Showing Posts For Poxheart.2845:

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


Congratz BG. Do you still count yourselves as underdogs?…just wondering.

Why? Are you guys still calling us the underdogs?

The only people I’ve ever seen call BG underdogs are from BG, hence his question.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


I don’t know, perhaps you should consider not insulting other T1 servers when your own server can pull 24/7 queues when fighting against T2 servers?

I don’t think I’ve ever experienced a 24/7 queue when fighting T2 servers.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


IRON was also the first dedicated guild to move to NA bracket, RG came later and only stayed for a few weeks.

I don’t believe this is true. I remember fighting against VoTF long before IRON arrived.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

SoR ~ JQ ~ BG 12/06/2013 v2

in Match-ups

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


[BAM] on SoR is Bringers of Ascended Might. I’m not in the guild, but I’ve seen some of their tags running around. Never noticed them running as a group during the times I play (PST).

Knights of the WhiteWolf

[Movies] WvW Power Necro Movies (2/16/14)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


As always, very enjoyable videos.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

Dagger MH WvW roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


Knights of the WhiteWolf

BG ~ JQ ~ SoR Week 7 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


If this is maintained by Monday/Tuesday I think its fair to declare that BG is the first “T0” server in history.

Methinks you’re forgetting the server formerly known as the Titan Alliance.

Who? I’m not an old-time WvW’er so I might be missing some context here.

Blackgate hasn’t done anything that Henge of Denravi didn’t already do a year ago. Do some research.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

Forum Warrior of the year.

in WvW

Posted by: Poxheart.2845



/15 characters

Knights of the WhiteWolf

Server of the year

in WvW

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


My vote goes to Henge of Denravi. When GW2 launched, that server paved the way by showing everybody that strong coverage is what it takes to ‘win’ WvW matches. After HoD announced that it achieved ultimate victory, all the other servers that have risen to the top have just followed the trail it blazed.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

Help me understand this combat log

in Necromancer

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


The take away from this is that the ‘combat log’ is woefully insufficient because it fails to provide all the information.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

Why is JQ and SoR playing dead?

in WvW

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


When that other game launches the tiers in general am sure will take a huge shift in rankings as a wave of players leave for the next big thing and the servers rebalance themselves out. Won’t be surprised if Tier 8 servers move up to Tier 1 etc.

There’s no doubt in my mind that there will be a disruption when that other game launches, but I don’t expect it to last long. Unless there are some major changes I don’t think folks will find that the grass is actually as green as they thought it was.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


Just in case anyone from SOR or TC was curious what it feels like on my end.

Spoiler alert… not so good. I will be washing bloodstains out of my armor for weeks.

Some of you have really good focus though. In my brain I always here you saying on your own respective voice chats “JUST KILL THE NECRO… THE NECRO… KILL IT NOW…. NO YOU IDIOT, THE ONE WITH THE SKULL ICON, NOT THE SHIELD”

Now you know what I was talking about when I tried roaming on my Necro a few weeks back!

Knights of the WhiteWolf

Why is JQ and SoR playing dead?

in WvW

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


You can consider the “we” in my comment both of us.

If you share WhiteAndMilky’s sentiment, then you don’t understand either.

Also you may not but the other numerous SoR posters made quite a few post calling out BG for not coming out, I think that was around the “RIP BG” comments.

“Numerous” is an overstatement. Regardless, it’s not like BG posters haven’t done the exact same thing. The word that comes to mind when I see posts like that from the members of any server is hubris.

Its interesting you say you would like to drop down to T2 considering your more or less blowing out that Tier this week, plus TC would move up so it would be SoS/Mag, being the big dog in a blow out is a nice change of pace.

Re-read what I wrote & point out exactly where I mentioned anything about T2. “Lower tier” encompasses more than just T2 servers.

Obviously your perspective of those 3 weeks must have been different then a majority of your SoR posters. It seemed you all were very confident along with all the BG has no chance comments.

Just like the handful of obnoxious BG posters shouldn’t be used to characterize the entire server, neither should the handful of obnoxious SoR posters be used to characterize the server. A couple of those were established forum warriors who nobody should have taken serious. I think the others were recent transfers.

It seems odd that BG had more faith in SoR then some of the SoR population…at this point is seems our sheer resolve played a bigger part then our coverage. Just saying we wouldn’t have given up and taken to the forums by Monday.

It has nothing to do with faith or resolve and everything to do with coverage. Saying otherwise downplays BGs one true advantage and perpetuates the myth that BG wins because of some greater mental resolve than all others. Again, hubris comes to mind. As I said before, the first 9 days of the season were great, but ultimately unsustainable for SoR. Not because of lack of resolve, but because of lack of coverage. Anybody who thought or claimed otherwise (regardless of server they played on) was fooling themselves.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

Why is JQ and SoR playing dead?

in WvW

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


You can’t says its all coverage when blackgate ticks 350 in NA prime and JQ and SoR are both qued all maps.

I can’t speak for JQ (though if you read through this thread you can assume it’s the same), but SoR does not queue all maps during NA prime. There are maps without queues even this week when we’re facing TC & Mag. This is telling because you’d expect the fairweather PVErs to be out in force (thus creating queues) in a situation like this.

Also, you obviously don’t understand the advantage having T3 upgraded maps gives a server going into NA prime. It’s not like NA prime rolls around and suddenly JQ or SoR can instantly flip those upgraded spawn towers & then push across the map (thus reducing the PPT).

Trust me when I say we are fully aware of the advantage of T3 keeps going into NA.

You may, but my comment was directed at WhiteAndMilky. It’s also one of the reasons why you won’t see any posts from me calling BG out for not fighting when IRON first arrived on SoR.

As for the other comment, from what I hear SoR is going through a rebuilding period? That might have a effect on your situation, plus you lost DIE which could field a good amount of people. Also you guys came off a rather unexpected 3 bad weeks so maybe its taking some time to get the morale back up and looking to rally next week for JQ. I don’t know, I can only make assumptions since I’m not on SoR. Either way I wish the server the best of luck and hope everything is well.

It’s hard to say what’s happening to SoR right now. Speaking for myself, I’m somewhat bored of the zerginess of T1 and was seriously considering transferring to a lower tier server in hopes of finding smaller fights. From the frequency of guilds running without a commander tag, I don’t think I’m alone. If things go the way I think they’re going to, I won’t need to transfer. Fighting Mag has been a refreshing change of pace.

Those “3 bad weeks” weren’t unexpected to me, and shouldn’t have been to any SoR player that had been paying attention. SoR’s presence during the first 9 days of the league were anomalous. I think the only people who though SoR had a chance of beating BG during that stretch were BG and recent SoR transfers. (You can spot the latter by the chest thumping they did in the week 1 match up thread and the QQing they did in the week 2 match up thread). Anybody who’s been on the server for an extended period of time would have known that level of effort wasn’t sustainable.

The upcoming JQ/SoR/BG match may result in a larger SoR presence, but I’m not holding my breath.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

Why is JQ and SoR playing dead?

in WvW

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


You can’t says its all coverage when blackgate ticks 350 in NA prime and JQ and SoR are both qued all maps.

I can’t speak for JQ (though if you read through this thread you can assume it’s the same), but SoR does not queue all maps during NA prime. There are maps without queues even this week when we’re facing TC & Mag. This is telling because you’d expect the fairweather PVErs to be out in force (thus creating queues) in a situation like this.

Also, you obviously don’t understand the advantage having T3 upgraded maps gives a server going into NA prime. It’s not like NA prime rolls around and suddenly JQ or SoR can instantly flip those upgraded spawn towers & then push across the map (thus reducing the PPT).

Knights of the WhiteWolf

Necro - WvW roaming - V.9 - Gold League

in Necromancer

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


Thanks for sharing that. Based on that one encounter, you two compliment each other well.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

Hundred blades warrior in WVW

in Warrior

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


I use greatsword for mobility/escape and attacking NPCs.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

Celestial gear discussion-mainly WvW

in Necromancer

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


@ Sororita:
Does the roaming meta in NA not consist of around 60-70% stunwarriors with melandru and lemongrass, like it is on EU atm? Additionally, due to the strength of the hammer, more and more roaming groups seem to adapt a mini-pain train meta (sadly) over here.

In NA T1, skull crack warriors were a lot more popular before the change to sigil of paralyzation. Hammer warriors seem to be sticking to the zergs lately. What I see a lot of now are thieves & mesmers with a fewer warriors, elementalists, engineers, and rangers mixed in.

Disclaimer: these are my observations made during my play time & may not accurately represent the true numbers of roaming skull crack warriors in NA T1.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

Celestial gear discussion-mainly WvW

in Necromancer

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


Nice video. Got me interested in trying this out (though it’ll be awhile before I get all that ascended gear).

Knights of the WhiteWolf

D/D Well and Shroud build + vid

in Necromancer

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


Gave this build a try today, so far it’s been pretty fun. Though this week we’re not facing servers that can field large zergs, so I haven’t noticed the lack of escape tools.

It plays much different than my mesmer (which is nice) and the big numbers on the crits are fun to see. It struggles against condition heavy builds, but that’s not unexpected.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

Necro - WvW roaming - V.9 - Gold League

in Necromancer

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


How is the Ranger set up to compliment your Necromancer?

Knights of the WhiteWolf

Necro - WvW roaming - V.9 - Gold League

in Necromancer

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


Ran into you and your engineer partner while on my power necro this this morning on the TC BL. You guys melted me a couple times while some randoms & I were defending the SE camp. Good times.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

Is it just me...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


Ginger Norn male with a mohawk.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

SoR/Blackgate/Mag 11/08/2013 Gold week 4

in Match-ups

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


So for us it definitely seems something changed in your mentality. You guys were able to compete in some of the current weak time zones before, for example like late NA early oceanic, BG has not got any new guilds in this time zone, and yet you guys don’t even put up a fight now while previously you guys were able to compete whenever you try.

SoR typically goes outmanned and loses commanders on 2 of 4 maps (sometimes more) around 8pm PST (9pm PST at the latest). This isn’t something new, it’s been happening for a long time now. There was a time when there was more resistance during PST, but that was an anomaly.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

SoR/Blackgate/Mag 11/08/2013 Gold week 4

in Match-ups

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


ZD excuse is so 2 weeks ago. cant we have a decent troll to start something?

Mag please start something or anything…

Arguing with BG is like talking to someone that agrees with you but sees nothing wrong. 10v10 becomes 10v20 when they lose and 20v10 becomes 10v10 when they are winning.

There is so much truth to this observation.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

SoR/Blackgate/Mag 11/08/2013 Gold week 4

in Match-ups

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


I think you could just as easily find what you’re looking for on BG but the difference would be that you’d have the support of a server with 24/7 presence at your back as well.

I know from personal experience that finding an outnumbered fight against SoR or JQ is never difficult and they’ve got people on at all hours.

This is one of the funniest posts in the thread.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

Finally rolled a Warrior

in Thief

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


Sad but true. I’m waiting for my eso beta invite then it’s another 30gigs free on my ssd.

You are going to be disappointed.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

SoR/Blackgate/Mag 11/08/2013 Gold week 4

in Match-ups

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


What is with everyone on Badgegate running bunkers when they roam? I realize that you dudes are terrible and face tank everything, but you’re never going to get better if you play such forgiving easy mode builds. Strap on some damage and let’s have a fight that doesn’t last 10 minutes.

Would like to point out that the longer a fight lasts, the higher the chance that the better player will win.

Correction, the longer the fight lasts, the higher the chance that one (or both) sides will get adds.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

Switching characters while queueing

in WvW

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


Some time ago I made the fateful decision to play Mesmer in WvW, while keeping my Elementalist as my main PvE character. The result is my Mesmer is level 80 purely from WvW, with no zones mapped, while my Elementalist has no world rank. I have nothing to do with my Mesmer while queueing for WvW, yet I can’t queue with my Elementalist because I want to play my Mesmer.

Suggestion: make queueing “account bound” in the sense that you can switch characters without losing your place in the queue.

There is no “place” in queue. It’s random.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

SoR/Blackgate/Mag 11/08/2013 Gold week 4

in Match-ups

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


Spending your “shift” sitting on a cannon, waiting to plink at people as the run by…the pinnacle of gw2 gameplay.

edit: or in other cases sit in sw tower on a treb, ready to throw cows at roamers in the ruins.

I call them cannon trolls.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


it’s on yourself to bring them back, and not on BG to stop fighting as hard as possible.

I quite agree. However, this is not possible given the current propensity of our benevolent overlords leaders to deny anything’s wrong in the first place.

Please transfer already so you can start trolling another server.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


I think he is trying to break up the map zerg, all 80 people on a tag, he could quite easily have said break up into 2 20 man groups and a 40 man zerg…

He could have, but he didn’t. He specifically suggested that 5 guild commanders should take 7 people and attack 5 different objectives and let the PuGs follow the tag the want.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


It would stop anything short of a zerg, though. I don’t know about other servers, but on SoR the north camp is frequently lost to 8-10 players. Siege at the gates stops that and forces the enemy to devote more time and effort to steal a simple camp.

Tried it by myself this past summer; one ballista, my turrets (engi) and the guards were enough to hold off 3 havoc pushes by…I wanna say 8 people but one may have been a Mesmer and clones, it was a kittenaotic.

Anytime you can hold onto an objective with 1 person instead of 10-15, that’s a plus in my book.

Eight people would roll through the two guards and one player (regardless of class) at that choke. I’ve done it enough with fewer people to know. If this is representative of the kinds of ideas you think will bolster SoR’s performance, then it’s no wonder they’re ignored.

The problem with SoR right now is that (for whatever reason) there are few commanders online after 9 pm PST, and most of the ‘Rallians’ on the map aren’t in TS and are unorganized and outmatched by the organized groups fielded by the other servers.

…and yet they had their assed handed to them. You’ve seen it fail, and I’ve seen it work. Who’s right?

Wait, what? Who got who’s kitten handed to who? I can’t tell what you’re responding to.

That said, I don’t think you’re half as smart as you think you are. In your reply to Letoll you suggest that SoR WvW guild commanders should split up into 8 man groups and capture objectives on different parts of the map. In the post I responded to, you claimed to have held off an 8-10 man group with just a ballista and 2 NPCs.

If the later is true, what benefit is there for the 8 man guild groups to do as you suggest?

If the former is true (that 8 man guild groups can take lots of objectives), then what benefit is there from defending the north camp with 1 player, 1 ballista, and 2 NPCs?

Knights of the WhiteWolf

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


It would stop anything short of a zerg, though. I don’t know about other servers, but on SoR the north camp is frequently lost to 8-10 players. Siege at the gates stops that and forces the enemy to devote more time and effort to steal a simple camp.

Tried it by myself this past summer; one ballista, my turrets (engi) and the guards were enough to hold off 3 havoc pushes by…I wanna say 8 people but one may have been a Mesmer and clones, it was a kittenaotic.

Anytime you can hold onto an objective with 1 person instead of 10-15, that’s a plus in my book.

Eight people would roll through the two guards and one player (regardless of class) at that choke. I’ve done it enough with fewer people to know. If this is representative of the kinds of ideas you think will bolster SoR’s performance, then it’s no wonder they’re ignored.

The problem with SoR right now is that (for whatever reason) there are few commanders online after 9 pm PST, and most of the ‘Rallians’ on the map aren’t in TS and are unorganized and outmatched by the organized groups fielded by the other servers.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

(edited by Poxheart.2845)

Nerf incoming - Upcoming Dec changes posted.

in Warrior

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


Keep in mind that these are previews and may not reflect the final patch.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

Nerf incoming - Upcoming Dec changes posted.

in Warrior

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


Re:Cogbyrn : Easy, you stand in front of keeps solo, people leave the keep thinking they outnumber you and when a critical mass forms they’ll chase you. I was running melandru and food buff. I have no idea if they were uplevelled, some probably were? The warrior was definately an 80 (weapons/armour).

What server are you on? Just curious because I know from experience that a Warrior outfitted the way you are won’t last long on my server if chased by 7 people.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


I can kind of see where Seigfriend is coming from. I’ve never seen SoR at such a low PPT before and I think the main reason is because they’re demoralized. Losing Garrison, their EB keep and a 20k lead is unfamiliar for SoR.

You must be a recent transfer. Historically, SoR has had extremely low PPT outside of NA prime time. I can remember days when I’d log in early morning server time to see single digit PPT. That’s changed recently, but to say that you’ve never seen such a low SoR PPT is funny. Due to a variety of factors this week was an anomaly and I expect SoR to bounce back.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

WvW roaming - V.8 Celestial vs. Dire

in Necromancer

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


Thanks for the reasoned response. I’ll take some time off from my Necro & try again later. I also hope for the changes that you describe in the last paragraph.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

WvW roaming - V.8 Celestial vs. Dire

in Necromancer

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


OP is on a T1 server.

What video did you watch? Neither Kaineng nor Ehmry Bay are T1 servers. Perhaps the celestial footage is from T1, but that’s not what I was talking about.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

Looking for wvw warriors for havoc!

in Warrior

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


When are you online?

Knights of the WhiteWolf

Nerf incoming - Upcoming Dec changes posted.

in Warrior

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


I won’t be bothered if it does. I’ve moved away from the skull crack build. I’m just concerned about the collateral damage from the ‘adjustments’ they make.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

WvW roaming - V.8 Celestial vs. Dire

in Necromancer

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


While I enjoyed the video, I gotta say that the build using Dire armor does not cut it in T1. I’ve tried roaming with it for a few days this week (at different times day/night) and killed a few people. What I found was that with no stun break or stability any fight with more than one person went badly for me because of all the CC. And, unfortunately, in T1 you rarely find fights where enemies don’t add in.

Not going to try the celestial build. This was an expensive enough experiment already.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


That [Fear] zerg, fighting with 3 [oPP] guys over bloodlust buffs. Holding that buff for 10 minutes in 2,5-3 hours? Good job!

Because Blackgate has never zerged the bloodlust ruins…

Knights of the WhiteWolf

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


From what I’ve seen tonight, I think Tarnished Coast needs more people guarding yaks on the Tarnished Coast borderland.

To the oPP elementalist on the same borderland, am I right in guessing that you’re using superior runes of infiltration?

Knights of the WhiteWolf

Does Warrior need a nerf?

in Warrior

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


Why or why not?

IMO I’m just sick of seeing tons of warriors in sPvP, WvW, PvE it’s getting annoying how hard it is to kill them while doing lots of damage

No. The same complaints can be made against almost every class in this game. The difference is the person sitting at the keyboard.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

When will they make thief viable in pvp/wvw?

in Thief

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


So yesterday I was on my Mesmer, scouting around to the northeast of Bay when I spotted a thief near the western edge of the ruins. He was over 1200 range from me because my auto attack didn’t hit him. Given that he had friendlies nearby, I chose not to engage and started moving back toward the NE bay gate. As I began moving, but before I could hit my look behind key, I saw the vulnerability icon appear, so I hit Decoy & prepared to Blink. Before I could activate the second skill I found myself down (still in stealth) and watched a thief running past me auto attacking. Eventually he came back & stomped.

Afterward I checked the combat log (pitiful as it is) to see what happened. This is what I found:
First attack: 17,252 Backstab
Second attack: 12,141 Heartseeker.

Given the range at the start of the encounter, I figure he must have used Infiltrator’s Arrow to close the gap, followed by a stealth ability, Steal, then dagger 1 and 2 in quick succession.

I have no sympathy for anybody who thinks that Thieves are not viable in WvW.

I’m calling bs

Attached is an excerpt of the combat log. I hadn’t taken any damage prior to the JQ Colonel’s attack.

I’ve actually got no issues with the fact that it happened, and I’m not calling for thieves to be nerfed. I’m just pointing out the ignorance of the thief players that think that the class isn’t viable in WvW.


Knights of the WhiteWolf

When will they make thief viable in pvp/wvw?

in Thief

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


I do know where is “look behind” key binding and what it does. And I can see no reason why it would be better then simply using L mouse button.

Your loss.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

When will they make thief viable in pvp/wvw?

in Thief

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


Look behind key ??? You have to use your mouse L button to look around.

Yes, “Look Behind” key. Under control options, scroll down to the Camera section and you’ll see there’s an option to bind a key to look behind you without using the left mouse button. If you’ve watched anybody that streams their game play or makes Youtube videos, you’d see that this is something the better players use regularly.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

When will they make thief viable in pvp/wvw?

in Thief

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


So yesterday I was on my Mesmer, scouting around to the northeast of Bay when I spotted a thief near the western edge of the ruins. He was over 1200 range from me because my auto attack didn’t hit him. Given that he had friendlies nearby, I chose not to engage and started moving back toward the NE bay gate. As I began moving, but before I could hit my look behind key, I saw the vulnerability icon appear, so I hit Decoy & prepared to Blink. Before I could activate the second skill I found myself down (still in stealth) and watched a thief running past me auto attacking. Eventually he came back & stomped.

Afterward I checked the combat log (pitiful as it is) to see what happened. This is what I found:
First attack: 17,252 Backstab
Second attack: 12,141 Heartseeker.

Given the range at the start of the encounter, I figure he must have used Infiltrator’s Arrow to close the gap, followed by a stealth ability, Steal, then dagger 1 and 2 in quick succession.

I have no sympathy for anybody who thinks that Thieves are not viable in WvW.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

I'm done playing thief. How about you?

in Thief

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


A couple of questions to you kind sir.

What’s the hardcounter to healing signet and adrenal health?
What’s the hardcounter to CC when you don’t have access to many dodges nor stability?
What’s the hardcounter to minions, clones and spirits sucking up your dmg ?
What’s the hardcounter to having a lot of, in many cases unavoidable conditions on you when your condition removal and health pool is lowest in the game?

1) Doing more damage than the Warrior’s passive regen. If, as a thief, you have trouble doing that you should reconsider your gear/trait choices.
2) Blinds. If, as a thief, you find yourself short of blinds then you should reconsider your skill/trait choices.
3) Killing them if needs be or being patient with your skill use. If, as a thief, you have trouble doing this you should stop mindless spamming your skills.
4) Stealth, blind, and trait selection. FYI, there are other classes with health pools as low as a thief’s.

Knights of the WhiteWolf