Showing Posts For Hickeroar.9734:

8/30 Tarnished Coast/Maguuma/Fort Aspenwood

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Just finished with a PYRO/VR run on FA BL. I think we had probably 60ish. I guess FA probably had around the same, maybe a few more. It was literally unplayable. Why on earth anyone would want to do this on a regular basis is beyond me.!

Is this in reference to the blob wars at FABL garrison last night? I ran into the middle of that and for about 30 seconds everyone was standing around peacefully. The server seemed to have forgotten to send data to my client. Not even spamming #1 worked. Unplayable. Literally.

Uh, that doesn’t happen to me, even in 3way SMC fights with SoR and BG. Don’t blame Anet for you having incapable hardware.

It doesn’t sound like incapable hardware. Sounds more like an incapable internet connection. Standard issue network lag there. (not to be confused with skill lag)

GG AT&T U-Verse!

(That does make me wonder, what kind of network traffic does GW2 really generate during these blob fights… Hrm…)

Playing WvW for ~5 hours, I use about 1GB of bandwidth. No other game I’ve seen uses ANYWHERE near that much. I played via my mobile for 4 days once, and had to stop because I’d almost used up my 5GB allocation for the month. :P

[[Unofficial GvG Scene Thread]]

in In-game Events

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


That Hip Squad guild “was” on JQ according to gw2gvg until like 2 days ago. Same for VOID.
As someone who plays every night, and only in WvW, never saw any of them.

I’m on TC, so I’ll keep an eye out for them this week. I have a feeling it’s just BS though.

ESOL is the only guild that is legit in all of that. They are the only one that won all the matches between them all as well. None of those guilds are on SoR or any other server that I have seen.

Yeah, just interested in more “proof” before someone starts pointing fingers at ESOL or something. :P

Edit: ESOL is old [RE] “Red Essence” right? Or am I remembering wrong?

8/30 Tarnished Coast/Maguuma/Fort Aspenwood

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Just finished with a PYRO/VR run on FA BL. I think we had probably 60ish. I guess FA probably had around the same, maybe a few more. It was literally unplayable. Why on earth anyone would want to do this on a regular basis is beyond me.!

Is this in reference to the blob wars at FABL garrison last night? I ran into the middle of that and for about 30 seconds everyone was standing around peacefully. The server seemed to have forgotten to send data to my client. Not even spamming #1 worked. Unplayable. Literally.

Uh, that doesn’t happen to me, even in 3way SMC fights with SoR and BG. Don’t blame Anet for you having incapable hardware.

It doesn’t sound like incapable hardware. Sounds more like an incapable internet connection. Standard issue network lag there. (not to be confused with skill lag)

Final solution for league and transfers

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


I hope you take into consideration adding achievements that encourage zergs to disperse. Lets not have another WvExp situation.

Although, all in all, I’m not enthusiastic about this new system. I fail to understand the concept of “competition” that you hope to instill, when the playing field is inherently unbalanced. Numbers win everything. How is that a fair competition?

At no point did I, or would I have, said “Fair competition” WvW is not intended to be “fair”. There are servers with more people, there are servers with better organizations and that will always be the case. This competition will be about showing how your world can do over a defined period of time, against a variety of opponents. SPvP is the part of our game that aims for a completely level playing field. WvW would never be able to match that goal.

Understood, but the rewards should match the actual achievement being accomplished. SoR, for instance, doesn’t even have to work to land in top-3. TC could work harder than they’ve ever worked and probably not break top-3.

Final solution for league and transfers

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Option 4 makes the most sense. Divide the spoils among the numbers of people who completed the achievement.

Anything less is just a blatant insult to less populated servers. Otherwise a totally stacked server gets rewards for simply being stacked…

Two North American leagues is a horrible idea

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Why even have a league to start with? Waste of resources better spent fixing the increasing number of WvW issues. Do we really need a league to reward the over populated servers? Just give them all a free whatever and lets move on with resources spent in a way that helps all players on all servers.

I think if the WvW team would get with the “living world” program and come out with some kind of real update/change/addition every month or something, that would be a much better idea than leagues, etc.

[[Unofficial GvG Scene Thread]]

in In-game Events

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


That Hip Squad guild “was” on JQ according to gw2gvg until like 2 days ago. Same for VOID.
As someone who plays every night, and only in WvW, never saw any of them.

I’m on TC, so I’ll keep an eye out for them this week. I have a feeling it’s just BS though.

