best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”
(edited by MikaHR.1978)
You can always do what you did before- go out of the game and look it up.
I thought all pros already knew that when starting new character as noone needs any info on anything, and for this masterrace tooltip is mere overdoing it.
Actually its amusing, you whine because of how old stuff worked without even realizing it
(edited by MikaHR.1978)
Yeah, these TP traders that were 2 meters from city were such an integral and fundamental part of the game that game really is over now.
Without them everything else fades!
Actually 30 and onwards.
But you see, vets lerning new stuff….2 years from launch.
Just more proof it was warranted.
@ MikeHR: Please. The Op isn’t suggesting anything specific. Where on earth did you get that the idea he/she was referring specifically to forum posts? Because they posted this on a forum? Surely you see that idiocy in that. Is there somewhere else they should express this without the bias of people like you assuming simply because you post your opinion on virtually the only place it can be viewed by Anet that it should be inherently disregarded simply because they voiced their opinion on the only means of expression Anet can see? Is there a democratic meeting that’s held monthly I wasn’t made aware of?
Irrelevant. I’m not here to debate. I’m here merely to express that I acknowledge the personal expression the OP has conveyed here. Whether I agree with his/her complaints or not I don’t see worth voicing right now. The point of my post is simply to point out that some here, whether their complaints are justified or not, serve to show that Anet has some pretty dedicated fans behind it. I’m simply looking at things outside the box here. For a company to have someone communicate their emotional investment in the game like this, is something to consider, regardless of how you feel about what their specifically trying to express.
Some will take what I’m pointing out into consideration. Those that won’t will disregard my and the OP’s post as, simply, different form their own, and therefore, unimportant.
Either way, I find it comforting people here are able to voice their disapproval with anet (which seems to be, like a newly buffed class, the new flavor of the month from the forums) in an actual way that involves more than just, Anet omgwtfbbq do you even lift, which I have seen (granted this is in.. simplified terms-ish) so frequently on the forums these past few days.
becasue i doubt he means to have a hotline and pocket dev to do this.
Yes, i suggested looooooooong time ago that for major-ish decisions there should be non-voluntary survey ingame.
For some other things there could be voluntary surveys ingame.
Hello frands! Vee Wee here, #1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
Terrible! Simply terrible! There’s my feedback! Time and time again Anet has shown that they think us players are morans! Complete and utter illiterate morans! When they released the new grandmaster skills, they locked them out of PvP (you know that place where everything is supposed to be on equal footing and unlocked for you) because they thought the players would be too overwhelmed by the additional choices! They did the same thing with the new runes! And the new amulets! And the new sigils!
“Well our playerbase can’t possibly know how to read! That’s preposterous! Ho ho haw haw ho!” -Anet
And now they think our skills and utilities are too confusing! Here’s an idea! Maybe some people thought certain abilities were confusing because the tooltips are always wrong/misleading/poorly worded! Fast forward over 2 years and countless “patches” later, these godawful tooltips still exist! For example, when you trait Illusionists Celerity and take a weapon cooldown trait, an illusion summoning skill will not display the correct cooldown! It’s been OVER TWO YEARS!
We are not illiterate! We are not morans! We are not dumb! Please, for the love of christ, stop treating us like we were dropped on our heads as babies! Reverse these gated changes aimed towards the mentally handicapped because I can assure you the vaaaaaaaaaast majority of your playerbase aren’t so! Thanks for reading!
-Disgruntled veteran Vee Wee, #1 Engi NA and world first rank 80
Wahoo! Bye frands!
Actually asking these “vets” and “pros” simple damage formula in GW2 produced either crickets or some complete nonsense.
So yeah.
Let’s face it guys… There’s apparently a new gamer demographic out there anet is catering too…
This demographic can no longer research, explore, or even figure things out by simply thinking.
The gamers of old are too experienced with mmog’s and are being washed out bythe flood of incompetent, inexperienced gamers…
Forget casual and hardcore.
Actually, by the most “responses” to leveling changes most “vets” and “pros” are in that “new gamer demographic” and ones that actually need even more handholding than NPE (they actually NEED dev to hold their hands as theyre not capable to grasp even simplest things as they bravely demonstarted in last few days)
I guess they recognized themselves in “NPE” and had a….bad reaction.
Sad but it is what it is.
(edited by MikaHR.1978)
Im pretty sure that particualr thing is leveling only.
Metrics are tools, nothing more.
The problem with too much focus on metrics is that you tend to design a game to match the metrics instead of innovating. I hope that ArenaNet understands this or they will fall pray to the same problem that the social game industry fell into. Too Many Clones. (Or is the AAA gaming industry already at that problem).
Extra Credits: Metrics above video explains another reason that is applicable to Guild Wars 2. Often metrics based games create inaccessible products only accessible to a niche player-base. This is perhaps what happened in the initial development of this game. Leading to a complete re-design of core systems.
Of course, but read OP. He actually suggest directing your game by forum whines.
I know i wouldnt play THAT game, and most of this changes are partially based on forum whines (whines of GW1 skill hunting (which was bad), whines that game doesnt have any sense of direction and character feels complete when you ding 30, and theres no gear grind)
Metrics are part of the decisions making, and whining of forums should just be ignored if theyre smart.
No they should use forum whines from handful of whiners on the forum!
What a revolutionary idea!
I doubt GW2 will be FTP like SWTOR.
SWTOR failed because they tried to survive on box sales and subscription only.
They panicked and came up with their free to play model on the fly. GW2 was developed with the current model in mind and was developed quite well around it.
The VIP would only be an optional subscription model which offered additional benefits you would usually find in the cash shop.
My guess is that everything listed in the VIP bundle will also be sold separately in the cash shop, but the benefit for being VIP is that you save more gems and after 12 months of being a VIP you gain a precursor (which may not have the same value once we start crafting precursors).
I still don’t like the idea, like you said, the system works, you buy what you want if and when you want (disregarding temp stuff obviously) would you save gems? Probably, but would you really? You’re getting stuff you don’t mind but at the same time you’d never buy separately.
It’s the same thing with phone contracts, mine doesn’t have a subscription/mandatory fee which means the calls are more expensive, but I spend 4 times less in a year window.
For me these kind of tactics just feel dishonest, and then you have the precursor…Before anything, an item to have any value in an MMO has to be rare, that means MOST people can’t have it.
Precursor crafting is said to be on the works for over a year, I think it will never come, that means this VIP system would be the only sure way for one, need I say more?And I don’t even care about legendary weapons, I got a precursor dropped from Jormag that I could use in 2 chats and I just sold the thing, they just look silly, the ultimate prove people don’t mind looking like fabulous clowns just to get some sense of entitlement.
By the way, a much better way for a sure precursor would be 500 laurels, just saying Anet, quick and simple.
Actually you dont seem to understand people very well.
Back when LOTRO went F2P you had an option to buy stuff or rent it by sub. Buying was much cheaper but required a bit of work (and not getting some stuff nau). Guess what – despite it most of people choose sub. Just because.
Same goes with phone companies. I advised people how to reduce their bills, bt they dont want to and stick to more expencive option. Dont blame phone companies as they DO provide both ways. If people choose to pay more – why not let them, in the end its their choice.
Sure way of getting precursor is dumping lot og $$ into gems. And it would be actually cheaper option than VIP (as things stand ATM). so yeah. Not really big deal as option was right there from launch.
(edited by MikaHR.1978)
- Adapt Tier Traits (Unlocked at level 30)
- Elite Skill (Unlocked at level 40)
- Master Traits (Unlocked at level 60)
- Grandmaster Traits (Unlocked at level 80)
This sucks for WvW.
I’ve got 8 alts (including the one I just started) and despite being a lowbie, I’ve still been pretty darned useful in WvW. These changes make it a lot more difficult to NOT be rally bait.
As someone who plays mostly WvW, I absolutely hate how a lot of low-level characters are rallybait. I used to start doing WvW at level 40 on most of my alts, and the April patch pretty much ruined that by making it to where you don’t get any good traits until level 60. This new patch will make it SIGNIFICANTLY WORSE for anyone trying to WvW on anything that isn’t close to max level.
For that matter, it seems that there are some huge downscaling issues in PvE. Can anyone confirm whether or not there are any huge upscaling issues in WvW? Because, I’d really like to make a level 2 ranger with certain equipment and see if I could just LOLkill everyone with mainhand axe. If downscaled characters are arbitrarily weaker than level-appropriate characters, I figured upscaled characters might actually be stronger than level 80 characters. I’m seriously thinking about testing that out. I might do that when I get off the forums.
In regards to uplevels, so many times I’ve been in a group, and you’re about to kill an enemy but they rally off of one of your low level allies who has already been downed. You don’t want to tell them to leave because in small groups even a low level could CC people (or at least they could back when they could learn all of their weapon skills) and in a zerg numbers can often be the deciding factor especially since the low levels can attack from range and hopefully not be targeted. So, you’re basically stuck with players who you KNOW will be rallybait, but you can’t really do anything about it because you might need them. It’s not even really their fault anyway because you used to be able to WvW with some effectiveness at level 40 or even 30 back when you could actually get trait points. But now that it’s basically impossible to get any good traits at that level, much less several, uplevels are massively less effective than they were a year ago especially if they are a profession such a mesmer which relies fairly heavily on traits. I guess if you are a mesmer you could always be a portal bot for your golems. But, that would only further be cementing your role as a mule who is useless in battle.
Upscales were ALWAYS horrible and rally bots in www. It isnt/wasnt thier fault and i said countless times upscaling should be much much more effective. No 1-2 traits havent changed that.
*why would anyone care if another person is VIP?
Does them spending money irritate you so much that you would quit?*
Or maybe it’s the idea that after spending money for a year they will get a precursor (not even a full legendary).
Ohh, someone is willing to spend money to support the game… bad man!
None of the benefits seem like it would have any impact on PvP except maybe the precursor… after a full year of being VIP then doing the work to get the precursor crafted… oh and we maybe crafting precursors soon… so that whole VIP bonus drops in value.
Grow up, let people spend their money to be VIPs and stop being jealous of the Jones.
If Anet add VIP in any form I’m done for good. I own a collectors edition and buy gems so spending money obviously doesn’t bother me but add PTW and I’m out.
So… come youre not offended by bundles they currently sell in cash shop?
Does it REALLY matter how ANet sells the stuff from cash shop?
Golem banker – already in shop
Black Lion traders – already in shop
Additional bags
Almost everything IS already in shop.So whats the big deal in putting it in one 30 days bundle and calling it “VIP status”
Please elaborate (for those who go even so far as “leaving the game” if this makes it in)
So will you still be playing if the VIP comes in?
I dont really care. Its standard practice to bundle items and sell them. Its not like gem shop doesnt have bundled items from launch.
Is it name that offends people “VIP status”?
What if they call it “monthly convenience bundle”? MCBundle ;P
The VIP system in china includes things such as:
Free precursors
The ability to trade more than 5 items a day (everyone else gets restricted)
A temporary 50% dmg booster
The ability to instantly port around the map (meaning if you don’t pay for that you will never get to an event in time again, no karma or gold for you)
40-50% discounts on gem store items which have increased pricesIf you don’t pay for VIP the game is gutted and unplayable. They offer convenience for the VIP players by removing it from all the other players.
And if you don’t think they’d do that, just look at SAB. you used to be able to easily get continue coins by a dozen different methods… one day the infinite continue coin gets put in the gem store and 99% of those methods are nerfed out of the game. Buy it or suffer was the message.
Well, that would include enforcing these restrictions first. Anything is possible, but hey a buttrfly can also cause a tornado.
These isnt about Chinese VIP (and general Chinese handling of the game as NCSoft doesnt do that in China fyi) but a general “VIP program” (custom tailored for western market just as KZ tailored theirs for eastern one)
The leveling system was also custom tailored for china… that worked out well for us…
Its not, its based on US/EU expereince with the game (community/feedback/metrics)
Does it REALLY matter how ANet sells the stuff from cash shop?
Golem banker – already in shop
Black Lion traders – already in shop
Additional bags
Almost everything IS already in shop.So whats the big deal in putting it in one 30 days bundle and calling it “VIP status”
Please elaborate (for those who go even so far as “leaving the game” if this makes it in)
So will you still be playing if the VIP comes in?
I dont really care. Its standard practice to bundle items and sell them. Its not like gem shop doesnt have bundled items from launch.
Is it name that offends people “VIP status”?
What if they call it “monthly convenience bundle”? MCBundle ;P
The VIP system in china includes things such as:
Free precursors
The ability to trade more than 5 items a day (everyone else gets restricted)
A temporary 50% dmg booster
The ability to instantly port around the map (meaning if you don’t pay for that you will never get to an event in time again, no karma or gold for you)
40-50% discounts on gem store items which have increased pricesIf you don’t pay for VIP the game is gutted and unplayable. They offer convenience for the VIP players by removing it from all the other players.
And if you don’t think they’d do that, just look at SAB. you used to be able to easily get continue coins by a dozen different methods… one day the infinite continue coin gets put in the gem store and 99% of those methods are nerfed out of the game. Buy it or suffer was the message.
Well, that would include enforcing these restrictions first. Anything is possible, but hey a buttrfly can also cause a tornado.
These isnt about Chinese VIP (and general Chinese handling of the game as NCSoft doesnt do that in China fyi) but a general “VIP program” (custom tailored for western market just as KZ tailored theirs for eastern one)
So my suggestion to Anet is go back to the standalone expansion pack model.
Look at gem price. 4000 gems will cost you 50$, 10 bucks short of expansion price. Now consider what you can buy with those 4k gems in gem store. Now just compare how much effort it takes to make those few outfits, armor sets etc. you can buy with 4k gems and how much effort it takes to make a decent expansion. That’s increasing profits by cutting expenses. I believe is to be the part of their business strategy and the reason we haven’t seen an expansion for 2 years now and prolly won’t see one for another ~year. Eventually they prolly will have to make one, just to try and restart the cycle.
Big hole in your – you can ignore cash shop altogether and you cannot ignore expansions (as was seen in GW1).
AND they have fastest content releases in industry and that require 0 cost after initial purchase.
Big hole in the way you type, why would I want to ignore the cash shop? and expansions? you’d also be fooling yourself for equating the “0 cost” bi-monthly releases as a reason to say they’ve added any significant content to the game.
Wut? Write more coherent as your post makes 0 sense.
wow, that’s exactly how I feel about everything you’ve said.
Well, youre the only one. Have fun.
So my suggestion to Anet is go back to the standalone expansion pack model.
Look at gem price. 4000 gems will cost you 50$, 10 bucks short of expansion price. Now consider what you can buy with those 4k gems in gem store. Now just compare how much effort it takes to make those few outfits, armor sets etc. you can buy with 4k gems and how much effort it takes to make a decent expansion. That’s increasing profits by cutting expenses. I believe is to be the part of their business strategy and the reason we haven’t seen an expansion for 2 years now and prolly won’t see one for another ~year. Eventually they prolly will have to make one, just to try and restart the cycle.
Big hole in your – you can ignore cash shop altogether and you cannot ignore expansions (as was seen in GW1).
AND they have fastest content releases in industry and that require 0 cost after initial purchase.
Big hole in the way you type, why would I want to ignore the cash shop? and expansions? you’d also be fooling yourself for equating the “0 cost” bi-monthly releases as a reason to say they’ve added any significant content to the game.
Wut? Write more coherent as your post makes 0 sense.
So my suggestion to Anet is go back to the standalone expansion pack model.
Look at gem price. 4000 gems will cost you 50$, 10 bucks short of expansion price. Now consider what you can buy with those 4k gems in gem store. Now just compare how much effort it takes to make those few outfits, armor sets etc. you can buy with 4k gems and how much effort it takes to make a decent expansion. That’s increasing profits by cutting expenses. I believe is to be the part of their business strategy and the reason we haven’t seen an expansion for 2 years now and prolly won’t see one for another ~year. Eventually they prolly will have to make one, just to try and restart the cycle.
Big hole in your – you can ignore cash shop altogether and you cannot ignore expansions (as was seen in GW1).
AND they have fastest content releases in industry and that require 0 cost after initial purchase.
Well to be blunt, GW2 is not a game that makes people want to keep playing.
I’ll return to that later but first I have to backtrack for a sec. The reason behind this level gating of everything is to slow down the 1-80. It’s not to make the game better for new players. When it comes to new player experience, there’s no right answer. No matter what you do, some people will like the new player experience, and others won’t. And I’d say when you already have a successful model (GW2 had a successful launch, which IMO proves that the new player experience had a successful model) changing things drastically is more likely to hurt the new player experience than improve it.
But again that’s not why they did this.
I’m guessing they looked at their metadata and realized they have no player retention at all.
Most people play through the personal story once, then they get bored and quit.
Anet’s desperate answer is to make the 1-80 drag longer, and hopefully get more gem purchases out of those players who are fated to only play through once.
So anyway about GW2 not holding players… Well it’s an MMO without a real endgame. You just run the same instances over and over, or zerg events.
To be fair, it’s really difficult to make a good endgame in an RPG. But if you want some examples look at Dark Souls, or for a more MMOish example, Warframe. Warframe is really cool because you never really feel like you’ve reached the endgame. That’s the key to making people continue to play a game that’s honestly not challenging like GW2, Warframe, or any other MMO. A player should never feel like they’ve reached the top.
Unfortunately this is just how GW2 is. It cannot retain players and there’s no way to fix that. So my suggestion to Anet is go back to the standalone expansion pack model. You’re not gonna keep this game alive with the current business model because it will never have enough player retention. Changes like this are almost death throes. You can’t keep this up.
Actually financial reports prove you wrong.
So yeah.
But would they earn a boatload of (instant) cash by releasing expansion? Sure
Long term revenue? dont think so.
“A player should never feel like they’ve reached the top.”
Really? tell that to all word champions of….anything. I didnt see them quit, lay down and die when theyve earned the title.
(edited by MikaHR.1978)
Sir, your post make no sense.
New leveling system = total headache.
How do you get rid of total headache? You don’t use the new leveling system.
How do you not use the new leveling system? You craft.
What do you need to craft? Materials.
How do you get materials? You gather, or buy. Gathering takes forever. So you buy.
How do you buy? With gold.
Don’t have gold? Buy gems and convert to gold.
??? Profit for ANet.
Theres actually very glaring flaw in your theory – crafting does barely any xp now, so will you commend them at stopping this “cash shop scheme” now? Maybe its a bug, but they havent said anything about it yet.
The only “headache” are traits, but since they also require boatload of skill points, your theory also fails there because youll get gold for them faster than skillpoints needed ;P
New players ??!
All i can think of is since launch players have disliked/hated alot new changes, and things that werent changed and fixed that should have been.
In other words, i keep reading about players , that have played GW2, will NOT recommend it to potentional new players.
Neither will i.Anet may find other means to attract new players, but if a majority of current players will not recommend your game, something is very wrong.
A few people on forum do not a majority make.
Not even ALL people on forum.
All the people, on every forum, and in game map chats, does a majority make. Your sticking your head in the sand when you make such ridiculous claims.
ANet needs to heed their players and they have done some moves where they did that: you’ll notice it’s the stuff not many people have a gripe about. Just about everyone has major issues with this update though, and most of the ones that didn’t have a problem yet didn’t try all the new things released or experience all that was taken away from us, like freedom which is a keystone of any RPG.
Yeeeeah, no
New players ??!
All i can think of is since launch players have disliked/hated alot new changes, and things that werent changed and fixed that should have been.
In other words, i keep reading about players , that have played GW2, will NOT recommend it to potentional new players.
Neither will i.Anet may find other means to attract new players, but if a majority of current players will not recommend your game, something is very wrong.
A few people on forum do not a majority make.
Not even ALL people on forum.
Well, the reason they won’t ( I hope ) and can’t ( it’s obvious ) introduce a VIP status that grants you a precursor after a year of “subscritpion” is because it would become a p2w game. In games like this where itemisation and, generally speaking, looks are the endgame content ( if you think that these few dungeons/fractals, pathetic and neglected PvP and WvW are endgame content, then, well… won’t say anything so as not to get reported by the White Knights ), this is precisely what the definition of “pay to win” is.
Even if this theory comes to fruition….
You already can buy legendary with gold. And you can convert $$ to gold. Since launch. And it comes out much cheaper to do just that and buy precursor than be VIP for a year.
I love the demonization of “white knighting”, like it’s the worst thing you can do to stand up for the work on a game you love by a game developer that has, by in large, done a very good job.
I don’t have a problem with people defending the good parts of the game. I have a problem with people that think that “standing up for a game they like” means they need to defend everything, even if it is bad. Blind defence is as bad as blind hate – and in the long run it hurts everyone, because it gives excuse for the devs to be sloppy and not fix anything.
Have you seen quality of responses?
Have you seen the number of people who just jump on bandwagon without actually knowing what they talk about (but could be found out with minimal research). And funy thing is it actually validates what they have done, wheter you like it or not.
So question is – why do you support (even encourage) such behaviour?
White knoghting is bad – as bad as missinformed and ignorant (lazy responses)
Now go back and look at ratio of one to another. Even devs had to step in to clear this missinformation/ignorance but it did very little to actually stop missinformation/ignorance.
I’m sure new players will have a blast venturing into Frostgorge at level 6! No one would ever quit now, with such an efficient compass to lead to all these fun locations for players of all levels to experience!
IKR! i don’t know why most of the population are complaining about the changes! “morons” ppfffft
So youre actually not complaining about changes but about that arrow is bugged and shows wrong places? So when its fixed youll stop ranting?
Does it REALLY matter how ANet sells the stuff from cash shop?
Golem banker – already in shop
Black Lion traders – already in shop
Additional bags
Almost everything IS already in shop.So whats the big deal in putting it in one 30 days bundle and calling it “VIP status”
Please elaborate (for those who go even so far as “leaving the game” if this makes it in)
So will you still be playing if the VIP comes in?
I dont really care. Its standard practice to bundle items and sell them. Its not like gem shop doesnt have bundled items from launch.
Is it name that offends people “VIP status”?
What if they call it “monthly convenience bundle”? MCBundle ;P
(edited by MikaHR.1978)
They removed being able to die in the starting Story Mode Instance LONG before this change happened… just so you know. You can die in 1-15 zone … I died on purpose a couple times to test.
Ah, you are getting the “why is it futile”
If anything this video (and all who “support” it) shows that these “vets” and “pros” need even more handholding than NPE.
Its really funny (ironic) really that those who cheer this video actually prove ANet right.
Anet isn’t completely silent. They did say there were bugs they were working on, including the fact that some of the new player experience was supposed to not carry over to existing players and did. They don’t know why yet.
Ohh Vayne, your loyalty is cute. ( cute is the best I could come up with , without having the porcelain bus waiting for me)
And your toxicity is obnoxious and annoying. Get it into your head that Anet isn’t making the game the way YOU or anybody else want, they are making the game the way they want. Don’t enjoy it? Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
Actually they dont, on this one they listened to the community.
Just like traits
Just like ascended gear
So yeah.
Does it REALLY matter how ANet sells the stuff from cash shop?
Golem banker – already in shop
Black Lion traders – already in shop
Additional bags
Almost everything IS already in shop.
So whats the big deal in putting it in one 30 days bundle and calling it “VIP status”
Please elaborate (for those who go even so far as “leaving the game” if this makes it in)
(edited by MikaHR.1978)
Oh, I played for the past 2 year, since head start and this is garbage!
Yeah, i wish ANet just stop listening to community.
So basically we have to take things at your word by comparison to reality?
Nope, you just had to play the game for past 2 years and pay attention to whats happening.
MikaHR BS. You name me one person in your guild that had a contribution. You name one in any!
I dont memorize names of countless cluesless people that ive met over the past 2 years, sorry its just not worth brain space.
I dont memorize countless posters about how your character is “complete” at level 30 and theres nothing afterwards.
All these changes in these 2 feature packs are due to feedback from community in past 2 years. Now you can say your thanks to community and thanks Anet for listening to community.
Oh and if you want to whine about something whine abut traits (and that change was because of DIRECT feedback from comunity) as that is actually bad stuff for new players, not if he will get skills few levels earlier or later.
Oh and you can appologize to Chinese on behalf of NA/EU communuty while youre at it, if you really feel like you said you feel.
(edited by MikaHR.1978)
TehPwnerer.7215 it begs the question are the Chinese audience thought of as morons and we must be brought down to their level?
I’ll tell you one thing, I’m an altaholic with sporadic installs, the game now sounds kittene, can I get a refund on my gem purchases in the last 2 weeks, they’re sure as kitten my last! Who the hell is driving @ Anet?
Actually these changes were driven by community playing the game for last 2 years.
So if youre speaking of morons
You can do almsot ALL of that stuff without ever leaving your home city, FYI. They TEACH you if you havent’ already known of those functions (You knwo for NEW people). If you already know how to do it, jsut do it. There are only a few things you can’t do.
You can do at level 1:
Dye Armor
Harvest Materials (go into the city when you get outta the first story and buy some form a crafting master)
Craft Items (just talk to the guy like before and learn the discipline)
You can Visit Vistas AND PoIs you just aren’t directed to them.
WvW or PvP (Use Hot Keys to open the panels or go to LA from Home City to access the Asura Gates)
Can Use Wardrobe just open it up
Can use Minis
Can Access your Bank/Guild Bank
Can Access the Guild Panel Hit G
Can do Jumping Puzzles (I did Morgans Spiral at level 3 and the secret troll one at level 2 just to see)
Can Map Complete and get rewards for it.The Combat stuff is true and locked behind a leveling curve that is significantly increased (It only took me 30 minutes to get to level 10 where all my weapon skills for ALL weapons were unlocked)
At level 13 about 45 min into a new character I unlocked my first Utility skill and as such unlocked Skill Point Challenges. Also, you can use Knowledge Scrolls at any level to learn new healing skills if you don’t like the first one.
EDIT: you also unlock the 1-10 Personal Story at ten and can do the whole arc at once. I did that at level 13 and it got me to level 17 and have a LOT of nice goodies and included the Black Lion Key.
Nah, dont spoil the fun of watching these supposed “vets” and “pros” embarass themselves like OP.
You’re hilarious, bub. I’m sitting here looking at a new account now and they seem to have fixed some of the bugs for accounts who had max level characters already, but everything I mentioned in OP still stands for new accounts.
Nice flame bait.
Oh dont worry, i completely understand you.
Sorry, Mika, but My brain hurts from all of this and I actually LIKE most of the changes to the NPE =(
Actually something goodcame out of this, it showed that “vets” actually need these tutorials.
Its pretty darn good noob filter
We need a new category: vet-noob or noob-vet.
You can do almsot ALL of that stuff without ever leaving your home city, FYI. They TEACH you if you havent’ already known of those functions (You knwo for NEW people). If you already know how to do it, jsut do it. There are only a few things you can’t do.
You can do at level 1:
Dye Armor
Harvest Materials (go into the city when you get outta the first story and buy some form a crafting master)
Craft Items (just talk to the guy like before and learn the discipline)
You can Visit Vistas AND PoIs you just aren’t directed to them.
WvW or PvP (Use Hot Keys to open the panels or go to LA from Home City to access the Asura Gates)
Can Use Wardrobe just open it up
Can use Minis
Can Access your Bank/Guild Bank
Can Access the Guild Panel Hit G
Can do Jumping Puzzles (I did Morgans Spiral at level 3 and the secret troll one at level 2 just to see)
Can Map Complete and get rewards for it.The Combat stuff is true and locked behind a leveling curve that is significantly increased (It only took me 30 minutes to get to level 10 where all my weapon skills for ALL weapons were unlocked)
At level 13 about 45 min into a new character I unlocked my first Utility skill and as such unlocked Skill Point Challenges. Also, you can use Knowledge Scrolls at any level to learn new healing skills if you don’t like the first one.
EDIT: you also unlock the 1-10 Personal Story at ten and can do the whole arc at once. I did that at level 13 and it got me to level 17 and have a LOT of nice goodies and included the Black Lion Key.
Nah, dont spoil the fun of watching these supposed “vets” and “pros” embarass themselves like OP.
MikaHR.1978, these changes had nothing to do with the community, they are based on the design used in China one, that nobody I know requested and therefore not NA/EU community requested.
Actually, ascended, trait and leveling changes are done because direct feedback from community.
community whined that you are “done” with your caharcter by level 30 and theres nothng to level 80.
community whined that game has no sense of direction, has poor explanation of, well, everything and is generally “too hard” and very noob unfriendly
community whined that just reading book at level 20/40/60 sucks and they want to “hunt for traits like GW1”
community whined theres no gear to grind after you get you exotic set.
Yes, “community” doesnt really know what it wants (as if that was ever in question anyway) but ANet chose to listen to commnunity. So community should be extatic that they listen to it, why arent you all dancing with joy?
MikaHR.1978, not sure what you’re getting at, I can tell you for certainty nobody asked my opinion on any of these changes. If they poll ideas in game then everyone has a chance to have their opinion heard, not just the test groups or CDI participants.
Changes introduced in last 2 feature packs are dicrect feedback from community. So go figure, now somehow community dont want changes that it demanded before.
So youu see, when you say “community” nobody actually knows what youre talking about, since “community” wanted completely opposite things (the things you got).
So yeah, no more “community stuff”, mkay?
Tried a little experiment with the new system.
At level 21, in a level 17 zone. I hit level 22 and got +40 to all base attributes. Whoo, now I’m more powerful! This turned out to be about +35ish due to the downscaling but still. More powerful.
Then I hit level 23 in the same area, and lost 8 power and 7 from my other stats. Then I gained another level… and lost 8 power and 7 from the other stats. Wait a minute. What?
With the old system, downscaling made you weaker, but it was gradual as you levelled. With this one, you get a huge spike in stats that makes the game easier, but between these big stat spikes the game difficulty rises quickly. It doesn’t make any sense at all. Going from level 22 to 23 caused me to lose 80 max HP. It’s very weirdly designed. With all the stuff introduced in this patch about introducing new players, this change in particular makes absolutely no sense. The game difficulty wobbles violently from level to level.
Did you experiment with the old system since you have something to compare it to?
What were your stats as lvl 22-23 in lvl 17 zone before change? No? Sheesh.
Yes, it ALSO went down since your gear was worse for your level.
In the old system, downscaling was on the same curve as stat distribution so you actually increased in strength as your level increased. In the current system, base stats are distributed in big “chunks” every few levels, instead of in a steadily increasing curve every level. This means that, due to the down-scaling system not changing to mirror the new stat distribution, you go from being seriously for several levels in between a “stat chunk” being awarded to very, very strong for a single level. Then the cycle repeats.
No you didnt increase in strenght while downscaling. I have 12 lvl 80ies. If you didnt upgrade your gear regularly you were weakling as you lost stats on each level (while dowscaled)
But please, since you have teh numbers show us how your stats behaved from going from lvl 22 to lvl 24 in lvl 17 zone so we can compare it ot now.
I keep seeing the phrase “because people don’t like change” and I think I’ll expand on that statement. What holds true for me in this statement is this; It bother’s me that changes to the core functions in the game that I purchased are made without any real effort on their part to ask the community what they like. I know it’s their game and they can do what they want to it but when the core function of how the game can be played is changed a more concerted effort should be made to get the pulse of the player base. Nothing drives people away faster than being ignored and destroying what they enjoyed about the game. I know people reference the manifesto and in a nutshell that’s the crux, you told us things that were used to sell it to us in the first place then come in and start ripping it away without so much as a “how do you do”. That in a nutshell is why you get the response you do from many veteran players.
I also find it slightly hypocritical that I keep seeing “the forums only represent a small portion of the player base” but this is where they choose to communicate for feedback in things like the CDIs, so which is it, is there value to our opinions on these forums or only when they think it placates the player base? I’ve asked as many have, why can’t you poll players in the game to get a true measure of temperature to certain ideas before putting development time into things? this is a far better way of studying what your customers want than any other format, why do you think polling exists in the first place?
This whole thing was driven from the way they felt the China based game needed to be for it’s successful launch there and now we have to live with it. I think a real effort to reconnect with the wants of the players at this time is urgently needed and I hope things aren’t too far gone.
Sorry, i dont want any more “community enhanncements” in the game as that brought us glorious trait changes AND these changes AND ascended gear….no thanks.
Ill be just fine if ANet just ignores “community”
(edited by MikaHR.1978)
Tried a little experiment with the new system.
At level 21, in a level 17 zone. I hit level 22 and got +40 to all base attributes. Whoo, now I’m more powerful! This turned out to be about +35ish due to the downscaling but still. More powerful.
Then I hit level 23 in the same area, and lost 8 power and 7 from my other stats. Then I gained another level… and lost 8 power and 7 from the other stats. Wait a minute. What?
With the old system, downscaling made you weaker, but it was gradual as you levelled. With this one, you get a huge spike in stats that makes the game easier, but between these big stat spikes the game difficulty rises quickly. It doesn’t make any sense at all. Going from level 22 to 23 caused me to lose 80 max HP. It’s very weirdly designed. With all the stuff introduced in this patch about introducing new players, this change in particular makes absolutely no sense. The game difficulty wobbles violently from level to level.
Did you experiment with the old system since you have something to compare it to?
What were your stats as lvl 22-23 in lvl 17 zone before change? No? Sheesh.
Yes, it ALSO went down since your gear was worse for your level.
When you say veterans, you mean dinosaurs scared of change. Being in the process of leveling my 11th character, with having finished 10 personal stories and living stories I would say I might fall into your categorization of “veteran” yet I do not agree with a single thing you said.
Please do not try to speak for others. Adapt or move on. How simple life is, innit?
Please explain how one adapts to “oh lol, now you have to grind to content!”?
I’m really interested who else thinks it’s fun to have to ride a railroad for several hours before you’re allowed to play how you want.I just want to play how I want, simple, innit?
Please explain of what “grind” you have to do now that you didnt need to do before? If anything lvl 20 reward is 8 skill points so you dont have to grind 7 skill points (like you had to do before)
Enlighten us all about this “added grind”
Forcing us into specific content before we can play how we want. How is that not an added grind? Oh, it’s you talking. You get to define things. Ok, that’s cool.
What “specific” content lol You mean areas appropriate for your character level for noob levels? Really?
What you did before, run frostgorge/orr train on lvl 2?
Character content genius. You cannot, with a straight face, tell me that the last two feature packs have not added more grind to using character skills, abilities, and traits.
Skills and abilities are actually LESS grind now.
And traits are not part of this feature pack, and people whined about “being more like GW1”. Well, now you have that, why are you whining now again, “community” got what it wanted.
Next time be careful what you wish for, as THAT was directly done because of feedback from “community”.
When you say veterans, you mean dinosaurs scared of change. Being in the process of leveling my 11th character, with having finished 10 personal stories and living stories I would say I might fall into your categorization of “veteran” yet I do not agree with a single thing you said.
Please do not try to speak for others. Adapt or move on. How simple life is, innit?
Please explain how one adapts to “oh lol, now you have to grind to content!”?
I’m really interested who else thinks it’s fun to have to ride a railroad for several hours before you’re allowed to play how you want.I just want to play how I want, simple, innit?
Please explain of what “grind” you have to do now that you didnt need to do before? If anything lvl 20 reward is 8 skill points so you dont have to grind 7 skill points (like you had to do before)
Enlighten us all about this “added grind”
Forcing us into specific content before we can play how we want. How is that not an added grind? Oh, it’s you talking. You get to define things. Ok, that’s cool.
What “specific” content lol You mean areas appropriate for your character level for noob levels? Really?
What you did before, run frostgorge/orr train on lvl 2?
Actually, many “vets” should probably make new character and go through new tutorials (from my ingame experience).
So yeah, theres that.
I wasn’t going to say this, but it’s not untrue. There are a lot of 80s out there who really didn’t learn how to play the game that well.
Not to say having the new system would have definitely helped…but I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t hurt.
The problem is the new systems teaches NOTHING. It just prevents you from using your skills until you’ve ground for them. If they couldn’t learn this stuff leveling to 80 then extending the grind isn’t going to help either. This new system is dumb.
I’m not quite sure this is true. The new system certainly teaches you nothing, because presumably you’ve been playing for a while. But a lot of this has to do with how people learn.
Take the example everyone is using, the downed state.
Now when downed state is first experienced in the old system, it’s almost always when you’re learning five, ten, a dozen other things. It comes often out of nowhere, you’re in combat, and you’re clicking really fast in a panic or many are. There’s no real time to stop and digest the skills and if there was, there’s still so much going on in those first levels in the old system, you might not retain most of it.
Now it’s a level unlock that Anet calls attention to.
Do you know, I’ve run into several people that don’t know that the 4th skill in the down ed state gets interrupted if you attack. If you’re healing and no one is attacking you and you hit any other downed skill, you interrupt your own heal. Many people don’t realize this.
But if the downed state is isolated and people can watch for it, it doesn’t come as quite a surprise and maybe, just maybe, they realize it’s more than just hitting buttons. Not all people, but some people.
I think not giving some people everything all at once is a blessing. I have a friend from DDO who I tried to get into Guild Wars 2, he bought the game a long time ago and never played, because he felt overwhelmed by it.
But he can play DDO just fine.
Still doesn’t have to be a kittened level lock system. Why can’t it be a competency system? They apparently understand that concept since they did it for dodge. I don’t want to have to be railroaded into doing a bunch of slow hearts (always the most boring part of this game) just so I can use weapon skills. It should just put you into competency checks. “Do this to move onto the next part”. People who have trouble with it will have to complete it before they go on and people who have done this kitten a million times can breeze through it and not be impeded. Wow, amazing, 4:30am and I can come up with a better system. This is just lazy implementation. Even if, even if you wanted to go with this system, why the hell is it still railroading older players into playing a bunch of grind content before they actually can play their characters? It makes no sense, unless you realize it was lazy implementation.
If you are so extremly compenent you wont notice any of it anyway.
When you say veterans, you mean dinosaurs scared of change. Being in the process of leveling my 11th character, with having finished 10 personal stories and living stories I would say I might fall into your categorization of “veteran” yet I do not agree with a single thing you said.
Please do not try to speak for others. Adapt or move on. How simple life is, innit?
Please explain how one adapts to “oh lol, now you have to grind to content!”?
I’m really interested who else thinks it’s fun to have to ride a railroad for several hours before you’re allowed to play how you want.I just want to play how I want, simple, innit?
Please explain of what “grind” you have to do now that you didnt need to do before? If anything lvl 20 reward is 8 skill points so you dont have to grind 7 skill points (like you had to do before)
Enlighten us all about this “added grind”
Actually, many “vets” should probably make new character and go through new tutorials (from my ingame experience).
So yeah, theres that.
I wasn’t going to say this, but it’s not untrue. There are a lot of 80s out there who really didn’t learn how to play the game that well.
Not to say having the new system would have definitely helped…but I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t hurt.
The problem is the new systems teaches NOTHING. It just prevents you from using your skills until you’ve ground for them. If they couldn’t learn this stuff leveling to 80 then extending the grind isn’t going to help either. This new system is dumb.
Actually getting skills 1-5 is much much faster now.
Stick to the facts pls.
You dont grind for anything any more than before (in fact skills 1-5 are grind free now opposed to before ESPECIALLY skills 4-5)
AFAIK you had to “grind” levels before this change (i have only 12 lvl 80ies and 4 more alts form lvl 10-45, bu yeah, what do i know, right?)
Actually, many “vets” should probably make new character and go through new tutorials (from my ingame experience).
So yeah, theres that.
The trait capture is fine. There are people who want that and now they have it.
Whats is completely ridiculous is the price of traits for those who NEVER wanted this change to happen.
So while they covered one grop they completely screwed the other group.
Reduce price for traits at trainers considerably (75% or more) AND remove skill points costs.
Its especially BAD for NEW players. Its extermely amusing hearing talk about better “new game experience” when thers system like this in place.
(edited by MikaHR.1978)
to grind and craft 2 pieces of same ascended gear but different base stats in order to be able to swap those stats freely is certainly not entitlement.
to ask for stupid skins for free, that is entitlement.
i’ll say it again, to lock basic stats changing feature to stupid RNG legendary weapons only, is absurd.
i am sure many people agree with that.
Most peopel agree with that. But i guess in this case gem exchange won and they wanna sell convenience, and legendary is many gem worth convenience.
Unfortunately it hinders horizonal progression (root of what this gameis supposed to be about) and even has a few bad side effects for a gem store too.
Ive asked ANet before for stats of how many people (out of how many people logged in since ascended crafting was introduced) actually have crafted ascended item. All i get is crickets. Its a simple percentage.
And no, crafting legendary worth of gold of ascended items just to have basic game functionality as legendary is not an answer.
(edited by MikaHR.1978)
i’ll say it again.
legendary gear are expensive, is due to the stupid skin.
the stat changing is a quality of life upgraded demanded by guild wars players since 8 years ago back in 2006.
source:… Legendaries are expensive due to the precursor and all of the mats involved in making it…
if its for the stupid skin, then the
- stupid RNG precursor
- extremely rare tier 6 fine crafting materials
may be somewhat justified, since it is for a “super rare” vanity skin.
however, to lock basic stats changing feature behind that, is the moment, the grind for ascended gear, can be quite a grind, depending on the play style of the player. however, no real RNG is involved, especially since no super rare precursor is required, just lots of time gated materials.
given enough time, one will be able to afford ascended gear (weapons, armor, accessories)
so, if i craft
- ascended berserker chest armor
- ascended soldier chest armorit is only fair that there is some special mystic forge or armor crafting method in order to combine them, so that it becomes an
- ascended berserker / soldier chest armorit would be able to change the stats freely once unlocked step by step.
a similar process would apply for runes as well.
however, to be fair, 4 piece of runes would be needed, if an armor piece can swap between 2 stats. because,
ascended berserker chest armor of the monk
ascended berserker chest armor of water
ascended soldier chest armor of the monk
ascended soldier chest armor of the wateras more stats are added, more runes will be needed.
basically, each of our armor slots become infinite individual armor locker
“however, to lock basic stats changing feature behind that, is absurd. "
AND some people have severe case of entitlement for it.
You mean they do exactly like F2P games do.
The only sub based games left are WoW and EvE (and well ESO and WS but yeah well see about those also, they arent doing well atm). You dont have to like it but thats a fact.
Trying to redefine sub based, well, i guess most people know what it is and are laughing same as i am.
Its pretty simple:
Can you access/play game for free after initial purchase?
a) no -> P2P (sub based)(includes stuff like PLEX)
b) yes -> F2PBy that definition then GW2 is F2P.
Sorry you can’t ignore the freemium/hybrid MMO business model which is neither pure F2P or P2P but offers both to the player.
SWTOR are some more:
Champions Online Trek Online & Dragons Online, EverQuest II, DCUO, Planetside 2 of these plans give the player the same access they had to the game’s features before the game went from P2P to freemium/hybrid. It’s different from say Nexon’s F2P MMOs where nobody was ever a subscribing player and everyone started with the same access.
Sure, and those are all F2P games that have many ways to spend money, just like all other F2P games (sub is pretty much bundled cash shop items with maybe some “special” perks)
I dont understand why people are trying to cram “sub” into the definition of “free”.
Cash shop items are optional.
Sub game fees are not.
What you get for your money is irrelevant. The question to be addressed is “does the game force you to pay to receive key features or not?”
the problem with your definition is that “key features” is vague, and different people will interpret it differently
Ability to access and play the game is not vague at all.
Tell you what, try to play WoW or EvE without paying a sub, then try to play all those other games and then return to report which ones are sub based and which ones are F2P.
by your definition a great many the subscription type services in the world(not just games) are free because there exists a way to access those services in a limited amount/fashion without paying a subscription.
any game that makes you pay a recurring fee to enjoy the core game content, where not paying would either prohibit you from playing the game or progressing to the same endpoint as players that do pay is a sub based game.
A demo is not a full game. It is an extended advertisement.
I don’t understand why that is impossible to grasp, still. Its like people don’t want to admit that Gw2 has everything available for free, and is still stable with revenue compared to games that force people to pay to gain or retain the right to play the entire game.
actually people are just trying to come up with consensus on what these terms mean, for example, by the definition you just gave, champions online and SWTOR are definately sub games, however to mika they are not.
No, you dont have to pay a sub to access the game (and progress) in SWTOR or CO. Educate yourself a bit before you make such claims next time.
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