Personally I like bolt, but it’s the legendary I wanted from release so I’m a bit biased
^^; My last ticket status was… interesting. I submitted the ticket and got a response. Status updated. I responded to that response with more information/questions and 2 days later I got an email asking me to rate my CS interaction.
I’m guessing it’s just Cs is a bit busy with PoF but I think a 20+ day wait is a bit long (Though I have had over a month delay at one time from other CS teams)
The cost would certainly have to be more then 400 gems… Look at the cost of armor skins (what few ones there are) in the gem store, then ADD an outfit cost ontop of it. I’m saying ontop of, because if you let people choose to buy the outfit OR skin you may as well be suggesting making outfits and armor skins xD
Fitting the armor to each race is an issue but it’s not the main reasoning. What you are suggesting is basically making outfits, that are armor skins for only certain weight classes. The problem is making the extra armor skin rigging, mesh, animations, channels etc to the weight class is alot of work (that’s not done) to sell to only that one weight of armor users. Yes of course the outfit will sell to all types, but the out fit would sell to all types with or without this.
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So the cost would have to go up… Remember outfits =/= armor skins in terms of overall compatability.
So in order for this to work, A-net would have to make the outfit, AND the armor weight version. So this would be like making an outfit and armor skins :P
oh really gms cost the game money ???? if that is the only problem . which is really not a problem that can be easy fixed . not only that but not at the cost of the game its self as you suggest . keeping and improving the game would be easy for the right person .and finding the money to make it all work well . lets say on that part with the right person money be the least problems the problem would be with the right people in the right spots and how long it take them to clean up the messy spots . before they could show improvements . with out saying a word at all . and the player base making posts
like wow when did this get fixed and how did that new thing get add to the game.
a post like that would be when you know you got the right persons doing their jobs well to the point they say noting at all and the player base makes forum posts like I just said
Of course GMs cost money, and for most solvent companies cost vs profit is a pretty important thing. So money isn’t really a problem at least not as long as the books aren’t in the red.
The real issue with getting “people in the right place” is.. Players WOULD ask for more; more of this more of that, you can’t please everyone all the time. So no matter what A-net does with GM staff, and new content, at least some portion of the player base is going to be unsatisfied.
Putting the inmates in charge of the asylum is never a good idea.
True, but we aren’t patients in an asylum, we are players in a game… Big difference. As I have said, I’m not a big fan of the secret police style of enforcement, but player assistance could be useful, like volunteer emergency service members.
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I can guarantee you people would be playing a lot differently and be way more cautious about their game play if they felt that anyone around them could be a hidden player GM.
While I’m 100% against giving players GM authority, I’m not opposed to the idea of having players aid in things like this. (Think Everquest guide program), any disciplinary action would have to come from an actual GM and not a player. Some how playing a game where you have to watch every little thing you do because someone “might” be an “undercover GM” that will ban you because hes had a rough day and doesn’t like what you are doing really would not be fun.
Player input might be useful, but it’s not the “best” tool. A-net would have to sift through numerous pages of feedback, some may be relevant/useful while others may be extremely biased.
Overall communication with players on what changes are happening and why would be the best interaction for players imo.
Then again – as I told another poster before – your real issue is not with DPS meters or the kick tool but with the players you choose to associate with in game.
Obviously, actually I really haven’t had this issue ^^; I’ve managed to have mostly good runs. One exception but people who can’t read the meters and try to “enforce” their numbers can’t be helped.
After all – neither the kick function nor the DPS tool are insulting you and calling you noob. It’s other players – that quite honestly would’ve done the same based on AP or any other arbitrary reason.
While I don’t have a super high AP, I have yet too be called a noob with 16k xD. Any other arbitrary reason could come up. However players with no quantifiable stats may be less inclined to criticize others. When they can clearly see, someone under performing they are more likely to make comments. Though as I said earlier at least some of the comments may be more accurate (not everyone running different specs is bad).
People that are going to be vile are going to be vile “regardless” of the DPS tool.
Does anyone here honestly think the kind of people who kick you and insult you afterwards do it because they have a dps tool?.
Would they magically stop if they didn’t have one?
Did you read any of my other posts? I’ve said DPS meters are simply a tool; they can be used nicely just like ANY other. Please try not to miss understand. I have no issue with DPS tools, that boat sailed as soon as A-net gave the green light. So there really is no sense in argueing about it. As it stands, the DPS tools actually provide a solid utility. Asking them to “play nicely” with others doesn’t hurt though.
Yes people who tend to act rudely tend to act rudely, however I can say from experience a DPS tool can bring out the worst in some. I’m in no way innocent of it, I’ve had a dps meter running and listened/joined in on the trash talk over mumble/vent (back when those were used in older mmos) of pugs that performed poorly on the tables.
As for the question; nope they wouldn’t “magically” stop any more then they “magically” started since the DPS tools started being a more common thing. If someone is performing poorly let them know without being a jerk, or just remove them and move on.
Why do you go and join groups that are clearly advertising as something you dislike?
This part I do agree with 100% and honestly believe just advertising and reading the advertisements would go a long way to solve most of these issues.
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So you just want people to be kicked nicely.
I have plenty i want to say but none constructive.Ill just say to my fellow players who run meta parties and make organized groups, when you kick some one don’t say why just remove them this way no one can say you were rude.
I said I had no issue with people removing others, as it does happen when performance becomes an issue. Obviously there is no “nice” way to remove someone. However saying something polite, or saying nothing at all is far better then being insulting or rude.
Like I said in my original post. Removing someone is fine; not saying anything is fine, but the person may send a pm and ask why. Which is understandable, it could also lead to the numerous name and shame threads we have seen about “kicked for no reason by x” appear and shortly get locked on the forums.
Or say:
Casual T4’s, 2hr run YAY.
The attitude here is what people don’t like.
And the other half of us don’t like the attitudes of those thinking they are entitled to get rewarded for selfish play and behavior.
So let me see if I get this right, coming in to a run that has no specified rules with your own build just playing to have fun is a bad attitude? Many people who run “sub optimal” specs simply enjoy playing the game their way. Some players are unable to play at the “meta” level: a player I know had a stroke and can only use his right hand. His dps is a bit lower then others when it comes to moving and fighting, so that makes him “entitled” or his play and behavior “selfish”.
Seriously; expecting everyone to play how YOU want all the time is just as selfish if not more then then them wanting to play their way. If someone enters a run that says speed run, DPS etc then I understand. The attitude I’m referring to is the toxicity in some of the posts, and the assumption that anyone not playing “meta builds” wants to be carried for free.
Also, I have got to ask all the people with their DPS meters and some such, why don’t you just build static groups?
Not trying to be rude in any way, but, lets be honest with ourselves here, if you are that unhappy pugging, then maybe pugging is not for you.
Some do, but alot of people will just join the group finish the run and move on. PuG success stories are not often shared, even the mediocre mid speed runs that do clear are not often remembered. It’s the really bad ones that make people want to spot check others.
I do the same thing, if it’s a good run I rarely even think to add people for future runs xD
Assuming there are still “allowed” DPS meters (which seems like a safe assumption), how about a toggle when you make an LFG group? It would say, “DPS meter in use.” That way, anyone who likes them could join, and those who dislike like them could opt not to.
Actually this is a great idea.
I doubt it would stop people from using them in non-meter flaged groups (even as it is people don’t read the group description they just click join), and obviously issues could still arise, but it’s a step in the right direction.
Overall an opt in or out system is the best option
Even if they add clutter… That hopper/rabit/bunny/cuteness mount is just to awesome to complain about.
Honestly I really don’t support/see the need for mounts, but I am 100% for big fluffy cute things.
Or say:
Casual T4’s, 2hr run YAY.
The attitude here is what people don’t like.
No, healing is fine. Anyone with a brain will notice you’re healing and leave you be, assuming you are a good healer. But if you’re coming in T4’s with your longbow sword/dagger valk armor and claiming you’re dps? That’s when there is a major problem.
Just like Chrono is fine as well.
Both low dps, but you contribute by buffing and support.
Just worth noting while providing the normal quickness/alac as a chrono, I actually got told to change builds due to low dps. Some people understand how to read meters other people simply look at the DPS number and decide from there.
To be fair, they can also be used to quell toxicity. This is from another game, but I play FFXIV frequently as well. Parsers are banned by the ToS, but are used by the community. Basically there is a don’t talk about it rule, where if you say anything about the parser in chat, you can be reported/banned.
I’ve seen several times when I have my parser open that the person with the lowest DPS will be the one yelling at everyone else. This person will just start attacking the lowest DPS job decided by the Meta, despite that player out DPSing him. I’d love to charge in and say, “you’re actually the lowest DPS”, but I can’t due to the ToS. If this person could see the parser, they wouldn’t (presumably) have attacked the other player in the first place.
That case is an assumption so it’s hard to say, you could just as easily say he may have attacked worse in an effort to miss direct or re direct attention from himself to someone else. How ever any possibility is just a guess. I think a dps meter “qwelling” toxicity would be a bit rarer, but even in GW2 it would be possible, all that toxicity directed at non meta-conformed builds that actually preform just fine might be avoided.
It’s like if you slept your way through college and they kick you out you’ll say WOW ROOOOOD? Why do people expect to get rewarded for sloppy inconsiderate behavior?
Pretty sure a game and your college courses are different, You know exactly what is expected of you. When joining a group not every T4 frac has “meta build or preformance check” in their listing
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So I should just let a longbow “dps” druid/ranger in the party who offers 0 dps and gets carried for basically free loot while everyone else picks up the slack?
I see this THE MOST and I will usually leave the party. It’s a gigantic waste of time. T4 fracs should not take more than 20 mins. Adjust, stop being lazy, or get kicked. You can argue that that is rude, but honestly people coming in with their snowflake builds contributing nothing and getting carried is the problem and rude in itself.
If the ranger is attacking how is it doing 0 dps? While I agree people looking to be carried isn’t the most enjoyable thing. How ever assuming everyone in a different build from what you consider ideal preforms poorly is rude. It’s about how you present your arguement, removing someone who is just wanting a free ride is one thing, acting like a jerk is another. (refering to the tone of the post with the negative comments and mass exaggeration)
I’m 100% for an idea like this is… I’d love to change my race without losing soul bound items, birthday status, map completion, and bag slot purchases.
First and foremost, it’s jumping to conclusions to state dps meters are a cause for anything. Again, toxicity existed before dps meters. And it will exist after them, if they become illegal at some point. You’ll have very hard time proving an actual causality between dps meter usage and an act of toxicity. Just because someone had a dps-related issue with another player proves nothing. Because when you’re underperforming, it shows. And the elitists are both good at spotting it and quick to become toxic about it.
Why is it people assume others are saying dps meters “cause” toxicity? Obviously players have been toxic with or without them; but the fact that they are tool that can be be used in a toxic manner does exist. They don’t directly cause or support toxicity but they can be used to show “factual” proof that someone is under-preforming so that toxic behavior can be directed at the that player.
Why would anyone have a hard time proving a relationship between the two when you stated “Just because someone had a dps-related issue with another player proves nothing.” How does that prove nothing? One player was using a meter, didn’t like what he saw from another player and created an issue. That is pretty apparent and based on what information is available. The later part of what you said is an assumption.
Please note I am not against DPS meters, I just don’t get why so many people keep saying DPS meters have nothing to do with toxicity. Sure they aren’t the only cause but they definetly can be a source/supporting tool for it. As others have stated many things can cause toxicity we don’t stop using or ban people for choosing to play that way; the DPS meter is no different (as long as it follows the ToU A-net laid out)
While I LOVE play create share style games and gameplay. I can see a few issues it can have in mmorpgs and games like this. Especially with currencies etc tied to player created maps/challenges.
What makes flying mounts epic? Take water combat mechanics and put it in the air with full z-axis movement.
Maybe A-net should fix water combat so people actually do/want to do it befor moving to air combat xD
Yep, they do… Well at least rumors etc.
I’m 100% in support of new mesmer pistol main hand. Though i do like the idea of reworking old weapons to fit new specs so you could choose between the two options. (Maybe do this for water weapons)
That’s weird there was a pretty big topic about this befor. I’m reasonably sure this one was being called legal, and commonly used
No, because its not buffing the mobs, its just giving a huge debuff to individual players. And since their outgoing support (boons, effects, condi clears, and any external healing) are both not hampered, and stuff that you shouldn’t rely on in PvE, it wouldn’t change anything for other players on the map
So you disagree, that player A taking a large debuff to survivability, and utility would not hamper the rest of the players total performance overall?
The fact that the player with this debuff would take increased damage, have reduced healing, and reduced boon gain/spread from others would not lower the over all team ability. While receiving these types of penalties this player would be rewarded with increased loot? Seems a bit wrong to me.
I honestly think a debuff or a map would be more trouble then they are worth, splitting the community is generally not a good idea when making the game world feel alive.
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Lots of ways. It could:
- Decrease all extrenal healing you get by 85%
- Decrease your own healing by 33% (as if you had permanent poison, and yes poison would stack on top of this)
- Not allow you to gain boons applied by other players, or all boons applied by other players have 50-75% less duration
- Condis you have can’t be cleansed by external skills, you have to cleanse them all yourself
- Take 20-33% more damage from mobs
This would allow other players to help clear events with you, but you’d pretty much be on your own combat wise, as any support they could directly give would be ineffective. As an added precaution, any bonus rewards could be removed if you are in a large group (though I’m not sure how easy this would be to quantify)
Wouldn’t this make it harder on players not wanting to play on hard mode as well? If you are less effective, more squishy, etc; wouldn’t that have an effect on your ability to contribute to the group? The issue I have with this would be the same that I had with Magic find when it was a stat… One person gains everyone else compensates for that persons advantage, of course if something like this did happen. Most people would just run with it on in open world for increased gains :P
I love the idea of extra challenge.
However increased rewards for open world content like this could be a risk.
I would have happily paid 2k gems to be able to race change my mesmer when I was changing from a human to sylvari… then back to a human. The joy of deleting the two commander tags, and re-buying bag slots still stings a bit xD
@Aenaos.8160: What you consider fluff other players may find value in being able to carry over.
^— Yea I would have paid 2k gems for the change, but when I was race changing was a odd situation. Started I deleted my old human mes, to remake her as a sylvari when the ORIGINAL flame kissed set came out… I got to use it for a while, then it was changed… So I got to re-start again as a human. Yes I could have just used a name change contract… However at the time I had no intention of playing both characters, so I figured it would be cheaper for me to just delete/restart then name change. A race change would have cost a little bit, but I would have been able to keep my bags and commander tag on my first mes rather then having to re-start and re-buy everything. It’s made even better that I had to re-buy twice of course xD
There is no need for race change. If you really like this game, you will make another character with different race. I have 31 characters, they all have map completion. Ok I admit, you need to work for those another characters too, but that’s the life. We will not get anything ready on our hands anyways. We need to work for it. So guys, if you want to play another race, make another character and play it. Keep your old character and it will get all birthday presents and new characters will get them too in time.
Believe me, map completion is fun when you have done it many times. You just run in specific routes on the maps and you will get it fast. I don’t understand why people see map completion such a bogeyman in their minds. It is hard at first time, but second time you already know what to do to get it. And believe me 31st time it is still fun.
I like the game. That doesn’t mean I want to make another character if I wanted to change races.
I’d say that’s a matter of opinion. After the 7th time I’d really rather not do it again. What you consider fun may not be the same as what someone else does; some people enjoy map completion others don’t. Just because it’s not fun to them doesn’t mean they think of it as a bogeyman or anything of the sort. It just means it’s not an aspect of the game they enjoy.
My issue with wanting a race change at times is I would hate to have to buy the bag slots again; they aren’t cheap.
I don’t think anyone’s opposed to them adding race change. Just saying that the chances of it are near 0 due to the problems the race change would bring and the cost associated with it vs the number of people who would use it.
And very few people who ask for the race change seem to do more than just magic wand the problems away. Very few seem willing to try to find a solution to the problems race change will bring.
Ahh ok, are there any accurate statistics for the number of people who would use it? I changed my main race twice… and would have probably used one befor changing if the option had been present.
I don’t think anyone is trying to just magic wand problems away. Just most posters have little to no experience in what it would require to make changes like this, so simply stating the goals of said change are more logical.
1) What is it that you absolutely want to keep from your old character?
– For me it’s bag upgrade slots. To a lesser extent map completion/hero points
2) What of the above is not achieved by making a new character and keeping the old. Seeing as anything gained from birthday presents are account bound, and /age isn’t visible to others.
– Literally both things are not carried over to a new character.
To those strongly opposed to race changes. How does it negatively impact you if other players would like the ability to change their race? (in terms of playing the game, dev resources are obviously going to be taken, but that’s the case for any change or feature addition.)
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Mesmer is my favorite for all game modes
While I do agree simply attacking another poster isn’t constructive in the least. The post that started this part of the conversation
Be thankful as abusing the reporting feature is bannable too.
Does tend to imply the poster feels the person he/she is responding to is abusing the report feature. Reporting afk farming (or what appears to be) is not abuse.
This thread is super hilarious! “For the love of god”, people want race changes for “over 4 years now”. What’s wrong with you people picking something and then change your mind like that?
No need to be rude and call others “hilarious” for wanting something you don’t.
It’s an online game, picking a race and changing your mind later isn’t new, rare, or wrong. Nothing is “wrong” with people wanting to change. Haven’t you ever picked something for a while then decided you would rather do something else? People can change their minds; I for one think that’s a good thing.
And the question following up is why would Arenanet do that and why would you want to spend so much money on it? How come that your interests shifted so much you create this thread and it goes on and on? I am playing midgets since I picked Tristana as first character in League of Legends in 2010. I would never suddenly pick a Norn. Make up your mind before that. I mean, you literally changed by 180° if you go from the Maste.. from Asura to Norn, it’s the very opposite. And now you want it to be done in a blink of an eye?
They feel like playing something different, maybe they like how a new outfit or armor looks on a different race more. Maybe they like one of the other races new hairs more then the race they started with. A game that is constantly growing and changing, especially adding customization options is bound to have people changing what they graphically appeals to them.
Just because YOU wouldn’t change what your playing doesn’t mean other players wouldn’t. That’s like saying you normally play x looking character so that’s all you ever play. Honestly I don’t think most players feel like that.
I guess I wasn’t clear — a topic cannot be toxic, regardless of how passionate people are about it. I wasn’t comparing them in any other way, besides the fact that people have strong feelings about both and some cannot manage to engage in civil discourse while others can.
Nope you were clear, I just found the comparison topics an odd choice as one has no clearly defined rules (sup vs bat); while this topic (afk farming) is actually against the rules if you fall under all three marks for violation.
A topic can be toxic in the respect that it creates a toxic environment or has a tendency towards toxicity. Every time I have logged into any area that AFK farmers or inattentive farms tend to be, if you see someone comment about them 90% of the time the /map conversation takes a turn for the worst. Honestly as A-net has given their stance on the matter all people can do is follow the suggested course of action and hope for the best.
That is one weird comparison. Super man vs Bat man compared to afk farming. Super man vs batman has no clear right or wrong, while true AFK farming is against the rules according to A-net.
While it’s true the topic and discussion can be handled in a civil way, I agree with the OP that the topic tends to lend its self to causing more unhealthy debates. The bottom line is, go by the post Ayri quoted, if you see someone you think is afk farming just report them and let A-net handle it form there.
If anything I think it should be motivation…a reminder that it happens and you just need to wait for your chance.
^^; Not saying that it makes me mad, it’s just some of us have been reminded and motivated to wait for our chance for years and not gotten it :P
As a father myself, I ask why can’t it be both? You can take it as showing off, or you can take it as wanting to share their happiness with others and have other people happy for them. I didn’t have my daughter just for bragging, but you better believe I “bragged” (shared my enthusiastic happiness) to anyone around when she was born. We are empathic creatures, we like sharing AND receiving praise.
I’m not saying we can’t have both. I’m saying if it is only being done for the reason of receiving praise, then it may not be the best decision.
Not to take merit from the conversion but, is making a legendary really on the same level as having a baby? I mean I know things are important on different levels to different people but to me the former is a MUCH more memorable, exciting, and happy time then making an item in a game (thats just me though)… This would be more along the lines of doing an art project for a few months and showing off the finished product. Which is of course great as well, if the project was undertaken for the love of art, or desire to create/make it and not made just to garner attention.
Of course people like sharing and receiving praise, but sharing something exciting and or happy isn’t exactly the same as showing off.
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According to the ANet posts on the subject, inattentive play, where you occasionally interact with the computer, and are able to respond to a GM when they talk to you, is just fine.
We can have whatever opinion on that decision we want, but the fact is: ANet have been explicitly clear that this is sufficient to be “not afk” for the definition of actionable afk stuff.
Ahh k, Thanks for the info, that was what I was wondering. I really wasn’t forming an opinion on the matter, or question the validity of A-nets stance, I was simply asking what it was.
What is the time frame a person would have to respond to GM interaction? instantly? 5 mins? 10 mins? 20 mins?
Again, you’re misunderstanding. When someone is proud of their accomplishment, they like to share their happiness with others. That’s why there’s an age old tradition of parents (usually fathers) handing out cigars to everyone in sight when they learn they have a new child. They don’t have a baby to pass out cigars.
They are celebrating the moment, I completely understand, what you are missing is the “enjoy showing off”. Are the fathers happy and sharing the moment , or are they enjoying showing off?
I’m not saying i have a problem with it, or don’t understand the various reasons why it’s done. I’m simply saying showing off isn’t a good motivating factor. Please keep in mind the post I responded to specificely stated they enjoyed “showing off at the moment”.
And again, you’ve confused the moment with the journey and the future. They aren’t making the legendary for the moment — they are making it because they want to; they are simply sharing the moment of triumph.
So, once again, if that doesn’t make sense to you, just ignore it.
And again, you’ve assumed something incorrect. I said making one for that moment isn’t the best idea. If showing the item off is the main reason a person is making it, that might not be the best reason. That is actually a motivating factor for some people, I simply don’t agree with it
I think you misunderstood. The poster didn’t make the legendary to get either praise nor envy. They made it because they wanted it and they were proud of their efforts.
If you don’t think much of the accomplishment, you need do nothing more than ignore the moment — like all moments, it passes quickly.
So to be proud of their efforts they need to ping the materials and then the legendary in map chat? The part that goes away from simply being proud of their efforts is when it’s stated they “enjoy showing off”.
I completely agree; that type of moment passes very fast, that’s why I said making one for that type of moment really isn’t the best plan.
My question is; what’s the take on inattentive play?
Being 100% afk literally away from the keyboard, asleep, what ever. Vs being inattentive present, but not really paying attention, playing something else at the same time, working on another screen etc.
The first type of player would be caught by all three of those conditions, the second type however would possibly see the interaction and respond. Both are barely playing, standing in a single area killing and making gains. If the only way a player is guilty of this action is falling under all three marks, it seems that 100%bot type afk farming is illegal, but inattentive play is mostly ok.
I’m more annoyed by ppl linking the precursor and it’s mats before throwing it in the mystic toilet in LA, and then proceed to link the legendary…
Too bad. We’re proud of the months we’ve spent building our legendaries, and enjoy showing off at the moment.
^^; Making a legendary to try to get praise or the envy of others might not be the best reason to make them.
The kitten ping wars are just silly
While I do agree with many of the posters here saying “just say congrats and move on”.
Getting upset because someone else got something (jealousy) is rarely an appealing trait. At the same time being a braggart or flaunting is often just as unappealing. For the people that ping an item because they are super happy they got it I understand and congrats! For the ones that save said loot or just copy an item code to ping it to “show off” not so much.
Example: I saw the same player pinging the same precursor “drop” at teq. After the 6th day/who knows how many times, it’s just bragging or looking for attention.
As far as the RNG thing goes, it’s the fairest unfair system available :P. It’s fair in the sense that in theory everyone has the same chance at getting a desirable item each time. So player a that does the event once a week may get the most desirable drop the first try; player B may do the event thousands of times and never see the same drop… Fair chances, the results how ever may feel very unfair to one player.
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I’m going to have to say leave it! It’s a little silly but it’s really not offensive.
We are playing a game where we walk around and kill animals, people, plants, and other things with swords, guns etc. I’m really not seeing how this is offensive to someone if other aspects of combat or creature killing aren’t.
While I would 100% love less outfits more armor. As others have said over and over in other threads about this same topic it is unlikely to happen. A quick forum search will show you all the reasons why.
You stumbled upon them like anyone else would (read, that_shaman) so anyone can claim they found them.
well, yeah. But i did put some time into it and writing scripts to generate and filter codes so it would be kinda a douchy move. I’m not saying it’s not allowed, just a favor.
Can you prove to us that you “found” them first, with no outside input of any kind?
Just because you come to the forums and post doesn’t neccissarily mean you are the first or only person to find them. I’m only commenting because you are trying to instruct people on the use of publicly posted info. If you want credit, or are against others using them, maybe not posting it like this would be the best move.
Here’s the thing, I can argue with you about contradiction but there is no need for me to do so because it is. Moving on, at first he said is privacy then he say is elitist so which is which? Both are not the same, both are different. His cause is unclear and questionable. Regardless, since he mentioned elitist, that suggest something else for his reason for blocking dps meter, is it really privacy or simply because of a incident that his dps got criticized. Anyway, since his cause is unclear, it is pretty moot since that point onwards.
Heres the thing, I can argue with you about it not being a contradiction but there is no need for me to do so because it is not. (This is the last time I will bother responding to your posts on this matter)
Actually he says it’s for his privacy. Second he says he believes it will be miss-used and mostly disagrees with the direction the game is taking on this mater. In a later post he mentions some of his friends being kicked for DPS etc, and says the tool is being used in an elitist manner. How ever the two circumstances are NOT mutually exclusive, both can exist and both can be true.
Saying the point is moot because you don’t believe the posters post is moot… That’s the only information you have to go on, if you don’t believe him why even bother posting on the subject? An “I don’t believe the OP post” could be made in neerly every case when reviewing something like this and it really adds nothing to the discussion
Moving on to the moot points. If the cause is privacy then legitimacy of the dps meter is in question. If the cause is elitist, then is a matter of choice and actions. Both of which I have already mentioned.
What if the cause is he simply doesn’t want to be monitored? Any player can choose to use a DPS tool, and if they are in his group or using one that reads all players in the area, what choice does he have to avoid it?
As far as the legal thing goes… As others have said you give your consent to be monitored and have damage/data tracked when you click the I accept and log in. The data is A-nets if they choose to allow DPS meter users to view it, that is their choice.
(edited by Miku.6297)
Furthermore there is nothing “private” being observed by arcdps. It sees the skills you use which is public. It sees how much damage each attack hits the boss for, also public. It tracks fight time. Also. Public. From those three things it calculates your dps. Which part scares you?
I’ve never used ARCdps, does it track only your squad/group or everyone around you?