Showing Posts For Purr Kitten.8731:

8/30/2013 BP/SBI/DH

in Match-ups

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

Ok seriously sbi, you guys are starting to get annoying. Saying all this smack talk cause you guys had a bunch of new transfers. You guys tend to go ONLY for bp alot of the times and dh is just sitting there. Tired of seeing all these sbi people saying stuff like Ganellon did. I dont like sbi server because you guys are acting like this and all i see on forums are lies about how nice your server is. You are turning into maguuma when they came on to bp’s la to recruit for their server cause they felt so high and mighty for coming in 2nd place. Its old and ridiculous.

+ I do not wanna see any1 comment about “oh but bp does the same thing.” I only see zara, and the others are just sbi.

That is rich coming from you. The person who likes to join SBI parties and say how horrible ALL SBI players are. And then lecturing us how we will then lose all our guilds if we do too well, so watch out. You are no stranger to the snide comments on this forum either. Constantly. While your server may have backed off this week, there is a long history of your commanders in previous threads ranting about how embarrassed they are to fight us, how horrible we all are how we have an inordinate number of hackers and cheats etc etc etc. And you are commenting on someone telling DH to try for second. Seriously? From someone from BP who in every thread, they claim they dictate who they deem worthy of getting second place. Please.

Also not sure what map you have been looking at but I am sure DH would disagree with you that we have been ignoring them. And I seem to recall previous matches where you were on our borderlands pretty much non stop. But no one complained then.

I agree I don’t like attitudes and ego coming from our server, but they are just sending it back your way. Hoping that will die down in future match-ups. ie match ups without BP.

On the other side of things, I always enjoy fighting BP. You have great guilds (krew, DR, VP and so on). The vast majority of your players are great. I have partied with them on many occasions and had lots of good chats. And then there is you.


8/30/2013 BP/SBI/DH

in Match-ups

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

Boy SBI. You guys are sure turning into a Tier 2 server. Keep moving on up in ranks and face Dragonbrand, Maguuma, Tarnished Coast. SBI will be creamed by them badly and all your new transfers will prob leave you again…So watch out

:D Mmm hmmm okay thanks Buffy for another highly intelligent post! Great advice, we will definitely watch out.


8/30/2013 BP/SBI/DH

in Match-ups

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

wasn’t just that one time. happend in ebg and sbi bl. Sorry for the QQ post i don’t usually do it. just annoyed cause no one wants to wvw on the server anymore. so don’t mind me i’ll just sit over here and pout.

Ya I get it. Was happening to us a lot as well in the past. Sorry


8/30/2013 BP/SBI/DH

in Match-ups

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

Thanks to WFD for some great fights at Hills tonight! Was lots of fun, hope it was for you too.

And yes, have noticed that there are fewer DH on. What is going on? I remember droves of you guys last couple times we fought.

Anyhow, good luck to BP and DH, and to us of course, have fun this week njoi.


08/23 YB-SBI-NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

The most hilarious part of this whole HACK discussion. Is if you look in almost every other matchup thread you can almost see our conversation repeated.

I love how everyone initial response when they are losing is


Ya seriously. It’s tedious. Every server has them. And they don’t have to be losing to claim hacks. I saw a server last night hacking into our NW tower, no walls broken or damaged, door not broken or damaged. 7 of them inside. Two other towers already gone fast. Do I blame the server? No.


8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

Kaineng are much better sports. Just about always have been, really. Respect.

So true. I don’t know what it is about SBI, but it seems every time we fight them drama ensues. You’d think it’d be that way between us and Ehmry Bay considering how often we butt heads, but nope. SBI generates its own unique flavor that is all together unwholesome and leaves a bad after taste. Might be all the accusations of cheating, or the chest thumping about how good they are in Eternal to the detriment of all else.

When we first met, it was ugly, but we managed to prevail by simply holding their Hills Keep all week. But that meant leaving their Eternal Zerg to karma train all day every day for 7 days. Methinks they still have not forgiven us for that loss, and all the others that followed it since.

Funny how we think the exact same about you. Especially the accusations of cheating in the first match-up thread on your side were endless. Not to mention the egotistical chest thumping mania your commanders generally have. Not that I mind a bit of trolling fun in a match-up thread but with BP it was pretty bad. Oh and the accusations of cheating in this thread, what is it one person? Should I quote BP and say: one person doesn’t speak for the whole server. Our servers don’t get along, so what. Doesn’t mean we don’t have good fights and lots of fun.

Otherwise, this match-up has been great! I have a lot of fun duelling and chatting and battling with BP and Kaineng players who are very likeable on the whole. There have been awesome fights so far this week and there are great BP and Kaineng players and guilds out there. And some bad ones, but who cares , it’s a game and I am here to have fun and respect that they are too.


How effective can YOU use your portal?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

If I am alone in tower that is being attacked, portal inside- run out and damage siege, portal back in. Invis back out, same, tele back in. Rinse repeat. That is my favourite way to use it. It must frustrate the hell out of enemies.


8/9: DH - NSP - SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

I did want to say that it has been an interesting ride already. DH and SB came out strong yesterday, and it’s a nice change of pace to be outmanned… sort of. Looking forward to an interesting week and learning more about how to play the game.


So far has been lots of fun. Your numbers on your BL yesterday were very impressive. It was surprising to have 50 people on your BL and also have the outmanned buff.

Can’t say I was thrilled to be against DH again with their numbers, but it will bring us down in points and that is a good thing considering we lost lots of people since our last match up with them. Still can’t help wondering if they got more or if it is because of our losses that it seems that way.

Great job so far NSP and DH! Always fun to be up against you guys.



in Match-ups

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

Was a very enjoyable week! Best of luck to both Ebay and SBI this reset!

Thanks Eva! Was lots of fun too, minus some small drama on the forum. Good luck to BP and EBAY.


The Creation of Quaggan

in Community Creations

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

Love it! Well love anything with Quaggans. well done!


7/5 CD - SoS - SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

Had a great afternoon of fights on CDBL today. I logged on, we owned everything except Bay. 45 minutes later, SoS and SBI were racing to tear apart everything we owned. We weren’t fast enough whacking the moles, and eventually we were bottled up in NE tower.

After an HOUR of stopping trebs/ACs/ballistas/hordes of SBI from walking through the broken wall into the tower, we finally pulled off a flank and turned the tide. Another hour later, we owned the whole BL. Way to stick with me CD, I know it wasn’t pretty at the beginning. And props to the SBI that stuck out that entire fight between NE tower and Garrison… your bags were nummy at the end. And that treb I was operating inside the tower is going into the Hall of Fame, I think the kill count was three trebs, three or four ballistas, and at least 10 arrow carts.

Ya it was fun taking your bl for the time we had it. Noticed you guys ran off and took SoS bl at the same time. Great job CD!


7/5 CD - SoS - SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

Our old friends are back! Gl to SoS and CD. Though not looking forward to waking up having been pvdoored but oh well that is the game. And better than being stuck with BP again. GJ so far to CD on our BL, lots of you turned up there.



in Match-ups

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

BP Super SBI Strategy #1

BP 1: Huge SBI zerg attacking our hills, we might lose it if this siege continues.
BP CMDR: I need about 5 people to go to Stonemist and tap the gate.
SBI Pugger: Pull out, pull out SM is under attack!!
BP CMDR: Perfect, they will be busy for hours in EB…Let’s paper their BL!!

Anyway if we don’t meet again this next week, it was great fighting SBI and NSP. I am sure there were some memorable fights to be had by all.

That sounds pretty accurate to me. Sad. Maybe not Hills but other places:

Our garri is under attack EB we need help. Everyone comes to help.
SM is under attack!
user left your channel user left your channel user left your channel user left your channel user left your channel user left your channel user left your channel user left your channel user left your channel user left your channel user left your channel user left your channel user left your channel user left your channel user left your channel user left your channel user left your channel….

Me and other BL-ers and BL commanders: WTF!!!!!!!!!!
I hope all EB SBI-ers see your post.



in Match-ups

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

By all that is holy SBI, you impressed me tonight. You managed to bring the horde to our Borderlands, and lay siege to our bay for 5 kittening hours. Admittedly, you did not take Bay from us, but we were hanging on by our fingernails at some points. At least twice I ordered Banzai charges where it was literally “if we wipe, its all over”. It took us half an hour to fix all the damage you did after everything ended. Thanks for the battle. Twas epic.

We didn’t? Map says you owned your Bay for just under two hours? Did NSP take it? I left at one point so did not see the result.

The timer is bugged on Mos millenium. When you switch claims from one guild to another, it resets. The last time anyone took any of our keeps was in the weekend where you guys took it.

Ah ok I was wondering if that was what it was. Did not know about the claiming switch.



in Match-ups

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

By all that is holy SBI, you impressed me tonight. You managed to bring the horde to our Borderlands, and lay siege to our bay for 5 kittening hours. Admittedly, you did not take Bay from us, but we were hanging on by our fingernails at some points. At least twice I ordered Banzai charges where it was literally “if we wipe, its all over”. It took us half an hour to fix all the damage you did after everything ended. Thanks for the battle. Twas epic.

We didn’t? Map says you owned your Bay for just under two hours? Did NSP take it? I left at one point so did not see the result.



in Match-ups

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

Your Borderlands Keeps are more important then Stonemist.

Losing a Borderland Keep is bad. They are expensive to reupgrade and you have to waste time getting it back rather then attacking enemy targets. You also lose waypoints critical for your borderlands guards to use to reflip camps back and intercept raiding parties.

Don’t bother. Us BL full-timers have been trying to say that to our EB crew for a long time now to no avail. They just want to play the game their own way, have their own fun. Yesterday it kitten ed me off. Today I am over it. I am not there to dictate how others want to play the game. If they want to have fun in EB only, well it’s up to them. I will continue in BL.

At the same time coverage is also key as others have mentioned. It appears that BP has good coverage.



in Match-ups

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

Borlis 1st.
Now that’s what i’m talking about.

NSP 3rd yet still holding our own… That’s what I’M talking about!!!! Very proud of my sever!!!

Good job NSP you guys are doing great! And good job to BP too for gaining tons of points over the week.


Come to NSP

in Looking for...

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

SBI is facing NSP this week and I also have to recommend NSP for anyone looking to join. From what I have seen, they have some very smart tactics, some awesome havok groups and are holding their own, very well, against two servers who have larger populations than theirs. Good job, NSP! You guys seem like an awesome server.



in Match-ups

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

Just wanted to say, the fight at SBI hills today was hilarious.
Not only did we hold outer for 1hour+ but lords room for about 25+ minutes with 15 people against 40 SBI, i must say, if i were the commander of that SBI zerg, i’d be badly ashamed of myself. Your first push cleared all our siege and npc’s in lords, but you whiped half the zerg, the second time we held you off with simple combat against those huge odds for another 20 minutes, all tho you did cap it at the end, i wouldn’t have been very happy with that performance..
However, so proud of the BP who were their and defended, was amazing.

We would have kept it if it weren’t for the zoom-hacking elementalists from SBI who cleared the tons of siege we had set up. I have screenshots but don’t see the point in posting them.

Ya there was a similar fight at SBI garri, maybe you were not there. We had very few people on SBI BL, when BP started taking everything. Got some people to BL finally, but you still outnumbered us. Inner door was down, you were all in the lord’s room. Then a zerg of NSP came in (smart people, interesting tactic., They do that a lot and are working with everything at their disposal- gj NSP)- about the same size as our own. We had to fight both of you off and it lasted about an hour. In the lord’s room. I would like to commend BP and NSP for some great fights. I personally would not dream of coming on here to belittle the hard work of your servers unlike you, it was a great effort and great fun. I am sure all three servers had some great fights. You attacked us at garri about five or six times and each time we held you off. See how that works, Noodica? Some you win, some you lose.

Your message does not surprise me though, coming from a BP commander. You are a tacky lot. Your server should feel embarrassed by you specifically and a lot of your other commanders.


AFK Timer Must Be Shortened

in WvW

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

I agree.




in Match-ups

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

BP isn’t perfect, but it isn’t anything like SBI.Get caught cheating and then try so hard to cover for it. What happened was much easier to explain. They got caught cheating, and are now trying to figure a way out of the impending punishment.

Anyone who cheats, even if unintentional, should get a permaban. You can’t easily say who did it on purpose, and who did it by accident. So ban them all. It’s better to make a few people mad and have a good play environment.

Of course SBI won’t agree with that, and we all know why.

Yes ANET please perm ban ALL players that, due to a glitch that is on your game (or not sure, it might be a glitch created by SBI and exploited only by them), allows players to accidentally get into a tower. Please please please. It makes so much sense.



in Match-ups

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

Hey Noodica, cry more please.

It was 2 warriors, not 2 guardians. You also weren’t alone. You wouldn’t fight without being right at your gate. So I guess you aren’t counting the 6 gate guards we tanked while killing you?

Then you spammed join our party just to wah wah. Was hoping you would hang around more so I could cry on your corpse.

Oh well, glad it irked you enough to post.

Let me correct you since you have some sort of dysfunction in your memory.
The first time, outside Bay, was a 2v3 me and a necro vs 3 of you, andddd we won.
The second time, was outside Garri near your own sentry, that was the 1v2..

Not sure why you are bothering. It’s Noodica. Who thinks these things only happen against BP and their server is perfect. It’s getting ridiculous.

Sad, because BP seems to have a great server. It’s their commanders who act the buffoon (no offence to buffoons).

Since BP loves to give advice here is some advice for your commanders.

Commanders are there to provide integrity and show the general spirit of the server. So stop:

*Whispering people in game to say you are coming to get them
*Asking in LA overflow if someone is there from a particular server and then saying: we are coming to get you tonight AR and SBI, we are coming to get you.
*Pretending only other servers use hacks or exploits
*Trolling the forums saying how you are the server with more integrity, better at tactics, better at everything and everyone else sucks, you have no respect for them and you are embarrassed to fight them
*Belittling guilds who leave your server. Just wish them luck and move on.




in Match-ups

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

Glitching into our EB Keep, hmm it seems that my respect for SBI has lowered even more than it already was

Ya, you are going to have to get over that. I have seen plenty of BP doing that to us as well. It’s a glitch. Of course if I somehow glitched into a tower I would do the honourable thing and try to get out instead of attacking like has happened to me and I am sure has happened to you. I am not fond of that kind of cheating.


6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

wow..tonight SBI has had 50-70 people in SBI BL 50-70 in BPBL, a full que in eternal, and 20-30 people in ARBL for 4 hours.

BP has had 30 in BPBL, 30 in eternal, 10 in ARBL, 10 in SBI BL. Aside from that we have had a group of 50-60 that we have been map hopping, we have saved keeps in all BL’s back and forth and swapping maps every 10 mins to quickly whipe without even having time to sweep a keep, leaving the commander on the map to sweep and lock the door.

I have gotten 1k kills so far in 4 hours, we have wiped a zerg of 50+ AT LEAST 15 times tonight, and most of the people following are similar kills. We have lost garrison and hills to sneak attack 6 omegas + 50 people, we had scouts but we didnt have time to run so they were lost, an hour apart from eachother.

Its amazing what we have held with the numbers that SBI has across all maps, i dont understand where the numbers are coming from.

SBI has more numbers then you guys think, you just lack coordination

Yes, because you are the only server that hops around maps. Ever think that that is why you are coming up with these skewered numbers? SBI wiped out your zergs just as many times. Maybe you were there maybe you were not. It doesn’t really matter. It’s just childish to bring something like that up. Just like all those people on here accusing other servers of using hacks. All servers do it, it is just a few bad apples. Report them and move on people.

Oh, and your own server admits to having 300 people on your TS on reset and 200 nightly. So don’t claim it is so amazing that you have somehow managed to hold us off by some miracle or amazing tactics. I would post screenshots but that is just as ridiculous a thing to do.


6/25/13 patch discussion thread [merged]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

Well ItV got it’s nerf as expected. Lots of whining lots of nerfing. Was great against thieves. Was this why there was a nerf? And Phantasms… lol just so ridiculous. I guess a buff to their health was a way to appease? Maybe now it will take me three 1 spam hits to kill them instead of 2.


25th June Patch Notes

in WvW

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

Well if this is true, I guess the ItV complainers get their wish. Shame, it is great against thieves, but guess that is why it will change. Also, torment? Please, just no. It would be kind of funny to nerf confusion to hell and then add that.


6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

I despised eBay for their dumpster talk and the way the reacted to forum postings, and I certainly hope that’s not the future of BP

I have a feeling that it is not the future of your server, your server is there already. Or maybe that is just a few, Aeros, GSSlunaspike, Evilzara and DtC. Normally when we fight someone there is some trash talk and it is all in good fun, but this was just pathetic. I can not have any respect for a server like this, sorry. It is pathetic because this is coming from two of your commanders.

But it is nice to see messages like yours and a few of your “comrades”. I was thinking our fights were good times, but now it feels like it was just on the side of our server.

Posting screenshots to try to deny what another server is saying is infantile. How many times have I heard BP say they were a small server. I have screenshots to prove otherwise. Or this: “we came to EB and destroyed you”. Want screenshots to prove otherwise? Funny, I remember destroying your huge zergs last night on several occasions. But that is perception. It happens on both sides. Both sides at one point destroy each other’s zergs.

All that to say, if we ever have to play you again, it is great that there are people like you on your server. Good sports who offer actual advice and don’t have their heads up their kitten .

This is why I like Anvil. Maybe that is just me, but they are always very respectful.


(edited by Purr Kitten.8731)

Thieves with stealth

in WvW

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

Yeah mesmers can but they are easy to kill.

Pretty sure that is the first time I have heard that. I will quote you endlessly on all the nerf mesmer threads.

But thieves do it, I sometimes do it as a mesmer if there are a lot of enemies about, eles can mist form and engineers have a similar function. So it is not just thieves, though I agree that they do it 96% of the time, unlike the other professions.

But to answer your questions, maybe a lot of wvw thieves are glass cannons? Easier to stealth stomp than make themselves vulnerable. And why not do it? Why allow you the opportunity to get up? It is normal to always use any tricks at one’s disposal.


the horn in WVW

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

Trying to remember, I think I did hear it last night. Was wondering what it was.

Actually that was someone from my team sorry. The person who was repeatedly blowing it over my dead body, I definitely did not hear. keep in mind the masses of arrow carts around me and sounds of battle may have defened the sound.


(edited by Purr Kitten.8731)

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

I am posting the above with the utmost sincerity. Far be it from me to give advice, but SBI, if you don’t want to get buried into tier 7, you need to realize Eternal is not the only map.

Funny, sounds like utmost arrogance to me. SBI is not a server that runs around for points but for fun, for fighting (my opinion from observation). Not for keeping towers over a prolonged period of time or BL. Guess you did not notice other people posting that already. SBI does not care what tier they are in. Glad this seems to be of absolute importance to you, but all servers are different. Whether that makes sense to you or not is irrelevant. Would I like SBI to care more about points and keeping towers, of course. Would I like SBI to care more about BL, yes. But that is just me.
This whole: our server rolled you garbage is really tedious.

I can say the same thing about Borlis those times you sent 30 people to take our North camp over and over. We rolled you, thanks for the bags. It happens that sometimes we wipe out your zerg, sometimes you wipe out ours. Grats.

What I thought was a fun battle at Hills last night, to you seemed to be an annoyance. Guess we just view things differently.


Does ANet ban cheaters/exploiters/hackers?

in WvW

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

From what I can gather, Anet doesn’t seem to want to hear about hackers from the report tool, but from a detailed report sent to them via email. Seems like a lot of effort tbh.

It is a lot of effort. Sorry but if I am in wvw no way I am going to switch windows and fill out a detailed report, especially if in mid-battle. There HAS to be a way to do this in game quickly and easily- as suggested by allowing us to chose something other than botting or scamming and allowing us to type a very brief description of what we saw.


Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

It’s fair. Who cares really. You get stomped when you are down. It’s to be expected. Very rare in my experience to get up from that, though I mostly roam alone. When it happens and I am alone or in groups, especially if I am in a zerg, I just clone and port away. Anything that wastes a little bit of time is good imo. But ya, I am down, I most likely will get stomped so if they are stealthed or not makes very little difference.


Discouraged from Upgrading Towers

in WvW

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

The cost is a gold sink.

However, it does not work as intended, because only a small group of people consistently pay into upgrades. They get to see their investment disappear far more often, and get increasingly frustrated. Because while they spend time and money on upgrades, they are removed from most of the action a.k.a. loot/WXP making the loss even more apparent.

So I tend to agree, remove cost, at least for Towers, as controlling the upgrade process is easy by sniping Dolyaks and capping camps. The gold sink is ineffective.

So agreed with this. I really hate spending two hours upgrading camps for a tower, upgrading tower, building siege only to have a zerg take it because my server are off somewhere else, cannot get back in time, don’t care etc. They are getting all the loot, I am wasting all my loot. Frustrating, but that is how it is.

I sometimes feel the same way as OP: never upgrading again. Nothing worse than paying 2 kittening gold to upgrade walls in SM and it gets taken in a few hours and being away from the action I make zero money back. So yes, my own fault I suppose.


6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

While most of you probably thought, dang they got 60 in every map! It was just us moving maps in a stressful manner, we were the 60 person reactionary force while 10 people per map (20-30 or so in EB) kept things secure and called us as needed

You can’t deny “skill and coordination” and just claim we throw numbers at the problem, were far more skilled and coordinated in our server then most of you give credit for.

Yes I had a feeling that might have been the case, which is why I mentioned it. Now if more SBI would go on ts rather than the three that are on…


6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

All I can say about Anvil are nice things tbh. They have great roamers and havok teams. So often after them 2 vs 1 or 10 vs 1 me (caught off guard), they always show courtesy, bowing or kneeling.

As for BP, wow. Those numbers! SBI is severely underpopulated regardless of what others say. We are on at very specific times, have lots of mappers and SBI does like their blobs and zergs. We seem to prefer fights than holding towers etc. Personally I prefer staying at camps or building up towers and siege, a handful of us do that. But every server is different.

But every time I am on EB, i think wow BP has so many, go to SBI BL. Another 20-30 there. Go to BP BL. Another 20 there. Either that or awesome communication which I think to be the case as well.



in WvW

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

Yes I have noticed I can do this on occasion. Well through doors when someone is attacking. Meant to report it but did not have the chance during a battle and then forgot about it.


5/31 DragonWagon/Magummybears/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

Maguuman here:

Until last night I had no idea this kind of stuff even existed but kitten did I get a crash course in hacking and cheating. We watched our trebs get eaten by AC from down the side of a suicide cliff (so tall fall damage would kill you) we realized that something was up. Normal players cant zoom their camera back far enough to land those shots..

It’s like he said we didn’t expect to come out on top, but all we wanted was the opportunity to fight it out in a fair and balanced setting. This is really discouraging and disappointing.

Yes I was kind of surprised. Not had to report this many people before. Oh well nothing you can do but report, move on and keep fighting.

Also, not sure why some Maguuma people are saying SBI runs from fights. Kind of thought the same myself about other servers (who I will not identify), guess it is just perspective. Of course our small zergs vs large zergs that might be expected. Still I think this week will be a lot of fun. Like I did for CD, will be rooting for SBI and Maguuma this week.


Into the Void needs balancing.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

I really don’t understand the problem here at all. It gets used against me in wvw all the time and I have never even been annoyed by it. One of the rare skills a Mesmer can use on a keep wall too, and it’s great against thieves. Though maybe your issue is with it’s use in pvp, then I guess I can’t comment. Now, perma stealth….


Login Issue since Update

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

I can’t log in at all. Even tried to reset my password. Message said it was sent to my email, with a link to reset. And even that did not happen. Can not log in to the game at all. Was in game then booted.


Frost Bow Spawning problem

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

Same thing happens with the fiery greatsword. What was happening to me last night, was that it would mostly not spawn in my hand just on the ground, for both.


Phantasms retested after 12/3

in Mesmer

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

Ok I know I am very late on this but this is incredibly frustrating. A delay on phantasms is how they are supposed to work. Seriously? To give people the ability to totally avoid damage. How does this make any sense at all. Meanwhile I just love being spam dazed or stunned by perma invisible thieves who kill you in under two seconds. But oh yes I remember now. That is their mechanic. Just like phantasms are the Mesmer mechanic yet they are repeatedly getting nerfed. I mean repeatedly. Like, every update.


Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

Right Mesmers needed this… Not warriors or spam shadow step invisible thieves. Oh right that is their mechanic. hide and do damage. in and out. Stun you in between. Kind of thought Mesmers were supposed to use phantasms and clones. Stopped using clones altogether with the nerf to them. Ya I get it pvp. Again. Just like in GW1. Lesson not learned I guess. What so many people were complaining about in GW1- split pvp and pve- which they finally did, I guess will not be brought into GW2. FYI Mesmer is hardly OP in pve. Like, AT ALL.