Showing Posts For Sartharina.3542:

If You Had a Choice Of New Class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


I could see Minstrel/Bard as a Support-focused Thief elite specialization – give them Mantras and Focus off-hand, with a change to the initiative mechanic to give it more of a cadence.

Worst Guild Wars 2 Map?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


I forgot about Straits of Devastation. I think the worst part is the unsynchronized meta.

3. Black Citadel/Plains of Ashford: I put these two together, because they kind of go together like they should have been one zone… Both offend my sense of WTF. Here we have a beautiful countryside, being horribly polluted by whatever it is that the Charr are pumping out of the Citadel, but there is literally no sign of the pollution, except for the one heart at the end of the outflow pipe. The incongruity is jarring to me. You can’t have beautiful unspoiled countryside with that much crud. I know it’s a game and all that, but it bothers me that there’s not more indicators of the pollutants. it’s like PoA is too clean…

The Charr are actually trying to clean the area up. All the pollution’s in the air, and confined to scrapyards.

LWS 3 Trinket farm too grindy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


If you just play the maps frequently, it’s not hard at all.

Wardrobe: Revealing Male Armor/Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


my example simply shows that the reason for lack of revealing male armor models is very likely a technical issue of simply not producing enough armors, there’s no kitten conservative agenda behind it.

There was plenty of time during when they were making all the original armor to make some of those male armors skimpy, yet they didn’t. They put almost all their effort into making skimpy armor for females and none for males. That tells you that they didn’t want skimpy male armor back then. If one sex has skimpy armor and the other doesn’t then why is that?

The very fact that they said they are discussing the option of more revealing male armor/outfits highlights how conservative they are in this area as they feel armor that shows male skin requires discussion in a way that armor that shows female skin does not.

Supply and demand. Do you really need that to be explained to you?

So the problem then is that men don’t want to have exposed skin in a video game? And why is that? What is it about exposed male skin that there isn’t a demand for it? As a female I have no problem with exposed female skin. If it’s supply and demand, why do men shy away?

So you do, in fact, need me to explain what Supply and Demand means, because what you’re talking about here makes next to no sense, when it adresses my comment, and looks like you have no idea what the subject means at all.

I’ll try to make it simple for you. The demographic in MMOs is established that way that there’s usually more people in favor of sexy girls than there is for pretty boys. That means, skimpy female appearances are more likely to be favored. There’s more demand for them. A pretty inapropriate example, but an example nonetheless would be porn industry: There is more content, directed to males, because it is the general audience for it.

The initial point, however, is that we do have fairly skimpy male appearance choises, as I already listed above. They are in the game and there’s nothing conservatively masquiline about them, pretty much the opposite. That, to me, makes all the “conservative mindset”, “sexist”/“homophobic”/“primitive” arguments, made by some people in this thread and directed at A-Net, crumble and wither at how absurd and unfunded they are. The only issue being there’s not as many of them (Look below)

make some of those male armors skimpy

They did make some of those skimpy. There’s just not as many of them as there is for females.

Though I don’t care much for any revealing armor, be it for males or females, I’m not, in fact, against adding more revealing male armors to the game, for the sake of expanding the customization options overall. GW2’s style seems to be all over the place, when it comes to character appearance, so for this game, such a thing would be appropriate, as pretty much anything else.

The only semi-relevant issue I can salvage from these somplaints is that there’s simply ‘not as many options’, which on it’s own is a valid concern, but, when combined with all these giggleworthy accusations of conservative behavior, smells of some sort of “equality of outcome” semi-communistic tumblr fueled mindset.

The game code is not made of fairy dust and rainbows, it takes time and effort, and you must’ve already seen how much time and effort it takes local designers to produce armor pieces.

They also don’t go as far. Sleeveless male armors usually have bulky chestpieces. The Feathered chestpiece is the inverse, being stupidly large-sleeved. Tribal Vestment has too many undyable parts.

And there is not a single set of revealing medium leg armor, and only skirts for heavy.

Death of daily rooms

in PvP

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


Actually. I think all we non-PVP’ers should go play PVP on classes we don’t like and cant play. I think that this would be a wonderful way to give back to the PVP community.

