Showing Posts For Kjeldoran.3849:

Will the new ascended gear be tradable?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


i’m interested too can you short answer “yes” or “no”? i haven’t much time to see the full video… at least tell me what part to watch
thank you

Silvary: a race matter...

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


hey RoyalPredator
thank you for answer, but now i’ve solved this problem XD can you help me to find a good armor set? (descibed in the post above your)

Also, i’d say: norn racials aren’t so bad at all… don’t misunderstand… they are good for “fun” not for competitive pvp/dungeons.

Anyway i finded the call wurm strangely good ò.ò maybe for the knock down on wurm attack and for the additionl damage… or the “wolf transformation” which give us really to many ways to gain HP and a goo party support with fury and regen i think this can be a very good alternative for pve (always for fun eh) to our elite if we want to be a bit more of support for our party really interesting…

A Ranger Guide - Power Build -

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


come on guy..this in not longer funny, i dont know where you tested this build in pvp, but you not even shown in the tpvp leader, so you not made 10 games and hot join does not count cause every build is good their.

this build can work, yes but not like you discripe this build and against all of them.

much much dmg you get with one barrage hit on a thief?

what? i’ve not played 10 matches?? are you kidding right? ranger is the first class on which i played HotM rated matches and i get the slayer (and gladiator) achievement in 4-5 days … cmon stop… really stop… if you are interested in the guide i’m happy to be of help, if you don’t to answer this thread with your useless statements isn’t your right. Now shut up please.

Guide Finished, added the last section: alternative builds. Enjoy

(edited by Kjeldoran.3849)

Silvary: a race matter...

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


guys can you suggest me some hunter’s armor (i mean armor for “hunters”… which look like hunters xD) for female norn?
i only finded the tier 3 and the krytan armor from shop but while the first is really expensive (really ò.ò) the second one isn’t so cool…

can you suggest me a particular equip? in particular an equip… emm … not so “hot” because i don’t want to look as a babe but an hunter (… an aggressive hunter xd ) eheh

A Ranger Guide - Power Build -

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


actually we, as power build ranger, don’t need to calculate pet damage in our “direct damage” total simply because it is ridicolous even a condition build can’t add pet’s damage because it’s good compared to direct damage… but it’s a condition build so damage comes from conditions…

so the calculation are wrong, the only way you can assume your math right is to play a “beast master build”… and i’m not talking about condition one but a full build focused on pet damage… then you can say “we get lower damage” in any other case this isn’t true.

confusione from pet does not scale with our condition damage… but 10 stacks are something you can’t forget so easily and the rune is just fine if use with the right build and from the right player… no need to be an asura we get more ways to do so anyway…

there is something of unclair in the concept of “flank”; it activates only if we are in the front cone (90°) of our enemy… and trust me it’s really easy to bleed them…

A Ranger Guide - Power Build -

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


Ok … let me see where can i start… it becomes interesting now

Dagger off hand skill 5
Dagger/pistol and use the combo skill 5
Healing skill
Shadow Refuge

i’m talking about full zerker ranger and full zerker ranger does not uses “healing skill” nor “pistol” (infact the second set is short bow ^^ ) nor shadow refuge (90% of times) nor dagger/pistol combo because as i said… d/d sb… that’s a berserker ranger…

Oh, did you know that barrage can be negated by pistol off hand skill 5? Since the blind is applied every second, once you are channeling, you get miss after miss after miss.

do you know that dealing damage you exit from stealth? ^^ the main aim of barrage is to force our enemy to exit from stealth. Also blind can negate about 3sec of barrage (about the cast time) and the after cast is even longer and it’s enough to deal a good damage to a “visible” zerker thief

You swap to GS, putting swap on CD so after you swap you what? Well according to what you originally put, the ranger was suppose to successfully pull of the channel. So the Thief was suppose to what? Stand there and wait?

this is what i call “theorycrafting”. Tactic must be decided on the moment… how can you predict this?I only said what to do in case of X not what will surely happen. If a thief get closer and stun then go stealth… he’s only wasting a stun… the back with back stab? (supposing your “pistol/dagger” zerker thief can do this…) no problem, we can handle this damage… point blank and stealth, now who’s the thief? gs: hilt bash, maul and swoop if escapes…
now stop teorycrafting and try to do what are ou saying for real… i did exactly what i said in the OP ^^

Barrage -> swap to GS -> Swoop away -> swap to LB -> Rapid Shot
Because if the ranger was in combat in any way..
Barrage -> swap to GW -> Swoop away -> Do something else while you wait for the CD -> Swap to LB -> Rapid Shot.

“do something else” it’s also called “run away and take time” ^^
i think you are a bit confused… it’s more easy than you may think; barrage then wait for enemy attack but after cast barrage immeditately swap to gs… 2-3-4 sec? doesn’t matter counterattack/maul/hilt bash and swoop away obviously i didn’t put in every-single-action… because i had to write pages and pages and i think that those action will be immediate after a fast read of the 8. … it’s really important to know what to do but use your fantasy first of all make all suit the situation…

But you go ahead and keep dreaming that a power build (aka physical damage build), which depends on you having a target (especially if you involve range weapons) will be strong against a class whose primary mechanic causes you to lose them as a target.

Oh and your best move is to save Barrage to use in on their shadow refuge since the odds are they will use it when their hp is half or lower and their heal is still on CD.

since i’m talking about zerker thief there is no reason to save if for shadow refuge because no one use it, you need to watch some serious thief build not theorycraft them on what they do to you simply because half of them uses a perma stealth (or mid-perma stealth build) so i suggest you to read better next time.

Oh and the most important and incredible thing, you may not believe me, but i already use this build in hearth of the mists and WvW and… surprise! i die about 0 times in hearth of the mists (max 1 time)… are you surprised? no, i suppose… look better at what a ranger can give to you… then come back when you are ready ^^

and… i want to underline for the… 7th? 45th? 1038219th time:
this is a thread for rangers, power rangers build, if you like the idea you are welcome if you don’t goodbye…
it’s hard to understand? you are only tainting my guide with yours useless (and not about rangers) posts… cmon turn in your thief forum, warrior or what you are… this build surely don’t need your help (Deamhan.9538).

ps: oh i forget… i suggest to pick your thief (if you have) then go stealth when a ranger is using rapid fire on you then tell me how it ended (in private, could be some dirt )

(edited by Kjeldoran.3849)

A Ranger Guide - Power Build -

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


We are suppose to be equal due to the pet, yes or no? The pet adds to our 1000 as a %, that is left behind with the new stats on Legendary’s. We don’t do equal damage to Warriors by ourselves, we supposedly need the pet dps to make up the difference.

man we aren’t talking about specific damage… this is a general formula… a general comparing formula… i deal more than 600; everyone deals more than 600!
you must read it as “IF a warrior deals 1000 damages and a ranger deal 600 damages and we add a 10%…” IF man, IF… this is theorycrafting… no sorry this is math…
IF we add a 10% to both the % of related damage is the same!

A Ranger Guide - Power Build -

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


Entire thread overloaded with speculative theory craft

Yup. I particularly like the part I read.

When fighting a thief, start with barrage…

Even if the thief comes up behind you and hits you with a backstab, you may not be able to swoop away if they used basilisk venom. Even if they don’t use the venom, you are still in combat so you switch from LB to GS and swoop away and then what? You think you’ll just be able to swap back to LB at the end of the swoop and using rapid fire? Your weapon swap will still be on CD.

