Showing Posts For Kjeldoran.3849:

Guide: Meatless Murder with Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849



good job

Ranger Dazer Hybrid Build 2.0 Movie

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


Video of the Build in Action.

mmm… not bad not bad… but i have few more questions:
1) why go fo 1500 power when you can go for full condition damage?
2) why troll unguent if you get around 500 healing power? Heal as One has a better coeffient (1.0 against troll unguent which is 0.12: this mean you get 500 more hp from heal as one)
3) why greatsword? i can understand the great utility tool… but …condi damage? how can a build based on condition get advantage from using a raw damage weapon? maybe sword/torch is better… what do you think?
4) “soften the fall” ? xd i thought that those skills where for jumping puzzles not for competitive pvp… why not to put on shared anguish? or expertise training (considerating you are using spiders with poisons)?
5)i miss something or there is a lack of cond remover? "emphatic bons procs every 10 sec so it isn’t enough to resist… maybe signet of renewal at place of SotW? i don’t think rangers have anough condition removers :<

Anyway this build looks really interesting but i think there is much more to do, keep it up

zero damage: it's possible.

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


Lots of interesting Stuff

Kjeldoran, can you do the Math for us, please? :-)

XD yes send me your homeworks

1) So you are saying that there are no attacks with a coefficient higher then 1 and quicker then 1 second? Because if you are, then you are incorrect. Guardians themselves have attacks that can fire off in less then a second and some of them have coefficients of 2.5, 2.25, and 1.4. Matter in fact all three of them combined is about a second.

2) I don’t understand what you are trying to say here? Here are the stats of my roaming build. Can you show me how I’m doing zero damage to you? 2170 power, 48% crit chance, 90% crit damage. I run sword/focus, greatsword. And for the sake to show I’m not a glass cannon I have 2968 armor and 16735 health.

1) i’m talking about auto atacks ^^ because if you are considering skills like whirling wrath you have to consider the 10sec cd not the 3/4 cast time and you always forget that also auto attacks with a cast time of 0.5 in reality last 1 sec (or near 1 sec) because of animation and aftercast.

2)do you get those stats with food? without are quite impossible (according to my calculation) and still with food are you considering fury in crit chance? because in my build i tried to optimize stats and i don’t get so high especially in toughness and crit damage at same time; infact i get 2100 power, 14xx (don’t remember now) toughness, 48% crit chance, 82% crit damge and 15005 hp (without foods). Anyway you crits are less effectives as you think over my build simply because your power is under 4417 and in particular:
4417 / 2170 = 2,05 times lower than required with a 90% crit damage you get a 2.4% crit multiplier so your damage will be:
716 / 2.05 = 349.3
349.3 * 2.4 = 838

now you are considering a skill with coefficient 1.0 and get a 838 damage
while my health per sec is 716 (withouth considering dodge roll) but you have to consider more option:
-is this an auto-attack? no, then you have to wait cd and your damage per second will be lower than 838
-is this a 1 total sec skill? (considering pre cast, animation and after cast) no? then you have to consider a reduction in damage per second
-is this a ranged skill? no? then you have to consider that you can always miss it and get 0 damage and a cd

what i’m trying to say is that while my 716hp/sec are something of sure your damage, instead, isn’t sure and isn’t even enough to overcome my health regeneration (of course we are talking about 1 with y build vs 1 full zerker).

Also i want to underline that this propotype of build is purely defensive and i can develop a stronger one in order to also deal a very good damage (also this one has a decend dps… simply isn’t enough in a competitive tpvp)

u guys notice this is only theory right? do not work on the field.
There are classes that make 3%-6% more damage per boon.
And conditions damage makes much more damage than regens can cover plus minor healings.
If its is for Pve only, anything on healing power makes guardian very sturdy.

I’ll say that this is more than theory crafting ^^ math is math and every game is based on math… so you have the answer.

- 3,6 and even 9% damage multiplier isn’t enough if you are conidering a base damage of 300… 9% is 9more damage? wow… really…
- this build isn’t fro pve (mobs) but for PvE (dungeons)

$5 for 400 gems

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


A lot of there items are under 400 diamonds. They can wiggle another 5 from you by not adding that option. You think this inflation happening right now was an accident? Anet has more control over their profit than you think

I don’t think this is really correct, if arena net is giving us only a 10$/€ option in my opinion is because items with a prica of 400 or less gems can be buyed easily with in game money…

Also i will not care so much about the 5$/€ option simply because you have to ask yourselvess this question:
“do i want to buy more things from gem store in the future?”
yes → so 10$/€ allows me to get 400 more gems for the future → no problem
no → so maybe i can buy this item with golds this time → no problem

The situation is the right contrary: Arena Net has all the controll it wants over our payments but the simple fact they they allow us to decide between golds or real money and that the shop is only for aesthetic make all more polite than you think.