Lock server transfers ASAP.

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


TC has stacked afterwards paying for WvW guilds to transfer to them.

Stop spreading garbage and lies. TC did not pay anyone to transfer. Guilds that have transferred did so of their own accord. A couple TC guilds took up individual “offerings” to help guilds that had already decided to transfer, but it was totally “at will/after the fact” and the vast majority of guilds who transferred paid completely for their own transfer.

TC has also advised several interested guilds NOT to transfer, and they have thankfully listened. TC doesn’t pay guilds because TC doesn’t want the kind of guilds that can be paid to transfer elsewhere.

Don’t talk crap when you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about.

8/30 Tarnished Coast/Maguuma/Fort Aspenwood

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


The pvpers would say, “we’re just playing the game as intended, cry more or l2p!”

It’s the same thing with blobbing, just way less entertaining.

I don’t agree with “as intended.” If it was “as intended,” the servers wouldn’t fall to their knees in agony every time two blobs met on the battlefield.

[[Unofficial GvG Scene Thread]]

in In-game Events

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Not sure if it was linked here or not but I found this thanks to a guildie of mine. Made me chuckle.

I’ve got no clue as to the state of EU GvG politics, but this was a pretty hilarious video anyway. :-P

I do agree that guilds need to get over their issues with fighting other guilds for “rating.” If you lose, you lose. Just fight them again later. At least then you can have your weaknesses highlighted so you can be better prepared next time.

8/30 Tarnished Coast/Maguuma/Fort Aspenwood

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Can’t we all just agree that blobs suck? If you run in a blob, you lose even if you wipe the other team. Blobbing is just admitting that you suck too bad to fight on even terms. That goes for ALL servers.

Silly thing about blobs: ~15 KH + ~25 EP wiped an opponent’s blob yesterday. We never saw the blob again. They straight up quit. It’s a fail tactic.

Doesn’t even work for PPT anyway (for the ones left who actually care about that). 2-3 smaller enemy groups can take 1-2 of your structures while you’re failing to be mobile enough to save the multiple targets they’re attacking.

Blobbing sucks. Don’t do it. You make “whatever” server you’re on look bad.

GvG wvw league, whos up for it?

in In-game Events

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


GvG wvw league, whos up for it?

in In-game Events

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


NA is being divided into two only — top 12 and bottom 12. There will only be two leagues in NA. In EU there will be three leagues. Mid-tier EU would probably be the best bet simply because A: EU is more tolerant/actively has guilds/servers that GvG; and B: NA you’ll get pushback no matter which server you pick. Plus transfer fees, with the exception of a few servers, are MUCH cheaper EU than NA.

Is the 12 server split confirmed? I have read a lot of people saying it’s a 4×6 split instead of a 2×12 split.

GvG wvw league, whos up for it?

in In-game Events

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Question: would it make sense to transfer EU’s over here and pick a bottom tier NA league? With only 6 servers per tier here, I think that would make more sense, and we’d have a lot more concentration.

GvG wvw league, whos up for it?

in In-game Events

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


As much as I would love to see this happen. I don’t see most guilds in NA switching due to most of them like to play for PPT or feel like they have much time invested in their server. I really hope I am wrong, and this works out.

GvG focused guilds don’t care much, if at all, about PPT. Those are the guilds this proposal is targeting.

[[Unofficial GvG Scene Thread]]

in In-game Events

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


The 7wks of WvW league actually makes GvG tournament kittening easy.

Once you are locked into tiers you can stack the low pop servers and easily find the fights. I’d also say let’s kitten Anet in the kitten by having a streamed GvG tourney during those 7 weeks of WvW League ^^

Nothing like a highly watched stream of GvG during their shiny new idea

Yeah, This was brought up earlier. I wonder how many guilds would be up for transferring for this?

Lock server transfers ASAP.

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Fortunately the top servers are all at full capacity at the moment. Should help alleviate the problem. With any luck, the reverse will happen and top tier guilds will transfer to other silos.

Imagine if, for instance, a 500 man SoR guild transferred to one of the servers in the “bottom 6” tier. They’d be (almost) guaranteed to win every week.

Believe it or not most of the people on the top servers like competition. They are not going to transfer into a borefest in order to receive some piddly reward that will probably be something like 4g a win.

I’m sure for a lot of people that’s true. I’m sure for those with the mentality of “all that matters is PPT and winning,” they’ll find some lovely little server to completely stack.

If they wanted to do that they would have done it already. Point being, some piddly reward isn’t going to spur them to do it. It’d have to be something quite significant to cause this effect, and I don’t really see it being a significant reward.

They did already do that. It’s called “SoR.” Case in point.

With the new system they go from having to find ONE server to do that to having the option of FOUR servers to pick from as “always wins” servers.

[[Unofficial GvG Scene Thread]]

in In-game Events

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


I’d rather see it live.

Yeah, I would too. :/ It’d still be better than the interference we have to deal with at lots of GvGs.

Move to EU. It happens there but nowhere near as bad as NA.

I wouldn’t mind, but I love my guild too much to solo it elsewhere. :P I’ll follow wherever the GL/Officers decide.

Lock server transfers ASAP.

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Fortunately the top servers are all at full capacity at the moment. Should help alleviate the problem. With any luck, the reverse will happen and top tier guilds will transfer to other silos.

Imagine if, for instance, a 500 man SoR guild transferred to one of the servers in the “bottom 6” tier. They’d be (almost) guaranteed to win every week.

Believe it or not most of the people on the top servers like competition. They are not going to transfer into a borefest in order to receive some piddly reward that will probably be something like 4g a win.

I’m sure for a lot of people that’s true. I’m sure for those with the mentality of “all that matters is PPT and winning,” they’ll find some lovely little server to completely stack.

[[Unofficial GvG Scene Thread]]

in In-game Events

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


I’d rather see it live.

Yeah, I would too. :/ It’d still be better than the interference we have to deal with at lots of GvGs.

Can you confirm this about the leagues?

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Using NA as an example:

1) Over a 7 week season, you only fight the 6 other servers in your tier? No fights with servers from the other “divisions” (or whatever you wanna call them).

2) The “tiers” or “divisions” stay the same every season? Or are they changed/randomized/something?

[[Unofficial GvG Scene Thread]]

in In-game Events

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


The league thing is for seven weeks only. Then it goes back to regular WvW.

As for password protected private GvG stuff, I understand the desire to keep out griefers, but part of my reward to myself for doing 12 hour days in WvW is being able to watch some of these matches live. The community at these events adds to the appeal. Would hate to lose that.

I’m sure guilds can find at least one person to stream. Twitch has the chat room thingy too.

[[Unofficial GvG Scene Thread]]

in In-game Events

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Dunno about NA, but EU guilds quite easily transfer servers for the sake of fights, the new league system actually is better than the current matchup because there are a limited amount of servers, and you’re guaranteed to see them all.

AFAIK you’re only guaranteed to see all the other servers in your TIER. You won’t fight the other servers outside your tier at all if I understand correctly (correct me if I’m wrong).

If I understood correctly, and if all the GvG guilds transferred to the same TIER, that would be amazing. Constant fights, constant GvGs.

Transferring on the NA side seems to be a much bigger deal for guilds. I think the only guild that regularly moves around is Agg.

Lock server transfers ASAP.

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Fortunately the top servers are all at full capacity at the moment. Should help alleviate the problem. With any luck, the reverse will happen and top tier guilds will transfer to other silos.

Imagine if, for instance, a 500 man SoR guild transferred to one of the servers in the “bottom 6” tier. They’d be (almost) guaranteed to win every week.

Incoming: WvW Leagues

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


TON of transfers from PvErs that want to get rewards.

Article clearly states you have to actually play WvW to get the reward.

He said it would be 2×12, not 4×6.

“Europe will feature three leagues and North America will have four leagues, each league containing several worlds.”

This would be 4×6.

In before T1 servers are all magically “full” and all other servers are “very high” population.

T1 is already Full, and its close to impossible to transfer to the top three populations JQ, BG, and TC.

I could have sworn he said that NA would be two tiers of 12…. 4×6 doesn’t make a ton of sense since EU has more servers than we do.

In any case, it doesn’t change the fact that we would know the winners as soon as the matchups were announced.

[[Unofficial GvG Scene Thread]]

in In-game Events

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


this is perfect opportunity for all gvg oriented guilds to choose a tier. maybe the last 6 server of EU and play on those servers.

this would be nice, but i dont think many NA guilds will follow suit

I gotta tell you, I’d be heartily on board with it. GvG (and WvW guild-group fight chasing) are literally all that’s keeping me logging in anymore. This league system is just another nail in the coffin for me, because everyone is going to be permanently silo’d away from other guilds. It’s essentially taking the divide between NA and EU and dividing it again, so GvG communities will be even more separated.

Example: Imagine DB landing in one ladder (or whatever you call the separations) while TC lands in another. Those guilds would NEVER be able to fight each other. And by never….I mean never.

I’ll put it this way, and I think people should pay close attention:
If we don’t do this, the entire GvG scene stands a real chance of falling completely apart, or completely stagnating. Rating will mean absolutely nothing because we will have not just TWO, but FIVE separated zones of servers.

EDIT: Is it 2 tiers of 12 servers, or 4 tiers of 6 servers for NA? I thought he said the former, but someone told me it was the latter.

(edited by Hickeroar.9734)

[[Unofficial GvG Scene Thread]]

in In-game Events

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


i just realized that outside of the GvG community, people have no idea what it is about or how we go about it. It makes me wonder if Anet even knows…. also, Agg spamming a twitch feed now makes all of GvG look bad, thanks….

That wasn’t just Agg. I saw a lot of guild references in there, including quite a few, uh, well known EU guilds.

I saw this as well.. Though I would not be so quick to point out who was involved since I saw to me unknown twitch accounts write in our (Scnd) name. May I add that I dislike this kind of behavior I bet that there is a better way to fight the ignoring by Anet. Anyway I’m off to sleep it was a bad choice to stay up to watch this q&a..

Haha, I definitely wasn’t intending to name names. I was actually sort-of complimenting EU since they usually rise above such antics… xD

[[Unofficial GvG Scene Thread]]

in In-game Events

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


okay hickeroar.. my bad i did not know that.. but still negative attention is not what we want…

Agreed. I commented as such earlier on this page. :P

[[Unofficial GvG Scene Thread]]

in In-game Events

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


i just realized that outside of the GvG community, people have no idea what it is about or how we go about it. It makes me wonder if Anet even knows…. also, Agg spamming a twitch feed now makes all of GvG look bad, thanks….

That wasn’t just Agg. I saw a lot of guild references in there, including quite a few, uh, well known EU guilds.

[[Unofficial GvG Scene Thread]]

in In-game Events

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Task force? What task force? Link?

Incoming: WvW Leagues

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Ugh. It’s confirmed. There’s no way this is going to end up “fun” for T8 matched up with T1.

So you basically get a reward on your server because you’re stacked. Unbelievable. It’s just…..mindboggling. Stacked servers will now get MORE stacked because they want the rewards.

Did anyone actually THINK about this change before doing it?

My guess is that the 4 leagues will be 1-6, 7-12, 13-18, 19-24. T1 isn’t going to be matched up with T8 unless someone at ANet is a terrible troll.

He said it would be 2×12, not 4×6.

This makes no sense AT ALL in any case. We already know how the servers rank. I (anyone) will be able to tell you the winners, and which order they won in, before a season even starts.

WvW is a completely stacked system. You’re basically rewarding servers for having more players with a league system. It’s not a fair matchup system anyway, and then you throw this in and it’s just abhorrently bad now. I’m flabbergasted.

Yea, unless they open up free transfers from specific realms to others (can’t just open up free transfers to the bottom tier and expect a balanced outcome) it’s a bust. I’m not looking forward to fighting against 8 of the 12 servers we’ll be paired with. The population disparity and night time coverage is abysmal.

And throw away all that money? Ain’t gonna happen.

Incoming: WvW Leagues

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Now with more info…this is a REALLY bad idea, the winning server will get a TON of transfers from PvErs that want to get rewards. This might end up ruining the experience for everyone.

There’s no “might” about it. This will completely ruin the little remaining spirit left in WvW.

Incoming: WvW Leagues

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Ugh. It’s confirmed. There’s no way this is going to end up “fun” for T8 matched up with T1.

So you basically get a reward on your server because you’re stacked. Unbelievable. It’s just…..mindboggling. Stacked servers will now get MORE stacked because they want the rewards.

Did anyone actually THINK about this change before doing it?

My guess is that the 4 leagues will be 1-6, 7-12, 13-18, 19-24. T1 isn’t going to be matched up with T8 unless someone at ANet is a terrible troll.

He said it would be 2×12, not 4×6.

This makes no sense AT ALL in any case. We already know how the servers rank. I (anyone) will be able to tell you the winners, and which order they won in, before a season even starts.

WvW is a completely stacked system. You’re basically rewarding servers for having more players with a league system. It’s not a fair matchup system anyway, and then you throw this in and it’s just abhorrently bad now. I’m flabbergasted.

ANet is definitely more interested in just getting raw player numbers into WvW than supporting their long-term, dedicated playerbase.

Incoming: WvW Leagues

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Ugh. It’s confirmed. There’s no way this is going to end up “fun” for T8 matched up with T1.

Um… with “2 groups of 12 servers” for NA, I don’t see how T8 servers will fight T1.

He didn’t say they would be cut in half…..

Incoming: WvW Leagues

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Ugh. It’s confirmed. There’s no way this is going to end up “fun” for T8 matched up with T1.

So you basically get a reward on your server because you’re stacked. Unbelievable. It’s just…..mindboggling. Stacked servers will now get MORE stacked because they want the rewards.

Did anyone actually THINK about this change before doing it?

Incoming: WvW Leagues

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Yeah…..leagues when the servers are as imbalanced/stacked as they are right now sounds like a horrible idea. The winners will be decided before the fight even starts….

[[Unofficial GvG Scene Thread]]

in In-game Events

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Butch – People would be happy with a big, empty square map that could be passworded (or limited to only two specific guilds). Kinda PvP style, except with a high player limit (up to 30v30, for instance), and you can use your regular armor/build, not the PvP garbage build/armor system they have.

It’s essentially round-based team deathmatch.

Pax Stream [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


They should have added instanced raids. :-/ 15, or 25 man, or something like that. Make guaranteed ascended gear drops rollable at the end. THAT is what players want for end-game content.

Sure, 1-5% of players might approve of this kind of change/effort, but that’s all you’re gonna get.

The game still has no “real” end-game. If they just added a “real” endgame, they could stop with the farming releases, and revamping old crap. Players, at large, really don’t want this stuff. If they just polled the community or at least paid attention to the things the community have been asking for, they’d KNOW this wasn’t what people want. I predict that this event will go unbeaten most of the time, and will probably lose a lot of popularity as a result.

There are thousands of us here, telling ANet every day what we want out of this game, and ANet still continues to serve things that players don’t want to eat. We are a great resource if we weren’t largely ignored.

EDIT: The LFG tool is obviously a welcome addition. Players have been asking for that since beta. The good is that they provided it. The bad is that it took them over a year to do it…

(edited by Hickeroar.9734)

[[Unofficial GvG Scene Thread]]

in In-game Events

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


“We’d rather spend a good deal amount of time making it awesome than just push it out because the community wants it asap”

This Exactly – do you really want them to rush out GvG? Or do you want them to do it right? I actually would rather them fix and add things to WvW as a whole to make it better as it is already an existing feature that has been ignored since launch.

MMO community these days are so impatient . . . spoiled i say! Spoiled!.

Think about how fast they’ve pushed out every other piece of content in the game. They built and launched the entire fractal system in TWO MONTHS.

All we want is a mostly flat, square map that can be passworded. That’s….it.

[[Unofficial GvG Scene Thread]]

in In-game Events

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Gotta agree at this point. The spamming has been going on for 30 minutes solid, and no end in sight. Just stop, seriously. They haven’t even gotten to their big WvW announcement yet. At least wait to spam until you know they actually didn’t make any strides or announcements around GvG.

[[Unofficial GvG Scene Thread]]

in In-game Events

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


To give an example how the new formula affects the ladder: on the old website EP is place 14th after beating Agg with 7-0, while using the new formula they are actually in the top 3.

Wow, really? Despite our win-loss ratio. That’s amazing. Now, I’m really excited to see where our future matches land us in the ratings when the new website releases.


8/30 Tarnished Coast/Maguuma/Fort Aspenwood

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


This is officially the official thread. Officially. According to the officials.

8/23: TC/CD/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Props to EP for a solid, classy match between RAM. Unlike a certain other guild that gvg’d before them that would probably rather remain unnamed due to their shame

We laughed……so hard. xD

Edit: (about the….other guild….and their naughty behavior)

(edited by Hickeroar.9734)

[[Unofficial GvG Scene Thread]]

in In-game Events

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Today was the first time actually we refused a GvG against VII and we will refuse any other GvG invitation for this week and probably the upcoming weeks as well.
We are recruiting atm to get back in action again but there is no point fighting a guild while many core members are mia.

