Showing Posts For Krosslite.1950:

I don't like dungeons that force you to party

in Living World

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


I have to add my 2cents here.

I also didn’t like that there was a need for a 5-man.

I was only able to make 2 attempts at MF. both times I had to PUG. as usual when in a PUG. both attempts failed.

So I did all the all missions only to fall short of the prize due to being forced to do something I am really not a fan. especially when I had no choice but to PUG it as well

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

a change in the teleporter

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


I have noticed less resouses teleporter, that or they are hiding better.
The thing is now I am seeing teleporter to poi’s instead of resouce nodes

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Stop adding TEMPORARY content

in Suggestions

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


Failure to participate in temporary content is not a punishment. It is simply what happens when you are a very casual player. Getting to participate in temporary content is a reward for those that partake.

My suggestion is, get over yourself. Stop being so entitled. If you can’t participate then you can’t, but it’s not the end of the world. You didn’t miss much. If it is the end of the world, and it is so important to you, than you need to readjust your priorities, either by realizing it’s not that important, or by making sure you don’t miss it by pushing out the things that are holding you back.

Honestly, though, you had two weeks, plus, to do the dungeon, and you only needed to do it once. You then also had two months before that to do all the rest of the content. If you missed it that’s you’re own fault, and no one elses.

here here.

My only issue is I was only able to get in PUGs when I was able to play. Neither got past the MF end bosses so I did all the other work but the last 2 dungeons. A bit disappointed I could get the title but I not going to make a huge deal about it.

As it is this game is going to continue to have temporary content some of which will remain while others go away. The only constant will be change. So like you said to the OP. Adjust and adapt, but I will go a step further and say: Adjust, adapt or go away.

Like Colin said in the quote I posted above they will change entire zones. Which, how many or when is yet to be seen.

This game is getting more and more interesting every month

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

wow they made some interesting changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


Over the weekend I noticed that in particular the Abominations have some new tricks up their sleeves.
Anyone else seen any other MOBs doing new stuff?

I find it interesting and fun myself even though when I first got hit with the new stuff I was totally caught off-guard

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Temporary Content

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


per Colin Johanson:

We’re trying something very unique and different with Gw2, and a lot of it plays back on the original ideas and concepts we had for the game all these years we’re trying to build towards and accomplish. It’s important to us to continue to try new things, looking at ways of evolving and innovating what a live game can be. In many cases, we’re learning right along with you guys how all of this is going to work for a live game, and constantly adjusting as we see the outcomes and find ways to innovate on what a true online world experience can be.

Living World is above all, the attempt to really give the sense the world is constantly changing and evolving. That there is events and content that change the world in the short term (like our current events) and events that can occur or change for the long term, which is what we’re slowly building towards in the future with Living World content.

Living world absolutely does not mean nothing but content that comes in and leaves again a few weeks later, and though so far that’s primarily what you’ve seen, it’s not all we will do in the future. The intent is living world provides us with a story and narrative experience, sort of like your favorite TV show, to constantly update and change the world and provide unique and exciting rewards on a regular basis.

We might have events that occur and came back again with a few modifications in the future. We may have events that occur and then find new homes permanently down the road. We may have bosses from a storyline that continue on forever as guild bounty hunts when a story completes. Living world also allows us the opportunity to upgrade and make parts of our existing game better permanently, a living world narrative could allow us to rebuild and change an existing zone or dungeon, or could destroy one entirely.

Our goal is to get to a point where on a regular basis, the world around you is not only changing in the short term through our normal event system, it’s changing and evolving permanently through our living world releases as well. What you’ve seen so far is primarily some tests and warmup stuff while we in the background organize the company to support this exciting future for our game, the future for living world is filled with endless possibilities.

Enjoy the ride!

May 2nd, 16:49

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Stop adding TEMPORARY content

in Suggestions

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


per Colin Johanson:

We’re trying something very unique and different with Gw2, and a lot of it plays back on the original ideas and concepts we had for the game all these years we’re trying to build towards and accomplish. It’s important to us to continue to try new things, looking at ways of evolving and innovating what a live game can be. In many cases, we’re learning right along with you guys how all of this is going to work for a live game, and constantly adjusting as we see the outcomes and find ways to innovate on what a true online world experience can be.

Living World is above all, the attempt to really give the sense the world is constantly changing and evolving. That there is events and content that change the world in the short term (like our current events) and events that can occur or change for the long term, which is what we’re slowly building towards in the future with Living World content.

Living world absolutely does not mean nothing but content that comes in and leaves again a few weeks later, and though so far that’s primarily what you’ve seen, it’s not all we will do in the future. The intent is living world provides us with a story and narrative experience, sort of like your favorite TV show, to constantly update and change the world and provide unique and exciting rewards on a regular basis.

We might have events that occur and came back again with a few modifications in the future. We may have events that occur and then find new homes permanently down the road. We may have bosses from a storyline that continue on forever as guild bounty hunts when a story completes. Living world also allows us the opportunity to upgrade and make parts of our existing game better permanently, a living world narrative could allow us to rebuild and change an existing zone or dungeon, or could destroy one entirely.

Our goal is to get to a point where on a regular basis, the world around you is not only changing in the short term through our normal event system, it’s changing and evolving permanently through our living world releases as well. What you’ve seen so far is primarily some tests and warmup stuff while we in the background organize the company to support this exciting future for our game, the future for living world is filled with endless possibilities.

Enjoy the ride!

May 2nd, 16:49

Additional note: to give feedback go to support – ask a question – then select feedback.

that’s what I do, especially when I am bucking the system like in your case

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Hello everyone! A brief 'update'?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


per Colin Johanson:

We’re trying something very unique and different with Gw2, and a lot of it plays back on the original ideas and concepts we had for the game all these years we’re trying to build towards and accomplish. It’s important to us to continue to try new things, looking at ways of evolving and innovating what a live game can be. In many cases, we’re learning right along with you guys how all of this is going to work for a live game, and constantly adjusting as we see the outcomes and find ways to innovate on what a true online world experience can be.

Living World is above all, the attempt to really give the sense the world is constantly changing and evolving. That there is events and content that change the world in the short term (like our current events) and events that can occur or change for the long term, which is what we’re slowly building towards in the future with Living World content.

Living world absolutely does not mean nothing but content that comes in and leaves again a few weeks later, and though so far that’s primarily what you’ve seen, it’s not all we will do in the future. The intent is living world provides us with a story and narrative experience, sort of like your favorite TV show, to constantly update and change the world and provide unique and exciting rewards on a regular basis.

We might have events that occur and came back again with a few modifications in the future. We may have events that occur and then find new homes permanently down the road. We may have bosses from a storyline that continue on forever as guild bounty hunts when a story completes. Living world also allows us the opportunity to upgrade and make parts of our existing game better permanently, a living world narrative could allow us to rebuild and change an existing zone or dungeon, or could destroy one entirely.

Our goal is to get to a point where on a regular basis, the world around you is not only changing in the short term through our normal event system, it’s changing and evolving permanently through our living world releases as well. What you’ve seen so far is primarily some tests and warmup stuff while we in the background organize the company to support this exciting future for our game, the future for living world is filled with endless possibilities.

Enjoy the ride!

May 2nd, 16:49

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


here is your discussion:

per Colin Johanson:

We’re trying something very unique and different with Gw2, and a lot of it plays back on the original ideas and concepts we had for the game all these years we’re trying to build towards and accomplish. It’s important to us to continue to try new things, looking at ways of evolving and innovating what a live game can be. In many cases, we’re learning right along with you guys how all of this is going to work for a live game, and constantly adjusting as we see the outcomes and find ways to innovate on what a true online world experience can be.

Living World is above all, the attempt to really give the sense the world is constantly changing and evolving. That there is events and content that change the world in the short term (like our current events) and events that can occur or change for the long term, which is what we’re slowly building towards in the future with Living World content.

Living world absolutely does not mean nothing but content that comes in and leaves again a few weeks later, and though so far that’s primarily what you’ve seen, it’s not all we will do in the future. The intent is living world provides us with a story and narrative experience, sort of like your favorite TV show, to constantly update and change the world and provide unique and exciting rewards on a regular basis.

We might have events that occur and came back again with a few modifications in the future. We may have events that occur and then find new homes permanently down the road. We may have bosses from a storyline that continue on forever as guild bounty hunts when a story completes. Living world also allows us the opportunity to upgrade and make parts of our existing game better permanently, a living world narrative could allow us to rebuild and change an existing zone or dungeon, or could destroy one entirely.

Our goal is to get to a point where on a regular basis, the world around you is not only changing in the short term through our normal event system, it’s changing and evolving permanently through our living world releases as well. What you’ve seen so far is primarily some tests and warmup stuff while we in the background organize the company to support this exciting future for our game, the future for living world is filled with endless possibilities.

Enjoy the ride!

May 2nd, 16:49


since you don’t understand the game and wish to re-post a locked thread best go some where ese

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

What is the purpose of the multiboxing rule?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950



Uh yeah we get whats going on… more accounts get you more things… 12x more mats but they also spend 12x more money on accounts so… you should be able to excuse it like you excuse gem buyers… with whatever current reason you guys excuse gem sales with, to pay for water or food for starving employees or supporting the game, whatever.. take your pic, so why cant you use that same excuse for multiboxers, and say they’re helping starving employees, or supporting the game for new content with their extra box purchases, so they should be allowed to have that advantage? We give gem buyers an advantage without question, why not multiboxers?

Please do not discuss illegal activities here. This message thread is not meant for such discussion.

and with this you answer your own question

nuff said

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Our Guild Stash has been emptied

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


hehe … your post just fit in right with placing what the rules are is all… i know where you have been standing

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Our Guild Stash has been emptied

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


Another thing to solve this is if you TAKE things from Guild Stash, you won’t be able to leave the guild for 1 week.

That wouldn’t necessarily stop what happened to the OP. So the guy loots the bank, turns off guild chat or representation, joins another guild since you can be in more than one at a time or whatever and goes about his business.

at least you can remember his gamer tag and deal with him using his tag accordingly.

don’t underestimate the power of social media.

I would like to think that if you let them into the guild to start with and allow access to the guild bank then you should have already made note of his gamer tag.

And as for the social media thing I have seen mentioned a few times related to this topic, that is opening a whole other can of worms and is somewhat hypocritical. I mean if you allow someone into your guild with an open bank and they take the items and you start cyber stalking/bullying them you may be setting yourself up for your own problems. Plus so many people in this thread keep talking about how important it is to be nice to each other and be a good member of society. Doesn’t that include two wrongs don’t make a right?

but allowing him not to leave as soon as he takes everything from the stash makes a room for diplomacy. You can still talk to him by noting his tag and his whereabouts. this also prevents from making a mistake pinpointing who took what say if another member decides to leave for whatever reason the guild the same time that the looting and leaving happened.

the shaming is just a deterrent. a warning. that if you misbehave, there will be consequences.

So what happens if you join a guild and take an item they offered then the guild starts giving you a hard time, within ToS, and you want to leave? You are stuck.

just return the item that you took? it’s that easy.

and you won’t be stuck. you only need to wait 1 week.

and no one won’t be an kitten to you if you didn’t do anything wrong to them.

I’m sorry but in my opinion if Anet has to incorporate some new rule every time someone got their feelings hurt because someone did something they didn’t like then there would be so many rules all you could do is walk around the map at some point. I feel like with some of the name issues and other things I have read that it is already a bit too strict.

They incorporate a lot of banned words in names and such to help avoid people from getting their feelings hurt or to avoid controversial issues such as religion. What about alcoholics that play the game and the in game alcohol? What if they drink some in game alcohol and then that triggers them to get loaded in real life. Should they remove alcohol from the game?

What about people that love bunnies. Maybe their feelings get hurt when they see another player kill a helpless rabbit. Let’s remove rabbits from the game too. The list could go on forever.

I am certain that when the guild bank system was developed it was apparent that someone could indeed join a guild and loot it if it was a wide open bank. Obviously they don’t see it as a problem or they would have done something to eliminate that risk to start with.

These are all the rules we have to follow:

I couldn’t see anything about draining a bank dry

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Our Guild Stash has been emptied

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


To me I feel this is a guild management problem.

As I stated above new folks should never have access to the stash.

Also there should be consequences. Yes this is a game and yes these items really don’t exist, but it boils down to respect.

The real world has lost too much due to respect not being made as important as it should be.

Having someone come into your guild’s stash and taking everything from it is just a symptom.

I live by the motto: Do unto others as you would have other do unto you. Simply if you wish to be treated nicely you must treat everyone nicely yourself.

I also believe that what comes goes around comes around. People’s actions even though they may be in a game affect other people.

The game is just a medium that real live people meet in and share. All must respect and try to help out each other.

If your goal is to hurt, steal, harass, or insult in due time, most likely in real live something really bad will happen to you.

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

"The Next Journey" a contest (suggestion)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


yea i know… think they make them in a month?
don’t think so

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

"The Next Journey" a contest (suggestion)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


So they have now make it clear that this games zones will be ever changing. I feel that Anet get the players involved to the next level.

I contest on a future story arc for this game. Be it submitted in the form of artwork, short story or a simply idea or ideas.

Not here. This is just a thread to suggest have the contest.

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Our Guild Stash has been emptied

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


never let a noob have access to any banking.

You can make a rank and make so all it can is allow them to show the guild tag

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Not enough abilities? New player concern

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


There is a method to the simplicity.
1) you can change your utility skills to suite what you are fighting at that time or if you are teamed what best suits the groupI
2) you can swap out weapons to other then your 2 groups you have at that time.

When you think about it GW2 has more skills then WOW.

P.s. anyone who says you can autoattack in PvE doesn’t play this game

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

When will we get...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

(edited by Krosslite.1950)

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


As of tghe last patch dueling is available in the costom maps for sPvP

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

More armor sets and dungeons to go with it.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


Too many dungeons now.

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Will third party addons ever be implemented?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950



It is a violation of the user agreement

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Raiding - endgame is there but never played

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


Well I feel we can both agree that there are varying degrees to the term “Gamer”

I would be considered one due to:
1) I have been in some type of MMO for 20+ years
2) I play daily for a min. of 3 hours (longer on weekends)

Is raiding be it instanced or open what I want to do more then anything else in the game? No. I just want to have that choice open to me.

Would I like to see guilds be more holistic in their game play and recruiting? Yes.

Do I want to be a guild leader or officer? been there done that can’t don’t want to destroy the enjoyment of the game ever again to for an unpaid 2nd job.

Is this a cultural change or the responsibility of the makers of the game? I feel it is more up to the community not the company.

After Colin’s post in the thread below I think there will be experimentation that will take place that may or may not make us all happy. Only time will tell

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Anyone else hate Orr?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


People hate Orr because they do realize it is not a single player or 5-man area.

You get overwelmed because you enter it under welmed.

Per Anet it is for large groups nor asolo area

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Raiding - endgame is there but never played

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


So would you state that you have an unsubstantiated bias about how Arenanet would implement “Raiding” content. Based on the “Raiding” content they’ve done in the past? And that merely working on only open world “Raid” content would be against their goals?(In the sense that they are improving on GW1 aspects)

Since I have no knowledge of how things took place in GW I can’t make a definitive answer to that.
Having been in other MMOs that had both open and instanced raiding I can say that instanced become more elitist centered with major hardcore tendencies. For example if you are not active such and such amount of time and do not go on so many raids you will be removed from the guild.

When I read guilds only stating they do dungeons, fractal, spvp and wvw and include nothing else to the point of not even knowing that “DE” means “Dynamic Events” I see the same type of mentality.

Does this make me bias? I would say, “I guess so.”

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

(edited by Krosslite.1950)

Raiding - endgame is there but never played

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


I don’t think i’ve ever seen a coordinated raid in GW2… If you mean by Raid everyone zergs the boss till it dies in a lag fest, then yes Raiding exists in GW2..

But as others have said, the rewards, the total lack of anything we do affecting this place (orr) just gets old really fast.. even just getting to the places can be a pain and negates the awesome “porous bones” rewards…

per Anets own wording to get the good rewards from these DEs. You will need to have a coordinated raid, but as you said it has not been done. That is why I have made this this thread.

The programing is there for us do it, but none have.

The keys to Anets statements are “huge” and “coordinated”

Simply an lot of people and uncontrolled zergs will not work. If key parts are taken then lost the web is broken and you have to start over again

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Raiding - endgame is there but never played

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


wtf are post-temple DEs? Never heard of them. As our world holds sporatic temple events to open Bathlazar for example, for no better reason than legendary mats, which is often lightly attended, perhaps myself and others are badly lacking in an incentive to take these temples, which has gotton old to tell you the truth. What are alot of us missing?

Per Anet. more then half of the total Dynamic Events in this game are in Orr. All agree the do not see this many DEs up to the capturing of the temples.
Anet has state that the rest of the DEs are past the temples, thus the term "post-temple DEs.
These are huge DEs that are part of a web giving different ending and rewards.

P.S. Martin I will address your response later tonight. don’t have time at the moment.

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Is everyone max level now days?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


i have 3 max levels but I hardly play them since no one has any interest in doing what I wish to do in this game

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Raiding - endgame is there but never played

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


I’ve never done raids or anything, but I just want to say that Orr has a LOT of cool dynamic events that nobody does.

They are cool, but the rewards are just not good enough. Most of us need some kind of reward for time spent, a fundamental part of this type of game. Even the “For Fun” stuff like SAB had rewards worth getting.

to respond to this I have to bring in the quotes again:

“players’ focus in Orr will be on huge events”

“Everyone who participates in events gets rewarded at the end, and everyone could earn the best (gold) participation reward if they all helped in the event for most of its duration”

Can’t find the quote atm but know it exist; that the more people that participates the better the reward.

The reasons you may be getting poor rewards from Orr is because you may not have enough people involved to activate the correct link in the web that goes to a great reward.

Orr is a HUGE events venue. If you go in with 5 or even 20 this may not be enough to active the right response from the program.
Now if it sees 30 maybe but 50 I would say for sure you will get a response. Could 50 be called a zerg? Yes; if it has no central command system. But those that have raided know that 50 people under a central command system is not a zerg. That is what guilds and voice chat are for.

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

(edited by Krosslite.1950)

Raiding - endgame is there but never played

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


Are you a Guildwars 1 player? If so what did you think of the “Raiding” content in that game? Did you think that it was a bad thing for Arenanet too do? Personally I loved it, and that why me and other veteran’s want to see “Raiding” content in GW2. “Everything you loved about Guildwars 1” This include’s the “Raiding” and Elite content we had in GW1. We simply want to reclaim an important facet of this great franchise.

never got passed two weeks of playing GW the UI drove me nuts. So to answer your question no I didn’t

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Raiding - endgame is there but never played

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


Although I agree that community is a main goal for the developers, I also think that building on interpersonal relationships with Guildmates,Friends etc is a fundamental aspect of that. Now I do not contend that it can only be done in “Instanced” content, but I do however believe that it would be the “Best” arrangement for those types of things. Having challenging and story driven content that can be done by a multitude of your friends in a closed environment emphasizes players to work together and have fun.

Playing instanced content doesn’t make you an elitist as you seem to stating here. You get the same rewards and benefits as people who play “only” do open world events. Arenanet is not trying to split the community between instanced and open content; The game is supposed to be centered around all types of players, not just the casual or the hardcore.

“My question to that is how many people were involved and has anyone started documenting the webs and where can we find this documentation?” How would I know that?

P.S – I always quote thing’s that are “can” be subjective or the topic of discussion.

To answer your question. The change of subject was more of a generalist question not one aimed specifically toward you. I don’t know either that is why I was asking.

As to the guts of your reply:

I believe that the interpersonal relations and team work are something that is very obtainable in open world events. One of these is through the guilds forming DE raid groups. They go through the 26 zones and do every single DE in that zone seeing which are chains and which are single events.

This is done through a chat software and with someone the lead taking the group through these events. This can be done in Orr even better I believe. This keeps guilds active.

Right now they have guild missions which is the tip of the iceberg now they need to go the next step

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Raiding - endgame is there but never played

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


What I and many others are asking for is this:
1. Large scaled grouped content (Instanced environment)
2. Aesthetic items exclusive to the raid. (Avenues for Ascended items)
3. Challenging encounters.
4. Guild rewards (Like Guild missions)
5. For it to be Elite content like Urgoz Warren or The Deep.

On these points Martin I wish to comment.

First off remember GW2 is suppose to be a community centric game. Admittedly I am not seeing the community. The formula I have placed out there; I believe; is the formula Anet had/has in mind for this game.

Instanced encounters; which most guilds now do and cater to; in my eyes is not community centric.

To me this is a form of elitism which Anet felt needed to go, but could only carry this desire so far since their main goal was to cater to as many playing styles as possible. So for the elitist we have the instances we now have in the game.

I myself am a more community minded person. My goals are lofty and maybe even unattainable. Still these points need to raised.

You even stated that my idea was “Good” even though in quotation marks. It was good because it was community centric. It placed guilds in command with the zerg as tool to be taken advantage of.

Can we get rid of zergs in an open world game like this? No, should we take advantage of it when we can? Most definitely.

Change of subject:

Some have stated that have been to the DEs beyond the temples. My question to that is how many people were involved and has anyone started documenting the webs and where can we find this documentation?

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

(edited by Krosslite.1950)

Raiding - endgame is there but never played

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


Everyone does the Orr events on my server. The temples are almost never contested. They’re easily the most difficult events, but they don’t require organization. They’re very easy to do in a PUG.

So they’re not raiding, and I don’t know why you think people don’t do them right now.

well they don’t on mine

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Raiding - endgame is there but never played

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


Sure someone could call the large event’s in Guildwars 2 “Raid’s” but to state that they are there as a “Good” way to facilitate “Raiding” in Guildwars 2 is simply wrong. Raiding content has always been about Instanced dungeons which provide progression in “Gear”; what is defined as an “Progression” is merely up to the developer. The problem with “Raiding/Lx Events” in Guildwars 2 is the fact the content is “Open” and allows an “Infinite” number of players to participate whilst reaching it max scaling point at a “Finite” number. Which makes content unexciting as a player in a large “Zerg” could literally do nothing but autoattack and get his gold at the end of the event.

If the content was specifically tailored for 10,20 or even 30 people then you would not have these problems. But of course the only way to achieve these means is to produce instanced raiding.

“Raiding content has always been about Instanced dungeons” —- false statement EQ introduced raiding and was open world. all GW2 has done is removed griefing from the formula by letting everyone share

per Anet the more people that show up the greater the reward. If you maintain a core focused group through TS or mumble or something who cares of other people show up. Again the the problems with open world raiding in older MMOs does not apply to this one

also note that Orr has double the amount of DEs that the other zones have. SO you can have a lot of organized guild groups in various parts of the Orrian map.

Your reasons “not” to raid are actually reason WHY you should. Simply thanks for supporting making DE raid groups even though you didn’t realize you had

While my use of the word “Always” may have not been a absolute statement I do think that it applies to the majority of mmo’s. You claimed that making “Raiding” content open world reduces “Grief” how is that so? The experience of a “Challenging” fight is ruined by the introduction of a “Zerg” as it makes content unscalable to the level of players in the event. Therefore making the content not “Challenging”, which in my opinion is not “Good” raiding content.

Open world content can be fun; but it should not be implemented as “Raiding” content, atleast not in the state that its currently in. Which is auto-attack spamfests.

To remove the Zerg you have to spread out the masses. I feel per the wording given us by Anet that can be done. You have to keep people locked down to certain spots, like the temples for example. Per Anet the Temples must be kept under our control or it will cause the areas beyond to be unfruitful.
But to spread out the masses you still need a controlling factor that only comes through when using a raiding format. Simple a central command structure with the lieutenants being given command of key hold points.

Also Anet has said that over half the DEs are in Orr and past the temples. That is a ton of content that can keep people spread all over the map and get most of the zerg out of the formula. Even though at time I feel a zerg will be welcomed.

It is like WvW for the PvE enviroment. Without structure you fail, but without chaos at the right time you also fail

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Raiding - endgame is there but never played

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


These events in orr are very boring, which is why nobody does them.

Man, don’t hate. I snagged like 2g just from the Balth pre-events and another 5g from a sigil from Melandru. With a small group the fights are actually pretty intense.

must also state that these are PRE-temple DEs, which is not the DEs I am talking about here. Just think how much more you can rake in

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Raiding - endgame is there but never played

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


Believe it or not, but people will play games just for fun if they are good enough, Although, the rewards are some peoples definition of fun. For me, the DEs fail to do either one.

this generalization is typical of those that are talk about per-temple DEs.

Post-temple DEs are clearly list as challenging and complicated both of which sound like fun to me

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Raiding - endgame is there but never played

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


If this is not “raiding” then what the heck have been doing in other MMOs for the past decade ore more? (EDIT: side note: actually been in MMOs for 20 years. Raiding didn’t start til 4 years into EverQuest after launch)

I thought I was raiding

Ya but do you think the raid (if you want to call it) in GW2 ressemble anything like the raid in “the other AAA mmorpg”(I don’t want to call out names seems that is like viral marketing).

The definition don’t matter. Some people want the “type of raid” that is in other mmorpg which GW2 dont’ have.

lets just say this.

Those that are skritts wish to hog all the pretties for themselves by having instanced dungeons.

THIS MMOs is not meant to horde the content but to SHARE it, but note that the only things people do in this game are things that allow them to horde it for themselves and not share.

Just call the people what they are skritts. I mean that very literally too.

from wikipedia:

Instanced or public raiding

“Raids can occur in an instanced zone or a public zone. An advantage to a raid being in an instanced zone is that the raid leader can control who participates. An advantage to a raid being in a public zone is that anyone is free to join the raid when they like, although they may be removed from the raid if they disrupt the original raid group. Disadvantages to public raids are that they are more susceptible to griefing, and sometimes cannot be rezoned, as an instanced raid can, unless the boss is reset by the server.”

“raid leader can control who participates” — Skrittism (elitist); non-community focused

“An advantage to a raid being in a public zone is that anyone is free to join the raid when they like” — community focused

“Disadvantages to public raids are that they are more susceptible to griefing, and sometimes cannot be rezoned, as an instanced raid can, unless the boss is reset by the server” —- no longer an issue with the mechanics of this game.

I have been in both EQ and WoW riading. I had the most fun in EQ’s period

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Raiding - endgame is there but never played

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


Sure someone could call the large event’s in Guildwars 2 “Raid’s” but to state that they are there as a “Good” way to facilitate “Raiding” in Guildwars 2 is simply wrong. Raiding content has always been about Instanced dungeons which provide progression in “Gear”; what is defined as an “Progression” is merely up to the developer. The problem with “Raiding/Lx Events” in Guildwars 2 is the fact the content is “Open” and allows an “Infinite” number of players to participate whilst reaching it max scaling point at a “Finite” number. Which makes content unexciting as a player in a large “Zerg” could literally do nothing but autoattack and get his gold at the end of the event.

If the content was specifically tailored for 10,20 or even 30 people then you would not have these problems. But of course the only way to achieve these means is to produce instanced raiding.

“Raiding content has always been about Instanced dungeons” —- false statement EQ introduced raiding and was open world. all GW2 has done is removed griefing from the formula by letting everyone share

per Anet the more people that show up the greater the reward. If you maintain a core focused group through TS or mumble or something who cares of other people show up. Again the the problems with open world raiding in older MMOs does not apply to this one

also note that Orr has double the amount of DEs that the other zones have. SO you can have a lot of organized guild groups in various parts of the Orrian map.

Your reasons “not” to raid are actually reason WHY you should. Simply thanks for supporting making DE raid groups even though you didn’t realize you had

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Raiding - endgame is there but never played

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


Key statements from Anet in quotes I posted above.

1) players’ focus in Orr will be on huge events

2) There are roughly twice as many dynamic events in the Orrian areas as in other explorable zones

3) these are tied together as nets, rather than simple chains

4) Events tend to have farther-reaching effects than we’ve seen so far in lower-level areas

5) emphasis more on holistic zone control and cooperation than in the early game

6) players will need to recapture the fallen temples of the old gods and then keep control of those while also pushing deeper into the zone

So let me paraphrase here:

Player will need to cooperate to maintain control of the temples and the areas beyond that are more then twice those found in the rest of the game. These will be huge events that are linked together through a web instead of a chain that can cause separate results.

Now a huge group of events that need cooperation to maintain sounds more like raiding to me.

They will also not reset as fast as those in the lower levels.

If this is not “raiding” then what the heck have been doing in other MMOs for the past decade ore more? (EDIT: side note: actually been in MMOs for 20 years. Raiding didn’t start til 4 years into EverQuest after launch)

I thought I was raiding

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

(edited by Krosslite.1950)

Raiding - endgame is there but never played

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


I see people doing the temples and event chains all the time. The only time I ever have a problem forming a group for them is at 2:00 AM.

Your statement is vague,

What “events” are you refering.

The way you word it it sounds like temple and events in conjunctio.conjunction.

If so then you are refering to what I am referring to.

Temples must be won and kept. THEN DE Raiding begins starting from temples

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Raiding - endgame is there but never played

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


Raiding is post- temples not pre – temples.

Stop making assumptive states

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Raiding - endgame is there but never played

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


“Orr has no renown hearts, the quest-like activities that have been known to litter the lower-level areas, “because there are generally very few friendly NPCs in Orr.” Instead, players’ focus in Orr will be on huge events. There are roughly twice as many dynamic events in the Orrian areas as in other explorable zones; many of these are tied together as nets, rather than simple chains. Events tend to have farther-reaching effects than we’ve seen so far in lower-level areas, putting emphasis more on holistic zone control and cooperation than in the early game. Johanson suggested that players will need to recapture the fallen temples of the old gods and then keep control of those while also pushing deeper into the zone and fighting baddies at the frontlines.”

Over the last few weeks I have posted several threads. These were an attempt to make people aware that part of the game; that many have been asking for; is present in the game, but is completely ignored.

Raiding is a large group of people with a central command structure that is assigned tasks to take down a target. This target could be a boss monster or a keep for example.

“The MMORPG (Guild Wars 2) is also set to feature variable difficulty, but not just by adjusting a few numbers. Depending on the size and strength of your party, you may have to approach quests in entirely different ways.”

Stated above it clearly states the bigger the group the bigger the prize.

“There are roughly twice as many dynamic events in the Orrian areas as in other explorable zones; many of these are tied together as nets, rather than simple chains. Events tend to have farther-reaching effects than we’ve seen so far in lower-level areas, putting emphasis more on holistic zone control and cooperation than in the early game.”

This sure sound like raiding to be. So we the players need to make raid groups with a centralized command structure that can have sub-commanders that will control and maintain areas like the temples themselves for example to get some wonder rewards.

So to me Raiding is IN GW2 just no one does it.

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Next six months: Endgame!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


Endgame including raiding is already here.

People like the OP just refuse to use it

Sorry but your “suggestion” is nothing more then wasted space & time on the forums

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

(edited by Krosslite.1950)

More Skimpy Armor Please? [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


I demand less revealing clothing

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

There is a desire for mounts! [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


No mounts period

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

The Tunnel Vision of the GW2 player base

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


The idea that dungeons require teamwork is just something that’s been instilled into us from other MMOs. It’s not what a dungeon is. In fact, there are many games that have solo dungeons. And even in Guild Wars 1 you could have a party of NPCs and you and solo a dungeon.

DE’s reward me with fun. As I do them I also get loot, karma and experience. Since I play games to have fun, I am amply rewarded by DEs.

Mate , i understand your pov ( sortoff ), but i honestly dont agree , actually im on the other side of the spectrum.

This is going to sound really rude, im sorry, but i dont know how else to say it.
Its people like you why we have these watered down, generic and boring games these days.

You find doing DE’S fun, i find they bore the crap out of me, 30 people zerging a boss?
How is that fun or in any way skillful? Do you feel accomplished and prideful when the boss goes down to the mass zerg? I know i sure dont.

Fun for me was Burning crusade. The instances, the raids, challenging, yet doable if you and a few select others had a clue. Downing bosses , vent would erupt with cheering, THAT instilled pride and accomplishment.

But " casuals " ( i use the word VERY loosely ) seem to want to just run easy content with little to no thought about any strategy or consequences of dying, hence all these new " gen " games where born…
Diablo 3, pandaland, SW:TOR, dungeon siege 3, mass effect 3, simcity 5,DA 2, the list goes on.

Simplified, generic rubbish produced for the masses. I feel a dark time indeed is ahead of us for all gamers that take their ( this ) hobby a little more seriously then just " its a way to kill a few hours "….

hate to be sound rude, but read the full post before you reply with statements that I have shown to be false and full of assumptions since I see no one going past the temples to proven your statements to be true. Specifically since Anet as sated that they are a challenge

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

The Tunnel Vision of the GW2 player base

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


If they made DEs challenging (fun?) and at least as rewarding as CoF (for example) this thread would not exist.

and how do you know the dynamic webs are not rewarding when it has been stated by Anet that they are.

Sorry, but your statement does not back the documentation and so is an assumption.

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

The Tunnel Vision of the GW2 player base

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


People would probably do more DEs if they weren’t always zerged without tactics. Almost all content in this game can be zerged without thought. This is why people do dungeons instead, because it’s slightly more challenging.

When was the last time you failed a dragon boss? Exactly.

per previous listed quote:

“Johanson suggested that players will need to recapture the fallen temples of the old gods and then keep control of those while also pushing deeper into the zone and fighting baddies at the frontlines. "

They will require a raiding mentality and structure to be able to do them.
This is the raiding many are asking for.
It has been here since day 1 of the game and is still here but none do it

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

(edited by Krosslite.1950)

The Tunnel Vision of the GW2 player base

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


The problem is with definition.

Dynamic implies change or variance. How much change or variance can you get while running the Plinx chain? There’s only so many outcomes, loot/reward is not scaled very well to difficulty, most DEs follow similar quest structures “hidden in the background”, etc.

While I hope it doesn’t end up like it, I see GW2 rapidly approaching collapse under its own hype, just like SWTOR. TOR was supposed to be the Second Coming for MMOs, but failed because it oversold a very limited mechanic, story. There’s only so much change and effect each player can have in an MMO, after which it becomes painfully obvious that your character’s story doesn’t matter in the slightest.

Other MMOs like WoW acknowledge this, and basically sell themselves as GUIs grafted onto a Pavlov’s Dog system of respondent conditioning. Push the button, get the treat as it were.

Agreed. I think most people think that dynamic events, as a general term, is good for MMO’s. However Dynamic Events in GW2 are a complete misnomer; they are scripted events with a few different outcomes. GW2’s big innovation is to remove player limits for these quests, making them super accessible for all players. OP’s suggestion that players should be more focused on DE’s is wrong: GW2’s scripted quests are not superior to scripted quests in other games. To make an event “dynamic”, you need player interaction, and the only place where this really occurs is WvW.

per Colin Johanson:

“Some of them are one-off events that just happens once, and some of them are event webs that have a lot of different outcomes and go in a lot of different directions.

Again the tunnel vision rears it head. People keep complaining about the shortness and repetitiveness of the DE, but don’t see what I just referenced above. Again I reference this statement:

There are roughly twice as many dynamic events in the Orrian areas as in other explorable zones

So if twice the number of DEs are in Orr mostly AFTER the temples. How can anyone make assumptive statements like this.

I have given document facts that show you are correct and then totally wrong.
You are correct that in the explorable zone you have the DEs you are referring too, but you are wrong when you haven’t gone past the temples in Orr to get just what you are saying needs to be fixed.
How can you fix something that isn’t broken? You go to Orr and get your answer.

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

The Tunnel Vision of the GW2 player base

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


Actually Krosslite is quite right with this thread.

But what he and ANet just don´t seem to understand is why the heck don´t people follow their nicely laid out yellow brick road?

I´m often the first one to to start of an event chain and quickly find a couple of people joining me, after I watched the kitten yellow asterisk waiting alone for minutes on the map.

So where´s the problem exactly?

What really gets me Hawk is that the yellow brick road goes beyond the temples. Passed the wizard you may say and after the wicked witch of the west.

I feel folks are to scared they will not have a bucket of water at the end to kill the witch (meaning really nice goodies)

But how do we know. Has a large enough group attempted to do this since per Anet the webs beyond the temples will require large numbers.

I for one will be glad to join the party, but I am just one and Anet has said you need way more then one or five or even ten

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

The Tunnel Vision of the GW2 player base

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


“There are roughly twice as many dynamic events in the Orrian areas as in other explorable zones

That means that three orrian zones have the equivalent of about six non-orrian ones in DE’s, not that most of DE’s are in Orr. As there are a bit more than nine zones in this game, there are way more non-orrian DE’s than Orrian ones, in fact.
And i believe i have done most of them (not all – i can still find a new event from time to time, but it’s becoming really rare occurence now). Most of them are not worth doing – and it’s even more true for orrian ones. These are quite often both boring and irritating, without good rewards, with quite a number of them still at least partially broken.

Also, while indeed originally devs claimed that de’s will be the core of the game, introduction, middle and endgame rolled into one, that attitude didn’t last. It certainly doesn’t seem to be present in the game anymore nowadays.

Thank you Astral. I hear what you are saying and acknowledge it as the first tangible evidence of an effort I have read in the entire forums.

May I ask you this. Since Anet stated it would require large numbers of people to do these correctly. Did you have a large enough group with you that could trigger the rewards?

Depends. Most of DE’s in game can be soloed. For events that give chests you can usually find other people to help – in case of the more obscure ones all that you need is shout, and someone will come for sure (and too many people can often make it harder – for example in case of some of the temple events, or fire ele before it got changed). On the other hand it was much easier in the first 2-3 months of the game – then you really didn’t have to worry about people, there always was someone around, no matter where you went. Today it gets much harder – though i have no idea if it’s because there are less people in general, or because they all sit in dungeons or on well-known chest events and farming spots. Or both.

I think it is the last statement you made.
It is funny that a game that is suppose to be community driven acts like it should be driven by those who make the game.
Since 2010 they have said the community is the key to this game yet the community we have is a non-community. Sad

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

(edited by Krosslite.1950)

The Tunnel Vision of the GW2 player base

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


no tnx krosslite. you dont work for anet, i dont know you, and i dont take too kindly to people like any other nub who decide their 2 cents is really worth a quarter.

That’s fine keelaunaw.

At least I feel I am making an effort. If no one attempts too, then nothing at all will get accomplished.

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred