lel druid complains about dragonhunter lel.
I dont miss it, RF is too good.
Guardian → 2h Spear → Lancer
1# autoattack 1(vulnerability), 2(might) 3 (vulnerability)
2# strike enemy 5x times
3# charge into enemy crippling those on path and gaining fury (750 range)
4# parry attacks
5# evade and jump into target area dazing and dmg foes inside + making symbol of regeneration (unblockable)
They overhyped the expansion giving less content for more money. Now they changed to no information until they put something out. I hope this silence wont backstab them if new expansion dont give enough content/areas/stuff for a price of 60€/$. This could be end of this game.
Take a look here:- Guild Wars: Prophecies ~ April 28, 2005
- Guild Wars: Factions ~ April 28, 2006
- Guild Wars: Nightfall~ October 27, 2006
- Guild Wars: Utopia ~ April 2007, (Cancelled)
- Guild Wars: Eye of the North ~ August 31st, 2007
And now for GW2:
- Guild Wars 2 ~ August 28, 2012
- Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns ~ October 23, 2015
- Guild Wars 2: Elona et Cantha ~October 21, 2018
I complain about power War, much as how an Engi/Nec/Ranger complain about burn guard… We’re stupid powerful but not without an apparent Achilles’ heel.
That said, Arc Divider..it needs to die.
Well War is now like guard was in beta…18k hp base + blockadin + huge dmg.
→ put war in 11k base hp division → problem solved.
LB is not that good vs melee classes. (thief can outdodge you, war can reflect all attacks, rev can outpressure you with his extremely strong attacks, etc…).
Problem with desert bl is that its huge compared to alpine. They need more respawn points, maybe in that oasis in the middle.
You play DH..And you’ve been asking for DH to be buffed,skill wise,hp regen wise,damage wise.And you understand that DH “Needs it defenses”,yet you are unable to understand that warrior also needs it defenses,and then ask to nerf our defenses because warrior is braindead and every idiot in your opinion can play and wreck everyone left and right while just pressing random buttons.
DH defenses are blocks whick block only front attacks for 4 sec on 65cd when traited which good warrior can just overcome by pressing signet of might(6 sec unblockable). + RF 72sec cd (F skills and elite are the longest cd skills in the game).
Warrior defenses are endure pain (5 sec traited)which is not even a block its invulnerability for 4 sec + another on 50% hp. – one OP thing.
Then you say this to someone “gl surviving anything with no stunbreak, mobility and condi clears.”".
Its like the kittening twilight zone,you know everyone needs stabi,defensive play,condi clears..But when you talk about warrior its all braindead and bad and easymode and needing to be nerfed.
warrior have too much condi clears and stability passive (+ressisstance). – another OP.
It’s impossible to take people like yourself serious.All the cry posts you recently made about warrior ( And that are quite a few ) are ridiculous,besides the fact you never even really explained why warr is op in your eyes without screaming “condi immunity,endure pain,health regen,damage !”.Again,while you play DH,a class that has a ton of defensive options aswell while able to dish out proper damage.
condi immunity, endure pain, health regen, damage + 5 sec weapon swap… do I need to explain again why?
Everything a warri has is in your eyes OP and broken when reading through your post history.Warrior has weaknesses that you are probably unable to figure out,You should also understand that you might not be as good player as you think you are when you lost 10-25 dueling a warrior.The guy might have just been ( Now hold on this might be a shocker ) better than you.
You’re the prime example of what the OP means.
I don’t even think you know any warrior weaknesses at all, cause they don’t have any and you are just carried by your build and passives and you dont even need to make mistakes – similar to turret engie. + they can use berserker gear and not even need to invest in defense or hp for survivability which is not case for other classes.
(their only weakness is skilled thief backstabbing them but that is also a tough matchup cause if thief do 1 mistake they are dead)
So when I duel thieves and win in 95% matches that means I am too skillfull for any of them cause they suck and I am better than them?
(edited by Ragnarox.9601)
Its obviously not the fact that warriors burst like thieves with a good amount of damage mitigation on top of stability + movement speed increase with good passive healing…
… Burst like thieves? What kind of thieves have you been up against? Thieves burst much harder than a warrior. There’s a difference between good burst damage, and extreme burst damage. Warrior is the former, thief and mesmer are the latter.
Yes, our passive healing is good, to help make up for the fact that the primary long term survival trait of the warrior is being a sack of hitpoints. (Because being a sack of hitpoints didn’t make much of a difference before they buffed Adrenal Health) It means you don’t try to beat warriors by playing an attrition game. If you’re trying to do that, then don’t be surprised that you lose.
As for the damage mitigation… We have really long cooldowns on all of those skills. You just wait them out. If you have to fall back from point to do so, then so be it. It’s sorta like not standing on point in the middle of a DH’s traps. Just wait it out.
Warriors are finally not in a terrible place, and are actually balanced. You just need to fight them intelligently.
You call this balance? hahaha. Warrior/berserker is best class now. T1 god easy passive mode. Don’t be too surprised when they nerfhammer it next balance patch. If they don’t nerf it then other classes will get significant buffs to be on same tier as war/bers and then power creep will rise again.
(edited by Ragnarox.9601)
It could be fun too if DH slams Thief with Mighty blow from behind and deal dmg equal of users HP and insta killing hes opponent.
Fun video but that combo does not bring anything good vs good players
DH need one defensive combo weapons cause 2 offensive does great dmg but also gives much opportunities to your enemies.So true. I though so many times "if this were me on the other side with proper spec :p " hammer 2 could use an evade and remove 1 condi and hammer 5 cast while moving. This wpuld be very decent for a bit more sustain.
Hammer could use 450 range on #2 and blind on #3 and #5 casting while moving. Also blasting light field should remove 2 condies and that would be best for hammer. LB is bad weapon without sw/sh(f) cause it lacks everything (+ projectile hate expansion).
Fun video but that combo does not bring anything good vs good players
DH need one defensive combo weapons cause 2 offensive does great dmg but also gives much opportunities to your enemies.
I saw NLO’s in Gandara desert BL! Used stealth to cover their ships and then mounted lizard mounts and went toward south with superspeed.
Traveler runes since 2012.
Save yourselves is ok shout, but retreat should be renamed to “Charge” or “Make haste” or something better.
We have head items with particles, shoulder items with particles, hands with particles, so can we have some boots with particle effects??? I think ppl would pay for that stuff.
Happened to me lots of times, pop RF bam interrupted in casting and cd’s stayed the same. And no I wasnt dodging or swapping weapons, maybe due to lag in wvw recently I used RF but someone before stunned me before so calculation of server side messed up.
Hopefully anet doesn’t listen to people like you who did not play warrior when hot first came out.. everything could kill a warrior like a ping pong. Took anet a lot of work to get it on competitive terms
They are not competitive now, they are God tier. And gods need to be toned down to human level.
problem is when you need to:
- warrior he just pop his f1 and 1.1k hp/s regen = full hp
warrior pops out his f1 and perma stability is up = no cc’s for you. (its like fighting full rampage warrior)
So warrior is pretty much immune to stuns + kiting unless you are a Thief who can just go out of fight and come back in with teleports and backstab him. This just need to be toned down. They have too much now without any disadvantage. Hopefully it will be dealt with in next balance patch….hopefully…
I know ppl defending this todays warrior/berserker cause its brain dead easy to play and can smash 2 players at same time. Enjoy while it lasts (like ghost thief).
The only people defending it are the ones actually playing the class and knowing how it can be countered,unlike people as yourself that run towards a warr and spamm 1234567890 hoping the warri will die.its fun how people jump to this “braindead” mentality after getting wrecked by warris.Cus every class that wrecks me is a braindead class/build Riiight.
quite the opposite you just run as a berserker pressing buttons like 123456 while your passive healing and stab doing their work, pop 4 sec endure paing and spam attack buttons which hit for 6-10k. bers dont even need to dodge, just smash all those buttons.
btw and I wont be wrecked by warrs cause I play one. But comparing it to other classes – this build has no disadvantages – bers amulet no need to invest in defense cause your passives doing all the work. Defending this build is just like defending turret engie years ago.
That would make some classes extremely OP like druid, ele and engie which fart regen.
EOTm is good way to level elite specs cause HoT maps were borring hard and multilevel clusterkitten. I will never go there again levelin some alt.
I know ppl defending this todays warrior/berserker cause its brain dead easy to play and can smash 2 players at same time. Enjoy while it lasts (like ghost thief).
so toxicity from pvp went to pve? such a shame.
Dude you don’t need to even reset fight cause you have perma 1.1k hp/s regen. I dont even want to mention extreme dmg in full bers gear without consequence + perma stab or ressistance. Be happy you dont have 11k base hp which you should be having right now. Most broken class in wvw. Thiefs and condi reapers ar not far behind.
Yea final 32 bauble bauble would be nice. This is just a no no for me.
Warrior should go down to tier 1 or 11khp company. Class that has 18k hp base can use berserker amulet 1khp/sec regen 2×4sec endure pain, perma stability and resistance, block on shield on low cd, extra high burst dmg, extra high dmg overall, aoe f1 450 range extreme dmg on low cd. And thats in pvp. And its even better inwvw by ~30%. (wvw is infested with berserkers and thieves, I wonder why….)
This should never happen but hey they are even easier mode than DH’s. Just press buttons use f1 and ppl are dead fast enough.
Another enjoyable video. Keep up the good work!
Thanks m8, glad some people are enjoying them as im having fun doing them aswell.
Well it was fun last night watching you try everything xD
I was dueling warrior until 5pm in the morning, lost 25 win 10. Warrior freaking stab, health regen, dmg, stuns, ressistance uptime. I cant believe something broken like this still exist.
Yeah i had to go to sleep. Only dueled him once. Got him to5% then the stunlock skills got me. 15k damage in 2s
fun times
yea saw that you had him and bam your full hp just went down
Another enjoyable video. Keep up the good work!
Thanks m8, glad some people are enjoying them as im having fun doing them aswell.
Well it was fun last night watching you try everything xD
I was dueling warrior until 5pm in the morning, lost 25 win 10. Warrior freaking stab, health regen, dmg, stuns, ressistance uptime. I cant believe something broken like this still exist.
Its ok video but they are all bads. With players who know their classes you dont have a chance.
Sometimes i watch videos of outnumbered fights and i think to myself" why didnt the 2 of them do this or that against him? " when im fighting alongside a friend or another capable player against one player no matter how good he is he will go down. My objective is to show diferent kinds of playstyle with other weapon sets that are not on meta. But i do agree that many of those were not above average
Yea I know its different but its not that good, I tried it and ppl who know how to kite will devastate you. Its good vs those who dont see you and you have first strike when your combo do 70% dmg to their hp, then they panic. But most of the players will just kite you and you are dead without RF.
Its ok video but they are all bads. With players who know their classes you dont have a chance.
It more has to do with Guardian actually being one of the only balanced classes in this game. As much as “Guardian is in a good spot” is a pretty good joke at times, there is a ton of truth in that statement. All skills Guardian has makes sense in a non-spamming game that GW2 used to be, and all are fairly useful as well.
The problem arises from the power creep that occurred and the ridiculousness that ensued. Hammer #3? Pre-Hot it was a balanced skill that had quite the reward for hitting it and, because stability wasn’t everywhere, it allowed someone the time to dodge it because that was pretty much the only defense against being hit by it. Now though it seems bad because there are other skills that seem pretty powerful in comparison to it. It is just the fact that hammer was forgotten about.
Though I am of the opinion that Anet is going through all of the Guardian weapons/skills and slowly updating them to HoT standards because Guardian is their “balanced around” class. It is easier to bring one class to a standard that you want and then slightly move everyone around it then to greatly move 8 classes to be around that one. We already had had the following reworks:
1) scepter/sword rework with the addition of symbols (though yes, the #3 skills on both could use a little love, especially sword #3)
2) mace got a huge update with the changes to #3 rewarding a block with aegis and protection and the auto cleaving
3) greatsword got a huge buff and is now apart of the DPS rotation like it deserves
4) shield has received so many buffs and is now usable in multiple situations.The weapons still needing reworking are the following:
1) Hammer needs some TLC and will probably get some. I love the utility this weapon brings but in the fast pace of PvP it is a little to slow so it needs a bigger payoff.
2) Staff was a range support weapon but is so outclassed by using shield offhand with scepter (IMO), that there is almost no point to use it.
3) Focus has always been in a relatively good spot though a CD reduction wouldn’t go amiss to keep it in line with everything else nowadays. I don’t remember the last time I used this in PvE except as a fight opener.
4) Torch needs to stop being Stormtrooper role play and needs something added to #5. Self condi clear maybe? Or how about boon removal? Even 1/2s of burning per pulse would help. The cast time and usability of #5 makes it had to actually do anything useful with it (besides cleaving downed with Permeating Wrath, but that’s more PW scaling ridiculously than anything).I have a feeling that on April 20th (patch after SAB and probably episode 5) another weapon will get an update.
Hammer #2 could use 450 range and 10% buff and hammer #5 castable while walking. Everything else is ok-ish. Maybe buff to Banish (hits 30% more if enemy has stability or maybe blind them).
And focus could use some buff, cd reduction and something useful.
People bring up CoR for some reason, let me explain the difference:
Arc Divider 450 pbaoe with practically no tell. It will not miss anyone in range if the hit will land.
CoR 1200 range 3/4 cast narrow cascade field with ~1-1.25sec time to dodge that also wont hit a target moving perpendicular to its travel path. Fails frequently on broken terrain.
Both skills are strong and when it comes down to comparing them the biggest difference I find is one cannot miss on a player not randomly negating while the other will only land on a player standing still or moving in line with the player on flat terrain who is out of active defensive negates.
If I were to rebalance both skills,
Arc Divider would get a radius reduction down to 300
CoR I would increase its energy cost to 15 or CD to 8sec.Arc Divider is a melee skill…
People might think CoR is broken but its most ridiculous aspect is that there is no reason to not use it on recharge (terrain and player movement depending).
CoR is most broken skill in the game on 2 sec cd – why this even exist in 2017 I wonder. It need 8sec cd or 3x more energy cost.
Autoattack needs shaving too.
or bring warriors and revenants to 11k hp company group so they cant have full bers gear without consequences.
rangers pets are doing extreme dmg while in tanky gear, they should swap this pet dmg to glassy ranger and nerf dmg to tanky ranger. Its like ranger is tank and healing like jesus while pet doing dmg like terminator without any disadvantages. But hey, wvw is kitten anyways these days cause nobody gives a kitten about balance there.(except when ghost thief solo raid boss then its alarm all over the place – and it deserved this nerf and still some builds waiting to be nerfed in 2022).
Again it has to be a specific scenario for a hammer bolt to hit u that hard. You have to be below the health threshold and u have to had block or negate the previous attack. + You probably have to have vulnerability on you and the Rev has have to have max stacks, of bloodlust, and might etc etc. Just becasue something can happen it doesn’t probably happen. When It does happen its usually your fault for putting yourself in some kinda ridiculous position.
Its all excuses. Autoattack dealing 10k should never exist, nor even 5k. 10k is 66% someones hp. WvW is in broken state for years, they need to balance things out.
10k autoattack followed by 10k CoR anhillate players.
They need to remove bloodlust sigils and nerf foods.
Guard needs overhaul of their skills and traits, especially some weapons.
Sad. So when Thief use traps all this time, it was broken? I thought traps just did Condition damage, so not direct to reveal.
Sorry to bother WvW community. At least that save me $50 to upgrade my account.
Broken was dmg while in stealth 24/7. No class should be that way.
Too bad its only acc bound. I hate RNG things.
Yeah, hard to fix stealth stacking so they took a blunt force approach and hit a number of other builds in the process.
I like how they added a 1-second delay to thief traps and not to ranger or DH traps. I doubt this means thief traps will do significant damage now either to compensate.
Why should they give delay to DH and ranger traps? They are working as intended while this ghost thing is not working as intended.
Can you make Mjolnir to also have sound of Conjured Lightning hammer?
K.O. finally. Took them long enough.
Made legendary backpack and never coming back to pvp.
So because of that they need to oneshot ppl with autoattack? kek.
No one is being one-shot by 7.5k hammer bolts from a slow weapon. Consider using blocks, reflects, or some other form of defence if you’re really having that much trouble with it. As for CoR, it’s slow and has a clear telegraph which moves forward along the ground. I’ve been hit by it twice since the release of Rev and neither of those were a one-shot.
My hammer 3rd autoattack is even slower and cant hit not even close to that 7.5k number. So slow moving ground 10k spammable attack is also ok? You are funny
ive seen arc divider crits for 9k but…I had this today, autoattack doing 7.5k with 2# doing 10k.
Wow, good thing revs have actual weaknesses like cc and condi and don’t heal for 1000 hp/sec.
So because of that they need to oneshot ppl with autoattack? kek.
ive seen arc divider crits for 9k but…I had this today, autoattack doing 7.5k with 2# doing 10k.
Don’t cry too much when they nerfhammer it next balance patch. Abuse it until that.