… I think we should make a guild. “Daily kitten ers”, with the guild leaders and officers known as Glorious Scrublords. Self-deprecation and complete indifference to the salt of the PvP community shall be our shield. We shall enter tournaments with teams bearing names such as ’Bronze League Baddies", “Here for the Daily”, and “Seekers of Shinies”

Tournament Daily

in PvP

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


I don’t think we mind the tournaments, especially with the shifting schedule. The problem is that they’re a Daily Achievement.


in PvP

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


I like it.


…and then you realize that standard player models applies to it.

They need to have Standard Player Models vanish after match!

Death of daily rooms

in PvP

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


Honestly, I’m glad they got rid of the class winner dailies, because that made it easier for Daily Roomers to get the daily done than for dedicated PvPers, who are unlikely to have proficiency in the daily classes (Even if they’re great on the 2-4 classes they main, they’re less likely to be similarly proficient if they get 4 “off-class” daily options)

I hope they didn’t make the Tournament Participation daily a ‘fixed’ slot in the rotation, though. It sucks not being able to participate in tournaments due to no team, and very little playtime (I’m available at Midnight EST, and again in mid-morning. Two 2-hour sessions a day)


in PvP

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


I like it.


Wardrobe: Revealing Male Armor/Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


The Daydreamer outfit on males should not have had pants.
And they need more highly-revealing outfits for Charr, as well.

Guild Wars 2 Story is like Anime

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


Dont worry, as long as the dragons dont have tentacles we’re safe.

Well, Zhaitan and his champions had those bone tendrils, and Mordremoth was ALL THE VINES…


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


I can’t sort my thoughts like that, so general favorites.

1. Verdant Brink. Welcome to the jungle! Looks great, plays well. It makes good use of the mastery system for mobility, while also having a clear, mostly-straightforward layout. Its vertical elements work really well, as well.
2. Plains of Ashford, for the same reason most people seem to like Queensdale. First impressions and all that.
3. Timberline Falls. Beautiful map, and loaded with platinum and T4 materials.
4. Desert Borderlands. Favorite WvW map, but I need to learn its layout better.
5. Silverwastes. I can almost forgive the lack of waypoints because of how well-designed the map is. I just wish it better-utilized the northern half.

Please fix day and night

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


kitten dark nights in games. It’s what drove me away from ESO.

When I play a game, I want to be able to see what I’m doing. MMOs don’t have the luxury of controlling the day/night cycle.

Games like Skyrim can get away with dark nights because daytime is just a button press away. As someone with limited playtime, I don’t want what time I’m allowed to play to be restricted by in-game visibility issues.

You do know that nights in GW2 only last 40 minutes, right? Thats nothing. Hell they could even shorten the night to 30 minutes and extend dusk/dawn from 5 to 10 mins.

Why do everyone assume pitch black night? Dark_er_ nights would be nice instead of the constant max light full moon setting. 20% darker. Maybe 30% darker. Not 9000% black so you need to dualwield torches just to see kitten 1m in front.

Because people are calling for dark/darker nights. Frankly, I’m glad that the game has Day and Night carry the same visibility, with the difference being whether the lighting is warm or cool.

Open-world games like MMOs that make nights dark enough that they interfere with visibility and gameplay are pure trash.

Worst Guild Wars 2 Map?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


Bitterfrost frontier is easily the worst. Chill for days, and the designers not only forgot all the waypoints, but couldn’t figure out how travel masteries are supposed to work.

Consumer feedback for ArenaNet: New lvl 80

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


Yeah – the way the game forces unlocking the mastery system is really irritating. Especially for central tyria. It should have unlocked as soon as you hit 80.

Please fix day and night

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


kitten dark nights in games. It’s what drove me away from ESO.

When I play a game, I want to be able to see what I’m doing. MMOs don’t have the luxury of controlling the day/night cycle.

Games like Skyrim can get away with dark nights because daytime is just a button press away. As someone with limited playtime, I don’t want what time I’m allowed to play to be restricted by in-game visibility issues.

A plea for quality...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


There are countless examples in the Game of either Weapons or Armor being so thin that you may not even notice they even exist if looking from some point of view. […]

TL:DR: No more parts for Armor or Weapons that are only “1 Pixel / Paperthin” in width

Yes, absolutely! This is especially noticeable with some sword skins. Just awful!

For instance, one of the reasons I refuse to get the two/three legendary “Twilight” swords is their non-existent blade thickness. “Paper skin” does pinpoint it nicely.

Those swords have 0-thickness blades for a reason – they’re rifts in reality, not physical blades. They really are two-dimensional planes projected from the hilt.

New Here - Left WoW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


Well, I’m really loving it, so I plan on sticking around.

A few questions, though, how often does new content get released? Will there be an expansion coming in the next year? What’s the future of this game; will it be around for many years to come?

When starting an MMO, I wanna know the game will still be around in say 7 years.

There seems to be new content every 2-3 months (We had a massive content drought before and after HoT as they scrambled to create an expansion for a game that previously wasn’t designed for them, then scramble to fix the expansion that broke everything – Heart of Thorns was… pretty bad on release, but they really fixed it up)

There’s another expansion expected later this year. They don’t want to announce it because it’ll be a massive spoiler for the current story arc, which wraps up with the next content release.

That said – You have to buy the interim content from the gem store if you missed its original release window – “Living Story” releases. While you can convert gold to gems, as a new player it’s probably easier to just buy it outright and think of it like DLC for other games.

Does the new leggy back come w/ a glider?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


1. They said so.
2. Because it’s here

Does the new leggy back come w/ a glider?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


Yes, yes it does.

Will the next expansion be discounted?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


The largest MMO releases their expansions at a $30 price point, this is true, but they ALSO require you to pay a monthly fee.


World of Warcraft: Legion is at kitten price point, as was Warlords of Draenor before it, and Mists of Pandaria before that, and Cataclysm before that, and Wrath of the Lich King before that, and The Burning Crusade before that.

Race sub-forums

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


Yes I know we have a sub-forum called ‘’Lore’’ but I want the old Racial subs.

I don’t understand why 6 forums is better than one. Can you clarify?

Because 1 forum covering 6 things when you only care about 1 of those things makes the forum 80% useless.

The Charr, Norn, and Asura forums were really fun (Especially the Charr forums. But then again, I’m a charr enthusiast, and I loved the cross-racial arguments that popped up on whether Norn or Charr were stronger in a fight, and the constant Human/Charr bickering. There was at least one forum member who could not get over the fact that the Charr and Humans are no longer enemies.)

Additions to Material Storage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


-lots of stuff-

The core refinements and core cooking/scribing materials are being added because in the former case, they are used across disciplines, are beneficial to create in bulk and use on-demand later rather than go through the hassle of hunting down/clicking through recipes to get the needed lesser components (Most components are used in the final step of a finished good. Those are excluded. Components for the early steps of multistep recipes are definitely worth putting in the Material Storage, since it can be a while between crafting them in bulk and then crafting a final good with them.

Taking your Roux for example – There are dozens of foods that use Roux as an ingredient in an early step. So, it’s far less of a hassle to make a few stacks of that Roux at the start of the month, and then draw on it on-demand to cook whatever you’re making with it, replenishing it in bulk whenever you get low. No planning out exactly how much you need, then suddenly having to click 3-5 items deep in a recipe because you unexpectedly run out or need more than you initially planned.

While I wouldn’t mind seeing the Anthology of Heroes, Eldritch Scroll, Bloodstone Shard, and other high-end Mystic Forge materials being removed since they’re generally purchased on-demand upon reaching the forge, the Augur’s Stones require you to buy them at Miyani, then run all the way back to the crafting stations to use them, and a manual insertion at the bank. Just putting it in Material Storage removes a few hassles there.

How friendly has the community been

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


If you’ve had a ‘fairly toxic’ experience, I think you’re an extreme outlier case. In my experience, the game’s community is extremely friendly.

That said, there is one big exception to this: the Verdant Brink Night Meta, especially on a map trying to get to T4. In order to complete the meta, it requires almost everyone on the map to be engaged in working toward it – defending/retaking and supplying camps, killing bosses, and doing ground events to push that bar to T4 before dawn. Sorry, but there just isn’t time for players to stop running supplies, defending camps, retaking fallen camps, and doing ground events to help new players with the Frog, Golem, or Bat HPs, or guide someone to a tricky-to-reach mastery point, and we’d really, really appreciate it if you put off getting those HPs and mastery points long enough to help defend, retake, and resupply camps, kill the bosses (Anyone with Gliding can do Matriarch. Anyone with Gliding and Updrafts can do Patriarch. Anyone with Gliding and Bouncing Mushrooms can do Tetrad and Frogs. You need Stealth Detection+Gliding for Axemaster), and run ground events to get the map to T4. Also – the Matriarch and Axemaster require you to know how to break the bar.

Of course, every map has its “Not Now, we’re doing the Meta” moments, but the massive nature of VB makes it stand out. Also – Verdant Brink is the very first map, which ALSO doesn’t help.

original leather farm

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


sadly we would not need a leather farm if they just get rid of the patch items.

The patches, in concept, are fine – They secure Leather’s value in crafting, just as Plated Dowels secure the value of Wood and Metal. The problem is:
1. Leather and cloth share an acquisition method.
2. Leather drops and salvages at half the rate of Cloth after its droprate and salvage rates were nerfed.
3. Leather, while being acquired at half the speed of cloth, being in much higher demand than cloth (10 refined leather for every 4 refined cloth), also refined at a lower rate than Cloth (3 instead of 2, 4 instead of 3).

Pre-HoT, Leather was worthless while Cloth was expensive, because cloth was required for all armors, but Leather was only required for Medium Armor, boots, and bows – very low demand. You had to spend cloth to spend leather, and cloth was spent much more frequently than leather while having the same acquisition method and rate. Post-HoT, that was reversed. Now leather is stupidly expensive, while cloth is the cheapest of the four materials (Linings keep it from dropping to vendor trash like Leather used to be.)

Will the next expansion be discounted?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


The expansion should not cost the same for existing players as it does for new players if the new players get everything existing players paid for.

New players DON’T get everything existing players paid for, even outside Living Story. They miss our on the experience of playing through the game’s content when it was relevant.

And there’s nothing unethical about giving someone something, then another thing, then giving both of those things later to someone else.

(edited by Sartharina.3542)


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


They should have given turrets basic Overcharge AI, similar to ranger pets activating their non-F2 special attacks – even if it’s just a simple check if the ability’s off cooldown, and there’s a valid target.

Action camera

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


I love Action Camera, but wish I could change the ‘center’ to 66%-75% up the screen, instead of having it at 50%.

I also wish either Nearest Target or Next Target would target the closest enemy to the dot (with Next Target cycling from there, resetting every few seconds). The dynamic targetting in this game sucks.

Additions to Material Storage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


I’d like to see added:
Lumber and Ore cores
Badges of Tribute

Things I wouldn’t mind seeing removed:
Bloodstone Shards, Anthology of Heroes, and Runestones.

Things I don’t want to see added that have been requested:
Keys and Shovels. No, I don’t want them to vanish into my bank as I’m depositing the stuff I salvage from Silverwastes chest trains, Sandstorm farms, Cargo Runs, Auric Basement, or the chak tunnels.

• No Instant Repair Canisters, Bank Access Express, Trading Post Express, Merchant Express, Revive Orb. Please just use these.

Revive Orb

We don’t double-click Revive Orbs in our inventory anymore. We click the UI option to “Consume a Revive Orb” alongside the usual “Return to Waypoint” option.

Many many thanks for all your work on this project! (And yes, I have max shared inventory slots and am still desperate for more.)

You can’t use a revive orb from the bank.

[Suggestion] Slimmer male Norn, please!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


I think Norn need thicker legs more than thinner torsos.

Will the next expansion be discounted?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


1. The new expansion looks to be about the same size as a World of Warcraft expansion, in terms of open world content, progression (New mastery tracks and specializations), and gameplay changes. Heart of Thorns had half the maps it needed.
2. We’re buying the expansion. The base game and Heart of Thorns are being bundled into it for new players, but that takes nothing away from veterans – that content has been devalued to ‘almost nothing’.
3. ESO and World of Warcraft are good to look at there.

Will the next expansion be discounted?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


New players get vanilla for free, and the expansion will cost the average price for an AAA expansion, whats to debate.

People are upset that new players will be getting the mostly-abandoned husk of Heart of Thorns at no additional cost when they purchase the new expansion. (I wish they’d officially announce where we’re going, so I can start using my joke name for the expansion, which spoils the location)

Will the next expansion be discounted?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


The Morrowind upgrade for ESO was almost as expensive as the full HoT game at launch (40€ for Morrowind vs. 45€ for HoT), while the full ESO+Morrowind package was considerably more expensive (60€ if I’m not mistaken).

That’s how it usually works. $50 is the standard price for B2P expansions.

If GW2 was like other MMOs, HoT would have been $50 by itself while the core game would have remained at $25. A year in, they would have bundled in the core game for free, then later dropped the price to $25 to repeat the cycle with the next expansion.

So, everyone is kitten because Anet’s decided it’s not worth bilking new players $25 on a less-than-full-experience product?

The problem with Heart of Thorns was a lack of content. I don’t think the new Xpack’s going to have that problem.

RIP Power Warrior in PvE

in Warrior

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


Hey, wanna hear a hilarious joke? ANET buffed the axe trait to 300 ferocity. But it’s not like we can actually use it, since it competes with berserker’s power. Isn’t that hilarious? Gee, I wonder why they dedicated the time and effort into that! It’s such a huge accomplishment for the next 4 months!

I’m not sure ANet understands that Axe Mastery (w/ 100% crit chance, no sacrifice in DPS output … ) and ALWAYS using an Axe (must have Axe always in one of your hands) = 300 Ferocity or +20% increased damage versus +21% from Berserker’s Power that has 10s in length after one Adrenaline 3 use.

If ANet really wanted Warriors to use Axe Mastery, it would have been swapped with some other trait (Merciless Hammer) in some other common line (Discipline).

Or made it compete with Forceful Greatsword, because that’s logically thing to do.

No it isn’t. No other traitline has its weapon traits compete, and Axe and Greatsword naturally complement each other for “MAX POWER DPS!”

Switching Hammer and Axe Traits, though, would have the benefit of making the “MAX POWER DPS” clear for Power Warriors, and Merciless Hammer could very well compete with Berzerker’s Power due to the hammer’s more situational burst skill, and emphasis on CC (And it would also synergize with Body Blow and Peak Performance), giving Strength two clear ‘paths’ – that of the Hearty Cleaving Berzerker, and that of the Stompy Bruiser. And, it would make both Strength weapons Two-handed, which is pretty thematically fitting, I think.

And Axe. being the versatile power-based one-handed weapon it is (Frankly, I think Axe 2 needs a brief defense – possibly missile reflect) fits well in Discipline. Every warrior could use a nice Axe on one of their weapon sets to swap to and from on demand.

There's no reward for higher lvl content.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


I give you:
You are welcome.
Also all you need for raids is exotic if you can pull your weight. Hardly a gear treadmill when you can get a full set of decent gear in aproximately 3 hours or less.

Stat swapping is a bandaid solution.

If I need berserker for X content and viper for Y content, how much would a daily or a weekly swap swap cost me, taking into account the price of upgrades too?

… if you’re able to swap sets, you’re not looking at a gear treadmill. A gear treadmill leaves the previous set completely obsolete.

If you have Berzerker stats for X content, but want Viper for Y content, then either switch to vipers and do Y content, forsaking X content, or do X content until you can afford a second set for Vipers for Y content.

Will the next expansion be discounted?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


Since HoT has been stated to be included as part of the next Expansion, will it be discounted if you already own HoT? Since otherwise, you would be paying the same amount as someone who didn’t buy HoT, but for significantly less additional content.

Yes, welcome to our world, as the rest of us who have owned GW2 since release will be paying for the third time, since HoT was not on discount for those who already own GW2 (and neither will the third expansion be, I assume).

At least we’re not WoW, where you have to pay every month AND every expansion (And until relatively recently, new players had to buy every expansion prior to the currrent one, even though they were deprived of the experiences of those expansions in their glory days. I still remember when The Burning Crusade was new and I was on my parent’s account, when Shattrath City was a thriving hub of player activity, Black Temple and later Isle of Quel’Danas were the end-game raid places to be. I remember returning years later with Cataclsym, having to buy all the expansions, only to encounter abandoned ghost towns and obsolete content.)

ESO is every month, every DLC, and every expansion.

FFXIV is every month. I don’t know if it has expansions.

Most games have either every month (3-4 months being a game), and/or expansions you have to buy.

watchwork sprockets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


And Nightmare Fractal drops a few sprockets.

No Loyalty Bonus

in WvW

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


We need to update the loyalty pip description.

You need to earn at least 75 pips for 3 weeks in a row to earn the loyalty bonus. We wanted players to have to participate in skirmishes to be considered loyal.

Hello, I’m not quite clear on this.

So you need to get
75+ pips on week 1
75+ pips on week 2
75+ pips on week 3

And then so long as you remain on the server, you will get the loyalty bonus?
Or will the streak reset if you miss a week, and you need to do all 3 again?

Needing to earn 100+ pips weeks 1, 2 and 3 is correct. If you miss a week you will need to do all 3 again.

*Edit: It should be 100 pips not 75. So you need to complete all of Wood Tier for 3 weeks.

How the hell do you guys manage to screw up such simple concepts so badly (Especially after hyping them?)

There's no reward for higher lvl content.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


I’d easily believe FFXIV is outperforming Guild Wars 2 everywhere. It’s Final kitten Fantasy. You can’t beat that franchise in popularity.

World of Warcraft has a powerful network effect behind it keeping it going (I suspect it’s not gaining a lot of ‘new’ players, due to its age, except from a few who still wonder what the fuss is about. Most are friends or family of those who’ve been playing for years), and was launched on the back of a wildly popular RTS series to provide an instant fanbase, and made itself accessible at a time MMOs really weren’t.

wvw vs pve

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


That moment when t3 wvw armor looks better than legendary armor /faceplam.

When will people realize that certain legendaries fit in theme with certain classes better then others?

When will the devs realize they should discuss things like these with the community and get feedback first?

Because not everyone would agree? Some people may have issues with something while others may not.

Pretty sure majority of engi/thief/ranger community got sick and tired of trenchcoats…. and yet we got another one making your character look like it is pregnant with a whale.

Yeah and that’s 1/3 of the classes and perhaps 1/3 of players if they were all equally distributed. That’s also assuming there are not people that actually enjoy the trench coats.

In the end, no matter what choices are made by Anet, there will be players unhappy.

You do know most people have multiple classes, right? 1/3rd of classes have to deal with trenchcoats. I wouldn’t be surprised, though, if that was almost 100% of players.

Need help with my Charr

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


First – max the size of the charr. You might actually want to minimize head size, though, to make the body look bigger.

I think Chronomancer Epaulets are the biggest shoulder items for light armor. Ad Infinitum, and the White+Black feathered wings are the largest backpieces.
I think the Fractal Greatsword is pretty huge.

GW1 combat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


.. Guild Wars 1 has awful, tedious combat.

The active combat of GW2 is amazing, and makes all other MMOs feel sluggish.

Stunlock Needs to Go

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


Trouble with the current stub lock is that it’s low risk and high reward. I wish cc was not as spammable but more strategic in nature.

Where is CC spammable?

Also – stability has a .75 second ICD between strips.

Forcing condition meta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


The problem is: every class in GW2 basically the same.

There is a lack of character variation because game companies try so hard to balance all characters to be exactly the same. It is even worse in Guild Wars 2 because there are no dedicated healers or tanks or dps. Every in-game character is all of those things which make them all basically the same.

Ages ago, when I played other mmo’s, there was a lot more distinction from one class to the next:
[]A Cleric/Priest was ‘only’ good at healing and sucked at dps and tanking was out of the question.
[]A Warrior/Fighter was tough as stones but had very little dps and had no magic at all in order to cast healing spells.
[]A Rogue/Thief excelled only at dps and could typically one-shot an unsuspecting player or mob. The thief was very fragile though and great care and cunning was required to play one.

So, I think you get the point.

The point being, every class in GW2 is basically ‘exactly’ the same.
Everyone can cast magic spells.
Everyone has the capacity to do tons of dps.
And even some non-traditional classes are able to tank a boss…not that ‘tanks’ actually exist in this game, because they don’t.

There is one class in GW2…it is the DPS/Healer.

If anyone reading this has ever played vanilla wow then you know exactly where I am coming from. Back then, if a rogue in stealth would one-shot me, I expected that to happen. It was part of the game. However, a rogue could never heal a dungeon party or raid. There were definitive ‘positives and negatives’ to every class.

Unless classes get some real distinction from one another, this game is going to always feel very bland and boring.

This is only true if you’ve only played WoW, and not any real games. Every class plays differently. Every class also has multiple builds.

