Showing Posts For Jim Hunter.6821:

AC destruction hitting DH

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Actually it is fine, one of the reasons WvW has died off is because they listened to people who lack basic logic and cried about needing tools to defend against superior numbers, so they added siege like shield gens, buffed AC damage, fortified everything, put in trash mechanics like chilling fog, etc.

Shield gens are actually more offensive than defensive. EWP and Invuln created more fights by giving players a chance to respond. The supply tactic is solid. Chilling Fog nor Air Defense stops a superior force and rarely even slows them down. At best they give an advantage in even numbers for a minute or so. They gutted SMC stealth. All the banners are now meh. Of course all the tactics are often trolled in such a way that makes them completely pointless.

Basically none of what you are talking about had a substantial effect on the attack methods of a superior force with the exception of shield gens which as noted made it EASIER.

Back to the topic on hand, there is little counter siege against rams except ACs. Using a trait that auto-magically destroys ACs (but no other siege) is a poor design.

All of those would be fine if you could only use them in outnumbered situations. As it stands now it’s just made it more effective to form 1 giant blob and have 3 or 4 people spread out to pull tactivators to delay any small group that attacks.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

A Quick Update on DBL

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Well people from both sides need to just shut up about it already and move on.
Stop trying to convince the other side in here, people hate it or people love it by playing it, move on.
It’s not going to get removed, move on.
There’s three other maps to play on if you don’t like it, move on.

That’s why I hate these forums sometimes, people come in here bringing up the same kitten over and over again when it’s full well known a change will not be made, move on.

Then shut up and move on

You first sir! you first!

Oh I have. I haven’t participated in the last several dbl threads, the only reason I popped up in this one was because of the dev’s snarky comment.

I’ve about given up on expecting anet to put forth any real effort as far as WvW is concerned which means it’s doubtful they will remove the dbl. I just avoid it unless I’m short on time and need an easy daily. Hell I can even solo my daily keep capture there without any fear of being interrupted.

I will however continue to debate blatantly false statements like Spurnshadow claiming, “The majority of people either like it or are ok with it. I think the amount of people who would not play because their guild or commander is running on DBL is almost non-existent.”

He may like the map and that’s fine but that statement is complete kitten and everyone knows it. You can’t go more than a couple days on this forum without seeing a thread pop up asking to get rid of the dbl. Any time people call for help capping or defending something in the dbl in team chat there are multiple responses along the lines of “kitten that kittening map.” If he really thinks every one is fine with it just because he likes the map then he is fooling himself.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

A Quick Update on DBL

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Well people from both sides need to just shut up about it already and move on.
Stop trying to convince the other side in here, people hate it or people love it by playing it, move on.
It’s not going to get removed, move on.
There’s three other maps to play on if you don’t like it, move on.

That’s why I hate these forums sometimes, people come in here bringing up the same kitten over and over again when it’s full well known a change will not be made, move on.

Then shut up and move on

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

A Quick Update on DBL

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

I would argue kill count is a good measure/activity. If there are enough players from each server on a map, they’ll find each other and kill each other. .. and if they can’t/won’t, well then the map isn’t working properly.

Re: T1. Mag hates Red BL. If you even mention it in team chat, everyone will flat-out refuse to go there. Occasionally, you might draw one of the fight guilds out, but only if a very large group is attacking something. Most of the time a group of 2-4 players is enough to flip the map.

In all fairness just because the dbl has a lower kill count doesn’t mean it’s completely empty.

In my experiences playing on the dbl across every tier I’ll get maybe 1 kill for every hour I’m on the map. That involves ambushing and chasing players down because the majority of the time they will waypoint away as soon as they see me. The dbl “roamers” actively avoid fights in favor of back capping.
Now I’d argue that this type of playstyle is unhealthy for WvW as it leads to other players quitting out of boredom but there are obviously players that love their pve so much they are fine with carving a chunk out of WvW to have even more of it.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

A Quick Update on DBL

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

I’m aware of Tyler’s posts, which if you read them don’t ever promise a 3rd borderlands map. I just wanted to clarify that nowhere in the polls did we say anything about creating a 3rd borderlands map, even though that is stated as a ‘fact’ over and over again on the forums.

