Showing Posts For Septemptus.7164:

Should there be a season 2?

in WvW

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


No after all the damage WvW S1 did.

Or next time please think it through before you start one.

Poll: Is Season 1 a disappointment?

in WvW

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


My dissapointment are the rewards.
People went after them and left Underworld and there is a lot of toxicity thanks to that.
We lost more than 10 WvW guilds that went for the better server with bigger chances to win. So in the end for us it was a really terrible season and its all due the rewards that weren’t thought through and nobody thought of the impact on community.
In other words ANet kinda ruined many players experience thanks to that. I know that my server was probably the most deserted but there were others that suffered from this behavior.

Flat rewards would help that and indicate that you were there to witness WvW S1, not like trophies and all that for people to start rat race.

WXP Booster BTA?

in WvW

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Since we will soon see WXP become bound to account, will also boosters become bound to account?
(I have few that are on characters I don’t like in WvW but they are soulbound)

Idea for armor campaign

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


If you would read forums suggestion, for giving suggestions, you would find my thread:

Yes. I miss GW1 awesome armors also…

Feel free to support my thread also.

Removing Race Restrictions on Cultural Armors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


They missed the boat by making unique armors “cultural”/race specific instead of “cultural/factional”.

For example, if my Norn moved to Divinity Reach, curried favor with humans, did all kinds of little favors for them, built up reputation and faction.. she could realistically expect them to “make me armor that looks like that”. ANET chose not to go that route, unfortunately.

In games that offer “factional” perks, they become long term goals and give you the feeling of having earned items.

It’s one thing to say, “I bought Asuran Armor for my Charr.” Tis another to say “I assisted the Asura so much, they insisted on crafting a set of Asura-styled armor to fit a Charr, just for me.”

They did it for many armors in GW1. Lux, Kurz, all of the EoTN armors took reputation points.

So my thoughts are, Cultural armor as a simple purchase option open to any. NO.

Cultural-styled armor that has to be earned by in game actions and reputation? Sure.

This would really resolve the problem.

Make it buyable for the given race, but make them achivable by others after some quest, reputation, etc. Maybe doing some maps or be just the legendary heroe who did whole map and personal story (don’t jump on how hard it should be – its a general idea.).

Anyway, there should be an additional way to be able to use those armors.

I’m after more and more variety and maybe some new achievements/quest in here.

LOL have you not been reading the forums at all? Anet just tried this and the backlash was phenomenal (and rightly so).

In my opinion, this should never happen. Yes to new armor skins, no to changing cultural armors.

Nope, they made that by mistake.
I really think you should read forums instead.
Only some were saying that that should be exclusive when others were saying that it costs too little and they don’t like the revamp idea.

"Do not touch" Signs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Do the dragons even exist anymore or are did they all just get retconed into Scarlet holograms or something?

Scarlet killed remaining 5 dragons so we can fight her till the end of the game.

Where is the on off switch????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


There is no off switch.

Trahearne is waiting for you.


"Do not touch" Signs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


I think it’s the Molten Steam Alliance idk lol

It does look like something to do with the Steam Creatures.

All races with cyber punk steam parts of their bodies!!!
Yesssss, we miss that.

/sarcasm off
I REALLY, REALLY hope we will have a lond nice break from Scarlet and finally get some nice real updates like we used to before few months (in story way).

CDI- Process Evolution

in CDI

Posted by: Septemptus.7164



Do you think that it would be possible to have a CDI with the Art Team on occasion? I think it would be fun to talk to them about armor and learn how they choose what to add, as well as learn what isn’t possible for them to do.

I think that’d be more suitable to an AMA-style event. I’m not terribly certain the average player could give really useful criticisms to the graphic artists and 3-d modelers. That would have to be far more technical in tone, y’know?

I wasn’t really thinking that such a topic would be on the same scale as the CDIs have been so far. I just think it would be nice to be able to communicate with the artists in the same way that we’ve been conversing with Chris and Bobby.

It would be nice to get some official answers to some of the armor questions that people have ben curious about.

Hi Video,

I will speak to Daniel about it and see what he thinks.

Hope you have had a good day.


Hopefully, hopefully, hopefully… This could answer to people who like me call since lounch for GW1 armors in the gem store.

Most of us gave up or stopped playing but:
a) Those were and still are awesome and many people would still but them
b) Those from GW1 needs some love from devs…

I can’t describe how much I look forward to that.

Thaumanova Meltdown: "No Scarlet" Edition

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


I will only say it short.
Seeing Scarlet in there made me disappointed.

Not getting almost any information about the reactor aside from short sentence from scarlet was really bad.

I would love to get some tactical briefing before we entered the reactor so we would know what was the situation and what was to be done but we entered in there without any way of knowing what is going on.

GW2 Becoming P2W

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


I’m really sorry, but this thread is funny.
GW2 is not pay to win and is far from that and that is why I love it.

Also I use 1 gem item on all my 8 characters and they look amazing with use of normal/crafted/dungeon armors. It’s just a matter of taste.

Thinking that glowing like Christmas three is good for you is a matter of taste, but I think its basically bad for everyone. I enjoy my own look that makes me unique, not another clone of someone who uses full armor.

WXP account bound. so happy! alt fun time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


WXP account bound. omg so happy! alt fun time!

I’m with you!
I waited for it and now its play time.

Hopefully they will add separate character items and traits for WvW to make it easier.

So lvl 90 coming soon?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


This makes me so mad. When they release ascended armor, why bother, if it will end up being obsolete in a future release?

To keep people grinding.

I will probably stop playing if they will do lvl 90 and I will have to recreate all ascended items from lvl 80 to 90.

I don’t enjoy the grind…

Dwayna has been bugged on TC for three weeks

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


If you check multiple servers many has Dwayna and some Melandru bugged.
Hopefully they will fix it, but yes, its a pain that I have to guest to do them.
Guildies helps with that a lot.

Multiple trait/gear tabs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


I totally agree.

I look forward to see those separate gear/trialt tabs. Maybe use the system that separates PvP from other forms. I don’t know, but PLEASE do it.

Luck Gathering Improvement

in Suggestions

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


I love the idea.

I don’t know why I never thought ab out it, but yes. It would be natural to just be added like Karma is when you get it.

Long live for the mouse!

Injustice in Season 1

in WvW

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


I can’t comment at this time as we haven’t finalized anything. In addition, you should look at it this way, if people flee lower league servers to get into the top leagues, it opens the opportunity for people to move to those lower leagues and finish 1st or 2nd, rather than being in the top league and finishing 6th or 7th. The rewards for finishing 2nd in the Bronze League will be markedly better than the rewards for finishing 6th in the Gold league.

I don’t believe it to work – especially after over 10 WvW guilds left underworld for silver league or golden league predicted winner.

Night protection

in WvW

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Unfortunately the thread creator is right. This is the thing that made my playing in WvW horrible experience and I went out of WvW for a long time. I have to admit that after some time I went back to it, but I really hope they will find solution for this problem, because it pains many, many players.

WvW Season 2 POOL

in WvW

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


This is a Pool thread.

Do not use it for hating and arguing between opinions

1. Do you want Season 2 to take place (ever)?
2. If so what should be done to make it fun for you?
3. What is the biggest fear (what you don’t want to repeat from S1)?

Hopefully it will be used by ANet to make it better if next season will come.

(edited by Septemptus.7164)

Injustice in Season 1

in WvW

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


No. 1st place should get nothing. The honour of coming top is reward enough.

The best rewards should go to the bottom teams, to boost them!

Reward-hungry people would transfer to low servers who need people, leaving the top ranking servers and freeing up the queue.

