Showing Posts For Jim Hunter.6821:

Feedback on Beta Specializations

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

The ranger spec has potential but it feels very half done at the moment. So many traits/skills activate on pet swap or just rely on having a pet and when you enter beastmode they don’t do anything. It also doesn’t help the only useful stance (dolyak) isn’t working at the moment.

It is fantastic being able to stow the pet in combat, most of the pet skills you gain are pretty decent, and compared to the boringness that was druid this spec offers a lot more versatility.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Need to be able to switch while in Beastmode

in Ranger

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

While Holosmith has a smooth transition into Photon Forge (lulburst) and always-available utilities that interact with the F-bar mechanic…

Soulbeast has to manage pet swap and beastmode separately and it’s extremely clunky. Not to mention most of the melded skills don’t have any meaningful impact, with the Beast abilities having awkward animation locks or extremely long CDs.

We might need a smoother mechanic. Don’t want to fight my UI while I’m fighting people already.

Off topic, is Condi the only way to go for Soulbeast?

Most likely I haven’t figured out how to boonstack/use pet traits like the spec suggest yet, maybe that’s the new way to play Ranger.

I ran a power build with longbow and d/wh for a bit yesterday using the trait that makes you unblockable when entering soulbeast (unstoppable union). I’d use the warhorn for the unblockable pet attack, hit hunter’s call, activate beastmode and rapid fire.

I burned down a ton of people that haven’t realized rangers have a way to make their attacks unblockable now. Also I can’t remember what it’s called but the 4th attack skill when you merge with eagle where you jump up and come down doing damage hits hard as kitten. I was regularly hitting 7-10k.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

If you are not inTS you don't matter.

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Option 1 -> listen to Hendrix, Santana, Clapton, Stevie Ray & B.B. King

Option 2 -> listen to a somebody scream & curse at people

Hello iTunes, good bye TS.

+1 on the music choices.
Still though, if you are on tag and actually getting in fights you could just mute everyone except the commander and still listen to music.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Immob is OP and classified as a Condi

in Ranger

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Immob is OP?! Might want to change that thread title, half the classes fully ignore immob.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

show rank tags beside names

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Please learn finally that rank doesn’t matter at all in wvw.

Sure it does.
You literally have access to more skills (through wxp tracks) and earn more pips depending on your rank.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

New - Came for PvP/WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

New to this game and wanna do some WvW. Have never tried it. What’s the top 3 servers for WvW PVP?

PvP doesn’t matter, servers only apply to WvW, the rest of the game is a multiserver. And there’s no way of saying who is “best” at the moment. The servers have been flooded with new PvE players because anet just introduced a new reward system, servers that were undermanned now have queues 24/7.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

If you are not inTS you don't matter.

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

If you are following a tag and they are using TS you should join them in TS. I’d rather have a smaller organized group than have a bunch of rally bait pugs kittening up the fights.

If you aren’t on tag do whatever you want. Someone tells you to get in TS because they are to lazy to read scout reports in map chat tell them to go kitten themselves.
(Although I’ve personally been using it more while roaming because the PvE players are constantly spamming team chart with useless kitten.)

No No No,

Let me tell you. I am on CD and i believe i was there because i remember someone getting upset about the commander a right hand person saying if you are not in team speak dont talk.

I can tell you literally with 100% conviction nothing could be done. This commander ran from every zerg vs zerg fight. When the enemy zerg just jumps at you and your commander runs everytime.

1/2 the zerg is thinking we fight, 1/4 of the zerg notices that the commander turns into Usain Bolt when he/she sees a enemy and then the rest of the group is like why did no one back us up?

Seriously it was right after we attacked bay.

They set up about 6-8 catas at bay, we have a larg zerg. Those of us on catas took the walls down. The commander literally left us to attack hills and 1/2 the zerg died on the attempt at bay.

I honestly thought the commander was trolling us, they were calling for help from all maps since they have had our Bay on our Home BL for 20 HRS.

After taking hills and a tower the commander did it again when we went for the next tower on the bottom next to bay. The map when dead after this because everyone was tired of being wiped and the commander and his/her guild leaving what ever group is attacking the wall.

Think of Aladdin when Abu grabs the sword and all the guards are like “AHHHHHH he has a sword” then the boss guy goes “you idiots we all have swords” the commander was the 4 guards afraid of the monkey with the sword.

Joining them in TS would of helped nothing

That literally has nothing to do with what I said……. but to play devil’s advocate were you in TS? Maybe the commander was saying things like, “pull back so we can catch them in this choke”, and then the half of your zerg that wasn’t in TS charged into them and got destroyed forcing the commander to run.

No one is saying you have to talk in TS but if the commander is using it to drive the zerg you should hop in and listen or go do your own thing. The only good excuse for not doing so is if you are hearing impaired.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

If you are not inTS you don't matter.

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

If you are following a tag and they are using TS you should join them in TS. I’d rather have a smaller organized group than have a bunch of rally bait pugs kittening up the fights.

