Showing Posts For Ragnarox.9601:

S4 : first impressions

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Druid is OP in pvp? haha they are hugely broken in wvw. Best class in 1vs3 situation with 90% win chance.

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


As an elementalist I now play DH because you don’t even need to know how to play the class to win a 1v2. It’s simply the easiest class to play and the strongest class, therefore when your class becomes useless because Anet mess up the balance (like with the elementalist) it’s the perfect immediate substitute.

Than play druid, just spam 1111 while your pet kills all players. You can easy 1 vs 4.

Druid balance when?!?

in Ranger

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


When are you going to adress Druid survivability, heal and dmg in WvW? Class is absolutely broken right now, they can 1 vs 3,4 easily. Theres a massive influx of Druids in wvw right now cause of this imbalance.

Buffing something in pvp makes that class way broken in wvw.

Top 5 Guardian ( Would like to see)

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


We could have some trait thingy like scrapper heal with swiftness:

Retalation heals you for 200 per tick.
Protection heals you for 150 per tick.
Shield skill #5 when absorbing projectiles heals you for 200 per projectile.
Blocking attacks heals you for 200 per attack.

and so on))

redesign traps

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


DH traps wont change cause DH (guardian) is only class without 25% movement trait or utility so he is waiting for you to come to him. This is only class that is stuck with Traveler runes for 4 years. If they ever reduce traps damage(again) then they need to move his base hp to warrior and necro state (18k hp).

GZ on buffing Dragon Hunters

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


I have almost all classes, and if you die to traps than you are just a casual player that don’t pay attention to his surroundings. If you see a guardian defending a point there is 100% chance that traps are under him, 1 dodge negate traps. Average player can understand that. So can I ask you what are you doing to negate traps?

Sword and Scepter getting Symbols

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


So they are merging 2 useless traits in 1 that nobody will ever use cause of “Indomitable Courage”.

What about other useless traits? Simbol on sword, yea that will help sword to be better, not.

Why is ANET so oblivious?

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


At least we are heavy class so we have pretty awesome looking armors

Top DH Forum Rumors....

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


what Guardian/DH needs?

- Zeal trait line revamp.
- Honor trait line revamp
- Radiance trait line revamp.
- Valor trait line (glacial heart back)
- Virtues : base 1 stability and stun brake F3 and 1 condi removal F2 without Virtue line. (it will give ppl more build variety – add something else to virtues in virtue line)
- Sword – aa,2,3 attacks revamp
- Hammer – aa,2,3,4,5 revamp (aa cast time 1/2 1/2 3/4 – 1 sec protection, #2 600 range, #3, 3/4 cast time plus cd 12 sec, #4 3/4 cast time 15 sec cd, #5 casting while moving 20 sec cd + giving retalation)
- Mace – revamp
- Scepter – symbol
- GS #3 12 sec cd, 4# 12 sec cd, #5 20 sec cd
- LB is fine
- Give retalation more usability.

… and this is only start…

Hope you won't buff DragonHunter....

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Don’t worry they won’t buff guardians, we are in a good spot for 2 seasons. Just watching the pvp show from the back and cheering for our direct upgrade Revenant/Herald.

(edited by Ragnarox.9601)

25% movement speed

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Well we need something like this:

Combo field light – remove 2 condies + finishers giving swiftness for 7 sec.


Wings of resolve gives evade of 1/2 sec upon activation.

and some weapon adjustments like hammer (attack speed + dmg), sword (rooting attack), scepter (symbol), mace.

Burst Medi/Trap Roamer (Help!!!)

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Use LB if you want to beat ranger(at least bad ones), revenant and engineer.

You have no chance against elementalist and tanky ranger.

Use shelter, smite, test of faith, contemplation of purity instead of JI (it will save your life cause 70% roamers are condi based) and RF.

/age of account without a precursor drop

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


4439 hours / 1378 days

1 precursor drop in SW 2 months ago – The Legend

(Is there any way to get information how many precursors I got in the mystic forge in past 3,4 years? I think got ~ 35-40)

Trap Suggestion

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


It amazes me how people ask to nerf the weakest class.
Literally the worst class in the game and want to make DH even worse.

Daredevils: perma-evade, most OP damage currently, can 100-0 you in seconds, most mobile class, the best dueling class.
Tempest: can tank up to 3 people alone.
Warriors: can sustain while still dealing tons of damage and don’t need to trade one for the other.
Druid: high damage+high sustain+hight CC.
Reaper: no life force = dead; full life force = you are dead.
Herald: pretty much the most OP class i have ever seen in the game.
Mesmer: annoying as hell with stealth, clones, stealth, teleports, clones, stealth, kiting you the whole day. And double moa.
Scrapper: tons of sustain, tons of damage.

Dragon hunter: traps can be dodged, nearly no other forms of CC, low sustain, no damage without traps, no mobility, literally the worst in every aspect of the game.

ppl just complain but are too lazy to make them and actually try it for 10 mins.

Buff Defense for Hammer Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Hammer qol changes:

  1. → 1/2 1/2 3/4 →remove symbol
  2. → 600 range + buff dmg by 30% + gives 2 might for 2 sec
  3. → 3/4 cast time + something instead of immob (throw hammer for aoe dmg that cripple + vulnerability )
  4. → 3/4 + evade while casting
  5. → cast while walking + retal inside

Litany of Wrath Synergies.

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


if it was 75% outgoing dmg than I might take it, but 25%…shame shame shame.

Why is it ok for guardians to be so OP?

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Guardians will be nerfed when all other classes come to our "good spot " 2 tiers below.

Make World Bosses Great Again 2016

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


You want world bosses to be like Tripple Trouble with blue item rewards? Good luck with that.

Cast time on traps

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Learn to dodge. 2/6 traps are instant. You should practice more. DH is the weakest class now.

Silverwaste Drop Issue: Bug? Nerf?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


800 gems -> 280g
SW nerf, heh good luck with farming gold.

SW was best map for fun and good times, but guess not anymore.

Guess after those “we promote fun and rewarding game” comes reality.

Time to nerf dragon hunter traps again

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


DH will be trash tier until they give it:

F2 – evade 1 sec – nerfing heal by 15%
F3 – 45 sec CD

F4 – Passive 25% movement speed – active 1 sec daze or 5 sec weakness – 20 sec CD
trait – 25% movement speed while having aegis.

DH/Guard is only class without 25% passive speed – 4 years of traveler runes we just don’t know any other runes.

Saddly weak and unskilled players will die to traps so expect 4 more years of traveler runes.

PvP Gameplay Videos (Three Videos)

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


There are lots of bad players solo queing, thats why in real competitive teams there are no DH cause everyone counters them easily. (if they have tempest and scrapper in their team you are mostly useless).

Guard GS vs Scapper Hammer autoattack

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


In testing I play pvp often with no traits selected on my guardian. Just my weapons and know how. Sadly I only die around 10% faster due to not having the dh block (which gets shut down half the time anyways). 1s of a boon, a single block from aegis, retaliation, burning, a cleane on block with 1s icd when I can already clear with cop, it all worthless. The only trait I miss is stab on f3 use and that doesn’t even work with dh f3.

TLDR: guard traits do not matter. Try it yourself.

Aegis is so op, It just postopne your death for 0.5 sec

PvP Gameplay Videos (Three Videos)

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


1st video: you were almost all match with full hp, noone even focuses you, that scrapper in mid is tanking 2 ppl – tipical bad enemy team – that does not proove Guardian is viable.

didn’t even watched others cause of 1st video.

In my team first focus is DH always cause they are deadly if noone attacking them if we don’t have tempest.

As you said you lost to premades that know what to do, bragging about wins vs casuals is meh.

Guard GS vs Scapper Hammer autoattack

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


scrappers gets a passively procced invuln

guardians gets a passively procced symbol of zeal

ok bout passives.

Scrapper gets in normal build that everyone and their mother use:
- passive protection when stunned
- protection when use heal
- retalation when attacked
- swiftness when attacked
- bomb when dodged
- 500 hp + regen medical kit on the ground
- invul at 25% hp
-with superspeed + regen + swiftness + food = 850 hp/sec

Guardian gets -
- 3/5 retalation
- 1 aegis
- secured place in a “good spot” club
- stability on stun
- put something

- burning every five attacks
- 84 hp/s heal
- might when blocking attacks
- remove conditions when blocking attacks and/or knockback and gain stability when using a longbow at close range every 10s

That said, I don’t think the passively procced symbol of zeal counts. Pretty much every PvP guardian nowadays runs Valor/Virtues/DH, so you’re not likely to see that in the field.

Having played both sides of the coin, the automatic elixir S is a double-edged sword. It can save your tail from a spike or mean you can pull off a fortuitous safe stomp, but apart from stomping it effectively acts as an unbreakable daze for the duration. While on the whole it’s probably more useful to have, there have been times where in a close fight the elixir S proccing has stopped me from finishing off an opponent, given them a chance to recover, and then proceed to finish me off when the elixir S wears off.

Guardian doesn’t have any passive procs with the save-your-tail potential of Elixir S autoproc, but when playing guardian I’ve never sworn in frustration when an autoproc broke what I’d hoped to be a finishing combo either.

(Also: Maintaining the healing from swiftness, and especially superspeed, is easier said than done. It’s useful, but you can’t assume you have it on always.)

Note that I’m not saying that guardian doesn’t have problems, or that engineer/scrapper isn’t currently in a better spot. Still, the grass is greener from the other side.

Pls take that 84 hp/sec from meh, it’s too OP I cant sleep now.
You can take burning proc of 100 with every 5th attack too pl0x.
You can take that 1 might when aegis is used or block with 1sec icd.

Take All cause I don’t need it cause it does not make a difference.

edit. I have never lost to DH in a duel with my Scrapper, never, they often leave me at 70% max hp before they die. I will delete this game and give all my money if they make guardian in such state in what Scrapper already is. We need that man responsible of making and designing Scrapper. I’ll build statue of him if he revamp Guardian.

(edited by Ragnarox.9601)

Shield of Courage + Aegis

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Guardian as a whole is a bunch of bugs in a bag now.

What is the op class this season?

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


DH is most OP class in GW2 cause they have a place for themselves only, it’s called “a good spot”. They should nerf spirit weapons too cause too many ppl are abusing those.

Dragonhunter is garbage right now.

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


problem isn’t dragonhunter (which is fairly bad – especially F2 and F3) problem is that core guardian sucks pretty bad, no trait synergies outdated weapon skills and only 1 viable mediocre build (valor+virtues+DH) = the “good spot” is ours, pls try to take it over if you can. We will fight for it!

Next patch change request

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Shelter is overused can we get a balance like giving aegis instead of block and after using shelter we take aditional 25% dmg?

And Smite condition need a nerf I think it is overpowered because every guardian has it so instead of dealing dmg I would like to see it puts vulnerability to guardian if he smites condition and increase cooldown by 50% if you dont have condition on you.

Some quality changes for in “good spot” guardians.

Guard GS vs Scapper Hammer autoattack

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


scrappers gets a passively procced invuln

guardians gets a passively procced symbol of zeal

ok bout passives.

Scrapper gets in normal build that everyone and their mother use:
- passive protection when stunned
- protection when use heal
- retalation when attacked
- swiftness when attacked
- bomb when dodged
- 500 hp + regen medical kit on the ground
- invul at 25% hp
-with superspeed + regen + swiftness + food = 850 hp/sec

Guardian gets -
- 3/5 retalation
- 1 aegis
- secured place in a “good spot” club
- stability on stun
- put something

Guardian hammer - Feedback

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


With all the feedback from the community about the hammer and it is still in the same stale state it has been in for almost 4 years now. We have seen every classes weapon updated apart from guardians set (shield took 3 years after daily complaints)

This thread alone shows the amount of respect guardians get from Anet. I remember a rangers pet (i think smoke something) had the move removed and the ranger community raged at it, not 24hrs later it was changed back. For years we have complained about various issues concerning the class about our traits and and weapon skills with no avail.

Now look at the class… it has been pigeon holed into using the same 3 trait lines with no diversity. The Guardian forum is now full of the same posts either complaing about the class or saying we are in a good spot (devs after 3 and a half years how can you not tell we are being sarcastic?). The class honestly needs to be looked at and i think the guard community needs to start raising their voices A LOT higher if you want them to hear us.

sorry for the mini rant.

Join the club “we are in a good spot” we have cookies.

Guard GS vs Scapper Hammer autoattack

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Apart from other differences:

Scrapper = Medium Armor – Guardian = Heavy Armor

Scrapper = 15.900 hp
Guardian = 11.600 hp

Retaliation viable?

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Retalation is useless, average 100 dmg per tick. And whats funny guardian have so many retalation options. Useless traits combined with retalation = Good spot.

Do berserkers need nerf?

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Problem with warrior and all other classes: when they buff it in PVP that buff is multiplied by 10x in WvW.

They must split all 3 game modes: PVP, PVE and WvW.

DH is the only Class out of Meta?

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Instead of “oh crap” “get out of jail free” buttons you have passive knockback in the form of heavy light.


I would gladly give that passive trait for something like Hunter’s shot (stealth 3 sec).'s_Shot


Guardian Skill Patch May 17

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Don’t argue with Obtena, just ignore him, hes flaming you.

Guardian is now in the end of food chain but hoping some buffs may come in 2 months.

traveler runes or pack?

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Traveler. Using on something else is waste of gold.

Guardian summer quarter balance update:

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Changed skill name “Retreat” to “Run for your lives”.

DragonHunter Buff - Thank you!

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Best buff 4ever. I love your balance team, give them more wages.

At least they didn’t nerfed hammer, shield and scepter.

Guardian Skill Patch May 17

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Best balance ever!

It took them like 5 mins to balance this

This made me to try my Guard again, NOT!

At least we got new gem shop update weapons.

(edited by Ragnarox.9601)

Engineer is seriously strong...

in Engineer

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


With the nerf to slick shoes, securing kills as an Engi has become much harder.

The sustain might be over the top, but the damage really isn’t. When I play or play against Scrappers in WvW the sustain helps keeping the fight in stall, but I noticed that a lot of the times the Engi lacks what it’s needed to end it.

Especially on my Warrior, I can keep the Scrapper engaged until I can catch an interrupt or the Scrapper simply makes a mistake, and put him on the back foot or straight up finish him off.

Warrior can beat anyone in 1v1 now with no effort.

On Point: Guardian serves zero viable role

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


I agree that guardians can use some help. Just no buffing traps or spirit weapons. Passives are not fun.

I wish that my Guard have passives like Scrapper, but in some parallel universe where someone can revamp guardian into useful class.

Renewed Justice trait

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Yea it works only for the pull. That means going back to usual medi-trapper guard xD

Any recent comments from devs?

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Inb4 hammer damage nerf because “We noticed DH has had too strong a presence in PvE, specifically raids. To compensate we’re slightly buffing the damage of revenant sword and druid staff.”

After we gathered up Guardian/DH strong and weak points we are also balancing slightly some of guardian weapons such as:
-Sword skills cd increase by 20% and decreasing dmg by 30% cause Guardian/DH overperforming in those areas such as rooting themself. That seems too OP.
- Hammer seems too op too, cause symbol dmg is too high plus increasing cd of banish because it does outperform autoattack and symbol dmg so you can’t have 2 good things without consequence.
- Mace autoattacks do not heal anymore cause Guardians/DH heals outperform all other classes especially with meditation 2k heal. And we are removing symbol regeneration cause it gives Guardian/DH strong advantage when rooting himself with sword 3# skill combo under damaging light field.
- Scepter autoattack needs slight adjustment by increasing attack rate to 1 sec so players can have a chance to escape from Guardian/DH strong bursts.

And aditionally
-buffing Thief sword cause it’s autoattack does less dmg than Backstab and thats not right.
-buffing Druid staff attacks cause druid have already good survivability but need to buff attacks by 50%
- buffing Necro Staff too by 50% ti give necros better kill options against classes like Guardians
- buffing Warriors F skills by 30 % because Guardians have to many block and aegis

And finally we are increasing Guardian F skill cooldowns to 30/80/120 because Guardian outperform all classes that have blocks and that gives them great advantage in pvp/wvw respectively.

Good video on the state of traits

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


A tl;dw for those who can’t be bothered. “Over 90% of these traits are absolutely horrific”

Is he wrong?

No hes absolutely right. Wrong traits in wrong line, useless traits, long cds, 80% weapon skills suck… It’s like someone who got no clue how Guardian works did last quality update cough cough karl cough cough.

Karl doesn’t even play guardian, last time I remember dude played warrior :P

Oh thats why warrior is now super strong, no wonder. But he is responsible for making DH traits and guardian traits after HoT and lots of nerfs. He absolutely have no clue.

Good video on the state of traits

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


A tl;dw for those who can’t be bothered. “Over 90% of these traits are absolutely horrific”

Is he wrong?

No hes absolutely right. Wrong traits in wrong line, useless traits, long cds, 80% weapon skills suck… It’s like someone who got no clue how Guardian works did last quality update cough cough karl cough cough.

Do berserkers need nerf?

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


They need to kick warriors to 11k hp to the Thief tier. Having awesome burst with 1100hp regen every sec means this is a glass cannon with no drawbacks →put 11k hp drawback and let them try to rule.

To balance stuff in return just give endure pain 40sec cd and bers stance 40 sec cd. Problem solved.

On Point: Guardian serves zero viable role

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Guards are not meant to have high mobility. If they did they would have to give up their heals, blocks and 1v1 capability (just like thieves; revs don’t count since Anet threw any common sense out of the window and overtuned them for the sake of sales).

Thieves have infinite dodge and stealth on demand + 9-12k backstabs – ability to reset fights by stealth is most broken thing in this game.

1v1 capability of Guardians is non existent. You should try Guardian in pvp and figure it out by yourself.

Any recent comments from devs?

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


We are giving you some quality updates :

Decreased cd of Save yourselves to 38 sec.
Decreased cd of Bane signet to 22 sec.
Decreased cd of Signet of mercy to 100 sec.
Decreased cd of Sanctuary to 75 sec.


DH F3 Bug/Issue

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


F3 block only frontal attacks if you jump away with F2 from your target you will die. But there are lots of bugs related with f2,3. They are just downgrades of normal F2,3.