Usefulness of Traited Signets in PVE

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


Actually sotw increase damage per second by 3.3% but if you use it only for this 3%process you are wasting it. Infact this utility is for burst damage which is increased by an effective 25%! Also is completely false that traiting it will result in a loss of damage because youet passive regeneration a nd an active effect that will be used at fight start… the loss of damage is. not our problem… without consideringti stability and another 3.3% increased. Dmage from pet attacks… sru for grammar but im going to destroy my litten phon…

Hydralisk (control/zerg ranger) v2.0

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


The Hydralisk Build (ranger zerging with crits / condi / healing)

70% crit chance with fury
1000 condition damage
800+ healing power
Traps / bleeds / stomps

man now i haven’t enough time to give a good look to the build… but i have only few obervations:

- why go for 741 healing power if you haven’t many ways to get regenerations (or healing skills which well scale with)? i suggest to go 10 points in nature and get the 75% heal and the +33% regen so you improve your healing skill and get more benefits from your healing power.

- (the following one is really subjective) why didn’t you get “rending attacks” in order to get mode chance to proc bleeding? devourers are really good at ranged and the chance to proc bleeding is 100% so basically with 30 points in beastmastery you get a very nice ammount of bleeding stacks from your pet.

- as weapon set: axe or sword? is really hard to decide… axe seems to be more ranged… but also more power oriented while sword is more conditions-evade oriented, I think.

- i was about to create a really similar build but that elite… really disappointed me… i feel like RaO is good only for power builds because really don’t add anything to a condition build. At this point i suggest to put on entangle… but we all know how many problems this skill has… really disappointing… maybe spirit of nature and improve heals?

anyway nice starting point… i think this can become a good alternative to spirit build.

(edited by Kjeldoran.3849)

*SERIOUS RANGER BUGS* Requires Urgent Action

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


Whaaaaat? LR doing dmg is the biggest reason I beat Liadri so easily. Also great for bow gap creation and damage avoidance. Traited, it’s a stun break almost every 30s.

I perfectly agree with Chopps; LR is excellent for too many reasons: stun break, evade and damage (which is higher than you think).

Also it’s perfect in order to keep up steady focus and deserve/increase endurance for essential situations.

Greatsword for Elementalists

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849



“Anet is currently working on giving all weapons to all classes”

where is this statement from? I really hope this is a fake… or at least means “we want to give more weapons to all classe… not all weapons”…

did you imagine a guardian with rifle? o.O
a warrior with scepter?
an elementalist with rifle? o.o
or a mesmer with hammer!? ò.ò
no way…

Ranger Dazer Hybrid Build 2.0 Movie

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


Fury on Swap helps

When you maul some warrior in the face for 5k damage then apply 15 stacks of bleeds and 13 stacks of Confusion, its pretty funny.

Esp when those Bleeds are ticcing for almost 100 a pop

what? sry i’m a bit lost… does maul apply 15 stack bleeding? o.O and 13 confusion? or I misunderstood?

(edited by Kjeldoran.3849)

Battleground everywhere

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


this thread is about an important, at least for me, add that this game requires: we get Hearth of the Mists but why we miss an open world battleground?
I know that WvW can be considered a great battleground but sometimes I haven’t hours and hours to go in WvW and to create an HotM in open world will be a really nice add to make happy all those haven’t so much time or simply those who don’t want to be force in zerg vs zerg.

Also the reward can be:
20 badges of honor
10 silver
5 tokens (for a particular reward or skin or something else)

10 badges of honor
5 silver
2 tokens

Battleground mods may be different from Hearth of the Mist (i know that this requires a lot of work but…) for example:
-team vs team with limited respawn (ex. 50 respawn per team)
-team vs team vs team in a mini WvW like scenario; 3 mini towers (1 per team) + 1central mini tower with a score points cap
-team vs team with 2 fortresses (1 per team) and vehicles (or trebushets in particular position) to destroy enemy gate and kill enemy leader (npc… or maybe a player why not)

That’s all if you like my idea +1 please and if you have more suggestion for “battleground mods” fell free to elencate them here… maybe we can’t get an open world battleground but we can get more hotm mods

Take Out Chest Rewards If Invasion Failed

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


guys be quite… and i think Anet aim is to let us farm as more as possible and these massive events allow us to greatly get rewarded from our magic find… i think this is Anet tentative to “remove magic find without negative influence on players”.

Also i suggest to remove “magical infusion” and give back 20 laurels… because everyone get a full magic find equip for 1g (or less if yellow) but 20 laurels are too many to be wasted

Crit/Survive - Is there hope?

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


this is what i use in hearth of the mists:

i’m quite suscetible to conditions but i can kill ppl really fast and if you well play your match you are really hard to kill (in 90% of my matches i never die, nor get downed, and i kill always 10+ ppl). If you want to get more cond resistence change SotH for SoR

The thrown axe

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


Yeah, but I think unlimited axes are wierder than unlimited arrows/bullets, where would you store them? Even unlimited throwing knives are better that unlimited axes^^

i have a logical explanation for you!
our axes are like boomerang… so you get them back! also no one can see them return… that’s because them get mantle of invisibility (from harry potter) but we get an invisible axe detector so we get them! it’s not hard to understand… also them jumps between targets because… because we have a very cool aim and we are able to hit metal surfaces in order to make them bounce! we are the best… i suppose

