’s a bug. You were accusing ANet of doing it purposely.
Have you turned the Effect LOD option on and off and checked if it’s changed?
I have mine checked, which should cause the behavior you’re describing, but it doesn’t.
If you weren’t using this infusion to exploit dungeon rewards then you weren’t impacted by any changes made in this most recent patch. If you were then, why should you be refunded for exploiting?
It’s not exploiting in the “illegal” sense. We all legitimately exploit the features of this game every day. I believe ANet should allow any user who is getting their bought and paid-for gear nerfed to trade it in for any other type of gear.
They should introduce a vendor that takes all the gear affected by the change and dishes out all other kinds of gear in a 1:1 trade. It’s not fair to blanket replace what players have intentionally spent their gold/effort on with something they may not want at all, and would never have spent their gold/effort on.
Caveat: I have no gold booster or MF gear at all. Regardless of people “hating” it (which I always have), it doesn’t make sense at all for ANet to blatantly punish players for using a legitimate piece of gear that they themselves added to the game.
I want a laurel refund for all those unidentified dyes i bought and got nothing out of. :-P
That’s not even a proper analogy.
Your purchase afforded you the gamble for a valuable dye. You were affected by probability, not by your gamble being obsoleted.
It wasn’t an analogy. It was a joke and me expressing grief at buying them.
I wish Anet could write this in the patch notes atleast, where they said they changed the effects…
Yeah man, if only they had written something like, I don’t know:
If only….
thats not what i ment, lol.. They wrote they patched so effects dissapear when alot of them are coming at once, but they didnt mention it was setting it to make it back to the way it way before…
The Effect LOD setting basically sets it up so that if two effects of the same kind are overlapping, the quality of one or both of those effects will be lowered. This is so when, for instance, mesmers drop 15 feedbacks in a zerg fight, you don’t have to FULLY render 15 feedbacks, which is a pretty heavy thing.
In short: It’s not going to affect legendary effects.
kitten you’re playing the game wrong.
Now tell me… How much time do you spend outside with your friends or family?
Going to work.
Get paid.
Grab Credit Card.
Buy Legendary.
have you done your math to see how much real money it would cost?
if so, i want to do your job too!
Srsly. That’s like $750 to $1250.
Not a nerf. Tokens were originally account-wide per day. They changed them to per character. Now they changed them back.
They also announced that this was coming.
Dungeon tokens/rewards have spent more time as “account bound” since launch than they have as “character bound.” All they did was change the rewards back to how they were originally.
One of my friends made an incinerator two days ago. The stated effects work just fine for him.
I should probably have mentioned that I have an SSD as well.
Just resell the item. You’ll lose 15%, but it’s better than 100% :-/
This is a bug that’s been affecting the entire game for a while now. It’s not linked to any skill, action, item, environment, etc, as far as anyone can tell. You randomly just get “stuck,” and can’t move. You have to use a leap/teleport of some kind in order to get out of it. It’s extra annoying in WvW as well.
The general answer is to quit the game and restart it. Occasionally just logging back to the character screen fixes it, but not always.
Are you using any overlay programs (like the map event overlay thing)? I’ve seen a few cause that.
You can buy an item by mistake? I don’t understand. If you hit the buy button….you bought it.
The wallet was highly publicized, and you got a popup in-game about it on every character telling you the gold would be combined.
My condolences on the wasted money, but it was an honest mistake on your part. It’s not a bug.