So you have the fight starting with you losing 1/3 or more of your health from the BS, the thief removing the cripple and regening the little damage that skill does by re-entering stealth.

man you are incredible ahaha
in this thread there isn’t “theorycraft” all that is what i tested… presonally…
and when i said to “start with barrage” you forget “agaisnt a full zerker thief” and “if he uses invisibility”…
now i suppose you don’t have a full zerker thief so you can’t understand what i’m talking about but if you full zerker you have few ways to get invisiblity and barrage with our great damage and thief’s low resistance may be enough to kill them while crippling and letting us laugh at them simply using SoS… i suggest you to read with more attention. Try those tactic in a real pvp match… then you will agree with me ^^

if a thief uses balisk on you the most important thing is to use your pet ability (fear will be the best or also immobilize. The swap to gs and swoop away was a defensive tactic never heard “attack and run”? Just look at some good wvw pvp on youtube and you see that everyone with a minimum of skill uses this tactic because allow us to get rid of our cd while get max benefits from passive regen and… i never said you need to swap again to LB; if you run away with swopp the most important thing in to press your enemy with counterattack then hilt bash and maul… this will reverse the match. But… am i talking about tactics? read better.

and cmon guys please stop with those statements… the problem here isn’t the “effectivenes of the build” because i tested very much… really there aren’t problems (unless those i said in specific pvp) so if you want to comment ask for “help”, “suggestions”, “tips” or at least “important (and real) improvements i can make” (because nothing is perfect) but please don’t try to attack my build with those statements because there is no reason and they are false

A Ranger Guide - Power Build -

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


Total damage will change, you are off on your theory a bit, it should be more like:
1000 v 1000 = equal damage
1100 v 1060 = 96% of the damage of a warrior

oh cmon man what are you sayng?
1000 v 1000 is a thing and 1000 vs 600 is another thing… seriously i’m the only to know ahow a proportion works?
1000 vs 1000 = 100% but if we get same damage we also get same stat boost so +10% both 1100 vs 1100 … cmon it’s basic math.
if we have 1000 vs 600 it’s because we start with a disadvantage …

Choko's Ranger tweak suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849



in my opinion a more balanced one will be:
1) slightly increased damage but with range modifier (10% more damage will be enough)
2) i think 3 vuln stack on maul and 3sec cripple on swoop will be better (also to stack vuln and deal with maul will be really a strong hit) while give counterattack lauch 3 stacks of bleeding
3)shortbow range 900 with trait 1200 should be better
4)ok the first, to strong the second… at least only immobilize remover
6)i think “removes bleeding and/or burning” should be great too
7)no way… to strong. Just make it work also if your pet is far away from you and giving it protection (in order to take less damage)
9)bleeding actually lasts 2 sec (not 1) and it’s enough… for a minor
10) ò.ò?
11) better quickness… also a good idea would be to give quickness + swiftness (2/3sec)
12) dunno
13) dunno
14) dunno lol

Help with Titan's Power Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


mmm let me think… LB/GS… power build… did you never see a thread called “A Ranger Guide -power build-”?
I wrote this entire guide + build for all those who need help with power builds ^^

it’s all explained inside, enjoy.

A Ranger Guide - Power Build -

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


How about this one for sPvP

full zerker melee build for ranger… what news and what a squishy XD i hope you will never face a LB or SB ranger nor a condition build

anyway; good job with the video.

(edited by Kjeldoran.3849)

Silvary: a race matter...

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


disagree with this…
theres the animations (idle and running are both very distinctive)
voice shouts (‘IM WILTING!’)
different… is it anatomy? their body shape is different to humans

@OP ewwwww norn, salad all the way

a salad will be my future necromancer XD
for now i’m stiked with my norn eir like char (it’s the only female cute face i can find ._. ) but damm i’ll go with the krytan armor skin… because t3 is really expensive… really

Also i finded some interesting things about norn (and maybe this isn’t the right section… but … )
1) ranger female norn auto attack with gs looks faster to me o.o is it an impression or what?
2) ranger female norn gs 4# block is epic, but 90% of times doesn’t push back foes…

Help with my power/ survival build

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


maybe but it need some changes:

  1. healing spring
  2. a spider pet
  3. remove signet mastery and beastmaster’s might for steady focus and eagle eye
  4. wilderness knowledge (really only for the elite? ò.ò); remove it.
  5. rampage as one as elite

this build also needs some damage increaser and has few ways to reduce condition damage (1 remover every 10 sec isn’t enough) and the crit chance is really low (about 50% with fury when, optimally, activating fury you need to do “1 hit, 1 crit”…).

see you

A Ranger Guide - Power Build -

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


Sorry for the long winded post. I just wanted people to know that the future for all ranger builds is fairly bleak, not just the power ones.

first of all this will be my only and last answer about condition builds, then stop please
… ok man you evidently don’t know what anet is going to introduce… this is the most full of absurdities post…
1)our condition build is better than almost every other classe simply because we get condition damage, defense, heals (tons of heals considering all regens we can get), pets and a fatal elite (for some classes)
2)we get confusion as other classes do! cmon are you so blind? we get confusion from pet (up to 10 stacks in a row) and look at the daze build thread to learn how we get more confusion stacks… and never forget asura’s power! (asura ftw! ) also we get 10-15bleed stacks simply spammin our auto attack with short bow… do you think this isn’t enough? other classes can put on you 20-25 bleed stacks but every 10-20-30 secs we can do it permanently (remover’s are quite useless against a continuous bleeding stacker)
3)again, il repeat again… if we get ascended gear our condi/direct damage will remain the same! it’s a %.

heads up: Robert Hrouda left ArenaNet

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


kitten rangers need more support :< we already get lots of disadvatages and a bit of support on the forum at least (for bug report and tips) is all what we ask… really so hard to have?

A Ranger Guide - Power Build -

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


okok guys what are you saying is cool but as i said in the disclaimer:
cmon is so hard to understand? Another 10% damage (example) will not be a “nerf” simply because it increase damage as exotics do now compared to yellows. You see the “nerf” because you are comparing it to warriors but you are wrong infact:
if a ranger deal 600 damages and a warrior deal 1000 damages it means rangers deal 60% of warriors damage if we add a 10% on both we get 660 and 1100 and as you notice the difference is 440 now. really? it’s so hard to understand? ok i’ll explain…
(proportion) 600:1000=x:100 →x= 60%
(again) 660:1100=x:100 → x=60%
do you see differences? no, the damage is still the same.

for the future please avoid more posts about condition builds; all that you need to know about this power build is in the OP. “I wouldn’t stick with a power build because we are gonna nerf”: false. “power build has no chance against condi build”: false. “Warriors/X class is 10 times better”: false. That’s all.

A Ranger Guide - Power Build -

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


you are right infact this one is my basic build but later i’ll post some variations in order to make it more resistent to condition, direct damge or simply more offensive. Just wait.

why not to go 50% zerker and 50% valkyrie? you get surely better stats than a full ascended gear.

Spirit Rangers, prepare yourselfs for nerf

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


the other team bashes me and either quits or calls me a bad player for using spirits, while the players in my team looks like they just had their first orgasm.

best. description.

LOL Protection build, Updated.

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


man can i ask only a thing?
why not to go for “stone spirit” + 100% protection duration with rune of earth?
in this way you get 6sec of protection every 10 sec (60% uptime only with your spirit) + 8sec protection every 30sec (with a 25% triggering chance) from runes! that is what i can define a protection build
anyway good luck with the build

A Ranger Guide - Power Build -

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


You are quite right about everything. In fact, I pointed out that it is a guild build and not a duel one, in other words for 20vs20 combat or more. All the CD reducing traits, if useless in solo roaming, are important in a support context as I have to provide my fire field, entangle, barrage and muddy terrain as many times as I can during combat (some skirmich can last several minutes) and the longer I survive the longer I provide them.
Clearly your build is more adapted to a roaming context.

oh yes that’s right my build isn’t the best as support build (because the only support i can give is aoe cripple, regen and water combo) but in every party there is someone who give support and someone who get support ^^

Silvary: a race matter...

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


oh oh oh XD ok guys thank you for help but i decided to go with norn! (i’ve already a warrior, human) and i’ve to say only few things: really epic race class! really! GS counterattack block is ò.ò i haven’t words to describe… just chuck norris flying kick like XD and above all this class suits really cool with norn story; they are hunter for definition, they protect spirits of nature (gs 2# and 3# are bear and bird, or wathever <.<) so i find that combination really good for me now i need only 1-2 days to recap it to lvl 80 (with professions of course XD).

Silvary: a race matter...

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


i created this topic because, it can seems a stupid question (and maybe it is ò.ò), i’m really indeed on what race choose for my ranger. The problem is that i already have a lvl 80 ranger with full exotic gear (and i played it for tons of hours in the past weeks) but i like to create my chars well related with their race.
I mean when i create a warrior i want it looks like a warrior… so i will never create an Asura warrior (please forgive me ç_ç i love asura but not as warrior). And now i can’t decide if continue with my silvary hunter or to roll a norn hunter.
Since both races looks well as hunter (at least for me) i really want to get at least 1 char per race and norn is the only race i’ve never played yet (and i really don’t know what class can well suit them because i already have a warrion, human, and a guardian, charr). Since i’m a male player but i hate how fat looks male norn (XD) the only way is to roll a female norn (about… like Eir or something… maybe). So can you answer me to those questions?
1) Which one looks better as medium armor wearer: female norn or male silvary?
2) Which class can i choose for my future norn char (if not hunter)?
3) Talking about racials… i finded “healing turret” really cool for pve; what about norn’s racials?
4) which class can i choose for my silvary (if not ranger)? maybe necromancer? or thief?

thank you :P
ps: sorry for grammar obscenity

(edited by Kjeldoran.3849)

Are bow rangers any good in SPVP

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


I played about 5-6 months ago, and they were not viable…rifle warriors were better at being a “ranged” class.

Can anyone update me on the state of a cool ranged class, and how they are in SPVP? I want a viable build, are rifle warriors still my only option?

please say no!

of course: no! longbow rangers are really good in spvp i suggest you to give a look to my guide (“A Ranger Guide -power build-”) my ranger is the best i have for hearth of the mists and the only one whereby i get almost every match 0 (max 1) deaths and 10+ kills ^^ just think as a ranger and hit as a truk

A Ranger Guide - Power Build -

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


I play a similar build but with a bit more toughness (30/20/20). 1600 is a bit light for wvw.
This is for guild play, not made for 1v1 (doesn’t stand a chance against a good player):

Hello Daze, thank you for posting your build
anyway i have to disagree with you 1600 toughness is enough for 1vs1 up to 5vs5 and actually there is a good 85% chance to win against someone in 1vs1 ^^ just look at my guide on how to kill each class/build and i want to underline that those statements are from my direct experience so i tried every match above reported and i win them with the above reported tactics ^^ more than 1 times per build and more than 1 times per player in competitive pvp, wvw, tpvp and fights with firends (the best to define a tactic and watch if it works).

Also comparing mine to your build i’d say that you get 150 (about -4%damage) more toughness and 100 vitality wich isn’t soo good as you may think. Otwerwhise you lost about 75 power, -25% damage multiplier, 2 trait wasted for a low cd on 1skill (survival) and on 2skill (signets with a soo huge cd while you must end the fight when activated).
Also entangle is really easy to avoid/remove and can be used only situationaly and lower capacity to remove conditions (-60% cond duration compared to mine).

A Ranger Guide - Power Build -

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


I have to disagree regarding Healing Power and Conditions. Healing power is always useful, and cond damage comes into play if your team mate is a guardian or a ranger with fire spirit. Also remember ascended gear is a huge investment. It would suck to get a bunch of ascended trinkets then on down the road, the game meta changes and you want to change your build to conditions or hybrid or something but you can’t because you pigeonholed yourself into zerker.

Man, are you kidding right? 370healing power = 100 more hp from regen and from ascended trinket you get less than 200… useless. Less than 200 condi is useless too… whats the sense to deal abot 30 more dmg with a burning you havent?… no way
Also i used exotic gear in the buil in order to avoid farm for ascended… also ascended weapon will not change anything and my buil isnt absolutely full zerker so i dont know what are you talking about… give a better look to the guide ^^su also i tested this buil for weeks and im really sure of what im saying simply because i tested it if i say “this is useless” this is really useless, nothing of personal.

Power Ranger 1v1s: help?

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


2.5k armor for a melee class isn’t enough… 2.1k power is low and 42% crit chance isn’t so high at all…

i suggest you to look my guide but i use for my power build longbow and gs not gs and sword/axe; are you sure you want to play with your set?

Sword DPS Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


well i was looking for a sword build too and the best you can obtain comes from 0/30/30/5/5 build… i want also to suggest a great aim: 100% crit chance! with a sword is really a good aim and really easy to reach…
i don’t want to waste more time on guardian builds since my gs AH is enoguh for almost everything… but good luck with the build because it’s really promising

ps: stick with meditation, monks focus and at least 1500 toughness is the minimum in order to don’t become squishy.

A Ranger Guide - Power Build -

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


@ GUFF & Lorelei
thank you for support and suggestions. Anyway i’ve to say that my crit chance is high enough (you have to consider 50% + 20% fury) and the high crit damage is the most important thing of our burst rotation because with a low crit damage we get a very low burst since, during this rotation, we get near to 100% crits. Also great crit chance is good to improve our maul burst.

“Also remember to use your head if you are going to take Moment of Clarity.”
that’s the most important think ^^ and i said exactly this in the guide.

put divity gear? I think you are talking about celestial gear… anyway i don’t think this is a good idea simply because you get better overal stats… but not the right stats: healing power (no need of 200), condition damage (no need of 200). So in conclusion you dont get better overal stats.

Also put knight stats on GS may be a good idea but it depends on your playstyle because i always want to have maximum defense and not only when whielding GS… that may force you to swap to gs to defend while LG is good too.

(edited by Kjeldoran.3849)

A Ranger Guide - Power Build -

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


lol i just tell what the problem on this builds

and i just tell you how to solve it ^^

ps: completed most common pvp classes/builds fights, enjoy tomorrow i’ll start par 8. how to optimize damage & combos

(edited by Kjeldoran.3849)

A Ranger Guide - Power Build -

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


but you said its an easy 1on1..i dont get how, if i got you one time in my cc-chain your done, i can easy eavde and block your dmg but you cant deal with the pressure you got with my gs/mace+shild it would be totaly easy to take out your sos and nuke you down than, i never got a lb dmg ranger than was dangerous for my life..

so you are talking about the noob skull crack build and as i said above (refered to warrior (zerker) not warrior (bunker)) this will be an hard fight simply because this build is op but this isn’t an impossible one infact i have a 50% win rate against skull cracker guardian it all depends on my spiders (look to the incoming section 9. ) immobilizes and poison because if i can keep up distance there isn’t much you can do and also if you immobilize me (not stun) i can push back you, and if i’m in gs i can block your stun a knock back… so there are tons of ways i can avoid a skull crack warrior it’s only matter of “how many fantasy i have during that fight”.

And, this thread is for ranger; why you are here? you are reasoning as noob warrior skull cracker (sorry but it’s the truth) and this is ranger section. So if you want to talk about what you can do as a ranger you are welcome but if you are trying to say that your noob skull crack warrior is better than rangers then leave this thread, thank you.

A Ranger Guide - Power Build -

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


but to address your 1v1 capability, i have to say that without a ton of healing power, you have very little sustain with signets and GS alone. once u pop your cooldowns youre finished. you wont be able to burst down good thieves, mesmers, or any other 1v1 spec really. you’ll blow your cooldowns, they’ll disappear for a sec, and then proceed to shred u. and defense with GS is not enough. u dont have regen.

hey i suggest you to give a better look to the guide i’m also explaining how to kill each single class/build and of course also how to kill condition builds. I know condi builds are the king of 1vs1 no need to repeat again but this is a power build thread and i’m showing how to kill them because isn’t impossible! just harder but not impossible.
Anyway you are talking about condition damage, healing power and bunker builds… those builds have very much problems.
1) healing is cutted with poison
2) condition is cutted by -60% duration + condition remover (heal) + condition remover (SoR)
3) bunker builds have low damage

so as you can understand there is nothing of unbeatable in those build; just learn how to approach them and i’m trying to explain just this

A Ranger Guide - Power Build -

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


I didn’t say you need to lose any burst with 2200 toughness

since stats from equip are the same: yes. If you get 600 more toughness you lose 600 more something (power? precision? crit damage? always a burst lost)

A Ranger Guide - Power Build -

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


warrior (bunker): really easy if not regen build (just burst them) quite hard if regen is up because we have to start with poison (don’t wait for 50% because their heal will be at 90% healing signet which can heal for 3k on activation) and then burst them while their regen is halved also maximize your dps and use tricks to defeat him

how you want to burst my worri with 3,5k armor!?
i take about 2k bs from thiefs..with shildstance and the cc you cant kill a cc-def worri, in small fights i even dont care about zerker ranger, cause their burst is easy to see/evade

actually a rapid fire with maximized dps deal more damage than a back stab.

infact ((0.375 * 10) * (2300) * (1000) / 3500 ) * (1 + 50%) = 2464 + 1232 = 3692 damage with a rapid fire without considering crits (70%), vulnerability (20 stacks) and might stacks ^^ add to this “little damage” (would be like 5-6k in reality) poison, pet attacks, immobilize and stuns… and the game is done. Maybe this would be a bit long fight if you have 3500 armor and 22k+ hp… but this also mean that you are our personal toy :P

ps: this isn’t a full zerker build
pss: oh and i love when in hearth of the mists bunkers don’t care about my attacks (because this happen… seriously someone still think that our burst is uselss) and i love too when i down them in 10 sec ^^ and notice that also if you consider “ranger burst” low you have also to consider 20 vuln stacks, 18 sec poison, cripple and immobilize/stun … so to ignore a ranger will never be a good choice

(edited by Kjeldoran.3849)

A Ranger Guide - Power Build -

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


problem with ranger power builds is they give zero sustain. so i wouldnt use this to duel anyone. once u pop your signets, youre done. i run a similar build in GvZ combat, which is where LB really excels. but i use sword/axe because traited Path of Scars is by far our best ability. then pop signets, and run in with whirling defense.

i also wouldnt roll without 2k toughness and at least 19k HP. giving up a bit of crit damage and crit chance for HP and toughness is worth it.

1) “zero sustain” is exactly what i’m avoiding with this build and the burst capacity united with the high survival one are the right mix (i tried this build also in tons of matches in Heart of the Mist and i can tell you that i die less than 1 time per match )

2)your combo is good but really easy to avoid: path of scar is easy to avoid itself (look at the incoming par 8. ) and whirling isn’t a problem, just run and watch your enemy roll … without reason… lol

3)2000 or more toughness is not as usefull as you think simply because we need a good burst ability because ranger dps isn’t so high. Burst an enemy down and defend when needed is the best way to approach a fight because if you go too tanky you becomes a toy in enemy’s hands.

4) i’m not really interested in the video you posted above because as everyone can see he’s damage is really low and he is based on a tanky build; what’s the sense to play a zerg vs zerg only to survive to enemy attacks and deal small and low damage? I think is better to burst down enemy team 1 to 1 or with aoe and maximized damage with piercing arrows (look to the incoming par 8. damage optimization).

A Ranger Guide - Power Build -

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


10. Alternative builds

The first "alternative build is a more defensive one for all those who think they can’t handle enemies with 1600tough and 17k hp.
pros: still good damage, good resistance, protection on roll
cons: loss of damage potential, less crit chance, much more weak to condition (+60%condition duration)

This second build is an alternative “concep” of the OP builds and you can’t aplly all those i said to this one but it’s quite effective…
pros: nice damage, good condition resistance, some escape ways
cons: easy to loss damage per second, low burst potential, food dependant.

The following build is for Hearth of the Mists; it’s a bit different from the OP one because it’s quite hard to reproduce it in Hearth of the Mists but it gets the same burst potential, the difference is that you need to activate rampage as one before to start every fight in order to reach the 50% base crit chance (then you will maintain fury up swapping weapon).
pros: nice burst potential, good base damage, good defence, good utilities for each situation
cons: low crit chance (fury dependent), disappointing crit damage

The most complete build
The last build will probably be my favourite one because gives us devastating power capabilities and an excellent resistance… all that without the necessity to use food!

the most important and “important” change for those who are usually to use signet build is the absence of “SotH”… that’s a great sacrifice but a necessary one if we want to keep up our resistance against condition (for pve you can use SotH -> SoR … or maybe something of good for your party… the same for WvW zergs but not for small group fights or solo roaming or HotM) on the contrary we get 4 more sec of swiftness (wow xd) and 5% chance on being hit to gain fury, might and swiftness (for 10 sec).
If you look at build editor you can see that there isn’t the first “food” in slot because you are free to choose as you want! more cond resistance? -40% duration. More damage? +100 power +10% crit damage. More defense? +100 vit +70tough… whatever you want!

ok, that’s all… the guide is complete (i guess); i hope you enjoy the “power build” and don’t listen thos who say “condi is better”, “power build is useless” and “my thief/warrior/elementalist/guardian/engineer/xxx/etc can kill rangers easily” because they have never face a true ranger if you really enjoy power builds give it a try and you will never cry about… show them some ranger love, some power build ranger love.
Googbye and see you in game ;D

(edited by Kjeldoran.3849)

A Ranger Guide - Power Build -

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


4) counterattack attack: counterattack allows us to get 2 sec of block against every ranged attack but don’t waste the damage of crippling throw! be sure to launch it. Also use this skill as offensive one is really god (i mean go face to face against someone who is running to you in order to knock back instead of run/dodge roll can allow you to optimize your dps).
5) poison ftw: when you see someone using healing skill and your point blank shot is out of cd the following combos is really great: use point blank while activating spider’s f2 then see your enemy use his healing skill with 66% less heals! (because 75% of players if under pressure don’t see poisons and simply press as maniac over healing button XD )
6) invisible closer: what about to hunter’s shot near a downed enemy and then start finishing him? Really hard to avoid because downed skills still have a pre cast time
7) stunning closer: (i love to create names for combos -) go near a downed enemy and use hilt bash while another pleayer is finishing it in order to prevent any reaction.

8.1 Attack rotation
To choose what attacks rotation to use is the most important thing because with this set op weapons we have 4 ways and each one is better for a particular situation; if you are escaping a short one, if you are bursting the most complete one and if you are in melee the faster one.

8.2 GS rotations
the first rotation is the most complete one:
swoop + hilt bash + maul + counterattack
this rotation benefits from “attack of opportunity” on maul and can deal massive damage in approx 3sec (counting a minimum of skill lag)
the second is a faster one if you simply need to attack and run:
hilt bash + maul + swoop (to run away from enemy)
and the last one is the most aggresive one:
counterattack + knock down (be sure of this) + hilt bash + maul (not sure if you can get +50% damage)

8.3 LB rotations
the faster (always shot a starting single arrow in order to make your enemy dodge roll for nothing/aegis):
arrow + rapid fire (obviously ^^)
the most complete:
arrow + rapid fire + point blank + barrage

8.4 the most complete rotation
arrow + rapid fire + point blank + hunter’s shot (100% hit canche ) + swoop + hilt bash + maul + counterattack

8.5 the faster LB-GS switch combo
there are 2 best ways to swap to GS and get max benefits:
point blank + hunter’s shot + swoop (for a faster and sure gap closer)
hunter’s shot + point blank + swoop (for a 100% knock back + 50%damage on swoop)

8.6 max damage
In order to get high burst damage choose on of the above rotations and add one or both of those skills:
1) Signet of the Wild for 8 sec of 25% more damage
this is excellent for closer bursts not so excellent as a dps increaser
2) Rampage as One for 20% more crit chance and power stacks
remember to swap pet when activating this skill so it can smash your foe with a full and fast skill rotation and grant you more might stacks

9. When pet choice make the difference
the most usefull pets for power build ranger are the following:

  1. spiders: the best for poison/stun, immobilize and ranged attacks
  2. canine: especially wolf and drakehound for fear/immobilize and leap+knock down
  3. moas: for more fury, daze and heals

the most important thing when choosing a pet is to alway go for a spider with poison (first slot) then use moa or canire or another spider for the second slot.
A good tip is to start always with your secondary per active (so not the spider) and rapidly change it if you see and recognize a particular enemy coming to you.

The most usefull pet combos i use are:
spider (poison skill) + drakehound (immobilize)
spider (poison skill) + moa (fury)
spider (poison skill) + spider (stun skill)

our secret weapon is the poison because it’s the only condition we can use in order to gain benefits from healing reduction and kill defensive/condition builds.

9.1 some advices when using pets
spider (poison): this ability is really important to kill some enemies; to have it on a 30sec cd means you can use this only when really needed.
drakehound: immobilize from this pet is on a mid-low cd so basically we can spam it but, there is a but, it’s really easy to avoid so use it when you see your enemy already dodge for another reason and you will surely hit him.
wolf: aoe fear is really a great stuff but with a 45 sec cd… it is more than an one time use skill. Be sure to use it while your wolf is near the enemy or combined with starting leap and only if really needed.
moa: moa’s skills are a great problem in general… simply because with a short ranger so you have to stay near your moa and so near your enemy. The most important thing when using a moa is to select it only when bursting with gs and use f2 ability as soon as possible hoping it uses the aoe heal as soon as possible too.

10. Alternative builds
moved down due to space :<

(edited by Kjeldoran.3849)

A Ranger Guide - Power Build -

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


elementalist (zerker d/d s/d): this will be an hard fight if you let them surprise you. the most important think is to prepare point blank for their “ride the lightning” and don’t worry about updraft because we have “shared anguish”. Also stay at ranger is easy because elementalists haven’t so many ways to reach you. Burst and when they try to escape and switch to water be sure that your poison f2 ability is active because you will poison them 3 times (1 per attack, 2 over their remove ability). Burst and gg.
The difference between d/d and s/d is that s/d will be more tough and so you need to maximize your dps do down them while this is not needed against d/d.
elementalist (holder): maybe the best tank build in the game (togheter with guardian) the only thing you can do is to burst and use landscape to avoid damge; a cliff is ideal to kill them or try to go with your best burst: if he wait to restore health and reaches 50% hp it’s done! poison and burst. If he start to prevent damages and keep hp over 50% wait until they do the above error.
necromancer (zerker axe/x): berserker necromances can be really strong because of high dps and high life pool. So the best way to apporach them is to burst them as hell and avoid their “ghastly claws” simply dodging; this means that you will never start with “rapid fire” but with a slow approach until you avoid that burst skill and then burst them. To do so keep up Rampage as One for stability and activate SotW as soon as possible for burst.
necromancer (condition): there isn’t so much to say… simply the best condition spammer class… maybe the only one really, really… really strong to kill and maybe you need to approach them with a build with more condition removers (like SoR -> SotH/SotW) and burst them as more as possible while keeping up your hp with regen from healing spring and condition removers, use landscape and, of course, avoid sigils! In general if you keep running and let them following you this will be an easy-medium fight but only if the landscape is greatly rough with a lot of walls and cliffs. Really a situational fight. If in a tpvp there will be no problems: burst (and poison) and kill.

8. How to optimize damage & combos
First of all i want to say that this is the most important section simply because to optimize rangers dps is really really hard!

We have different factors to take into account:

  1. steady focus: never dodge unless you are forced in order to avoid important attacks, prefer to use point blank to create gaps and “swoop” to run away.
  2. hunte’rs tactic: always choice the best position to attack your enemies, waste 3 seconds but attack from behind!
  3. moment of clarity: this is the most important effect to optimize because 50% more damage is a great bonus but only with a single hit. Now as you can understand, the most strong one hit skill is “maul” and the most common combo is hilt bash + maul. Attack of opportunity also proc from SotH but i strongly suggest to activate this signet only for the final burst.
  4. signet of the wild: this is really important for burst because give us 25% more damage togheter with stability for 8 seconds. Don’t waste this 25% as a Damage Per Second boost because it will increase only by 3.3% not 25% instead use this for your best burst during a match. This will be our “ace in the hole” (i translated this with google ç_ç) and becomes really interesting to optimize our “barrage” damage.

remember all those tips to optimize your dps, most of the time is really hard to keep them up (especially hunter’s tactic) but not impossible.

with “combos” i mean every skill which is related for effect, combo field or procs with another one.
1) combo field: of course our water field is great if combined with “swoop” and/or with arrows/crippling throw (point blank, hunter’s shot and crippling throw have a 100% proc chance while normal arrows have a 20% chance to proc the combo).
2) MoC combo: moment of clarity can proc from “point blank”, “hilt bash” and “counterattack” (really hard)(also SotH give us attack of opportunity, read above for informations) so basically what we want to obtain is: MoC proc + Maul. The most common skill chain is point blank + maul (if closed to enemy) or point blank + swoop + hilt bash + maul (if enemy is too far away).
3) immobilize burst: if you think that our barrage damage is low is because you always dodged roll away at the beginning… but what if you get a full (or about) barrage? Just activate your Krytian Drakehound (togheter or without spider immobilize) and immobilize your enemy, then barrage over them.