Offensive healer - Theorycrafted www build

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


hello margane,
first of all… i’ve to say that this is a nice imput for a great build
now, if you are looking for heals and you want to get it only from regen remember that:

regen = 130 + 0.125 * healing power (255 hp per sec)
VoR = 84 * 0.06 * healing power

then if you want to be able to deal a good damage i suggest you to trasform this build in a signet one… so you can get maximum benefits from Signet of Resolve and get a better trait in radiance master since powerfull blades is good only for sword while your build is focused on mace.

so i suggest you to get both: “signet mastery” and “inscribed removal” and use: signet of judgment, bane signet and signet of mercy… so basically you improve everything you need; healing, power and damage reduction! Also you get a passive condition removal and 3 cond removal on activation.

this will be a nice imput for build optimization

ps: modified build for a better one

(edited by Kjeldoran.3849)

zero damage: it's possible.

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


yes that’s right but we are still able to get permasymbol with hammer 1# spam (or something like perma)
1)people have attacks quicker then 1 per second only if their coefficient are lower than 1.0 (which is the one i’m considering) and if you are always in front of them waiting for their attacks
2) critical hits are less effective than you think; 1 crit with low crit damage is less than 2x damage which mean that from 300… they would deal 600 damage (100 less under hp/sec) and if their focused on crit damage (berserker builds) their damage multiplier will be really reduced simply because 300 * 2.5 (supposing a 100% crit damage build) = 750… which means that is still under our hp/sec (i was not considering dodge roll in the 716 hp/sec) and, really important, it’s a full zerker buid… so while you still get 0 damage from, you are able to kill him … fastly and easily

Burning death animation

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


example of fight:
1. skill direct damage (light effect)
2. mob death with electric death animation
3. first bunring tick (if mobs was still alive)

so, if you want to see the “burning death”, activate VoJ then burn enemy and stop auto attack until death (if your burning is enough to kill it)

Rangers, lend me your ears..

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


aw…. that’s really frustaing… rangers which give a negative feedback of ranger… why guys? I know that our class need still more to get on pair with other but ranger is really strong if well played!! And i’m talking about a power build and not cond build!

Great DPS on single target → of course! rapid fire + power build = 10k+ (slow but really hard to avoid)
Good Cleaves → mmm… it seems you are looking for a 5k+ “maul” (not full zerker of course)
Good at range and melee → obviously, as i said 10k ranged, 5k melee… not bad at all
Good Survivability → really high, invisibility, knock back, 6 sec invulnerability, great toughness, per abilities for escape/heal/block/stun/weak
Good Mobility → woop! that’s all that you need to know… maybe togheter with signet of hunt is the best mobility in the game
Decent utility (more of a roamer than a grouper) → it strongly depends on your build but we have both and good.
Decent CC → immobilize and knock back… what else.

zero damage: it's possible.

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


Have you considered moving 10 points from Valor to Virtues to pick up Absolute Resolution? The extra Retaliation and condition removal seems to fit more with the theme of this build than extra Might (although the healing from Altruistic Healing would probably end up being slightly higher than the boosted VoR).

What do you think?

yes… my first build was 0/0/30/20/20 but i think is better to take 100 more healing power + 2x cond removal (thanks to shouts) instead of a single improved heal and only 1 cond removal (*1skill that removes conditions). Anyway if you want to remove condition removers from build (because for example you are playing in an organized party) you can go for a 30/20/20 and maybe change runes and food.

stowed pets

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


ahahaha XD that’s the sad truth ahahah

not a bad idea anyway…

Entangle sucks.

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


instead, one need to push deep into rear of the enemy line, or flank from the side. you dont need to be in the middle of the enemy.

Best way to use Entangle, indeed.. Get to the rear of the enemy group, pop down Entangle, Lightning Reflex out of there, spam Barrage, get back in and stomp..

surely a good method… but entangle is still easy to avoid/remove :<
another nice option would be to use hunter’s shot then cast entangle while invisible and then barrage.

for 1vs1 a really effective combo is entangle + moa’s daze in the face

5:30 AM Theorycrafting: Runes of Perplexity

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


yeah… to be honest condition guardian is becoming interesting…
until last patches we get only burning and a useless bleeding (from sigil), as learned from foofad topic it wasn’t enough to be really effective in pvp nor in pve, but now with a possible confusion spam… we can work at something.

anyway this possible build seems to be strongly related to asura (one of the best races :P ) because of “pain inverter” and "technobabble.
Anyway this “condition build” will be really different from others simply because while every other cond build has X bottom to get X condition, this one has to time skills and also get a bit of luck.

Anyway we get a total of 3 conditions, now: bleeding, burning e confusion.
While bleeding is pretty useless for its damage (a max of 3stacks isn’t enough to be effective), burning and confusion can help a lot to deal some significant damage.

and i forget we can get 4th and 5th malus on enemies… but always with asura
binding blade -> ring of warding -> radiation filed = a min of 12sec poison and 12sec weakness

(edited by Kjeldoran.3849)

zero damage: it's possible.

