Personally I like it the way it is, as I use my invis bags to keep forgeables on my characters rather than accidentally depositing them all the time.
Jumping on the bandwagon here. This is a nifty rifle.
Unfortunately, this is the best skill to use for gaining Warhorn Mastery. Or was. I haven’t touched Tempest
(edited by Sariel V.7024)
It’s probably a lock for next April.
Here’s hoping we get the revamped Mad Memoires.
As someone heavily involved in curating HOPE on the wiki, I can confirm some of these complaints were dealt with. The need to fail events was somewhat mitigated with giving other opportunities to get the item (Champ Icebrood Quaggan, Risen Wraith, Branded Devourer).
>got the collection item from the quaggan quest eventually, but I suggest trying the
>Claw of Jormag event to get it. Not sure how to inteprete “can also spawn”. Maybe
>they don’t always spawn there?
Not too many ways to interpret “can also spawn”. In this case, you’ll see Champion Icebrood Quaggans at the Claw of Jormag event if there are enough players there to upscale the event; this being a popular world boss, that tends to happen. If you want to sweeten your odds, get there a bit early to make sure your map fills up.
During Claw of Jormag is also a good time to see if the other event chain is active and likely to fail, since the World Boss is providing a distraction on the other side of the map. This is how I completed it originally.
I usually play late at night, and I stumble across the Champ Quaggan every so often. He likes to wander far.
> If you don’t have the Giant Devourer Ichor yet, you’ll be stalled in your progress anyway because that event is bugged and you cannot kill the devourer.
This is sadly true; the replacement method is bugged. You might be able to manage it if you go to Fields of Ruin after reset and get a fresh map. The original method presents the same problem, as the event chain would often stall before you reached the devourer, but it is still possible for it to work.
> You have to fail the CoE event to spawn the champ
Also true. You’ll have a better chance of getting a fresh map if you go to Mount Maelstrom at the same time as Inquest Golem Mark II spawns. This will allow you to go through the event chain. Unlike what I advised with Claw, you’ll want to go late.
It’s been a month and hopefully you have already found a solution, but here’s a couple of things to consider:
1. Are you fighting the right thing? There’s also a Wyvern Patriarch on the same map.
2. Drops are only meted out to the first 50 combat units to engage an enemy (individuals or groups). If you are arriving late, you may be locked out.
3. You don’t need a flask to collect the item, only to combine them. This part of HOPE IV has no activators.
The vendor value of item 36332 is 0, which AFAIK makes the item implicitly untradeable. I believe the API is correct (and attempts to purchase it via the TP should fail, regardless of what the UI displays).
0 value makes it implicitly unsellable to in-game merchants, as does the NoSell tag, but I don’t think it would keep it off of the trade post. To keep it off of the TP it generally has to be account/soulbound.
What are you using to kill them?
Flamewrath armor set (heavy) – I already have Flamewalker (medium) and Flamekissed (light) so I can’t verify if these are included or not, but the wiki doesn’t show them.
I’m the one that updated that list last. If you don’t see a set there, it wasn’t on the list provided to me.
I’m voting against this as a permanent open world addition. The strife the thing caused was ridiculous.
The Rare Pizza used to be +40% Condition Duration. First it was cut to 20%. Now you’re taking it down to 6%.
Why bother to have it at all?
Likewise they mentioned they’re still working on Xunlai electrum, so 500 Jeweler is in the wings yet.
Honestly, though, do you expect a less expensive means of getting ascended trinkets than what we already have?
Can you be more specific about which items aren’t being checked off?
The NPC that collects the frozen cores doesn’t go SE of the WP.
She’s supposed to, in the event that follows the core collection.
Gw2 wiki has English, Spanish and German without chinese,
The update is synchronized with the game,
the wiki is made and updated by players. Lots of players.
Even if someone in China makes a Chinese wiki, it takes a lot of effort,
Yes, yes it does. And it comes with the expectation that things will be fully documented as soon as possible. So you see people who enjoy typing things up explore the game and posting what they find. This is only possible because they’ve been doing it all along. Otherwise, there would be big gaps in the wiki.
I just want you to know how hard it is for Chinese players
In the absence of information from ArenaNet, we’ve had to rely on ourselves to come up with these knowledge bases.,,,,, and many more sites were all created by players. Unfortunately, there is a far greater language barrier between Chinese and any other language in the player base, so these tools probably can’t be adapted or created for you except by other Chinese players.
(edited by Sariel V.7024)
community effort or not, I’m often surprised at how fast this goes, because sometimes they announce a cat, and within half an hour after the patch its on dulfy, I wonder if it’s because they’re announced, so people make a char filled with all kinds of food, and then visit the cat in the hope something fits.. ?
I think this has to be the case. How else can you account for someone having Rainbow Cake for one of the latest cats?
Reportedly this is giving off the wrong color of light (i.e. not red)
Hint: 40 evergreen slivers (I think? whatever the base thing that drops is) will double click their way to the lodestones needed, no crafting involved. I may be off on the number, whether that makes 1 or 5 lodestones. But check your bank for slivers, you may be swimming in them.
You get them by killing Oakhearts. Even in regular Tyria. has a great explanation of how this all works, how you can make some reasonable statements about “likely to have obtained”, but never have any assurance of obtaining a random item … and also a calculator where you can plug in numbers to figure out your approximate chance of having gotten what you wanted.
Ironically, I made something similar on the wiki around the same date.
I’d guess the drop rate to be under 3%.
(edited by Sariel V.7024)
He gives you an achievement, which unlocks a bit of story. Check your Current Events.
I ran into him in SAB yesterday. I guess he was trying to cheer himself up.
Hearts are 25 Health, while damage often comes in increments of 20. You’ve got 5 HP.
This one is an uncommon complaint, and I ran into it myself. You’re not the only one. However, I got the achievement with that guide, so it is potentially complete.
You will always be told that you just forgot one, which may be true. Maybe you ran into one and didn’t actually pick it up, like what happens occasionally with ROBBERS. Either way, you’ll just have to try it again :/
(edited by Sariel V.7024)
You can tap the things for… some unknown reason.
Guild [TZ] coordinates the temple assaults around reset. After that, people will defend it, regardless of what you tell them.
It says something that despite my crap connection, I can still pull off a two- or four-hour stint in Trib mode. I dread it every second because I might disconnect and lose more progress than I can make up in a night, but it does manage to work.
With people running worlds in trib mode in a span of a few minutes, it should be doable regardless of your internet issues. Practice.
Assuming you want this for a Legendary piece, get on tonight around reset time and look for squads in Open World. Look for guild [TZ] and join on. They’ll get you a Dwayna assault.
[TZ] is a North American guild.
I liked it at first, but it quickly got on my nerves. Everyone had the same body language.
Until the flute is in position at your mouth, nothing you play counts.
Just curious if anyone did manage to be lucky to loot any Super (blue /oranges) skins after completing any zone this year.
If so, this RNG drop rate is worst than getting Aetherblade weapon skins
I’ve gotten both this year, and on normal mode.
If the fish attacks you and you are not standing on solid ground, it despawns. This is true if you are on the trampoline or even just making a regular jump ;(
Scroll to the bottom of the page and see the notes. If that doesn’t work, the event might be bugged on your map.
Protecting the Cathedral of Zephyrs is part of the Dwayna event chain. It doesn’t give me a time indicator anywhere, not even on GW2 Timer. So how do I trigger it?
Or should the NPC spawn automatically? (In that case, it must be a bug… but it’s a persistent one, since I have been trying for two days now.)
You don’t trigger it. The defense event starts when it is good and ready. Chances are good that it will be completed once it starts, because it is fairly easy and it will attract the attention of other players.
So hey here is a whacky idea anet devs keep to your original promise of no adds ever and ban every player that is using them
Good thing DPS meters aren’t add-ons, they are overlays, completely different things.
same thing different package, both addones and “overlays” have the same functionality.
Perhaps you should just clarify that you want people who don’t play game the way you think it should be played to be banned then?
Or you could clarify that you’ll attack anything that gets in the way of your precious meter whether your argument makes sense or not.
I get it was an april joke back then, but it has no place in this world whatsoever, and only creates a lot of noise in the rest of the world.. isn’t it time we get rid of it?
I really think you should ask Mr. Hat!
It would appear that Marauder, Studded, and Heavy Plate armors were sneaked into the PvP reward track with the last update. Your dreams of Marauder Shoulders can be fulfilled.
on a similar track can anyone remember if there was any dps meter for GW1 raiding?
No, but there was a demand for 8/8-10/10, or just 10/10 back when Ursanway was a thing.
So right now the only way to get them is via achievements and you could make 2 weapons if you got them all provided that you don’t misplace them.
But surely it would be wasted if the only way to get them was through A Crack In Ice achievements right? I’m actually surprised they’re not drops from events or something, or maybe tradable for Winterberries. They were once in BLCs sure, but couldn’t they make it more available? I have two spares and they’re just rotting in my bank.
You’re thinking the way I did. I had a theory I didn’t have time to investigate. If it’s true, I would expect this to be a very very rare drop.
There might be something under it! Can you get a shovel somewhere in LA?
Edit: Or can you use the shovel from Silverwaste?
There are a number of places you can buy a shovel bundle. Check the wiki, and make sure you get one that has a Dig skill (not all have one).
We secretly replaced Lazarus the Dire’s final aspect with Folger’s Crystals. Let’s see if anyone notices the difference.
I do like the idea that this is the actual mursaat with a piece missing, but that doesn’tppear to be the way ANet is taking the story.
Perhaps english isn’t your primary language (and it very well may not be), but your post is difficult to understand. Consider revising your post to make it more clear.
What’s not to understand? This is rant #24: why can’t I put heavy armor on my mage?
Who? what? when? where?
Is this a PvP thing? Or a PvE mob things? Context please.
Also there are lots of stab sources and stunbreaks, you can also just dodge/block the CC.
PvE, if you get bowled over by a group of ogres, centaurs, or ettins, expect to stay down.
Any chance for the event to happen again?
The fact that they added one of the participants (first boss Suriel) as a regular mainstay of Lions Arch says that the devs are at least thinking about it. So I’d say it’s possible.
Your best bet is to check the store every day this month, as they are holding daily limited time sales every day of March.
“…join the circus!”
It seems Lucky Rooster Lantern is not unlocked by Lucky Great Rooster Lantern
This is why we only get spoons and no forks
I believe he borrowed that from Chuck Norris.
I’d like to highlight the current set at OWoG, namely the whole of Divinity’s Reach. The upcoming Living Story segment seems like it may inflict some changes on the map of DR and Queensdale, and when that happens things tend to get lost forever. Things like your favorite bargain seeker, merchants, pub crawlers, kids playing , etc. that you don’t often think about until they’re not there any more – the little details that give the game its flavor. If you feel things like that are worth preserving, we could certainly use a hand.
I think I stumbled onto the intended delivery method last night.
Above the mountain, between each of the apple trees is a network of ley lines. You can use these to zip between the trees to get to one that still has fruit. You then continue around the circle until you find a faint ley line heading back north towards the carnival camp. It ends suspiciously short of the lava tube heading northwest.
Fall from the height to the lava tube. Hop in and jet into the next lava tube. Midway after the next launch you can pop your glider and head over to Hal and deliver the apple.
From there, glide over to the sloth feeding grounds and hop the lava tube going south. Glide just before you hit the ground so you don’t enter the next lava tube. Two mushroom bounces later, you’re back up on the mountain riding ley lines to get apples. Blather, wince, repeat.
Tbh i also feel like some Hammer Animations would look kitten awesome with a Scythe skin
Reaper’s scythe is, in fact, a hammer under the hood, so you’re dead on (so to speak).