Saying there’s only one class in GW2 is like saying there’s only one gun in Doom, because they all just kill things. And yet, the Rocket Launcher, Plasma Gun, Chaingun, and shotgun all feel different and have different strengths and styles while still killing the enemy at roughly the same speeds (If you know how to use them).

Does anyone just have fun anymore?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


There is not a single week where I am not posting about people should enjoy the game/the profession more and not get mad at every nerf or changes

But the Nerf to Shield Bash took the fun out of the weapon. Instead of being the skill that interrupts (As the shield bash is in every other game, and incredibly fun for it), it’s now the skill that gets interrupted (Bogus!)

Axe and Hammer need their traitlines swapped.

in Warrior

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


If AN removed the ability for GS to apply stacks of might so it wouldnt work so well with PS then you might see some more weapon diversity. But it wont happen unfortunately as it would remove warrior from a lot of content groups. (thread doesnt specify pve or pvp, so going to assume pve).

While Greatsword is certainly the easiest Might-builder, warriors have been generating 25 stacks of might with Sword+Torch/Longbow for a while now, meaning that niche isn’t wholly dominated. And now Axe generates might as well on its burst skill.

Honestly, though, I don’t think that’s a good thing. Greatsword’s place as the Party Power Support weapon has been a strong identity. I’m afraid that the changes are diluting that. By having every weapon fill the same niche, only the one best at that will ever be meta. Then again… we do have weapon swap, so Greatsword+Axe being the Power PvE meta isn’t awful. Other weapons have other roles.

Warriors only have a few weapons (Even though it’s the largest selection in the game), and they’re almost in a good place:
Mace has its value in PvP and WvW as a defensive weapon, and as CC. It’s not supposed to be a high-damage weapon, but it’s still valuable for its ability to break bars when paired with shield (Though less than it used to be, thanks to the stupid shield bash nerf.) With Body Blow, it also becomes a strong condition weapon.
Sword is our Condition weapon, and is currently Meta because of it – We offset the lack of Greatsword’s might generation with FGJ and Sigils+Runes.
Greatsword is our Might Engine.
Hammer needs to see some love – having its trait be moved to one that actually benefits the weapon’s a good place for that.

Axe is the highest single-damage Power-Based DPS weapon Warriors have, at the cost of all defense. Unfortunately, its power is not strong enough to give it a slot as a Damage class in group content, and with its current traitline, it can’t be buffed properly to be that without making it obscenely overpowered in PvP (Right now, Axe is fueled by Strength only. With my suggestion, it would require Discipline AND Strength to reach full potential, stripping it out of PvP due to the mandate for Defense there)

I’d like to see Warriors finally get a strong Selfish Power DPS build, and I think Axe would be the perfect weapon for such (Especially if we can finally have Axe Mastery and Berzerker’s Power together)

Axe and Hammer need their traitlines swapped.

in Warrior

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


All fluff aside, it sounds like you just want to be able to take the gs, axe, and berserker power traits. Amirite?

Why not just say that?

Because warrior does need a strong, selfish DPS build that doesn’t trip over itself the way the current traitline does, and I want to have Peak Performance, Body Blow, and Merciless Hammer on a single traitline for when I’m feeling stompy.

Changes to warrior are nonsensical

in Warrior

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


The shield bash nerf is the most upsetting to me of them all – It’s completely wrecked the purpose of the skill.

lol shield bash

in Warrior

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


The worst part is that it destroys part of the appeal of the shield. For warriors, paladins, fighters, vanguards, and shield-bearers of all types across all games, the shield has had two purposes – To provide a barrier to protect against overwhelming assaults, and to interrupt and knock careless enemies off balance. Now, with this change, the Shield has gone from a skill that interrupts to one that gets interrupted. The problem was with Skull Grinder and Headbutt, not Shield Bash. Those have been fixed, and the change to shield bash is overkill.

But what’s most distressing to me, I think, about the change is that the loss of enjoyment of the skill will not show up in their metrics, and will be left to languish for far, far too long – Shield Stance is still to valuable for shield to disappear from Warrior’s gameplay, and people will still find a way to use Shield Bash in more niche situations – But as a skill that requires set-up, instead of one that sets up attacks based on enemy response.

just Soooo Slow (ruins the gameplay)

in Warrior

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


maybe the wheel will turn and warrs wont use bursts) like in the old dayz

Except in the old days, Warriors had bonuses for not using bursts.