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


Quote : skill damage= power * skill coefficient * weapon damage / enemy armor
skill damage with modifiers= (skill damage / enemy armor ) * (1-x-y-z )
where x, y and z are damage reducers like protection and abilities
1. /enemy armor, twice?
2. you never know the skill coefficient/power/weapon dmg of PVE/WvW mobs, while the skill dmg is depends on skill coefficient*power*weapon dmg, can be much higher than you think(ever for players’ skill it can be more than 10 million)
3. if 2 or more mobs/players are attacking you … your hp PER SECOND does’t work, because it is not hp PER SECOND PER MOB/PLAYER
4. not works for condition
5. how about crits?


add: 6. 1 break stun every 60 seconds?

thank you for comment but you are pretty wrong… so ill wait to say “fail”

1. that was only my error… every calculation i’ve done consider 1 enemy armor; that was in order to avoid to write again skill damage numerator
2. pve is easier to understand than you think. Of course i’m not talking about “one shot” skills because here you have to avoid them by definition… but for every other attack you have pretty an easy life
3. you are right… but you forget something: with this build you get up to 716hp per sec while a single enemy can deal a max of 300 damage per sec… this mean that only with regen you can be hit twice per sec without get any effective damage. Also you have to consider heals form rolls, heal skill, and elite which greatly increase you hp/sec and then you also to consider blinds/aegis/miss/block which greatly decreases enemy attacks so basically you can’t be attacked 1 time per sec during the entire fight … so hp are always in our favour

this should be a simply view of a match
sec: – damage: – heals:
1 – 300 – 716
2 – miss – 716
3 – 300 – 716

then do you understand that with this setup you can handle 5+ enemies without problems

4. actually this build is greatly focused on cond removal: -60% cond duration, up to 4 remove condition and elite, not considering that you can change heal skill (because you will use it really few times) and traits and, above all, heals per sec is always good to resist to conditions too (maybe not against 5 conditions spammer… but here there is nothing you can do)
5. actually this is a bunker build and is able to reach 55% crit chance and a 35% crit damage which is better than a lot of non defensive builds i’ve seen
6. mainly you don’t need stun break since you get passive heal regeneration and that’s enough to resist… no more need to do anything… just watch you enemy trying to kill you while drinking a coffee… then if you want… you can kill him (that’s exaggerated of course but not so far from reality )

Did i miss the point? or? (Burst guard)

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


man i’ll suggest you to give a look to this build|1.1g.h1|c.1g.h4.d.1g.h1|1g.7c.1g.7c.1c.7c.1g.7c.1p.7c.1g.7c|2s.0.21k.0.2s.0.2s.0.3s.0.2s.0|0.5.u45b.u28b.5|39.1|w.|e

this one gives you the possibility to burst do someone and get survivability at the same time; just an example:

Shield of Wrath + VoJ + Save yourselves + leap of faith + whirling wrath
damage dealt: min 8k – max 18k (about) + burning
seconds required: 2sec
other bonuses: every boon + 6+ might stacks

Dps Guard > Bunker Guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


not mentioning what Chase pointed out (which is the 90% of “why you can kill someone”) your thread title is wrong my actual build (in zero damage: is possible) can’t simply be killed by you or anyone… now and ever

and… you damage in the vid was really low still with 12 might stacks… really was it a dps build?

How Should Piercing Arrows Work?

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


also i finded this “piercing arrows” really disappointing… because if you are over a cliff, or simply over your enemy (or group of enemies) you arrows will touch ground before to hit evething (except first target of course).
so remember that
piercing arrows > eagle eye only if we hit 2 more enemies
but it also requires a great positioning ability… and so you waste precious seconds

is still 2+ sec for positioning and piercing arrows better than eagle eye?
short answer?
pve: yes if you are at range and at same weight of mobs
pvp: no, you have to run, roll and jump… so you basically don’t care to get a good position and hit 2 enemies… also against a zerg

Pet evolution

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


In gw1 we had pet leveling and evolution, with different possible outcomes depending on way we leveled our pets. That concept was abandoned in favor of pet mechanics we have now. Just like card in a deck, you take out your pet and replace it with another.

Instead of pet evolution we have traits that enhance abilitys of pet families, which in some cases is lacking. I.E. trait that gives k9’s cripple when F2 is used is usless, to say at least. K9 skills are: chill, fear, immobilize, regeneration, and summoning (hyena)…so only in 2 out of 5 cases this trait is semi-useful while in rest its hinderane.

My suggestion is, replace this kind of traits with traits that in some way evolve pets (like evolving wolf into dire wolf, which boost pet in some way while offering visual enhancment too). Im sure it would help rangers making emotional attachments to their pets if they choose to spend trait points on their pets.


Pokemon ! <3
no seriously… this would be really epic! (i’ve never played gw1 :<)
another really fantastic add will be to create a pet trait table which can allow us to customize our pet abilities and make it the perfect killing machine! but… sadly, those kinds of improvements requires much… very much time :<

+1 anyway! let’s try

IMO Barrage needs to Immobilize not Cripple

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


I strongly feel barrage should have instant-kill instead of cripple. This would really put rangers in a new position. Currently barrrage is a bit underwhelming, and the damage it deals is not insane to begin with (and I’m a full zerker ranger saying this). Changing the cripple to instant-kill would really give rangers a huge buff in WvW viability, as well as making barrage and the longbow a weapon a lot more rangers would really want to use. Thoughts?