I disagree. There is nothing better than a GvG for people who want to prove themselves. Regardless of core, not so core or completly new members.
TUP did the GvG without many “core” members and we accept our defeat. We have shown improvement in the later rounds/scrimms and this is all that matters. It has shown weaknesses in our play and we are more than glad to fix them in the future.
And you clearly had the numbers to GvG us + having 10 members watching.
Just not caring about the ranking is the key to long term success. Refusing GvGs while having definelty more than enough people to choose from is just meh.

No sense in risking throwing off your rating just to appease a challenge. Best to wait for the core to be back available.

Scrimmage, sure. Actual GvG? No.

[[Unofficial GvG Scene Thread]]

in In-game Events

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Suggestion for hide from rankings guilds that have been inactive for over 1-2 months. It’s pointless to have in the rankings guild that are not currently playing.

Rankings will be displayed per month in the new design.

Solution for everything:

Take all the WvW guilds and GvG guilds and spread them out across about 6 EU servers. You will always have people to play, you will be able to GvG and you’ll have fun.

Just don’t bring that silly ppt game with you.

I wonder how avoidable that is. I personally agree with the theory that coverage creates PPT meta. And while a lot of us like to GvG, a lot of us also play WvW “normally” still, as well.

I think most guilds already have no intention at all of going THAT direction for more GvGs. t2/t3 seems to be something of a sweet spot at the moment. Would love to fight some guilds from the lower tiers though.

To totally go Paxa on you guys…what about creating a gvg tier? I would suggest the lower tiers but I have the feeling that any gvg guild transfers would immediately shove the server up a few ranks. I’m opposed to T1 because of queues and trolling though it is the most stable tier.

I doubt you could get significant buy-in for a GvG tier from the guilds. That’s a massive resource-sink.

I would love the bottom 6 servers to be designated the GvG tier, though. That’d be sweet.

Right now T2-3 is a prime spot for GvG in NA, not lower tiers. I think this is a fine spot to be in because this is the area where people start to have real coverage, and you’ll have a lot of trouble breaking past T3 without it. Though I guess the other issue is that the other T3 servers do have night coverage (SoS and CD, though I heard CD lost even more recently?)

I only suggested the lower tiers so we could avoid server congestion. Would suck if some guilds couldn’t get in due to servers going full. Anyway, I think it’s all chasing the wind. I can’t see a day when GvG guilds en masse would be willing to do this.

[[Unofficial GvG Scene Thread]]

in In-game Events

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


I think most guilds already have no intention at all of going THAT direction for more GvGs. t2/t3 seems to be something of a sweet spot at the moment. Would love to fight some guilds from the lower tiers though.

To totally go Paxa on you guys…what about creating a gvg tier? I would suggest the lower tiers but I have the feeling that any gvg guild transfers would immediately shove the server up a few ranks. I’m opposed to T1 because of queues and trolling though it is the most stable tier.

I doubt you could get significant buy-in for a GvG tier from the guilds. That’s a massive resource-sink.

I would love the bottom 6 servers to be designated the GvG tier, though. That’d be sweet.

[[Unofficial GvG Scene Thread]]

in In-game Events

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


We should have people at PAX with signs for devs to add a standard square room with blank terrain so we could have our GvGs…srsly, this is getting stupid. We couldn’t finish our match yesterday because Fear brought a 50-men zerg to wipe our GvG multiple times..

Remind me never to take FEAR seriously again….

If t1 NA continues this behavior I dont think it would be logical for any guild to xfer up there for gvgs. just for the risk of it being interrupted.

I think most guilds already have no intention at all of going THAT direction for more GvGs. t2/t3 seems to be something of a sweet spot at the moment. Would love to fight some guilds from the lower tiers though.

[[Unofficial GvG Scene Thread]]

in In-game Events

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


We should have people at PAX with signs for devs to add a standard square room with blank terrain so we could have our GvGs…srsly, this is getting stupid. We couldn’t finish our match yesterday because Fear brought a 50-men zerg to wipe our GvG multiple times..

Remind me never to take FEAR seriously again….

[[Unofficial GvG Scene Thread]]

in In-game Events

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Yeah, that’s a good call. Letting people know it’s going on is sure to attract the less savory types.

As far as FPS goes, I generally crank down my culling settings so it renders only the “low” number of players. That should allow the fighters to see those on the field, but just names of those on the hill.

Maybe a solution is to start making a ring of players around the whole arena to intercept known trolls before they get to the fight. Might also help on the FPS front if they’re spread out in a wide circle instead of one big clump. Dunno, just an idea.

[[Unofficial GvG Scene Thread]]

in In-game Events

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734
