Showing Posts For Kako.1930:

Suggestion: Class stacking SHOULD BE GONE!

in PvP

Posted by: Kako.1930


I recently just came back to GW2, and OH MY GOD.

The pvp is HORRIBLE.

I think it would be best if Arenanet decides to do some HEAVY CHANGES!

-Competitive should only have 1 per class!!
—- Longer queue times? well thats the whole point, if everybody in GW2 plays Trap guardian and Healing magical rangers then kewl, I am OUT.

Queue times SHOULD NEVER MATTER! why should the competitive be kitten? just because of queue times? and 1 thing too.. IT DISCOURAGES PVP FARMERS!! cuz they will dislike that idea of heavy queue times.

-Competitive should only allow single class!
—-If they queue with that character, they SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO SWAP! to keep 1 class ! there should NOT be 2 guards or 2 anything.. it should only be 1 class per game!! that way it’ll make things more fun and more better..

You dont play OVERWATCH competitive and have 5 reinharts or 5 dvas right? NOBODY WANTS THAT! same goes with these horrible meta builds that’s plaguing PVP..

Hey I just came back in Guildwars2 so assume that I am a noob. yes I am a noob. no argue about it.

But this is just my opinion.. because I want to play some fun competitve, not some circus competitive.


recently it was a pool for class locking… and begin to work in no stack and class mmr …but they voted no.
sad story

Correction: class stacking is the reason people voted no for class locking. Anet made it clear that class stacking was not going to be removed upon locking professions, but that it was something that could be loosely implemented sometime after the lock. Some people just assumed that how they dreamed it would be is how it would actually be and spread misinformation despite what Anet employees were actually saying and they continue this nonsense out of rage because most people were smart enough to know that locking professions without removing class stacking is a dumb idea.

Please, make the footsteps more visible!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kako.1930


This would be nice for HOPE, too. It’s a shame that the footsteps only last for like 1.5-2 steps before disappearing while Twilight, Kudzu and Meteorlogicus last for like 10+ steps.

Adding some sort of an aura to the new ones would be nice, too, but I know that’s asking for a lot lol.

(Although, considering that the new legendaries are more expensive AND require more work than the original legendaries on average, it only makes sense that they should have at least the same amount of visual perks as the old ones, if not more.)

Thief hate this season already

in PvP

Posted by: Kako.1930


Everyone and their grandma plays thief, and since it’s been this way for forever, it’s really easy to spot a good thief from a bad one. It’s the one profession that you have to expect to have at least one of on every team of every match, and so everyone knows how to fight a thief. (DH is getting to that point also)

Swapping won’t solve your problem unless you’re actually good at something other than thief, though. People will call you out on how bad you are no matter what profession you play, and they will also find someone to blame other than themselves if their team is losing every time. (the “I’m losing because my team is bad, not because I’m bad” mentality)

share your game history

in PvP

Posted by: Kako.1930


I solo queued and lost the first 3 games, won all the rest, and got placed in gold tier 2. I’d say it’s about the same as last season: winning streaks followed by losing streaks.


New S6 Carry Build

in PvP

Posted by: Kako.1930


Said nobody ever.

No more troll Legendary weapons Y_Y

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kako.1930


I crafted H.O.P.E. as my first legendary weapon because none of the older legendaries really caught my eye, but I thought this new legendary pistol was awesome! Sure, the quaggan shield and the boat rifle don’t really stand out to me, but they might be the most awesome legendaries to other players.

(Although in my opinion it would be even better if all of the new legendaries offered some sort of a new aura to go along with the new effects and footsteps like some of the older ones do.)

Profession Locking Poll - February 16th 2017

in PvP

Posted by: Kako.1930


I don’t understand how the matchmaking would be more “accurate” if yes win; it will be just profession based instead of account based, or am I missing something?

The idea is that, just because you are a great mesmer, doesn’t mean you know how to play a revenant well. If the professions were locked we could place you into a match that reflects your skill with that class.

That’s true, but as someone already stated, this game is more than knowing how to play a specific profession: in order to win, you have to know how to position, when to move from a point to another, who to focus, when and what to dodge, when kill Svanir and when go for Tranquillity…

… if I’m a great mesmer, plat tier 3 or more, I for sure know very well all these things; now I move to my revenant for the first time, I end up playing with low skill people in bronze/silver: how do you think this will affect other players game experience? I suppose in a bad way, both for my teammates (lower impact on game outcome) and for my enemy team (wich must witness a just better player).

In the end, high end ladder will be filled with great players (how should be), their account alt (and that’s an already existing problem) and, now, their alt (a new problem).

If i’m misunderstanding something, please tell me.

I don’t think your MMR from mesmer to revenant would be THAT different unless you really play a lot worse on rev. Maybe if it’s your first time playing rev it might be significantly lower to start but I’m not sure, I would think that it wouldn’t take long to evaluate your performance for that profession to balance it out though.

Profession Locking Poll - February 16th 2017

in PvP

Posted by: Kako.1930


If we get the same restrictions as the tournys do regarding 1 of each class per team.

But they have not said or implied anything about doing that.

People are voting yes assuming that Anet is going to do something that Anet hasn’t said a word about doing. This is the exact problem we had with the solo vs team poll where people assumed that solo = separate team queue when it didn’t mean that at all.

If they remove the ability to swap professions but don’t remove class stacking then it will be a nightmare if they don’t bring back the ability to compete with a 5 man premade. Solo/duo queuing will be awful. Hopefully someone from Anet will provide some clarification on this.

making works like X becomes Y

in PvP

Posted by: Kako.1930


My mind usually just filters all of this into “QQ!!!!” at this point since it usually occurs when these players die. Maybe it could become an official coding option to put whatever you want there lol. I always enjoy watching people rage about how cheesy or op something is when they die against it even if their build hard counters it, or when they blame someone else for their off point death when they mindlessly ran into a 2v1 for no logical reason though… might as well get some satisfaction out of being stuck with these guys since the loud ones always cause their teams to lose unless they get carried.

Profession Locking Poll - February 16th 2017

in PvP

Posted by: Kako.1930


So much whining going on it’s laughable, let’s look at what this will do to benefit players.

  • increase matcmaker accuracy- so many players cried (some people posting in this thread that are against the lock out at queue) about matchmaker S5 how it was inaccurate guess what this will help fix that.
  • will highlight overused/overtuned and Unterused/undermined classes for the game mode. – could lead to Devs looking into why those classes are taken so much, would be best if tied with Anti-class stacking implemented
  • will make players think about what they queue on.

Let’s look at the bad.

  • Increased Queue times – not that bad of a trade off for better Matchmaking.
  • can’t counter comp. -which isn’t to big of an issue especially if they implement anti class stacking.

Also if players cared so much about coordinating their comps and so on they wouldn’t have voted team queue out of the Ranked game mode, just saying.

I agree with what’s being said here, as long as they get rid of class stacking in the process. My only concern would be if they don’t completely get rid of class stacking and we wind up in matches with 2+ of the same profession on a team where neither of them can swap to something else. (It doesn’t take much to make people ragequit and afk/jump around in spawn until the match ends) Other than that, I think it would be fine.

Profession Locking Poll - February 16th 2017

in PvP

Posted by: Kako.1930


Does it mean that class swithing during the match will be unavailable in both cases?

Yes. We will disallow swapping characters once the 10 second countdown begins. This prevents things like playing 95% of a match and then swapping for profession achievements.

This sounds very different from what the feedback link says.

Yes, I want professions locked upon queuing for Ranked and Unranked arenas.

Attempting to switch professions after a match has been made will not allow re-entrance.

If it’s locked upon queuing then I would vote no unless there is no profession stacking in teams. If it’s locked once the countdown begins then I would vote yes.

Teams that get stuck with 2+ thieves for example should be able to swap before the match begins IMO.

What do YOU want?

in PvP

Posted by: Kako.1930


it failed.

try something different

potaytoes potahtoes



I enjoy playing with an organized team just as much as the next guy, but restricting the options for players is not the way to go in my opinion. Making this season exclusively solo/duo was not good, but neither is mixing teams with soloers or forcing exclusively 5-man premades. You’re right that a 5v5 with both teams being organized and in coms is more competitive than 5v5 solos, but I think playing solo and being able to progress equally should still be an option at least.

What do YOU want?

in PvP

Posted by: Kako.1930


wow nice lol, people voted for 5 when we already had it and it failed.
this is why players shouldn’t have any say over what goes on.

We didn’t really have option 5, it was played off as looking like that but Solo Q was just another word for Unranked and team was Ranked. Team could be 1-5 players (I used to solo on Team because it was more competitive and like Ranked. Higher rewards, people at least tried to run decent builds and learn to play, etc.)

What I would like is for a Solo Q Ranked and a Team Queue Ranked, where both have the same rewards and both encourage people to play decent builds and be competitive. It would also help against the philosophy that losing a team match is still more rewarding than winning a solo match that we used to have. Adding a third Unranked option would be nice, where Solo and Team would have the Ranked maps and Unranked could include the crummy ones.

I just don’t want to go back to having solo be regarded as unranked and pointless to try to compete in. It wasn’t because it was solo q that it was so bad, it was because Anet treated it like it was as competitive and worthwhile as hotjoin and so people played as if it was hotjoin. With the changes to the leaderboards and pips system, this could be a lot better.

What do YOU want?

in PvP

Posted by: Kako.1930


I voted for solo and team (2-5), but in addition I think it should include separate leaderboards and equal rewards. If titles are included then there should be separate titles for solo and team queue as well. Both should have the same map selections as well. They shouldn’t make solo seem like unranked, just have a third option for unranked instead. That’s my opinion.

Signet of the Wild "bug"

in PvP

Posted by: Kako.1930


Lol. After all the chest thumping and raging about how this was actually a feature and not a bug. Nice.

For those against 5v5...

in PvP

Posted by: Kako.1930


They need to go back to solo and team queue, but offer the same amount of prestige and reward for each so that soloers don’t feel like they have to enter team queue to achieve anything. It’s a terrible misconception that solo players are somehow “worse” or “less deserving” than those in a premade, when really the only difference is that premades have additional tools at their dispense with teamspeak and the ability to coordinate and rehearse builds ahead of time.

As someone who plays both with a team and solo, my opinion is that it’s not fun at all to faceroll pugs when I’m with a team or to be facerolled by a premade when I’m the pug. I understand that it probably wouldn’t happen and if it did then it would probably destroy the queue times, but that’s the only way I can see of really giving everybody an equal playing field (aside from the whole core vs. HOT dilemma).

If it’s either shorter queues with a high chance of terribly lopsided matches or longer queues with a better chance of having a balanced match, I’d rather have a better match and deal with a longer queue, personally.

The Irony of GW2 PvP Toxicity

in PvP

Posted by: Kako.1930


People who make toxic comments don’t think twice before they do or say anything, which is why they’re usually terrible players who never learn anything.

No matter how icky sweet you are to them, or how many times you try to reword things to make it sound nicer or clearer, they don’t want to learn or listen to anyone, so it’s not going to make a difference how you word it.

Also, like Wargameur said, most of them just block you if you try to say anything constructive to them anyways. The best thing to do is to ignore them and not waste your time feeding their egos.

Cyber Bullied Because of Being a Core Player

in PvP

Posted by: Kako.1930


Just watch how the people wailing at you play and you’ll understand that it really isn’t an issue with core vs. HOT, it’s just that they’re so bad that they’ll jump to whatever pops into their head to blame first for their lack of skill. Usually, they’ll use whatever they see on metabattle as their build and think that that’s enough to make them a good player, when in reality they’re never rotating to the correct points, attacking the right players, or making the right actions at the right times. They just assume that since they’re dying instantly over and over again off-point and you’re not there to res them, it must be your fault because you’re running a build that wasn’t on metabattle.

This is what goes through the minds of these people, and if the rest of the team isn’t seeing that guy endlessly die off-point or 1 v 1 against the beasts in niflhel, they’ll just follow along with him in blaming you for the loss.

In the end, only you can know how well or badly you played if you’re analying your matches objectively and looking to improve, and there will always be trolls saying that you’re the worst player ever even if you know that you did nothing wrong while they’re lying dead at the door to the enemy base less than 100 points into the game on Foefire.

Personally, I would rather have a non-HOT player that knows how to rotate and get all the objectives at the right time and has a mastery of the conquest system on my team than a meta moron that endlessly runs into 3 v 1’s off point, dies instantly, then afk’s in spawn for 3 minutes at a time to cry at his team about it.

What's the point of ranked?

in PvP

Posted by: Kako.1930


This thread sounds like:

People on winning streak: “The system is fine. All my matches are balanced.”
People on losing streak: “The matchmaking is flawed. All my matches are one-sided.”

There’s a lot more than just player rank that determines the outcome of a match though. There’s team comp, build and play style, if any duos are in coms, if someone is using an alt to purposefully lose matches for another account or friend, afkers/dc’ers, bad rotations, etc. That’s why the system can’t be perfect. Even if everyone had the exact same rank on both teams, these other factors would still exist.

Why am I losing rating when there is a DC?

in PvP

Posted by: Kako.1930


Anet made it so they have to be disconnected for an insanely long time before it counts as a d/c for the team. If he was even 1 second shy of the limit then your team is screwed.

Between this and afkers who stay active in spawn all match just so they won’t get dishonor, there is more than enough to be frustrated with when it comes to playing in ranked.

(And reporting the afkers does nothing)

I'll be quitting to find a team game

in PvP

Posted by: Kako.1930


They should just implement solo ranked queue and team ranked queue alongside unranked. Same rewards, just different queue sizes.

It’s true that a premade has an enormous advantage over a pug team, but that doesn’t mean that one or the other needs to be punished for it.

It seems like people that always play in premades are always trying to invalidate soloers as being “not good enough” to have a team, while soloers point out that the only reason premades appear to be more skilled is that they have an unfair advantage through coms and knowing each other’s strengths and weaknesses well. That’s not how it should be. Both are equally valid and should have their own platforms.

Climbing out of bronze

in PvP

Posted by: Kako.1930


That sounds awful. Why would you choose to do this? Even if you prove how awful it is people will still choose to believe whatever they want to believe. Is it worth it?

Scrapper Tweaked Build (PVP)

in Engineer

Posted by: Kako.1930


Hello everyone,

I’ve been playing with a tweaked version of the meta scrapper build and have been doing pretty well with it in pvp (currently working my way up in the Platinum rank), so I just thought I’d share it with anyone who might want to try something new.

Here’s a link to the page that I made on MetaBattle:

I know it’s not perfect, but it’s something different and I’ve had fun with it! This is not meant to replace the meta build and I’m not claiming to be a pro or anything, but if you want to give something new a try then this is an option that’s still pretty good!

Reasons to vote yes at the poll by Helseth

in PvP

Posted by: Kako.1930


I voted yes because having solo/duo queue only for ranked will make ranked more balanced, while 5-man premades full of friends who just want to have fun together can still go into unranked and farm pugs there for their lulz. I think ranked should provide an even playing field for everyone where your personal skill really does count for something. (Matchmaking should also be 50/50 per match, not just forcing a 50% overall win rate by giving a forced win followed by a forced loss) That’s just my opinion, though.

best season in league so far?

in PvP

Posted by: Kako.1930


s2 was best. s1 was annoying w/ those teams adding ambers to lower them ratings, s3 was jus terrible. this match i got to win w/ 500-100, next i am the loser 500-100

This is exactly what I was going to say. S2 was more steady, whereas in S1 getting to legendary depended on being on a premade with someone smurfing, and S3 depended on getting a massive win streak to cross divisions. (Staying at win, lose, win pattern for weeks before hitting the win streak that only made it obvious that you probably didn’t deserve most of those wins, too. As in, you’re either on the team with all top players vs. a team that’s handicapped in some way, or you’re on the handicapped team vs. all top players.) The moment when the game decided to give you your win streak was probably just when all of the players who would endlessly steamroll you have already hit their win streaks and crossed divisions, or just the people with higher MMRs.

Season 4 Nerf Wish List

in PvP

Posted by: Kako.1930


Make elementalist something more than just a healbot please. ; – ;

everyone DCed/Dishonored

in PvP

Posted by: Kako.1930


How do you get 12min-1hour long dishonor? I’ve only ever gotten a 2 or 3 minute one. /confused

Nomad in pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Kako.1930


If there’s one thing that Anet did right, it’s taking out tank amulets from PVP. There’s nothing less fun than chasing around a tank on a point who doesn’t fight back but instead runs in circles healing the whole time, and with GW2 combat the way it is, it’s a lot easier to run in circles spamming heals and blocks and facetanking everything than it is to chase someone around the point trying to outdamage their sustain.

Perhaps it wouldn’t be bad if they created a practice mode and only enabled those amulets in the practice mode so that new players and people experimenting with a profession that they don’t know how to play can use them as a sort of crutch until they’re ready to move onto ranked pvp, where skill would be more necessary and face tanking everything wouldn’t be an option anymore. That’s just my opinion though.

Is it really my fault if I lose all my games?

in PvP

Posted by: Kako.1930


No one can really tell you how good or bad you’re doing. From my experience, most people who spend the whole match telling their team how bad they are are the same people who are afking at home when it’s empty while their team is getting 4v5’ed the whole time, but if you’re watching the map, playing strategically, and not being a keyboard warrior raging at your team then you’re doing better than most, lol.

Can't Match Armor Dye to Eternity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kako.1930


I honestly think people make these threads just to announce that they have Eternity, lol.


[Suggestion] Make this glow a shoulderskin?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kako.1930


I think it’s a bug related to autoloot, because it’s the same effect as items that can be picked up/looted.

Suggestion: Head wear on outfits / NC outfit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kako.1930


Idk, it would probably make our characters all bald while wearing it so I’m not sure if I’d really like that. :/

Perma evade thief has returned. Fix it.

in PvP

Posted by: Kako.1930


Beware the rise of the perma-evade thieves!

Discrimination because of dyes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kako.1930


I know some seriously biased people and you will never change their opinions, just don’t let it drag you down.

You never know, though, there could be other reasons for them leaving group. I had a whole group quit my fractal before it started today and I was using black/blue dyes. :O


Just a quick bravo to the balance team

in PvP

Posted by: Kako.1930


Every profession has been at the rock bottom at least once since the game was released, aside from revenant (because it’s so new) and maybe engineer (which has always seemed to just float in the middle area except that time when turret engi was op). Nobody wants to be on the balance roller coaster, and so I think you’re right about more frequent, lighter balance patches being more effective than heavy all-out quarterly patches.

These patches might not seem to change things quickly or very much, but in time things will start to even out more I think. This was a pleasant surprise in my opinion.

Glider Suggestions? Share Them Here!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kako.1930


I know this is an old topic now that was already brought up around Valentine’s Day, but I was kind of hoping that the wings of love glider would eventually be updated to include a backpiece skin with the same sort of wings. (The golden wings and hawk wings have the same exact shape!) Was there ever a final decision made on this subject?

I would really like to have the same skin when I’m running around as when I’m gliding without having to permanently closet my wings of love glider, but if there’s no hope of that ever happening then I would like to know, too. Thoughts?

They probably will, next Valentine’s day.

I actually wouldn’t mind waiting if I knew for sure they would do it lol. I was just wondering if anyone knew or remembered if they said anything one way or the other. :P

Glider Suggestions? Share Them Here!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kako.1930


I know this is an old topic now that was already brought up around Valentine’s Day, but I was kind of hoping that the wings of love glider would eventually be updated to include a backpiece skin with the same sort of wings. (The golden wings and hawk wings have the same exact shape!) Was there ever a final decision made on this subject?

I would really like to have the same skin when I’m running around as when I’m gliding without having to permanently closet my wings of love glider, but if there’s no hope of that ever happening then I would like to know, too. Thoughts?


Pack animals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kako.1930


Wait, did you say camels? Yes please!

PVP ragers be like

in PvP

Posted by: Kako.1930


WOW, that was long. _

It makes for an interesting screenshot to look back on, though. I think I have a couple of those saved up to laugh at when I’m feeling nostalgic. Some people are so dumb.

Helseth - no more GW2 streams

in PvP

Posted by: Kako.1930


In my opinion, there is currently no way to separate a “good” player from a “bad” one. The only thing the current system (with prestige) shows is who has the most free time, which is not exactly something to admire in a person, lol.

Chaos gloves!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kako.1930


I also like the gloves but hate the clipping. I was really hoping they would be less buggy considering how expensive they are, and of course I only found out AFTER purchasing them because they looked fine in the preview.

I really hope they fix that.


Season 3 meta class.

in PvP

Posted by: Kako.1930


I was hoping warrior would finally become the new deciding factor, or at least make it into the meta. Aww….

Reapers = No skill?

in PvP

Posted by: Kako.1930


Well, reaper is kind of brain-dead easy atm. You don’t really have to actively concentrate or be aware of what you’re doing, and people have recorded videos where they were able to win matches by literally rolling their face on the keyboard upon encountering an opponent.

Not to say that their opponents were any good, but this wouldn’t even be possible on any other profession. In all relativity, reapers are far easier than any other profession in the game to perform well with, which is why you’re seeing matches with 3 of them on a team, or even 8+ in a match. It’s the go-to profession for farming easy wins.

Need suggestions for choosing a profession

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kako.1930


I would suggest trying all of them and seeing which one you like the best, but from your description (about not wanting to be a selfish player) I think you might like condi mes best. Good luck!

Balance team: Don't buff warriors

in PvP

Posted by: Kako.1930


I would enjoy being able to play more builds that don’t require traiting into the elite specs to be competitive, as long as they don’t butcher the elite specs so bad that it makes everyone regret ever buying HOT lol.

thanks for another back to back 4v5

in PvP

Posted by: Kako.1930


Please, tell me how it is Anets fault people are leaving the game?

I think he means fix the fact that he lost a pip for a 4 v 5 and ended his win streak because of it.


in PvP

Posted by: Kako.1930


2 warriors attacking our own gate all match without realizing that it wasn’t taking any damage.

That didn’t really happen though.

Professions Question?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kako.1930


They should be. I’m pretty sure that the achievements are account-wide and not character based.

what kind of gamer are you?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kako.1930


47% achiever
60% explorer
47% griefer
47% socializer

I’m apparently a little bit of everything, except that quiz had a lot of questions that didn’t relate to gw2 so I just chose whatever xD

(Feedback) Ironclad Outfit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kako.1930


I really like the female version of it. It has a sort of “classic” look to it.

The male version… not so much.
