Showing Posts For Miku.6297:

Are Player Auctions safe?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


I only ask because Ive seen people do it and its wonderful but was talking to guildies and they disagreed with it. Just wanted to clarify with ANET themselves.

Theres simply nothing wonderful about breaking the ToU; this is a clear violation of it.

(edited by Miku.6297)

Off Hand Legendary Effects missing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


I actually really enjoy Rodgort’s foot falls, what I would like to see is some way to choose which foot falls are prioritized or allow main + off hand falls.

Do accounts have "luck", and is it right?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


Every account has the exact same chance on RNG.

And what proof can you give us that what you say it true?

What actual proof is there it isn’t true?

Competitive Mastery Points!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


I can see it now…
T1: +10% to trash talking people in /s, /m, /t
T2: +10% to kitten size

Actually it would be kinda funny if A-net put a T6 mastery that gave you a super large kitten mini called the kittenator

[Suggestion] Rewards for playtime

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


To make this clear: I don´t want to reward being afk at all, but to have a reward for playing the game, not just logging in, regardless of how you play (as, as I said before, iirc, login rewards were supposed to do). I´m an active player myself, with a lot of playtime and I think this should be worth some dedicated kinda reward, spending that time in this game for itself. And remember, this is just an idea and not a final state proposal you need to agree or disagree to.

Right! It’s just when I read basing the rewards on the time logged in, that will most likely reward afking as well as playing in different ways.

I also have alot of fun playing the game in ways that are not reward driven. Maybe I should clarify what I meant, when I said “shouldn’t the reward for playing be you enjoyed playing”, I was strictly rerfering to people like myself who log in and have fun just chatting and hanging out with friends. I was directing this at activities that are not currently “rewarded” by other methods, I.E. Loot/exp/progression.

[Suggestion] Rewards for playtime

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


No, because MMOs hang their replayability on progressive secondary rewards. Take gold out of the game and allow everyone to pick whatever stats and skins they want whenever they want for free and the population would plummet. We’d play through a given set of content once and then basically never touch it again.

Well that’s your opinion, I play because I find playing fun. Don’t most of the “MMOs” you are talking about also use an extremely vertical progression track?

The OP is requesting more rewards for simply “playing” meaning being online doing ANYTHING at all. Not being online challenging content or trying to progress.

If you are reward oriented then log in and play that aspect of the game to earn “rewards”. If you just want to hang out and have fun with friends do that; no reward needed.

[Suggestion] Rewards for playtime

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


100% no on this as well. Creating an artificial sense of players by offering incentive for mass AFKing isn’t going to help the game.

Shouldn’t the “reward” for playing the game be you enjoyed playing?

Competitive Mastery Points!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


Isn’t the point of S-pvp to avoid a statistical gear/level difference?

Adding mastery to it would kind of defeat one of the best points of s-pvp. Unless you mean strictly for wvw.

How did you get your ascended gear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


Crafting over about a month when ascended armor first came out. Never seen an armor box drop

Negative feedback- mismatched gear colors

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


At first I was tempted to say, use what you like to fit the “theme”… Then I looked at my dyes and realized how many I bought just because I needed one that was a bit lighter or darker to go with a certain weapons colors. So over all yes, it would be super nice to be able to dye back packs glowy effects and weapons, but at this point I’m not really sure how practical it would be to implement.

Actually as far as the whole “mismatched” thing goes my biggest complaint is how some parts of armor don’t treat colors the same way. So I need 3 different yellows to get the same gold color on all my armor, that’s just silly.

Should inventory slots be account bound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


Take the hypothetical scenario above, since I have 9 characters and each have 8 bag slots unlocked, I already have access to those slots. I just have to use a middleman (aka bank and mail system) to get to my items scattered across my entire account.

I’m saying remove the middleman and leave everything else be.

I still don’t see why anyone would buy bag slots in this case… 400gems per slot… vs character slot: 800 gems for 5 slots. Pretty obvious which is a better choice.

Though I do understand why people would want this.

My comment about total space was for the OP, just turning bag slots account bound I think was the suggestion.

(edited by Miku.6297)

Should inventory slots be account bound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


Back on topic of shared bags.

Wouldn’t this in a way reduce the amount of bag space you have compared to the current system? If all your bags were “account bound” and you can have a total of 8 bag slots. That would be 8 bag slots shared between ALL characters. So at max 160 slots to share with all your characters. While currently if you have 2 characters with max bag slots you have 320 slots. This might end out being a net loss in overall storage capacity for those of us that carry multiple sets/weapons.

Should inventory slots be account bound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


Funny thing I was just about to suggest the same. Just make all characters’ inventories accountwide. It’d be cumulative too, if I have 9 characters with all bag slots unlocked, I would be able to access all of those via my character’s inventory.

There would still be some issues for people who have purchased bag slots.

A new character slot costs 800 gems and gives you the characaters started pack + 4 bag slots.

A bag slot costs 400 gems giving you 1 bag slot.

The issue is if all slots were shared like this buying 1 character would net you over double the amount of storage as a single bag slot.

Should inventory slots be account bound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


You aren’t actually forced to switch characters, so that’s more of an excuse for the request then a solid reason.

That’s not to say I wouldn’t LOVE this too. I’ve held of on rerolling my ele because I don’t want to rebuy the bag slots. The problem with this idea is: many players (myself included) have bought bag slot expansions for multiple characters. So that’s either alot of refunds or a lot of angry paying players.

ArenaNet... personal damage meter ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


It’s a very sticky situation… but i still think elitism is better then delusional elitism which we had for over 2 years now.

Except for with the current, it’s not as common or as easy. Implementing a tool that would mainly be used for elitism would not be welcome in my opinion.

Like I said a personaly viewable meter of only your damage might be ok, but anything that would be mainly used to exclude others I’m firmly against.

ArenaNet... personal damage meter ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


In a game that wants to focus on inclusive play, and not excluding others based on their “preformance” a DPS meter that could be used to compare one person to another wouldn’t be welcome.

A meter for your personal DPS that was unviewable by any other might be ok, but anything more would obviously be used for the same purposes they are used in other MMOs.

Sword for Chronomancer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


I’d go with Bolt or the Chain Whip Sword skin

[NA] Mesmer looking for a guild (TC)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Miku.6297


Hey guys Ty for all the friendly responses, I’ve sent out some pm! and I’ll be looking for people in game to talk with!

Guild-bound Craftable Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


Wouldn’t be a resource sink anymore, no, because only one person needs to be leveled in each profession! But the system is just a tool; whether players choose to throw all their resources at profession leveling or just contribute for their guild equipment is up to them. More interaction choices. Or you can ignore helping fellow players with ascended equipment altogether – which is another interaction choice.

People who just don’t want to level their crafting are unlikely to be given access to equipment.

And like I said above, where there’s a problem there’s room for brainstorming a fix: maybe guild-bound ascended equipment cannot be equipped by a character who hasn’t mastered at least one profession.

If your set on something like this, I still feel like having the “guild crafted” ascended be timed for 3days to 1 week, after which the person would need to get another set from the crafter. (ideal an NPC vendor thing that you earn with donations/influence/gold/mats in the guild hall). Obviously the mats to make the armor would cost less and be easier to get, but there would still be a cost. This would also circumvent the issues with “buying” ascended armor and leaving, or “selling” ascended armor and kicking.

Guild-bound Craftable Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


Yes, those are a couple of limited options. Giant resource sinks, but otherwise, sure, still options.

And again – more support options, more guild interaction, more gameplay, more immersion, more (here’s one for Anet) addiction.

And using or leveling up a guild crafter/armor vendor wouldn’t be a resource sink?

I just don’t see how this would be a large boost to interaction, gameplay and immersion. It’s really just a short cut for those that don’t want to level their crafting.

Profanity/hateful speech reaching new peaks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


The way you depicted what I said borders on hyperbole, even if it’s sort of accurate. However, calling someone a “socially kittened basement dweller” is not half as bad as just deleting their opinion entirely. Wouldn’t it be nice if I had that power?

My cup runneth over with irony rn

You kind of do have that option in game.. I mean /block name, any and all new opinions from them will never make it to your chat bar xD.

Any way, I think we might be drifting off topic here, I’m curious if the OP could give us an example of what was excessive. I mean one or two Kitten bombs is prety normal, and even trash talk between players isn’t uncommon. Some times people do get carried away and it turns just plain ugly.

Over all though, I still don’t see how the block and report function doesnt do the trick.

Profanity/hateful speech reaching new peaks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


My point is not that words do not have power, because they absolutely do, but rather that most people can’t explain why they find curse words offensive at all. They literally have no idea what exactly makes a swear word a swear word and thus I find it ridiculous that people get “offended” by them. Most people have literally just been conditioned to respond negatively to profanity but have never bothered to think about why those words are supposedly so bad. Imo if you can’t explain why a curse word is bad you lose the right to be offended by it. A word only has power if you choose to allow it to have power after all.

It’s just a social norm. We live in a society with rules and social acceptable practices. That is the best answer there is to this.

Profanity/hateful speech reaching new peaks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


But only if that nation, or person, allows them to. What we believe is up to us. That is my point. I’d also like to add that It would be difficult for words to influence anything, if they are prohibited from even being spoken, which has happened in communist countries.

Your previous post was probably taken down because some readers may have found it offensive… Which while I didn’t report it, the opening statements were offensive.

You’re right, a person can choose to allow words affect them or not. How ever society as a whole accepts and changes beliefs based on words. I’m simply saying, words matter, they aren’t as you said “sand in the wind” besides even sand in the wind can hurt if it gets in your eye.

The mcdonalds/toyota thing I didn’t see when I replied to you earlier. An advertisement is a totally different arena then insulting someone.

(edited by Miku.6297)

Profanity/hateful speech reaching new peaks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


No, I mean people in other games who might consider playing this one.

“Yeah just don’t say any bad words or they’ll ban you.”

Ohh! I think the OP means a little more extreme then just dropping a kitten bomb (yes I typed kitten! Sorry kitty lovers).

Just saying bad words is no big deal, harassment is another issue.

Of course that’s my issue with the issue, whats to much for one person might be just fine for another.

Profanity/hateful speech reaching new peaks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


I wonder how GW2 would look to people on the outside if people were actively and consistently being banned for saying “bad words”.

Do you mean like people in real life when you say on the outside?

I know in some establishments you may be asked to leave if you are being vulgar or disruptive. If you refuse and continue your actions there are legal ramifications.

Profanity/hateful speech reaching new peaks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


Actually, the “grow up, get over it” crowd are the very people that would get silenced/kickbanned if ToS they agreed to when they bought the game were enforced properly. :P

Not entirely true, when reading some of this, I do feel that ways some times. Yet I rarely if ever curse in game.

Though my thought on it is /block /report work just fine. The problem with saying the ToS should be “properly” enforced is: Define properly, what constitutes to much is a personal level.

A code of conduct isn’t necessary. This is the internet, people say things. Get over it. It’s not gonna hurt you. etc, etc, etc, things we’re all already thinking

The catch here is, you are on the GW2 servers, where you agreed to abide by certain rules.

(edited by Miku.6297)

Profanity/hateful speech reaching new peaks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


Because everyone, including you, should be able to enjoy the game without being harassed or verbally abused by people who are blatantly breaking the TOS. If increasing numbers of people are so quick to dismiss the TOS, to which they agreed to abide by, then perhaps its time for Anet to strengthen its enforcement and enhance potential punishments along the lines of what the OP is suggesting (other options are possible).
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing.” .

So those that play the game, and don’t mind or commonly use crude language in the heat of the moment (and like it that way) should be punished? Some people don’t mind or even enjoy a little bit of trash talk in a competitive environment.

The issue I have here is where is the line drawn, crude language =/= harassment. So by whos definition of what is acceptable would someone be suspended or banned from?

I don’t really feel like by saying “block and report then move on” is dismissing the ToS in fact it’s saying: block them, this will solve the OPs problem of seeing the offensive messages any further; report them, this will alert A-net that a user is potentially breaking the ToS and is disrupting anothers play experience.

Lyssa’s Regalia

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


Gota admit I’m super excited to see the melandru one as well!

My favorites so far have been the Dwayna ( I actually don’t know how to spell this after all this time) and this new Lyssa one. Though I have to admit I’m almost never a fan of the fire and deathy over kill looks.

Profanity/hateful speech reaching new peaks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


Because I’m not sure it’s even working (the report button). At least I don’t see any weakening of verbal abuse in the game.

Just try it, spend a few days in PVP. Kindergarden would be a nice way of calling it, but it’s far from that. People simply don’t know how to control themselves.

Just as people ask me what’s preventing me from using the report button, I’m asking those verbally abusing others: why can’t you keep it to yourself?

Just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. Very few CS teams for games like this disclose the final results of a report to the reporter. This is no different.

I agree the HoTM can get a bit crude at times, however I also find it interesting you are talking about “verbal abuse” yet you are degrading and insult players in the PVP lobby with your word choice. Maybe lead by example?

As far as keeping it to themselves; because in a game setting like this the only thing you can fully control is yourself. If you don’t like what they are saying, simply block them. Remember everyone has different tolerance levels, so what you find over the top another player might not. So the best option is to give players control over what/whos text they see, and not over what others can say in general.

I didn’t ask you what was preventing you from pushing it, I asked why not just /block and report if you feel it’s warranted.

Profanity/hateful speech reaching new peaks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297



Unsure if the OP means a perma ban or simply a suspension. Either way I agree that’s a little much for just general vulgar language. If it’s directed harassment then it’s a different story.

I really don’t understand why the OP doesn’t simply just block someone they are offended by.

Inoki, why is the current simply block and if you feel it was going way over the line report system not good enough?

Profanity/hateful speech reaching new peaks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


Why not just block and or report them? Solves your issue with seeing it, and if it’s a constant thing with that player it will be taken care of.

Guild-bound Craftable Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


One reason I brought this topic up was because as soon as I reached ascended crafting and had myself kitted out, I had no choice but to become bored of ascended crafting – I have no use for it anymore. I can’t use it to help others, and I can’t use it for myself (unless I’m desperate to kit out two of my other characters, who I don’t even use that much), even though it was quite a lengthy/expensive leveling process.

So how does this solve that? I’m simply saying ascended crafting is fine where it is, having some sort of function that aloud guilds to “create” ascended armor for their members seems like extra work without much use, other then to short cut crafting or to abuse for gains.

Guild-bound Craftable Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


But you do realize that this can already happen, right? Players can already put effort/time/etc into building up a guild hall and then get kicked out. Or building up a guild’s reputation. Etc. Etc. When you think about it, though, most players aren’t about to hand over everything right after joining a guild, and most guild leaders aren’t as evil as you’re giving them credit for. What people do with the system is up to them, certainly. Maybe some leaders take a regular tax (resources, money, influence). Maybe some guild leaders kick people out if they don’t represent them for a week.

Right but as it stands, if you donate money/items to the guilds growth you know what you are doing, and you are NOT getting any item back, (theres no obvious temptation/reward for paying) If you purchase/craft armor that you THINK you will get to keep but then get removed to simply take your resources that is a very different situation then we currently have.

Development is the key here; I’m using this thread as a brainstorm for collecting ideas about making something that could be a reality. You tell me it can be abused? Great! Now we brainstorm how to counter the abuse. A voting system for kicking abusive guild leaders? A minimum number of members to be maintained to be able to access its own ascended equipment? A small Anet support team to take complaints about events like that? Or even a player council (Greek oligarchy for the win) of proven reliable players who voluntarily view and vote on replacing abusive guild leaders at weekly gatherings? (Either in Lion’s Arch or somewhere less laggy, but my thoughts were on adding an actual voting module/location in this case, and LA is both central and neutral.)

Brainstorming for successful development has to look at both sides the pros and the cons of any idea, if the cons out weigh the pros some times it’s better to just scrap or not carry through with a plan. The current crafting system works, the current guild system (minus guild missions for a large part) works. There is really no need to add more guild reliant dedication or interaction. As you said players can allready put time/effort/etc into building a guild and its reputation. Why does there need to be a crafting short cut or armor reward as well?

As far as anti abuse, I really don’t think A-net should invest any time or effort into something like this as there are other things that need their attention. As far as player brought justice is concerned, I’m not a big fan. To make something like that even remotely feasible the players voting would need to have evidence and facts presented concerning each individual case.

But to restate the contents of my first paragraph, abuse is already possible and already there. Think of the human balances, though – if guild leaders are going to care SOLELY about ascended items, how many people will join them? And are people really gullible enough to say yes to “you can join us if you give us 99999 platinum ore”? Last I checked, people weren’t joining guilds to give their stuff away. And if human nature prevails, people concerned about losing resources will look for the “cheapest” guild anyways. Or create their own.

The game doesn’t have to be stale. Thinking within the box is an issue. I’m suggesting legitimate development; doing so means more than just adding a single module.

You are 100% right people aren’t joining guilds to give their stuff away. Of course what I’m talking about isn’t giving it away either, they would be being tricked and exploited for gain. As I said, current “abuse” is an opt in NO personal equipment reward type of thing. This suggestion puts a potentially desirable armor set/weapon as a lure to get people to donate that could be removed from them at any time.

Adding something like this wouldn’t make content or play for the most part any more or less stale. As the only thing it affects is another way to gain ascended armor other then crafting or having it RNGd. It’s not about thinking inside, outside, or ontop of the box. The FIRST thing that needs to be addressed is does the game really need this to be enjoyed by the majority of players.

Fix guild missions, add the raids/more raids… Add some Guild vs Guild interactions… There are tons of gameplay related improvements and additions that would enhance guild gameplay. Making ascended armor without crafting really isn’t something that should be high on A-nets priority list.

(edited by Miku.6297)

glittering wings back Feel stiff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


More like a big chunk of crystal… but yes I 100% agree.

[NA] Mesmer looking for a guild (TC)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Miku.6297


I’ll take a look!

Really interested in raiding with my mes!

[NA] Mesmer looking for a guild (TC)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Miku.6297


bumpity bump still looking:)

[NA] Mesmer looking for a guild (TC)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Miku.6297


Hi there!

I’ve been away for a few months, but I’m really looking forward to getting back into GW2 with HoT!

I play a level 80 mesmer~ and love her, but Tyria’s a big place so having friends and guildies to explore with would make it so much more fun.

So I’m looking for a casual friendly (prefer smallish) guild to learn and explore HoT with. I love all aspects of the PVE game, so dungeons, fractals, and I’m especially looking forward to taking a shot at the raids.

My play times are pretty sporadic but I can usually make a schedule if I know what it is ahead of time.

Message me here or in game~

Guild-bound Craftable Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


Exactly like that, yep. Anything flagged as guild-bound is automatically (as part of the “leave guild” button’s programming sequence) sent to the guild’s ascended equipment vault (a material-storage-style panel which should also be added). The confiscation of guild-bound items is an extremely simple line of code.

Guilder leader → recruits players who help progress the guild crafters, or donate/buy/whatever it takes to make this “guild bound ascended”… He then KICKS players and keeps the profit/items for himself or other guild members…

An extremely simple line of code that could become EXTREMELY abusive.

TITLE EDIT: Do Sylvari have genitalia?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


Of course they do! My sylvari Kindzi runs around with Zuzu all the time!

Monthly Sub Please!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


I think we’re all not on the same page here, as to what the various payment models are for MMOs these days. I don’t have time fully educate:
I guess what i am missing is heroic boosters, which would complete all of the above, but wouldn’t it be nice to have an automatic heroic booster running everytime you log into any character on your account, PLUS get some sorta other perk, like 100g? Thats what i’d be interested in seeing.

I think most are on the same page about the main suggestion: NO we do not want any form of subscription, no need to “educate” anyone.

Just buy some boosters and some gold with gems if that’s what you want. Problem solved.

Monthly Sub Please!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


Unfortunately if players decide they want to do this, they will end up running havoc on the economy.

I don’t see how it would cause havoc; how many players out there want to pay a sub so they would instead just shuffle it into gems to gold?

Currently, the suggestion is exactly what people do. Buy gems, get what you want…

Monthly Sub Please!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


I’m pretty sure you can now play this game without buying it.

Or did they rescind this recently?

I don’t think anything has changed…

This news posts makes me think A-net would call GW2 free to play as well

Monthly Sub Please!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


No, it isn’t F2P, stop mis-using terms.

Isn’t F2P a game that gives access to most of the content for free considered F2P?

Monthly Sub Please!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


Can i get some support on this idea???

100% No,

You can buy boosters to improve exp speed and drop rate. You can buy gold with gems if you want more faster.

ANet - My Wintersday Wish

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


All I want for wintersday is a big plush blue or pink quaggan outfit! An outfit that would make our characters look just like the big blue and pink quaggans that adorned Divinities reach last year!

blocking and whispering, needs fix asap.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


Or, Or, if you have someone blocked, you cant talk to them, period.

I was thinking about this suggestion as well! How ever just because someone blocks you, doesn’t always mean you would want to block them (which is the result of this).

blocking and whispering, needs fix asap.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


Why not just block them right when it starts… The idea of “lifting” a block for the sake of allowing/encouraging arguements is just as silly as the people starting them. Just shrug it off, block them and move on.

Suggestion- Legendary gear "test drive"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


Alot of work, not alot of point to doing it. The “fun factor” would wear off after the first few days leaving little to no point to making an area for this.

If you can’t “get a feeling” of the legendary weapon from a video or using the preview, ask around someone would probably be more then happy to show it to you doing what ever animations you want.

Armor will almost certainly be preview-able so I’m not really sure there is much merit in making an area for this.

Fresh take on Skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


100% Yes please do this!

Question to an Moderator

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


This has been discussed and answered many times.
You are not buying the original game again, you are buying the expansion. The original game comes free with the expansion for those that do not currently own the original game.