Hello, I’ve been quite a while away from gw2 and I came back within the latest update and when I saw those nice boost to radiance line I thought “why not”. So, I’m trying to create a new build for my guardian.
I know that “we should all run full berserker” and all, pls don’t kill me… But this build is not meant for raiding. I like to run around doing events, sometimes fractals and meta maps. So the purpose of this build is to create an hard to kill guardian with some group support and a good dps.
I tried this build in exotics and it seems to me that it’s working… but I’d like to hear from you what could I change to improve it.
About the build:
- shouts are my favourite utility skills and here have a triple function:
1) provide perma retailation which triggers many traits and gives us 70% crit chance without fury
2) remove conditions
3) give us a good uptime on protection and fury (with the trap it is 100% on fury)
- runes of durability are here because I wanted to give extra … durability… with some more prot uptime as well as vitality and toughness and the extra boon uptime was needed to keep the retailation uptime close to the cap (it is only 94% uptime without using the healing to proc it, though)
So that’s all, I guess. Thank you in advance for your input.
sorry but I’m 100% sure there is an error… aside some errors above me (like that gs chain takes 2.5s vs 3s of the necro’s one) the damages you indicated are absolutely “strange”, my main is a guardian and with ascended gear (only 6 pieces berserker) I get at least 2k non crit damage and up to 5k crit damage with AA attacks (depending on boon and boosters).
On a side note, damage depends very much on your traits. Some classes get higher base damage while other classes (like guard) get more damage boosts. You miss them. You do no damage. You get them. Your damage raises.
Going back at damage question: yes guardians have a bit lower damage at moment if compared to other classes (especially revenant which are basically guard 2.0 better at everything at moment, lucky some nerfs are coming with next patch) but on the other hand we get very much group utility. Necro and Guard are 2 different playstyles, you can play a necro like a guard and a guard like a necro but you will never get the same result as playing the classes for what they are: support with good damage, selfish with high damage.
2)empower doest heal that much just because might is not applied 1 at times but 3 or 4 at time (i don’t use staff from long time sorry) and this means that the effective heal (self) is 72×3(or 4)xnumber of allies which in the best scenario is a 1440 heal + skill heal… Cool how much? 3k? 4k at max and then? You are stuck with a crappy weapon for 9 sec…
Altruistic Healing procs on each individual application of Might so it is 12-60 procs depending on allies reached with a max heal of 4.2k, with an additional heal component on the end for an additional 1.5k. The additional healing on Empower also has a healing coefficient of 1.0 so with the right gear set-up and traits (I know no one builds this way) you could get it up to 3.4k. For a total of 5.7k -7.6k healing.
uhm… yes you are right, I’m sorry (I said it was long time ago the last time I used staff) but the point remains… once you swap to staff you have a useless (offensive wise) weapon and you can’t swap for 9 sec… in any critical scenario pve and pvp and wvw it is useless to swap and “cast it to recover”, it has really no sense to spec into healing power to get that 7 or even 9k heal if then you can’t do anything else and also you are not considering a “solo” scenario… well in this case it is much, much more, worse…
I do think it’s a little funny that no one so far, OP included, seems to have remembered that “Receive the Light!” exists. Shows how popular of a choice it is for healing, I guess.
You are right, I never used that simply because our class has low hp pool and considering the low health regen (if not specced into defensive traits) the block is something of essential… but you are right, I’ll add my idea about that to the OP
Hold the Line:
This was supposed to be a huge boost to survivability cooldown, right now it is outclassed by a passive aura trait in Ele.
My recommendation is Hold the Line gives Protection, Regen, Vigor and Resistance!
Now that is a good cooldown, 5s Resistance and Protection and 10-15s for Regen Vigor. A bit of resistance for the team is what a bunk guardian should be able to bring.
That’s a very cool idea imho and something I never tought about but that I would like to see! My idea is more like this:
Hold the line!: 30s cd, applies protection (4s), regen (6s) and resistence (4s).
Hold the line!: 30s cd, applies protection (6s) and resistence (6s)
Now I have an interesting note for you:
dragon hunter received a trap (Test of faith) which applies 6sec protection and is on a 30sec cd (or 24 if traited)! the point is, on one hand we have
Test of Faith (traited): 24s cd, high damage skill, applies protection (6s), cripples enemies (6s), is unblockable and dazes foes
and on the other hand a crappy:
Hold the line (traited): 28s cd, applies protection (4s) and regen (6s), converts one condition into boon.
Really? -.-" it is evident that shouts need a rework in terms of “viability of boon uptime and quality”…
Keep in mind pvp when you talk about buffs and nerfs aswell as anet usually balances for pvp aspect since pvp is the most fragile place, (in terms of balance)
I’m sorry, I didn’t write that these changes are meant to be pve wise above all…
recently our shield skill have (finally) become interesting… but still I don’t get why of some decisions… let’s see.
Shield of judgment: damage (base) 320, applies protection (4s) and aegis (4s), 20s cd.
my tought now is: why protection + aegis??? aegis block 1 attack so it means that (in pve at least) the first hit (unless under massive attack, and in this case it is anyway useless) will took away 1 to 2 sec of protection aswell! so my idea is:
Shield of jugment: damage (base) 640, applies protection (4s) and dazes foe (1s)
Shield of absorption: knock back, block projectiles (4s) heals for 1300hp if detonated, 24s cd.
and again I am wondering: why do we have “heal on detonate” and “the bubble lasts until you detonate it”??? what’s the meaning? It is obvious that everyon will keep the bubble up until it is over (if needed for projectiles) then pop it before it is too late. My idea is to make it so that you have to keep it up to get better reward (you know… no risk no gain they say).
Shield of absorption: knock back, block projectiles (4s), heals for 500hp per sec while active, grants aegis to allies on activation.
This way you can use it to proc aegis then pop it to use other skills, or to block projectiles & 1 melee attack or, again, if you need heals you can keep it up and don’t just spam and pop it for a low 1300heal on 24s cd…
What are your toughts? Ideas? Considerations?
Hello, I hope we can use this forum to discuss the state of guardian’s shouts, their actual state, viability and usefullness.
I’ll start saying that the actual state, imho, is pretty bad since their “boon spamming role” has been destroyed by other class ability to spam boons. We need to bring them up again! or lower others ability to spam them…
Retreat!: I think the main reason guardians use this trait is to keep up unscated contender and… swiftness ofc but this one is not impactful on pve content. So my idea is:
Reatreat!: 30sec cd, applies aegis (15s) and swiftness (15s)
the lowered cd (aswell as boon duration) could help us keep UC active while giving us the same mobility, and we could cleanse 1 condi every 24s if traited which isn’t god mode considering that warrior’s shouts are on a lower cd.
Hold the line!: this should be our main defensive shout for group support but it isn’t enough to bring up defenses.
