Showing Posts For Justine.6351:

The Double Bow Ranger!!!!!!

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


Just an advice, moment of clarity is pretty much wasted on a LB/SB build because none of them has a 1 hit high damage skill. The best use for MoC in a LB/SB build is on long range shot, if anything…

Agree, good point..
It was mainly for the increased daze/stun duration that I took it out.. Most of the time after a LB#4 will indeed follow a plain LB#1. And after SB#5 it is, most of the time, plain SB#1 to put some dmg and condi’s on the stunned/dazed target..

It doesn’t apply to LB#4 either because it’s a knockdown knockback, not a stun.

Sorry for your loss

yes but it can interrupt for a MoC proc.

Id wrather trap potency than MoC though and I run GS with maul.

Random Zerker Ranger (vid)

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351



Trying that sharpening stone trait instead of signet CD trait atm.
Eagle eye, read the wind

Sharpened edges, throw traps, trap CD

-20% survival CD

Madking runes ;-)

I’d like to ditch sos in favor of spike trap eventually.

The Double Bow Ranger!!!!!!

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


Looks like fun. All that target break must be obscenely annoying for enemies ;-)

I recently swapped from hydromancy/leeching on my gs swap to hydromancy/geomancy and its so pretty ;-)

Thinking of Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


Condi bunkers are so boring to play unless you fight 1vX. Zerker can be too if all you will do is pewpewpew from safety. You can make your build as boring as you want or as fun as you want.

You can ignore your pet but that just makes the game boring or you can learn to be more active with it and improve your gameplay ALOT.

But like you said, you don’t have to be pinnacle of roamer to run zerker lb and get kills. Just avoid fair balanced group fights cause after you channel first rapid fire they will jump. The word glass cannon defines why this happens.

Gs is viable swap, just be prepared for elitists to drop on you like a bag of hammers.

there's a rise in the thief population in wvw

in Thief

Posted by: Justine.6351


I haven’t seen too many. Rangers though, good lord.

I’d be happy with more enemy thieves, but not if they running in packs. Well I don’t care to see any roaming packs of any composition tbh.

The Double Bow Ranger!!!!!!

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


You don’t have to swap away from birds (your raven) for chill as owl has chill.

I’ve considered double bow as I run a lot of bleed on my zerker lb/gs but not having melee cleave will drive you insane against stealth spammers.

As for someone suggesting projectiles through water fields grant you regen, I think that’s only allies your projectiles go though, not including yourself.

Let's pick a class and whine about it.

in Thief

Posted by: Justine.6351


If I were a thief I would complain about staff guardians wave of wrath spam melting me while im in stealth ;-)

[For Fun] Physical Warrior Builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Justine.6351


they need to create a rune set focused on skills that Kick. Thinking 50% more dmg and 50% shorter recharge so I can go around kicking every thing ;-)

Warrior will become: Butcher with Daggers

in Warrior

Posted by: Justine.6351


Truth is warrior got so many weapon sets its hard to say what would even benefit the class. Possibly a midrange 1 hander? I don’t like idea of pistol mainhand on warrior but perhaps as specialization it could not seem weird?

*they removed bleed off rifle
*lb is hybrid
*no 1 hander ranged weapon

Could signal a mild condi 900 range weapon, aka pistol

What's so exciting about Rifle thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Justine.6351


Would be hilarious if thieves specialization ended up with rifle and became basically rangers without a pet ;-)

wvw roaming cele accessories/jewelry/amulet?

in Thief

Posted by: Justine.6351


healing and condition dmg arnt something you are focusing on presumably. If you going to mix in some toughness/vitality then find some gear with those two stats + your main focus stats.

Valkyrie is a popular substitute stat for zerker thieves cause it maintains power/ferocity while adding vitality. If you are running hidden killer (100% crit from stealth) precision loss is more forgivable.

Thief and Chill

in Thief

Posted by: Justine.6351


thief is weird place for something like chill.

Small fast recharging resource pool. -66% recharge on initiative would be crushingly brutal.

I don’t subscribe to the idea that:
“thief too weak, its class mechanic to not be chilled on weapon skills or we need more evades/stealth/blind to compensate”
but there really isn’t a good uncomplicated way to make it right.

What's so exciting about Rifle thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Justine.6351


Expect rifles and you’re going to be disappointed come HoT launch. Get ready for that dual warhorn thief hype, boys!

1.) Scream, nearby foes’ ears bleed for 3 sec.
2.) Shriek, nearby foes confuse for 3sec
3.) Beller, nearby allies gain fury 5sec
4.) Laugh, nearby foes are taunted to you
5.) Trumpet, Summon 5 dual pistol wielding thief allies to go “guns ablazing!” On your target.

is there a vid for everything on youtube? ;-)

What's so exciting about Rifle thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Justine.6351


Expect rifles and you’re going to be disappointed come HoT launch. Get ready for that dual warhorn thief hype, boys!

1.) Scream, nearby foes’ ears bleed for 3 sec.
2.) Shriek, nearby foes confuse for 3sec
3.) Beller, nearby allies gain fury 5sec
4.) Laugh, nearby foes are taunted to you
5.) Trumpet, Summon 5 dual pistol wielding thief allies to go “guns ablazing!” On your target.

New Ranger wit some questions

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


you will get bored pretty fast just pewpewing 100% of the time.

Pickup the two trap traits and flame, spike, venom traps. Use madking runes and eliteskill entangle. Gotta get some variety of play or you will fall asleep at keyboard.

Strictly speaking solo openworld pve. Don’t be afraid to swap to offset. For that I like using hydromancy sigil. Thinking about putting on an earth ring sigil thing too for maximum flashy lol.

Torch is kinda bad. If you like sword I would say axe or warhorn for openworld pve. Me I like gs.

Dps pets: birds, cats, red moa, river drake

Defensive: fern hound, brownbear, wolf

stylish only: carrion devourer

(edited by Justine.6351)

What place does Greatsword have in PvE?

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


Well at least the part where I said avoid those arguments was quoted.

What's so exciting about Rifle thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Justine.6351


I hope thieves get rifle !
Will be easy kills ;-)

I’m not sure rifle thief makes sense considering warrior kill shot and lb rangers. The other options are limited though.

If they get staff or gs with current initiative system still I would certainly give it a go. GS weapon skills without CD? Crazy!

Which race for Thiefs

in Thief

Posted by: Justine.6351


Female Human

*epic troll laugh
*I know you are thief just by looking at you, easy hunting for my ranger ;-)

What place does Greatsword have in PvE?

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


Gs is viable, elitists swear by sword mainhand so avoid those arguments.

People throwing around “elitists” again like that means something bad.

It is bad when someone insists you play a certain weapon or you are trash. I didn’t say everyone who uses sword was an elitist.

Random Zerker Ranger (vid)

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


*Streamer Gank

My favorite part

Yeah needed to happen ;-)

Couldn’t do it 1v1 like cause he had his little bodyguard hammer warrior with him at all times, well, up until that body guard bit too much off and the streamer ditched them ;-)

I will try waiting and watching for Earthshakers better if that’s the cc chain setup. Probably my greatest weakness is burning dodges on non cc stuff trying to avoid any damage at all. I’m thinking about swapping to a blinding bird since they have crazy good reaction time on f2 and it could save me from nasty cc chaining.

And bow is zodiac ;-)

What place does Greatsword have in PvE?

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


Gs in dungeon, nah, no kick.
Lb, possibly.
Bear, possibly.
Lb + bear, well you could always try soloing dungeon ;-)

Gs is viable, elitists swear by sword mainhand so avoid those arguments.

Greatsword Vs Sword/Warhorn

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


Sword,gs,offhand Axe, dagger and warhorn are all viable lb swaps. Try them all and see what plays right for what you want to do.

And please don’t say “maul never lands on good roamers”. You have to set that up or ofcoarse you will miss big ole bear attack.

Lots of people think call birds skill sucks but it really is pretty nasty on a zerker spec.

If you like hoping around like rabbit then try sword and untarget your foe. You will hop all over.

Dagger is good evade and another poison, vital.

Offhand Axe is utility beast.

Random Zerker Ranger (vid)

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


Me random zerkering. Nothing pro, sorry elitists/wannabes ;-(

*Couple fights on newer zerker necro im making
*New sexier sylvari ranger, dat bark! ;-)
*Streamer Gank
*Couple very short pve clips I found humorous

Would appreciate any play tips countering hammer warrior and lesser extent guardian. I know they eat anybody without stability fast. Is there some secret to knowing how to avoid cc chain?

Krytan or Pirate Crescent (BOW)

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


Part of the joy is lvling up and exploring as you do. At lvl 80 it’s a grind since everything in open world dies super fast to zerker.

Oh and I say pirate Cresent as you will unlock the krytan bow very easy later on from normal game play ;-)

Make the Revenant overpowered ...

in WvW

Posted by: Justine.6351


revenant op. nerf pls.

Yep its total bs they can win 1v3+ fights. Need to reduce their dmg by 20% at least aswell as their survivability.

All jokes aside, they will come out the gate op so people flock to it and people who on fence about buying expansion will make the leap. Some of the devs will cry to have it balanced out the gate but business decision will be to make it appealing.

What's some new Skills you want in HoT

in Warrior

Posted by: Justine.6351


I’d like to see wave of wrath on warrior gs tbh. Possibly cloak and dagger on hammer.

This just in Rytlock Brimstone quits Warrior.

in Warrior

Posted by: Justine.6351


The title of this topic is the best title ever.

Kinda exactly what many of us must have thought when they showed Rytlock with the blindfold.

Actually was so op that even with blindfold they can cleave everyone down!
In exchange for the warrior’s blindfold nerf with the revenant, they will have all their weapon skills cleave for 600 range like the staff guardian. They also took it one step further and instead of guardian spirit weapons and virtue of justice, they giving revenant attacks explosion dmg everytime they hit a target for 180 range!

which race for Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


Non or sylvari.

If you like the human look then norn but they look to walk really slow.

Sylvari if you want to make kudzu someday.

Rangers are Real

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


No barrage, I’m not impressed!

Should I play a ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


LOL look at their history!

Stats for WvW Roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


expect to get outnumbered fast if you are roaming correctly. And then have the balls to fight them. Keep dying to them and you get free practice at the expense of their time !

Should I play a ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


play them all, then make up your mind, or… play them all ;-)

My mains have been:
zerker warrior
zerker Mesmer
condi bunker warrior
zerker ranger

alts have been:
symbol guardian (lol open world)
wvw zerg ele (obby flesh so op !)
shadow shot thief (fun in low lvl zones)
Defense of Shaemore lvl 20 engi turret engi (lol)

point is though, alts alts alts and maybe you will fall into your class of choice.

Sadly by upcoming expansion that will be flipped upside down with the new specializations. HOWEVER, you will atleast have multiple lvl 80s ready to convert if so desired ;-)

Can't use tomes on revenant?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Justine.6351


Revenants will be the new bearbow !

There will be 1 spec/prof at HoT release

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Justine.6351


I think you are WAY overestimating how much specializations alter the base class.

if its only one specialization then they will have to alter base class quite a bit otherwise everyone would have zero reason not to become druids.

If everyone is “forced” to become druids because it offers Ranger class + more options that’s not specialization, that’s pigeon holed.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Justine.6351


Imo revenant sneak peak looks like reimagined assassin/ritualist classes from gw1 factions (cantha). If those 2 arnt being saved for cantha…could spell doom for that continent ;-(

However, I suppose if they are saving tengu, there is some hope ;-)

I believe Revenant is more of a dark Dervish but with Ritualist elements mixed in similar to how Necro also has Rit elements.
I predicted in my Reaper class thread that we will go to Elona.
Watch and be amazed.
Rytlock getting lost into the Mist awhile ago and playing a major role in the expansion was a dead giveaway that we heading towards Elona direction especially with the new class being undead/demon themed. Elona is undead controlled now, keep that in mind as well..

Lolwhat? Nothing dervish about them seen so far.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Justine.6351


Imo revenant sneak peak looks like reimagined assassin/ritualist classes from gw1 factions (cantha). If those 2 arnt being saved for cantha…could spell doom for that continent ;-(

However, I suppose if they are saving tengu, there is some hope ;-)

There will be 1 spec/prof at HoT release

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Justine.6351


So if I’m reading this correctly, there are new classes but you need to lvl up its respective core class first. With the druid we saw it still had a pet so possibly some mechanics are retained.

A little worried they might actually remove weapon options from the new specs to adjust balance between core and new ;-( could make some people rage about no longer useable legendaries.

My Predictions for Specializations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Justine.6351


I’d laugh so hard at dualwield shields ;-)

I suspect a specialization that removes ranger pet. I don’t agree with it but its strong possibility so people finnaly shut up about it. Oddly id imagine such a spec being a beastmaster. Instead of one stupid pet you get weapon skills that summon pets. Kinda like hunters call where you don’t actually summon minions but just affects that display cosmetic pets in animation.

Greatsword vs Sword 2015

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


On paper s/x is superior PvP choice. But bouncing around in a troll like manner is just not my style.

I use gs simply cause it feels right for me.

Quick - Benny Hilling DB

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


So cruel ;-)

Ive done borderland tours on my norn warrior. Just when it looks like I’m toast, snow leopard ;-)

Revenant Legends - Who would you channel?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Justine.6351


I hope the summons are not just engine tool kits or ele conjured weapon like ;-(

Don’t need another “10thousand different skills” class that would massively benefit from celestial gear.

Mursaat Appearance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Justine.6351


They don’t look like mursaat to me, more like margonites ;-(
But its the only thing that makes sense other than new race.

As for them being allies…that’s about as dangerous as trusting sylvari given the mursaat’s history AND indeed the sylvari just turning on us. What’s weird is rytlock seems to be leading the “negotiations?” in the trailer. Charr allying with god posers, whose ancestors were defeated/driven out of kryta by the white mantle? It just seems like a mess waiting to happen.

That interview...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Justine.6351


If HoT runs as quickly as the initial game launch, it might only be a few months before the expansion is on store shelves.


It will be a month before we start seeing a good stream of info about the game.
It will be nearly 2 months before demos.
It will be 6 months before most of the classes and specializations are revealed.
It will likely be fall to late 2015 before expansion becomes available. And that is only based on ncsoft projected earnings for 3rd quarter I think.

The one thing to hope on, is that they won’t be doing same thing they did with gw2 announcement. Announce that instead of new campaign for gw1 a month before people expecting it (spring 2007), that its instead expansion (fall 2007) cause after that they doing gw2 with beta in like fall 2008. FYI, gw2 launched in fall 2012.

Revenant Legends - Who would you channel?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Justine.6351


Wait, Prince Rurik? So he can lead you on a merry chase again, all the while telling you touching stories of his youth?

You still owe me a story about the Ashford ghost from presearing ashford abbey gw1 ! You said to ask next time but you stopped coming to lions arch ;-(

That being said, Ashford ghost! Its Gwen’s father I know it!

So, what do we do until HoT is released?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Justine.6351


Small list.

*Make 2 of each current profession if you got the slots.
-likely at least 2 specializations, but also maybe just 1 + base profession

*stack legendary mats, but don’t craft any of the current legendary components.
-new legendaries and likely new high end exotics/ascended gear.

*create armor sets for lvling the revenant.
-could also just scroll +tome it to 80 I suppose ;-(

*craft an ascended zerker spear
-still lots of speculation that spear may be useable by a couple classes on land.
*craft certain ascended weapons for classes that have been speculated to get them if they interest you.
-mesmer shield, engine hammer, revanent sword/spear?, ranger staff

This weekend is an excellent opportunity for some alt speed lvling.

What was *not* anounced for the new expansion

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Justine.6351


there are new weapon types.

new weapon skills from new available weapons per class. The weapon itself is just a model/skin that holds 5 skills.

Not sure I understand. That’s new weapon skills, for the classes that can now use existing weapons, no? As opposed to new weapon types?

specialization opens up new weapon types per class.

What was *not* anounced for the new expansion

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Justine.6351


there are new weapon types.

new weapon skills from new available weapons per class. The weapon itself is just a model/skin that holds 5 skills.

Raising Level Cap?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Justine.6351


I think we will get:

*New lvls of infusions- currently only blue quality
*Craftable ascended trinkets
*Solo mode dungeons OR hero/henchy/merc system from gw1 (unlikely)

A new progression panel to augment our characters in a non-op way – sorta like wvw ability points system but more class oriented.
*A couple new weapon choices that can be used by all classes
*Modable/Swapable weapon skills to tweak how each weapon skill works
A way to set our high lvl character’s power, in low lvl areas, down significantly to increase our drops quality. A type of hardmode in a way.[/s]

Mostly a wish list I guess ;-)
This sort of stuff.


EXP penalty for playing a higher level area?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Justine.6351


I wouldn’t fight foes +5 lvls above you. That’s cap before you just making game frustrating.

1-20, maybe +2lvls
20-60, maybe +3lvls
60-80, maybe +5lvls

depends on how well you gear up at certain lvls. Using power/power&precision/power&precision&ferocity gearing will make it more practical to kill foes higher lvl then you and certain classes/weapon skills will help.

Bloodlust sigil and flame or air sigils go a long way. As does stacking minor +power runes.

warriors with axe or gs
thieves with dagger or sword
ele with dagger
necro with dagger
ranger with any weapon
guardians with a symbol weapon
mesmer with gs or sword
engi with ? no idea sorry

+power signets scale very well as do +precision signets to lesser degree. Warriors and Thieves can pack both.

Raising Level Cap?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Justine.6351


People think they know what they want until they get it. Then they realize they really didn’t want that and its too late to go back and listen to everyone who said they wouldn’t like it. So they just quit and leave the rest who didn’t want said thing.