(edited by Kjeldoran.3849)

A Ranger Guide - Power Build -

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


Remember to don’t waste your SoS during fight beginning but if you see him coming face to face swap to gs a counterattack them like boss: down, back and death.
thief (perma invisibility): this is quite hard, remember that if their are using perma invisibility build they also lack in burst damage (compared to a full zerker) so anyway don’t waste your SoS and use it only if necessary when he’s life reach 50% because the most common reaction will be attack and run, come back attack and run. So if you use SoS when enemy’s life is around 50% you can easily burst him down with counterattack, hilt bash, (maul if stunner), rapid fire, point blank (if still alive when invisibility fade), swoop and maul.
thief (condition): this fight will be really really hard to win because we can’t keep distances and they will spam bleeding as hell. So there is only a solution: start with SoS (i know i said “don’t use it” but you surely need to starting avoiding as much as possible of direct damage) then a rapid burst from gs (par 8.) and then use healing spring; now remember to don’t move from healing area and cast barrage over you. Now, if the thief run away we have to run away too and wait for “healing spring’s” cd, if he continues to attack use your pet immobilize to finally burst him down (only if his life is under 30%) togheter with poison (applied during fight beginning to prevent them from healing while invisible).
thief (ranged): this isn’t a real problem for us, those kind of builds only tries to imitate rangers… but they can’t. If pistol/pistol watch out from enemy “unload” by avoiding it, if short bow avoid only “cluster bomb” if you have 50% or less hp. Anyway there isn’t much to do… burst-them-down! Avoid the less as possible because their damage isn’t so uge and prefer to activate SoS instead of dodge; now laugh at them while rapid firing to death.
ranger (power build): not much to say, burst as more as you can and remember to use poison if he/she uses healing spring knock him/her back with point blank shot and don’t care about pet (just avoid spider’s poison aoes), don’t dodge roll and maximize your dps until he/she start to use gs; then hunter’s mark and hilt bash while he/she can’t see you, maul and counterattack will surely knock him back (because he/she changed to gs so his/her first attack will be swoop-hilt bash-maul) .
ranger (spirit build): another condition build, another hard fight. The most important thing i can tell you here is to use the land scape to kill them: use walls to avoid and cliffs to kill; never go to gs unless if for the final burst. Raipid fire as more as possible and deserve your hunter’s shot for when he/she tries to come near you with sword/x setup, then run away and keep distances. If you get over 900 range he/she will never hit you and you can slowly burst him/her. But as i said the most important thing is use your fantasy to kill him with landscape. Also use hunter’s shot + barrage to kill spirits can be really usefull.
ranger (traps): this isn’t a really hard fight; only 1 tip: stay-at-range. Traps are easy to avoid for a so ranged class… run, shot, kill. Remember to ptimize your DPS using your pet as well as your skills (poison and immobilize) if you are hit by traps (and get tons of conditions) use healing spring + point blank shot to gain seconds then keep distance and don’t wait enemy traps over your aoe heals.
ranger (beast mastery): i’ve never considere this build as a real problem simply because 80% (if not more) of dps comes from pets and pets are really easy to avoid (also use entangle is great to kill pets). Just focus on ranger and use SoS if you can’t keep distances from pet. Maximize your dps and use hunter’s shot at beginning will make enemy pet attack your pet instead of you (so you will gain precious seconds).
engineer (rifle SD): the most important thing when facing an engineer with a rifle is to avoid lightning bolts (static discharge) because can it us very hard (about 2-3k per bolt with a full zerker opponent) and they can burst us with 3 bolts in a row; if they do so, SoS and to the best burst rotation to down them, if the dont dodge roll and moderate burst (only LB obviously because you need to stay at range).
engineer (condition): this fight may be really hard if facing a toughnes/healing/condition build. The most importanto thing is to avoid poison dart volley (really easy to dodge) and let them follow you (never play stationary because you give them more time to drink elixirs and get boons and might). Use the landscape to avoid attacks while immobilize them with pet will be enough to get 900+ range and burst them. When you see them spamming elixirs immobilize them with pet will be the best action then burst them as hard you can and keep damage up because without elixirs condition damage can be easily exceeded with a well place “healing spring” + “leap”.

(edited by Kjeldoran.3849)

A Ranger Guide - Power Build -

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


7. Is there a tactic involved?
Of course, you can’t press your skill at random or spam your 1&2 buttons over enemy as other classes can. But you have to time your skills ans know when use each one. Also there are some great combos you can use to optimize you DPS and BURST over a single target or multiple targets (aoe damage) but we will talk later about specific build’s combos. Remember that there is a tactic involved for each classes your are facing:
guardian (bunker): not much to say, optimize your dps (point 8. ) and keep distances untill you kill him
guardian (zerker): really easy fight if you see them; rember the starting aegis, shot an arrow and then point blank to avoid their starting leap then rapid fire, hunter show and gs combo (point 8.) if you are facing an hammer guardian will be more easy just keep distance and remember to poison them at 50% hp with your pet abilities to prevend them from heals.
guardian (condition): condition builds are the king of 1vs1 but we can do a lot; go with your max dps and keep range (if over 900, 90% of enemy skills will miss you) then use your pet poison to prevent them from healing and use landascape to avoid/knock down your foe… he/she will be our toy in our game (also rember to use the healing skill and use the combo field when you reach 50-75% hp not before because you will waste your regen and condi removal)
warrior (bunker): really easy if not regen build (just burst them) quite hard if regen is up because we have to start with poison (don’t wait for 50% because their heal will be at 90% healing signet which can heal for 3k on activation) and then burst them while their regen is halved also maximize your dps and use tricks to defeat him
warrior (zerker): this is a really hard enemy (skull crack build are op also with a mindless enemy) so you basically have to keep distances (so you can easily see them run to you and avoid their leaps/stuns/bolas) then maximize dps and use your pet for immobilize mainly and for cc over them (point 9. "pet choice)
warrior (condition): condition warrior aren’t still a real problem; only melee abilities and burning on longbow… keep distance and optimize your dps, use poison at 50% and push them back to interrupt their heal (90% mending)
mesmer (phantasm): this will be a really hard fight; just start with point blank shot because at 90% they will start casting phantasmal berserker on you so you gain opening strike, then swap to gs use swoop, hilt bash and maul (with MoC procced from hilt bash) then swap again to longbow because if you do all fine they will lose 60%+ hp so their next skill is mass invisibility (99%) and you must use rapid fire so you can continue to hit them also when invisible. Now it’s almost done.
mesmer (shatter cat): this will be an easy fight because shatter cat builds need time to get power and we can burst them down in few moments (optimizing damage par 8.). If the fight took loong swoop and run away until your enemy loses all might stacks (10 sec are usually enough) and you lose all conditions (confusion and burning)
mesmer (condition): this will be a really hard fight as every condition build against a non-condition one… but don’t despair we can do it as well. Very important is not lost our target between clones and avoid clones explosions allows us to avoid almost any confusion stack (and so 50% of their damage) (also avoid clones explosion is easy, just dodge roll in the fraction of second when they stop to walk and raises their hand to sky… this may seem hard but it isn’t; this is also good against every kind of mesmer fights).
Of course avoid “chaos strom” and use hunter’s shot + barrage to destroy all enemy clones.
mesmer (GS zerker): this fight is really situational because gs zerker mesmers uses a common 30/30/10 build which does not involve any tactic, just deal raw damage with gs, so basically start with counterattack to block their starting phantasmal mesmer then launch your gs (a crippled mesmer is easy to recognize!) and burst down him. If you see them for first will be an easy fight but if he/she sees you for first may be a medium-hard fight. SoS + hunter’s mark + hilt bash can overturn the situation
thief (full zerker): this fight is easier than you think; just don’t use SoS at beginning because they will use stealth. If they start with invisibility (really hard for a zerker because they have only few resources for invisibility) start with a barrage around you if he/she attacks you you get a great advantage for damage and cripple, now swoop away and rapid fire them. If he/she starts with hearthseeker spam don’t worry he/she’s only wasting initiative and will run away soon so start with gs, hilt bash – maul and swap to longbow because they will use invisibility (90%) so you can hit them to death.

(edited by Kjeldoran.3849)

A Ranger Guide - Power Build -

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


This is guide with some builds (power builds) made by a ranger for rangers; only ranger love here. If you are looking for some motivation to play ranger this is your place but if you are looking this guide with the aim to sho, more, your hate against ranger please leave because you are not welcome. Ranger is a class as others and can do the same things as others can; we aren’t under no one.

Ranger Power Build
Hello everyone, i decided to start this thread because i think is really necessary to show everyone who’s in looking for a ranger build that we aren’t only available in condition build (spirit build everywhere!) but we can also deal massive damage with our power!
Are you looking for a ranger build? Are you looking for a fun build? Are you looking for a nice guide of what can we do? That’s your thread then. Enjoy.

1. Why power over condition?
Condition builds are really strong but they have some problems: they need to focus on a single target (maybe 2-3 but with loss of damage), they have to avoid pve because of condition spamming (and so loss of damage, again) and, above all, they are useless against classes with condition removers!
Power build is, for definition, a build based on power and raw damage and the cons of this kind of builds are only two: armor and damage reducers.

2. Pros of power build
As said above, power builds are based on direct damage so the main difference between condition and power build is that condition builds can carry out a lot of little damages while power build can carry out some great numbers (do you want an example? Rapid Fire = 10k+ damage). The aim of power build is to deal massive damage and reduce enemies hp as fast as possible in order to avoid any kind of damage and use all it’s burst capacity in a single time.

3. Types of power builds
The most common power build is the one based on full berserker gear (usually named “zerker build” and used to roam in WvW) but this one, while is able to deal massive damage, is really easy to burst down especially if you are playing in pve or in WvW (zerg). So this isn’t the type of build i’ll talk about since i hate to become butter under enemy attack and i think is better to get defense, when needed, and offense, as more as possible without go full zerker.

4. Is possible to power build a ranger and get damage and resistance at same time?
Of course, this is the aim of this thread. It’s possible and ranger is a great class if you are looking for fun and competitive pvp at same time. The following one is a power build based on Longbow and Greatsword and it’s able to deal massive damage and give us, at the same time, resistance and tons of utility tools.

5. What about the build?
This build is based on LB/GS setup and is able to kill someone really quickly while maintaining 1600 toughness, 18k hp, condition removers, escape ability, aoe damage, combo field and sustained damage and a massive 2365 base power. All what you need to know, for now, is that this build is able to deal 10k + damage with rapid fire (5k+ with maul) and can walk in the middle of a zerg while drinking a coffee for 6 seconds.

6. When position is all
This build is not based on the “piercing arrows” trait because it’s really hard to manage and is very important to know your landscape before to start a match. Anyway if you are able to manage this grat surce of dps (on multiple target) you can use it. Also know how to place yourselvess and your skills is really important: learn the best place to use you barrage (on a bridge, under a tunnel or over a zerged area), learn when to use “point blank shot” to escape (near a cliff or jump over a clif pointing your enemy and the knock back him while on the top… it’s only matter of how many fun you want to have ).
You position is also really important; you are a ranger so you have to stay at range except for some burst combos and fight ends (i’ll talk about later) but remember that stay to range is really important for us (we get a 1500 range with “eagle eye” trait and don’t understand those who say "at 1500 range is really easy to dodge and avoid an arrow… because you have 2 dodges… we have unlimited arrows and there aren’t enemy skills which can hit us at 1500 range ) so keep the distance high as more as possible.

(edited by Kjeldoran.3849)

Hammer: How to skip third hit animation?

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


There are (was) two types of animation cutting, one involved dodging and aborting the dodging by activating the third step of the chain, which basically allowed you to to doge without moving. This one is removed.

are you sure that is this method removed? Recently i did it sometimes… attack-dodge-attack (#1 spamming)

The second one is that both the third and second hit actually hits slightly before the animation of the hit is finished. This means that you can dodge slightly beofre the third hit finishes and while dodging you drop the symbol. This reduces the time you are exposed and it also allows you to chain+dodge+mb in a slightly shorter timeframe (per skill used) than if you wait for the animation to play out, you cant start mb until the chain animation finishes. Hence you will be cutting some animationtime.

ok that’s a good one but you are talking about “frame rate”… frame rate must be something like 60 per sec so basically you will save less than 0.5 sec considering a perfect internet connection… because if you haven’t then is quite useless

Ranger Dazer Hybrid Build 2.0 Movie

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


hey, what about to put 2 different spiders (those 2 which give stun 2sec on next skill use) in order to get 2 more possible interrupts and more cc over enemy?

ò.ò what happen if you put on your gear 4x major rune of perplexity + 2x superior sune of perplexity? 40% proc chance every 15 sec or (20% proc chance every 15 sec) x2 ?

(edited by Kjeldoran.3849)

Yata's Chill Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


can you post your build over here ?
i’m too lazy to reprodouce it -_-

BM Ranger (Boon Master)

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


The most protection I can give is 4 seconds every 10 seconds. That’s good but I don’t see the point in running a stone spirit if I’m not fully traited for spirits. He’ll just die too easily and won’t follow me. And it’s not just perma swiftness + regen, it’s also near permanent fury.

How does healing spring mean less other boons? It gives vigor and an additional, albeit unneeded, source of regen as well as cd removal and a water field. It’s our only healing skill that even helps the team.

No, my pets stay alive most of the time. He has near perma protection from guard as well as all the boons I receive.

I’m fairly certain regen you give is affected by your healing power. I see 300 appear on me and my allies, so I don’t see how it isn’t working.

Er, this is the best the ranger can do imo. Running spirits is also good but 10% every 10 seconds is pretty much useless. Anyone who isn’t power spec’d wont benefit from it and even if they are, it still doesnt help much. Lets say someone hits for 2000, well congratulations, I’ve given you an extra 200 damage. But the amount they’ll hit varies a lot. Stone and Sun spirit are good, and so are there active effect, but you have to bring them in range of a target for the active to hit, which might cause them to die in the process.

this is an example of boon based build:

what this build can do?
1) perma regene simply with healing spring (6 * 6= 36 * (1 + 33%) sec regen every 30 sec)
2) perma fury (42 sec fury every 24 it seems to many fury but you have to consider a 19sec cd to swap pet)
3) perma 5 might stack (27 sec every 24 sec; then if you want to use combo field you get 3 more stacks for about 40sec… so basically is a perma 8 might stacks)
4) about perma protection (6.25 sec every 10 sec)
5) perma swiftness (15 sec every 10 sec)
6) burn support for the entire team (3sec every 10 sec is not bad also because your party may use burning skills too)
7) AoE heal over time + aoe water blast + moa’ heal (not regen but a cumulative one from spirit of nature)
8) AoE cond removal (from SoN)
9) AoE revive

this is a supportive build… and i still can’t find a great utility for it in a good party
maybe a 60% base boon duration (75% for protection) is enough because reach the “perma X boon” is quite useless if you are talking about a good party… if you are talking about random (not good) party boon builds are even more useless.

BM Ranger (Boon Master)

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


Hi, this is a build I designed solely for dungeons. It’s basically about spamming as many boons as possible. With this build you’ll be able to grant yourself and allies perma regen, perma swiftness, and near perma fury amongst other boosts.

Swiftness, regen and a bit of fury… nice of course… but are you sure swiftness is a good boon for dungeons? everyone is capable to stack swiftness if needed and regen stacks duration not intensity so basically if you give perma regen every other party member’s regen skill become useless… basically the only good boon you can give is fury; correct me if i’m wrong.

Full apothecary armor is preferred because any regeneration you receive and give is affected by it. This means that you’ll be giving your allies nearly 300hp/sec of perma regen.

Are you sure that regen on allies stacks with user’s healing power? I heard the contrary… i’ll check tomorrow

So I start off using bonfire, hit f2 on my red moa, then swap to my horn and hit #5 for might, fury, swiftness and additional might from the blast finisher. I then use all my shouts for regeneration and swiftness (make sure to spam f3 so your pet doesn’t run away) Then I swap to my jungle stalker and hit his f2 for even more might. This gives me and my allies over 30 seconds of fury, 40 seconds regeneration, 40 seconds swiftness, and over 20 seconds of 9 stacks of might. Like I said earlier, the regeneration and swiftness will be permanent, and fury will be almost permanent as long as you keep the red moa alive.

not bad… but it’s not the best support a team can get; 30 sec fury is the only really good one because 40 sec regen is too many (not too many because of the great heal but because of the too long duration… quite useless), 40 sec swiftness is good… but there is something better and 20 sec of 9 might stack (which are 8 stacks; 5+3) are good but everyone must be near you and you must be near fight and this mean that your pet is already dead…

Healing spring also functions as an extra regeneration field, cd removal, and a vigor field since I have it traited. If you feel you’re team needs some extra health, use healing spring before call of the wild for the AoE healing effect.

extra regen does not mean more heals… but in this situation less other boons (and focus on an excessive regen)

Also of note is the fact that the red moa has an AoE healing skill as well which heals for 3,510.

yes, actually moa’s skill is the only one which is increasing you hp per sec (to you and ally) and is on a 40 sec cd… not bad… but not so good at the same time…

The main purpose of the build is for the boons. If you feel the need to change any armor or weapons or runes, you can go ahead and do so. Well, have fun mates.

Yes this build gets boon… but are you considering to get better boons? like protection? like 10% more damage? and aoe heal (not regen)? or simply: swiftness + aoe blind + immobilize + chill (last 3 aren’t boons but every malus on enemies is a boon for you)?

you get 2 perma boons but you lose all your utilities (which are pretty useless) and you can do very few damage do you still think that this “swiftness + regen” boon spam is worth it?

(edited by Kjeldoran.3849)

Ranger Dazer Hybrid Build 2.0 Movie

in Ranger

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


1. Because Shortbow and Greatsword are pretty awful without Power. If I bother to get 25 stacks of Bloodlust before had i actually have 1700+ Power. Just depends on how lazy I am.
2. TU heals for 913 a second for 10 seconds. Basically a 9130 Point Heal, Heal as One heals for 7041. It also has a longer cast time and trust me, that does make a difference.
3. Block that interrupts (Does 5 Stacks of Confusion) and a Stun/Daze that can also interrupt and do 5 stacks of Confusion.
4. Oh my friend, You’re not thinking of all the lovely things you can do. You can jump off cliffs with people chasing, If anyone follows and doesn’t have the trait, you can turn around and kill them, I actually live because of that Trait in that video. Thief jumps off after me and lands into the Muddy terrain giving me breathing room (Also anyone else notice the bug where I got 5 stacks of Confusion when he interrupted me, Only thieves can do it, its some bug with Perplexity Rune, still haven’t figure it out yet)
5. EB is usually enough, If you’re fighting someone you know who is going to dish out a ton of Condition Removal (like in a duel) yea, putting SoR in place of SoTW is recommended

mmm ok man you are right but i can’t still accept “soften the fall” as a necessary trait :< also i’m not sure EB is enough to face another condition build (and if you are talking about 1vs1 or 5vs5 condi builds everywhere) even if togheter with SoR… but i suppose this is a common ranger problem

ps: i have a little request… can someone link me a stantard spirit build? It’s really hard to admit… i killed tons of those builds and i’ve never finded the basic model (only some variation on youtube) maybe because i’m not really interested in this build… but i wan’t to give it a try at least for Hearth of the Mists XD sry but i don’t want to open a thread only for a so stupid question thank you

Clockwork Chaos as I see it[screen shot]

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


This is how I saw it.

yes the pony makes more sense!

Hammer: How to skip third hit animation?

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


I remember there was a way to skip it using evade, but I’m failling to reproduce it now.

Could someone care to teach me?

i don’t suggest you to open those kind of thread in the forum … someone can take this as a bug exploit …

ps: i don’t know what are you talking about XD

(edited by Kjeldoran.3849)

Guardians Vs Warriors

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


Guardian or Warrior.

wow, let the epic debate start! lol

I know both are good in PvE and im all set in that way both seem quite equal
Im curious about WvW and maybe abit of team pvp later on when i get into the game more.
What I’m looking for is the ability to support a zerg if i need to and to be able to survive decently in those head on zerg vs zerg fights, while doing decent damage to auctally feel like im putting pressure on the enemy. (my thiekittenda gets squashed
underfoot instantly).

Im also looking for the ability to solo roam if i feel the want to and be able to hold my own in a 1v1 or even a 1v2 if it pops up.

I havent much to say because there is too many to say and i havent time right now XD
pve (events): guardian for better aoe
pve (dungeons): guardian for support, warrior for massive damage
HotM: guardian bunker, warrior skull crack
WvW: guardian support, warrior… something like burst and die

in general
offensive abilities: warrior > guardian
defensive abilities: guardian > warrior
support abilities: guardin > warrior