Well thanks for waiting nearly a year to clarify Anet’s stance on this….
Whether you all ever intended to make a 3rd bl or not it was pretty clear at the time of the poll that the players were under the impression that they better vote to keep the dbl if they ever wanted to see a new map. Don’t try and act like Tyler’s reddit post had no impact on the decision.

Likewise, don’t try to pass this off as Anet’s fault that you guys literally made kitten up and started believing it. There was never any indication whatsoever that keeping DBL would mean a third borderland would be developed.

He literary said keeping dbl means it’s more likely they would make a 3rd map. Just because he didn’t say vote for dbl or else go kitten yourself doesn’t mean it wasn’t heavily implied.

Also it’s not like the general impression that people had of his post wasn’t obvious. Go look at some of those threads and see how many players were saying stuff like, “I don’t like the dbl but I’m voting to keep it because I want them to make a 3rd map.”

That was the time they should have stated removing the map wouldn’t affect their decision, not a year later.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

A Quick Update on DBL

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

I’m aware of Tyler’s posts, which if you read them don’t ever promise a 3rd borderlands map. I just wanted to clarify that nowhere in the polls did we say anything about creating a 3rd borderlands map, even though that is stated as a ‘fact’ over and over again on the forums.

Well thanks for waiting nearly a year to clarify Anet’s stance on this….
Whether you all ever intended to make a 3rd bl or not it was pretty clear at the time of the poll that the players were under the impression that they better vote to keep the dbl if they ever wanted to see a new map. Don’t try and act like Tyler’s reddit post had no impact on the decision.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

AC destruction hitting DH

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

This seems like an unintended consequence of making conditions affect siege. Since Retaliation doesn’t hit them anymore, this will likely be patched in the future.

Of course, there’s no way to know for sure if it’s a bug or not unless Anet says something. Hopefully they fix it or speak up before people get too used to having it around.

It won’t let you solo a raid boss so I wouldn’t hold my breath expecting it to be changed anytime soon.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended


in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

As I said before most of the condi variants can’t effectively build for the same amount of active defense. The ones that can lack offensive pressure.

Condi pressure builds have both high DPS and monstrous active defense. Evade Condi Thief, Condi Chrono Bunker, Condi Mallyx Rev, Condi Chill Reaper… all work very well with Dire and have extremely strong active defense (evasion, stealth, etc).

Power builds are no longer “brittle” in comparison to condi unless the player threw together some kittenty yolo build that relies on catching people by surprise (and hoping they aren’t running passive traits to save them from a burst).

With a few exceptions, there are very few Power builds as bunker as Condi builds with the same or higher DPS. Most of those power builds actually fall apart against the builds I listed above. In duels, there actually isn’t a class that can consistently beat my condi thief build except Burn Blowup Guardian (50/50) and Mallyx Condi Rev (this wins almost every time).

High DPS isn’t as important in PvP as high burst and CC. How often can your condi thief land a decent burst, every 30 seconds or so? If you are up against one of the many professions that can instantly clear immobilize you can pretty much be ignored.

I don’t think I have ever died to a condi rev 1v1, I think the only reason you have a hard time with them is because their high resistance uptime pretty much hard counters condi builds.
Condi reapers are strong right now because of the change to deathly chill. In large scale fights they are dangerous because of epi. Neither of those are a gear problem. In small scalle fights they are still easy to kite or focus down, now you just have to be a little more careful to avoid the burst.

So that leaves Condi mes….. No one is arguing condi mes isn’t overpowered in small scale fights, it has been for years, but 1 out of 9 professions being too strong means there is a problem with that 1 profession, not the gear.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Vapenation gone roaming

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Chest thumping in a dead game….. gg

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Passive play and Lag

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

The problem with votes/polls is that we are given two basically poor choices, such as “do you want to be set on fire, or do you want to be boiled in oil”. We don’t want either, give us a meaningful choice. Many of us wanted an option to remove the desert BL altogether, but we sure as heck weren’t given that option to vote on.

Actions speak louder than words, and based on Anet’s actions, wvw will never be fixed. Look at Ghost Thief if you don’t agree. It took a pve incident to address that problem. Now all we have to look forward to are skirmish updates, which won’t address the condi BS or server link issues.

My guild keeps playing, but as soon as something decent comes out we are gone. Why give money or support to a company that ignores a large chunk of its consumers? Remember that, WE are the consumer.

We eventually were given the vote to remove the dbl….. but the option was remove it and never get a new map or keep it and maybe get a new map someday.

People voted to keep it because they were afraid anet would quit working on wvw completely.

As I said, 2 bad options. That’s wasn’t a real choice to remove the DBL, it was basically forcing us to keep it out of fear. What a crappy way to treat the wvw players.


Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Passive play and Lag

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

The problem with votes/polls is that we are given two basically poor choices, such as “do you want to be set on fire, or do you want to be boiled in oil”. We don’t want either, give us a meaningful choice. Many of us wanted an option to remove the desert BL altogether, but we sure as heck weren’t given that option to vote on.

Actions speak louder than words, and based on Anet’s actions, wvw will never be fixed. Look at Ghost Thief if you don’t agree. It took a pve incident to address that problem. Now all we have to look forward to are skirmish updates, which won’t address the condi BS or server link issues.

My guild keeps playing, but as soon as something decent comes out we are gone. Why give money or support to a company that ignores a large chunk of its consumers? Remember that, WE are the consumer.

We eventually were given the vote to remove the dbl….. but the option was remove it and never get a new map or keep it and maybe get a new map someday.

People voted to keep it because they were afraid anet would quit working on wvw completely.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Jade Quarry Desert Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

JQ’s Asians are the ones that usually flip it. You know Mag isn’t going to touch it.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Request for fair gearing

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

A lot of you seem confused, the op wasn’t asking for the limited PvP amulet system. He was asking for existing gear to be scaled to ascended stats in WvW.

Since anet has given PvP and PvE ways to grind out ascended gear but left WvW with nothing but an rng chance of getting it, this seems like a very fair solution. For those of you that insist that having ascended stats don’t give you an advantage (which literally makes no sense) you shouldn’t have a problem with everyone being scaled to those stats. Ascended still has the added benefit of being account bound rather than character bound so they will still be worth having.

The one thing missing from the op is the new stat armor/weapons should all be added to the armor vendor so that you can straight up purchase it with WvW currency like you can with the older gear. If they insist on guaranteeing only HoT players can buy it they can just make it cost a combo of badges and proofs.

Build diversity shouldn’t be locked behind grinding out gear (more efficiently) in other game modes.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended


in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

When power builds are easily landing 5-10k+ hits on players with 3k armor, the passive survival dire gear is providing is 1 extra burst or maybe a few auto attacks.

Traits/active defense/boons>toughness

The effective difference between 3k armor and 22k health compared to 2k armor and 17k health is substantial. That is effectively 60% more passive defense against power. The cost of that passive defense on a condi build is typically negligible. This level of passive defense also make the active defense stronger. The difference between being two shotted and four shotted is massive in this game.

Sure there are a handful of builds that can land 10k shots on 3k armor with a lot of stacking but those same builds are extremely brittle and can rarely survive counters which is exactly what that level of passive defense gives a player. I tear most thieves up on my condi build but can hardly survive their burst on my power builds.

As I said before most of the condi variants can’t effectively build for the same amount of active defense. The ones that can lack offensive pressure.

Power builds are no longer “brittle” in comparison to condi unless the player threw together some kittenty yolo build that relies on catching people by surprise (and hoping they aren’t running passive traits to save them from a burst). If that’s the case that is the players choice and they have no grounds to complain (just like the players complaining about condi that don’t bring condi cleanse).

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

No perma stealth condi thief in T4

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

If not, then just destroy it completely by giving teleport with guns shooting radiating spider web to every class and make all look like hulk-coloured unicorns with devilish horns, beer backpacks and weed logo on their chests so all can be happy.