Hold the line!: 30sec cd, applies protection (6s) and regeneration (8s)
the lowered cd allows us (togheter with higher boon duration) to get a “nice” 25% protection uptime (if traited) which isn’t, again, “too much” just because (for example) revenants have 6sec prot on a 25 cd, it is legit to have 6s on 24s cd considering that we have to trait them to improve them.
Save yourselvess!: this is a selfish skill but good for aoe condition cleanse… where is the problem? Too long cd, togheter with the “received condition” malus & the fact that doesn’t work with “pure of voice”.
Save yourselvess: 50sec cd, applies “all the usual” boons but (if traited) removes 1 condition & convert it from each ally affected before pulling them.
Stand your ground!: this is a pretty solid shout just because stability is still one of few, very few, things we can give easily enough (well revenants can still give 50% stab uptime… but eh…).
Stand your ground: 30sec cd, 5 stacks of stab (6s) and retailation (8s)
I used the same “duration values” as for hold the line (6s major boon, 8s minor one)
Feel my wrath!: I get that 30sec cd was too low at beginning but cmon kitten it is a 50% nerf…
Feel my wrath!: 40s cd, applies quickness (5s) and fury (10s), istant cast (!)
why isn’t it an instant cast? I wonder about that everytime I cast it…
Receive the light!: this should be the "healing shout that we should consider over shelter… but really… why? high cd, mid health and adds nothing in terms of boons so here is my idea:
Receive the light!: 40sec cd, increased healing by 10-20% and applies resistence (4s) (or vigor (6s)), cast time sightly reduced.
That’s all from me, what is you opinion guys? I know shouts are already in a “good” place if compared to others utilities but cmon, these changes are easy to make (we are just talking about boon duration increase and cd reductions) and necessary to make guardian once again a good “boon spamming” class.
edit: these changes (or at least my ideas) are meant to be mainly for a pve scenario, not sure about pvp.
(edited by Kjeldoran.3849)
Because we can heal from boon application.Removing the cd from empowerin g might would make it extremely strong. Stand your ground can heal for 2k with 4 allies around. Empower is a 60%+ heal if traited. besides you compare a master with a grandmaster trait.
The rest of you post is filled with very personal points of view which I almost completly disagree with since yu are exaggurating way too much.
I’m sorry but your argument is invalid imho and here is why:
1) that trait is self heal only and to waste 2 specs just for might on crit + 72hp per boon is useless
2)empower doest heal that much just because might is not applied 1 at times but 3 or 4 at time (i don’t use staff from long time sorry) and this means that the effective heal (self) is 72×3(or 4)xnumber of allies which in the best scenario is a 1440 heal + skill heal… Cool how much? 3k? 4k at max and then? You are stuck with a crappy weapon for 9 sec…
Now let’s have some comparisons…
Shouts heal for 1k aoe, which means an effective 5k heal with shouts that are on a much lower cd than guardian’s one.
They can spam regen without care but… Oh wait wait shield skill 4 is a 1700 aoe heal which also gives protection … On a 15s cd! Mmh
Hold the line (double traited)
28 sec cd, 72×2×5= 720 self heal at best, 4s prot
Henvoy of exuberance:
15s cd, 1700 aoe heal, 2s prot (or 3 if facet of nature is active)
So?!? What are we talking about?! 2 traits waster for a skill which is evidently too much weak! …
Exactly what Tenrai says.
Before revenant we had poor dps and good to excellent group support or good dpb but low to good group support, but now revs do everything at the same time and even better. That’s the point. The “record” ppl talks about was made because that guy evidently knew how to use guardian, I’m not saying that it does 0 damage! I’m saying that revs (and other classes) can do everything better! And I am 100% sure that the record coul have been done with revs instead of guards in less time just because actually there is nothing that even a “specialized” guardian build can do better than a “generic” rev one.
Hits like a wet noodle? Completely useless?
That’s why DNT and Sickest Guild both ran a Dragonhunter in their world first comps right?The hyperbole is palpable.
Come on buddy…
Have you ever played guardian? DnT builds are the most squishies build ever and aven so (with 11k hp and basically 1 hit = death even from ambient creatures) revs have higher dps, there is nothing to “suppose” about that. Just create a guard, then create a rev and have some tests. Also it IS important to relate the state of a class to other classes just because this is a mmorpg not a single player one. You have to relate to others and if hou are useless no one will take you seriously… I’m already looking at lfg posts saying “no guard”…
I think it’s an extremely subjective statement to claim that Guardians are not in a good place for PVE and not provide any evidence other than “because Class A does this” to support it. That’s a fallacy. The versatility this class has to tank, heal or do damage while continuing to support a team is exceptional.
Hi, I don’t think anyone said anything without evidence… the state of the guardian in pve is that it is useless not because it is a weak class but because revenants can do everything and better:
1) walls: rev > guard
2) heals: rev > guard
3) boons: rev > guard
4) damage: rev > guard
5) support: rev > guard
6) cc: rev > guard
7) personal defense: rev > guard
8) ranged damage: rev >= guard
9) conditions: rev > guard
10) pvp state: rev > guard (and everything else)
now, some of these points were enlarged I know (don’t cry foul) but it is true that guardians don’t have anymore a spot in pve just because revenants can do everything and better! we are not talking about “specific class mechanics” we are talking about… everythin… just… think at one thing you can do as guardian. Done? ok, revenants can do that better! and no matter how much you build your class into that specific settor, revenant will always do that better and with 1 or few button! Like… I like to spam boons? cool… I get shouts, I get virtues, I get traits for shout and traits for virtues, I get shield for extra prot, I get staff for extra might, I get mace for extra regen, I could get whatever but revenants just need to press f2 twice to get a 40% uptime on all useful boons! 40% uptime! without considering facets! a guardian needs at least a full set of boon duration equip to get that far with boon duration… well except for swiftness… -.-’’
Exactly this, it was ok when they said in the past that “guardian is a mid offensive-defensive class” but now we have a new all-in-one class that does everything and better…
But the problem, imho, is not guardian but the revenant! In building it they added already existing things but improved them… Like…
1) rev has tablet with activable shield. WHY that “activable shield” wasn’t even planned for our shield of avenger? We are forced with that… Thing running around at random spamming the shield where and when it is not needed!
2) herald can press 1 button (f2) and have 6sec prot on a 25 sec cd while we have to use hold the line which even traited is on a 28s cd and gives only 4s prot! (Not considering all other boons…)
Ah … :<
Here are my 5 cent:
at the actual state guardian’s weapons feel like they give you nothing more than few damage and low (or not well written) utility.
Talking about greatsword (which is the weapon I like the most) it feels like I have just “damage” when using it in pve… Nothing else. AA is low considering the damage output, WW fails to hit unless in certain situations, #3 is just on a so long cd for a leap which inflicts blindness (even more useless of a condition with the new defiance system), symbol is a low to none dps increase and binding blade fails a lot as pull…
If I could change them I would at least:
AA: chain 1 and 2 give you 1 might, 3rd 1 might per enemy.
#2: 3/4 reduction on projectile damage and bring that damage into the whirl itself, you shot only 3 projectiles which apply few sec of cripple
#3: reduced cd by 2s increased range to 800 and add few sec of weackness on top of it
#4: increased damage (20-30% more)
#5: binded targets gets 1 burning stack (1s) per second while binded
I’ve always mained guardian and with HoT release I was so happy for the longbow addition which is nice and all… but… longbow aside, I don’t feel like guardian is in a good spot anymore (PvE wise).
pretty meh, new spec. can do much more damage and easier… also many of our weapons and utilities need an overhaul… I mean how can our sword AA compete with revenant sword AA? or our “shield” with revenant Shield… I read some time ago a dev saying that “shelter” is op at moment and their will look into (probably nerfing) it… really? 2sec block on a 30 sec cd when revenants have 3sec block + 4k heal on a 20 sec cd with a shield skill?!
There are so many incomplete traits and I mean that they feel like “it is a good add” … but then when it comes to numbers they are not enough! we don’t have enough damage boosters, not defense boosters! we have low boon uptime and even “power of the virtuous” gives us +1% damage per boon while herald’s “elder’s force” give them +2% power boost! cmon…
I’m sorry if this seems to be a rant post, partially it is, but I’m still wondering how at arenanet they think that guardian is a balanced class while revenants are better at everything and very other class has better option for each of our (hold) useful mechanics…
As someone who always played guardian from beginning I feel like in 3 years we got where other classes were… 3 years ago… is it just me? Can we please have a talk with devs about what’s their opinion on all classes (like the one there was some time ago for elite spec)?
In my opinion these aoe buffs should be toned down accordingly to their effectivenes and here is how:
“+150 toughness”: is a good chunk of damage reduction if built with 0 toughness but very low if already tanky
“+150 power”: is a good ammount, not very much, not too few
“+150 ferocity”: here we have too much of a stat which reaches “+10% damage on crits” which is huge anyway (and not situational like toughness) so maybe tone it down to 100?
“+150 precision”: is another huge boost (is it 7% crit chance), I think it should be like 120 max…
talking about strength in number I think that the best way to improve it and make it really a worty choice is to change it into a “static damage reduction” rather than toughness boost (which isn’t static) something like a passive 5-7% damage reduction (if I’m correct 33 toughness = 1% damage reduction with 0 toughness)
today is the first time (excluding the tequatl update) that the game goes through a crash. It happened twice during SE p1 (Tazza fight). I also did other dungeons, map completition and nothing happened. Also I ran twice the repair before (because I ran it once yesterday and forgot to change it).
My pc specs:
cpu: i7 4720hq (3.6ghz)
gpu: nvidia 960m 2gb ddr5
ram: 12gb ddr3
Any help? thank you.
I sent the crash report to arenanet but I also copied it:
—> Crash <—
Exception: c0000005
Memory at address 27207000 could not be written
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 1668
BaseAddr: 003F0000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 51902
When: 2015-08-19T12:55:58Z 2015-08-19T14:55:58+02:00
Uptime: 0 days 0:03:11
Flags: 0
—> System <—
Name: *********
Processors: 8 [GenuineIntel:6:12:3]
OSVersion: Windows 6.2 (64 bit)
—> System Memory <—
Physical: 9400MB/12176MB 77%
Paged: 9558MB/12176MB 78%
Virtual: 2859MB/ 4095MB 69%
Load: 22%
CommitTotal: 2618MB
CommitLimit: 12176MB
CommitPeak: 8238MB
SystemCache: 9333MB
HandleCount: 21870
ProcessCount: 52
ThreadCount: 721
—> Process Memory <—
Private: 830MB
WorkingSet: 770MB
PeakWorkingSet: 1162MB
PageFaults: 1860105
[DbgHelp.dll is C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dbghelp.dll]
[DbgHelp.dll version 6.3.9600.17787 (64/32-bit compatible)]
—> Thread 0×2b4 <—
—> Trace <—
Pc:008a2baa Fr:0410faf8 Rt:0083af7d Arg:00000008 3c84fb90 0214a5f0 00000000
Pc:0083af7d Fr:0410fbc8 Rt:00828542 Arg:3c84fb90 0214a5f0 00000000 00000000
Pc:00828542 Fr:0410fc04 Rt:00774c50 Arg:00010000 06e8a9e8 06e8a9e8 0410fc38
Pc:00774c50 Fr:0410fc18 Rt:007756f3 Arg:06e8a9e8 00010000 00100014 00000000
Pc:007756f3 Fr:0410fc38 Rt:0085bb00 Arg:00040000 00100014 00000000 3c84fb90
Pc:0085bb00 Fr:0410fc54 Rt:008755de Arg:00040000 00100014 00000000 4cd044b0
Pc:008755de Fr:0410fc78 Rt:008750a5 Arg:06e9aa10 0000fff4 00100014 0085bae0
Pc:008750a5 Fr:0410fcec Rt:0087550e Arg:0000fff4 06e9aa10 00010000 03c609a4
Pc:0087550e Fr:0410fd24 Rt:7795ad1f Arg:00000000 efe3bde2 00000000 00000000
Pc:7795ad1f Fr:0410fd6c Rt:7795acea Arg:ffffffff 77940230 00000000 00000000
Pc:7795acea Fr:0410fd7c Rt:00000000 Arg:00884aa0 00000000 00000000 00000000
—> Thread registers <—
eax=06e8b1d4 ebx=00000000 ecx=00000008 edx=00000008 esi=06e8b1cc edi=27207000
eip=008a2baa esp=0410fae0 ebp=0410faf8
cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00010213
eax-32 06E8B1B4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
eax-16 06E8B1C4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
eax 0 06E8B1D4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
eax16 06E8B1E4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
eax+32 06E8B1F4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
eax+48 06E8B204 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
esi-32 06E8B1AC 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
esi-16 06E8B1BC 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
esi 0 06E8B1CC 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
esi16 06E8B1DC 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
esi+32 06E8B1EC 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
esi+48 06E8B1FC 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
edi-32 27206FE0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
edi-16 27206FF0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
—> Code <—
008A2B8A 8b7c240c 8bc18bd1 03c63bfe 76083bf8 .|$…….;.v.;.
008A2B9A 0f826803 00000fba 25082e6c 01017307 ..h…..%..l..s.
008A2BAA f3a4e917 03000081 f9800000 000f82ce …………….
008A2BBA 0100008b c733c6a9 0f000000 750e0fba …..3……u…
008A2BCA 2510b55f 01010f82 da040000 0fba2508 .._………..
008A2BDA 2e6c0100 0f83a701 0000f7c7 03000000 .l…………..
—> Stack <—
0410FAE0 1e42de10 00000000 0075eb9d 27207000 ..B…….u..p ’
0410FAF0 06e8b1cc 00000008 0410fbc8 0083af7d …………}…
0410FB00 00000008 3c84fb90 0214a5f0 00000000 …….<……..