I second this, I feel like this is a step in the right direction.

yesh XD ista-kill is what we need!

zero damage: it's possible.

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


Bunker anti-nuke Build

Role: Bunker for WvW (zerg head), hearth of the mists and pve (dungeons)

Ok, this is the first build to use the method “zero damage” and it isn’t only defensive but has also a bit of offensive capacity…


thanks to the great ammount of heal per sec and the great quantity of toughness this build is able to survive to… everything without any particular problem. This build is also created to survive to 2vs1 and 3vs1 fights (also 4-5-6 vs 1 but here you wont be able to kill but only to defend). The best combination comes out from regeneration + protection + retailation (that remember me a hotw boss…) simply because our regeneration is really strong, our protection is perma and our retailation greatly improves our dps.
Also to keep up those boons is really easy:
regeneration: symbol of faith, hold the line, save yourselves
protection: symbol of protection, protector’s strike, shield of judgment, hold the line, save yourselves, tome of courage
retailation: save yourselves, combo filed (mighty blow + field)

how many damage can we endure until we get 1, effective, damage?

skill damage (considering skill coef. 1.0 and a GS) = (power * skill coef. * weapon damage ) / armor

easy formula: hp/sec = (skill damage / armor ) * (0.57)
our hp-per-sec:
regeneration 130 + (0.125 * 1211) = 281
virtue of resolve 84 + (0.06 * 1211) = 156
writh of the mercifull 107 + (0.075 * 1211) = 198
altruistic healing 69 + (0.01 * 1211) = 81
total: 716hp per sec

716 = ((skill damage) / 3682 ) * (0.57)
skill damage required = 4.625.108
4.625.108 = power * 1 * 1047
power required: 4417!
this means that an enemy with less than 4417 power can’t deal damage with a skill with coef 1.0 or less (very few skills have more than 1.0 skill coefficient and still with a coef of 2.0 we are able to get zero damage against enemies with 2209 power or less!)

That’s all for now hope you enjoy this zero damage build as soon as possible ill work for a build which is also able to deal massive damage and become kinda the king of 1vs1.

ps: notice that the above build uses food and runes for condition removers (togheter with pure of voice) but if you want you can sobstitute them for more toughness and healing power and get an even more indestructible build (but more vulnerable to conditions)

zero damage: it's possible.

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


new section (can someone tell me how to make a link to this post so i can put it in the main thread?):

  • Math for math’s sake
    now i’ll explain what is better in order to get a more efficient damage reduction and reach the zero damage between ealing power and toughness.

healing power vs toughness
as i said over, heals per second is the key in order to reach zero damage togheter with toughness of course but does healing power scale better than toughness? as i said above: yes; but here are some numbers…

our aim is to compare 100 more hp per sec with X more toughness (rememer that we get the same ammout of healing power or toughness from equip so it’s, for example, 100 healing power vs 100 toughness)

first of all: how many healing power we need in order to increase our hp/sec by 100 points?
regeneration 130 + (0.125 * healing power)
virtue of resolve 84 + (0.06 * healing power)
writh of the mercifull 107 + (0.075 * healing power)
altruistic healing 69 + (0.01 * healing power)
the formula is the following
100 = 0.125* x 0.06* x 0.075* x +0.01* x
x = 100/0,27 = 370,4

so basically the confront is 100 hp/sec vs 370 toughness
let’s try in the base formula with some generical numbers!
[read over for the explanation of the following formula]
hp/sec (200hp) = skill damage / armor (3000)
enemy skill damage required in order to get “0 damage” < 600.000

then try with more hp/sec and less armor
hp/sec (200 + 100) = skill damage / armor (3000 – 370)
enemy skill damage required in order to get “0 damage” < 789.000

and the really impressive thing is that change 370 toughness for 370 healing power (+100 hp/sec) is 24% more effective!

to this is the way… tomorrow ill continue to work on and i really appreciate any help and suggestion since i haven’t much time and almost every time i’m writing from phone XD

zero damage: it's possible.

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


ahahahah XD i love that pic

anyway the difference is that the right formula is:

damage= (skill damage/ armor) * (1-x-y-z) not (skill damage/ armor) * (1-x) * (1-y) * (1-z)

i just tested it today

zero damage: it's possible.

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


This is not how damage reduction works.

You take 10k damage.
Its reduced by Armor first (Lets say you have 2750, that is 33%.)

6700, then its reduced by another 33% (Protection.)

4489, then its reduced by Signet of Judgement, another 10-15%, lets say 15%.

3816 Damage is what you take after all of thakittens Impossible to reduce your damage by 100%.

I will just leave this hear.

No man reduction stacks additively so that method is wrong… it s not 1000 -10% then 900 -20% but 1000 -30% which is different

(edited by Kjeldoran.3849)

zero damage: it's possible.

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


The smallest hit possible I think is against Heavy Knight x (1-0.12-0.1-0.33)*0.5 = 0.225 modifier. Frost armor and Weakness.

as i tested just today the right formula will be

damage= (skill damage / armor) * (1 – (0.12+0.1+0.33+0.5) which is pretty near to a 0 damage infact 1-0.96 = 4% damage taken but these condition are really hard to get because frost armor requires frost field (ranger or elementalist) and lasts few seconds and weakness isn’t so simply to put on enemy and doesn’t last enough.

anyway you are right… that will be the max damage reduction

zero damage: it's possible.

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


Ok good so now you edited the post to make sense. And the examples you posted above are correct and exactly as I said.

This topic is just so wierd cos in no place you fully aknowledge the errors there were, but just edit them in the main post multiple times. So we could never understood fully what you were arguing for on each moment.

The smallest hit possible I think is against Heavy Knight x (1-0.12-0.1-0.33)*0.5 = 0.225 modifier. Frost armor and Weakness.

gl hf, my work here is done.

ok give me a moment… i edited first post because there where wrong calculations… now ill correct it with latests news and the prototype of the build… give me a moment..

PS: ok OP corrected now please tell me something of constructive and avoid more comments like this.

(edited by Kjeldoran.3849)

Do we suck so hard at AoE?

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


I’m right there with you. Traps, peircing arrows, condition damage build and watch ther bags pile up.

yes but don’t forget the trait which allows us to trow traps ton of fun in wvw

IMO Barrage needs to Immobilize not Cripple

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


actually barrage is really easy to avoid and 90% of damage comes from user’s ability to place it well and at the right moment… because if you use it randomly 1 dodge is enough to avoid any damage…
so a 1sec immobilize (only of first hit) +1sec cripple per hit would be a nice idea.
Also barrage has a great potential damage but sadly we can’t deal it entirely…

a nice idea would be to increase the damage frequence… infact now it deals X damage every 1sec while inside the area. But those damage is too slow to be really effective so would be really impressive to increase damage rate like X damage every 0.5 sec and reduce the total duration of the skill. In this way barrage will become literally a fall of numbers on enemy screen so they really have to avoid in order to avoid death.. because now… seriously… no one need to avoid barrage in tpvp simply because damage is low (per tick) and slow (per sec)…

Exuberance + Vitality Armor [In Progress]

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


Your point only really holds up when compared to pieces like Runes of the Ogre, which can summon rock dogs, an ability you have to make a judgement call on with its value. Given that 60 points is more than half what one maxed out rune set would give for a single stat, that’s 90 points in vitality, 60 in precision, 60 in power, and 60 in healing power. As far as raw boosts go, that’s exceptional, and roughly on par with benefits from traits.

the max vitality you can get is 2477 but the problem is that in order to get a so high vitality you lose too many power and crit chance and the gain in those sectors will be really low:
power +74
precision +74
healing power +74

anyway the quantity of stat points is good if compared to other runes…
165 + 74 + 74 + 74 = 387 points
also to get a “+60” is good and give us a total of +345 points

(edited by Kjeldoran.3849)

Best Guardian dps build?

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


go for triple meditation 0/30/30/5/5 maybe focused on sword/x in order to get very high crit damage… or signets

zero damage: it's possible.

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


this is an example of build i did in 10 sec:

hp per sec:
regeneration 255hp
virtue of resolve 84 + (0.06 * 1000) = 144hp
writh of the mercifull 107 + (0.075 * 1000) = 182hp
altruistic healing 69 + (0.01 * 1000) = 79hp
mango pie 85hp
total: 745hp per sec (without considering heals, rolls and elite)

adding that to the above formula give us:

754hp = ((skill damage)/ 3468 )* (0.57) -> skill damage= 4587494.7
enemy power= 4381

now i don’t know if is possible to get a soo huge power… but i dont think so basically the damage you get every 1 sec i lower than the hp you gain.

Then if you agree with me… we can start to optimize that build in order to reduce this huge “required power” maybe to a cap of 3000 and get other stats in order to deal more damage

(edited by Kjeldoran.3849)

zero damage: it's possible.

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


anyway there still is a way to reach 0 damage in the sense that our hp can’t be lowered by attacks that’s how:
with VoR (107hp traited) + dolyak signet (30hp) both without healing power (but i don’t know if they scales with) we get 135hp per sec (but we can consider 200hp per sec since we use AH) and the result is that

200hp = ((skill damage)/ 3936 )* (0.55) -> skill damage= 1.431.272
skill damage= pow* weap* skillcoef
so we can use a common weap: gs (1047) and skill coef [1.0]
and get 1.431.272 = x* 1047* 1 -> power needed = 1367

which means that with 1367 power we don’t get damage this isn’t 0 damage but that can be improved… with food… and better traits… ill continue to work on.

(edited by Kjeldoran.3849)

zero damage: it's possible.

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


1. STOP thinking Armor is a percentage decrease, cos it’s not. Those are always referenced to something else. 30% less dmg than a naked guy, or berserker ele, or berserker guardian.

2. I don’t know why are you constantly giving that link and saying
“Damage = (Skill damage * Positive multipliers) / (Armor * Negative multipliers)”
I do not see such thing. And the correct one is:
- Modifiers on the Attacker scales multiplicaly.
- Modifiers on the Target Scale additively.
(1-0.33-0.1 + 3*0.01)1.051.1*1.1*C*Power*Weapon/Armor (vulnerability there in the target section, weakness would go on the attacker bit)

I guess why we don’t have a video showcase is because you wouldn’t know how to test this even.

i can’t make a video because i just tried and… from 118fps without fraps gw2 get 12fps with fraps activation in hearth of the mists.

anyway here are some numbers, unfortunately this my firend hasn’t so much time so this is only a superficial test… ill do more later, maybe tomorrow.

my friend:
power: 1176
weapon: steady hammer (warrior)
weapon damage: 284
skill used: auto-attack 1&2
skill coefficient: [0.9] & [0.9]
damage multipliers: none

me (test 1):
toughness: 2139
damage reducers: none
armor: 3350

me (test 2):
toughness: 2289 (+ strength in numbers)
damage reducers: none
armor 3500

me (test 3):
toughness: 2139
damage reducers: SoJ
armor: 3350

me (test 4):
toughness: 2289 (+ strength in numbers)
damage reducers: SoJ
armor: 3500

test 1 -> 89 damage
test 2 -> 85 damage
test 3 -> 80 damage
test 4 -> 78 damage
test 1
it works like the formula says:
damage= power*skillcoef*weapon attack / armor = 1176*0.9*284/3350=89,727

test 2
still like formula so strength in numbers work like normal toughness:
damage= 1176*0.9*284 / 3500 = 85.882

test 3
if following formula we have:
damage= (1176*0.9*284 / 3350 )*(1-10%) = 80.7543
so the formula is right

test 4
the same as up +150 toughness

now it becomes interesting…

test 5
armor: 3350
damage reducers: protection
damage done: 60
using formula:
Damage = (Skill damage * Positive multipliers) / (Armor * Negative multipliers)
damage= (89,727) / 3350*0.33 = 0.08
previous formula:
damage= 89.727*(1-0.33) = 60.117
which is right

test 6
armor: 3350
damage reducers: protection + soj
damage done: 51

frmula: damage= 89.727* (1-0.33) * (1-0.1)= 54 damage
which is wrong but
formula: damage= 89.727* (1-0.43)= 51.144
which is right

so damage reducers stack additively and the onyl way to get 0 is to get a 100% total damage reduction (1-1)… the max we can get is 45%

(edited by Kjeldoran.3849)

zero damage: it's possible.

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


Why cant people, on both sides, just calm down and try to explain stuff.

If OP is right its a huge loss if people start bashing.

If OP is wrong adding more math, which he then already have misunderstood, wont help one bit.

Why not try to find a solution.

May i suggest you grab a friend and go to the mist and get some soldier armor with toughness runes. Your friend grabs a steady weapon for fixed low, and exact, damage.

0. Start fraps
1. dress down with no traits and let him fire at you once
2. write down damage done
3. Dress up and put 30 points in valor and trait shield trait and strength in numbers
4. Let him fire at you twice.
5. write down the second hit, i think strength in numbers is bypassed by the first hit before you are in combat.
7. Add SoJ
8. Repeat 2.
9. Add protection and repeat 1 and 2.
10. Stop fraps

Now you have all the numbers you need to verify your calculation and if you are right post the clip in this thread.

If you are wrong you can post a disclaimer

This little stunt takes like 10 minutes to do and is very easy to understand and its also very informative.

of course dude ill test it as soon as possible… but as you said we have to calm down.

ps: math in the first post was wrong, i know, but later i corrected it

zero damage: it's possible.

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


If you can show proof, with screenshots and side-by-side math, of you taking zero damage (as a guardian) from a mob of the same level I will literally give you 100g. OR If you can show any proof whatsoever that your theory has any validity in the realm of actual gameplay.

Though, if your only rebuttal is calling people “kids” and having no verifiable proof… I am pretty certain my gold is safe.

no verifiable proof:
and this isn’t my harangue against you… this is only a thread in which i want to talk with you about the possibility to reach 0 damage… then stop this behavior

zero damage: it's possible.

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


Yeah, sure, just for you, I’m a twelve year old girl. You are still wrong.

Until you provide evidence of yourself demonstrating your theory in game you are merely an imbecile.

if you think i’m an “imbecile” you also think that gw2 wiki (official) is writed by imbeciles, and since the wiki is approved by gw2 devs you think that devs are imbeciles and since we all play that game described by the wiki and approved by devs we are all imbeciles… wow good job.

kidding apart i haven’t so many free time (i’m not a kid i have to work ) so i can’t test it now (and also write those post from my phone is hard…) so later maybe ill try it but for now… that’s the truth there is no misunderstanding whether you like it or not.

zero damage: it's possible.