Since Underworld lost over 10 WvW guilds that went for rewards and now there is a great pain in doing anything in WvW (that unfortunately ANet doesn’t really want to address in population balancing thread ) this should go live as soon as possible.

Basically as I see it as offending for me that best servers get exclusive rewards just because many people transfered in there for those rewards. Rewards in seasons should be flat so people won’t migrate for them.

WvW Season 1 POOL

in WvW

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


This is a Pool thread.

Do not use it for hating and arguing between opinions

1. How do you see the season? (1 horrible to 10 greatest idea)
2. What were good sides and bad sides?
3. Would you like another season in the future?

Hopefully it will be used by ANet to make it better if next season will come.

(edited by Septemptus.7164)

Bot Hot Spots

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Since I placed list of bots in here (I’m sure those are bots), yet my post is deleted how can I make sure those account can be revieved?

I reported them in game for a long time but I don’t see any action which is really depressing. Basically they run area that I often farmed for some mat (straits of devastation upper right corner).
I often farmed that area for mats that I could sell and use that gold, yet they kinda kill the market for me so I guess since I see no action taken from raporting it’s OK with the game to have some bots ruining my fun.

There are many I runed one one today and I cant post him in here. Should I make wides showing they way bot works or something? I really want to get rid of them.

Reused GW2 armors vs GW1 armors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


This is not hate thread so please don’t.
Also don’t post everywhere that devs are lazy and such….

Since launch I was a big fan of going from GW1 to GW2.
I know those are separate games, classes, mechanics etc…

But world, lore and history are just one and you can’t deny it.

At launch we hot 3 armors from GW1 and I think everyone were sure that we will get more soon, but developers went another way. Many people in comunity almost begged for more armors from GW1, but it didn’t happened. Basically I don’t recall any announcement, but after some time we got newly designed armors when they finally were added to gem store.

I thought, OK it’s a philosophy ‘lets discard old and make only new ones’. I kinda accepted that and though ‘you can make new ones, hopefully you will make them very good’, Many armor skins were really good (maybe aside from heavy armors that would have that knight look on Norn, but I will leave with that).

NOW we for the first time got reused skins. That was a kind of blow for me, cause I see those as a kind of side job made in few hours of work and thats it.

WHAT I FAIL TO UNDERSTAND is why if you have armor designed for GW1, that people for over half of year begged on forums. If you want to add something just reserve time on making it. If you don’t have a design or idea, use GW1 armors that people still want (I’m sure there are more people who want them than only me). Please don’t more of those easy and kinda poor reuses when you have such an amazing catalog of armor in GW1…

I know that there is a lot of work with those, maybe you have to redo the from the start or you have to at least make them scaled and changed for all 5 races instead being only for humans.
Yet, that would really make many people very happy. Everyone would also have a reason to buy them and don’t feel betrayed or cash grabbed.

People still consider those 2 of 3 first armors best designed in entire shop.

For those of you who don’t know that I’m talking about, please visit GW1 wiki, go to armors and look for all the designes. Basically every class has multiple designed armors just for that class. It’s a full closed of armors that have even 3D files that can be used at least as a concept arts.

CDI- Process Evolution

in CDI

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Hi Reesha,

So one topic per week with a process evolution thread at the end of a 3 topic cycle?


If so topics should be only for 1 week. making a whole cycle would take too long if you would extend that 1 week for two. Making it 10 days could work also so the whole cycle would be in 1 month.

it would be 3 weeks of each area and 1 week of this just seeing what went right what went wrong general chatter about the process itself and not the topics. it would still be a month.


CDI- Process Evolution

in CDI

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Hi Reesha,

So one topic per week with a process evolution thread at the end of a 3 topic cycle?


If so topics should be only for 1 week. making a whole cycle would take too long if you would extend that 1 week for two. Making it 10 days could work also so the whole cycle would be in 1 month.

CDI- Process Evolution

in CDI

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


It depends on the particular area, some can be almost immediate and others could take months. In future i will be sure to give more explanation about what goes into the development of features or areas we are discussing.


As for me, we really miss some way of statement from ANet side.
If you say something is a good idea It doesn’t mean anything yet.

*I would love to see summary of each talk with some statements like: *
- we will start new story arc in 3 months
- we will change this and that in 6 months.

TIME FRAMES are kinda essential for most of us who are waiting forward for something to happen. As it goes now you only say “we will consider it”, “I like the idea” and all things like that. I don’t really know if something will happen.

If you promised new fractal by the end of the year I was really glad and I waited forward to see it and now it will be online today. I’M SUPER HYPED BECAUSE OF THAT!

Any time frames and informations what will you do are very important. You should have a section with information about what you will do due to threads we discussed. Like you say: ok we will try to do this something it in next 6 months and you can make thread with ideas in progress. Once a month change status so we can know after 2 months that it will take 1 more month than you thought and that’s ok.
I think we all really want to know that you are working on something that we long to get. We can wait but we want to know this will happen and then (as much as possible and people will have to learn that there will be deadlines that wont be meet and that will move forward cause you can’t plan something and always meet the deadline in programing. Even more it often can’t be meet and thats really normal situation).
There would also be some ideas that would not have time frames at the start. They would have state like: “checking technology” or “preparing for development” or “creating technology – project name” so we would look on that project to see how long for a feature we originally look forward for. Yet they all should be listed and updated one a month.

You can post going live ideas with some lag – like 1-2 weeks or more cause that would give you time to discuss it with other devs and make preparations.

I feel that making those announcements would really work great on community. It would give all people the transparency we all need after discussions.
Also no one could go and say that you don’t listen to players feedback or not work on something.

Chris, great job so far. Thank you for all your time and effort!

(edited by Septemptus.7164)

Legendary, Legendary items!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


There’s nothing Legendary about the current Legendaries, no.

The moment they could be put up on the Trading Post, their Legendary status disappeared.

True… True…

Any plans to revisit teqautl, again?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


I was out-of-game for 6 weeks when Anet revamped Teq. My server (Gunnar’s Hold) did it a coupe of times back then, but no more.

I happened to be in Sparkfly once when Teq spawned and it was so odd seeing no one else around. I even asked in LA last weekend if the server does Teq anymore, and the response was a rather emphatic “no” …

Would like to give it a go, but I do not know of any EU server or guild that does Teq.

Far Shiverpeaks does it mostly daily, we even have a special teamspeak channel set up for it. It is great fun! On the weekends we have even had two overflows…

I want to know if its true. PM me the time or TS address.
I would love to do it again.

400 Free Gems for not playing...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


“I’m going to stop playing for months and months so that maybe I can get $5.00 worth of gems that can only be spent in a game that I don’t even play.”

Good plan.

+1. I love the comment.

Finally Weapon Skins We Can Buy!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


The skins are great, but I find it amazing that people think they are too expensive. Lulwat?

The lower range “exotic” weapon skins in this game range from about 30-200+ gold (400-3000+ gems), higher range skins easily double that (ie 6000+ gems) while legendaries are 2000+ gold (22000+ gems).

And people think 600 gems is too expensive?!?!

So true…

Exactly what I’m saying. If they release skins there should be a pay as well as a earn option.

Nope. Those skins are awesome and really cheap through conversion, so why would you want to get them in game?
There is plenty of items/skins in game.

They should focus on adding more to direct purchase instead of RNG – thats the fact.

Legendary, Legendary items!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


From other thread.

We agree, this is something we’ve been discussing a lot lately and working on some various answers for, but I’m curious:

What rewards would you like to see from rewards? Would they be different when you’re leveling up than when you’re level 80? What would motivate you to want to go around the world playing as many different events as possible, rather than the same 4-5 over and over again?

Some of the fun challenges we are currently solving, but it’s great to hear peoples thoughts on this subject as well.