Wtf does this sentence even mean? Maybe try using punctuation next time.

Teleport with guns already exists,
Not to mention theif SB has a teleport and sword on multiple professions has a teleport.
Devil horns are in game, you can make a character green, no idea wtf a beer backpack is but there’s plenty of goofy back pack skins.

Please stop ranting and make a sound argument of why the game would be better with ghost thief.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Please let Up and Down System back

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

They did say if they went with 1 up 1 down they could try out monthly link rotations. That would make it a lot more expensive to bandwagon every new link, might help balance out the populations.

Which would help how exactly, other than antagonize players and make the transfer whales give more momey to Anet? Plus, you would even need weekly links to adjust when servers move between tiers since the links balance only the 3 servers in a tier.

Alternativly, the option is to allow tier movement only on a monthly basis (when relinks happen).

Up/down also break down if tiers dont win and loose in the same way. What happens in a scenario where a server dominate T3, but T2 is fairly equal fight where wins are traded every week between the 3? Who in T2 will drop over the course of 3 weeks when all of them got a win, a loss and 2nd place?

With a monthly rotation, trying to bandwagon for the win by moving servers becomes twice as expensive as it currently is making it a much less desirable option, especially since they won’t be able to steamroll a match up for several weeks due to glicko hell. Once they win they move up.

Also a lot of movement recently has occurred because servers are getting stuck in T1 and even though they are just getting kitten on they are still gaining glicko. TC lost a ton of players, many of which moved in large groups to other servers unbalancing those match ups, and I’m sure there were others that finally had enough and just quit the game. Both of which are bad for the overall health of WvW. And the thing is TC had the players to be competitive at the start but after weeks of losing less and less players were logging in.

In a 1 up 1 down system with monthly rotations they would have dropped after the 1st loss, likely won the next week in T2 and the morale boost might have been enough to get their fairweathers to log in more on the 3rd week when they were back in T1 to the point where they could snag 1st or 2nd place.

For arguments sake let’s say they just couldn’t compete in T1 but they were too big for T2. That means TC would have 2 bad weeks of getting kitten on, T2 would have 2 bad weeks of having to deal with TC, and then everyone would be relinked to come up with more balanced matches.

2 bad weeks is a hell of a lot better than the current system of 2 months where servers are locked into terrible matches because players bandwagon at the start and glicko is way to slow to respond.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Time for New Guild Hall upgrades

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

My thoughts are, “Why the kitten was this posted in the WvW section?”

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Please let Up and Down System back

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Back? It was never a thing.

Also it will be too volatile for the poor suckers stuck right between tiers.

Oh you fought tooth and nail this tier and ranked up? GG meeting 2 servers you have zero chance to fight while the server that got bumped down in your place will meet 2 servers it could dominate with half its population. The result will just be your servers bouncing up and down every week.

The current wide tier range on matchups is kittened, true, but we do need some flexibility and variety, given how the tier system works.

They did say if they went with 1 up 1 down they could try out monthly link rotations. That would make it a lot more expensive to bandwagon every new link, might help balance out the populations.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Please let Up and Down System back

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

we poll it 3 months ago.
that’s Good Idea.

VP#3 (Drop to Tier 2)
Tier 2 :
VP#1 (Up to Tier 1)


Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

WvW is ready for a tournament.

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

yea, tournaments are the way to go to revive WvW. the reason they gave was absurd, IIRC they said they don’t want tourneys because they see a sharp decline of players after tourney ends.

i mean, issn’t that normal? a surge in players will result in a decline. nothing wrong with it. tourneys actually give a reason for interest of PPT

Tournaments gave a reason to bandwagon to select servers to guarantee a win.

If they just want to draw in pve players all they have to do is offer some unique items in wvw tracks (and prevent those tracks from working in EotM).

Answer: Close server transfers before announcing WvW tourney. Open it back up once its over.

How would that help when the servers aren’t currently competitive?

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

WvW is ready for a tournament.

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

yea, tournaments are the way to go to revive WvW. the reason they gave was absurd, IIRC they said they don’t want tourneys because they see a sharp decline of players after tourney ends.

i mean, issn’t that normal? a surge in players will result in a decline. nothing wrong with it. tourneys actually give a reason for interest of PPT

Tournaments gave a reason to bandwagon to select servers to guarantee a win.

If they just want to draw in pve players all they have to do is offer some unique items in wvw tracks (and prevent those tracks from working in EotM).

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended


in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

On small scale I see far more thieves, DH’s, war’s, rangers, ele’s, engi’s, and rev’s running power. The only classes that I see running condi the majority of the time are mesmer’s and necro’s, and even then a really good power mes is a lot scarier than 90% of the condi mesmers I run into.

Power builds must give up passive survival to get good DPS. Condi builds are the exact opposite. So yes a really good power player can and will beat the snot out of a condi build.

However on average condi brings passive survival unmatched by power. Hence my point that PVT is laughable for DPS while Dire is effective at both bunkering and DPS.

When power builds are easily landing 5-10k+ hits on players with 3k armor, the passive survival dire gear is providing is 1 extra burst or maybe a few auto attacks.

Traits/active defense/boons>toughness

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

[Serious] What purpose do you give Eotm now?

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Eotm wasn’t a beta test for anything, don’t know where anyone got that idea….

" Edge of the Mists serves as a testing ground for the new features that may be introduced to WvW"

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended


in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

One more time. You do not need to be in berserkr armor in order to do damage in a power build. Nothing FORCES this on people. You can do plenty of damage in a power build without traiting power, precision ferocity.

No build exists that can take down my condi thief or several bunker variants in other classes I run using PVT. Several classes in Dire can condi down just about any build on all classes including a few bunker ones dedicated to removing condi.

Condi in WvW right now is significantly stronger in small scale on most classes than power and it isn’t even close.

I troll power builds with a non-stealth thief condi build. The hardest hitting builds in WvW have maybe a 1 in 10 shot at bringing me down and that is almost completely reliant on the attacker being an order of magnitude better than my old kitten .

On small scale I see far more thieves, DH’s, war’s, rangers, ele’s, engi’s, and rev’s running power. The only classes that I see running condi the majority of the time are mesmer’s and necro’s, and even then a really good power mes is a lot scarier than 90% of the condi mesmers I run into.

When I do run into condi ranger’s, ele’s, engi’s, rev’s, and war’s they are a lot easier to handle than their counterparts running power for various reasons depending on the class, lack of mobility, not enough cover conditions, etc.
For example a warrior without GS is going to have a much harder time landing his burst to proc things like cleansing ire and adrenal health, if he decides to take a bow to guarantee the procs he is limiting his mobility.

A condi thief might become more tanky but if you have adequate cleanse and you don’t blow it early they are manageable. They are also easier to run from if you can’t handle the condi’s. Plus it’s also pretty easy to pull off a non glassy power thief post HoT.

Condi necro might be a little overtuned at the moment but it still suffers from lack of mobility, so if you can kite it and wear down it’s shroud bar it’s a winnable fight. Condi mesmer is something that needs to be addressed but that’s a class problem, not a gear problem.

I roughly share the same experience and analysis. In the small scale area, most players run power, with the notable exception of mesmers and necros (and, sometimes, rangers). To me, necros are a pain because of their ability to corrupt, and mesmers, because of their ability to kite, evade etc. But that’s a class design.

I’m curious why the above poster doesn’t like power mesmer. If it’s the same reason why I don’t like them either, it’s because of stunlock. Oddly enough, I see far less complaints about the stunlock+burst sequence that makes your toon melt far faster than condi builds (condi bombs put aside).

Yeah that’s pretty much it. You can kitten up vs a condi mes and recover but if a power mes manages to lock you down you are pretty much screwed. I think mesmer is one of the professions they really screwed up with when they introduced The HoT specs. Chrono affecting cooldowns makes it impossible to balance.