0410FB10 00000004 00000004 0410fb04 004ff65a …………Z.O.
0410FB20 0000fffe 0000ffff 00000004 00000004 …………….
0410FB30 58434433 58455441 00000000 00500400 3DCXATEX……P.
0410FB40 04100400 0410fc6c 00000001 00000004 ….l………..
0410FB50 00000002 00000000 00000001 02130000 …………….
0410FB60 00000000 00080fa0 00000000 00000000 …………….
0410FB70 1e42de10 00000000 00000000 27186060 ..B………``.’
0410FB80 00000000 00000008 00000000 00000000 …………….
0410FB90 00000000 000407e4 0000f81c 06e8b1cc …………….
0410FBA0 0214a5f0 03df66c0 0410fbc0 0214a5f0 …..f……….
0410FBB0 06e8a9e8 0075eb9d 0410fc00 991c3fa7 ……u……?..
0410FBC0 0410fc04 991c3faf 0410fc04 00828542 …..?……B…
0410FBD0 3c84fb90 0214a5f0 00000000 00000000 …<…………
0410FBE0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
0410FBF0 00000000 3c84fb90 0214a5f0 00000000 …….<……..
0410FC00 3c84fb90 0410fc18 00774c50 00010000 …<….PLw…..
0410FC10 06e8a9e8 06e8a9e8 0410fc38 007756f3 ……..8….Vw.
0410FC20 06e8a9e8 00010000 00100014 00000000 …………….
0410FC30 00000000 00000000 0410fc54 0085bb00 ……..T…….
0410FC40 00040000 00100014 00000000 3c84fb90 ……………<
0410FC50 06e40650 0410fc78 008755de 00040000 P...×....U……
0410FC60 00100014 00000000 4cd044b0 0410fcd8 ………D.L….
0410FC70 039ca5a0 06e9aa08 0410fcec 008750a5 ………….P..
0410FC80 06e9aa10 0000fff4 00100014 0085bae0 …………….
0410FC90 4cd044b0 00040000 00000000 0410fcd8 .D.L…………
0410FCA0 00884aa0 03c609a4 00000000 00000000 .J…………..
0410FCB0 00000000 00000000 016ad688 0410fcc8 ……….j…..
0410FCC0 0410fd0c 7791daf0 0410fd00 008849f7 …….w…..I..
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0410FCE0 00000000 00000000 00000001 0410fd24 …………$…
0410FCF0 0087550e 0000fff4 06e9aa10 00010000 .U…………..
0410FD00 03c609a4 00884008 00884aa0 00884aa0 …..@…J…J..
0410FD10 00884ac3 75ab7c04 00000000 75ab7be0 .J…|.u…..{.u
0410FD20 edf98ac0 0410fd6c 7795ad1f 00000000 ….l……w….
0410FD30 efe3bde2 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
0410FD40 c0000005 7780f510 00000000 0410f4ec …….w……..
0410FD50 efe3bde2 0410fd30 0410f4ec 0410fd74 ….0…….t…
0410FD60 779974a0 9c66edbe 00000000 0410fd7c .t.w..f…..|…
0410FD70 7795acea ffffffff 77940230 00000000 …w….0..w….
0410FD80 00000000 00884aa0 00000000 00000000 …..J……….
0410FD90 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
0410FDA0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
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0410FDC0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
0410FDD0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
0410FDE0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
0410FDF0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
0410FE00 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
0410FE10 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
0410FE20 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
0410FE30 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
0410FE40 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
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0410FE70 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
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0410FEA0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
0410FEB0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
0410FEC0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
0410FED0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
—> Error Logs <—
Texture ‘0×03539b’ dimensions too small
Loading ‘0’ texture failed
Texture missing mip chain: 0×063889
Texture missing mip chain: 0×063887
Texture missing mip chain: 0×063888
Texture missing mip chain: 0×06388a
Texture missing mip chain: 0×06388c
Texture missing mip chain: 0×06388e
Texture missing mip chain: 0×06388f
Map load hang on STATE_MODELS_STREAM detected: MapId: 64, Position: (-5117.750000, -2008.680054, -6419.289551), Completion: 0.000000
Texture decode failed.
Loading ‘0’ texture failed
Texture missing mip chain: 0×06388b
Texture missing mip chain: 0×0265ff
Texture missing mip chain: 0×026605
Texture missing mip chain: 0×026606
Texture missing mip chain: 0×026602
Texture missing mip chain: 0×026604
Texture missing mip chain: 0×026603
Texture missing mip chain: 0×026601
Texture missing mip chain: 0×026600
Texture decode failed.
Loading ‘0’ texture failed
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘Aw3PF.xcnwE’
—> DirectX Device Info <—
VendorId = 0×10de
DeviceId = 0×139b
Version = 10.18.0013.5362
Description = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M
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HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849
i just logged in today after a year and was ready to play again only to find out now i have to spend another $50 for the new content. no thank you. i thought the business model of this game was no expansions cause content updates were part of your initial purchase. i definitely won’t be buying this for $50. i’m not even going to install this game again.
Good idea, also another good idea would have been not bother us and just leave forum, game and everything which reminds you the enormous ammount of money you spent on the game… goodbye.
A Dev will answer you….in your ticket. You might try re-installing Dx9. Sometimes, installations of Dx11 or others leave out some files that Dx9 needs.
Good luck.
Sir, you are my hero! It seems that dx 10 and 11 were installed correctly but I-DONT-KNOW-WHY dx 9 wasn’t… all what I did was:
1) remove the damaged audio driver which caused the BSOD
2) reinstall all the dx pack again
3) play the game
Update: I don’t know what happened but now I’m getting an error message saying that I don’t have dx9 (which isn’t true) or my gpu drivers aren’t up to date (which isn’t true at all too), then after 10-20 sec I get a BSOD with error message “DIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE” … don’t know what to do… could a dev or someone with knowledge of the problem help please?
thank you for the reply, I forgot to add that to the list of things I already tried unfortunately it was one of my first toughts… so I did exactly what you wrote. I also deleted the .dat file in :C/user name/documents/…/roaming/gw2
nothing works yet
I’ve already opened a ticket for this issue but I hope to speed up process asking here for help, so thank you in advice.
Just yesterday I bought a new notebook, asus n551jw cn067h, and it seems that I can launch game on this new pc while on the old one, a toshiba satellite l50-a-161, it runs fine. All what I did was to copy-paste the entire gw2 folder from my previous notebook to the new one.
The problem is than I’m able to start launcher, log-in but when I press on the “play” button all what happens is a flashy black screen, for half a second, then nothing; the entire process ends, no error report, nothing at all.
