The achievements should return next year, so any progress you make should be saved.
Frankly I’m amazed you got back to your old instance, as that isn’t supposed to happen.
I hate to say it, but you’re stuck This achievement has been bugging for a lot of people. You’ll have to try again, or make absolutely certain there isn’t another bauble somewhere.
12 spokes puts me in mind of a clock
I was in normal mode, so that’s not it.
Known issue.
I’ve had it happen (at least) twice now that partial stacks of Baubles in my inventory or in my bank have vanished into the ether. The ones in my bank disappeared when I tried to transfer them into inventory (double-clicking the stack). The ones in inventory disappeared somewhere between trading in full stacks to Moto and reentering the Box.
All right. I’ve had answers for all the others. People leaving early. Not crossing every gate. But this time it is inexplicable. For some reason, I wasn’t awarded Adventuring 101 once the timer lapsed on World 1-1. I have no idea why.
And we still can’t skip that first cut scene/introduction. Oh well.
Play trib mode >:)
PS: My full size charr is my SAB Tribulation mode character. RIP.
I’m running a full size Norn. However, all characters are scaled to the Asura height in SAB, so you’re on equal footing there.
Somehow, I think Zakkit would find books were great with a side of steak…
You cannot put items that are soulbound or account-bound onto the trading post. All crafted backpacks are account-bound.
If the item does not have a vendor value, the merchant won’t take it either.
Either equip the backpacks on your characters, find space for them, or throw them away.
As for the item, it’s an upgrade but we don’t know for what. I figured it was for bombs. I’ve also heard for bauble storage.
A couple of things unmentioned here (but there’s plenty of threads on this):
The Glove is called the Glove of Wisdom. The little swirl in the palm of the glove is a New Krytan ‘W’. W for Wisdom.
The arrow symbol is a New Krytan ‘P’. P for…. well, assuming Glove of Wisdom is a reference to the Triforce of Wisdom, the P probably stands for the Glove of Power.
Obviously we don’t have this, though I’ve always wondered if that area in 1-3 wasn’t hiding it.
(edited by Sariel V.7024)
Considering the eternal rivalry…
WoW’s movie coming out in June 2016.
When’s GW 2’s scheduled for? wink
Whenever Uwe Boll is free, I imagine.
I got it by avoiding the wurm. Figured that was the solution. Guess I signed off on it too soon
welcome to my world, friend
Ran into this problem tonight, and tested it to my satisfaction. Probably the achievement is based on unlocking all the gates, which get bypassed if you use the shortcut.
You cannot change the color of any back item. Dye channels are not built in. Hence all the complaints about reissuing different color wings.
Well, it depends. If what Shaman posted was skin links, then we can’t really tell whether they’ll make it into the game as player items or not (ex. alternate version of Welding Torch). At best we can see what other skins were created around the same time, look at where all those things ended up, and then decide if the purpose of this particular skin supplements those.
Actual weapon data (e.g.) gives us more to draw a conclusion from.
(edited by Sariel V.7024)
Don’t leave before the timer runs out.
What changed was that the achievements weren’t numbered in the Achievement panel until recently. All it gave you was a count of coins found. Dulfy’s guide predates that by years.
I also couldn’t get the achievement following the guide, until the third attempt. The guide is still accurate. Unlike these naysayers, I’m not going to dismiss your claim; I think there’s something wrong too. We’re not the only ones complaining.
Quick question, when you went after Master of Baubles 2-3, was it your first trip through that world on that day?
A man after my own heart. A couple of more suggestions:'s_Mask
The technology isn’t there yet.
And probably never will be considering there are internet connection available today which disconnect less than once per month on average.
Not available here and I’m in a semi-major city.
you need to practice a little more.
in terms of actually getting the flute to play, hit a note so that you see the progress bar do its thing, and once that completes the notes flip over and you can actually start playing quickly. try hitting that first note before you jump to the 3 cloud cluster and youll prolly have an easier time.
Me-tooing on this. When I went after Master of Baubles this year, I started playing the flute all the way back at the checkpoint. That way the thing is out and the progress bar is advanced. The progress bar will reset along the way, but I’d enter part of the song with every other jump to keep it in check.
When I reached the ending cloud cluster, I’d enter half of the song with every jump. There’s no need to be slow about it unless you’re having problems coordinating all your fingers.
(edited by Sariel V.7024)
I think dominator skin is awesome, finally a staff that looks like it could be a melee weapon too. goodbye reclaimed skin
Looks like it could be a typical impractical fantasy melee weapon…
Reminded me of Big Bang Theory Tbh
Centurion’s Claw ^^
My brain just had an orgasm, thankyou.
Edit: (Is there a staff version?)
Dominator’s is the closest
Why is his complaint being trivialized? This is ridiculous, he has a point. Agree, or disagree, don’t just tell him “oh think of it another way.” The fact is he spent money on something that he could have gotten later for much less money. Kinda how I feel about heart of thorns… but I digress.
I personally don’t agree with him, but I won’t trivialize his argument.
The value is in not waiting. Say he didn’t buy the boombox when Back To School was active, then three weeks later he changes his mind. He’s kitten out of luck. For three years, that item wasn’t available. But he in fact did have it and got some enjoyment out of it, probably making some other players envious in the process. That’s completely intangible, but it isn’t valueless.
(edited by Sariel V.7024)
Back in the day I was certain that the area the cannon led to would have the glove needed to get past that wall. Even with the ICC, though, it was too much of a pain to get back there and do an extensive search.
It feels like SAB has gotten easier in the intervening time, so maybe I’ll go hunting back there again before it gets shut down.
I’ve few friends who are sitting on multiple first halloween items. Talking closer to 100 skins if counted altogether. The log once in a while to check prices (dunno why they didn’t sell at 5k). Lets remind ourselves that it was fairly easy to get the skins when they came out and you could buy cheap ones for 10-20g back in the days.
You also need to remember that 20g was far from cheap back then. I think I was scrambling to gather that much in SILVER.
If someone had developed a hack they would want the price high so they would release 1 a week or so, not a bunch at once that drives the price down.
Could be banned accounts coming back online and dumping their goods before the next ban round hits.
That’s not necessarily true. The Armband dupe from GW1 got outted because people doing it got stupid with their newfound wealth.
I sit corrected
NPC items. They’re on Tengu in… Stronghhold I think.
- DBL Camps: Reduced the number of base guards from 4 to 3.
- DBL Camps: Base guards are now a combination of both Scout and Guard NPCs.
- DBL Camps: Guards have been moved inside the capture circle.
Ah well. It was kinda cool being able to grab a camp while only assassinating the leader.
(edited by Sariel V.7024)
The final boss has black swords with a red outline iirc, was thinking that’d be the final coloring scheme.
Actually I believe they are on (pixelated) fire.
Personally, I’m hoping they decide to be generous to us and simply extend it by another week. One more week of SAB! If they surprised us with that at the last minute, people would be giddy to have a slight extension to finish up their achieves or grind out more baubles for guild hall decorations. Folks would love it!
Similarly, this would give the devs an extra week of content creation/balance/bugfixes/etc that they wouldn’t have had, and likely allowing them to throw another layer of polish on whatever incoming build they have in store for us. Even if the upcoming patch is already finalized, this would provide the dev team a bit of time to “work ahead,” as it were, on larger ongoing projects or get a few errant tasks completed.
It’s a win/win!
Chant with me now, bookahs: “One more week! One more week!”
One more week would be great. SAB is currently overlapping with the last few weeks of the second PvP season. As a Johnny-Come-Lately, it is very difficult to find the energy to take in both every night. And getting four wins when I want to quit and have actual fun after two matches is not happening.
How many speak about Marionette as the most exciting boss they fought in GW2?
The only good thing I got out of Marionette was The Lover. The design was excellent, except for the part where you had to rely on 24 other players, mostly underequipped and clueless, to not screw up. That and the hell of trying to find and stay in a good map that makes the current situation with Dragon’s Stand look like Disneyland.
There was never any “added gold”. The dungeons were always meant to be done by a party of 5. Even if one person soloed the thing and then sold the spots at the end it would still be handing out as intended amounts of rewards.
Except that gold rewards were boosted to get people back into dungeons. Then the community shifted to speed-running. So “added gold” became an unintended consequence.
(edited by Sariel V.7024)
Technically, these weren’t from any reward track. These were handed out randomly, usually from the PvP Mystic Forge and winning tournaments. But, yes, bring them back
But I also found the whistle difficult to get used to. Mainly because the first note takes so much longer than the others. If you just press the buttons in order you’ll miss a few notes. You have to press the first one, wait for the castbar to finish and then press the others.
The other thing I didn’t realise is you can move in-between. Which is important here because the clouds will dissapear. So you can for example do: 3, jump to cloud, 32, move to cloud, 33, move to cloud, 1 and it will work the same as if you’d stayed in one place for the whole song.
The first note is a killer, and it seems like it messes up the sequence that immediately follows. What I recommend is to pull out the whistle and use it before you even get on the clouds (as far back as the checkpoint if need be). Then alternate halves of the sequence rapid-fire as you jump along the clouds to get into the rhythm. You will still need to enter the final half in range of the door, and might have to sacrifice a life to do it like Charrbeque did.
A lot of you may already know that … but I wondered why they chose orange as the color for the new Kaiser Snake weapons when we already had yellow ones … but then it hit me. It’s the item quality codes.
fine > masterwork > rare > exotic > ….
blue > green > yellow > orange > pink > purple
I’ve been saying this for three years and getting shouted down every time. (vindication is mine)
So we may see pink SAB weapons next year?
I think for the ‘ascended’ counterpart to Super skins, they’ll be red, or magenta.
(edited by Sariel V.7024)
points to the still missing datamined paper bag hats
Almost certainly a test item never intended for release.
Well, if you’ll check his tweets you’ll note he carefully doesn’t mention where these portals are. I guess unless he wants to tease some more hints we’ll just have to wait and speculate…
He also probably doesn’t know, since he probably is only seeing the model and the actual underlying code should be all in binary.
(edited by Sariel V.7024)
I’ve seen villagers get hung up on harpies that are actually behind them. I recommend you slaughter every birdbrain in the nest.
Known, sadly. for forever. There is an alternate event you can use to get the item in question.
When you go after Bachelor of Baubles, is it your first run through 2-2 that day?
If he added it to the wardrobe, it would be destroyed.
BTW, congrats on getting the Heavy Scale piece. It is no longer possible to acquire.
I don’t remember how I got the chest. I played GW2 during the beta, then bought the game and installed it on release, but hadn’t really played it until last Christmas. So I really don’t recall the means of acquisition, sorry.
I did read the Wiki entry before posting here, but it didn’t help me. That’s why I came here, in hopes someone can tell me what to do with those items, where to store them, why they are soulbound (even when not fit for the profession), and so on.
So: Help, anyone? Destroy them? Store them?
P.S. I am attaching a screenshot of all six items…
(I’m really late to this party)
These were for a fundamentally different system that has since been adapted. One of those things that isn’t really discussed is HOW they were adapted.
PvP weapons used to be directly usable in PvP. In fact, they were stored in the PvP Locker (which is no longer accessible), and you could change out your gear with stuff that was held there. These skins might still be storable there, if you use the automatic bank function (just like crafting materials to your regular bank). You won’t be able to access them any more if you do, but they’ve already served their new purpose – unlocking skins in the wardrobe.
So what happened to the old PvP gear? Well, it seems it all still exists. Every now and again, new entries will pop up in the Items API for PvP weapons, even though they are no longer being made. What looks to be happening is that, whatever gear you are wearing when you enter PvP, the PvP version (lvl 80, statless) is cloned and equipped. Periodically someone uses an unpopular skin in PvP and we get a new entry. While you can’t access it directly, you can still finagle old PvP gear onto your character.