I think laurels made sense when they first launched. Now, with the amount of stuff that depends on laurels, I think ANet should open up the discussion on how best to dole them out. There’s just a LOT of stuff that needs laurels now, and the supply of laurels hasn’t increased at all since almost the beginning of laurels.
Geez. As if the healway rangers weren’t OP enough already.
Anyone who plays even casually should have bucketloads of skill points. I’ve got 150+ sitting on most of my characters.
Great patch. Seems like things have really taken off for ANet in the past 6 months. Lots of good content, lots of good updates, tweaks, and changes. It felt rough for a while there, but it seems like things are being driven very well at the moment.
Edit: It also seems like ANet has learned some valuable lessons on the “PR” front as well, and has been excellent at communication, interaction, and acknowledging player desires.
Now if we could just have a talk about Scarlet…. xD
(edited by Hickeroar.9734)
Totally agree, we need more ways to get laurels…
This is really it. Laurels are just too slow to come. 40 laurels in a month, and you can blow 40 of them on a single trinket from a vendor. That’s broken. Working an entire month for a single amulet. Ouch.
I think dailies should just award 2, and monthlies should award 20.
I don’t think anyone in gold league should give a crap if FA tanked or not. They got a bunch of free wins and picked up momentum and now T2 looks fun again. Pre-league this matchup would have been over by monday or something, which kinda sucks for everyone.
+1. I fondly recall both the BG/KN/TC and the FA/TC/DB T2 matchups, where the week was up in the air right up until Friday. Right now, both FA and SoS are giving great fights, and I’m finding myself setting an early alarm clock just so I can get an extra hour of fun in before work.
Welcome back, FA, and glad we still have you in our matchup, SoS. Fun week!
Side note – to the SoS Guardian coming out of South Camp on FABL a few hours ago (that quaggen’ed himself while crossing the bridge) – you, sir, are the reason I love this game so much. Laughed my backside off for a good five minutes. Well played!
TC/FA/KN back near the beginning of the year was the golden era of WvW to me. So much fun.
Let me just say that I freakin’ love FA. One of the only servers out there that consistently takes any fight offered to them and doesn’t ragequit when things don’t go their way. <3 So glad you guys are back…
Man I come back from my 3 month Hiatus and find EP gone = (.
The sauce is calling you!!!!
Hey man. And the sauce is calling me
. Just at odd times lol. 5 pm to say 7:30ish and 6am to maybe 9 or 10. Depends on the day
Missed you man. Glad you’re back. I’ve got an account on TC that’s in ZzZz and CERN, so I’ll make an effort to meet up and pal around in WvW with ya.
Man I come back from my 3 month Hiatus and find EP gone = (.
The sauce is calling you!!!!
Awesome start by FA. Glad to see you guys still have the fire.
I didn’t even bother with working toward the chest. I play WvW for fun, not rewards. I didn’t change my play style at all due to the achievements or rewards chest.
I feel like people who played like me are the ones who “won.” No stress, and we reaped the rewards in fun that we always expect and enjoy.
Always take a greatsword in a phantasm roaming build. Without it, your chasing ability is significantly less. The greatsword has a 1,200 range auto that does upwards of 2k damage on glassy targets, and the perfect cripple-applying phantasm for chasing.
2k? I do 3k-5k on glassy targets. If you’re roaming you should always run full glass, imho.
Well done for taking our T3 LLK on reset, Asuna. I guess I will be sucking on fishballs tonight as you dance in front of our spawn. Mmm…. not.
Hey! Be nice! :-P
In other news, what’s a fishball?
I was being nice.
Ah! One can never tell with you. ;-)
JK, I’m just bummed about the beating you gave my body in the moat of bay. I’m still sore. Hopefully we can still have something special…
Also, fishballs look NASTY. /shudder
Well done for taking our T3 LLK on reset, Asuna. I guess I will be sucking on fishballs tonight as you dance in front of our spawn. Mmm…. not.
Hey! Be nice! :-P
In other news, what’s a fishball?
ty SoSBL guys for being v fun and cool with our dumb bored guild last night. Esp that sakura mesmer being v cool with us and having fun in party chat with me
Speaking of [WCS], you might want to take a look at your guildes on EB last night. This engi was speed-hacking, and seems like he’s been doing it for some time.
QFT. We’ve seen this guy running around for a while now.
Getting a little sick of seeing so many Mesmers and Guardians in wvw, both awesome in roaming and zerg play.
Maybe time for the balancing guys to look at these two classes and tome them down a little?
Mesmers are hard for zerg play, not “awesome” for it. Most mesmers are only set up to play minor support roles like dropping veils and null fields. It takes a pretty good amount of work and skill to play a mesmer that can do real damage to a zerg.
All I want is a commander tag only visible to a guild. If you’re a member of that guild you can see the tag. If you’re not…you can’t.
If you made that one addition I’d be happy with it.
All the non important people are talking kitten and stuff, thinking they represent the whole player base of a server. It is amusing!
Hey, all I see is a pleasant discussion about crafting…
Crafting 0-400 only gets you 7 lvls per craft btw. It’s a shame they backed that off…
Just gotta learn how to WvW and not die so much. It takes one camp flip to get all the stacks and if you’re with a talented group you can survive for hours.
- We need a guild-specific commander tag.
- They should not be overly difficult to obtain. It should be a one-time build like other guild upgrades, and a checkbox should be added so only certain ranks can access it.
- A new squad option should be added under the current create squad option for guild commanding. If you have created a guild squad, the regular squad creation button should be disabled, or should toggle your guild squad off if it’s clicked.
- The tag color needs to be different if it’s a guild commander. It needs to contrast from all the main colors such as red (enemies), green (allies), and gold (guild). Maybe a bright purple or something.
- This may be obvious, but only people repping your guild should be able to see the tag.
At first I was angry about TC coming to MagBL just to fight SoS; but then I got warm fuzzies when I realized that they were looking for fights and realized that, even on mag’s BL, the best ones are with SoS.
If by best you mean the ones they can win.
Yeah, they were winning so much that we stood back and watched AGG and NS destroy their queue map blob to keep it fair(it was a classic mishmash blob too, nothing resembling coordination; just hurling bags…I mean bodies at us.)
Well, Agg is leaving soon (sometime next week I heard), so so much for the best fights being with SOS lol. It was very kind of the Australian National Army to deliver lootbags to us on TCBL and EB this morning though.
Yeah, sadly AGG only likes to visit in the Fall on SoS. Hopefully they will find what they are looking for in EU (or wherever they go).
Luckily they aren’t the only guilds that collect a lot of TC bags.
Agg is just Nomadic. Any server they arrive at can expect that they’ll eventually be gone. It’s how they like to play. They chase new fights on new servers.
They’ve transferred like 15 times now and people still like to give them flack for being “traitors.” You can’t be a traitor to something you never had loyalty to. It’s a game and this is just how Agg likes to play it. <3
This is excellent news. Thanks for the change!
Yes Chris we can muster a large force organized in TS depending on who is online.
I do not want to be a blob. I want to be a organized force, responsive to commands (driving), trained to respond to direction and drills like battle drills with specific actions on contact. Disciplined to avoid over pursuit. Fast to respond to specific tactics. I agree bottlenecks can be effective in limiting ranged attacks and focusing fire. But take the area NW of nw tower and citadel spawn. As an attacking force you know the three locations your opponent will approach from in any number and you can use elevation on either side of the road to force choke points outside of siege range from the tower. If you choose to fight on the high ground there you have a cliff at your back and no where to fall back to. If you choose to fight between garri and the tower you have a cliff you can escape by and fall back to the open field toward bay. So pick either position and form up. Then what? Wait for the opponent to assault your position? Kite them until they are out if siege range then turn and smack them in the face? Stack , stealth and cut between garri ciff and the tower and push them toward the camp and ramps exposing your rear to their reinforcements?
80 people IS a blob. There’s not going to be any kind of micromanagement or organization at that level.
If you want an “organized force” as opposed to a “blob,” run with 30 tops. Watch some GvG videos on youtube if you want to look at specifics.
There shouldn’t be rewards. This is coverage wars. Rewarding a server because they have a higher WvW population is nonsensical in the extreme.
If you have an 80 man force, you just need to do surround-and-pound with a solid core of frontline controlling the center. There’s not a lot of tactics when you have that huge of a group. If you’re not overwhelming them, then it’s a relative crapshoot.
Basically your range should quickly spread and pound the enemy blob from the outside with everything they have. This is one of the reasons it’s really frustrating to fight a Maguuma map-blob. They spread like crazy, you can rarely kill them all, and you get pwned by 40 nearly-glass freecaster.
You should have a decent sized tough core of frontliners that stay right on the tag handing out CC of all kinds and appearing as a “target” for the enemy zerg. Your periphs destroy the enemy while they’re focused on your tough frontline.
Also, don’t tail out. Train your blob to stay ON you while moving. Blast statics, etc. 80 players stretched from speld all the way to anz are very easy to destroy by a skilled/coordinated “death ball” zerg of 25-30.
There are a million theories for this junk though. It’s not a “this is the right way” kind of thing.
Blobbing sucks. Don’t do it. If you killed 40 with 80 you proved absolutely nothing.
(edited by Hickeroar.9734)
I’m on SoS. I felt like it was pretty fun overall. Mag seems to be having fun with their karma train server blobs. Not sure which you’re from.
However, my guild’s goals are different from a lot of guilds. :P
I think it was fun at first. Now that the winners are decided, most servers have resorted to troll tactics.
The best thing you can do is break them up into 2-4 groups and attack multiple targets at the same time. You’re almost guaranteed to get 1-3 of your targets. With a blob you’re not guaranteed anything. 3-4 acs and a door treb can almost always defend against a blob.
Blobbing is externally admitting that you suck while internally thinking that you’re skilled.
Perplexity Runes are definitely on our radar. I talked with our designers about this and you can expect some changes to this rune-set in the near future. I don’t have specific details on what changes we’ll be making, but I figured I’d let you guys know that we are looking at it.
Thanks guys!
I would suggest reducing the stacks of confusion added from 5 to 1. That would be reasonable. Compare to the sigil of torment, for instance. 1 stack of torment on a long cooldown. 5 stacks is overkill. On a player stacked with condition damage, that’s over a thousand damage per action.
I’m sure the trolling will taper off as time goes by. Same thing happened on the BL ruins. It’s a fad. If they had made ANY large change to Obs Sanc, this would happen to everyone who was coming in there to check it out.
That said, I would just love to extend a big ol’ thanks to ANet for listening to their players. It was kinda ugly there for a while, and I lost all hope of any support being given to the GvG community, but I’ve never been more happy to be proven wrong.
The Arena is great. We, [EP], spent several hours in there last night doing GvG scrims with OnS, and it was exactly what we’d hoped for. The size is great, the landmarks (flame colors and statue types) really help with orientation and instruction, and there’s a lot of room for spectators to stay out of the way of the fights and watch.
Once our fights started, the trolling almost completely dropped off, and we ended up with a lot of people sitting in the stands and on the wooden piers watching. Even the guilds who had been in there trolling people for hours beforehand (even some guilds who openly oppose GvG) ended up just standing back and watching. Goes to show ya that even the opponents of organized GvG are drawn in once they experience it firsthand.
I’m thrilled. Thanks so much for doing this for us.
The only suggestions I could offer would be:
- Change the color of the floor so there’s more contrast with bodies/names tags. It’s sometimes hard to see who’s alive and who’s dead (on the enemy team). Something closer to the windmill hill’s texture would be great. Either way it’s not “bad.”
- Add merch/repair, or at the very least a repair anvil.
(edited by Hickeroar.9734)
What if I wanna join Scarlet? I’d totally be into her if I could be on her side. :P
ANet do you realize that you only have a game while you have players to play it right? What happen when the numbers of players drop to an unsustainable number?
Same thing that NCSoft did to City of Heroes…they shut it down.
City of heroes was making a profit when it was shut down. People are still scratching their heads as to why NCSOFT killed it. This isn’t ANet’s dept though.
I would probably buy this set if you could Dye the flames.
As it stands, I won’t. It only looks good with whites/reds/blacks dyed on to the fabric.
^ this.
Walk up to the gate on the highest level character, then log out and walk up to the gate on the other chars. Levels will be synced.
Every time ANet has made something account bound that used to be soulbound, this is typically the method to jar it loose. You have to visit all your toons.
Scarlet is fine.
Obsessing over her and involving her with everything that goes on in the world…endlessly…is not fine.
It’s time to put her to bed and move on to the next crisis. She’s not even threatening. She’s just annoying at this point. Give us more dragon-level-threats. Not some immortal James Bond knock-off villain from the 1970s.
If your character’s higher level is above 30, it’s lowered back to 30.
You can’t access the synced levels across all characters until you log in on chars that are higher.
I could only access lvl 3 on my mesmer. I logged out and logged in on my guard, then walked up to the portal and it said lvl 30. I logged back out and back on my mesmer, walked up to the portal and it now said 30.
Anyone else sick of scarlet?
Seriously though, I always stand by devs because I appreciate how demanding their job is. Though, this is a pretty bad fail. Something so simple and obvious having such a large impact on the patch.
Haha yeah, it’s a real head scratcher.
You can only revive at a checkpoint when the entire party is dead and/or out of combat.
There’s no revive modal popup. It just gives you a WP option and no WP. :P
If someone relogs, they can rez everyone.
I’m not really concerned about the length, just the issues that cause the length.
Dredge would be fine at 30 minutes, if it didn’t involve attacking dredge as they magically pop out of an empty clown car for 15 minutes on end, delayed by invulnerability per spawn.
Harpies would be fine if they didn’t have 4000 range and went invulnerable when you make one mistake.
QFT. I’m excited to get in there and see what changes they made though. Hopefully some of this is more balanced out than it was.
I think higher level fractals NEEDED new mechanics and rewards. Around lvl 30 is when fractals really start becoming challenging, and honestly it was just a “here are more, stronger mobs and higher health pools” before. I think the change is needed, and I welcome it.
OT: I also applaud their decision to make the easier fractals harder and the harder fractals easier. I think that needed to happen.
I do think they’re out of their minds to consider “cliffside” to be an “easy” fractal though. Another one of those “do they even play this game?” moments.
Just stopping in to give TC a big ol’ thumbs up. Looks like you’re fighting hard and doing an awesome job!
Dear Umberglade Police,
We’re watching you.
The Godfather – Umberglade MafiaUmberglade Mafia you will know justice!
We’re watching you!Sincerely,
Umberglade Police dept.
Thanks to the BG guys who played along with us. Had a really good time skirmishing in umber all week. I think we even saw the commander of the BG zerg last night wearing a [Um] tag. <3
I fought a bunch of times with a BG commander this morning, busy trying to take out our siege over the course of an hour atop SMC. What skill tree has flight so I can even it out a bit?
I think he just longbow 3’d you (stealth) then ran around behind you to the other outcropping.
Edit: now that I’m watching it again though, it doesn’t look like it.
I definitely want to know where to get that trait. :P Maybe I’ll play my ranger in WvW, haha.
(edited by Hickeroar.9734)