Against condition damages : Cleanse
Against direct damages : Toughness
Against condition damages: cleanse, -duration (immunity).
Against direct damages: toughness, protection, weakness, damage reducing traits.
Inbalance is easy to read from above: anyone can spec toughness to have protection against direct damage while how well you can spec against condition damage greatly depends on your trait and utility choices, and ultimately, on your class. Some builds can be completely immune to conditions while some can do almost nothing against them, which is quite silly. This isn’t the case with direct damage.
My p/d thief appericates things change.
Those condi engis are taking a nerf to net turret from supply drop it is slight nerf of 1 second reduction on the immob but still a nerf along with the poison nerf they are receiving.
Have you even fought against a properly played perplexity engi? It’s all the kittening irrelevant if they can proc poison or immob at all lol.
Yes I have I didn’t say they aren’t a threat I am saying they are getting nerfed I also said slight. You make it sound like properly played perp engi is fighting dummies. Perp Engi’s are no where near as difficult to fight as a Necromancer in WvW. I actually find the fight to be pretty fun as long as I manage conditions removal and I main Elementalist. P/D perp is a much more difficult fight then a Perp Engi.
If you understand how damage works in this game. 10% dps reduction would only apply to a full zerker player fully buffed (25 stacks of might/perma fury/dps stacks) from the example given in stream. That doesn’t mean it applies to a person that happens to have 4 pieces of zerk/valk gear.
For WvW the dps decrease wouldn’t even be noticeable and for many probably would maybe be a 1-2% decrease in damage for WvW. We aren’t hitting AI in WvW we fight other players theoretical dps is very very hard to apply in a WvW setting because this isn’t WoW where we stand and hit each other. People dodge, have different armor values, different builds, etc.
Actually you said it yourself. You aren’t fighting AI in WvW. That’s why dps isn’t very relevant. For a zerker pvp build the bursts are much more important than the overall dps, and this change is doing exactly that: nerfing burst damage.
My p/d thief appericates things change.
Those condi engis are taking a nerf to net turret from supply drop it is slight nerf of 1 second reduction on the immob but still a nerf along with the poison nerf they are receiving.
Have you even fought against a properly played perplexity engi? It’s all the kittening irrelevant if they can proc poison or immob at all lol.
(edited by Master of Timespace.2548)
In this case, why not nerfing traits such as PU instead of “fixing” zerkers stats?
I need the zerker stats for my shatter build. I have 0 passive defense ( aegis/protection/regen), my iLeap combo is highly predictable and most of time broken, so I do need the burst to control my opponent, to make him/her afraid to fight me in melee.
With the zerker “fix” (nerf), we would see more and more PU builds. Which means more and more passive gameplay. And people are already complaining a lot about PU builds. Never about gc shatter though…^ Bingo, +1 from me.
This is the case, but what kind of balance can you expect from someone who has said that “spirit ranger is great skill”? Or from someone who thinks that unavoidable, passive burn procs are good for the game.
And this is where I disagree. I’ve played mmos long enough to know that significant changes and fixes can take quite a while. Months if not years. Someone has said before that development doesn’t work on our schedules, it works on theirs. That seems about right. Whenever something is broken and can’t be fixed right away, stop gap measures are used. Condition damage? Way borked. Is it never going to be fixed or changed? Using your logic (well, not just yours technically, I can read the forums) the answer is never. A rational person might also say, it will be changed in some way eventually for the better, just not right away.
But the world doesn’t work on anyone’s schedule. My point is: if things don’t get fixed in time, people just move to other games. That has already happened here. All the serious spvp teams have left the game.
(edited by Master of Timespace.2548)
Everyone i know plays this way and its making the game very boring and easy in all aspects of the game ( Except Spvp ) which is boring for other reasons
Do you plan to make healing and support builds viable for groups ?
Because of the full dps and dodge approach , its making other equipment/runes/sigils/traits/builds just not worthy , this is whats making the game boring !!!
Good luck running rally bot full zerk in WvW. Zerk is much more viable in spvp than in wvw, where it is completely useless except for trolling (mainly your own team).