What I already tried:
- run “-repair”
- change screen resolution (1920×1020 native) to the on on the previous notebook (1366×768)
- run with “-windowed” command
- run as administator
- run with a specific gpu (the nvidia 960m)
- updating all drivers
- disabling antivirus firewall (mcafee)
- going into “msconfig” then closing all processes except windows ones then restarting pc and running the game didn’t fix it too
my notebook specs:
gpu: nvidia 960m 2gb ddr5
cpu: i7-4720hq 3.6ghz
ram: 8gb ddr3
so please, what else can I do? Thank you for your time.
The Story (skip to suggestion if you don’t want to read)
When you create a legendary weapon the first thought is:
“finally I got this wonderfull weapon with shining trail and so on”
But what you actually did is simply to block any future skin from your character. Why? Simply, why should you use the “new halloween weapon” (invented) when you already got “twilight” or “sunrise”? It would be stupid to put on a 100g worth gs when you have a legendary (3000+ g worth) one. And that’s why you will be every patch more hesitant to buy new skins (unless you are a collectioner… but again you will never use those skins) and try new outfits (unless them fits already with your actual legendary weapon).
Actually legendary weapons are formed by SKIN + WEAPON (with stats and the ability to change stats). So I was wondering… what if our legendary weapon were formed by:
SKIN = the legendary skin
WEAPON = stats + ability to change them
EFFECT = legendary effect typical of that legendary weapon
In this way we can change our “legendary skin” and match our “legendary effect” with new skins and upcoming ones creating even new combinations!
SKIN = Phoenix Greatsword
WEAPON = (twilight)
EFFECT = twilight’s blade trail + footstep + aura (obviously here you should fix the “projectile animation” because you don’t use twilight but phoenix greatsword)
Another one:
SKIN = Chaos Greatsword
WEAPON = (sunrise)
EFFECT = sunrise’s blade trail + footstep + aura (—-)
Last one:
SKIN = Charrzooka
WEAPON = (The Predator)
EFFECT = Predator’s fire aura + footstep + modified projectiles
What do you think?
guys… i was wondering… maybe it is a bit late… but i’ll try…
soon™ anet should deliver halloween content… which is a break from living story… which starts on 4 november… so… why not to deliver an Halloween Super Adventure Box feature? Basically a super adventure box… with halloween ambientation and mob and stuffs … just wondering …
(edited by Kjeldoran.3849)
Nice idea, here are some suggestion that should help IMO (but i’ve never used a chill build)
Sigils: if you want to focus on chill sigils are the primary way to spam it
hammer → hidromacy + chilling (because you need to be near target to use hammer and it is slow, so you basically get the chill one time from sigil)
scepter/focus → ice + chilling (because scepter is faster and ranged so you have more time to proc your chill)
signet of wrath is good for your aim but it feel like a wasted slot… why not to go for bane signet? 2 sec knock down is also a good way to catch your enemy but doing so you get a good 180 power bonus
shouts: the only think i can say is that to use signet of resolve in pvp isn’t a good idea simply because shelter heals more (if considering all the blocked damage) so instead of use it to remove conditions why not to go with shelter+2 shouts+ pure of voice? 15k hp with 2k toughness is good enough to survive…
with mu suggested setup i would go with a 0/5/6/6/5
That’s all, I hope to be of help.
Mmmh, I see… I think I’ll stick with extra condi removal for sPvP and boon stripping for WvW and tPvP… after all in organized team and group play (wvw) there will surely be someone who clean conditions…
Also i have another trouble:
15% more phantom damage VS 20% more shatter damage, let’s the fight begin XD
PU will always have a bad ring to it, don’t think we will ever get over that sadly. But actually feel the change isn’t as bad as i thought. Kinda like having some kind of source for swiftness even if it’s a short duration, and if you get lucky with might stacks (like proccing 3 and then jump people) it can be kinda great.
Just wanted to throw my version in, not saying it’s better but sometimes people bring up stuff you didn’t think about yourself.
Just a quick recap on my thoughts on the differences, your choice if you want to try them out
Mental Torment – Bigger spikes with Mind Wrack
Shattered Concentration – Really fun to pull stability and might of people, can really screw with bunker guardians.
Master of Manipulation – lower CD on blink and since i use AT in solo/duo roaming in WvW it again helps with CD. Debilitation Dissipation i don’t find very useful when not specced for the condi dmg.
GS Sigils – running Strenght to build up might when snipping together with Fire for a little extra burst.
Sw/T – Energy because i want a dodge when i move into melee, and Battle for the easy extra dmg when switching for a BF + MW burst.
Runes – Travelers, because when you try the extra speed you just can’t live without it.This is my usual setup for roaming in WvW, armor is Valkyrie and zerker trinkets, rings etc.
Just my take on the same playstyle, hope it can give you an idea on variation
hey dude, thank you! You have some pretty good ideas and it seems that we play in a similar way
I have only a questions:
do you think that remove boons is better that reduced cd on torch & condi cleanse?
if you want a full support role you will end up with 0 damage output in most of cleric/support guardian build and in gw2 a class with 0 damage is quite useless because there is no need of “healer”.
So i suggest you to go for an offensive shout build or virtue + consecrations or, better idea, go with a support elementalist (they can do damage + support without care much about build and they get many utilities simply in weapon skills).
Also if you are sure you want to stick with a guardian I can suggest you few supportive builds:
0/0/6/6/2 with shouts
4/0/6/0/4 with consecrations
0/0/6/4/4 with consecrations
0/0/2/6/6 (based on virtues)
4/3(4)/6/0/1(0) for burst build because as someone will say “no threat no danger” :P
gw2 forum is not the place where provoke people… really.
6)competitive pve is, really, a joke and if you really judge players for the time they spend to complete cof, cm or whatever you surely have problems… not with me but the community… you should be one of those “p1 only zerk run 100k ap gear check or kick” … really I laugh hard at you.
no please be constructive or leave, ty.
Arrrr you are right XD but you miss previous 5 points… and… that’s a provocation? I think that’s more a statement of something which really happen in game. Actually the game is really flodded with such people which only want to provoke you… yes i should add ONLY want… well i’ll correct my previous post, thanks.
another useless answer
thanks gods you decide to leave thise thread, thank you. For the next time you want to make people waste their time with you simply send them you skype contact or facebook one, gw2 forum is not the place where ONLY provoke people… really.
Just few things to not go oot:
1) i said only warrior and ranger can bring stab without waste dps, so i don’t know what are you talking about
2) eles obviously use more attunement and it is not my fault if you play only fire, also for your said “combo” you need to go air so please stop kitten up yourself
3)any boss where regen is usefull? Old Tom from fractals when you have to take in your face aoe damage and you can bring you hp bar over 90%… just an example.
4)“all you need is dps dps dps”… no comment
5)you have surely problems reading… i said aegis is good when you can predict attacks but when there are mobs hitting twice or more times in a row it is useless like, if not more, your posts.