If you aren’t on tag do whatever you want. Someone tells you to get in TS because they are to lazy to read scout reports in map chat tell them to go kitten themselves.
(Although I’ve personally been using it more while roaming because the PvE players are constantly spamming team chart with useless kitten.)

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Gift of Battle

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Could I please, please get the Gift of Exploration by exploring all of WvW, because that’s really all I do in this game and it horrifies me to have to step of out my little safe gaming zone where there are no enemy players who heads I can bash together.

^ So much this.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Which genius built the skirmish reward chest?

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

I don’t know how anyone has played this game for more than a week without setting up a double click macro.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Tournament Tickets for Mistforged weapons

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

The weapons will be on the vendor as well.

will the prices stay the same or do i have to use my WvW Tournament Claim Tickets before its to late?

Unlike what we were told, hero weapons are not on the vendors.

If you didn’t spend your tickets before the update, you are s out of luck.
Anet did it to you again and didn’t even give you a warning . . . /typical

Umm yeah they are. They are at the skirmish merchant that is standing directly in front of you when you spawn in.

Unfortunately the ascended versions require crafting which is kitten.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Sugg- Disable all enemy communication

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Here is a thought. Ignore it and go back to enjoying the game. If someone rage whispers me I love it. It means I did my job well enough that they are now upset because they died or lost a camp, tower, or keep. Nobody said you had to pay attention to it lol.

I’ve already addressed that. It’s not the point.

It is the point.
You can ignore it or block them, problem solved.

What you are proposing is creating a problem for those of us that enjoy talking to our opponents. I have friends on multiple servers, I shouldn’t have to leave the game mode to talk to them if I run into them.

A few weeks ago I had a good fight with an opponent, after I beat him he whispered me to see if I wanted to duel, instead I ended up roaming with him because he happened to be on a server where I had an alt account. Ended up having a really fun day and adding him to my friends list.

That wasn’t my point, but ty.

I’m sure the devs could design it so only mutual friends list people can chat. Make a mini “wanna be friends?” pop up and let players decide if they want to open the door to communication.

I can guarantee there are way more toxic whispers compared to your “kumbaya” and “this land is your land” whispers, so the devs really need to consider that while going forward and trying to improve this mode.

So now you’re trying to propose a solution to a problem that doesn’t currently exist because you are to lazy to use the ignore function?

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Sugg- Disable all enemy communication

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Here is a thought. Ignore it and go back to enjoying the game. If someone rage whispers me I love it. It means I did my job well enough that they are now upset because they died or lost a camp, tower, or keep. Nobody said you had to pay attention to it lol.

I’ve already addressed that. It’s not the point.

It is the point.
You can ignore it or block them, problem solved.

What you are proposing is creating a problem for those of us that enjoy talking to our opponents. I have friends on multiple servers, I shouldn’t have to leave the game mode to talk to them if I run into them.

A few weeks ago I had a good fight with an opponent, after I beat him he whispered me to see if I wanted to duel, instead I ended up roaming with him because he happened to be on a server where I had an alt account. Ended up having a really fun day and adding him to my friends list.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Why is this thing hovering over me?

in Ranger

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Like others have already said, it’s the stuck animation of Greatsword 3 (Swoop).

It’s been like that for as long as I remember and I played since release.

For me it happens every time I play in WvW. I think it’s a combination of lag and swapping weapons. Maybe swapping weapons while still Swooping or something. I haven’t figured out exactly what causes it.

Might be from getting cc’d while swooping. I’ve also had it happen with the underwater shark animation. But yeah, happens in WvW all the time. Wouldn’t care so much if it weren’t for the never ending flapping sound.

I also occasionally happens where everyone else can see it bugging out but it doesn’t show up on your screen. That’s the best because it annoys the kitten out of people.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Hey look News update for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

The UI updates will place a big message in the middle of your screen any time someone dies, capture messages weren’t intrusive enough…

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

JQ faking so they get a link

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

No they lost cloudfly.

^That. As soon as he would tag down 90% of the server went with him.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

AF regen question

in Ranger

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

I doubt it, especially now that they lowered the duration to 8 seconds. Maybe he was using Natural Healing as well.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Quick, Simple Economic fixes to WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Problem is that there were in ve farmers karma training eotm whole day, so by using ranks to limit stuff you are aimply rewarding them

Its true it would reward the eotm train, but it will also draw others in for the goods. They may end up liking the game mode and move over to standard wvw. It could be a way to infuse new blood – we sure need it.

You’d also be attracting people who are there purely for the loot, and rank-up chest. They wouldn’t work with a commander, or a team, and most likely would allow towers to be taken, ect. just to re-cap them for the xp, and getting more rewards. Getting more numbers is great, but it’s not so great when those numbers don’t care about anything but loot.

Also all this talk about, well if you where in pve it would take 1/3 the time, ect. ect. Well if it would only take 1/3 of the time, you might as well do it. Taking 3x longer to achieve the same thing, seems a bit, unintelligent to me.