If, just if you by any chance see this topic its your answer.
Just allow people to do massive chunk of content for the most prestigious items that people will want to have and for a long time you will have people who will go and revisit dungeons, mini dungeons, jumping puzzles and all that.
Those all can be requirement for people to revisit the world.

Sure there will be a big wave at first but there will also be those who will come and go slowly. Those who will want to have another legendary etc. There will just be more reason to visit all the awesome content that you made so far.

Legendary, Legendary items!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Totally agree with this fact, these weapons called legendaries aren’t memorable at all due to the recipe for crafting them…

But keep hope, the datamining suggest a new way to get a precursor soon (seems that the devellopers have understood that 600 gold or luck dont make the precursor legendary but tedious and stupid to make).
I hope it will be an honnest quest, difficult, RP and not another material farming/ gold sinking…
I feels that that everyone should be able to make a legendary, but by an epic adventure across tyria and not standing at the trading post or pressing 1 in zergtrain because its actually the only way to get a legendary even in a reasonnable time (less than one year), because even its only cosmetic, its one of the goal in this game, trusting the achievement…

long to make? OK challenging ? why not…
but by farming and grinding for it, no, never… keep in mind farming is not hard, be invested in the game is not really that legendary weapon brings(players sharing ideas to enbetter the game, mcm competent comanders, players enjoying contents and not bashing it are certainly much more invested), these are stupid and tedious, nothing more.

You got very good points in your post, but I will quote only few parts of the whole sentence.

As you said legendaries are supposed to be memorable and hard to get, require achievement but not mindless zerging farming cash.

I also found the data mined part few days ago, but really… Precursor was the worst part of the legendary, yet making them and not changing rest of the grindy farmable recipe is kinda only taking care of half of the problem.

If you count by current prices all materials needed for a legendary cost now around 800g, so that’s still cash you have to farm. If they make creating a precursor also involved with gold it will be just like it is right now.

The point of this thread is to (hopefully) make someone understand that allowing legendaries to be sold or made by sellable components means majority of GW2 population will just farm gold and that is something like you noticed that kills the fun of the game.

We could do all kinds of various things across all Tyria to create legendary, yet now we all stick to few spots in entire map just to efficiently farm gold.

Anet learned :o

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


I want a Casino in Lion Arch – wich removes plenty of gold out of the game And rewards you with Skins or Weapons or what ever xD hig cost, high reward. Also lets play against each other: everyone starts with lets say 1 gold, pays 10 silverto play, maybe leaves with 10 gold maybe with 0. So everyone’s happy and gold’s taken away.

You have it now.

Gather gold → change gold to gems → buy black lion key → open black lion chest.

The casino is in there in LA.
You just have to see it.

Just saw a bot patrol in Diessa Plateu

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Next time you see it try and find out how it reacts to a champ or veteran being lead to it.

Its not that easy to lead it and there is only a veteran in there that is weak.
Besides every few moves bot goes to the same WP so even if he dies he will be up again.

As said, they are well made.

Silver League just broken

in WvW

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Waiting for a bronze leaguer to complain about their top 3 being stacked.

You can laugh, but EU has the same problems.
There are also guilds that left many servers to be on the wining team and that is sick right now…

Anet learned :o

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


To be fair, they tried the same thing last Winterday.

For all we know it could go back and forth.


We have to believe that we will have more of those nice things that aren’t RNG and it will happen.
I surely hope for that and I’m grateful for those sins.
They look so awesome1

The maps are empty....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


This goes to the problem with server population.
I think that servers show population of account bound to the server, but don’t show average players numbers.
If many people left from a server like 3 months after launch, server can have Very High status and be mostly deserted. I think it’s like that on my server (but I won’t spoil the name)

And now I will buy them

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Indeed. Thank you Arena net. Thank you. Good move.

I have them on all my characters but I guess now I can pass them for 10th that I make.

Finally Weapon Skins We Can Buy!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


If it comes out of the gem store, until they put them in the achievement skins panel that you can reuse, I won’t be buying more skins no matter how much I like it or want to try it. I am not wasting money I already spent or going with one of their three “options”.

I bought $70 worth of armor skins for my characters and they are cemented on until they give me a way to save that purchase. I don’t care if they are only usable by the character that first applied it, but I am not tossing out a perfectly good skin that cost cash.


You have my sympathy and +1

I feel the same way about buying skins in TP.

Any plans to revisit teqautl, again?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Teq is ok. He lands, no one cares, he flies away.

So what’s the problem?


You just shown how much people cares for this revamp.
Only sad thing is that we lost not bad world boss. This is why I back all those posts that call for a bit wisdom on that revamp.

Legendary, Legendary items!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Anet has to keep things “casual friendly” because they have sworn a oath to uphold the casual frame of mind.

While making the 500-600 gold to buy a precursor can be challenging its not impossible to do in a few months with a hr or 2 a day spent working on it.

I am a little confused thought about the OP… because its 100% possible to not buy anything off the TP directly. He could grind Mystic forge then farm his mats. Those making it a legendary undertaking to get. OP current thread just makes him sound kinda lazy even world of Warcraft legendary where a huge grind ( remember Shadowmourne go kill 1000 of the lk minion’s to infuse it during the first part).

I think that people made my post sound like that, but maybe it was my fault.

I don’t like ho legendaries work right now:

Just go earn money, go earn money, go earn money, then buy an item.
Yes!!!!! That was MY legendary adventure!!!

Nope. There is no exclusivity in that, nothing legendary about that etc.
That is why legendaries don’t have a meaning now.

Colin Joehanson said that in his interview with Matt Visual, that changing statistics is their hope to give legendaries some value. That shows they see how legendaries are less and less valued.
This game is based on cosmetics, no real advantage comes from having a legendary items. But that doesn’t mean that legendaries can’t be and shouldn’t be exclusive.

That’s hard to do, especially with all the great skins that come out.
Compare legendaries Kasmeer’s Staff or Marjory’s Weapons. You know that they cost 600 gems (~50g) each and their look is at the same level (or even better) to legendary items.

Sure it’s a matter of ones opinion, but really… If legendaries would have some exclusiveness due to a hard process of making one game wise not only grind wise , GW2 would benefit a lot from people that like threating game more hardcore way and it’s needed for players to have a trophies with them.

Sadly Titles have devaluated and aren’t trophies anymore cause we need a master title for that.

Legendary, Legendary items!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


stop crying for a short cut.

If you call shortcut doing anything except for mindless farming. Sure. Why don’t we all get legendaries for free or based on our uptime in game?

Why to expect that items that were supposed to be the hardest thing in game to get would not demand anything except time to make?

REALLY you call that a shortcut?
I think that you just want a shortcut for everything. Everything can be bought with money and game is only “how to get most money in the least time”.

THAT thinking is a shortcut and GW2 sadly went that way.

Don’t face any challenge, don’t face any possibility to fail, no frustration no nothing.

(edited by Septemptus.7164)

Legendary, Legendary items!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Yay for more time gating!

If you would only read and understand you would see that 100 days would be only to stop farming. The real difficulty would be complete all other things in that time and those should be chosen to be more than 100 days long for doing for average person.

Legendary, Legendary items!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


lol. Do you have full map completion yet? Because if so, I consider that truly legendary! I’ve bene playing for… er… I think 7 months, maybe 8 and the most I’ve gotten is about 60% world completion. Don’t get me wrong, I roam… I just don’t have the patience to methodically go to every single point of interest in every single map. So unless it happens by accident over the next I don’t know how long, I’ll never get the world completion award, which means I’ll never get the legendary. Which is fine by me.

Sadly I have completed map on only my 5 characters out of 9, but those others are on the way right now cause I love exploring the world. I have done all dungeons, mini dungeons etc. That feels like playing.

Legendary, Legendary items!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Actually, it absolutely does. Especially because some people have that kind of gold avoidable and can buy even multiple.

Currently there’s NOTHING legendary about an item that requires one specific thing: Grinding.

That’s my idea. Legendaries should force someone to do things not only grind cash. everyone can grind cash or buy cash and that isn’t LEGENDARY! I spend more than 2,5k gold in game and I don’t even go for legendary cause they don’t mean a thing these days.

For me when I see some one with legendary it means that they got it at the start when people didn’t scaled values so high or they have time to do mindless grind or they play on TP and far money.

None of that seems legendary to me… there is no real difficulty, there is no adventure, there is no feeling or achievement.

Molten skins feel more rare now and you can get them by cash anyway.

That is why legendaries should contain challenges and adventures, they should indicate that you know the game and experienced it and not only farmed mindlessly on or sit on your digital but and play auction house..

You can add to my idea tokens for all JP currently in game.

Just saw a bot patrol in Diessa Plateu

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Even is someone (or multiple someones) does report a person for being a bot, that doesn’t lead to a ban. It only causes ANet to check the account and look for bot activity. What they look for then is computer evidence of macros. Staying in an area for hours/days/weeks doing the same set of actions, and never going off to do anything else such as run dungeons or do WvW or do events is also probably looked at but I suspect they look for macros primarily.

The main reason to make sure that you are reporting a bot and not a person is so they won’t be wasting their time not because reporting a person wrongly will lead to a ban.

That is why I said that bots are made better these days… So it saddens me they don’t check those reports as good as they should.

Looking at the character in game would show its a bot in minutes, but checking statistics or chat activity is easily done. Just make a script that will write some sentences from time to time at random time and basic bot check thinks that its a real person.

I’m very afraid that ANet kinda dropped the gun on fighting bots.

Really as for gold selling bots yes some of my friends got whispers on WvW lately so they are back also.

Any plans to revisit teqautl, again?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Given that this ‘revamp’ made a part of the world less living, I’d certainly hope they fix him over in the future. At least they can learn from this in future boss changes.

My thoughts exactly.

That boss should be scaled down to maybe 30 people difficulty instead of 80. Then maybe small guilds would finally go and do it.

I understand that this event was supposed to be a challenge and it was, but challenges are good to make it once or twice. After that its mostly boring so everyone left.

Also rewards started to deteriorate over time and there is nothing good from TQ fight now except lottery like chance for Ascended item, but most people hate RNG so they wont do it anymore for the reward.

In other words, PLEASE fix TQ.

Finally Weapon Skins We Can Buy!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


The skins are awesome!!!
Its a pity there aren’t other items themed after those skins but I guess those will have to do.

I sure hope to see more items like this. Especially with similar effects to the tail that dagger has. It looks so great.

As someone said before you could lower the cost for 1 handed weapons to 400 gems since you have to buy 2 anyway. Aside from that GREAT WORK!!!

Just saw a bot patrol in Diessa Plateu

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Trust me they care, for the first 5 or so months of the game being out you would see massive zergs of bots patrolling areas. One big spot for the bots was the farm in the southwest part of queensdale, was nothing but a sea of naked hunters with bears. Every server had them there around the clock, they would never leave.
Now i rarely ever see bots.

Look again, cause they are just now better done, but there are tons of them. In mentioned area I counter over 15 of them. In that little area. They now run solo. Or with minions. It was way easier to see them when they worked in groups but not anymore. They guest, switch servers and have better pasterns, but you don’t have to be an ace to see they are bots. You just need to pay attention to characters around you.

Also I already answered to that in my previous post.
ANet did a great jog before but they dropped the gun already and now bots roam.

(edited by Septemptus.7164)

Soulbound Superior Sigil??? WTF is this

in Suggestions

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


I will also sign to that. Those should be freed as soon as possible.

Running dungeons for runes is dumb anyway.