Showing Posts For Ragnarox.9601:

WvW roaming hardcounters

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Darn ele’s d/d can beat Dh variants if they have decent stability and some condition in there builds. However fight a good power zerker speciation with Rune of the defender and that’s a giant problem. Warrior’s if not heavily condi pressure and boon stripped will kill DHs easily if you 1v1 them. There tough trait line base healing and f1 burst heal is not a boon, but a special skill trait so it can’t be corrupted or stolen. That really needs to be adjust in wvw!

Try fighting a warrior with Hammer + sw/sh, you can’t lose. Amount of pressure you give negates their pressure. They often run away and you just don’t let them run cause of 2 guard teleports.

WvW roaming hardcounters

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Only thing that hard counters me is ele. I just cant kill skilled eles with fresh air build. Too much reflection and everything.

Skill Balance Coming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Wanting balance:

- Condition dmg nerf
- Make unused weapons viable by buffing it for all classes
- Make unused utilities usable (guardian spirit weapons etc…)
- Druid survivability stealth and escape options nerf + pet nerf
- Separate all game modes for easier balance – pvp,pve,wvw

What we will probably get:

- Changed attack from 5 targets to 3
- Changed attack power from 1800 to 1750

new backpack lightning wings

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


can we have something like this someday as a backpack? my money is waiting


Denial Esports moving on from GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Can I get their gold? bb.

What'd You Think of this Season?

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


The GS isn’t bad, I fought some GS users. AoE damage, a good leap, a pull and a big symbol to make combo with. But it was swapped for the Longbow, that is a really good ranged weapon and grand us a lot of combos (expecially with some traps).
Then we had to chose between the GS and the Sword+Focus in a meta where everything hit you like a truk, forcing us to use all the defensive skills we have the chance to put our hands on. The main reason to make me drop the GS isn’t the Sword, is the Focus. Blind, clean conditions and grant us blocks or/and a really good hit, plus a Blast Finisher. The buffed Sword is only a good choice to pair with that strong offhand weapon.

We’ll find another Elite Specialization in our future and then we’ll lose the Longbow and the Traps, probably to obtain an Axe (main hand? offhand? no one know). We’ll see what kind of combos we’ll be able to do with that weapon. If we’ll be able to use Axe+Focus I’ll chose a GS or a Hammer as secondary weapon for shure (at last in sPvP or where i don’t need the range of the Scepter like in some fractals)

I am using Hammer + sw/shield combo cause it’s really great. I have problems only with DH with LB/sw-shield combos cause of range pressure they have.
I pretty much destroy all other classes. I hope future spec Axe has some sort of cc on it plus some leap.

Dragonhunter really does need balancing

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Warrior is the best class in pvp 1 on 1. If DH needs balancing than warrior(berserker) need serious nerfhammer.

Needed guardian weapon buffs

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Yea gs is bad in all game modes, but LB in pvp is also bad cause of so many projectile block skills so I am using hammer sw/shield. Pretty good build.

Equiping the bow...

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Elite spec is on the third row. You cant equip it on the first 2 rows in your build window.

Issue with lag?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Today got ping spikes in instanced pvp 300+
While in pvp area normal 51 ping.

Needed guardian weapon buffs

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Excellent changes.

Might i add:

#2 remove the short freeze after you blinked so you keep up with the pace.
#3 usable while moving

#2 Increase range. If that is considered OP add in ground targeting (increasing skill floor) and proper boost to range.

#5 Remove targeting and make it a proper AOE in a cone in front of the guardian (you can just strafe to avoid it atm)
#5 Cleanse conditions from the guardian as well.

0s cd on #2 effectively making it #1. Increase orb speed and damage/healing. Remove the “second” effect.
3s cd on #1 effectively making it #2 and increase damage with 200% and 2s burn to each target hit.

Place all symbol traits in the same line

oh I forgot MB range, yea 600 could be good for it. But if it was me i would swap 3rd channel attack symbol to Mighty blow.
1-2-3 all 1/2 cast time and third attack gives fury for 1 2/4.
MB 5 sec cd (4 traited), 600 range and it gives symbol of protection for 1 2/4 sec. And remove combo blast for balancing.

Needed guardian weapon buffs

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


-third autoattack gives 2 might + 5-10% increase dmg of autoattack chain,
2# instead of 7x it does 3x attacks + 10% increase of dmg (cause its projectile and easy avoidable)
3# (leap of faith) 12 sec cd,
5# (binding blade) 25 sec cd.

Third autoattack 1 sec,
MB dmg increase by 15-20%,
4# dmg increase by 15%,
5# usable while moving +30 sec cd.

Sword: best weapon atm for guardian
LB: best range weapon for guardian

1 and 2 autoattack heals guardian by 200 each and 3rd autoattack heals for 500
2# 1 sec cast time

2# 5 sec cd
3# 15 sec cd

4# 15 sec cd
5# 30 sec cd

Shield: fine

5# line of warding 30 sec cd

Torch: fine

(edited by Ragnarox.9601)

Shadowstep is so OP

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Just wait untill thief get Rifle next expansion, they will have Gunflame(backstab) from stealth

Burn application too fast

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Our burning is not the problem, problem is condi dmg overall. Its just too high atm.

Was trolling with condi build in pvp and wvw, ppl were melting in seconds.

I even made druid trapper with trapper runes, this best trolling build.

I hate playing with condi dmg but it feels so unskilled and noob friendly that it hurts.

(edited by Ragnarox.9601)

kittykittymeowmew elo hell DEFEATED

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Hes lying he was playing duo with a thief.

Not sure if you are talking to me or kitty, but I have not played a single match as a duo this season.

That kitty. was fighting him 2,3 matches always with same thief.

kittykittymeowmew elo hell DEFEATED

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Hes lying he was playing duo with a thief.

Purification change

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Warrior can do 12k dmg with gunflame, Rogue can do 12k vault dmg, when this gets normalized to proper dmg they can nerf our only good heal. But some of your suggestions are nice.

too streaky

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


i just dropped from platinum to silver….in 7h period….something isnt right.


in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


I just lost all matches in 7h period…..dropped from mid platinum to silver….!!!!

Warrior in this season

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Berserker is the best profession this pvp season, if there were no guard traps they would be nerfed long time ago.
Second best thing are conditions. Other stuff is not noticable to mention.

Guardian elite spec idea: Sunspear

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


No pls…no more spirit weapon kitten useless utilities….we need more physical stuff.

DH Spear pull should NOT work on evade!

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Its not pull, its a chain leash, its like saying hey you cant pull a dog cause he dodged your pull while on a chain leash….lol. Ppl are just funny with those complains.

Meteorlogicus, Kudzu, or Bifrost?

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Wait for new legendary longbow, dont waste money on those.

Why can spear of justice #2 interrupt dodge?

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Have you ever seen a dog dodge out of a leash?

thats a good one

Dhs.... -_-

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Traps are not the problem, 90%ppl in pvp are bad players.

Dhs.... -_-

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


DH is not that good, class stacking is. Nerf class stacking and problem solved.

If you think DH is op, make one try to play it and you will soon realise that its not that good after all.

Git gud.

Nerf trap damage already

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Traps are fine, condies are cancer.

Low skilled players that smash buttons mindlessly should die in 2 secs.

gerdian gameplay vs esl players

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


They are even worse than you…

I just dont know why this is not on the meta.

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


I pretty much destroy you with my LB autoattack….

Meteorlogicus vs Sunrise

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Go GS cause it looks better plus it goes good with LB.

Nerf freakin Trap guards

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Seems to me low skilled player got rekt by low skilled build.

You know whats ironic: Condi mesmer is qqing bout trap guard. Seems legit

Looking for a new class - Die too often :(

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Scrapper is best all rounder and easy to play. You cant die with it.

Why Guards dont got +25% Movement Speed?

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Good thing about Symbol of Swiftness is that it works when gathering/opening chests, since you stop regularly.

You would have ground to make a point if 7 out of 9 classes didn’t have access to +25% movement speed, with Rev getting perma swiftness instead. There’s nothing about guardian’s identity that makes it the most slow class.

Well, there is … Guardian’s identity defined by Anet.

Citation needed

Not really … Anet devs create the Guardian concept according to what they want. I mean, what else would they do?

But if you are unsure if Anet creates the game according to their ideas, well, go check up on Ready up # … 13 I think? Explains well why Guardians don’t have 25% RS buff, straight from the devs own mouths on video. I’m guessing you will find a way to say it’s not relevant, considering you don’t seem to think Anet defines the class as they see fit in the first place.

You are not an Anet developer. You do not speak for Anet in any way or form.

When you come and claim that this is part of the Guardian identity, and I’m asking for proof, I’m not doubting Anet, I’m doubting you.

So, don’t talk to me in a condescending tone, yours is just one more opinion, like everyone else’s, do not presume you talk for the game developers.

Omg that obtena dude is still here hahaha dont argue with him hes just flaming you.

New Worlds

in WvW

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Haha you are doing it wrong….

Just look at gandara, we might have high population but most of them are pve so doing wvw against some other servers (which are more wvw oriented) while outnumbered most of the times isnt fun anymore.

World population does not mean that most of the population is doing wvw…

Your math is broken.

Legendary Armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Looks: Awesome
Availability: Raids

Gated behind raids? nah…ill pass.


Guard Changes 10-18

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


As usual they buffed sigils that noone uses and nerf our survivability, spirit weapons still remain unchanged. I guess gaurd/dh is in good spot again? Lucky me cause I am playing Legion.

Dh nerf rumor?

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


If the nerf f2 there will be no gs/hammer – lb combos cause they lack defensive stuff. I am playing Hammer/gs – lb combo and I have no problems with that meta that all ppl complain about. They are easy.

DH needs quality buffs to be competitive in high level pvp.

Was MFs green->rare upgrade chance lowered?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Last week i dropped 250 rare gs in forge got only 1 exotic. talking about nerfing drop rate.


in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Haha warrior is wanting nerf for a DH. Thats a new one.

I want then your HP regen nerf by 50%.

Meta is Balanced - Except for Guards

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Why are so many guards playing pvp, cause in this season guardian is finally viable so every guardian main is trying it. After 4 years we actually have a decent build for pvp. End of story.

Meta is Balanced - Except for Guards

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Yes guardian gets two symbols on two underused weapons and suddenly its so OP? hahaha

Where are your threads from season 1,2,3 that guardian has too many block?

(edited by Ragnarox.9601)

Cakewalk best guild in EU?

in WvW

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


There is organized Cake hunt when Gandara gets their server. So they pretty much left to play BDO cause “we are bored” . Guess they are back.

Guard LB3 vs Necro GS5

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Then nobody can make the claim a class is underpowered or overpwered. Claiming something is underpowered is claiming it is inferior to something else, yet people do it all the time.

So when guards were underpowered.. they actually weren’t. So if they get nerfed, all is fine. My point is the obvious state of your complaints with my comparison. It’s a back-to-the-wall end-all argument that can only be used when there is nothing to actually defend with.

Your statement can be used FOR EVERY SINGLE COMPLAINT OF IMBALANCE EVER. So right now, elementalists are fine. Guardian Hammer is fine. If Guards get nerfed, they are FINE. If all their damage, all their blocks get nerfed, they are fine cuz… balance. Why complain about lack of blocks? Lack of health? Lack of anything when there is an entire game with all its date and intricacies to counter with. How do you know Guards were underpowered at any time ever in this game? Maybe you were just bad. Maybe all guards were just bad. Maybe elementalists are perfectly okay right now. Maybe they’re too strong for all we know. Nobody seems to be able to list every single ability in a 300 page data filled report as to how it is underpowered.

Where was their 300 page reasoning explaining every single intricacy of balance that lead to their decision? Hippocrates. I think I’m one of the least laughable ones here.

Dude I think you need to change your weapon. Why does noone plays competitive Reaper with gs? Figure it out, don’t blame DH for it.

Why does nobody play with gs/hammer as DH? Cause it is bad.

I dont like Hammer skills of guardian, oh god what would I give for Hammer skills from Scrapper and especially CC Hammer skills of warrior, or Hammer skills from Revenant.

Compare your GS skill 5 with Guardian GS skill 5, OMG you have a condition NERF NERF NERF !!!!


Guard LB3 vs Necro GS5

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Compare your necro gs to guardian hammer. Nothing beats the hammer casting speed and cd times.

Rational propositions for balancing DH

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


And DHs can disengage they can use Wings of Resolve, Renewed Focus invuln 3 secs refresh all virtues, they can JI or Sword to a different target that won’t be a hindrance to them I.e out of range to be a threat but allows them to port 1200 units away.

WoR is 600 range, interrupted 99% times, RF for disengage? haha
JI ? you need target for that one, Sword 2 – you need target for that one. Disengage means go away from fight not teleport into another one.

Rational propositions for balancing DH

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


No actually since your statement appears to be nonsensical as thief dodges don’t even heal last time I checked. EVADING AN ATTACK will heal DD, but not dodging as such. So the correct math is as follows: 3*Thief dodge=3*0=0 heal.

Sustain=ability to replenish your healthpool over time. This is different from the ability to avoid damage va dodge/block/stealth etc. If thief has a third of dh’s healing while having the same healthpool, then it has a third of the sustain. PERIOD.

Srry but stealth is better than block cause Thieves first attack is 7-10k backstab + free disengage. Guardian does not have disengage at all we fight or die.

If you want to make suggestions what to nerf, make Guardian/DH, play for 200-500 hours than you can judge.

Nerf Wish List fall 2016

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


wtf who even uses hammer in pvp lmao

Me and I eat your DH’s for breakfast.

(edited by Ragnarox.9601)

nerf guardians already

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Maybe, but the point is that a 3k hours on thief player like me, finds guardian a lot easier to play and to deal against other classes after just 2 days of maining the class. Am I good? Maybe or maybe not, surely my ego is not as big as the one of other players it seems but still I can say I play thief a lot better than I play guardian.

Maybe then you suck at thief and you should play guardian more? Just my 2 cents.

Rational propositions for balancing DH

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


First of all if you are to compare marauder DH with thief or ELE DH, then the most rational way to do it IS to pick the best builds on that amulet on these classes. According to metabattle, this is marauder d/p on thief (meta) and fresh air on ele (listed as ‘good’). Now the auromacer build which runs mender’s and is listed higher will indeed get more healing than fresh air, but why would you compare marauder DH with a BUNKER build. And for marauder, the healing numbers are as above:

DH symbolic (as listed on metabattle) 30k HP in 30 sedons
DH meditrapper (as listed on metabattle) 25k HP in 30 seconds
Fresh Air ELE (as listed on metabattle) about 12k HP in 30 seconds
D/P Thief (as listed on metabattle) about 10-12k HP in 30 seconds

The detailed computation for the DH builds is in my posts above for anyone to doublecheck. Similarly, you can check for ele and thief.

Now this is the MAXIMAL possible average healing, and the practiacal numbers in combat will be lower. However, if the ideal value symbolic DH is TRIPLE what it is for d/p thief, then that ration will be similar in non-ideal situtations.

Thief has 3 dodge rolls thus its equal to DH triple more heal. Get it now?

nerf guardians already

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


3k hours on thief I have 50 vs 50 chance against a lot of ppl at my level skill
2 days on guardian I have about 100% win rate vs the same ppl
Guardian is so easy to play that it is embarassing

Maybe that same ppl are not skilled at all?