6)competitive pve is, really, a joke and if you really judge players for the time they spend to complete cof, cm or whatever you surely have problems… not with me but the community… you should be one of those “p1 only zerk run 100k ap gear check or kick” … really I laugh hard at you.
no please be constructive or leave, ty.
(edited by Kjeldoran.3849)
Hello guys, after the 9/9 patch it seems that i’m not anymore able to play with my mesmer (same build). I usually use my mesmer only for sPvP, WvW and… well JP :P
Here is my PU build:
yes most of you will say “PU user! NOOB!” but I really don’t understand why so many hate for this build… i like to play stealth and the fact that I use this build doesn’t mean I’m a noob… maybe I know how to use this build and of course an OP build used in a good way is even more OP but that’s not my fault…
So please if you can help me i have some problem with this “op” build:
1) the new Illusiary Leap is… strange, i usually miss this skill 50% of times. Now the leap bug is fixed (i love it) but it seems to me that the summoned clone is… slow, I mean if I use IL and the enemy dodge roll i have to wait… 5 sec? or more before my clone reach target… but then the switch is over -.-‘’ What do you think guys? maybe it is a L2P issue I admit last time I played with my mesmer was before summer but I’m curious to see if I’m the only ove having problems.
2) what do you think about the build? Can you suggest me some improvements?
3)Invisibility is strange… i think i’m getting the revealed malus too often after patch… as someone said in other threads (like https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/mesmer/Mesmer-invisibility-Broken) I’m having problems too using stealth. I don’t know why but even if I run away stealthed suddenly I got revealed malus! I think there is something that kitten up things…
maybe… i’m not sure… it is the Debilitating Dissipation trait which counts like an hit when you inflict bleeding on targets killing your clones… really dunno but it is really strange to me (i’ll test things later)
thanks for the reply. so ur running mixed gear soldier/serker with pact runes? tanky enough for you? right now im using knight with trooper rune and it seems im missing something. how is the dps?
I find it a good mix between damage and survivability BUT this ISN’T a tanky build! You can get some hit and recover fast from damage but you can’t tank bosses like a bunker… you have to dodge most of times but i think this is a obvious thing to do in this game. The almost full zerker gear + some damage based traits allows me to reach good spike damage… now i can’t tell you exact number but the highest WW was something about 16k of course with warriors banner and a pug party I usually end with a 2-3k AA spam and 5-10k WW… i suggest you to try yourself to see if it fits your way to play the game also because to build a new exotic gear isn’t that expensive, then if you are sure to like it you can go for ascended gear.
I gt the idea!
Remove the cooldown from PBS and all rangers will be soooo busy point blank shotting you to their base that they won’t even have time to use rapid fire!
or maybe it would be better to delete PBS and instead add it inside rapide fire! So we get a 10x arrows with knock back (each) + vuln ! gg
I think a 3.25s cast time like churning earth would be a good spot to start. Maybe increase to same channel time as tranquility on temple of silent storm if it’s still too OP.
3.25 sec ?
you made me laugh hard XD i’m dying…
well would a guard with full soldier armor then scholar rune with a dps trait a viable option these days? i mean, running in full serker makes me so so squishy with less than 10k health. and i dont want that
any help is appreciated.
sorry for stupid question
Hey dude here is my AH build for pug dungeons and fractals. I usually put in wall + hallowed ground + master of consecrations (ofc) for some runs. Also you can find better builds for organized runs but I usually run with pugs… and I find it really fine. I hope to be of help
Just few notes:
Empower Might = you will end up spamming might every 1 sec (with 50% chance it means that if you hit more than 2 mobs it is a 99% proc rate) which heals you for 360hp/sec so it is perfect as self heal
Strength in Numbers + Retributive Armor = give you a boost to your defense and crit rate which well sinergise with the almost full berserker gear and the 209% crit damage.
UC = boosts your damage by a good 20% but you need to know where you can use it and where not… you can’t expect to have it up 100% of time but for some bosses like searing effigy of cof 1 and others you should keep it up 100% of the time!
guardian pvp meta: meditation spam! gg
tell me it is not … and join a solo arena
Corrected. just read you lasts 4 posts then repeat in your mind:
“I deserve to be ignored, Ideserve to be ignored…”
when you reach 100 times → suprise, ignored.
It’s like talking to a brick wall, you keep saying the same things.
Since sence can’t be put into you, goodbyeI like how several countering points have been put in but are either ignored or dismissed altogether.
Oh sorry dude i forget your post, so explain me which point i’m ignoring or dismissing? But please before to say again the same things read again the thread or someone (mPascoal) can say “you keep saying the same things”… this is like a vicious circle:
thesis -> people don’t understand thesis -> stupid questions -> you repeat thesis -> then you are accused to say the same things
really guys? Is this a forum or a tribunal? The simple fact that someone isn’t able to formulate a correct sentence with a new and interesting point of the situation makes your answers simply stupid.
A normal debate should be:
A : i think this is X and it should be Y
B : nice, but i think X should be Z instead
C: oh wait i’m sure it should be W
(and this thread was so for the first few messages)
But now it has become:
A : i think this is X and it should be Y
B : i think tha Z should be W
A : what is Z? <repeat point 1>
B : you keep repeat same things!
C : he should l2p
D : do you guys play barbie?
E : what is this? Oh sorry I thought it was my WC…
I just did those example so you will surely understand what i mean… did you?
/ignore. thanks.
I think you just summed up this thread perfectly.
Thanks for the entertainment.
Yes, if you delete part of message you can say everything
Thanks for the thread
no problem dude
I read every post and it simply is not our only useful tool. The fact that you don’t know this shows me you have no clue of Guardians in high level PvE.
your beautifull start makes me think “/ingore” everytime i see your comment… but this time i’ll try to explain it again… for the last time please
Hell, you “forgot” about Virtue of Resolve and Purging Flames condi cleanse, how basic is that?
Virtue of Resolve = 84 hp/sec + 1625hp (on activation) + regen (if traited) + condi cleanse (if traited)
why to trait VoR only for Condi Cleanse suck? simply because you waste 3 effects to use a condi cleanse and above all it is a 3 condition cleanse which means you have to wait for 3 conditions unless you want to waste it. So let’s recap, to use VoR without waste something you need:
- damage over players (at least 2k)
- no self heal need (you waste your 100+ hp/sec)
- at least 3 conditions
if you think those 3 are easy to watch at… well i think 90% of your time you will actually waste your VoR…
Purging Flames = very good condi cleanse but… it is static, perfect for stacking bad for roaming even worse if you waste it for less than 3 conditions, useless against bosses with big damage with no conditions… total verdict? occasionally used. If you put it always in your utility slot you are wasing it 70% of times, did you?
You keep ignoring Aegis while bringing up meditations which are 100% useless in competitive PvE. You mention Warriors as an example of condi cleanse using a significant DPS loss skill (Shake it off).
I actually said meditations are USELESS in pve… so i think you have to read again all the thread before posting (do you have concentration problems? xD) Also aegis is… nice for pve, surely you can save you party in few occasions but how many way to spam aegis? 90 sec cd on virtue… and shield (15sec, actually good but it will die fastly… so it is basically a 60 sec cd) and… retreat… with 60 sec cd. So no reliable ways to spam it in long fights but relly usefull in fast one. Also you forget some bossess hit twice or more with their attacks… so useless here.
You think Virtue of Justice blind spam is useless because of the cap I mean that’s just outright [really mean word]. How is blinding 5/7 enemies bad? As soon as the first one is dead you can spam it again…
You consider regeneration useful when in fact its bullkitten and what is that argument about having to stack to apply vuln? Did you unbind dodge or what?
we were talking about blinding on “with blinding you can avoid attacks and keep your hp over 90% to activate rune of scholar”… well i’ll repeat… it is useless this way. Regen is not the best source of healing but it is always good to have it always up, no matter what you personally think about regen. If you are a warrior, ranger or thief in full berserker gear no regen = no over 90% health = no damage boosts = kitten up everything. Not sure of what do you mean with last part of this…
What about stability? No let me guess, every class can bring their own! GG
Actually your auto-answer is quite accurate… forgetting I sayd Hallowed Ground is one of our best skills (one of 2) I have a question for you: how many classes did you tried? Only guard? Well so you will find interesting those updates:
ranger → can stack stab+fury+swift+might (solo)
warrior → can stack stab+swift+fury (solo)
guard → can stack aoe stab
ele → stab + prot (solo)
engineer → no stab (or very low uptime)
thief → no stab (or very low uptime)
necro → very low uptime
mesmer → low uptime but aoe stack
Now that you learned that 4 classes out 8 can autostack stability, hallowed ground + stand your ground is the perfect combination for stab spam because only warr and ranger can stack stab without lose dps
And what kind of support build are you talking about? Elementalists with staff don’t swap to water in a good party unless its a very specific situation (slowing down Volcanic Boss). They camp fire attunement. There simply is no support ele in competitive PvE.
eles which camp an attunement? never played ele i guess… (just to spam might they have to roll they fingers on the board like a train…)
That is almost 100% wrong.
1) Blind is amazing as a support ability, 5 out of 50 missing the next attack is still 5 mobs that won’t land their next hit. And as far as I know, blinding is still 10% as effective on a boss so it still serves some utility (albeit a very small amount). Yes, blind is useless during an activity which just hurts you for
4) That is not true at all. Those buffs are only good if you are taking consistent dmg (prot/regen), enduring dmg spikes (prot/regen), or have trouble moving around (vigor). Vulnerability is ALWAYS useful (although I must agree on the zerg comment) because people are always attacking. 1% more dmg means the boss goes down 1% faster, while those other buffs just ensure I can survive a longer fight.
1) 45 out of 50 hitting you means… you are dead anyway.
2) 10% chance on boss? so it is basically 9/10 times bosses hit you… they can usually 1 or 2 shot you… so they can overkill you 4 times before a miss… nice!
3) while prot/regen are usefull (not when you are taking spike damage) let’s say more in general “when you are taking any kind of damage” they are still good and not every class can stack them. On the other hand we have “vulnerability” which is an ability spammed by every single class without the need to create a combo but simply using their dps rotation. Since there is a stack cap (25) it is not completely useless but pretty much… especially if you consider you have to be “stuck” to stack (lol) which means you get damage boost when you get hit… obviously against some bosses which can 1-2 shot you… this is like:
me: oh yes! now i can boost my party damage! go boss, hit me!!!
boss: ??? * attack *
me: kitten I’m dead… but my party got 1% more damage… for 8 sec…
party: well let’s ress him and waste those 8 sec of 1% damage bost
me: i’m very usefull, am I?
party: -.-’’ * vote kick *
sorry but that was too hilarious XD
To address your OP. The ability to provide support by the guardian class is still far and away the best out of the 8 classes. However, Guardian dps has been a bit slow for quite a while, and while you may have a vision of a guardian as a support class each individual class needs to perform at a certain level for any content played solo. On top of that, 5 man content is “balanced” around an average dps output from 5 players (in most cases). Buffs to our “selfish” abilities were necessary to assist with the average player maintaining a baseline dps during these situations. We have enough traits that can enhance a good "party support) role without forcing the class into that role. The new traits have enhanced options for solo and group play and have made taking a guardian that much more viable.
what we got isn’t a direct “dps increase”, as others stated before only few ppl will use meditations in pve simply because those are more optimized for sPvP… so what we basically got is a “low dps increase for pve content that forces us to use, again, meditations avoiding our support role, which is every update worse, and giving us the illusion of an higher dps”.
(edited by Kjeldoran.3849)
siege troll = people who spam sieges and waste resources
so the problems here is not the spam of sieges but the waste of resources.
if i have X resources i can build Y sieges but if trolls spend Z resources our server can use only X-Z resources.
To introduce a siege cap is not a good idea because if the cap is X and trolls uses Z supplies to build sieges and also people with stacked supplies (for example supplies obtained the previous day) could not build anything.
So here are my 50cent:
1) when you leave WvW you lost all you remaining supplies
2) every time you pick up supplies you get “exhaustion” malus which block you from pick up again for 10mins (or 5), if you pick more than 100 supplies in the previous 10×10mins (or 5×10 mins), you get a stronger version of exhaustion which prevent you from pick up again for 1 (or more) hour. This way those lone players can build arrow carts and rams but siege spammers get only 2-3 sieges in 100 mins (or 50) and then are out for 1 hour.
3) introduce a dynamic siege cap: let’s say 100 is the max number of sieges per server per map, when the 101st siege is deployed the 1st vanishes (maybe returning some supplies to the nearest camp… like 25% of supply spent).
He’s probably talking about traited Virtue of Resolve (20 points in Virtues), which can be recharged with Renewed Focus, and/or Purging Flames, which are the usual guardian condi clears for dungeons.
Engineers with Healing Turret and Mesmers with Mantra of Resolve can help too if needed, but the other examples are quite a bit meh. Trooper runes are a waste in dungeons, both for Warrior (as they’re most of their self condi clears) and Guardians. Elementalist are far from good at this: Swapping to water on a staff build is a HUGE loss in DPS, and /F fresh air builds don’t provide condi clear unless traited for it, which is usually a bad idea too.
On a Guardian, however, 4 points in Virtues are easy to take, because once you get 4 points in Zeal and 5/6 in Radiance, there isn’t a lot more missing (and you probably want 10 points there anyways for Master of Consecrations or Unscatched Contender).
Yes, i forget that… but doing so you can clear conditions only 2 times… and with a huge CD that’s far from what other classes can do with a lower cd… let’s say a warrior with shake it off can clear 1 condi every 20(16) sec so it is about 3-5 conditions in the same time we can clear 2 times 3 conditions which is different from 6 time 1 condition and based on situation to have 2x 3condi remover is worse than have 6x 1 condi removers simply because most of times you end wasting a 3 condi cleanse for 1 or max 2 conditions (let’s say SE p3 when you get 25 bleeding stack and nothing else… but that’s just an E X A M P L E, please don’t start again with useless posts (not refered to Vargamonth)).
Also “other example are quite meh” … yes you are right but those examples are about classes which can do that without invest any trait point or even equip!
When i said “elementalist” obviously i was talking about support eles which usually run builds with fury on might blast + condi cleanse and that’s not a dps loss simply because when they have to go water it s because someone is dying so to go water for few seconds and save your party actually increase party dps instead of reduce it. And don’t forget that while in water (if with staf) eles can give your blast the frost aura which is very good.
Mate you are right on some things … and absolutely wrong on others:
1) blind for pve is… almost useless if you are in those situations:
- against bosses
- clearing trash (to fight against more than 5 mobs result in your blind to not hit everything due to aoe cap and to waste your “scholar rune”)
- fighting in danger situation (like aoe damage over time or like “old tom” fractal when there is nothing you can do to stop venom unless rapidly activate air and… well recover the most possible with regen… but i’ll talk about this later)
so basically the only place where blind is usefull is when clearing <5 mobs.
2)to clear 6 conditions… well you are surely talking about shouts + trooper runes… nice just an example: shouting warrior + tropper = 4 aoe condi removed but… oh wait warrior got 1249232 ways to cleanse personal conditions (and shake it off with 20sec cd)! you want more? eles? just go water to clear aoe conditions and… even mesmers can clear every condition for 6 sec (feedback) and engineers with healing turret (15sec cd) and rangers with healing spring + signet… but we are the best i bet… going 30 point for 3 more condi removals… nice!
3)killing lupi with wall is a kind of exploit and i think arenanet is going to fix it soon™ as for jungle wurm…
4)regeneration is not the best thing for “rushes” ok… ok… i’ll repeat it again: IT WAS A kitten EXAMPLE ONLY AN EXAMPLE E X A M P L E…. E, X, A, M, P, L, E! do you got it? EXAMPLE meaning you can change it whith something else (of similar) to fit you personal preferences… regen, prot or even vigor are MUCH BETTER than that stupid vulnerability! And yes, regeneration is usefull in some circumstances where you get costant damage where for example you “scholar rune” wouldn’t give you the 10% damage because of ambient damage… if you can’t find an example of this… do more dungeons/fractals.
5) when you talk about 10-12 sec fire field you are right, we got it (and i said wall + hallowed to be the best… and only thing we got… but again i have to repeat it every time because is boring to go back and check it…) BUT also here we suck!
We got 10 sec fire field? and? and stability? nice… it is surely got… but you forget eles can stack 18+ might + 20+ sec fury… or that engineers can easily stack 25 might or even warriors with bow + banner blasts can stack ton of might + fury, precision, power, crit, toughness and vitality… but we got 10 sec fire field… then we are fine!
Guardians are mandatory for high level Fractals. Reflects and Aegis save lives.
They are the only class with access to group wide, reliable condi removal, stability and reflects while still dealing competitive DPS.
No skilled player in PvE uses meditations. No competitive party would ever have 4 people bring personal support skills when the guardian can be offensive and supportive at the same time.
You, dude, should have read better what I said about “wall being our only usefull tool”.
Before you criticize the class, learn to play.
This is the classic comment which makes me /ignore. thanks.
I use a similar build for pvp:
and this trait is really usefull but it is not only good for the elite but also for the lower cd on smite condition which is basically spammable like a weapon skill
No, it’s still random and now the chill is to short.
The day it has 5s cd, 3s duration and works with all weapons and is triggered by hitting, not critical, then I will find it to be a valid choice compared the traits it’s competing with.
Arharharharharh 5 sec cd with 3 sec chill? are you kidding right? xD No way.
Actually it is pretty good but only in some WvW and PvP builds…
Let’s take a look at the light aura talk.
Right now, it grants retaliation and inflicts vulnerability when you’re struck (not when you hit).
Yes you are right, mistake sorry.
Also, reaching efficiently the 25 stack cap is far from easy. Unless we’re talking about a organized group or you always play with some engineer friend, you’ll rarely see 25 vulnerability stacks consistently applied in dungeons.
with my ranger i can solo stack 20 vuln stacks (10 vuln for 13 sec with 8 sec cd and 5+5 with opening strike) so it is basically easy.
This organized groups won’t bother with a small regeneration source (300 or so, since no way they’re going to bring a Guardian, nor any other class, specced for healing) most of the time, and they always have the option to respec the warrior for perma regen if needed/wanted.
Actually to have a good regen uptime can make the difference not because of the “big heal” but because of conditions from bosses and/or environment… like SE p3 with fire rings or various AoE (not those which can insta kill you). Also what you said is the PROBLEM… a warrior can spec for perma regen… nice!
The only place where vulnerability is pointless is zergy content (world bosses and the like), because it will be capped at 25 most of the time…
emm… maybe i’m wrong but i can’t remember last time i did a dungeon without stack on a wall and burst down the boss in 10 sec… usually during those stack vuln stacks reaches 25 for enough time to bring boss down before end (also remeber that 1 warrior can stack 10 vuln with a single, istant, with aoe healing, shout)
(which provide direct heals, and regeneration too in 3 out of 4 cases if i’m not mistaken) and fire (which provide AoE might, and even fury in some ele cases) ones from being blasted. That’s why the hammer itself, even if it provides permaprot (and constant small direct heals if traited for it), is often discouraged for events like tequatl. There are just easier and less problematic sources of permaregen.
water fields provide regen with projectile combos but you are right: water and fire fields are the most important… but guardian only got light fields… and some fire but the most we end spamming light fields to left and right… so why don’t make them… usefull? maybe regen isn’t a good choice … that was an example what if we got “1 sec prot on hit”? it will surely better than vuln!!! Also i don’t remember of heals with hammer…
Meditations are a solo/duo WvW roaming and sPvP (also performing a roamer role) thing. For any other task, there are already much better options, and most of the time these options are closely related to support.
Well meditations are surely a good dps boost in every aspect of the game, I can understand you on “not the best for dungeon” but the problem is another one:
what can a guardian bring in dungeons? damage output? yes, but how good is it? average… end! can a guardian support the party? yes, very good… but not enoguh if compared to other classes, not now. So what are we waiting for? We get more dps useless boosts and less support boosts which is the principal reason we are wanted for dungeons… well done!
I have only a question:
why do we receive updates after the chinese version while the game was born in for NA/EU players and we still get bugged content?
Check my traits and tell me your opinion
My gear is knights
Sadly shield is really useless in PvE and only find a bit of use in some PvP bunker builds… i suggest you to go with focus but hey, sword/shield is wonderfull to see… if you like the idea of “guardian with sword and shield” i can understand… the most important thing is to create a character which you like to play.