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


You sound like an infant when you bash kids on an internet forum. If you want a proper discussion you do not rebut a thread full of people telling you are wrong (many with examples) by producing unsubstantiated math. If you truly believe what you are saying, go find a way to test it and show us your result via screenshots.

man this is ridicolous… what the hell is wrong with this forum?
Damage = (Skill damage * Positive multipliers) / (Armor * Negative multipliers)
there isn’t something of hard to understand and i don’t care of your consideration because you are surely another kid, or kiddy like, and this came out also from your discussion “The only way to take zero damage from something would be to have an astronomically high amount of toughness” which is absolutely wrong because damage depends on anemy attack not only on your toughness and you are only using build editors like exactly like a kid would do without understand anything… il suggest you to be quite next time i’m not offending anyone but a bounch of kids can make me start. Leave this forum and come back to drink your milk.

zero damage: it's possible.

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


LOL @ the OP coming back with further misunderstandings of how damage reduction works and his wild claims.

and please, avoid those kind of comments because there still are too many kids on the forum and i don’t want to waste more time with them. This is a forum if something is unclair i, you and everyone, can explain but with respect and seriousness not with those kiddy statements.

zero damage: it's possible.

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


Dude, toughness/armor is part of the damage calculation formula. It is not “damage reduction” that comes up with a % then adds that to the % from protection and signet.

this is the formula: Damage = (Skill damage * Positive multipliers) / (Armor * Negative multipliers)
no doubts on this. Now part per part:
- skill damage= Weapon strength * Power * Skill coefficient / Armor
- positive multipliers=
Critical hit: 150% + 1% for each point in Critical Damage
Vulnerability: +1% per stack of vulnerability, up to 25% total
Sigil of Force: +5% damage
Sigil of Slaying: +10% against specific family
Potion of Slaying: +10% against specific family
(according to wiki)
- Armor= toughness + equip armor
- negative multipliers=
Glancing blow: -50% from weakness, 50% chance of triggering
Protection: -33% damage
Potion of Slaying: -10% against specific family
(according to wiki)

so my error was only to add a +12% damage reduction in the formula that now will be
damage= ((2000*1047*1 / 3786) / 3786*33%)* (1-12%) = (553,1 / 12049.4)*(0.88)

still a huge difference and less than 1 damage…

zero damage: it's possible.

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


sry guys i was away from pc for a while…

first of all i want to repeat:
this isn’t a build! this isn’t for wvw! this isn’t for pve and this isn’t a kitten ed BUILD, again.

“Fixing your math:
(1-0.5352)(1-0.33)(1-0.12) = 0.274”
that will be right if, as said foofad, damage reduction scales multiplicatively… but it doesn’t.

that’s the page where i find that formula (about in the mid)

“Damage reduction is multiplicative. It’s not possible to bring your damage received to 0. Daecollo as it right.”
If damage reduction was multiplicatively that was right… because you can’t reach 100% without a -100% damage in, at least, one of those processes… but, as i said before, it isn’t and i’m really interested now to find the right formula for damage reduction (maybe can a devs give us some tips? because gw2 wiki was evident but sometimes…)

anyway… there is something of strange here… because according to wiki’s formula:
Damage = (Skill damage * Positive multipliers) / (Armor * Negative multipliers)

this will be an example:
power: 2000 – weapon: gs (1047 damage) – skill coefficient: a rando skill with [1.0]
enemy armor: 3786 (5489 armor)

calculating formula:
damage= (2000*1047*1 / 3786) / 3786*45% = 553,1 / 1703.7
and… that’s sad because this is an proper fraction
and that’s not all! because in order to reach 1 damage the numerator needs 1150 more points which means:
X*1047*1/3786 = 1703 -> X= 6158 power
so basically this would be a table with a build/skill wich can deal 1damage:

power – skill coef
12316 —- 0.5
6158 —-— 1
3079 —-— 2
2052 —-— 3
1539 —-— 4

i thing… that is enough to allow us to take 0 damage from 80-90% of classes/builds
but i really dunno ò.ò that may be an epic discovery… or not.

ps: in these calculations i didn’t used positive factors like vulnerability and might.

(edited by Kjeldoran.3849)

zero damage: it's possible.

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


This is not how damage reduction works.

You take 10k damage.
Its reduced by Armor first (Lets say you have 2750, that is 33%.)

6700, then its reduced by another 33% (Protection.)

4489, then its reduced by Signet of Judgement, another 10-15%, lets say 15%.

3816 Damage is what you take after all of thakittens Impossible to reduce your damage by 100%.

I don t tink that this process is right… just look on the wiki

zero damage: it's possible.

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


Just some insight as well. The calculator you are using doesn’t factor Strength in Numbers. You can add another 150 to the total or 175 if you substitute a rune for a different Toughness rune.

already added manually those 150 more toughness

zero damage: it's possible.

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


What are you talking about guys?
@CptAurellian: damage reduction is additively
@DeadWater: not sure of this… but also if them stacks separately it would be a great reduction… i’m looking for more information and perfect inscription adds +20% passive effect from sigil so 10% + 2% not 15%.
@Viralseed: toughness influence max armor infact total armo is 3786 so you have to consider division for this huge number then (not sure of this) add another 45% damage reduction.

ps: oh! i finded this formula on gw2 wiki

Damage = (Skill damage * Positive multipliers) / (Armor * Negative multipliers)

so divisor must be like
3786 * (12 + 33)% = 5489 armor

(edited by Kjeldoran.3849)