You don’t need to prove anything, nobody thinks AP has anything to do with skill.
Be thankful it was temple the majority of the time instead of skyhammer.
Sky hammer does not exist in team arena….
No, but it’s in the solo queue rotation, which is what OP is talking about.
I swear this is thread reminds me of a third grade class full of stuck up prudes.
But really, there’s a difference between swearing and being offensive. If you say something like f it or this is bs, you aren’t going to be banned. If you call someone a (insert offensive word here)/you’re just being a kitten/every second word is f*, you’re going to get banned. Yes, there are people on the internet who get offended by absolutely everything, and GW2 is full of them (just look at this thread). Just don’t be a kitten, don’t excessively swear, and you won’t get banned.
Be thankful it was temple the majority of the time instead of skyhammer.
Any MOBA/RTS game is more complex than GW2 conquest, yet are incredibly successful. Sorry, but the problem with GW2 isn’t dumb players, nor is it the “complexity” of conquest.
I am very impressed with the warrior play I’ve seen in solo q by nikkle, riippii and Z O N E and Ezra ( plus a few more I don’t remember). At the moment if they are played right in high end games they carry their weight. Could use a couple minor buffs though.
More like, if they are played exceptionally better than everyone else, they can sometimes appear good when they outplay people.
Wait, don’t people say we are the easiest class to play?
kitten , I fear we overreacted too much on our forum.XD
In PvE, yeah.
Power specs are punished with Protection/Retaliation and not enough ways to remove it. Conditions don’t proc retaliation and go through protection, and certain classes have tons of AoE spam conditions (which can even be made unblockable).
Now condition meta.
Not to mention power specs require 3 offensive stats to do anything, while condi builds only require 1. And….condition meta.
Orr and Queensdale are absolutely full of zergs farming champs. Yes, it’s worth it to kill them.
there is no matchmaking in hotjoin. thats why it is called hotjoin. you’re welcome
Oh, so the “play now” button only joins you to the first server on the list with a free spot? It doesn’t do matching at all?
Only the solo arena/ team arena’s have match making. Hot joins are just rooms to mess around in. Play now just finds a server that has room.
Oh ok, thanks for that. Explains a lot.
It seems like a topsy turvey arrangement. As a new pvp player, tourney or team or whatever its called seems like its something you “graduate” to after playing hotjoin for a while, but it seems like you’d actually learn more from tourney games than getting constantly facerolled in hotjoin.
Apart from learning your class, the only thing to learn in hotjoin is bad habits because the majority of people farm glory in hotjoin. If you want to actually learn PvP, yes, you’d learn a lot more in tournaments. Getting facerolled comes naturally, you’ll eventually get better. Besides, you’re going to learn a lot more playing experienced players rather than playing new ones.
I’m assuming it will broaden the range until it can find enough players. There’s absolutely nothing that can be done if there’s a small pool of players. Unfortunately ANet waited too long to start improving PvP and it’s going to be rough to bring it up to the point where the matchmaking system can properly work.
It would make more sense to show leaderboard rank as opposed to glory rank for tournaments. Would help to see how good the matchmaking system is when everything balances out as well.
tis bad. RANDOM is KEY. with the match making, what you get are bunched up rank 30s vs a rank 20, rank 19, rank 15, rank 21 and a rank 1.
with random
youll get a rank 31, rank 32 rank 15, rank 21 and rank 20 vs rank 33, rank 31, rank 34, rank 19 and rank 1.
Randomizaton will balance itself.
Have you never played a competitive game before? If you have, you’d know that random matchmaking is the polar opposite of what a competitive game is supposed to be. Solo arena came out yesterday, it’s going to take time for things to balance out. Right now everyone has a fresh rating, so everyone is playing everyone. As time goes on, ratings will balance out, and you’ll start seeing more balanced teams. This happens in every game when everyone has default rating, there’s really nothing ANet can do right now.
I am glad it failed because a lot of people would have hyped it up and when it inevitably fails to meet those expectations spend the next few months making threads about it.
Instead we’ll get threads about how we won’t see the fractal at all. Just can’t win.
Whatever the build meta ends up being will be interesting for sure. I myself have a sustained damage ranger build that has proven to be a lot of fun in hotjoin that I plan on trying in SoloQ.
My biggest question is will the leader board rank still be contingent on winning the match or will it be based on personal score or some combination thereof?
I am of the school that it should be based on match wins, though I know that some may not agree with that.
Personal score is a very poor way to tell how well you did in a match, I highly doubt it’s going to have anything to do with the leaderboards.
NerfWars2, nuff said
You have to nerf things that are overpowered.
Why are things so overpowered though? How long was this game in development? How long was it in beta? How long has it been out?
A year after the game is released these guys still push a huge list of nerfs/rebalances after every patch. People get sick of that garbage.
Name me a MMO that doesn’t nerf anything, ever. Seriously.
There are like 5 people playing right now, its very hard to do a dungeon.
About 80 groups in the past 5 minutes. I really don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.
if only a higher level area would have the same amount of events/champs/vets…
You have got to be kidding…
Queensdale – 6 champions
Fields of Ruin – 13 champions
Malchor’s Leap – 8 champions
Cursed Shore – 12 champions
Lots of areas – 5-6 champions
How often to the champs spawn in those other areas? Curious to know because in Queensdale there’s a champ up pretty much every 5 minutes, which is what the point of this is.
Summon bone fiend: 30cd
Summon blood fiend: 20cd
Summon bone minions: 20cd
Summon flesh golem: 60cd (Note: Elite skill with same cd as spirits)
Summon flesh worm: 40cd
Summon shadow fiend: 20cd
Trait to make these recharge 20% faster.
Now, spirit weapons have a cd of between 30 and 60, have a trait to recharge 20% faster and a trait to last 50% longer. Ranger spirits all have a 60 cd, with the elite having a huge 4 minute cd. There are no traits to make them recharge faster. Given the fact that spirits != spirit weapons != minions, have any of you ever taken a step back to think that maybe, just maybe it’s intentional? I’m going to assume not. Stop basing these “facts” on other professions AI skills, because again, spirits != spirit weapons != minions. They all work differently, as they should. Now of course I’m not saying it’s not a bug, it’s possible it is (which if it is ANet need to rework rangers because other than spirit rangers the class is quite subpar), but until it’s confirmed stop trying to say it’s a fact.
So you don’t like the game yet you still log on every day and play. Who’s holding the gun to your head?
Seriously? Almost a year into GW2 and there’s only ONE game mode? WTF?
Southsun Survivor: Deathmatch in its purest form.
Aspect Arena: Capture the Flag.
Sanctum Sprint: Mario Kart.All of these are PvP, they are alternate modes, and they exist in-game. Go play them.
That’s not what the OP was talking about whatsoever. The fact that you think mini-games have any relevance to sPvP baffles me.
Stealth is a broken mechanic and I don’t see ANet being idiotic enough to allow any other classes to have it.
So I’ve been playing spirit Ranger recently to see how good they are, and it is actually a lot of fun. One thing that bothers me however is that the spirits start their cool down once you summon them, meaning enemies have very little incentive to kill spirits as they will likely be ready to summon again anyway, also with the trait Nature’s Revenge they will even be punished for doing so. The only spirit worth killing is the Elite one, for obvious reasons. Having nearly 100% up time on my utility spirits just feels unfair honestly, and that’s probably why the build is so strong right now. I suggest the cool down should be lowered to about 45 seconds, but only starts after the spirits die.
It seems like a bug that they recharge when you summon them. This isnt how minions work. So yeh, fix this bug please.
Okay I have to take back my words, it currently doesn’t reset the recharge when they die, but I’m almost 200% sure that they USED to because I remember having a lengthy discussion about them with Deku God, and that’s how he had explained it to me, of course this comversation was 2 patches ago.
Yeh. Spirit ranger is the most op thing in the game by far. It is also completely lame. You just put the things up. Dont even need to use utilities and yet have the best build in game? Seems legit.
And there I was thinking necros.. Do we alternate between what to cry about each day?
I thought today was s/d thief day!
Thread should be renamed to “MY APPLE IS BETTER THAN YOUR ORANGE”.
Why should you get x content rewards for completing y content? Makes no sense.
what ANet could do, is what the creators of EVE online does. Host the patch on certain servers AHEAD of normal release schedule. These servers are open to players, players find bugs, glitches, and what is OP and not, before it hits all the servers.
It’s not only eve, most online games these days has a public test server. It really baffles me that after 8 years of running online RPGs ANet hasn’t clued in yet.
GW2 has made me appreciate the endgame content traditional MMOs offer, that’s about it. Nothing in GW2 compares to the feeling of completing a raid for the first time with a guild, absolutely nothing.
Because she’s portrayed as the “good guy” and Evon the villain. Just do each of their trials; she’s trying to return the stolen goods to their rightful owners and Evon is trying to keep them for himself and his campaign. People like Ellen because she’s framed as a hero and Evon is sneaky and selfish in comparison.
If anything that’s why I like Evon more. I’m tired of games shoving the cliche good guy down your throat, it’s nice to have a change from that.
Every PvP game has a meta. Every single one. You can kick and scream all you want about it not being there, but it’s there.
Because it would discourage experimentation, learning and the thrill of personal discovery.
in what way are you not just making this up
If new people come into the game and they have set templates to choose from… when they play with it and they see that, “Oh this works.”… There is zero reason for them to read up on trait descriptions… browse community forums and keep abreast on the findings of subject matter experts.
It takes away from community building and it gives players one less reason to delve into the intricacies of the individual professions.
It gives them a foundation to build upon instead of being thrown into PvP without any knowledge of what the meta is. Every PvP game develops a meta, it’s inevitable. Templates allow newer players to get a set of builds that are viable and effective, and they learn from there. Also you’re giving build templates way too much credit. They aren’t going to be the most optimal, they aren’t going to come with variables. That’s for the player to figure out and adapt. LoL is a prime example of this. Every champion has recommended items (much like a template), but that’s it. There’s going to be items that are awful in x scenario and items that are amazing in y scenario. The player uses the recommended item list as a foundation for a solid build and as they play the game, they learn to tweak what works. This also applies to GW2.
Right now players who don’t know viable builds and don’t understand the meta are going in blind and are most likely going to be a burden to any team while their hopes of enjoying PvP diminish. Adding templates as a stepping stone isn’t going to ruin anything. New builds will still form and be discussed by the community because no one wants a stagnant meta. Templates in GW1 didn’t do anything that you’ve suggested, GW2 won’t be different in that aspect.
(edited by PVStar.3658)
I enjoy leveling in Rift. Rift pretty much has the same dynamic events going for it as GW2 does, but the difference is that I enjoy doing them in Rift. Rift has better looking armor, weapons, and skills so leveling is never boring. I was having the same issues as you when I was playing GW2, but Rift is like a fantastic mix of WoW and GW2 combined.
Rift has garbage skins pre-60 (other than pre-SL raid gear), and the combat is nothing special. I have no idea what you’re talking about.
PvE players don’t like it because there’s no PvE rewards.
PvP players don’t like it because it’s extremely imbalanced and conquest gets extremely dull very fast.
the weekly OS complaint. Anet has really some class, after all the Sky Pirate complaints putting a LS reward in there yet again. Classify it all as you like, it is an achievement in a pvp zone, getting to a chest with pvp rewards. It is pvp. Unfortunate you cannot boost your AP easily, tough luck. The LS meta achievement offers ways to complete for a broad range of playstyles. Is it unfair camping chokepoints? Of cause. Welcome to pvp zones.
Fortunately not everyone thinks like you….a bit of human kindness goes along way. Just because it’s a PvP zone, doesn’t mean people have to forget basic decency. Someone from an opposing server actually helped me find my way near the end of the JP, and for that, I /bow to them.
People play PvP to fight other players. OS is a place with a high volume of players to kill. It’s obvious ANet put it in a PvP area because they wanted it to be a highly contested object, which it is. Stop trying to imply that players who kill other players in a player versus player zone have no kindness or decency, it makes you sound worse than the way you make them seem to be.
I had a ranger in GW1, I alternate between my interupt and beastmaster build for PvE and Touch for PvP. I wouldn’t be able to make my touch ranger without Prophecies + Fractions. Are you saying GW1 should have stuck to just Prophecies and that would solve all balance issues?
No, but the release of Factions (and later Nightfall and to a lesser extent EotN) was the reason that balance went completely out the window. You see, Prophecies was the most balanced GW1 ever was. Factions came with assassins/ritualists, which were just completely broken at release, along with other skills for the original classes that were completely unbalanced. Now, ANet had no choice but to release new classes/skills with Factions, it was a new campaign. Right now ANet has the chance to make an actual attempt at balancing what we have now before adding new skills. Judging by the way GW1 went for over half a decade and how GW2 has gone the past 11 months, ANet is going to handle it poorly and drive whatever “balance” is left in this game right into the ground.
Right now ANet is trying to cater to too many people (just as they did in GW1), and the end result is going to be poor. They’re seriously contradicting themselves by finally trying to make PvP somewhat decent while saying they’re going to regularly add more skills to the game.
For the record, I’m not saying they shouldn’t add more skills. It’s inevitable, it adds variety, people want it. I’m saying they should at least get what we have now right (ok, they can’t get it right, but they should at least make more effort) before digging themselves a deeper hole. Anyone who played GW1 knows that ANet has always been god awful at balance, which is why this shouldn’t be rushed.
One of the biggest issues in GW1 was character development/progress. There was none. This is what happens when you add that.
In before everyone shouts who cares about PvP balance.
But yeah, you’re right. The devs already can’t balance the game as it is, there’s no way they’re going to balance it after they regularly add more skills. It’s very odd that they’re choosing to do this when tournaments and such are finally starting to somewhat to pick up, but it’s obvious their care for balance is minuscule at this point. ANet promised esport quality PvP, but GW2 is just another example of why PvP in MMOs will never truly become an esport (or have any sense of PvP balance for that matter).
PS: Just compare all the new pve content with the spvp one =(
PS compare PvP to WvW.
PvP 4 new maps since launch, including game modes capture the orb, using skyhammer.
WvW 0 new maps since launch, 0 new modes.
Hands down the funniest thing I’ve read today.
I’m not saying this is a gear based MMO, I’m saying that in gear based MMOs this is how it works, and it’s going to work the same here. The majority of the playerbase is not going to be decked out in full ascended gear, therefore the majority of the playerbase isn’t going to try and look for fully ascended geared players.
And of course there’s gear progression in this game, it’s just not an uphill slope like every other MMO out there.
Except that things like hardcore WvW guilds will come into play on Tier 1 servers making it a requirement to get this gear for their guild, making them even ruing WvW.
Funny thing is that for now Ascended items are one of the most time gated things in any game. If I went back to WoW, got into a hardcore raid guild I would have my top tier gear faster than I could get full ascended in GW2.
You don’t need to be in a top tier WvW guild to participate or even execute well in WvW. And the comparison to WoW is moot, because the game requires you to achieve certain gear to even try the content. That’s not the case for GW2. Having ascended gear isn’t necessary to complete anything in this game because the additional stats compared to exotics is pretty negligible.
Have you ever played any other MMO? I’m going to assume that you haven’t. In any gear based MMO, there’s a ridiculously low amount of players who have full top tier gear. This is no different.
I thought that this was supposed to be a new MMO, one of the first ones not focused on gear progression? So how is this equal to any other gear based MMO?
I’m not saying this is a gear based MMO, I’m saying that in gear based MMOs this is how it works, and it’s going to work the same here. The majority of the playerbase is not going to be decked out in full ascended gear, therefore the majority of the playerbase isn’t going to try and look for fully ascended geared players.
And of course there’s gear progression in this game, it’s just not an uphill slope like every other MMO out there.
i see this coming: LFM have to be full ascended gear and VERY exp or be kicked.
Have you ever played any other MMO? I’m going to assume that you haven’t. In any gear based MMO, there’s a ridiculously low amount of players who have full top tier gear. This is no different. The difference between exotic and ascended gear is quite small, ascended items don’t blow exotics out of the water nor do they make exotics heavily subpar. Of course there’s going to be the 1% of players who attempt to make ascended gear a requirement in pugs, but realistically there’s still going to be tons of groups that will allow you to run with exotics, because exotic gear is still optimal.
If you are that desperate for it..
Then why don’t you go to LA and say that we are going to make a server push for Obsidian Sanctum for all players who still need the achievement. Meet at X time.
I wanted that achievement. I couldn’t get it because we were getting camped. So I got my guildy group and spread the word throughout the server that we would be taking back Sanctum? And guess what? After 30 minutes of hard fighting, we did.
That’s a hard fought achievement.
So your solution is to gather a zerg to kill 5-6 people who grief players from finishing an inherently PvE achievement?
WvWvW is a complete disgrace.
Blame ANet for putting PvE related stuff inside a PvP zone.
1) They don’t even know if the next elder dragon fight(s) are going to take place in an expansion or a living story update. This is something that’s going to take awhile for them to figure out, and until they do, there’s not going to be an elder dragon fight.
2) After the massive failure of the Zhaitan fight, you should be happy they’re taking their time.
Is there a solution to this that would keep people playing the mini-games as intended?
More incentive to win. The reward for 1st place and 2nd-12th in SS isn’t that great, give 1st place something worth wanting and less people will let others win. It’s not foolproof, but it wouldn’t be a bad idea.
GW2 is never going to become a serious esport
Who says it has to?
Not every game that has competitive elements (ie. PvP gameplay) needs to become a “serious esport”, which by that I assume you mean professionally sponsored, livecast from a central location, etc.
There are plenty of other games for that. It’s not needed here.
You do realize one of the main selling points of this game (for PvP players at least) was that ANet said it would be an esport, right?
21 hours a week is more than enough time to work your way towards something in this game. The problem you’re having is that you just don’t want to take the time to actually achieve it.
You mean that the recently updated WvW is full on a Friday night? Sounds like ANet is doing something right.
unless someone datamines into their servers we’ll never know.
I don’t think it’s doing terribly bad, but I do think it’s not as well as their forecasts probably were (which is why we’re not hearing much on either side of users vs sales vs concurrent players etc)
Apart from broadcasting initial sales and Blizzard boasting that WoW had 12 million players, companies generally don’t give out that information, or they’re very vague with it. Not hearing much about it doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re not doing as well as they thought.
Anyways, I wouldn’t doubt that the population is growing. When I quit playing back in November it was looking pretty gloom, but since I’ve been back I’m actually surprised at the amount of activity I’m seeing. Apart from the lack of true support for structured PvP, ANet is improving the game pretty decently and people are noticing. People need to realize that most MMOs that are designed around keeping players playing were doing terrible 7 months after release (pretty much every AAA MMO that’s been released since WoW other than Rift), for a MMO like GW2 to still have an active playerbase after 7 months isn’t something to be overlooked.
(edited by PVStar.3658)
PvE levels and PvP ranks are completely different. You’re finding it repetitive for the wrong reasons.
Payneful.7934I disagree with this. I think it takes more skill to know what utilities and amulets to use for a particular situation and to switch them out quickly in between fights.
It takes knowledge to know how to counter enemies by changing utilities. It takes skill to beat enemies with the utilities you went into the match with.
Someone else killed me? I better go whine about how their class is OP!
No but seriously, there are OP skills in this game, just not as many as you’d think by just reading the forums.