Also, make sure your inbox isn’t full?
Glad you said that, because there’s another thing that might prevent the present being distributed. If you have a lot of stuff waiting for you at the Black Lion trade post, go collect it. For some reason it interferes with either mail or bouncy chests.
Magdaer. Eir had that and was going to get it reforged. With Eir dead, it’s in the wind.
All three scythes are now (or shortly will be) active in the game, and they are all staff skins, so you can put them on your Reaper. Your forgiveness is in order.
Wanted to do WoW, but I also wanted to keep my $$. My brother and cousin had started a guild in GW1 and I joined on to be able to do stuff with them. They didn’t make the jump to GW2.
I continue to play like a maniac because my wife refuses to let me spend an hour away from her movie-watching, and that means laptop for me. It’s pretty much killed my other creative efforts.
cant collect power core from golem mark 2
killed it 10 times no drop im a doing something wrong
Easiest thing to check: Which Golem are you killing?
I’ll get that added to wiki
I should have put some more brainpower on that. What I am seeing boosted must be your HP/Health. It’s highlighted in green.
I can’t see your character on gw2Eff; probably because I don’t have an account and don’t really want one :/ My services may be a an end :/
I think it’s coming. Save those ascended mats, we’ll probably need them.
Our paths have led us there. And the tower guard have taken up the call: “The Destroyer Scythe has returned!”
This one’s been around for a while. Instead of fitting her face to the usual rectangle, it has it stretched out like the image for a legendary boss.
One of the drops requires the Cathedral of Eternal Radiance Meta event. ….this Meta is ultra, ultra, ultra, ULTRA rare due to the nature of how it is designed.
My guild does it daily.
Often twice.
In primetime.
Quadruple ultra rare it is not.
áááááááááánd… they’ve turnt it into a gold-grind.. of course.. because was is more epic a journey than grinding gold and buying the items…………..
Look at the Jormag collection. Same thing. No one complained about it. It even features Jormag’s Breath, one seriously expensive skin. The unlock is a hyper-rare drop from Claw, so even if you craft all the Corrupted skins, you still have to get one of those off the TP or by RNGeesus’ divine benevolence. With the scythe, it looks to be a guaranteed thing. As far as lodestones go, you can consider yourself extremely lucky, because at least now you have map rewards to help get them.
Dude, are you psychic? Can you help me with the local lottery?
Not a bug. This is what you get for having prying eyes peeking at stuff not ready for release yet. I’m sure they’ll get the code locked down.
“I don’t like it, therefore it is unfair and needs to be changed”
tl;dr –
I’m taking advantage of this, so don’t you dare change it or call me a cheater.
I’m feeling you’re on the right track and we just don’t have that info on the wiki yet because no one has bothered to make the thing. Try assembling an Ineffable Jute Insignia following the pattern of the other ineffables.
God, these were the ugliest set available, across pretty much every class.
I see a bunch of ascended gear. Did any of those have infusions that gave stats? Those were recently altered.
On a related note, Fate’s Beard would make an excellent prog band name.
The last time I used my mentor tag was when I was pointing out the entrance to Don’t Touch the Shiny, which isn’t near any landmark. Usually if I’m giving help I don’t bother to apple-up. I just help the guy. I try to reserve the tag for when it will be useful, like drawing a crowd to an important event.
If you have no gear or traits, what is boosting your healing power?
The API is a web interface that accesses game data. What you are probably looking at is a UI bug; the question becomes, whose problem is it? Anet’s or gw2efficiency’s.
That said, you’ve been bounced around enough, so let’s try some detective work. Your character is in gw2efficency. Can you post a link to it?
(edited by Sariel V.7024)
I think the insider trading is reprehensible, but the alternative is little better. Even if everyone finds out at the same time, it won’t take long before someone (or several someones) with a lot of gold steps in and depletes supply. Then the situation ends up the same, except a different subset of people have a chance to benefit from it and the 1% has less time to exploit it.
There is no rule that people have to play nice. There is no guarantee for fairness. Even if you prevent the cheating, you can’t stop players being complete greedy kittens.
I can’t wait to see how bad Invisible Pants are going to be to obtain.
Initially reported by Anhim.3156 in a different subforum.
All the Xera Backpiece items feature Xera’s creepy face, mirroring Lyssa’s backpiece and her creepy face. This is a fine skin reward, if you ignore the clipping. It gets weird when you start to look at the details, though, because the name of the skin is Keep Construct Mask.
Keep Construct Mask is also an item and raid reward. However, the Keep Construct Mask uses the regular ascended armor skin and not something special. It certainly doesn’t look like the Keep Construct, and it doesn’t look like Xera.
Xera’s Mask (the item) looks like the Xera Backpiece (the item) and Xera’s Mask (NPC in-game). Xera’s Backpiece (NPC in-game) is a friggin’-awesome-looking Roger Dean take on Mursaat wings, and looks nothing like the Xera Backpiece (the item).
So my question is, did some data get swapped around? It doesn’t seem like any of these things look like they should.
Reporting this here, but I think it needs its own thread.
Xera Backpiece items point to Keep Construct Mask skin (a back skin).
Keep Construct Mask items point to ascended helm skins.
Actual Xera backpiece skin missing?
(edited by Sariel V.7024)
I’ll get that onto our skin bug thread.
Recipes for the random forging would have two “duplicate recipes” as a result of being able to get a given quality level by using an equal quality, or the one immediately preceding it.
I don’t think this is going to work like you think it will.
The wiki uses templates to convert the ingredient information into the visual format you’re familiar with. This is also how it stores that information. I figure this is what the API is going to be accessing – the data stored in the templates. If a particular combination isn’t written up in template form, but is explained verbally (like this stuff probably is), the API isn’t going to see it and won’t be able to report it.
I had to run through there a few days back. The maze section is completely unlit and swallows all light – only the torches are visible, and they cast no light on the walls. Worse still is the spike section, which is pitch black but at least accepts some lighting from the sources I had. Still way too easy to blunder into some spikes and get downed.
Before everyone goes hog wild:
(added Derice’s. It wasn’t listed yet )
Don’t forget the karka-slaying rifle found in LA for Princess. It has a unique rifle skin that is unobtainable.
Turl Sharptooth provides it.
Not really a bug. It’s just unavailable :/
Item 18747 what the hell?
- Can’t preview 18474, chat code does not work….
Your lysdexia has gotten the better of you ;D
18747 has been reported like 4-5 times over the past year. It’s breaking the dungeon vendor.
many of those gold seller use name made only of letter example: xyzcvbbbnnn could you not put a character name needs to have some kind of real name when creating them not just some chaotic letter or number.
there must be a way to spot those or to put a filter for name that are not a name.
This is an impossible task in automation. Computers don’t see words like we do.
Without going into proving it, let’s just say, if you did manage to implement something that worked, the gold sellers would start using name generators that polled randomly from dictionaries, so that they got legitimate names every time.
Found this on Dulfy. Are we finally getting the Stormbow? And if that is the Stormbow, do you like it?
Personally I kinda liked the glowing chaos look with swirling lightning, but this…it looks pretty awesome as well. I just wonder what the effects will look like.
I had a chance to look at the link in-game. It’s a skin link (not a weapon) with no name. That’s a better match for an NPC item or a bundle. If we’re to eventually receive it, it’s not ready yet.
Given the style, I would guess it’s one of the abandoned legendaries.
The staff listed in the same post is also an unnamed skin link, but it doesn’t look legendary to me.
1. I don’t much care for the idea, but I’d be less likely to gripe if you kept the limit on supply. Otherwise you just end up with roamers capable of doing anything by themselves.
2. Wrong forum section. Expect this to get moved.
It happened again in Cursed Shores. “Let defend Arah fail so I can get my legendary”. if anet is going to make gathering items for collections dependent on certain events then those events should not be a part of a let the event fail chain.
The position in the chain is a matter of perspective. All event chains have to start somewhere, and Defeat the High Wizard is actually 8th from the beginning. When that chain starts, it’s not in a ‘fail chain’, but rather relies on a lot of successes.
The real issue with the Assault on Arah chain is that it is not a chain. It’s more of a web. There are a lot of branching points for success or fail until you get to the final attack (seize the steps->capture the hall->defeat the high wizard->defend), which progresses in one direction only. Once it gets to Defend, it loops onto itself with every success and remains stable. Failure takes you to a new event (hold shank), which can then loop the chain back to a midpoint or the very beginning, depending on if it succeeds.
At multiple stages, the flow through these events can be subverted. Attaching a reward to any stage can be dangerous, because difficulty or player action may ensure that event does not happen. This isn’t as bad as it sounds – complex scripting makes for interesting story and gameplay. But if you want an event to be accessible, you have to make sure that difficulty and player desires won’t overly interfere.
1. Open your bank
2. Make sure all tabs are open/not collapsed
3. Enter “Perfect” into the search bar at the top of the bank window.
4. Look at character’s equipment. Make absolutely sure Perfected Staff isn’t wielded.
5. Open inventory.
6. Make sure all bags are open/not collapsed.
7. Enter “Perfect” into the search bar at the top of the inventory window.
8. Failing that, repeat steps 4-8 on a different character until all are checked.
Back my D&D days, we called it the Key to the City
Ironically, that was the first thing I asked for (link to see rest of thread)
IMO the scythe is better delivered as a reward for a Primordus weapon collection. Have something pop out of MegaDestroyer like it does out of Claw of Jormag that gives a new collection.
More interesting is that they went into the forge before anyways… but didn’t pair up with anything that I tried.
Definitely not level locked. I got one Manganese Dioxide in Frostgorge Sound today.
kitten … well, at least I won’t have to start the collection to investigate on my own.
Arrow Cart skills are AOE, not projectiles. Only projectiles are occluded.
My machine crashed twice last night while running this. Not sure if it’s a heat issue or if the memory leak they introduced a few months back got out of hand.
Bad-mouthing bookah is a benefit, not a job itself.
That’s some brilliant scripting…. might explain why a number of events never seem to happen, too XD
James, I have a theory, can you tell me where you were farming for coral before?
“You’ll never believe what Zomorros gave to me!”
“….look like a weapon that… uh… slipped out of my pocket and into the forge. Don’t suppose you’d care to sell it?”