My personal opinion on the lack of the god’s influence on Tyria is simple. The gods and the dragons are, what I would consider, equals. So in the instance that the gods came back, fought the dragons, and won (which is a best case scenario) we would most likely see the death of at the very least 2-3 of the gods. And the devastation that an outright war between powers of this kind would cause would be on the level of catastrophic. I mean we saw what the desolation was like, and that was just 5 gods versus 1. I could imagine much of tyria looking similar to the desolation before any such conflict was over.
No it seems to me that they’ve actually made a smart choice by staying away. Now they’ve forced the humans to put aside their supremacy and join with all the other races in the fight against the dragons. And those who are attempting to fight the dragons appear to be doing so through assisting the pact, as opposed to outright force.
And being one with the cycle of life and death can bring an appreciation for nature, and thus make one a devoted of Melandru. While being urged to fight for the balance that a necromancer seeks can bring a necromancer in tune with the spirit of Balthazar.
Charr should have been the main enemy. Undead are boring and repetitive.
in Lore
Posted by: Narcemus.1348
It’s not necessarily known in GW1. Until Eye of the North you didn’t even know about the legions. All you saw were charr invading your homeland. Afterwards in Eye of the North you see charr fighting their own kind because they were through with the Flame Legion ruling over them. It could be said that each legion has always had a specific identity. Most likely what we saw in Prophecies was blood legion soldiers with flame legion backing while perhaps iron legion spent most of it’s time being blacksmiths for the other legions, which would have lead to their eventual control of seige weaponry.
But to answer your question a bit more in depth, the 4 legions were ruled by the 4 sons of the Khan Ur, I would assume that each saw their means to success differently and these began to rule the way in which their legion was run. So the Iron legion, for instance, saw their means to success through superior weaponry and armor (evolving into seige weaponry), the blood legion saw their success through superior soldiers, the ash legion saw their success through intel and sabotage, and last but not least the flame legion saw their success through control of magic.
Charr should have been the main enemy. Undead are boring and repetitive.
in Lore
Posted by: Narcemus.1348
“Letting the Flame Legion and false gods control them, now that is a regrettable choice.”
The other Legions aren’t absolved of guilt just because the Flame legion called the shots. They had no problem conquering and burning all that opposed them so long as they were winning. But then humans killed the gods of the Charr, which they to this day deny, and kick started a revolution in their own order.
while you’re correct that none of the legions are absolved, they atleast have taken measures to put their past behind them, paving the path to their redemption (if they choose to do so, the peace treaty with ebonhawk seems to be a start).
But what you’re wrong about is how the flame legion controlled the other legions. The fact is, legions never existed until the Khan-Urr was slain during the destruction of ascalon by the foefire. It was then four charr who had equal claim to the title of Khan-Urr that split the charr into factions, later becoming legions. Till now, they still havent solved the dispute of who is the rightful heir of the title.
so while none of the charr are absolved because of their distancing from their ties towards the searing, atleast the three playable legions are taking steps towards redemption for now.
Whoa, you are waaaaaaaaaay off. The Khan Ur died way before any of the Guild Wars games. The 4 legions fighting for control of the others is partially what made it possible for the humans to push them out of Ascalon, interestingly enough, this is very similar to the way that the humans fighting each other in the guild wars made them weak for Charr invasion. It wasn’t until they had been pushed out that the flame legion found the Titans and used them to wrangle control over the other legions. Then they caused the searing, and we move on to the future. The Flame Legion Imperator found the claw of Khan Ur allowing him to wrangle, once again, control of the legions after the revolution that Pyre Fierceshot created. It is this Imperator (not a Khan Ur) that lost the claw within Ascalon City.
Well, we have no clue what lives in the large areas north of Kryta, it could be that horses live there. The other option is that horses, being only visible around nobility and/or Orrians, are native to another continent that we have not yet been to.
Yeah, there is only 1 real instance in GW1 of necromancy creating minions with souls attached, and that was Palawa Joko’s minions. And well, a Lich has a bit more strength and no how when it comes to necromancy than the living.
I know, I had just hoped to at least get 1 character thru the game before they started to add a lot of new content, not that I’m complaining. I’d prefer this to having all 5 characters will full world completion and everything and have no new content to play with.
My best guess though is perhaps this is something they had been working on with the main game, but it just wasn’t polished enough for the initial game release. So instead, they revamped to it be a reveal (bubbles I hope) and left it to that.
Now, remind me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Rytlock give Logan a Blood Legion Pendant as a sign of being in a warband together, in a sense. (seeing as obviously Rytlock isn’t in a warband at that point in time)
If I remember right, the issue with the DSD being Mordramoth is that the attack uses earth damage as opposed to water damage, which seems to point away from Bubbles. This is at least what I have heard, having not been able to find a good group to play it with myself.
Well, if we do say he conscripted the ancient orrian army, we could be saying that perhaps after the death of the Lich Lord, the ancient orrian undead continued to roam the remains of the penensula. With that being the case we could say that the necromancy of the Lich Lord (far surpassing the necromancy of the player necromancers) could have kept the bodies from decaying too much past the point of their death. I would like to note that in War in Kryta, unlike in Winds of Change, after the content was complete the undead came back and continued to attack Kryta. This could be a sign that the Orrian Undead are still around and following their masters last commands.
So, yeah, major hit in the groin there. I mean who would guess that an American wouldn’t see a single sentence on a german website.
Fine then though, I’ll admit that sylvari cannot reproduce.
There were black ascalonians, my character in GW1 was ascalonian and very black :P
Perhaps a name.. other than Bubbles or DSD
I’m just saying, you can disagree with me until your face turns purple, but I will not believe that sylvari can never reproduce until one of those two say so.
That’s something that ArenaNet themselves will have to decide. I mean with the defeat of 1 Elder Dragon, I would think that the races that held back, because of disbelief that such a thing was possible, would be joining up in the fight right and left, but we can’t know this for sure, and also even if they join in the fight it is entirely in ArenaNet’s hands whether they become a playable race or not. I mean there are already quaggan, hylek, skritt, kodan, and a tengu or two already in the pact.
It could also be tied to the corsairs that sailed the area that were nearly wiped out when the country rose from the ocean.
Canthan ED champion theory(Warning sounds cool, but made up of thin air)
in Lore
Posted by: Narcemus.1348
Very true, I mean next people are gonna say that Palawa Joko is one of Zhaitan’s earlier minions, like the Svanir type situation. (Impossible by the way)
Nothing states that the gods were around at the creation of the world, in fact they could have had nothing to do with the world of Tyria before the history of them that we know.
except their skeletons which are visible under the necrid horsemen of GW1
The wiki is written by players, players can make mistakes.
None of the links around that statement talk anything about whether or not the Sylvari can reproduce. As I said before, without a direct quote from Ree Soesebee or Jeff Grubb, I won’t believe it.
Bubbles, no. His minions perhaps.
I’m really excited, whatever it is, though I am a bit worried since I haven’t even started doing dungeons (let alone killing Zhaitan) and I’ve only made it to FT. Trinity where I’m stuck by a bug that won’t let me progress.
In Divinity’s reach, go to the Durmand Priory’s little nitch, and you’ll find many multi-page books about the dragons, the history of the Krytan royal family, the disconnect from Cantha, and a bit about the human/charr war.
BTW, the last novel, which is being written by Ree Soesebee (1 of the major lore creators of GW and GW2), is called Sea of Sorrows.
They could easily be the forms of buds from trees in spring.
Yes, but after I got them out of Dredgehaunt they moved to a village just north of Lion’s Arch according to the end of the story.
Yes, but having horses in the game would bring up major speculation about the possibility of mounts, as well as major complaints about not being able to ride them.
Well, the Norn believe that it can only be damaged by a person who will lead them to destroy the dragon. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s the person, it could just be a Norn tale and nothing more.
Charr should have been the main enemy. Undead are boring and repetitive.
in Lore
Posted by: Narcemus.1348
No, people give the gods too much credit. For the final time, the gods gave magic to everything, not just the humans! Humanity was able to take down the charr through their sheer numbers, and their faith in their gods. And while their choice to attack the other creatures of the world may have been influenced by the gods, it is never stated that the gods ever helped them in this endeavor, actually if I remember right Dwayna hated the very idea, and she was the leader of the gods.
While it isn’t impossible that the gods were other creatures before becoming gods, we do know that the gods came to Tyria as gods. They are explicitly stated to have arrived on Tyria as gods bringing humanity with them.
Well there is 1 other entrance to the hall of heroes, Drascir, in northern ascalon. Further north than we can physically go.
Isle of Janthir would be pretty sweet, though it would make very little sense that we could get there from where we are.
Eh, have you met the sylvari of the cycle of night? Secrets are their life.
Their memories and experiences move into the dream, but once a sylvari awakens they only remember the most important parts of their dream, such as the white stag and the dragon in my specific sylvari’s dream.
Ah, so they are the quaggans that I saved in the Durmand Priory “study the quaggan” storyline.
Yes, but pumpkins and candy corn are really just decor. I mean there’s nothing to say that he created the floating islands or anything. I mean with enough time and workers he could create a labyrinth and a clocktower without having any potent magics
Or, that the realm was already that way and the world that he saw around him became what defined him in the afterlife.
Well, that may be how the nightmare court started, but this isn’t true of them anymore. They’ve become so centered in their beliefs about pain and death that they are becoming just as specific about the way sylvari should be as the dream, thus hypocrites.
I would say, based off of the characters I read in Ghosts of Ascalon, comparing Killeen to either Gyda or Gullik it seems very easy to see that she is much more flimsy, but this being said, the difference is also between warriors and scholars. But I’d personally say when it comes to physical strength they are closer to humans. Which makes sense because they were made in the image of humanity.
What Konig is saying is that the statue of Melandru is still a statue of Melandru. That the quaggan have not claimed it to be a statue of Melaggan. At least this is what I am getting from this post. I do not know exactly where this statue is, I’ve been out and about a good many quaggan settlements.
Charr should have been the main enemy. Undead are boring and repetitive.
in Lore
Posted by: Narcemus.1348
Everyone in the British colonies were, well, british :P either that or a few indians or possibly some french sneaked in there.
Some could claim that becoming Closer to the Stars was a similar scenario to the rites of Ascension, seeing as both situations gave the character abilities with sight (in Factions the ability to see spirits, in Prophecies the ability to see the Mursaat). Now one could argue that the situation at Gandara could have inadvertently given the character this ability, or perhaps the trauma of watching the demons being pulled from the Realm of Torment gave the player character the ability to enter the Hall of Heroes, we don’t know. Perhaps it is the fact that the gods showed favor to those characters because of their strength of will when dealing with that situation. At the very least it can be said that the individual has to show a strength of character much greater than that of normal individuals in order to gain access to the Hall of Heroes.
You are arguing on the what-if’s and not on the facts that we have. What if Abaddon decides he’s not really dead, corrupts Kormir and turns the whole world into nightfall? What if Aliens invade tyria blowing all of the dragons away with laser beams that put the asura to shame? What if the gods come back with a whole legion of god-like beings and go to war with the dragons, wiping them and the other races out and setting humans up as the only race on the planet?
Seriously though, there is nothing that we have to give us any inclination that the Canthans have any interest in invading Tyria. In fact they let the Tengu choose to leave, in order to make it easier for them to wrangle control of Cantha from the others. Their isolationism doesn’t really set the stage for full scale world domination. It would seem more likely that their military would focus on purifying the entire continent that cantha is located on, then perhaps moving on to smaller locations while building a navy. But Purifying mainland Tyria would be an undertaking that I don’t think any country like Cantha would be stupid enough to attempt.
If you want to talk about invasion from sea the more likely solution would be the introduction of the minions of the DSD attacking and attempting to lay claim to territory once controlled by Zhaitan.
I get what you are saying about a lack of face, at least in the sense of nose, mouth, and ears.
I’d like to see this concept art.
Interesting, I guess we have no reason to believe that a Mursaat couldn’t survive 250 years…
Firstly, I want to say that I am a sylvari lover. I have only made 1 sylvari and gotten him to lvl 80, but he was my first character. I even avoided sylvari during the last beta so that when I got into the headstart the game would be fresh and new for me from a sylvari point of view. And I want to say that in my mind that story choice made a lot of sense.
Now my sylvari is an explorer, the main reason he joined the Durmand Priory, but when I was making the choices between the groups, I honestly wanted to go with the Whispers. You see in his journeys through Queensdale, Snowden Drifts, and Gendarran Fields, my character saw the destruction that the centaurs created. He saw that they do not revere nature as much as covet land. Have you seen the areas owned by the centaurs? The grass is brown, trees are clear cut, new structures dot the area, I can hardly say they revere nature after what they do to it. But after all my character would see, I can hardly find it in myself to see centaurs as doing anything other than sowing discord and slowing the war against the dragons. Whether I like it or not, their attacks against the Durmand Priory outposts, Norn, and humans make them an enemy of anyone that wishes to create a pact.
Yet, the way in which all the countries appear to share similar titles when it comes to military individuals (Warmarshall, Spearmarshall, Seamarshall) seems to point to the possibility that this could be the case.
Not in Guild Wars 2, but I have a sinking suspicion that he’s turning into a Second Abaddon in GW1 and he’s trying to start off chain reactions to destroy humanity (and perhaps asure seeing as they were involved in the corruption of his last aspect) But there are too many mentions of mysterious figures trying to kill all of the human leaders through Zinn’s golems, a mysterious voice which told people how to create the chalice of corruption, etc etc. Now this is all theoretical, but mysterious voices can easily come from beings that can become invisible.
Yeah, the map we have of the world as a whole seems to show an area that has at least 2 major continents, and some other areas that may be just shallow continents covered in water, or merely large islands.
Well, when it comes to gods and such we honestly have no clue what exactly will take place around Wintersday. I mean I did not expect to be fighting against the Mad King Thorn this year at all, but the storyline that they set up makes sense, and also makes me wonder what the heck my character in GW1 was thinking when helping him (other than ToT BAGS!)
I can see the charr and norn loving the holiday just for drinking and roasting food (remembering how much the norn loved things in the Eye of the North). But further on than that it’s anyone’s guess.