That being said, I would still argue mes’s condi build needs to adjusted way before they look at power. It’s way too strong considering it’s low skill floor. Once again, that has nothing to do with dire gear, that has to do with anets use of PvE balance in WvW, specifically the way they added a passive tic to confusion.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

How Dare Devil Should Have Been

in Thief

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

I don’t understand your concept ^^

How do you counter things ?

Yeah I reread it 3 times and I’m still trying to figure it out. Is the counter attack bar supposed to be like the necro shroud bar and it auto blocks hits? Once it expires you get access to your DD utilities?
Seriously have no clue what the op is trying to describe.

But in that case it’s a block spam ^^ It’s the same as evade spam…..I was thinking about a aegis proc on demand ? or set of utility like fist flurry…you get 1 block and if you counter the skill change to an attack thingy with a special mechanic. Like a defensive version of s/d #3

I wasn’t arguing it was a good idea lol, I was just trying to riddle out what the hell he was talking about.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

so muddy terrain: bring back camouflage

in Ranger

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Both Muddy Terrain (the skill) and Soften the Fall (trait) have their niche uses. Outright deleting them would be a mistake IMO.

While I wouldn’t be against some reliable stealth for Ranger (LB3 never works when I need it >_>), that’s probably something to save for another elite spec/new skill type.

It does need changing though, it’s crap in its current form (even look like it lol).

Personally I’d like to see it pulse a knockdown. It would still thematically make sense since mud is slippery. It would bring the skill back the skill to is original purpose of being a cc (too many classes can fully ignore immobilize, thief, war, groups keeping up resistance, etc.)

It would need a tweak to the duration and cooldowns but that would turn it into a skill worth considering for every game mode.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

give necro stealth and see what happens

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

I made a norn necro just for that reason pre HoT, but deleted it post HoT because I didn’t feel like grinding out a 2nd reaper

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

ascended items to buy

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

when does wvw get this option like pvp and fracs have now?

WvW players are really into PvE so we don’t get nice things.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

BG going to just do dailies this week

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Yup gotta make sure FA gains enough glicko to keep Mag out of T1……

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

How Dare Devil Should Have Been

in Thief

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

I don’t understand your concept ^^

How do you counter things ?

Yeah I reread it 3 times and I’m still trying to figure it out. Is the counter attack bar supposed to be like the necro shroud bar and it auto blocks hits? Once it expires you get access to your DD utilities?
Seriously have no clue what the op is trying to describe.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended


in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

One more time. You do not need to be in berserkr armor in order to do damage in a power build. Nothing FORCES this on people. You can do plenty of damage in a power build without traiting power, precision ferocity.

No build exists that can take down my condi thief or several bunker variants in other classes I run using PVT. Several classes in Dire can condi down just about any build on all classes including a few bunker ones dedicated to removing condi.

Condi in WvW right now is significantly stronger in small scale on most classes than power and it isn’t even close.

I troll power builds with a non-stealth thief condi build. The hardest hitting builds in WvW have maybe a 1 in 10 shot at bringing me down and that is almost completely reliant on the attacker being an order of magnitude better than my old kitten .

On small scale I see far more thieves, DH’s, war’s, rangers, ele’s, engi’s, and rev’s running power. The only classes that I see running condi the majority of the time are mesmer’s and necro’s, and even then a really good power mes is a lot scarier than 90% of the condi mesmers I run into.

When I do run into condi ranger’s, ele’s, engi’s, rev’s, and war’s they are a lot easier to handle than their counterparts running power for various reasons depending on the class, lack of mobility, not enough cover conditions, etc.
For example a warrior without GS is going to have a much harder time landing his burst to proc things like cleansing ire and adrenal health, if he decides to take a bow to guarantee the procs he is limiting his mobility.

A condi thief might become more tanky but if you have adequate cleanse and you don’t blow it early they are manageable. They are also easier to run from if you can’t handle the condi’s. Plus it’s also pretty easy to pull off a non glassy power thief post HoT.

Condi necro might be a little overtuned at the moment but it still suffers from lack of mobility, so if you can kite it and wear down it’s shroud bar it’s a winnable fight. Condi mesmer is something that needs to be addressed but that’s a class problem, not a gear problem.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

When do servers get relinked next?

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

After analyzing the results we have decided to go with a 2 month world linking evaluation schedule because the majority of players voted for evaluations to be more frequent than quarterly but less frequent than monthly.

i like how the dev in your quote explained why 1 month relinking wont work

The dev said it wouldn’t currently work at that time because glicko is to slow to adjust…. and then they went and made it even slower with the last scoring change resulting in even more stale matches (unless manually adjusted).

They also said they are considering changing glicko which is something that needs to happen anyway because its original design was for 1v1 matches and it has been a horrible failure for WvW.

Once again, they are reevaluating past decisions based on current data. It’s part of the learning process, you should try it sometime.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

No perma stealth condi thief in T4

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

As someone else noted, ghost thief was nerfed to the floor. It’s possible to do damage without being revealed now, but would take about 10-15x longer to kill someone. The main damage traps were made to trigger reveal.

You don’t see ghost thieves anymore because Anet nerfed it when a thief solo’d a raid boss with it.

A trap should never reveal a caster, but the victim. Logic, duh! ANet again demonstrated they have 0 clue and no common sense whatsoever.

I like the fact it got nerfed, but I expected a more logical approach, like removing the even so completely obsolete Trapper runes, removing certain condis from the thief or reducing stacks and duration. How absurd does this even sound… you place a trap and YOU get revealed? This does not make any sense!

And again we got a nerf only after something happened in PVE… if this kept going on in other game modes they wouldn’t care…

Good thing ESL cancelled this game.

I absolutely agree, I mean in real life when I’m using my magic powers to make me invisible and I trap people I don’t suddenly become visible. Where’s the logic anet!


Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Game play experience...Blackgate vs Anvil R

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Depends on what time of day you play and how you play. I’m currently on FA and CD (or servers linked with them) and during NA prime they are pretty much the same thing, lot of blobbing, very few roaming groups less than 10 people.

During euro T4 is way more fun than T1 for roaming, lot of 1-3 man fights and there’s usually (not always) a pug blob going.

I’m not usually on for ocx but on the few occasions I have been things seemed fairly balanced but not very active. But it’s still more fun than dealing with JQ’s crappy k-train crew that runs away from anything close to an actual fight.

Probably the most enjoyable thing about T4 is you don’t run into nearly as many of the try hard gank groups that comp 10 man parties to lock down 1 or 2 people but will run from 7 pugs. Basically there is slightly less cheese.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

When do servers get relinked next?

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

They need to quit kittening around and switch to monthly relinks.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Condi druid wvw build?

in Ranger

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Shortbow has seen nothing but buffs since the game’s release…..

……not counting the huge nerf to its range, attack speed….

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Mag KDR is insane

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Ahhh it’s time for the weekly Mag chest thumping thread I see. You would think they would get tired of this but apparently not.

If I remember correctly the op is on TC

Maybe try reading the entire post, it clearly wasn’t just in the first post.

I read the entire post, if you read the peoples sig lines you’d notice there’s plenty of people responding that aren’t on Mag, myself included. Maybe try not being so booty bothered.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Mag KDR is insane

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Ahhh it’s time for the weekly Mag chest thumping thread I see. You would think they would get tired of this but apparently not.

If I remember correctly the op is on TC

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Mag KDR is insane

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Well when you gank 10v1 you get ten kills added to your KDR with no deaths.

Pretty sure that’s not how that works…

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Should radar balloons be destroyable?

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

They are currently destroyable, just take the tower. We really don’t need more siege BS in wvw.

Perhaps if Anet fixed the current serious issues I’d entertain this idea, but as it is, nope.

This would be a counter to the BS that is the watchtower.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Ghost thief got nerfed this patch, ya happy?

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

If they are not relying on traps they are likely using panic strike at long duration to immob in a Caltrops field.

Individually this not as effective as the ones that used traps but it still doable and especially in wvw where so many leave condition cleanse at home.

Panic Strike requires a strike, which requires revealed/out of stealth.

You can damage players and stay in stealth but you need the immobilize to keep them in place to make caltrops dangerous, otherwise you just don’t have enough pressure

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Nerf or remove the condi

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

I will keep this short.
Anet remove or nerf the condi cause in wvw there is no piont to roam or to have fun fights anymore. This is what wvw is now 1 enemy spam a stupid skill. You, remove condi, resistance, heal. Your boons got removed. Heals, restistance, remove condi. CD. Game over. Your scwered.

Either give resistance a longer stack and cannot be removed. Or give more condi removal to other classes and not only DRUID!! Or bring back the good old days where small group was be possible to wipe blobs (with no high condi damage!!). Because now there is 0% chance to wipe blobs

Fix the game… thank god..

The Scene:

WvW Alpine BL

Eight or Ten Friendly Troops

Three to Four Enemy Troops

The result:

Three Friendly Players Downed Without Any Chance To Fight

Forth Player Dead In Two Hits With 1300+healing, 3200+Toughness and Not Standing In Any Red Circles.

If there is no mitigation of condi versus the application of condi, the game is truly and absolutely broken.

If you lost with double their numbers you were outplayed…..

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Ghost thief got nerfed this patch, ya happy?

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Traps: All traps created by the thief will have a 1-second arm time before the trap can affect enemies.
Needle Trap: This skill now delivers a strike.
Tripwire: This skill now delivers a strike.

Nope, sorry, the Ghost Thief is well and alive since I’ve been killed by two since ‘the patch’.

Invisible should be a long cooldown, not a bounce off the wall or ambient creature and be forever invisible and able to kill without ever being seen.

Unless they broke it again with 1 of the patches they should still be getting revealed if they try to immobilize you with a trap.

If you aren’t being immobilized they shouldn’t be able to stack enough bleeds to be any kind of threat unless you are afk.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Perma evade pistol whip thief

in PvP

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Don’t keep mashing buttons, if you hit them with a condi bomb then stop attacking. They might be able to clear a few with their signet, possibly another with a heal, but after that you have a good 30 sec window where they are relying on evades for cleanse. As a condi necro you can easily hit them with a second bomb and then try to LoS/kite.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Is Gate of Madness a good fit for you?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

I would consider changing servers again, however how is the coverage throughout the day and what tier have you guys been hovering around the last couple of months?

Depends on who GoM get’s linked to. There most likely going to be stuck in T4 for the rest of this linking but they could be anywhere next time around.

I find plenty of action during euro hours but I mainly solo roam and don’t pay much attention to the score so I can’t really say what kind of numbers GoM pulls during those hours. They seem to hold their own most of the time though.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

What do you find OP?

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821


Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

What do you find OP?

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

The more players ask for nerfs, Anet will nerf the classes in question. Oh yeah, to make things even, they’ll nerf the remaining characters so no-one goes un-nerfed. If you think some of your characters are squishy now, just wait.

What professions are squishy now?
Even with glassy builds there is so much blocks, evades, etc. that you can’t really consider anything squishy. Not to mentions all the passive crap that kicks in to save the half asleep keyboard turners.

Everything being nerfed wouldn’t be a bad thing as long as the nerfs are targeted, well thought out, and other skills/traits were buffed in compensation,
i.e. nerf the HoT specs, bring back build diversity

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Condi druid wvw build?

in Ranger

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Now if they would allow the ranger to throw traps like in the old days, this conversation would be taking a different route.

Yeah that was a kittenty change, so was the nerf to sharpened edges, removing the mobility on spirits, the range reduction on shortbow, the list goes on….

There were so many build defining things that got nerfed for absolutely garbage reasons.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

What do you find OP?

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

This is what I find OP:

The ability for people to come to the forums and cry about unimportant things, and get them nerfed/changed so that their first-world problems are a little bit easier to swallow.

^Lol @ the salty YB ghost thief

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Downed State, Duration Cap Thoughts

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Just make it so a player can only get the downed state once every 5 min. If they rally or are rezzed they have a 5 min debuff where they die instead of going down again.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended