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The Tunnel Vision of the GW2 player base

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


Since it is an MMO it should benefit all. Should the rewards be as good the Claw vendor? I would say no. Should they be something hard to get and account or soulbound? Yes

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

The Tunnel Vision of the GW2 player base

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


At the other hand you have a server structure which is massively parallelized to the point where it could portray a lot of player choices hugely impacting the world. But the game does its best to wash out any player choices, meaning the longer you play, the more you get pushed down the chute of the “one true ending”. Everything you do achieve in the DE system is quickly reset, meaning there is no real progress to be seen. We play for identical servers called Riverside or Fissure of Woe, but those servers are not used to store our choices, they merely there to confront X amount of players with the same recurring situations.

On this point I have to agree. I wish our changes we make doing the DEs would last more then a few minutes to a few hours. In the lower zones I would say leave it this way though. That gives the newer players a chance to learn and see how DEs work. Once you get into the higher zones though I think the time for reset should gradually increase to a max of a few days. Not a week that would be too long, but a few day would be nice. Like giving you the impression that the Flame Legion was re-massing for an attack upon Fireheart Rise. In the mean time you are give access to items be it through karma or plain our cash that you do not have access to any other time. Like the weapons recipe vendor at the end of the Claw of Jormag for example.

I find no issue with this and those saying the DEs reset to quickly have a valid point in this, but it should be scaled up in time like I stated earlier. This I feel would still give you a living world and also encourage people to reclaim these rewards once they are lost.

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

The Tunnel Vision of the GW2 player base

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


So… it’s a risk vs reward imbalance problem.

In this line I have to agree with you.

People are flocking to the certain reward DEs. This is sad.

Yes people hate to loss, but that is not a “living” world. This game is suppose to make you have to struggle sometime.

Yes it is sad that people can not handle this, but with DE Raid groups maybe someone of this imbalance can be addressed.

We really will never know till someone steps up and say my guild will do, and let me tell you I will be more then happy to join this guild and help them (no guild at this time since none will even listen to me on this topic [heck some don’t even know that “DE” means Dynamic Events..sad])

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

(edited by Krosslite.1950)

A call to action: emergent play/getting the most out of GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


I think the big problem with world PvE right now is that the social dynamic leads to what I call “tipping points”. Basically, either everyone wants to do an event, or no one does.

Simple example: Champions. If one or two people are around when it spawns, they typically flee, or give up after the first wipe.

This is what I think this game’s achilles heel is. The DE system is supposed to be the premiere system in this game – and it isn’t being used much. Especially in mid to higher level zones outside Orr.

This is a huge turnoff and I can see a snowball effect happening as more players turn away from DE’s (either from leaving the game or playing more “end game” content) that, in turn, makes it harder for new players to play and level their characters through DE’s.

This is exactly my point clay and why I have made this thread and the Tunnel Vision thread.

This is something that needs to be addressed.

Should it be by Anet.?Maybe to a degree. Some form of reintroduction to how the DE system is suppose to work could be put out by Anet.

Should it be by the player base? Most definitely. Since guilds have the most direct contact with a large number of players it should be on them to do something.

My suggestion has been to make DE raid groups. Others may have other ideas that pursue looking into.

Getting more folks into the high-end zones is something that needs to be done. I don’t mean the high-end zones with dragons, but zones like Fireheart Rise for example. Where I see outposts being over run left and right out there. I know since they are in the outpost that these are at the very least chain events, but they need bodies to find out. Too many of them can not be soloed.
This is how they were designed; on purpose. They were meant for group participation, but with these zones being ghost towns it is nearly impossible at this time to know.

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

The Tunnel Vision of the GW2 player base

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


Krosslite’s points are absolutely valid. I recently changed servers, hoping for a better community, because on my server everyone was constantly focusing on a couple of “big” events. For the loot of course (sigh). Just the other day I found the Ogre Wars event chain in Fields of Ruin. The whole area is brilliant, but there was literally no-one there. I met a fellow player, but the two of us couldn’t finish the timed events, we were too few. Still, it was an epic fight, completely immersive, but it made me sad, knowing that it was only the two of us on a whole map, peak time.

Reminded me of Ray Bradbury’s short story, There will come soft rains.

Yes exactly.

And an organized DE raid group would have succeded

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

The Tunnel Vision of the GW2 player base

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


I would love DE’s to be super engaging, fun, and challenging.

But the truth is, 99% of them are not. Most are easy and somewhat non-eventful. Even the ones that ARE entertaining (there are definitely some) simply don’t reward you with anything. No, I don’t want 2 silver, experience, and 300 karma on my level 80 toon.

I fully support making a DE based endgame, but the problem is – there isn’t one. Orr temples are an attempt at doing this but fails due to the dirty, dingy, repetitive feel of the zone.

TLDR; More DE’s, harder DE’s, rewarding DE’s. oh and maybe more often in frequency too.

I seriously doubt 1485 DE are as you described. I know without a doubt that people have only seen 40% of the DEs this game has.

Now 594 of them I will agree with you about.

Until guilds make DE raid groups that go through all 26 zones doing all the DEs in that zone then neither of us will really know

You know without a doubt? That is a mighty strong statement. What facts are you using as reference exactly?

personal experience of going through most of the zones in this game and seeing ghost towns, especially in the higher end zones where I am surrounded by active DE that take more then one person to do them.

many of these are the beginning of a chain or a web but no ones does them

You know without a doubt, i.e. 100% confident, that the sum of every single person has experienced exactly 40% of all the dynamic events, based off your own personal experience?

What the… That argument is beyond flawed.

It would be interesting to see the stats from ANet.

I won’t pretend to assume that I know the actual numbers, but my guess is that most events have been played at some point or another.

So? How do you know they have been done? I have found no documentation on the internet saying if you do DE A in zone 20 that it will start chain/web 4.

You may want to check the wiki. Many pages show how the chains work.

For example, this shows all known events in Bloodtide Coast and the events that chain off each:

And that is an excellent example od the documention I am revering. There should be pages like this for Orr.

And yes I would love to see the actual numbers from Anet as well. I still believe my number are closer to correct, and I will agree they are not due to this very reason that we do not know.

Should that stop a guild or two from forming a DE raid group? No.
should it encourage a guild or two to try? Yes

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

The Tunnel Vision of the GW2 player base

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


I would love DE’s to be super engaging, fun, and challenging.

But the truth is, 99% of them are not. Most are easy and somewhat non-eventful. Even the ones that ARE entertaining (there are definitely some) simply don’t reward you with anything. No, I don’t want 2 silver, experience, and 300 karma on my level 80 toon.

I fully support making a DE based endgame, but the problem is – there isn’t one. Orr temples are an attempt at doing this but fails due to the dirty, dingy, repetitive feel of the zone.

TLDR; More DE’s, harder DE’s, rewarding DE’s. oh and maybe more often in frequency too.

I seriously doubt 1485 DE are as you described. I know without a doubt that people have only seen 40% of the DEs this game has.

Now 594 of them I will agree with you about.

Until guilds make DE raid groups that go through all 26 zones doing all the DEs in that zone then neither of us will really know

You know without a doubt? That is a mighty strong statement. What facts are you using as reference exactly?

personal experience of going through most of the zones in this game and seeing ghost towns, especially in the higher end zones where I am surrounded by active DE that take more then one person to do them

So no facts, just personal experience. And flawed personal experience, because you are not there 24/7 at all the events “That no one has ever done”. Thank you.

So? How do you know they have been done? I have found no documentation on the internet saying if you do DE A in zone 20 that it will start chain/web 4.

have you?

We are in limbo and from your way off addressing this issue you wish to stay there. I do not. I wish to push forward and find these chains and webs. Then they will get documented on the internet like the dungeon/dragons/ etc etc.

Do you have a better idea then to try and discredit me because the very lack of documentation supports me?

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

A call to action: emergent play/getting the most out of GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


I completely agree with the OP. The idea is really respectable.

Maybe it’s my age, or the fact that I’m relatively new to MMOs, but I honestly struggle to grasp the widespread obsession with “endgame”. First and foremost, I enjoy playing this game, and I don’t want to start to play a different game when I hit level 80. If I got bored, I will play something else. Second, we have a huge, beautiful, wittily crafted world out there. I want to be in this world. Why would I want to crawl into a dungeon and repeat it twenty times per day? I want to have fun, I want immersion, that’s why I play games. Repetition kills immersion.

Thanks for understanding where I am coming from. And just for an understanding of where I am coming from.
I have been in MMOs for 20 years. Starting with a MUD in 1993. I have been down all the road and seen all the layouts.
This game does offer Raid content people just refuse to to it because it is in the open world.
Doing the DEs will give them more immersion as you are stating as well as raids and no telling what else.

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

The Tunnel Vision of the GW2 player base

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


I would love DE’s to be super engaging, fun, and challenging.

But the truth is, 99% of them are not. Most are easy and somewhat non-eventful. Even the ones that ARE entertaining (there are definitely some) simply don’t reward you with anything. No, I don’t want 2 silver, experience, and 300 karma on my level 80 toon.

I fully support making a DE based endgame, but the problem is – there isn’t one. Orr temples are an attempt at doing this but fails due to the dirty, dingy, repetitive feel of the zone.

TLDR; More DE’s, harder DE’s, rewarding DE’s. oh and maybe more often in frequency too.

I seriously doubt 1485 DE are as you described. I know without a doubt that people have only seen 40% of the DEs this game has.

Now 594 of them I will agree with you about.

Until guilds make DE raid groups that go through all 26 zones doing all the DEs in that zone then neither of us will really know

You know without a doubt? That is a mighty strong statement. What facts are you using as reference exactly?

personal experience of going through most of the zones in this game and seeing ghost towns, especially in the higher end zones where I am surrounded by active DE that take more then one person to do them.

many of these are the beginning of a chain or a web but no ones does them

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

A call to action: emergent play/getting the most out of GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


To be Hones, you talk about raids, but how about the squad from commander, or just regulard RAID groups are added? I like to see everyones HP in small screens if I wish, or down states like in PVP, or something like it.

That way coordinating would be so much easier and it just LACKS that option.
A lot of nice changes that need adapting to, but its just lacking stuff as well, because a group just isnt going to cut it for a legion event, or any event in that case imo.

That has no place in an open world gaming system, which this game is. Guilds are the ones that have to give this a try through coordinated command through their voice chat.

As I have said I have heard of no one doing this period.

This would be the raid system for this game, which is how it should be

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

(edited by Krosslite.1950)

A call to action: emergent play/getting the most out of GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


A call to action: emergent play

Eve Online is that way —->

EVE is an offer rated dying game that has no comparison to GW2 imo

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

The Tunnel Vision of the GW2 player base

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


I would love DE’s to be super engaging, fun, and challenging.

But the truth is, 99% of them are not. Most are easy and somewhat non-eventful. Even the ones that ARE entertaining (there are definitely some) simply don’t reward you with anything. No, I don’t want 2 silver, experience, and 300 karma on my level 80 toon.

I fully support making a DE based endgame, but the problem is – there isn’t one. Orr temples are an attempt at doing this but fails due to the dirty, dingy, repetitive feel of the zone.

TLDR; More DE’s, harder DE’s, rewarding DE’s. oh and maybe more often in frequency too.

I seriously doubt 1485 DE are as you described. I know without a doubt that people have only seen 40% of the DEs this game has.

Now 594 of them I will agree with you about.

Until guilds make DE raid groups that go through all 26 zones doing all the DEs in that zone then neither of us will really know

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

A call to action: emergent play/getting the most out of GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


  1. - I think you forgot to finish your thought on
  2. - I’m thinking along the lines of Invasions in Rift, the story of Wayfarer Foothills lends itself already to the scenario I laid out, so while the Living Story may add things like this, they laid the ground work for these zone spanning stories already, seems they just didn’t flesh them out

3) Nah I think I finished it

4) The living story maybe why it has not been fleshed out. Maybe in time other Living story events will give you your wish

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

A call to action: emergent play/getting the most out of GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


I have fun when me and my friend do events together. We have a nice level of challenge staying alive while AoEing everything down.

Then more people show up because they notice progress is being made on the event, and completely trivialize it. Thanks guys. You really helped us out there.

The scaling needs improvement. Otherwise, these “open world raids” will result in the same fiasco as the daily rare for Behemoth/Maw/Elemental/etc

yes I agree this may happen, but what if you hit a point where it scales up. I was in one the other day near Fort Trinity and it said kill 5 undead. So I start to do this. Suddenly it jumped to kill 10 undead. Then three people showed up and and it was still a challenge. The game saw the other three in the area and made it harder.

There ARE others out there just like this. Could they turn in to a SB/Maw/Elee situation. Maybe in time. Yes

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

A call to action: emergent play/getting the most out of GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


So by getting the guild together and (for instance) attending The Shatterer event, you are raiding?

Erm…no. What you are doing is facerolling a dragons toenail. Just no.


DE raid groups would for example go to Orr. In an organized split go into two groups. Group A would then go to Point A and start working through the DEs
Group B would go to Point B and do the same
per Anet at some point they should meet thus changing the outcome of the DE they meet at. They then choose which way to go as a full group once again and continue to the conclusion of that web

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

A call to action: emergent play/getting the most out of GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


4 Suggestions from me on this:

1) All DE’s shown on the map from anywhere in a zone (this has been stated but frankly it is the biggest need)
2) Major DE countdown timers (Maw, Fire Elemental, etc)
3) More DE’s should have been multi-part chain DE’s, possibly even zone spanning
4) Major stuff needs to happen, example: A coordinated Svanir/Dredge/Grawl offensive that pushes everything in Wayfarer Foothills back to the starting area, which then results in a counter offensive to push them back. NPC’s would allow for multiple paths (maybe the Vigil lead the charge to get back outposts, Whispers infiltrate Moleberia, and Priory work to minimize damage and keep Joten out of the fight) each giving equal rewards. This culminates in a similar Dome DE but would be far larger with more then one Champ to handle at the end.

1) I walked into Frostgorge Sound the day and had 2 orange circles on either side of me as I entered the zone. The one to the left more group oriented while the one to the right I was able to complete on my own

2) You mean one made and supported by Anet themselves. Would be nice don’t disagree

3) How do we know that these do not already exist in the higher end zones. I know for a fact that in the PAX 2011 a panel was made to make such an event for Timberline Falls zone

4) who know the living story setup may cause this to happen someday

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

The Tunnel Vision of the GW2 player base

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


I am a bit split on the 1500 event thing. Because in my opinion, being a hardcore player, it is not 1500 events. If you put 100 escort missions in the game, that makes still one mission in my book. I can applaud the visual designers and the lore team of making each of the 100 escort missions individual, but when it comes to guarding a caravan in Orr then “sry, been there, done that, not interested, what else is really new?”. Currently GW2 has a very limited set of things it can throw at a player in the open world. At the same time, there are not a lot of game systems creating situations through interacting with each other; in the way you would see in a world sim or strategy game. GW2 has achieved outstanding complexity when it comes to a scripted world with scripted events. I am not going to hate the game for being what it is. If you love playing all 1500 scripted events and can look past the limited set of different event types, then you will be a happy man having bought GW2. If you like other things, then there is plenty of that as well and lots of groundwork in the right spots to advance the game in the coming years. That does not mean I have tunnel vision, it merely means I pick and choose. I am a first wold consumer of entertainment products after all, how else would I go about it?

1500 plus dynamic events replace quests in other games. Other games have the same sorts of quests over and over again. Most games release with 500 quests. The content DEs are supposed to be replacing are quests, not dungeons.

There are, however, actually mini-dungeons in the game that are more challenging than open world content, but not as challenging as full dungeons.

The idea that dungeons require teamwork is just something that’s been instilled into us from other MMOs. It’s not what a dungeon is. In fact, there are many games that have solo dungeons. And even in Guild Wars 1 you could have a party of NPCs and you and solo a dungeon.

I understand where both of you are coming from and to be honest to a degree you are prime examples of the tunnel vision I am referring too. I will agree that most likely most of the 1500+ DE fall into the realm of not massively challenging.
That is to be expected in an open world game, but I must add that also due to it being an open world arena that there will be and I would go as far as say, there are, DEs out there that do require a controlled group (raid) mentality to get through them.

It is also the very "“sry, been there, done that, not interested, what else is really new?”. " mentality that is the issue here. How can you know you have done all if you haven’t tried to figure out the DE web on Orr?

How do you not know that these open world dungeons DO require teamwork if no guild has made a DE raid group that has half start at point A while the other half started at point B and pushes forward till they meet. At which point a team consensus is made on which direction to go within the web and see where it leads. Could there be another Frozen Maw, Jungle Wurm type of ending awaiting you? I would bet there is since Anet has implied it.

Could the rewards be worth the effort? Again since Anet has implied it I bet there is.
And I for one would love to find out.

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

The Tunnel Vision of the GW2 player base

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


I love DE’s.
What I would like to see is more chain DE’s- spanning over maps, more complicated DE’s that have various branches and outcomes.
A general improvement in Event density in some maps.
Wouldn’t it be awesome if there were so many events going off that players had to choose which ones to complete and then have consequences for that choice?

they do exist. In this game. In Orr as mentioned above.

The only way to make these choices is though organized DE Raid Groups, but I have never seen such a group yet.

Nor have I seen any guild willing to even try

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

(edited by Krosslite.1950)

The Tunnel Vision of the GW2 player base

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


During dynamic events it is easy to get swallowed by the masses, meaning your perception of the importance of your contribution trends towards zero. Especially during dragon encounters in which 100 players chip-damage the right leg to death.

Your referring to the few that everyone runs to. Every time they WP or run passed several DEs just so they can get the “big” prize.

Are you aware that there are “open world dungeon” that are activated by doing certin DEs?
Are you aware that very few of these have been found?

DEs are not just Jungle Wurm, Frozen Maw; the temples or the Dragons

Those are the end of 12 chains.

What other big prizes lay undiscovered out there?

There are 1500+ DEs in this game, most of which have not been IDed most likely. Most are in Orr and are part of DE webs, not chains.

With webs group A can start one DE in one area while group B starts another DE somewhere else and at some point they meet causing a different chain (or webline if you will) to spring out; then if group A ran the DEs and got to the meeting point and there was no group B.

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

The Tunnel Vision of the GW2 player base

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


Above are all quotes from Arenanet.
In essence: doing DEs ARE the core of this game.
Fractal, sPvP, WvW, Dungeons are only a forth of this game, but still most everyone is focused on these instead of the rest of the game.
This has to change and it is not Anet that has to make these changes. It is the players themselves. Still they focus on old MMORPG models and do not see that this game is not them. It is its own game. That has it own challenges that they ignore daily.
As I have stated before with 26 zones of DEs mostly untouched by the player community it is sad to see them crying for the old ways instead of even making a effort to try the new way.
Please read and follow the suggestion I posted in the thread below and see how things can become different as they should be (btw I did name that thread the name it has.. an Anet employee gave it that name)

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

The Tunnel Vision of the GW2 player base

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


Gamescom 2010 interview

3 core ways
1) DEs
2) visuals in combat and active combat
a) Skill choices through weapon choices.
3) personal story

Guild Wars 2 Wants to Change the Way We Play MMOs (2011)

“Guild Wars 2 is founded on 3 core innovations: the “Dynamic Event System,” your “Personal Story,” and our changes to combat."

Dynamic Events Dev Journal by Colin Johanson (2012)

“Unlike any game ever made before Guild Wars 2, these events are our core content model for the game world. In other games you might find hundreds or thousands of quests, and some events scattered around as well; we literally have thousands of events with additional content scattered around to help support those events. The events are the core world content in Guild Wars 2 and make up the bulk of the content in the game between the open world and dungeons, with stuff like more traditional-style renown regions and exploration challenges there to provide a supporting hand to the events. We believe this creates a fundamental paradigm shift in the way you play and experience the game.”
“Events truly are cooperative. In traditional MMOs, you’ll often find yourself competing with other players for mobs, struggling to tag them for loot drops, or to get on the high-score list for rewards for the public quest. Our core systems are designed so that everyone who helps kill a mob gets experience and can get loot. If you die, anyone can run up and help revive you and they get rewarded for doing so. Everyone who participates in events gets rewarded at the end, and everyone could earn the best (gold) participation reward if they all helped in the event for most of its duration. This builds a sense of cooperation between players, and helps make it feel like another player in an event is never a hindrance; they are instead another resource you could use combo skills with, or someone to help protect and revive you. Other players, even if you don’t know them at all and don’t talk to them, make the game more fun. This is perhaps the thing that is most unique and innovative about the event system as a whole.”

Colin Johanson on Guild Wars 2 in the Months Ahead (2013)

Allowing players to share experiences in an open world where other players are seen as helpful, rather than competition, is a huge component of what makes our game what it is. Open world online games are always strongest when players are encouraged and rewarded to interact as a community, to support other each other, and when the flow of the game ushers players to go places where they run into other players across all levels and have shared experiences. Our shared loot system, dynamic level adjustment system, shared resource nodes, multi-player skill combos, and the ability for every player to revive one another are all examples of key game features that help support this concept of a community-driven experience.
Guild Wars 2 is a game that’s about these shared experiences. Through the dynamic event system, every time you log in, you can experience and share something different in the world with other players. Maybe you’re in a map you’ve been to before and see an event for the first time, or you’re in the midst of an event and it dynamically scales with more players arriving, becoming more epic, or you’re fighting for control of Stonemist Castle in WvW, where each fight can play out differently.
Since launch, we’ve shown our capacity to really build and expand on this system of dynamic events with more unique events that are a living story. These special events and living stories like Wintersday, Halloween, and the Lost Shores invasion are all examples of this style of event we’ve run since the launch of GW2.

These key pillars — a sense of community and a dynamic, living world full of different experiences every time you log in — are what makes Guild Wars 2 what it is. But what does that mean looking forward to 2013?

Guild Wars 2 to feature over 1,500 dynamic events

“We’re looking at having around 1500 events happen, so its going to take people a long time to get through all of them,”

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

when is ncsoft going to add housing to gw2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


I would ask arenanet. NCsoft added housing to Aion.

yes get your companies right when asking a question.

Ncsoft is the publisher

Arenanet is the game designers

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Guild wars 2 and me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


I have played GW2 for 5 months now, and I found it really fun, having leveled almost all classes to 80, and tried all classes in SPVP, played for 1,2k+ hours, however lately I’ve been getting really bored with the game. Please guys, introduce something new, not just new gear and make me grind fotm or cof more. Add new dungeons, new armor looks, something to work towards with new content. Just my 2 cents.

Time for a flame war to start.

So you have gone to all 26 zones and done ALL 1500+ dymanic events?

Are you in a guild?

Has this guild made weekly if not daily DE raid group?

Will doing this end your boredom?

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Maguuma Veteran Slayer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


remember you can look in both the Asura and Sylvari areas for vet when Maguuma is list in the dailies.

For Sylvari area. I head to a skritt vet north of the crafting village, a wid rider by the skill point to in the bottom left of the map. A hylek chief south of the swamp worm and then there are the mosshearts around there as well

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Sigil Clarification

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


If memory serves me correctly “on kill” will cancel the other out. Simply they do not stack. So unfortunately you will have to pick one or the other

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

RL rich = ingame Rich and vice-versa

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


As I have shown before this game is geared for the casual player. Most of these are in an age range of 30 to 60. Within the age range are the highest paid people who have the most disposable income.

A smart company would market a game that would please these players thus encouraging them to use that disposable income to this company.

What company would that be? Anet

What is the game? Guild Wars 2

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

A call to action: emergent play/getting the most out of GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


per Colin Johanson:

Allowing players to share experiences in an open world where other players are seen as helpful, rather than competition, is a huge component of what makes our game what it is. Open world online games are always strongest when players are encouraged and rewarded to interact as a community, to support other each other, and when the flow of the game ushers players to go places where they run into other players across all levels and have shared experiences. Our shared loot system, dynamic level adjustment system, shared resource nodes, multi-player skill combos, and the ability for every player to revive one another are all examples of key game features that help support this concept of a community-driven experience.

Guild Wars 2 is a game that’s about these shared experiences. Through the dynamic event system, every time you log in, you can experience and share something different in the world with other players. Maybe you’re in a map you’ve been to before and see an event for the first time, or you’re in the midst of an event and it dynamically scales with more players arriving, becoming more epic, or you’re fighting for control of Stonemist Castle in WvW, where each fight can play out differently.

Since launch, we’ve shown our capacity to really build and expand on this system of dynamic events with more unique events that are a living story. These special events and living stories like Wintersday, Halloween, and the Lost Shores invasion are all examples of this style of event we’ve run since the launch of GW2.

These key pillars — a sense of community and a dynamic, living world full of different experiences every time you log in — are what makes Guild Wars 2 what it is. But what does that mean looking forward to 2013?

“We’re looking at having around 1500 events happen, so its going to take people a long time to get through all of them,”

So again I state that facts.

Anet —- making changes to improve DEs which are the core of the game

players —- complainers who would rather talk then take action

As I have stated in another thread it is time to put up or shut up… btw when I posted this it is the last post for that thread… they shut up.

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

(edited by Krosslite.1950)

A call to action: emergent play/getting the most out of GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


How are dynamic events the end-game,? Are you playing the same game as the rest of us? Doing the same events over and over again is fun? How? What do you get out of it?

So you have done ALL 1500+ DEs?

And you have done them how many times??

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

A call to action: emergent play/getting the most out of GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


The restaurant that doesn’t specialize is a cafeteria; sure you will get a variety of low standard regular customers but your lack of specialization will not get you 5 star rating or a memorable experience.

Guild wars was immensely fun the first couple of months of play; but without a solid means to see your character advance; the reality of the repetitiveness and grind is starting to sink in. An example; Look at the “no cost backpiece”

1x Prototype Fractal Capacitor (1350 fractal relics)
1x Gift of ascencion (500 fractal relics)
40x crystals or 240 philosophers stones (24 skill points)
1x Vial of condensed mist essence (pretty common drop in FotM)

the average player who abhors Korean style mmos cringes when they see this type of listing, if not.. well I do.;

and carrots which only attract certain player archtypes it promotes a sense there is actually less to do once you have reached the “endgame.” For something to have value; it has to be enjoyed. Telling someone to “go do jumping puzzles” for endgame if they don’t like them; is not a solution. It’s a design challenge.

Fractal, spvp as well as wvw. Are some of the main courses offered to players that enjoy that type of playing style.

I personally do not.

What attraches me is the true end-game of GW2.

Dynamic Event.

Anet has been touting DE as the endgame since 2010.

It was strongly restated late January when Anet said it would be making chages to DEs to make them more attractive.

So Anet has done it part to get the endgame back on track. So yes I will blame the lazy player base for not being aggressive enough to re-visit GW2’s actual end-game

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

A call to action: emergent play/getting the most out of GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


b) small guild need to stat planning to do possible one zone a week as a guild endeavor. Since most small guilds are usually close RL friends this should be easy to do.
i) spread planning these out between people and discuss which is the zone that the guild as a whole would be interested in exploring this week.
ii) get folks to research the DEs and Meta-events that happen in these zone and decide which would suit the guild style of play. Since each small guild has a different playing style then the other guilds about them especially the larger one.

Below is a link to a list of some of the chain DEs that you can look at and researh:

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

A call to action: emergent play/getting the most out of GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


Time and again I see and respond to post stating we have no “end-game.” Then I see suggestions that would turn this game into a cookie cutter copy of other games out there. Games I must add many of us have learned to hate.

We Now have this game. A game many love, many don’t understand because they are to set in their ways to accept change.

Well this game is change. When change comes, people must adapted or suffer and complain.

This game is eight months old. It is set in its ways and it is not going to change. Then if the game is not going to change. Who is?


Form well before launch day in August of last year Anet has told us and shown us through the BWEs how this game works and how it is meant to be played.

1) It is a platform for multiple playing styles, but not center toward anyone of this styles in particular.

2) It does cater to those with limit time on their hands and some most likely have more disposable then those with too much time on their hands. This gives Anet an influx of needed income to keep this game evolving, which it as seen in the addition of the Living Story elements of the game we now have.

3) So if the game is not going to change and we must change. What do we as the player base must do?
a) have those within large guild realize they are a major player in getting the most out this game has it is designed.
i) This is done through making a dedicated officer or officers to organizing and doing DAILY Dynamic Event RAID groups. Now understand that since this is an open world game that it will get people that come and go from these DEs on a regular basis, but the CORE GUILD run DE raid group MUST stick together and move through the zone that has been chosen for that day.
ii) This game now has 26 zones with different DEs happening constantly. In three of them are Dragon bosses. (NOTE: Dragon bosses do not count for a DE raid group) if they are there when it happens more power to them. Since there are 26 zones to go through that is 26 days with something different to do. You do it as a team and thus you are RAIDing.
iii) Anet has made it clear that the more people that participate in a DE, especially in the higher level zones will get a GREATER reward.

So again it is up to us the players of this game to adapted and change to how this game works. As of yet I have not seen it happening. Who is to blame? Well it ain’t Anet. Then who is the problem?

The players themselves!!!!! now do something about it

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

(edited by Moderator)

Display character names who have on dyes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


I have over 25 characters. I play them as the mood hits me.
2 are level 80

But back on topic….. I would rather they do as they said before the game launched that the dye system would be account based not character based. Then we wouldn’t have to worry about which one has or doesn’t have which dye

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Norn Shape-shifting

in Suggestions

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


or a whale, a dolphin or some other air breathing water going creature.

There are a variety of animals out there that just have to have animal spirits. Maybe some forgotten or some never even heard of before.

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

What exactly is "End Game"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


Maybe they should have learned their lesson from WAR and Rift and made them an actually ORGANIC, DYNAMIC SYSTEM, and not just a repeatable quest on an unpredictable spawn timer.

Since January we have been witnessing some effort on Anet’s side to make DEs more appealing.

But it still boils down to us the players.

Still I wait for a guild to say they make daily DE runs to different zones in this game. Still I hear nothing and see nothing form us the players

There are those like myself that get it, but we are few and can do nothing with guild support. So I say again.

Put up or shut up

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

(edited by Krosslite.1950)

What exactly is "End Game"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


Per Anet the “end-game” is and always has been Dynamic Events

I go to upper level zones and guess what I don’t see.

The player base actively pursuing these DE.

Just last night I was in Frostgorge Sound and there were DEs going on left and right. Some I could do on my own, but many I could not.

This is how Anet designed it. These DEs at this level are suppose to be done with groups of people.

That s why since the first of this year I have been saying there needed to be DE raid groups formed daily.

The only people that can go around saying there is nothing to do in this game ae those very people that say it.


Do them or shutup

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Cyber-bulling and Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


I am writing this since I myself have been a victim of cyber-bullying in this very game.
It is a topic that needs to be discussed further, and hopefully be addressed more by Anet and Ncsoft.

As we have all heard in the news children are killing themselves due to the lack of support from those in charge of schools. It is a sad fact and a commentary on how this world is not responding has it should.

It is even sadder that it finds it way into MMOs like this one. A place where many seek to escape the torment of real-life and seek to find for a short time a way of venting their anger in a constructive way. A way that is being seen by professionals as a way to help our troops get through post traumatic stress.

All MMOs should be free of even the possible threat of cyber-bullying, and those found guilty of it should be banned from the game forever.

In my personal situation I know for a fact that those that did this to me are still active within this game. Were they punished? I don’t know. Anet will not discuss disciplinary actions even to the victims of the event.

It is my hope at least that Anet see this post and thinks strongly about becoming more aggressive in their rules that cover cyber-bulling and do their best to make it understood that this type of behavior is not acceptable in this game or in real life.

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Experiencing the World

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


- More Dynamic Events. More NPC’s that needs your help. I think that if more NPC’s in a town or village have something they need help with, rather than that you just deal with all of them through a Task (Heart-quest), it would add more variation, the world would come more alive and we’d get more acquainted with the town or village, and of course the zone in itself.
- Of course, it should be optional to do them, but it gives us more reason to interact with NPC’s and the world around us.

- Thank you all for your feedback.
Feel free to comment, if you have things you want to add.

One thing Anet said it would do is evolve the DE system. As of yet I have not seen it happen, but the game is still young. It is now into it’s 8th month.

Programing does take time, plus we have to remember this is a B2P game. This being said; many of the things you wish to take place may not happen til an expansion pack is released since this is a good part of where Anet gets it funding from.

Due to this game success we have seen several things change in get placed into the game. Many I would say soon then what folks are use too. To me; they are right on track.

As Jaken said slow down and absorb the content. You will in time get the lore you are seeking out.

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Add More Hairstyles (Especially Asura)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


I would like to see more hairstyles as well. The styles we do have remind me more of other games then a game that claims to be different then the rest.

Well in hairstyles that is not correct.

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Seriously, Can we have some form of Henchmen?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


I have henchmen in my personal story.

I am content

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

GW2 PS4 and Xbox 720

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


At one time GW2 has PlayStation setup to be a platform during development. What changed this I don’t know. Will they bring it back into the realm of possibilities? Only time will tell

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Experiencing the World

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


Ok… so from how I read the OPs post is this GW2 has no lore.

I find this rather an odd statement. Let me ask these questions:

Do you do the personal storylines?

Do you do the story part of the dungeons?

Do you actually listen to the NPC near you?

One thing this game has is a TON of lore.

You will hear mention of events that happened 200 years ago (Guild Wars)

You will hear that due to Guild Wars: Factions we now find the world messed up like it is now with the return of the dragons.

This game doe not follow the old (!) quest system. This game has Renown Hearts that are meant for those use to the old quest system and to educate them on how to look around for quests that are throughout Tyria.

By the time you go into Orr the Renown Hearts are gone. You will actually have to go out look for quests. Listen to the NPC who try to get your attention and help them out.

When you do this. Guess what happens.

You get to learn more lore.

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Why Represent another Guild Causes Rage?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950



I’m wondering since we can have several guilds, but really we can’t. Because all guilds don’t want us to stop representing them.

Why soo many rage? Why isn’t the multi-guild system working in a better way?

I have 2 guilds I’d like to play with, but they demand me to represent all the time. I just try to be Offline to avoid be warned about not representing and still be in the two of them.

The guilds aren’t really of the samething, one is PVE, other is WvW, and I hate when I’m events with PVE Guild getting rage from officers of the WvW one saying to represent it. Argh.

Update: I just left both of them right now, now i’m without guild, and wont be able to enter a new guild of my language because can’t find any without that rule… But that’s Ok.

They desire all the influence you gain from wearing their tag. I mean think about it. How can you have a really friendly relationship in a guild with over 100 people. Most voice chats systems can not handle that many people at one time in one channel. You will notice that there form in to cliches.

The real goal is to get all the influence you can from people. That is now a guild that is a glory maker for those that “command” said “guilds”

The multi-guild system is the best idea I have seen in a game in ages.

The moment I see a guild recruiting for new people and say “we are 300+ strong” and “we demand you only fly our tag” automatically goes into my “I want nothing to with them” list

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Has the game released an end-game yet?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


The game had more dungeons upon launch than most MMOs, WoW included. Whether they fit into your idea of what one should be, is a matter of opinion and preference.

Fractals might be more along the lines of what you’re hoping for, a scaling dungeon. But there just isn’t a gear grind to stroke your ego like in other MMOs. And hopefully there never will be.

The idea behind PvP in GW2 is skill > gear. So it doesn’t matter how much cool gear you have, if you’re a crappy player you’re a crappy player. Can’t dress it up in GW2. I like it like that. Means you can be a casual PvP player & not have to grind for PvP specific gear and still be relevent.

If you want to pwn n00bs and be 1337 then this isn’t the game for you. Sorry, but Anet wanted it to be different on purpose. Try it out, you have an account & it’s free. If you don’t like it, no loss right?

OP will have lost precious time from his life. Since as others have stated he has done zero research and expects all others to cater to him especially in being killed my him.

Also as stated by others this game is not for him… he would actually have to use the thing between his ears to accomplish a goal instead of mindless spam some buttons foe and insta-kill

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Has the game released an end-game yet?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


- entitled Player leaves the game because he doesn’t like it
- decided to come back to the game because he thinks that he will like it now
- other people have to write down the patchnotes for him because he is too lazy to check them himself

As I’ve already asked in an other thread. Is this a new thing? Are we some kind of marketing department from A.Net that needs to sell you the game again? And why not use the well documented update pages to inform yourself about updates?

here here and cheers to you

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

So I was looking at Titles

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


I always found it odd that the different orders give you titles like Warmaster, Magister and Lightbringer; but you don’t actually get the title… Even when Trahearne makes you commander, you don’t get the title and that guy at the end of your personal storyline granting you ‘hero of Orr’ (or something, can’t remember) doesn’t grant the title…

I mean is it too hard to make character-bound titles?

see… someone who understands where I am coming from

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Has the game released an end-game yet?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950



This OP is hilarious.

I love went people don’t read up on a game and make assumptions like this.

Once again for those slow to understand.

You……… are…….. in…….. the…… end………game…… the…… moment….. you…. enter…… the….. game….. at…… level…… ONE.

That is why your level reduces when you go in a lower level zone.


Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

So I was looking at Titles

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


My real point was the fact that there are 36 for pvp/wvw.

If they had time to do that why didn’t they spread that out to the pve side of the game.

It just looks lopsided is all. I know in time there will be more. I just wish it would be a bit soon there later for the pve side is all.

I mean IF you add in HoM, which I feel you should not. Those should always be on their own. That adds up to 24… still 12 less then pvp/wvw

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

(edited by Krosslite.1950)

Once this particular Living Story wraps up...

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


If it ends it should go away since it has been resolved like any true events.

Would you like to re-live WWII, the Vietnam War for example?

I wouldn’t

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

So I was looking at Titles

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


Out of curiosity I went to see what titles were available to us and I was disheartened.

36 pvp/wvw titles

and 14 for pve not counting HoM

i mean really only 14?

I think that pve needs some title love here

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Flame and Frost the next chapter

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


Does the wording hint at the ability to get weapon skins easier???

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred