Showing Posts For Risingashes.8694:

Why manipulate that?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Risingashes.8694



Why do you think of what you did as ‘manipulation’?

If it wasn’t for you tons of individuals would have bought and learned the recipe at well below the true worth of the recipe. Effectively wasting the item.

Because of you many people who truly valued the recipe were able to purchase it. You were rewarded for this with profit.

Unless you somehow tricked people in to buying an item they didn’t want, or held a gun to someone’s head and forced them to buy your item I don’t see how you can class it as ‘manipulation’.

Why manipulate that?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


Your model only works if we assume that everyone who isn’t actively flipping items is some form of sheep, incapable of setting his own prices and content to sit at poor prices without some kindly third party to do that work for him. If a flipper can make a profit at 82/98, then an initial supplier can and will too.

The model is simplified so that the explanation doesn’t take up 50 pages, since that’s how a normal market works.

But regardless of anything, the fact is that flippers are a source of demand and of supply. Whereas normal traders are simply sources of either one or the other. Removing traders removes supply which must increase the price of sale orders and removes demand which must decrease the price of buy orders.

As such suppliers are worse off as they receive less when selling in to buy orders, and consumers are worse off because they have to pay more in order to get something immediately.

This is true regardless of the velocity of markets or the complexity of uses.

The result of all this is everyone waiting longer for their trades to go through, or an increase in the lack-of-patience tax that flippers, by their nature, drive down.

None of this relies on false assumptions or class warfare, it’s the reality of markets. Fewer participants means less competition means less pressure on prices.

Removing Trading Post?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


Remove the market, and appoint John Smith as our central planner.

After I’m elected, bribing me will be considered a “gold sink”


Mr Smith, can you provide us with a list of the correct prices for materials so we can avoid trading either above or below these prices lest we harm our fellow comrades?

I’m sure that many of us are simply ignorant of what true equilibrium prices are. If we can work together to balance the most plentiful markets I’m sure the other markets will be reigned in also.

The cutscene was cool but meaningless

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


It gave absolutely no information whatsoever.

It would have made sense slightly right before the invasions, but every single player already knows that Scarlet created the Molten Alliance, even if you didn’t do the additional achievements in Flame & Frost- because the MA are fighting right besides Scarlet in the invasions.

Seems like such a waste of resources when you budget for something flashy that all players will see but make it completely irrelevant.

What was the purpose of the cutscene exactly? What was it trying to say that hasen’t already been clearly communicated to everyone? Because I couldn’t see a single thing.

Why manipulate that?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


Except that wouldn’t happen, because both supply and demand would be unchanged. All that would change is the people juggling in between supply and demand, providing nothing.


Let’s assume a market with equal supply (S) and demand (D) as you’ve suggested.

And a spread of 20% buys starting at 80c and sells at 1s. A traderless market will stay this way forever as those buying will use the items and those selling simply get the drops and relist at current minus 1 or current.

Now introduce traders. Traders see this and know they can D at 81c and S for 99c and make close to a 3% profit. Since consumers were only willing to pay 80c and 20c as a convieniance tax they’ll likely move from orderers to buyers.

So traders make 3c under this new system. But buyers now get their product for 1c less than previously. But traders are pvpers, so very soon a new trader will come along and see this high velocity market and realise that they can D at 82c and S at 98c and still make a 1% profit.

Now buyers are gaining a 2c discount and traders are only getting 1%.

But that’s not all. Farmers previously sold at 80c but were willing to pay a 20c convienaince tax. Now they are also getting 2c more for their goods as they move from placers to forfillers.

As was clearly said in the post you dismissed out of hand. Traders provide liquidity, and they also bring buy prices up and sell prices down. Without traders prices would be even further away from equilibrium.

Why manipulate that?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


Other money making methods create money out of thin air. Putting limits on these methods of wealth creation is necessary to limit negative impacts of developer oversights, ensure people are experiencing a variety of content and keeping the various wealth creation methods balanced so one group of people are not overly wealthy.

Trading does not create money, it destroys it. All money and items placed on the TP were put there purposefully by players, if limits were put on trading you’d effectively be “double-limiting” people listing items- as they’d be limited once on creation and once again on trading.

The limitations of profit for megatraders is determined solely by the willing decisions of the entire playerbase. Artificial limits would hurt the ability of people to buy items, and the ability of people to sell their items. Every successful trade has two people willingly making an agreement behind it.

Traders cannot force people to buy or sell at prices they are not willing to agree to.

As an exercise: Decide what actual limits you would like put in to place. Then imagine the consequences to normal players if your policy was actually implemented. Inevitably you’d be hurting normal players far more than the evil traders you want to limit.

I’d imagine that’s not your goal however, really you just want the limitations on your particular wealth creation preference lifted, and think creating a boogeyman out of traders is your best way to argue your self-interest.

Watchwork Sprockets

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


Anyone know why they’re at 31c? I bought some as a longterm speculation but they’ve just kept going up, and they are the most useless item ever currently.

They don’t seem to be used in anything that anyone would make, the new content doesn’t seem to touch them and an endless stream come in from multiple daily invasions.

What’s up?

Lunitic Inquisition Ques please

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


Well I have ended up outside the top 10, and as long as I get an assist credit I get the achievement.

Surviving is irrelevent, if you don’t kill a ghost as a survivor then you’re not getting the achievement.

The only reason you think top 10 matters is that to get in the top 10 you almost always have to be aggressive, meaning you’ll get a kill assist if not a straight out kill.

Lunitic Inquisition Ques please

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Risingashes.8694



This is misinformation. All you need is kill credit for 1 person be it ghost or survivor. This means they have to die after you do damage to them within 20 seconds or so.

If you get at least 1 then you’ll get credit. Points are irrelevant.

Being Flammed by actually playing the game?

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


I’m unclear on how the reward works. Is it that only the top ten players get any reward? If so, what is your incentive to die on purpose? It just ensures you don’t get any rewards.

There isn’t an incentive, that’s why he doesn’t comply. The farmers are trying to farm him but are unwilling to put in the effort to actually best him in the game. Therefore, they “order” him to give in.

Of course there’s an incentive. Now you’re just lying.

If he wins he gets 10, but with people sacrificing themselves it’s obvious the survivor team isn’t organised meaning surviving the full time is near impossible.

Essentially he can choose to receive 3 bags every 3 minutes or every 13 minutes. The people sacrificing themselves are understandably annoyed because even if he does win he did so on the backs of people who gave up their chance at 10 bags in order to receive 3 bags faster and one guy is doubling the ammount of time to get those 3 bags for no reason (if he loses) or at the expense of the people who likely could have survived to the end and received 5 bags (had they known there would be a holdout).

Should they be ‘abusing’ the guy? God no. He’s just playing the game. Are they ‘abusing’ him? Likely not. People who know they’re being sticklers tend to interpret “Hey, I want you to die faster” as ‘abuse’. They’re sensitive beings who believe they’re master’s of the universe for playing games ‘as intended’.

Then again there is a proportion of the playerbase who would very easily insult the guy’s mother, so who really knows what’s happening. Likely something in-between.

But to pretend there isn’t an incentive to die right away is completely disingenuous. The farmers want him to join them and reap the equal rewards, not ‘farm him’. He can choose not to comply but unless he’s winning the game he’s disadvantaging everyone and could just as easily join a game where everyone is there to “have fun” instead of taking a moral stand against people who don’t care.

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


1) Solutions for multiguild communication: Mass mails, mass pms to non-reps, optional multiguild chat for non-reps.

2) Daily Achievement Overvaluation and the impact on achievement hunters

3) RNG alternatives while maintaining scarcity

Tribulation World 2, Zone 3 - can't complete

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


You can just jump to the right of that cloud. Another cloud will appear to your right, but you’re aiming to jump in between them.

Limit Champion Boxes to 20 per day

in Suggestions

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


They were supposed to be a fun reward for grouping together and taking down a champion, a nice group activity that brought people together.

Instead it created mindless zerg trains and hostile exploitative behavior where farmers turn against normal players.

Limit Champion Boxes to 20 per day and this will stop. Normal players will still get a sense of reward, tons of ascended mats will still be obtainable and people will still be encouraged to come together and kill champions- but the zerg trains will die a painful and justifiable death.

It’s time to make mindless zerging time gated, just like every other money making activity in the game.

Recalculate and cap daily APs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


hmmm no. not going to happen.


Recalculate and cap daily APs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


Daily and monthly APs have been awarded twice many times since launch. Europeans have around 500 extra APs as a result of point resets compared to NA players.

Before the HoM points were redone the two top NA players were EU players who had transferred and retained the extra points. Since the HoM update it’s impossible to tell who was originally from EU.

Daily/monthly points now make up nearly 45% of all available achievement points. A person starting today even if they dedicated 23 hours a day to playing would never even scrap the top of the leaderboards unless all the top players quit.

Having so many daily achievements is forcing those who want to get all available points to play every day, as once a person reaches around 7000 (currently) permanent points all other points take dozens of hours to get, while killing 50 things for your daily gives you the same amount.

This is creating a huge burnout of top players, and while this would open the leaderboards to others it isn’t a real solution as it would just be a cyclical burnout of players.

1) Current leaders shouldn’t be locked in: Making changes that reduce daily achievement potential isn’t ideal. This would just lock in the people who’ve benifitted from the gigantic number of available daily points.
2) Dailies shouldn’t take more than 30 minutes to complete. This would reduce the chore of dailies and is a reasonable amount of time while still rewarding those who play the game.
3) Missed dailies should be queued, not lost forever. Players should never feel punished for doing something else, but should be rewarded for returning. Queuing missed dailies would allow players to take a break and return to something, and would speed up alternate characters to encourage people to try new playstyles.
4) Daily points should be capped and that cap should increase gradually. This would avoid some players being benefited by reset dailies/monthlies and some missing out. Developers should always aim to never have bugs, but this is not a reasonable assumption. Allowing bugs to determine who gets points and who doesn’t is not a fair way to design a system. A moving cap would eliminate this problem.

If there have been 6000 daily/monthly points and the cakitten et at 70% then those that have completed 70% of all dailies would have maximum points, while those who’ve done 60% have the ability to catch up without the 70% players quitting the game. This system would encourage people to play but wouldn’t devalue everything except dailies.

Don't nerf on the first day

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


Obviously people are failing, that’s what happens when most content in the game doesn’t teach you to be a competent and aware player.

Give it a few days and look at the completion stats before nerfing things. The only way people are going to improve is if they have exposure to things they can’t do immediately.

Overflowing with rage

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Risingashes.8694



If you join the map any time during the first ten minutes of every hour the overflow you’re on will always be running the event.

The only time you’ll ever join an overflow without the event is when you join after the first ten minutes of the hour.

This is to stop people waiting until 30 minutes in to the hour and then hopping on to an ongoing event, effectively creating a complete lack of participants until that time resulting in every single event failing due to freeloaders.

Instead of 'removing' MF how about this?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


Celestial is having it’s MF stat replaced with another non-combat stat, you aren’t able to pick which stat it is.

Other MF specific items are going to be account bound and then allow people to have a choice between standard stat combos (berserk,knight,etc- no specialised combos such as celestial).

What you’re saying is almost entirely incorrect. There will be no grandfathered stat advantage, time gating will not be skipable, 1v1s will not be affected at all by any of the changes.

Magic Find [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


  • If you currently have listed an item with MF on the Trading Post, they will be returned to you, as they become account bound.

Hi Martin,

Some clarification: Will the listing fee be returned? Will the items remain account bound after the new selection is made?

If they’re account bound will they be vendorable after reselection is made (this would at least allow crafters to not lose 100% of their money)?

Will the forced account bound items be vendorable at their original price prior to reselection? Or will people need to spends hours reselecting items just to vendor them?

Does this include items with MF sigils, or just items with MF as a stat on the item itself?

Because this would really screw crafters over if so. It doesn’t matter if you can select any stat combo you want if you’ve got hundreds of account bound items. You’d essentially bankrupt a lot of people, as they’d be forced to vendor these items after going through hours of UI selection just to make the items usable (and assumably vendorable) again.

Lobbing removed, me = happy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


You’re just mad because you didn’t have the skills to lob a goal from the other end of the map. It’s cool, it’s cool. We understand.

Yes, yes- standard joke.

But it really is great. Finally Keg Brawl can have some actual skill and teamwork involved in it.

Anyone with any degree of skill can learn how to lob, and once learned it requires no skill from that point on. Going to dust off my Kegmaster title and actually have some fun again.

Deadeye shouldn't give any gold

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


If the gauntlet bosses awarded Cogs instead of money the issue of 24/7 Thief farmers getting rich wouldn’t be an issue.

Market forces would encourage participation but stop exploitation of overgenerous rewards.

After gauntlet is over those who didn’t 24/7 grind Deadeye are in for a rude bout of hyperinflation.

Queen's Speech & Rangers

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


The problem is that they can’t seem to design hard encounters without resorting to lame instant kill AoEs. Yes, we get it, dodging is cool but isn’t it time we start making fights about more than just dodging the evil circles of death?

… And if not can we at least make pets take significantly less damage from them? While I’m not a ranger I do miss my minion master build.

I’m sorry but other than Liadri where has the game used instant kill AoEs?

And what are you proposing to replace it as a hard mechanic?

What about those who don't farm?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


Pretty much everyone I have asked has told me not to even try farming Dunwell.

Whoever told you that mislead you. All you needed was Axe/Axe,Longbow and you’d be able to do him regardless of stats (provided you got the sigils effect you trait).

Ranger was one of the primary Deadeye farming classes prior to the buff. Now it’s just Thief.

Queen's Speech & Rangers

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


+1 Razor

That being said Ranger was ez mode for every fight up until Liadri, and you could use spiders vs Mai Trin, and Null.

But it’s certainly disheartening when it’s simply impossible to use a class mechanic that you’ve been balanced around using.

ArenaNet should release public API for the TP

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


Just use Zicore. He opened sourced it, make whatever modifications you want. Branch the code, or keep it to yourself.

The API is already available.

Weird price jumps

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


  • I have a large holding in all goods listed in this thread.
  • This is not an attempt to push prices up further.

What exactly is happening to Quartz this morning? Is that ramping speculation thread really the only thing doing it? Has ANet released some info on possible future uses?

Because I can’t find anything.

Are you disappointed by the players?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


Hold up.

That’s the lesson they got from the beginning chapters of Frost and Flame? That we aren’t interested in new dynamic events? I loved the Dynamic Events, so did everyone else I’ve spoken to- what we hated was the stupid ‘Hit 40 signposts’ achievements.

And while the Dynamic events were effective they were not nearly enough of a feature to keep people interested. I leveled alts specificifically through these areas as they felt new and jam-packed and I knew that other players would also be there. But the majority of the time with the update was doing busy-work.

New dynamic events give a new view to the world, and concentrate players running alts, they are not the problem. If ANet look at this and take that as their take-away then they have no idea what really happened. No more hit 100 pinyatas, no more signposts, no more 200 fireworks- that’s the horrible thing that people keep mocking GW2 with after they quit- not “they added new dynamic events, how lame”.

As to WvW, as others have said, every single mechanic is WvW encourages zerg play.

*The ability to res from hard downed (meaning the biggest zerg will never truly die as long as they hold their current position),

*The lack of different commander colors (making on-the-fly coordination between different commanders impractical),

*The same rewards despite number of players (making the most effecient stratagy to run from place to place flipping objectives),

*The lack of objective waypoints (meaning the only real way to defend is for a zerg ball out in the field to rush past attackers and then man siege),

*And just about every other mechanic, in that there is no single mechanic in WvW that rewards, or facilitates small group play.

You think ANet are disappointed that players don’t play inefficiently? That they don’t play in a way not encouraged by the mechanics they put in to place? I suppose they might be, but that just speaks to a level of complete misunderstanding of the effect their design choices have on player behavior.

Question to those on the AP leaderboards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Risingashes.8694



Dailies awarding APs totally devalues rankings. Instead of rewarding doing interesting things it turns it in to rewarding consistent grinding.

If they cared at all about APs they’d remove the dailies altogether and instead introduce new permanent achievements every day, encouraging people to log on but not punishing them if they don’t. They could still award jugs if the newly introduced achievements were done within the day, but otherwise they’d simply award APs.

Imagine if every day a new tier of of 11 different achievement categories were added? Think about what that would do for the mindset of people playing the game.

You don’t feel like doing pvp today? Do it tomorrow, you wont be punished on the leaderboards for it.

You log on and want to get some APs? Well I have a week of PvE kills saved up until cap, I’ll get those done along with some Krytan Events, and Aquatic Kills.

Want to level an alt? Well now the grind will be reduced by stored up achievements that can be gotten just by playing normally.

They’d also be able to expand upon more than the 25 or so generic catagories they’re stuck with now due to the required global nature of the achievements. You can’t limit Kill Achievements to Frostgorge Sound because you can’t assume everyone has an 80. But if every 12 days you add a new tier to Frostgorge Sound slayer and that achievement is available forever then you know eventually players are going to reach 80 and are going to be able to get those points.

Hell you could even add an achievement for doing one specific Dynamic Event chain. Or for looting a specific item, use achievements to promote scavenging and thinking about what mobs in which location are likely to drop the item (or just cheat with Dulfy).

All around a more sane system, with healthier outcomes than time-locked content.

(edited by Risingashes.8694)

Queen Gauntlet, cant ranged hit Rift Orbs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


This bug has made doing it on a ranger impossible.

You need to switch to a melee weapon, but that takes away DPS for 9 seconds while the swap cooldown is up. It’s impossible to put out enough DPS to get her down.

Planning a trip to China

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


I’m going to China for a few weeks to visit family, is GW2 playable behind the great internet firewall?

Will I be able to allow a Chinese IP using email verification or will it be automatically blocked?

[Achievements] Clear Watch Items @ 100%

in Suggestions

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


Also in the UI panel itself completed achievements should be down the bottom and partially completed can remain in order of progress. Scrolling through completed achievements every time I want to see what is remaining is annoying.

What about an option to hide completed achievements altogether (as well as any categories that are fully completed)?

Citizen's Campaign for Justice

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


I heard what Kiel claimed.

Inspector Ellen Kiel: Luckily, my Lionguard had orders to clear the ship if anything unexpected happened.

Sounds like BS to me. What was the something ‘unexpected’- explosions? I’m not sure clearing a deck while explosions happen means that everyone got to safety.

She’s clearly willing to lie about bombing the ship, why would you think lying about Consortium deaths would phase her? She clearly considers them evil, all because refuges willingly signed contracts for personal enrichment.

500 AP for GW1 Hall of Monuments Intended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


Achievements are currently a joke, with dailies making up over 60% of all available points.

Quibbling about 500 points is a complete waste of everyone’s time.

The rankings represent nothing but number of days played, and until unachievable time-locked points are removed or minimized this will always be the case.

At least the HoM points are technically obtainable. Yesterday’s daily points will never be available to those who didn’t grind them out.

(Rank 120 on Achievement Leaderboards. Did nothing to deserve such a designation.)

A worrying trend of specieism...

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


^ I don’t get the impression any of this “speciesism” is serious. Its all specious charges about eating puppies, sacrificing quaggan, and one really entertaining video of Kiel laughing maniaclly as she kills a cat.

This is all tongue-in-cheek satire and silliness. (And its mostly Buttercup, anyway. :P)

Everything that is said on this forum is 100% serious business.

Clearly Kiel supporters are trying to paint us as clowns for trying to reveal the truth! It wont work, vote for a candidate that is always serious and yet always casual- Vote Evon.

Vote Kiel for Destroyers --> Primordus

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


Let’s see: Personality-less megabeast inevitably using large red circle mechanics.

Or play as a God (with personalities) against a God who wanted to give magic to humans and was cast down because of it (aka Prometheus).

No surprise that a Kiel supporter wants an encounter against something without a personality, familiarity and all that.

Vote margin

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


Let’s deliver flyers before the entrance of CoF.


Might be a bad idea.

The seat would be won by ‘$$LF1M WARRIOR PING GEAR OR KICK$$’.

Evon makes the keys, not the boxes.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


Arguments involving blatant logical fallacies are not arguments nor are they fun. They are simply a waste of my time.

((Of course they’re fun. Each person makes increasingly fervent claims demonising the other side. It involves creativity and improvisation.

What isn’t fun is you making 1 line statements and pretending you’re a bastion of logical reasoning. How could I possibly of responded to ‘Evon runs a marketplace, therefore it’s his fault’ when my entire post was specifically addressing that argument. Restating something isn’t an appropriate response to a counter-point even in actual arguments, and in pretend arguments it’s additionally lazy.))

The Dark Side of Ellen Kiel

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


The ship Kiels made explode in Southsun Cove was floating above a Quaggan colony when it has been destroyed. The whole population has been anihilated in the blast.
Quaggans are already an endangered specy : WE DON’T NEED MORE INNOCENT DEATHS.

Save the quaggans, vote EVON !

(Quaggans don’t figure in Charr’s diet)

::Internal Struggle::

I want Evon to win, but I hate Quaggans- so, so much.

Evon makes the keys, not the boxes.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


Lovely straw man there.

((You do get that bringing logical fallacies in to a roleplaying argument is like bringing chainmail to a plastic lightsaber battle, right? Sure you’re invincible but no one was trying to break skin to begin with and now no one can have any fun.))

Vote margin

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


That’s true. Too bad they gave the less attractive candidate the more epic content.

Also more people are affected by WP costs than use BL keys. Paying to WP is among the most common complaints I hear from players, particularly new ones.

Luckily votes are won via effort and not simply by existing. The lazy majority wont be the ones determining this race.

Evon makes the keys, not the boxes.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


Items are sold for gems in Evon’s store. Therefore the onus is on him. His RNG, his fault.

Well if you want one person determining what you can buy and what you cannot, then I’m sure ‘Captain’ Kiel will quickly make that a reality.

As for Evon, he believes in the freedom of the marketplace.

When you’re lining up at the Kielian Trading Post for your daily portion of bread crumbs don’t come crying to us.

Mr. E is Evon & Scarlet is Ellen

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


It all fits together.

Kiel likely financed her terrorist organisation with the money she made by scamming honest citizens with her Southsun Supply Crates, and her under-the-table payoff from the layabouts trying to walk out on their obligations to the Consortium.

Evon makes the keys, not the boxes.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


I’m far from the only one that finds gem store RNG lottery unacceptable. If you find it acceptable, then I feel sorry for you and wish you would stop enabling practices that are bad for the industry.

As far as fractals go, I would prefer Abbadon as well. I just don’t think I can vote for Evon.

I also hate RNG which is why I’m voting for Evon.

Why would you blame a marketplace for the items contained therein? Do you really want market owners filtering the goods offered by vendors within that marketplace- effectively banning the sale of items based upon their whim or fancy?

Personally I respect a business owner who understands the value of freedom, even if Evon himself detests RNG items just as much as the rest of us.

Blame the people who create these insidious items, such as Kiel with her underhanded Southsun Crates, or Magnus with his Dragon Coffers. But not those who simply offer these items to willing buyers, don’t let reputable honest business men be caught up in the dastardly deeds of the corrupt Kiel and Magnus.

A worrying trend of specieism...

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


Specifically and solely from the Kiel klan.

Every second point is couched in coded language, and human supremacist catchphrases.

While Evon supporters, and Evon himself has been very clear that his campaign is for all the races of Greater Tyria- Human, Char, Slyvari, Norn or Asura- Evon is working for each individual to bring Lion’s Arch in to a new age of prosperity and commerce.

I ask Kiel and her supporters to denounce the radical factions within their campaign, and to discuss the issues rather than species-baiting.

How does the vote result work?

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


The vote is game wide.

Both fractals haven’t had ANY work done on them yet, the vote will determine which one gets developer time allocated to it.

Voting for Evon is a vote for freedom. Voting for Kiel is a vote for tyranny.

The Dark Side of Ellen Kiel

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


Thank you Birdn for bringing this latest scandal involving ‘Captain’ Kiel to light.

(OOC: Great video mate. Hoping both sides can start to really ramp this thing up.)

Not gonna vote

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


A vote for a third party candidate is like throwing your vote away.

We need voting reform.

Vote Evon for voting reform, vote Evon for progress.

This mentality is what’s wrong with the US. Good popular candidates are overlooked in the media. So the establishment candidates look like the only real candidates running.

I’m not sure why you think this is what’s wrong with us. The Black Lion Gazette has some very balanced articles on the two major candidates as well as potential black horse candidates.

Of course reality itself cannot be counter-manned by journalistic balance and Evon comes out as a clear winner.

I suggest you pick up a copy, it’s essential for the daily and casual trader alike.

And remember, if you want reform that’ll allow a third party candidate a fairer playing field then vote Evon- the only candidate who really cares about the people’s concerns.

Evon makes the keys, not the boxes.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


All that needs to happen is for a large shipment of boxes going through the Shiverpeaks to have a ‘accident’, and the rest is history.


I wish I was surprised that Kiel supporters would suggest yet more terrorist acts to secure her power grab. But this is now the world we live in, where terrorists have a real chance at a seat on the Lion’s Arch Council.

Convincing the asura to lower the WP prices – now that’s a skilled politician.

The real question is what did Kiel give up to the Asuras in order to get this deal? It’s well known Asurans are proud of their ability to never give up something for nothing. How many of our children’s futures have they sacrificed, either out of the communal purse or through secret backdoor deals, to get this temporary bribe?

Personally I think the election should be decided by Lion’s Archians, not by foreign interests. It’s time to get foreign money out of politics. A vote for Evon is a vote against foreign influence in Lion’s Arch. A vote for Evon is a vote against using public funds for personal gain.

Implications if Evon Wins

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


Clearly a vote for Evon will tell the developers whatever it is you personally think it will tell the developers.

So you should vote for Evon.

Not gonna vote

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


A vote for a third party candidate is like throwing your vote away.

We need voting reform.

Vote Evon for voting reform, vote Evon for progress.