If I wanted fajitas it would be faster for me to throw the steak on the grill and while it’s cooking just drink the ingredients for the marinade, eat the onion, seasoning,
and pepper raw, eat the tortilla while I’m waiting for the steak to cool and then eat the unseasoned steak.

Sure as kitten wouldn’t be as good as if I took my time to make it properly but it’d be unintelligent to waste all that time right?

You’re comparing eating raw food to a game, like, what?

Food is food, why take 3x longer to make it taste good when you can just cram the ingredients in your mouth and achieve the same thing?

You’re not making any sense, comparing a real life thing to a in-game thing. Taking three times longer in-game to get a legendary compared to just gritting and baring it and doing some content you’re not a fan of, is what I am talking about.

I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you had a magical pause button for your life that you push any time you start playing a game. I don’t have that luxury, any time I start playing the game time keeps on ticking.
I’d like to spend the limited game time I have doing something I enjoy rather than “gritting and baring it”, even if it takes 3 times as long. Not sure why you have a problem with that.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Quick, Simple Economic fixes to WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

The devs are working on rewards for wvw because we voted on it. I’m sure they are coming someday soon.

Prob 1 year after poll soon

Sure glad they scrapped the WvW overhaul to implement these smaller “faster” changes…..

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Quick, Simple Economic fixes to WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Problem is that there were in ve farmers karma training eotm whole day, so by using ranks to limit stuff you are aimply rewarding them

Its true it would reward the eotm train, but it will also draw others in for the goods. They may end up liking the game mode and move over to standard wvw. It could be a way to infuse new blood – we sure need it.

You’d also be attracting people who are there purely for the loot, and rank-up chest. They wouldn’t work with a commander, or a team, and most likely would allow towers to be taken, ect. just to re-cap them for the xp, and getting more rewards. Getting more numbers is great, but it’s not so great when those numbers don’t care about anything but loot.

Also all this talk about, well if you where in pve it would take 1/3 the time, ect. ect. Well if it would only take 1/3 of the time, you might as well do it. Taking 3x longer to achieve the same thing, seems a bit, unintelligent to me.

If I wanted fajitas it would be faster for me to throw the steak on the grill and while it’s cooking just drink the ingredients for the marinade, eat the onion, seasoning,
and pepper raw, eat the tortilla while I’m waiting for the steak to cool and then eat the unseasoned steak.

Sure as kitten wouldn’t be as good as if I took my time to make it properly but it’d be unintelligent to waste all that time right?

You’re comparing eating raw food to a game, like, what?

Food is food, why take 3x longer to make it taste good when you can just cram the ingredients in your mouth and achieve the same thing?

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Quick, Simple Economic fixes to WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Problem is that there were in ve farmers karma training eotm whole day, so by using ranks to limit stuff you are aimply rewarding them

Its true it would reward the eotm train, but it will also draw others in for the goods. They may end up liking the game mode and move over to standard wvw. It could be a way to infuse new blood – we sure need it.

You’d also be attracting people who are there purely for the loot, and rank-up chest. They wouldn’t work with a commander, or a team, and most likely would allow towers to be taken, ect. just to re-cap them for the xp, and getting more rewards. Getting more numbers is great, but it’s not so great when those numbers don’t care about anything but loot.

Also all this talk about, well if you where in pve it would take 1/3 the time, ect. ect. Well if it would only take 1/3 of the time, you might as well do it. Taking 3x longer to achieve the same thing, seems a bit, unintelligent to me.

If I wanted fajitas it would be faster for me to throw the steak on the grill and while it’s cooking just drink the ingredients for the marinade, eat the onion, seasoning,
and pepper raw, eat the tortilla while I’m waiting for the steak to cool and then eat the unseasoned steak.

Sure as kitten wouldn’t be as good as if I took my time to make it properly but it’d be unintelligent to waste all that time right?

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended


in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

We should not forget the versatility and customizability of the old system.

You could upgrade it methodically

You could rush walls and gate without sieges

You could rush wp (remember people used to have paper keeps with wp)


Please, I beg you anet our overlord GM God, please bring remove this tier system stuff and bring back the customizability of the old system – maybe reduce or change gold cost.

You could also run in a paper camp or tower ahead of an enemy zerg to drain it by purchasing an upgrade. I really miss that.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

1 up/1 down in Testing

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

And we wonder why they’re hesitant to do much with WvW. Make a change, people complain, don’t make a change, people complain.

The problem is, we’ve already seen one up, one down in action. It was called tournament season two.

Mercifully, that only lasted nine weeks. The only thing that made it remotely entertaining was the organized 2v1 that JQ and TC did to BG.

The tournaments had huge bandwagons because players were trying to win which absolutely kittened up the tiers.
Right now the servers don’t have the same kind of massive differences in population and most of the mass transfers are caused because players were glicko locked into terrible match ups.

With 1 up 1 down no one is going to get an unlucky roll into a a bad match up and be stuck there for multiple weeks at a time. At worst you’ll have the servers that are borderline and end up rotating good and bad weeks until the servers relink and they can try to make the matches more competitive.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

1 up/1 down in Testing

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

About kitten time.
Really kittening tired of seeing them respond on reddit when that exact conversation has popped up multiple times on this forum though.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended


in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Wait, what tactic was removed from the game?

Draining supply to make a keep vulnerable is certainly viable

But draining supply to prevent upgrades isn’t….

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended


in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

-Therefore, since they had much more supply, your attacks may not have been sufficient to drain all of it.

And maybe they would have, either way that is a tactic that was removed from the game in order to dumb it down for the more casual players.

And I know for a fact that tactic worked in the past because I used it countless times.

So like I said before, the attacks are meaningless unless you have the numbers to flip it, and a system like that really hurts small group play and encourages blobbing….. which is literally bad for the game because the servers can’t handle the map queue sized blobs and we end up with horrible skill delay and disconnects.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended


in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

This isn’t spin, it’s math. You either did enough damage that they wouldn’t have had enough, or you didn’t. I’ve given you the threshold as a raw number and as an approximate number of walls collapsed. Did you meet it or did you not?

Also, you were the one who was saying 5v50+ earlier. Not that it matters. If 50 people babysit a keep next to their spawn for hours versus 30 people who spawn elsewhere, they’re going to upgrade the keep.

And, head’s up, the supply in the keep would have been coming in much faster under the old system. Even if it was being drained as fast as it came in under this system, that anecdote is not accurate in the past. Precisely the reason the flow was cut down was to account for upgrades not draining supply.

For the umpteenth time, we were keeping the keep drained through constant attacks….

But hell, for arguments sake let’s say we weren’t. Are you trying to say this situation couldn’t happen? Because I see it nearly every day with SM. It’s constantly being trebbed, or small groups are taking down multiple walls with catapults and all the dominant server has to do is get their own sides yaks in to eventually upgrade it. The attacks are meaningless unless you have the numbers to flip it, that’s a problem.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended


in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

The point is that you would have had to have done enough damage to knock down over 25 walls just to get through their surplus supply. I’m going to guess that you did not.

The reason they were able to upgrade that keep is because they had 50 people babysitting it and you had 5. It wasn’t because of the new upgrade system. In fact, as I have shown, it would have been easier with the old system and they would have had more supply on hand since Yaks carried more by default.

Constructive complaints about auto-upgrades are fine. Blaming them for other things isn’t doing anything but helping you vent.

I didn’t say we had 5 people hitting the keep. I said 5 couldn’t sneak the sw tower without their zerg responding. We had around 30 hitting the keep which started at 0 supply because we were defending it for a couple hours before it flipped. After it was flipped we immediately started hitting it and they could only consistently hold sw camp.
The keep was losing supply as fast as it was getting it in, no matter how you try and spin it there is no way it would have fully upgraded in that situation under the old system.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended


in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

So you fat fingered adding a comma after 63 instead of just 6 and then also fat fingered an extra 0 at the end? I considered that but dismissed it as far too unlikely. Sorry?

Under the old system, with fat yaks, they would have amassed 19,600 supply over 140 yaks. That means they had 13,300 supply to spare for repairs, etc. So unless you completely knocked down over 25 walls, they would have had plenty. And that’s assuming they didn’t run any supply from the camps they were guarding so well…and assuming they bothered to repair.

It sounds like your scout complaint is less about auto-upgrades and more about sentries and watchtower.

I type fast and then before I post I quickly edit my misspelled words and grammer. These posts aren’t a term paper so I occasionally miss something or kitten up. When I went back to clean up I added a comma instead of deleting a zero, kitten happens.

And no, it doesn’t take knocking down 25 walls to prevent an upgrade. If they are repeatedly using the supply to build siege, disable, and repair, the wall doesn’t even have to completely drop for the supply to stay drained.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended


in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

How are you getting that 63,000 number?

I clearly fat fingered the keyboard, don’t get your panties in a bunch.

And in the situation I described the keep wouldn’t have upgraded faster under the old system because even though they were able to hold SW camp the keep was constantly being drained of supply. If the supply is constantly being used for repairs, disablers, etc. they wouldn’t have enough to purchase an upgrade. I don’t know how I can make that any clearer.

Also 5v26 might be a losing fight in most situations, but if the most populated server is being forced to run smaller zergs or risk losing their stuff the smaller servers are more likely to log on and those 5 man groups turn into 15 or 20, which is a lot more competitive. The populated server will still be able to field more groups so they’ll probably win the PPT wars but the fights will be a lot more fun.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended


in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

In the old system, if you needed 70 supply to finish an upgrade and the keep was fully drained, you could escort one last Yak in and all the walls would be repaired and be reinforced/fortified. That is not a consequence of the new system.

I said the catas hit from uncharged range. That means minimum range. You can’t put them point blank on the wall, but they’re still close enough for maximum DPS. If you still want to know how long it takes, I have that info here:

Your claim about splitting up the blob hinges on there being many scouts before—enough to reduce the blob to a manageable size. There is nothing to support this. People have been complaining about unmanageable blobs from day one. But, since me saying that clearly isn’t convincing, perhaps numbers will work? Let’s say there’s a scout in every walled objective other than Bay. On a borderland, that’s 6 people. If the blob was 6 people smaller so you were 5v44+, would your small team have had more success?

And for the second time, it is impossible to have a Speedy, Armored Yak. You can pick one from the list of improvements as seen here:

What you’re doing is identifying a problem and then blaming it on something else without regard for the evidence at hand. Note how you keep getting what I say wrong and claiming things that can’t possibly be true. If you can step back and find the actual cause of the problem, perhaps we can fix it. For example—do you feel that auto-upgrades are faster than the old system? If so, what are the negative consequences?

In the old system to get a T3 wp’ed keep they needed to dedicate 63,000 supply just to the upgrades, any repairs being made, siege being built, etc. would delay that process. If the keep was constantly under 100 supply like it was last night they couldn’t have even gotten cannons built.

Your scout numbers are all wrong. Your only counting structures in 1 bl but without watchtowers/sentries marking everything they will need about 4 times that if they want to watch their structures on the other maps as well (instead of 1 semi afk player watching for orange dots). This means that zerg of 50 is going to lose roughly half their players or leave themselves vulnerable to attacks on other fronts.

And fair enough about the yaks, maybe I was wrong about them being heavy armored, doesn’t make much difference when you’ve got about 5 feet between being marked and fighting in iron guards to kill them and after sniping 1 or 2 they will just have 1 tanky ass person escort them which buffs their toughness anyway.

But there is no way you are correct about catapults being out of watchtower range at minimum distance. Maybe there’s a couple spots where the elevation works in your favor but even on NW tower with the elevation and the brokenly oversized hit box on the wall you have to charge them about 10%.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended


in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

If the keep was starved of supply, it couldn’t have upgraded because no Yaks were getting in. In order to hit T3, 140 Yaks must have made it to the keep.

It sounds like small groups were able to have considerable effect if you punched the place full of holes. It would nice if you could have taken the camp or had more room to hit the Yak—that’s one of the intentions of the DBL makeover. You wanted ABL, though, so don’t go complaining about it now.

Why can’t your small groups ninja stuff anymore? The range on Watchtower is shorter than the uncharged range of a catapult. You can still knock the wall down without being seen and then you only have to kill the lord. Think of it as a slightly more engaging version of this ninja PvD you so sorely miss. Also, if they port their zerg there, that creates an opportunity for hitting SWT, SWC or Bay.

Stop trying to turn this into abl/dbl debate. Stay on topic.

The keep can be fully drained and still upgrade because upgrades no longer have a supply cost. It can have multiple holes, 0 supply and they can take 60 people to escort that 1 speedy, armored yak they need to reinforce or fortify it to fully repair everything.

Do you know how long it takes to use catas on a upgraded tower from max range? Do you really think those white swords are going to go unnoticed for that long?

And you’re missing the point. It’s not about PvD’ing, it’s about splitting the blob up so you’re getting manageable fights instead of going 5v50+.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended


in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Anyway, while I had fun with it, your example plays out the same in the former upgrade system. The blob might be missing 2-3 people who would otherwise have been starting upgrades elsewhere, but if you were so heavily outmatched, that would not have made a difference.

The hell it couldn’t. The keep was constantly being hit, it was starved of supply but kept upgrading anyway. That’s a problem. Small groups not being able to sneak the sw tower for a spot to treb from, or even sw camp is a problem.

And no it wouldn’t just be 2-3 people broken off from the zerg. to keep an eye on everything they would need to break off a bunch of people to keep small groups from ninja’ing stuff. Right now they just have to throw watch towers on everything and they can just have 1 person per map watching for orange dots so they can port the zerg around.

Auto upgrades make the population imbalance a bigger problem. It’s partly responsible for killing the small scale scene. It also just doesn’t need to be there. The only real benefit is that it doesn’t cost gold, but as multiple people have stated they could have just removed the gold cost and kept the manual upgrades. Win/win.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended


in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Nobody is saying that. People will defend if there is a fun fight in doing so. But there isn’t a way to tell whether people before you put any effort into upgrading anything (unless you see them doing so yourself), so there’s less reason to prioritize defending at all. It’s about effort and teamwork, not gold.

You say that but…


Before auto-upgrade, people would bother to build defensive siege on objectives, now this rarely occurs as nobody put effort into upgrading it.



You don’t care about defending because nobody put any effort into upgrading in the first place, and structures will just auto upgrade again super fast.

Unless you consider manually starting an upgrade to be effort, what are you talking about? I still have to scout the area, keep the Yaks running, siege it up and defend it. None of that changed. Where is this loss of effort if it’s not a euphemism for gold?

And for the record, fun fights are just a bonus. The only time I don’t defend something is when I’m defending something else.

You again

The best option is to have the old system without the gold costs. It solves both issues at once and people have been suggesting this for a while.

What is the issue you’re trying to solve?

Auto-upgrades weren’t just about removing the gold cost. They also streamlined the upgrades so that if you spent several hours working on something, it might just have reinforced walls and gates. The old system wasn’t just punishing because of the cost—it also meant that attempting to upgrade the keep meant leaving it out of supply and vulnerable to everything. You had to have siege pre-built for everything and, if it got AoE’d down, you were out of luck. Thus, if you didn’t have a zerg backing you up, you were screwed.

Do you dislike it because of the upgrades are too fast? Because it leaves defenders with potential supply? What, exactly, is your problem with the auto-upgrade system? And if your answer is ‘lack of effort,’ please explain further.

You ask how the old system required more effort and then you immediately complain about how much work it took to get something upgraded lol.

Here’s a problem with the auto upgrade system. On TCBL, bay fully upgraded in about an hour and a half by an opposing server despite the numerous holes that were repeatedly punched into it because supply management isn’t a concern any longer.

They threw a sentry tower upgrade on sw tower so that between that and the sentry you can’t approach sw camp without being spotted, which gives them the time to wp in as big a blob as they need to defend it. With speedy/armored yaks and the defense buff they get from escorts, roamers can’t keep the yak supply cut off in the short distance from sw camp to bay.

These changes favor the most populated server. In the past they would have to split up their blob to upgrade and scout objectives which gave the smaller groups a more reasonable fight. The small groups could stretch out the upgrade process for hours and hopefully find an opportunity to flip it. Now the blob just relies on the automated scouts and upgrades so they can blob harder.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended


in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

i like to upgrade objectives sometimes. i prefer current system to the old system. in the old system you had to waste money to start upgrades for keep/towers + the camps that gave dolys. it also favored the more populated server who had more people to start upgrade and escort dolyaks and kill yaks etc.

new system is similar to the old one but not as bad. now at least you don’t have to waste money and the server with less people don’t get affected as much. and you can still play the upgrade game by escorting/killing yaks.

and if you dont like bls getting t3 keeps, stop humping eb outside prime time.

everything else i agree with you. mortars gotta go.

They could have just kept the old system but removed the gold cost. I had recommended on multiple occasions that they change the cost to karma, badges, or a mix of both. That would have made it easy for dedicated WvW players to pay while making it hard for new players or new troll accounts to kitten things up.

@Op: Nice summary. Prior to auto upgrades there was a whole sub group of players that loved upgrading and defending their bl’s, and there were other players that loved attacking their structures and frustrating their efforts.

Auto upgrades removed a lot of the games depth in the small scale scene and I’m fairly certain that was anet’s intended goal. Every change they make leads to the game being more passive and uncomplicated to attract the casual players. They basically turned GW2 into the candy crush of MMO’s.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

What is the most OP class right now?

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

ive been trying to just focus on the guardian the game play that I have been doing which is just a little bit of everything I just get bored on him haha. which is why I guess ive been looking for something else. thought Mesmer might be a good change. but then ive been suggested druid aswel

Yeah I can never play guardian for long either. Burst, block, block, invuln, burst, block…. just get’s boring.
Mesmer’s not bad and is probably still the best dueling class. Thief is also pretty fun, not as good at dueling but if you are roaming you don’t have to fight fair, you can just keep resetting until they finally screw up. Staff/evade build is hilarious for trolling pug zergs.

It sucks the game put the specializations behind such a grind, makes it a lot harder to just test things out to figure out what you enjoy.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

What is the most OP class right now?

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

why would druid be the best class for me then? I know nothing about the class so just asking,

If you plan on doing any pve as well then druid is a good choice. Between there mobility and the pet they are one of the better classes for map completion, and condi ranger is very strong in pve raids.
In wvw druids have a very safe (but boring) roaming build. There only weakness is limited stability (that has a long cast time and is easily stripped), and the pets pretty much insta die against a good condi player.

But rangers get very poorly thought out changes in every balance patch and you never know when they’ll be nerfed into the dirt. You should probably just focus on your guardian, they are always in a good spot.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

So Rampage as One is back to square one?

in Ranger

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

And how stability is applied right?

Ya, it was to allow for easier boon removal. I.e. to make the skill weaker.

Calls other people noobs and fails basic reading comprehension and understanding of game mechanics…

Grant Block on stability….. read the notes.

My justification on calling players noobs vailad. They complain the most.
You fail too read and comprehend as well.

So much fail on so many levels lol.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Is the hilt bash fixed?

in Ranger

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

they increased the range on head butt.

Glad that finally got sorted out……. wait…

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

So Rampage as One is back to square one?

in Ranger

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

I wouldn’t care so much if all of our other elites weren’t equally as kittenty. As it stands right now I’d rather just take an extra utility skill in the elite slot because several of them would end up being more useful.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

JQ dominate Na Again \0/ !!

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Doesn’t help that JQ (especially during sea/eu) is the most boring server to fight. They take a map blob during off prime hours and sneak attack kitten because they constantly wipe vs smaller numbers.

They WP around until they find something unguarded, throw down 3+ shield gen’s, 5 sup cata’s, and sometimes a couple sup ac’s. If they are spotted and killed they hop to a bl to sneak something else. The only time their pug blob will fight open field is if they have at least triple the numbers and even then they try and pull you into their siege or just throw down ac’s.

This is coming from someone that spent months on the server. I would log off out of boredom after watching cloufly taking 60+ people to chase down 5 man roam groups and raging because some people chose not to follow him when he did that pathetic crap.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

What is the most OP class right now?

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

1vs1 a skilled thief will always win

uhhh only if you count running away a win. In duels, thieves are marginal at best.

thieves are terrible. They STILL get rekt by bearbow power rangers if there is equal player skill. And bearbow power ranger has been around since launch, and it STILL works against thieves… just a testament as to how little has improved for the thief

Those are some pretty terrible thieves.

Not really. power Bearbow vs thief has always been “first to hit”. Ranger has zero defense, but brutal DPS. Thief has better defense, but terrible HP pool… so its litterally like a PvE matchup. Brutal damage vs low sustain.
And just like with a PvE boss, if you dont take it out before it manages to land a hit, you’re in big trouble.

The issue with ranger is that unlike PvE, its hard to just “run away” or hide from the DPS, as the pet will keep harassing you and keep you in combat, wether you want it or not.

Whenever i try play as power ranger, the characters i fear the least is necros/reapers and thieves. Mesmers used to be ezmode too, but they have gotten some good adjustments over the past year or so. Warriors are still a wildcard, often ezmode, but sometimes they can be hard to deal with.

As normal, guardian is a PITA due to their constant heal, block and protection spam. Other rangers aren’t that hard. tempest can be a pain too, due to blocks and bursts.

If you still think rangers, even bearbows, are weak, you are wrong. They are kittenedly strong for a build that has been around since launch. Recently i have been testing this setup

Its fun. Not productive, but fun….

I don’t think you can ignore bearbows especially marauder/zerk mix as those longbows hurt but generally the bear isn’t a high threat pet and it’s utility is kind of meh. The reason I said they must have been bad thieves is that they can interrupt your skills fairly easily and so long as they close the gap on you when you’re in bow they will bring you down pretty fast. Though protective ward will need to be cleansed they can effectively take off 50%-75% of your health in the first attack, your heal is on a 1s cast which is easy to predict and interrupt, a quick shadowstep and you’re down after that.

Yes strength of the pack can give stab but still 1s cast, they either interrupt the heal or the elite, end result is the same.

It’s more that thief can essentially wear you down without druid unless you are significantly better than the thief, it’s the same reason I say only bad thieves lose to FA eles. The thief shouldn’t lose as they have all the tools to win and short of being hit by a fairly well telegraphed burst they haven’t too much to worry about. Druid is a different story though as they have a lot more sustain.

Even with the druid sustain it’s fairly easy to shut them down with a few well timed head shots.
If the daredevil is running bountiful theft/sig of absorption all he has to do is wait out SotP and he can keep the druids stripped of might and protection. DD can literally run out of ancient seeds making it hard to lock them down to burst them, between the extra dodges, 12/15 sec block/stun break, and stealth it is pretty easy for DD to avoid the druids overly telegraphed bursts. DD also puts out enough DPS to quickly kill a druids pet making it tougher for them to stack boons and stealth/cleanse because it’s harder for them to recharge their astral force.

I’m pretty average on my DD and I’m running a goofy build because the game is boring as kitten now, despite all of that I’ve literally died to 1 druid and that’s because the game kittened me with the “no valid path” kitten.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

WvW tiers making sense!

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Tc and cd just getting bullied at this point. We can’t fight their zergs since they run so huge. Unfortunately the primary reason their kd is so high is due to them just eating the smaller numbered fish. That shouldn’t be the case! I’ve only seen like 1 mag group fight through a group larger than them this week…and they did a good job even though they lost. Ya, the fact that mag even loses when outnumbered should tell you something about this mode…

I’ve been playing a bit on the TC side of this match and that’s not what I’ve been seeing at all.
Mag pug groups have been absolutely wrecking the TC pug blob even when TC has greater numbers. On numerous occasions I saw The TC zerg trying to take a tower while 10-15 mag are hitting them from behind and the TC commander fully ignores them, once the wall or gate goes down the TC commander would head straight to lords leaving behind the people that were fighting off the Mag group. Now Mag would have the numbers and wipe that smaller group and then push into lords to clean up the rest of the zerg.

You can try and say these people should have stayed on the tag but they were already actively engaged in a fight that the commander was fully ignoring.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Will not buy a expansion without new content.

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

“We want new WvW content”
finger on the monkey’s paw curls down

^kittening nailed it

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

WvW tiers making sense!

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Servers are going to get glicko locked in the wrong tiers and have completely kitten match ups until a couple weeks before they relink again. The 5-4-3 system combined with the 2 month server links just isn’t working…

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

How to save WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

it is the fault of the community that gw2 is going to die, because you all asked for more skill based gameplay, but you forgot about the beginners, so no beginner will have fun in wvw or pvp anymore since bunker meta is gone, mm and turret engineer is nerfed. Players will stop playing and new players will stay in pvE. So the community wanted wvw and pvp to die and I warned about it a few years ago. Just bring easy to play builds back that every beginner can master and will be able to sustain to even experienced pvp players, maybe then beginners will start and stay to play competitive again, else game will be dead very soon. And remove gear advantage in wvw exotic should be the best gear available in wvw. But it will never happen, so I will continue killing beginners straight away from spawn, until you all realize how stupid you were when you asked this game to be more skill based.

Is this sarcasm? Do you actually think what we currently have is skill based gameplay?

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Legendary Armor and WvW [Merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

I’m confused why it took you 2 years to realize that legendary armor was raid only. Like was the raid only Legendary Collections not a big enough hint?

Also I’m pretty sure most raid bosses are harder than blobbing

I didn’t. Just expressing my continuing disappointment at the neglect of my favoured game mode.

Most raid bosses are just gimmick and timing- jump here, move here, spam from here, avoid this telegraphed attack, rinse and repeat until down. Learn off by heart and it never changes.

If it’s as easy as you make out you should be able to do it playing with your feet while watching netflix and eating a burrito right?

Or at least do it with some effort in the 2-3 hours a week a pro like you would be able to breeze through all the wings. Only takes 12 weeks to get the raid locked items, everything else you get with massive amounts of gold or doing a few half afk map meta’s.

I have a job and a kid to take care of, my game time is limited. In the small amount of free time I have during the week for gaming I prefer to play the 1 part of the game I enjoy, which is roaming for fights against actual players. I don’t log in to grind through hours of braindead, repetitive pve.

I gave raids a chance when they first came out, I was hoping they might actually be fun. What I found was they were the exact same boring dps test as the rest of the PvE. Once you learn the rotations and the obvious tells you can run through them on auto pilot.
They will never be as challenging as fighting 1vX against opponents with brains in their heads.

If anet’s intent is to lock everything behind a grind they should at least have the common sense to provide multiple paths. I’m a lot more likely to drop the game entirely rather than waste my time in a game mode I hate.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

A Quick Update on DBL

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Well people from both sides need to just shut up about it already and move on.
Stop trying to convince the other side in here, people hate it or people love it by playing it, move on.
It’s not going to get removed, move on.
There’s three other maps to play on if you don’t like it, move on.

That’s why I hate these forums sometimes, people come in here bringing up the same kitten over and over again when it’s full well known a change will not be made, move on.

Then shut up and move on

You first sir! you first!

Oh I have. I haven’t participated in the last several dbl threads, the only reason I popped up in this one was because of the dev’s snarky comment.

I’ve about given up on expecting anet to put forth any real effort as far as WvW is concerned which means it’s doubtful they will remove the dbl. I just avoid it unless I’m short on time and need an easy daily. Hell I can even solo my daily keep capture there without any fear of being interrupted.

I will however continue to debate blatantly false statements like Spurnshadow claiming, “The majority of people either like it or are ok with it. I think the amount of people who would not play because their guild or commander is running on DBL is almost non-existent.”

He may like the map and that’s fine but that statement is complete kitten and everyone knows it. You can’t go more than a couple days on this forum without seeing a thread pop up asking to get rid of the dbl. Any time people call for help capping or defending something in the dbl in team chat there are multiple responses along the lines of “kitten that kittening map.” If he really thinks every one is fine with it just because he likes the map then he is fooling himself.

Jim, the reason you can’t go a couple days on this forum without seeing a thread on this subject is because the same people start the threads over and over again. A handful of poeple is not representative of WvW.

I play with all commanders during all timezones except SEA. I’ve never heard of a player not following a commander to red BL cause they hate it that much. Maybe a commander may not go, but he’s the leader of the group. There may be lots of other factors.

And then there’s the same handful of people that come to defend it, and as you said, "A handful of people is not representative of WvW. "
I’ve seen multiple people across a number of different servers flat out refuse to play on the dbl because they hate it. Hell, almost every single player on Mag avoids it like the plague. Saying that everyone is “fine” with the dbl is being disingenuous at best.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Contested camps

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Players just need to be better at reading the map and making an educated guess as to what’s going to be hit next. There’s already way too much passive kitten in this game.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

How to save WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Even T4 has large scale fights so I don’t see the issue atm.

T4 consistently has better fights than T1. T1 just has more people show up for NA prime and has a bunch of Asians that hop around the maps in the middle of the night looking for the path of least resistance so they can k-train.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended