It’s funny that people complain that this game is easy…
Coming from the WoW world where everything is handed to you on a silver platter, this game is downright hard by MMO standards…
The character select screen will say the exact % each character has completed of World Exploration. Bottom left hand corner you can see in the screenshots below one toon is 100% and another is 11%.
I think the OP is talking about the specific DISCOVERY of the areas of the map. You can get world completion and not discover every area as some don’t actually display on the map or are “secret.”
The only way I know how to do this is to look at the achievements themselves. (There’s an achievement specifically for discovering every area of a map)
Thanks for all the great replies. Sorry for my belated response. :-P
I’ll take all this into account and probably end up doing the raids for the experience and exploration of it, but I won’t take it too badly if things don’t go well. I’ll just keep an eye out in the LFG tool for people teaching people.
I’ve just come back to the game after being gone for about 2 years. I’ve got the elite specializations totally unlocked on my Ranger and Revenant now, and most of the important masteries unlocked.
I’d like to experience the raid, but none of the people I play with currently are into raiding.
How can I go about getting into a newb-friendly raid group?
Yes, the shiny psychedelic model that pops into random places and then disappears. Looks like a mini ley line anomaly.
Yes I completed LS3-1
Completed all of bloodstone fen stuff.
Never raided.
For the record: I was seeing these apparitions before I had done LS3 or the Fen.
I just came back (two weeks ago) after quitting about two years ago, and I’ve been thrilled with what I’ve found. It seems that the entire game is in a noticeably better place than it was before, and I’m having a blast.
1) The gliding is obviously a big thing. It changes a lot of getting around the world and makes you feel a lot more mobile. The new zones are absolutely fantastic. They are artful, complex, each has a distinct personality, very specific meta events and chains. There is pretty much constantly stuff going on and it’s very hard to be bored.
One big thing is that just about any class is viable for just about any use now. Some have more utility than others, but “pretty much” anything is going to be fine for use just about anywhere and a lot of the class elitism that used to exist is gone now.
There are other changes but I’ll address them in your other questions.
2) Elite specializations make the old classes feel totally new. For example: I toyed with Ranger back in the day, but now it’s finally a legitimately good class with some fun healing abilities (I went full zerker and still throw out substantial heals when needed. A healing-power stacked ranger could probably do a nutty amount of healing). I’m currently addicted to Revenant/Herald.
All the classes are much deeper now and each has a much more complex meta than the “one or two viable builds” that used to be the case.
3) I’m sure it’ll be fine, and you also now have a longbow with the elite specialization as well as traps and some other cool new guardian abilities.
4) Fractals are completely fleshed out now compared to where they were before. You can pick specific fractals and each day there are loads of various levels and fractals that you get daily rewards for. The max level is currently 100. Overall level 40 is gonna be easier than old level 40 since the ramp has been smoothed out a bit. It also recommends which you can/should do based on your current AR.
Most fractals have been reworked in some way to be less annoying, etc. The simple fact that you get to choose the fractal, and then only do ONE instead of 3-4 makes this LOTS more accessible. They also give lots more loot now, especially if you do the dailies.
5) Meta events are pretty much all squad/commander driven now, they’re insanely popular, and everyone is very organized. I’ve been making about 50-100 gold a day depending on how much I do. Gold (and loot in general) flows a lot more now and you’ll be thankful for being able to right click salvage tools and salvage everything of a certain quality in one click. You’re going to want at least 80, probably 100, free inventory spots available before you start a meta chain in a given zone. It’s hard to express just how much loot the game throws at you now, but let’s just say “it’s substantial.”
They really took a lesson from Diablo 3 or something and figured out how to make the game feel rewarding to play. I’ve almost saved enough to craft an Infinite Light in about a week…. The biggest change is that it doesn’t feel like “grinding” anymore.
(edited by Hickeroar.9734)
My framerate with the 64bit client is terrible. It’s around 10fps in LA, whereas it’s ~40 with the 32bit client.
I loved it too. :-/ They need to speed up the repair. The game just doesn’t feel the same without it.
Quite an accomplishment! How many characters did you go through on the way?
Edit: Oh, just realized you said 10 characters. Dang. What’s the /age on that one?
(edited by Hickeroar.9734)
Yeah, this has been happening to me as well. I thought it was something I was unconsciously doing or something….
GW2’s maps are far too small for mounts. You can run all the way across any zone in the game in a couple minutes. Even the largest WvW maps are still only about 4-5 minutes wide/tall. Mounts would be complete overkill.
Why get on a mount anyway when you can just open your map and waypoint within a couple hundred yards of just about anything instantly.
Their replies Boil down to :
1. Because it would be cool.
2. because I need to look at Bling.
3. because I want others to see my Bling, and Nothing is more visible bling than a Mount.
4. because I want a permanent speed boost …
5. because I want to fly
6. because I want it.
They should just release a living world event with a 0.01% drop rate of a tonic that transforms you into a magical horsey that has permanent 33% speed boost. Not usable in WvW of course. The drop rate because….RNG of course. We all love RNG, right?
Same game but now with more grind. Very little actual content added. Enjoy.
This isn’t entirely wrong. There will be differences in the world because of the current events, but the overall game really hasn’t changed in a year. You’re coming back at a good time due to the new patch coming out though. Lots of new quality-of-life goodies being added.
I do think they need to stick one of their living world teams permanently on releasing a fully loaded new zone every six months. And with the way the game works right now they really need a small level cap boost scheduled once per year (2-5 levels imho). That would go a long way toward giving the game legs…
People don’t build legendaries for the stats though. If that were the case they’d just build ascended gear with the stats they want instead. They spent all that time because they wanted the skin. This change cheapens their effort.
IMHO they should just give you a token to trade one of your legendaries in for any other one. They’re all roughly the same amount of work to build.
GW2’s maps are far too small for mounts. You can run all the way across any zone in the game in a couple minutes. Even the largest WvW maps are still only about 4-5 minutes wide/tall. Mounts would be complete overkill.
Why get on a mount anyway when you can just open your map and waypoint within a couple hundred yards of just about anything instantly.
I know the answer is probably a “no,” but I thought I’d ask. I have $75 in gem codes. Any way to buy a copy of the game for someone with that?
Any talk of an eventual NA “tour” inside the guild? I know a lot of people over here who missed RG the first time around and would love to get a crack at ’em.
If you make them tanky enough to survive zerg fights, they don’t do enough damage to be useful. If they do enough damage, they’re too glassy and end up dying.
Their ranged skills are FAR too susceptible to getting reflected and killing the ranger.
Pets are 100% useless in medium+ scale combat. Even the tanky ones die instantly.
I think the idea was to make the pet a decent portion of their damage. In the process they made the rangers themselves nearly useless.
Tbh i felt the blackwater was amazing for dueling but outside that i was a bit meh with it. If people want to leave the fight, they leave the fight, there is nothing you can really do about it.
Im playing a slight variant on the Blackwater atm, it’s still technically a PU build but with phantasm damage from duelist and zerker. So it’s a mix of condis and straight up direct damage, i find it a lot better for open world roaming but not as good for outright dueling. But im willing to take the extra deaths so i at least have a shot at stopping people from running with zerker, illusionary leap and magic bullet.
I played blackwater for a while. Then I realized that PU-Condi was a cheese build that allowed me to kill other players reliably with little or no actual skill or any possiblity of gain in personal skill. It was a decision, as a noob mesmer, that was friendly for noobs. It made sense to me at the time. As time passed I didn’t feel like I’d really beaten a skilled player when they died. 99% of the time I had just fired off a couple things and danced around while the condis killed them. It required almost no real skill to play, and I usually ended the fights with no real idea of how I’d actually killed them.
I dumped the condi build, salvaged the gear, went with a power build, and improved a ton as a player since I was actually forced to learn how to play the class. I also have no issue beating PU-Condi mesmers now.
Condi mesmer is a crutch and I almost feel bad for mesmers who lean on it.
im currently running a power PU build, give it a try, outnumbered situations become do-able if you carefully handle your cooldowns
I’ve been tempted to, but at the moment I’m running a 30/30/10, full zerk build that deals silly amounts of damage. My Attack is about 3800, and I just don’t want to respec to 20/20/30 or something and sacrifice the damage and some of my vital traits.
Tbh i felt the blackwater was amazing for dueling but outside that i was a bit meh with it. If people want to leave the fight, they leave the fight, there is nothing you can really do about it.
Im playing a slight variant on the Blackwater atm, it’s still technically a PU build but with phantasm damage from duelist and zerker. So it’s a mix of condis and straight up direct damage, i find it a lot better for open world roaming but not as good for outright dueling. But im willing to take the extra deaths so i at least have a shot at stopping people from running with zerker, illusionary leap and magic bullet.
I played blackwater for a while. Then I realized that PU-Condi was a cheese build that allowed me to kill other players reliably with little or no actual skill or any possiblity of gain in personal skill. It was a decision, as a noob mesmer, that was friendly for noobs. It made sense to me at the time. As time passed I didn’t feel like I’d really beaten a skilled player when they died. 99% of the time I had just fired off a couple things and danced around while the condis killed them. It required almost no real skill to play, and I usually ended the fights with no real idea of how I’d actually killed them.
I dumped the condi build, salvaged the gear, went with a power build, and improved a ton as a player since I was actually forced to learn how to play the class. I also have no issue beating PU-Condi mesmers now.
Condi mesmer is a crutch and I almost feel bad for mesmers who lean on it.
Everyone goes through this process. First you want to blame everyone else. Then you realize you just need to learn to play…and you blame yourself for your losses.
We’ve all seen this same thread a hundred times.
If you’re losing to thieves, learn to counter them and quit whining. It’s that simple.
I think the spiked doors idea is fantastic (as long as it only affects players, and not siege/golems).
I think keeps should have a more objective-based capture process. Like…a final upgrade being a 5-10g buy & 3000 supply, which is a piece of indoor-only fortified siege protecting the lord room that has the ability to wipe blobs. The only way to take the keep is to go through a process like:
1) Assault Control Room
2) Once in the Control Room you have to take an action to destroy the siege (plant a charge or something like that) and defend it for 2 minutes to complete the destruction. They can come in, wipe you, and you defuse the bomb (10 second action, maybe), so to speak.
3) Take the lord room as we do now.
4) If the siege is destroyed, but you successfully push the attackers off, you have to rebuy the upgrade.
5) You can risk just going straight to the lord room, but if will probably wipe if someone mans that siege.
(edited by Hickeroar.9734)
I was wearing full glass one day and got hit for an 8k C&D and 17k backstab.
That said, most thieves don’t scare me too bad when I’m roaming in full glass. The only time they’re really a nasty threat is if I don’t see them coming and they do the Baslisk Venom→Mug/Steal→C&D→Backstab or some variant of that.
A player’s death should not be able to rally more than 3 players from the other team. Not this “one player dies and rallys 15” garbage.
I would PREFER that it be 1-for-1. One player dying saves just one player.
Downstate will NEVER be taken out of this game. People need to just stop talking about that possibility. It will NEVER happen. It’s a core combat mechanic, and they sell finishers on the gem store. If nothing else, the fact that they’re making money on finishers will keep them from ever getting rid of downstate. I think downstate adds another level to combat that makes this game special.
They just need to fix the ridiculous rally mechanics.
(edited by Hickeroar.9734)
Account-wide WXP Ranks – just another Anet lie?
They very clearly said it was going to take some time before this was released. Calm your….kittens.
Mesmer mechanics are misdirection and illusion. Part of misdirection is stealth. Clones are only worth a crap if you have an opportunity to break target with someone focusing on you.
It’s easier because it’s MUCH easier to hold and retake your property there compared with the borderlands. It’s nearly free PPT. Even if something is flipped, you can usually get it back w/in one tick.
The fights are usually better there as well, because the landscape is conducive to trapping your enemy into a position where they MUST fight.
Please come and have a tour at NA again
I still remember a thrill of them when they were on JQ.
Who would want to play where they won’t get many (if at all) gvgs and will only be fighting pug blobs?
T2 NA has a lot of GvG guilds. T1 doesn’t, as far as I know.
T2 and T3 seems to be where the majority of the NA GvG are held. I just wouldn’t transfer to SoS since 2 of the top NA guilds are there in EP and Agg.
Agg just went to JQ, btw. They move pretty often.
Should we open a forum thread every time someone makes a guild?
Sacrx and RG were well respected by a portion of the community. Those of us who were sad to see him/them go are very happy they’ve decided to come back on to the scene. They left the scene just as the GvG scene was taking off in NA and a lot of the new faces never got a chance to fight them.
I’ve done quite a bit of non-scientific testing of various AMD drivers as new betas come out and such. Just wanted to mention that the WHQL 13.9 drivers are still giving the best graphical performance for GW2. It’s a pretty noticeable boost of 5-10 FPS (big difference in WvW fights) over any of the beta or WHQL drivers before or since.
I’m not sure why newer drivers are giving noticeably worse performance, but I thought I’d throw this out there for people who weren’t aware.
Wait….who’s Red Guard?
they are gods to the WvW community…
hmm all i mainly play is wvw and never heard of them, oh well, either way welcome back RG
They’re an EU guild and they largely pioneered and drove the GvG community/scene for a long time. Sacrx (their GL) left the game half a year ago or so after they beat every GvGing guild out there. Now that ANet has pulled back on a lot of their draconian GvG/WvW ways…it must have made sense for them to come back.
I’m really looking forward to fighting them eventually, whether it requires my guild to go to EU, or if they take a trip over here.
If you really are 48 years old, the business world has already considered you long spent.
What astounding delusion…
Funny thing about the world is that the “youth” who believe drivel like this don’t have a fraction of the money to spend on entertainment and convenience that their “48 year old, long spent” elders do.
Should be enlightening for you to grow up and remember making this statement.
(edited by Hickeroar.9734)
My only guess at this point would be that it’s a hardware issue with your machine.
If you’re using distortion as a mesmer and are attacked with a skill that causes a condition, in many attacks the direct damage from the attack will be evaded, but the conditions from the attack are not evaded.
Distortion’s definition says “Evade all attacks.” If you had evaded the attack, you would have evaded both the direct damage and the conditions applied by it.
I’d say add an upgrade in its place to double the damage from the keep lord or something along those lines. Or a special, very damaging, keep-lord spell upgrade.
Double the keep lord health?
Special piece of internal, mounted, possibly indestructible, very damaging siege. Could even make it so you effectively have to complete the “objective” of clearing out the control spot for that siege because if it’s manned you stand a good chance of wiping. Or if it’s destructible, you have a soft-requirement to kill the siege emplacement.
It feels to me like the targeting system has broken sometime in the last couple months or so. It used to seem to prioritize targets that were directly in front, or front/center on your screen.
Now I can have 3 people right in front of me on my screen and 30 off in the distance or even off my screen above the viewport, and I have to tab 10+ times to get one of those three targeted. Sometimes I just say eff-it and use my mouse to click one.
I will say that most of my deaths in zerg fights are due to being immob for like 5-10 seconds. If you have no available condi clears, you’re screwed.
It’s really annoying, for sure.
Full zerk w/ some or all ascended
25 stacks of bloodlust
They’re sitting on loads of power.
In the whole time I’ve been playing WvW, I’ve been baslisk-venom→C/D→Backstab “three shot” like twice. The only advice I can give you is to get faster reaction times and use a stunbreak….? On my glass mesmer I have time to aim and blink away every time before they get their backstab off.
Yaknow, people, these accusation posts about glitching/whatever are a large part of the reason that ANet is shutting down this forum.
If you think someone is glitching, report it via the provided/expected channels and keep that drivel out of this thread. NOTHING can or will be done about it because of a post here. I’m on SoS and I’ve never seen those guild tags…and I doubt anyone else has.
I believe the matchup thread will be here for this week since this forum is going byebye:
One of the most fun resets in a very long time. <3
Downed state will NEVER “go.”
It’s a core mechanic of the game’s combat system, and they make bucketloads of money off gem-store finishers.
It’s not going anywhere. Ever.
The only thing I’d change is that it should cap the number of players that can be rezzed from a kill at 3-5.
…there is smack talk and sure there are a few trolls.
The problem is that it wasn’t a bit of smack talk and a few trolls. It was almost ENTIRELY smack talk and trolling. Constructive and friendly posts were/are few and far between. I’d bet the vast majority of bannings across these forums came directly out of those threads.
I think it was a great decision to kill it off. Almost the entire point of the threads was to bash one another and troll. They served almost no constructive purpose at all. I think the community as a whole will benefit from their absence.
Probably because guards are just easier to play, or better – you don’t have to do that much to be effective. It’s just when you see 19/20 rangers never use a melee weapon and 9/10 staying outside of your TW … you just get that impression :/
Yeah, the reason rangers get almost no respect is primarily a function of how most people play them. IIRC, the speed run record for CoF P2 was set by a team using a couple rangers. They’re a super powerful class when played right.
They’re excellent in PvP as well, but you have to get creative to get benefits from them in WvW zerging. Condi traps and support is one way you could go…
Thanks everyone. I will decide a bit later.
And….What is TW by the way? (I only know TW for Total war.)
TW is Time Warp. It’s a Mesmer ability that grants AOE Quickness.
Ranger is a fantastic damage class for PvE. The mobility makes it very easy to survive as a glass ranger.
Guardian has a tiny healthpool if you want to run it as full glass, and since it’s a melee-heavy class, you generally end up having to sacrifice some damage for survivability.
However: Guardian is more sought after and useful in PvE. So much utility and support, even when you’re running a damage-centric build. Every guardian on a team in high level fractals equates to a LOT of breathing room. The easiest lvl 48 grawl fractal experience I ever had was with 3 guardians.
DOTs should be capped per player, not per mob. If I could stack 25 stacks of bleed on a target by myself, I should be able to independently of all other players’ bleeds.
I don’t think it’s an issue in PvP/WvW either. I generally never get above 5 stacks of bleeds in either case. Anyone who gets 25 stacks in PvP/WvW melts so fast it wouldn’t matter if they had 25 of 500. It’s a death sentence either way.
I had the theory that Scarlet was Anise and googled this thread up :P
I haven’t been following the storyline lately. Is there any proof yet that she’s not?