(edited by Master of Timespace.2548)
So nerffing critical damage while letting the condition nonsense run ramprant. Gosh… I’m pretty sure the current dev team isn’t the same as the one that made the game. Their design philosophy is simply too differend and they are turning the game upside down.
Well, what can you expect from someone who said that “spirit ranger is great skill”.
Zerker should keep rewarding neolike dodgers but should punish people who dont better then this, indeed.
I just want zerker to be less attractive to player so that we keep more option to the endgame content. People who dont run zerker may not be obligated to do it by the game to run the content but theyd rather run a build they will never be able to use correctly then to be shunned by the elite community, thats a very wrong way to go.
Everyone wants to be Elite who doesnt, if zerking everything out means behing elite players will all go toward it even if they cant do it right (aka bad zerkers wich are now all over the place) and it will result into the death of originality and build freedom (hey that guy is doing better then you do at both damage and survivability with a non zerker build yet because you run the meta you think yourself the best of both please stop lying to yourself when your constantly getting downed at the start of fights).
Can’t a player actualy be elite and run anything else then zerker actualy? Break the mold and be actualy unique? Well right now no because behing zerker is what behing good means. I run a lot of condition build and im actualy WAY above the average pve player when it comes to doing dungeons. I run with pugs only in fractals and likely ive been proving my skill more often by finishing the game content without zerking it then by running my warrior for pure damage because right now not running a meta team = more risk wich also = increased difficulty.
The very argument that zerkers all gets out to justify themselves is ‘’we are more glassy we take more risk and the fight has an increase in difficulty’‘. We take the same risk if not more risk as you do because at this level getting 1 shot by boss is common no mather your gear, so how come do you guys get to have a spotlight as the ’’elite’’ community when its actualy easyer for you to clear content then it is to the others?
On equal skill level and between two player with perfect ability to dodge hits who do you think is more skilled for finishing the content, the zerker team who speed run trought it or the average pug which gets it done despite the clear disavantage and at the laugh of the odds? As Terrasque said it came to the point you are reducing the risk and getting rewarded for running zerker rather then anything else.
Fun fact : there will ALWAYS be a meta. Pro players ( the elite ) will ALWAYS run the optimal meta.
No matter how much you try to shove " build diversity " down our throats you will never be " Elite" if you don’t run the meta. That will NEVER change.
It’s not that simple. Consider for example Chess. Though there is theory of openings, end game tactics and what not, there does not exist a “meta strategy” in the same sense as it exists in many online games. So no, existence of a meta strategy isn’t some fundamental law of nature.
Why is it poor writing, though?
And why grind at all? You can actually play the content without getting all the achievements. And even if you want the carrot at the end, it’s so very easy to just acquire a lot of them through doing the dailies.
I get the feeling sometimes that a lot of people think this is poor writing because the main villain is NOT a dragon, and is a female character. I don’t think I’d see half the griping if everyone knew right now whether or not the villain was Primordus.
Well, Skarlet is just another “lunatic villain”. Lunatic villains aren’t exactly that interesting because they can do just about anything and they do what they do simply because they are mad. Say Shiro from Guild Wars Factions was a lot more interesting foe in my opinion. “Some say the great deceiver of Cantha was a victim of the fates. Others call him a traitor”. He had more character. Sure he was a little cheesy as well, but in the right way.
It does nice damage in PvP too, Meditation build.
Man, that is hot join. Anything works there. Dps guard does not do very well in soloq or teamq. Guardian has a lot of problems: Lack of mobility, lack of stability with meditation build, no way to disengage, no snares and their damage is highly telegraphed.
In short, guardian has a extremely hard time sticking to targets to deal damage. The low hp doesn’t help either. In comparison to dps warrior they are very far behind.
But guardians role in spvp is not to roam, but to hold points. Having only a few viable roles per profession in Spvp is intended and a fundamental part of it’s design.
(edited by Master of Timespace.2548)
You play a sword focus reflect mesmer and don’t already consider yourself bringing the control and support you want so badly? To me that’s precisely what control and support is. You control the mobs into a corner/wall using focus, and you support your team with reflections. Why do you feel you need tank stats to be viable to accomplish this?
Exactly this. Why is there this notion that you NEED tank stats ALONG with dps stats? That just isn’t going to happen.
With the way PvE is setup, it makes more sense to gear towards DPS stats and group utility traits. People seem to want both survival stats, utilities, and “support” for their group. News flash: that isn’t going to happen. You can’t have your Celestial and eat it too.
People are too focused on old trinity mechanics of stat based dmg mitigation. Get with the flow: dps is a form of dmg mitigation, party utilities(ie non-selfish) are dmg mitigation. It’s like “peace through superior firepower”.
People need to either wake up and adapt or they need to go back to whatever trinity based MMO they came from.
And I think that lays some of the problems. I mentioned above and I’ll say again. Right now reflect/evade/aegis etc are pretty much independent from stats. Yes, boon duration affect to some degree but not game changing. Trait passive isn’t that important either. Result in any build can bring those “supports” without sacrificing much stats.
And no, it’s not right. A build becomes imba when it can access too many things at once. For example in pvp, the old hambow having access to good damage ALSO good cc, now you know what happen to them. Same in pve, if a class has good utilities like reflect, the dps or other stats should be bought down to equal it out. Right now, I don’t see it balanced this way. Warrior has great party buff while having good burst dps, many evade skills, god mobilities. Guardian has awesome reflects, party support, block/vigor/aegis in the world while having good dps.
That hambow warrior also had extreme access to defence and sustain due to healing signet and warriors naturally good health and armor, not to mention adrenaline regen and cleansing ire. It definitely wasn’t CC and damage alone that made hambow what it was. Say, lock down mesmer has both extreme offense and decent CC, but it is only so good in spvp. It’s usable but not a top build.
If someone can’t avoid kill shot it means he should L2P, warrior who hits that hard is a glass cannon who will fall on first shatter mesmer clone attack, which is basically unavoidable according to kill shot.
lol, not everything is a l2p issue. i feel like people hide behind this reply because they don’t want their class getting nerfed. when you are in a group fight of really anything > 5 people with a lot going on, it isn’t possible to see what every enemy is doing at all times. killshot is 1500 range which allows the warrior to be pretty far away (out of field of view).
also, just because a class is glassy, doesn’t mean they are a 1 shot. warrior has a lot of ways to avoid damage: shield block, endure pain, berserker stance to avoid condi, sword block, etc. these alone are more than enough to mitigate high damage shatters. i definitely think you’re the bad player in this situation – you most likely abuse the meta and play cheese builds for an ego boost.
tho there really is no excuse for letting a warrior killshot you 1v1.
Well, if the warrior can just endure pain the shatters, why can’t you blurred frenzy the kill shot? No matter what situation, kill shot is always a lot easier to avoid than the usual mug backstab combo.
(edited by Master of Timespace.2548)
but despite all these compains, gw2 still comes as top choice for mmo pvp in online discussions
Well it has rather talented PR team.
This is a theme park mmo whose primary source of income is item mall. There will always be design choices that are unfavorable to the average player.
You sound like your one-man-crusade against conditions must continue…
Is there a food out there that reduces the physical damage I take by 40%? How about 30%? 20% maybe???? That is what your -40% food does to me if I don’t take rare veggie.
Is there a trait line in every class that gives an overall 30% boost to condi duration? Yes.
Are there more runes that give more duration than reduction? Yes.
Is there a Sigil than increases duration but not a corresponding one to reduce it? Yes.
Is there a weapon line that gives an increase to duration but not a corresponding one to reduce it. Yes.
There are far more ways to increase duration than reduce. Bumping power by 300 is in most situations less than a 10% boost in overall damage. Bumping Condition Damage or Condition Duration by the same amount has a much bigger impact on overall damage output than power or precision.
And toughness, and boon duration, and power, and precision, and crit damage, and vitality… Your point has no validity because A) Power has more damage options.
The power options relate to more damage over their condition counterpart. C) You don’t seem to understand the math, similar to the OP.
Gotta love how you rely to mathematics without actually providing any mathematics in your post. Might as well refer to The Bible next time.
Anyway, I don’t think the issue is necessarily condition damage itself. It’s also the existence of traits such as dhoom fire that procs powerful conditions in a way that they cannot be avoided.
(edited by Master of Timespace.2548)
Expansions and persistent content require a lot more thought, depth, development, AND TESTING than the shallow, simple, temporary, achievement-driven living story releases. They don’t require a great deal of testing because they’re so small and modular that if there are problems, they’re quickly patched, or at least band-aided, until the next release replaces it. More persistent content, as with a full expansion requires more maintenance and it’s much more apparent when it doesn’t work. Lost Shores was a prime example of how NOT to do an expansion. Bugs all over the place, horrible lag and disconnection problems, and a baron island left there with no real reason to ever go there. To this day the island just doesn’t feel like it belongs in the game.
I always liked the Karka Land. It’s release went smoothly for me so it was a nice experience, but I understand that bugs ruined it for many. Saying that there is no real reason to ever go there is a little unfair. The area has unique, exotic atmosphere, and is quite beatiful in my opinion. The karkas also provide more interesting fights than most mobs out there.
As for the topic, is it known if this image has been recently added to the client, or if it has been there forever? The former would be much more alarming. Though it could very well still be an april fools joke. Just a little early now xD
(edited by Master of Timespace.2548)
You could try some sort of macro that moves mouse with the keyboard, letting you turn fast. It wouldn’t be as good as actual mouse, but faster than the keyboard turning. As far as I know, Anet is okay with macros that don’t give a player an advantage over others, and is “one button to one action”.
Just out of curiosity, how on earth do you think that adding more information to an already overloaded screen will make it less cluttered?
It wouldn’t make it less cluttered, but would still make the game more readable. The problem with the clutter is that it hides the relevant information: instead of seeing that asura casting a mark, I see a forest animal just standing there. For example air plane kittenpits are completly loaded with all sorts of gauges and what not. But they are still easy to read because the relevant information isn’t hidden by the less important meters.
That’s a reasonable complaint. But really, I just see it as a part of the game.
That’s a trivial statement with no value. No matter how badly a given mechanic would ruin an otherwise interesting game, the statement “it’s part of the game” would still be true. Thus it can’t work as an argument when debating whether if a given mechanic should exist in a game.
(edited by Master of Timespace.2548)
Aye, totally annoying when you need to kitten out from a fight look around the map.
Same access to stealth as before, but stealth spamming wasn’t viable until Prismatic Understanding was buffed. Unless if you are a p/d thief or some other specific spec that can fight PU, it is often best to just move away. Fortunately this type mesmers can’t chase very well.
Pretty sure you guys mean tags instead of kills.
Want hard, use white items and not exotic/ascended.
Think you mean slow.
Anyway, try to troll frostgorge champion trainers alone. That’s pretty difficult, but oh, so very rewarding.
(edited by Master of Timespace.2548)
Dodge roll – Added a unique ~0.10s aftercast which takes priority over aftercast-ignoring skills such as dodge rolls. This encourages players to dodge reactively rather than proactively.
That sounds very artificial. It would make dodging and certain defensive skills feel clunky and less intuitive. If you really want to fix dodge spamming and random dodges, then you need to start from the million skills and situations that encourage such random dodging. Adding more chewing gum and tape is only going to make the game worse.
Hidden Killer – Now instead adds 30% Critical Chance while in stealth. Adds a static 10% Critical Damage.
Increase damage but add a small, frustrating and annoying RNG factor? Why?
I’m not comparing them, but at the moment Thieves’ guild is useless in a teamfight and not taken by anyone for good reason.
And that’s a bad thing? Might as well “fix” guardian pets because they don’t perform as well as ranger ones in team fights, so that we will then have both spirit guardians and rangers!
So that this post wouldn’t be full of complaining, I want to say that your sword and dagger changes I like.
(edited by Master of Timespace.2548)
Why is this still not adressed?
Because it wouldn’t increase Item Mall profits.
(edited by Master of Timespace.2548)
Sorry, it’s year 2014. No longer does everyone sleep every night so that they can then milk the cows at 5am. A more natural way to balance the coverage issues would be to scale PPT according to how many players are in wvw atm when compared to the weekly average population. The scaling wouldn’t necessarily have to be linear.
They should reduce the thoughness benefit in WvW by half. That would promote skilled, reactive glass cannon play styles over the silly face tanking & blobbing that we have now.
Very few of the pvt spammers out there could actually pull a proper gc.
(edited by Master of Timespace.2548)
If you think about it you have two weap sets you can swap to a heal skill 3 utilities and an elite and some f1 skills. Engi actually only has one wep set then his utility kits. Overall none of the class are that hard you pretty much just spam everything and put it on cooldown then switch weps.
The game I played before guild wars was Darkfall. Most have never heard of it. It was a full loot free aim style hardcore pvp game. You had 10 hot bars with 10 slots on each. So you had a total of 100 different skills and spells to use at your disposel. We actually used all those skills/spells when they were needed. Making the game have a much higher skill ceiling then any of these tab target games with 10-15 total skills/spells. Before that I played utlima online. A mage had 64 spells in that game.
A small amount of skills or actions does not necessarily mean that the game is easy or shallow. A trivial example is Chess.
The fact that you’ve only been playing the game for 2 months makes it reasonable why you do not understand the OP. I suggest you read it again.
I don’t need to read it again. Every forum of every MMO is filled with complaints from people who play insane amounts of time and get bored of the game, but rather than recognizing that maybe they should take a break and try something else, claim that there’s something wrong with the game.
There are some issues with the game though. Spvp has flopped, almost every major team has left and the balance is in terrible state. It is also difficult not to get bored when there is only one gimmicky game mode to play. WvW is still popular, but it feels like Beta. Probably because it was very unfinished already during the betas, and hasn’t been changed much since. Well, they are coming up with that new map, Edge of the Mists, we’ll see how that’ll turn out.
Not that I’d care. I hardly play this game anymore. I wanted it for the pvp, but the pvp is as shallow as in the average free to play JRPG.
(edited by Master of Timespace.2548)
Well I’m going mostly by DnD logic. And norn heavy armor will be bigger and heavier then a human one so no not really. A norn necromancer never learned to use heavy armor and would thus be ineffective in it. (Arcane spell failure…)
But if you think about it, if you’ve been using heavy armour to train to fight all your life, then suddenly switch to a very much lighter armor, you’ll completely mess up your balance, overswing your sword, overextend your attacks and generally fight like a moron.
So, why not just abandon logic?
Not sure if you ever used a sword or armor before but you usually start trainig with no armor. Gradually you can use chain or plate ( Most people skip leather tunics). So trust me when i tell you you will not mess up your balance or overswing.
Well perhaps some casters have been warriors before they went to the school of magic? So they could very well know how to use plate armor depending on their history.
(edited by Master of Timespace.2548)
Because I like to be able to distinguish classes on a glance in WvW/sPvP.
You can’t anyway if they are asura.
strength in numbers.
the party with less numbers is not suppose to win the battle and come out alive. especially in a 1 vs 2 situation.
Why not? In fact, in a game mode that by desing has many 1 vs 2 encounters, you’d except 1v2 to be possible.
(edited by Master of Timespace.2548)
Should just allow to mix armors as you please. Would create some nice combinations.
“but then I can’t tell the class from armors!” is not an argument as long as there are asuras.
(edited by Master of Timespace.2548)
Lately I’ve been trying out confusion builds for mesmer and i came to the realization that confusion doesn’t do as much damage as it should.
Once upon a time, in the land of common sense… fast-attacking, bursty professions (or playstyles) had hard counters called retaliation and confusion. Sadly, many thieves and warriors (and even a few rangers) invaded the land of common sense and cried loudly for the ability to win more easily against such counters, arguing that they should be allowed to deal 10-20,000 damage without impunity or risk… and they won.
Confusion and retaliation have both been severely nerfed.
Hopefully, Guild Wars 2 will not need its “n00b tube” professions/play styles forever and things will return to balance… all styles should have a counter-style.
Ironically, if there are noob tube builds in gw2, they are the tanky condition specs such as spirit rangers and pu mesmers. Glass cannons are a lot more difficult and less forgiving to play.
Confusion or retalation also never were good counters against burst thieves.
(edited by Master of Timespace.2548)
To those complaining that they could have won certain fights if down state is not in the game, I highly recommend that you read this article.
If a mechanics is not fun, its a valid reason to complain about it. But if you are complaining just because a mechanics is costing you a victory, then you are never going to learn counters and play to your full potential.
Downed state kills lots of fun indirectly, especially in the conquest format. In the conquest mode, lot’s of 1v2s happen. Downed state makes it impossible for the underdog to win this type fights.
Winning against unfavorable odds would be very exciting and fun, especially for the observers of the match. It isn’t very interesting to watch a fight that is over before it even begins. A game of “move between points so that you get 1v2s and 2v3s to your favor” also isn’t very interesting.
I quess it’s cool for duels but it’s little clumsy for WvW roaming. The interrupt is almost useless if you play against 2. It’s shatter effect is also somewhat predictable as it can’t instantly pop 3 clones like the usual shatter build, but then again, you can lock them down for the burst.
I do like the build and it’s fun to play.
(edited by Master of Timespace.2548)
Spam as much dodge as you can is better tactic in most situations.
Replacing a whole class with a random gimmick was the worst idea ever, and probably one of the reasons why spvp flopped so majorly.
Conditions against hammer train. Good luck with that. Seriously, do you people even play this game?
As long as you can use pve skills, gear and buffs in wvw it is pointless to ask any kind of balance.
PvP is just as bad if not even worse when it comes to balance. PvP gear does not magically guarantee balance.
(edited by Master of Timespace.2548)
But the issue here is that stacking is overpowered. It’s the exact same thing as with all overpowered things: they trivialise content. This is in no way differend from mini golem bombs or other overpowered things that have existed in the game.
Going to have to tell my Wife I’m going to be late for dinner because someone is wrong on the internet…
The only overpowered “thing” that trivializes ALL content in ANY game you play is humans. Intelligence, hand-eye coordination, and the ability to recognize patterns in the AI trivializes content far-and-away more than stacking does. Minimize or do away with completely the human player’s intelligence, hand-eye coordination, and ability to recognize patterns in AI attacks and you will successfully created a hard game. All of your arguements to get rid of things that trivialize content are moot until you nullify the ability of the player to recognize things that can be used as an advantage in a game. Period. (Incase you didn’t catch what I meant one way to non-trivialize all content in this game is play drunk… everyone play drunk. Have a blower on the computer you have to blow into to register blood-alcohol levels that have to be over the legal limit for the program to start and continue to run.)
Or, just make it like that Playstation game Dark Souls.
I’m not sure if I still agree.
The only overpowered “thing” that trivializes ALL content in ANY game you play is humans.
So if there was a button in chess that would automatically win the game for you, it would be the human (or monkey) who’d trivialize the game by pressing that button, and not the button itself? But surely it’s really the button that is overpowered, and thus hides the otherwise challenging mechanics of the game?
(edited by Master of Timespace.2548)
So while destroying the tower of nightmares there’s a bit of text where Scarlet writes that humans are always in the way. Does she imply the crown pavilion? There was a massive gaping hole there before. Do we know what was there? Could that particular place be the reason divinity’s reach was build there ( Correct me if it’s been specified otherwise).
I’ve been there with my guildies. There were some strange structures and spikes.
It’s a hidden nerf. Anet is pretty pro at those as history has shown.
PU condition build is no harder to play than spirit ranger. In fact, it might even be easier for a newbie because it has so much stealth.
Mesmer: …No condi amulets, really what kinda scum just stealths all day and lets there auto attacks and AI slowly(quickly) kill there opponent with zero timing or skill at all.
pulls out toy doll Please, show us where the condi Mesmer touched you.
How does the condi Mesmer auto attacks kill you quickly? The scepter auto attack CRITS for 400 at most with condi build. If you dodge a phantasm and don’t attack during the scepter 2 block, all their damage goes out the door. And if you are talking stun Mesmer…the stun is harder to land than you think. It does take timing….the same amount of timing landing a successful updraft would take. I’m sorry about eles, but that is anets fault. No need to blame condition amulet mesmers…
Please, show us where the bad op touched you.
What the titles says^^^^ It feels so unfair ,me being a warrior and a Mesmer DPSing me hard and i lose only a 5% portion of my health. That`s just unacceptable.
This game has the best MMO class balance of any MMO out there. Go to a game like LOTRO, then you’ll QQ.
Still it has probably the smallest pvp player base of any modern mmo.
Where did everyone get the idea that thief has the best burst damage? Thief doesn’t have anywhere near the top burst damage, and for that matter we don’t have any burst damage at all. All of our damage is 100% sustained. (at least in pve)
ive been saying this. we lost burst dmg when w had mug nerf.
Did you even bother checking the video posted by dooooom (or something), where thief does this in 6 seconds?
Thief never really had the greatest dps, that’s always gone to the warrior usually. We do however have some decent burst.
And this kinda to be expected.
In PvE, all buffs being equal, Thief has the second highest dps behind Staff Ele. Warriors are squarely in the middle.
I’m pretty sure I saw some calculations from someone that put LH ele at 1.2% above d/d thief on single targets.
Where did everyone get the idea that thief has the best burst damage? Thief doesn’t have anywhere near the top burst damage, and for that matter we don’t have any burst damage at all. All of our damage is 100% sustained. (at least in pve)
Check the link in the very post above your post… Thief has 6 seconds now, and is thus the current leader.
This is a speed race that only lasts a few seconds meaning we sacrifice our normal dungeon setups to bring burst damage because we only have to last for less than 10 seconds.
edit: To make it more clear, we have burst damage but to get it we have to sacrifice all our sustained damage.
edit: To make it more clear, we have burst damage. But, to get it, we have to sacrifice all of our sustained damage which isn’t worth it unless your going for a speed kill like this.
The sustained damage is allright too though. Just spam pistol whip, it’s fine.
Where did everyone get the idea that thief has the best burst damage? Thief doesn’t have anywhere near the top burst damage, and for that matter we don’t have any burst damage at all. All of our damage is 100% sustained. (at least in pve)
Check the link in the very post above your post… Thief has 6 seconds now, and is thus the current leader.
Seems balanced to me: Either trade some of your DPS out for vitality or die.
Or roll condition and get both.
Are we talking about stacking conditions (which certain light armored classes rely on) or stacking as in like “stack in this corner to win” ?
The latter.
wait… what’s wrong with stacking?
It trivializes combat, for example
Have you considered not stacking then?
Rather than remove the option to stack, how about you exercise your option to not stack?
Feel free to run around in circles around mobs and spam whatever range weapon you prefer. Just make sure to do it either when solo, or in groups specifically advertised for it:
“LFM AC Path 1. NO STACKING! Have at least 1 hour!”
Let me guess: LF3M ONLY WAR ZERK NO NOOBS is a good thing for the game.
Not really. If you’ve seen any of my guild’s dungeon run videos, you’ll see that we’ve moved past the 1mes/4war comps long ago.
Why though, when all you need to do is stack 4 warriors? Ironically ""LFM AC Path 1. NO STACKING! Have at least 1 hour!"" applies to this as well :P
Because it’s about choosing the option that is most optimal. Depending on the dungeon/path/fractal, we’ll always switch around our various alts as needed to make the run faster and easier.
Most optimal on what measure? If I can watch emmerdale while zooming through content, well I don’t think things can be more optimal than that. Perhaps there is a way to make the dungeon a few minutes faster by using some other comb. But that’s not worth it if it takes more effort.
See that’s the beauty of it, and this is my interpretation of the meaning behind “play how you want”.
I and my like-minded guildies can do our daily dungeon speed clears with respect to the least amount of deaths, downtime and overall time to make the most gold per hour, all the while having fun (yes, this is fun of some of us). On the other hand, you and your like-minded friends can also clear content at your own pace, while multi-tasking activities outside of the game.
What really gets my goat is when people from either style of play joins a group comprising of the other and then refuses to leave or adapt, while touting “i play how i want”.
But the issue here is that stacking is overpowered. It’s the exact same thing as with all overpowered things: they trivialise content. This is in no way differend from mini golem bombs or other overpowered things that have existed in the game.