Showing Posts For Septemptus.7164:

CDI- Guilds- Logistics and QOL

in CDI

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


1. Multi-guild chat
2. Guild bank improvements (stacking, double click, guild materials)
3. Alliances

[Suggestion]Unlockable stats on ascended gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


You do realize that ANET SPECIFICALLY gave that perk to Legendaries as a distinguishing characteristic from the next tier of weapons right?

You do realise ANet added that feature to Legendaries because the previous system where players reskined the Legendary on an exotic weapon of the correct stats would never work once they had to reskin their legendary on a much much more expensive Ascended weapon to get the desired stat right?

Yes, that’s true. This was the main reason to make that system.
It was to avoid mess coming from having reskinned exotics when ascended weapon crafting was introduced.

Hey Anet, we need more titles!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


It was recently posted in:

Copied my point of view:
It’s kinda pointless for me…

I have like 35+ titles and I use only one.
You could make titles for each 10 titles you got, but that feels pointless also.
NOTE that with this update collectors titles will be up, so I guess I will move soon next to around 50 titles…
My the best title is: Champion of the Gods
The best because less and less people who did 50/50 HoM still plays GW2, so it’s becoming very unique.
I haven’t saw one in last few 2-3 months and everyone can get current titles

CDI- Guilds- Logistics and QOL

in CDI

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Some QoL that I would need a LOT:

  • making choose guild account wide (1 account 1 guild selected) Sometimes I change guild and then I forget, relog to another character and then I’m unaware that one of my characters is in wrong guild.
  • visible guild chat. When I relog I loose all my guild chat. Even if I reloged to character in a different guild I should not get this. Maybe a tag with guild name in chat to notice that this was in another guild.
  • splitting admin rights to: kick, invite, promote, demote etc
  • double click to throw item in guild bank (that I can take it back from, if I only can deposit make it so you need to manually slide the item.
  • (similar) double click to take item out of guild bank.
  • guild members have got to show up on the map. (like party members but then orange)
  • option Guild Deep Cave Withdraw and Deposit
  • stacking in the guild bank should be possible wihtout first moving it to your own inventory.
  • account names shown next to character name, so I notice when someone talks after relog and don’t mistake him/her for a new person.
  • guild halls (instead of personal instances – like the chunk of Divinity Reach or maybe EoTN will finally get some love…
  • tab for long text named “Guild Rules”
  • another tab for long texts with customizable tab name (maybe few tabs)
  • Guild callender – oh yes, we need that a lot. It should allow you create events, sign up for them (with info statuses customizable like: I will be for sure, I might be, I will not be cause RL happened),
  • create tree with people/ranks for better clarity instead just roster and rank in plain list
  • notes for each guild member to write and to be seen by others
  • (maybe notes that you can make about each person on your friend list – I know it’s off topic)
  • automated buff queues (with options like run it every Saturday on xx:yy)
  • automated build queues (always try to have 5 of these in store (add to queue just when last one was used)) and notifications for (selected person) when something can’t be built.
  • guild alliances. Maybe based on GW1 or better system.
  • GvG of course…
  • guild commander? – visible only for guild
  • no “Message suppressed due to excessive messaging” message when mailing guild-members
  • creating an e-mail to entire guild or rank selection.

Thats all. I hope you find it helpful.
Especially fix cleared guild chat please, that’s the most annoying thing like ever.

(edited by Septemptus.7164)

Insider trading is kind of unfair....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Can you prove that this isn’t just a bunch of speculators?

There is probably legitimate concern due to the previews that have been posted on youtube over the last couple of days. WoodenPotatoes has done 2. Someone else has done 1 that I’ve seen, and there’s a 3 part preview in German. Some of which cover the various collections, their requirements, and their rewards in some detail.

If you now check GW2 spidy and time at which items prices raised it matches, but it would probably be the same after launch.

The difference.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Many times players have tried being respectful and the developers constantly ignore the posts and proceed with updates such as this one. After constantly being ignored by the company the consumers are now tired of being patient and are starting to let the company know that they the consumer pay the bills.
If a company constantly ignores its consumer base and fails to provide the services or product desired the consumers will move on to a company that can provide what they are looking for.
Anet clearly disregarded what the consumers have been requesting and changed portions of the game that should have been left alone and did not change things people actually complained about.

Unfortunately you are right…

"Leveling as a Reward" Experience Crippling!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Maybe instead of stripping features for new players and using them as rewards, you could maybe ADD ACTUAL NEW REWARDS. You know, maybe you guys should get some players to be advisors, that way maybe you’ll realize when something is a terrible idea.

Good point…

Oh... my ... Wow! Great Job Anet!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Anet changed the Beginning Cut scenes the ones you get when you first make a character. They aren’t completely redone (though the Sylvari one was a drastic change), but they have new graphics added and its just very lovely.

This is great!

Miniature Set Collection Achievement Removed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


I think that achievs should be available for people who have these minis physically (like other collections). Many people bought and sold back or borrowed minis from friends just for achievs which does not make them true mini collectors.

Great reasoning!
I also think that it makes perfect sense now.

Miniature Set Collection Achievement Removed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


As I suspected, Anet had no contingency for partial achievements, and the fact that there is a mini cap undermines the UI improvements that were supposed to make it worth it. This is just another gold grab by Anet.

I have to say that you all are very much over reacting.

Like having few more AP would break the game.
Guess what – it doesn’t.

I take that originally minis were supposed to be collected, but they most of players just sold them. I will take it wasn’t the real plan. So it didn’t worked as intended. So after they fixed many other things they addressed this issue.

If you really were mini collector you would had them all instead many other things. They were really cheap for most time (not after new series was introduced but like 1-2 months later) and they still will be cheap soon. Next time they introduce new forgable mini to get in game market will be flooded with all kinds of minis again, so just wait… Really… stop being so jumpy.

As tof BLWeapons.
Well guess what, once one is introduced it costs 1 ticket and by finishing last collaction you get like 7 tickets? So I guess you need gold for only half of the set.
I would like to say “really good work good work ANet” on that, since it just easies the way to make new collection for those who already collected them. There is no real item that goes next to that like back piece or any other thing that would give an advantage.
Also key farming is pretty much still going, so people will still sell skins for gold and that’s great!

Don’t act high and might just because it will be hard to get additional 3 points of achievements per set.
Thats nothing!!! Next time you do daily make sure to do 8 not 5 and it all will be great for you…

Error when trying to access Trading Post

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


I’m getting the exact same error when trying to access the TP (Black Lion Trader)>>>


Its not functioning at all for me. I can’t buy/sell anything (or even get the gold back from stuff I had for sale before the latest patch).

I also can’t access any of the 3 available tabs on the left hand side of the menu. No idea why…. rest of the game works fine except that. Your not alone Sianon!

The same as me.

Super Adventure Box Confirmed?!?!?!??!?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


LOL another thread about this.


What does League of Legends have to do with GW2? The devs already said that they aren’t working on it.



in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


I’m guessing this is a CAPE thread eh?

Hope for White Mantles / Cape thread.

A serious question...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


I’ve been playing for a year and a half, have only a fraction of the skins you have it looks like, no legendaries or ascended, and still happily log on every day. Sometimes a few times a day. Obviously we have different things we get out of the game but is your regular play session many hours long? It seems the way the game has been styled it doesn’t really cater to player who can do that.

That would be my opinion also.

The thing is you kinda emptied things to look for and you need a break, just like I had few months ago. So just get a life and log in once every few days or just take a month off. Find another game, hobby.

I’ve even started looking at other games which saddens me given all I have accomplished here…

This shows that you have too different approach to the game that ANet strives for. This is a game for people who log in to have fun, not as much as people who log in an accomplish something by grinding instead of having a live. I guess that PvP and WvW are more for people with a lot of time in their hands.

Sure ANet made some points for those people who like playing more than spending time with others (look at new collections that will take time and gold), but really, thats only as much as they intend as I see it. Average content is for people who have work and families.
Yes those of us spend time with family play average 2-3h a day at best (if we have time for that at all), that way LS takes us like 4-5 days to make LS, and we can calmly wait another week for new episode.

Idea: Minis' Mini Fight

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Well, we don’t need it as I see it.
Polymok was nice thou, but I don’t think they will make that out of minis since adjusting skills for each enemy to the polymok style would take too much time.

[Suggestion]Unlockable stats on ascended gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


to grind and craft 2 pieces of same ascended gear but different base stats in order to be able to swap those stats freely is certainly not entitlement.

to ask for stupid skins for free, that is entitlement.

i’ll say it again, to lock basic stats changing feature to stupid RNG legendary weapons only, is absurd.

i am sure many people agree with that.

Most peopel agree with that. But i guess in this case gem exchange won and they wanna sell convenience, and legendary is many gem worth convenience.

Unfortunately it hinders horizonal progression (root of what this gameis supposed to be about) and even has a few bad side effects for a gem store too.

Ive asked ANet before for stats of how many people (out of how many people logged in since ascended crafting was introduced) actually have crafted ascended item. All i get is crickets. Its a simple percentage.

And no, crafting legendary worth of gold of ascended items just to have basic game functionality as legendary is not an answer.

I would like to see your idea. How do you suppose people can adjust to changes in the balance updates and check their builds?

Maybe you can add some ideas to the topic – that would be nice.
I kinda think there should be a way to make a horizontal progression that you mentioned and I thought that my idea would fit into it.

Please show some ideas.

please allow us to sell bloodstone dust

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Also keep in mind that not everyone picked up the recipes for the toxic stuff during the events, and purchasing them on the TP nowawdays would take selling hundreds of them to recoup your losses.

I forgot those are no longer buyable.
I guess it means I’m in a good position now.

But really thats the best way to use bloodstone now days.

please allow us to sell bloodstone dust

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Build Mawdrey II.

It costs 2000 Bloodstone Dust and once you built it, you can feed it 50-250 bloodstone dust per day in exchange for other loot.

You can also buy a recipe for the toxic nourishments and craft them, that also yields profit.

Craft toxic consumables is WAY more profitable…
I don’t know how it happened that people like that thing so much, since its really just waste of time and money.
Basically it throws you few greens and blues. It’s like killing few veterans who will throw you some greens and blues and you could do a lot more just by crafting toxic shapeling stones or 2 other consumables and selling them on TP for like 15-30s each.

Titles should have effects (Cosmetic)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Another post has been made about titles having effects I personally think it is a great idea but I don’t feel the effects should be stat related. In my opinion it would be nice if titles have an effect but instead of them affecting stats they should affect your toons in a cosmetic way. Example of the effect a title would have would be the combat healer title. While you are reviving a fallen player it creates angel wings but only while reviving. Another cool effect would be on the traveler titles. The traveler title can give you foot prints and the higher tier it goes the cooler the footprints are and walking among mere mortals can give you golden foot steps. Other titles can have other effects feel free to put in ideas!

Again I know this post is up currently but it describes stat effects and what I’m proposing is cosmetic effects. I only write this as its own topic because when people look at topics they mostly only read the OP and not all the replies which is understandable.

I think it’s funny idea. Not bad at all!

I would not make and foot steps (that area is kinda legendary), but things like little wings or other similar add-ons would be fun.

I would think more about auras or more visual things like some thorns, ghostly armors above your armors and such.
It would have to come with an ability to turn off if you wanted a title but no effects.

I fear only we will see too many shining people around, so probably making option to disable this effect would come in handy also.

Suggestion: titles to hunt down in the world.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


It’s rather funny actually. I see a lot more people displaying “God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals” than lower tier titles like “Chosen” or “Flameseeker”.

Yes, but most of those did only GWAMM + 30/50. I know I heard it all the way before GW2 launch.

There was an info in Wiki at that time what achievements to do to get skins and GWAMM at the same time, and it was really easy.
From the start it took like 3 months when I did an account for my wife.

Should gemstore items give AP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Not shown in WP preview but it was mentioned there were collection for Black Lion weapons sets. I am personally ok with this as long as no AP is rewarded for these collections. Also I would also not support collections that reward AP from the gemstore armor skins (for example aetherblade armor skin set) because it would just lead to the highest people on the leaderboard being only those who has the largest credit cards. In a game where there is no challenges, and no challenges being developed, this would definately turn into a p2w situation. Want to be top in the leader board, forget about maxing all 8 champion titles, forget about maxing out all wvw title tracks, just slide your credit card in and buy all the ap you want.

Well it’s not game breaking, but I have to also agree.

Some nice gear would be fun, maybe cosmetic, maybe a title, but if it gives any substantial AP it would make game more about farming and buying skins like crazy or spending cash which is fun breaking for some hardcore AP players.

Suggestion: titles to hunt down in the world.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


OK, this is pointless for me.
I have like 35+ titles and I use only one.
You could make titles for each 10 titles you got, but that feels pointless also.
NOTE that with this update collectors titles will be up, so I guess I will move soon next to around 50 titles…

My the best title is: Champion of the Gods
The best because less and less people who did 50/50 HoM still plays GW2, so it’s becoming very unique.
I haven’t saw one in last few 2-3 months and everyone can get current titles.

Cowardly Warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


I’ve noticed a lot of warriors using greatswords purely for the movement abilities. This happens mostly in WvW, but I’ve also seen it in sPvP.

Okay, so what’s the problem? The players who (ab)use these abilities have the option of ejecting themselves from a fight, with almost certainty that their enemies will not be able to catch them.

This seems to go completely against the philosophy of the warrior being the brave frontline damage dealers that they were designed to be.

Unfortunately these cowardly tactics are now very widespread in WvW. At least 50% of the roaming players that I’ve encountered in the past few weeks (bronze tier NA) are greatsword warriors who pick fights and then run away when they get below ~30% health. Even thieves who try to stealth away from a fight are less frustrating and easier to catch.

I recently heard a rumor that the movement abilities of warrior greatsword and elementalist fiery greatsword were being nerfed, but those changes do not appear to have been kept for the feature patch.

Can we please do something about this cowardly play style? It’s very frustrating when more than half of the people who pick a fight with you run away as soon as they start losing, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

I do hope it will get nooked.

I also have this issue in WvW and lets face it, classes should be kept in line, Warriors do not, and that is the problem.

Mentioned movement skills are really bad for all other classes. I couldn’t keep up as ranger with signet with 25% speed boost with extended range with my long bow after running away warrior who attacked me first.

Really that sucks now!

[Suggestion]Unlockable stats on ascended gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Actually this pretty much needs to be a thing on all of their armors and heres why:

People have been talking about the fact that there is nothing in the setup to switch between gear for WvW/Underwater/PVE open world/PVE dungeons without carrying around vast amounts of gear with them and manually switching out their build.

They could easily have three – four set builds for these situations that switch automatically when a situation occurs. like swimming could switch stats on all gear spec and everything, while teleporting to the WvW maps or Eotm maps could switch again.

It would simplify the build system and it would make Wardrobe a bit more useful as you’d be able to setup these sets without a problem. They could even make it so that we could switch our bar selections for skills and elites for each set.

Well in the end it would even create ability to add option to include gear stats in builds. If they did something like that we can see in calculators it would rock to the core.

I don’t think only about armor, but all ascended gear. I think armors need it the most, but still weapons would still need some love.
Look at it this way: When you change a build you probably will change stats on all your gear, not only armors, not only weapons.

Of course I do as I stated before I have seven Legendaries and almost double that in Ascended…

Well, that explains everything. You don’t like the thought of someone getting what you have for less effort. You feel entitled to a consistently equal playing field.

I feel the same and he already said that on 1st page.
Anyway you can stop answering his posts because and you pointed:

3) Here’s an idea… rather than try and debate semantics, why don’t you try and discuss the actual points with counterpoints? Or, are you bad at debating those as well and that is why you are avoiding them?

What “actual points” are there to counter? I’ve been countering what I see. It’s not my fault you’re not exactly putting out elaborate debating points.

Do you understand the fact that you can already craft multiple ascended items and keep them on hand, effectively using them the same way you would with stat swapping?

And oh no, big deal, he exposed his “true motives” that his main concern is dealing with alts… which still comes back to him asking for one simple thing that doesn’t indicate entitlement at all: An option to unlock a set of stats for swapping that takes somewhat less effort per-desired-stat than crafting an obscene amount of ascended items (and in fact, still takes a significant amount of effort from the way he is proposing it).

There is no war to fight here. You’re hacking away at shadows.

So i see no further points debating with Solomon Darkfury.3729. If you still do feel free to do it, but reasonable facts were discussed already as I see it.

Thank you all for supporting this idea, if you have any constructive ideas to add to it please do.

Two were already pointed out: time gating swaps and NPC gating swaps that would make ascended more inferior to legendaries which is good in my opinion, because lets face it, people who want to change build or test build don’t swap stats every 3 minutes and testing builds needs some time or effort behind it).

(edited by Septemptus.7164)

Gift of Exploration worthless

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


So, my question is: Can we please get a vendor that will let us exchange those gifts for something else, let’s say a unique piece of armor, outfit, weapon, item (a toy or a unique mini), similar to how WvW tournament tickets work?

I have the same problem of similar quantity and I would really welcome a shop like that.
That would make people like me who like exploring something to do.
Maybe offer for it black lion skins?
That would work and many people would start maping again so more people would go to the maps.

What happened to OCCUPYSAB ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


People cry out for endgame content
Many people love SAB
Anet locks it

ANet doesn’t close SAB, it was designed to be temporary.
People would be through with it if it wasn’t seasonal – look my post above.

SAB is a dungeon type of game and probably that is why people want it so much, but they would be bored with it fast as I see people who claim that they are bored with any dungeon including Fractals after revamp.

So really, just wait and play other things, it will be back. ANet really considers SAB fans.

[Suggestion]Unlockable stats on ascended gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


2) You are incorrect later in the thread he exposes his true motives… he feels he should be able to switch the stats around so he can swap the weapons from toon to toon… Which is exactly that… a feeling of self entitlement.

Stop badmouthing me!!!
You do not know my intentions and you claim you do. You think that you know me? Really? On what bases you are badmouthing me?!

(Calmed a bit)

Well… I don’t have a problem with Ascended being BTC with switchable stats. It can happen when you add 2nd stat to the gear I don’t care. It should be a tool to adjust to build changes not to make one item to switch between multi characters….

I don’t know where did you got your ideas from… Really, talk about total misinterpretation of words and motives. Maybe better talk about deliberate misinterpretation, at least as I see it, but that is not really important…

I guess you still want to have a topic to write for the sake of just writing and saying how “you know better”, but I will stop answering you now and won’t do it again since all you need to do is sabotage the idea with no real arguments (like your 1/50 of the price – REALLY? When did you last looked in TP? – don’t even answer and don’t compare average ascended gear to sunrise which is 2 legendaries…).

So good luck posting to yourself , and stop badmouthing people just because you don’t like their arguments/ideas.

What is good is that many people wrote the idea is good and pointed it’s balanced (could be more – sure).
Sure those rich who have a lot of legendaries will feel they didn’t need to far all that hard, but they don’t loose a thing. Players who hardly made ascended will have some options when their build requests them to change chats.

The idea to make it at NPC or create timer for swaps to make it even more inferior to legendaries is nice in my opinion. I would like that too.
The fact stays that ascended should have a way to adjust to build changes so people won’t feel bad (or rage quit), after spending months on gear that becomes unusable or makes them inferior.

(edited by Septemptus.7164)

What happened to OCCUPYSAB ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


  • Second, as I put initially, they can just ship SAB as it is in the next feature pack. I think it adds to the game more than just skins, but a different kind of activity.
    That means no extra resource are necesaries and they can concentrate in other areas that are important, meaning no player population is indirectly hurt by the SAB release.

Well I would not want to see new SAB with old content (I still hope to sell my skins after 1 year waiting) They are worth the money now.

Also the seasonal things are interesting because they are seasonal. Look how many people play activities this days and how much they were when they started.

I know that SAB was loved because it was a new dungeon and it had that challange in tribulation mode, but even that would be plain for people right now and your “Occupy SAB” would be “Upgrade SAB finally!” protest.

As I said SAB is great and I hope to see it back but with new skins and new content and still seasonal. Maybe for 2 month instead of 1.

Town Clothes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Town clothes won’t be happening
But I really hope that they realise that they’ll make a ton of cash if they break outfits into parts!

Every outfit has at least one part worth buying the outfit for,
but I won’t buy any of them if I can only wear either the whole thing or none of it.

Outfits work as intended.
The main reason for them is the fact they are much easier to create as a whole than as many parts. That is why they cost less (no transmutation needed each time).

I think outfits are great for leveling and then you make your look using armor pieces.

The "veteran content" in this feature pack

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


And most people forget the new combat log, which is awesome for harder core players, though it wasn’t mentioned in the articles.

Very true, I forgot about that.

The "veteran content" in this feature pack

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Well if this feature pack was mostly for the new players

Do you honestly think so? The feature pack includes a lot of things asked for on the forums countless times, amongst them global guilds (which to me, being a member of two cross-server guilds, is a huge thing), golem mastery and account-bound commander for WvW, crafting updates, as well as all of the week 3 announcements. Plus the general balance-changes will likely change up pvp at least for a bit. That’s quite a lot of changes for veteran players, that many have been waiting for for a long time.

OK I put that in bad way.
I think that most things were very general and made based for new players.
I wont threat tournaments or WvW seasons in that cause it’s nothing new just a reboot.

Problem with bows...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


I don’t really see how that affects my enjoyment of the game, because I don’t really know a difference. It’s a bow, it fires an arrow.

One guy was complaining that pine is a soft wood not hard wood and we shouldn’t get hard wood from pine. He’s undoubtedly right.

Do most people care? I don’t think so.

Edit: Keep in mind you can kill a deer and get armor and weapons from it.

You made my day with the last sentence.

The "veteran content" in this feature pack

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Don’t forget that there were some nice tweaks for veterans:
- crafting fixes and backpacks
- Wardrobe minis fixes (requested a lot)
- global guilds (very nice for those who want to switch servers)
- BTA commandeer with colors
- WvW short seasons
- PvP new rewards (at least that)
- new achievements

As far as I know a all of those were things that people wished for and not people who were new to the game.

The "veteran content" in this feature pack

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Im usually silent on these forums but I noticed quite a stirr the last mount where some claimed misfortune due to lack of “veteran content” in this feature pack, that most catered to new players.
While many of the changes benefits the veteran players as well, I saw to or three threads where devs actually responded stating that this “veteran content” would be highlighted in later blog posts (that it would “appease the masses”), possibly last or this week? Have these blogs been posted, is this type of content/additions revealed?

Well if this feature pack was mostly for the new players and probably because a lot of people were working on China releases.
The changes for the vets were in week 3 and they weren’t strong. No one can argue with that.

I think that next feature back will be more for Veterans since they need to balance need and stuff they work on.

the ncsoft finacial report surprised me alot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


I’m not sure where you are getting that china is not included. The presentation specifically says that profit is up on GW2 because of china…

they only made 25 million INCLUDING china’s launch.

Not really new information, we knew the game was in trouble, the devs just refuse to give the players what they want.

I don’t think it’s “refusal” I think it’s lack of manpower and time to make it happen. True they have their own agenda’s which aren’t exactly conducive to player needs, but I’d like to think that they would give us what we wanted if they could.

I would say we got a lot of things in GW2 Gem store that player wanted, so if they weren’t as you would wished for that’s another story.

For example:
- new looks (faces and hair styles)
- outfits and armors some similar to GW1
- at least cool looking weapons skins (some resembling those bes in GW1)
- gathering nodes in home instance
- teleport to home instance

Some things we wanted failed – like silver-fer-salvage, but I hope they will fix it.

I really think that gem store makes nice items, but there is a need for more and more and every player has their needs. Its hard to do it all in one time and also if they did it I think it would more harm than steady monthly releases as they do now.

[Suggestion]Unlockable stats on ascended gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Maybe after 2 years we will finally get build templates to switch builds on the fly

I was very disappointed this feature pack didn’t have this. I was sure we would get build templates. Ascended stats should be inter-changeable.

I would dream about build template that would also be gear stat template. For that I would wait a lot!

What happened to OCCUPYSAB ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


They could just put SAB (like before or with adittions, corrections) in the next feature pack. I supose thats what we need to press for, since they explained a SAB release didnt have logic in the LS2 content.

I sure hope this short sited behavior doesn’t come back…

I also like SAB and enjoyed it, but really that forum/game behavior was just low in my opinion and I stayed away from Rata Sum because of that.

People need to know that they are customers and they are important, but they aren’t a center of the world and there are a lot of others who need content for them to play in other areas of the game.

I think that ANet remembers about people tho play SAB, but maybe later. Not sooner than LS2 end in few months.

For now if you want some skins use TP if you don’t just let that infinite coin stay in the bank few other months and CU again inside then it will come back.

Suggestion to Improve UI

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


I personally think that PvE has a lot of love already.

I would also point that this game is as early as it should be, maybe even easier than it should be. I would not want to be threated like a person than I can’t think on my own to do what easy descriptions says, that even vanishes as soon as you do the quest or go too far. Really…

[Suggestion]Unlockable stats on ascended gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


I think that you completely failed to realize that different stat combos require different T6 mats. Zerker, Valk, Magi, whatever combo floats your boat, each require a different recipe and T6. So it’s safe to say that your idea will never come to pass.

So that it is co hard to add one recipe in MF for each stat combo?
Really? I though that MF has so many recipes already that it wont hurt.

Please read first post already… Different recipes in my idea include ascended insignia of new stat combo, so it would reassure that people would still need T6 mats just like for the normal crafting.

If it is a problem of creating item that has different stat lists for each player it might be hard to implement, (it can be true) but I would want to hear it from devs not from people who don’t know game engine.

[Suggestion]Unlockable stats on ascended gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Sorry, but this idea is already reserved for Legendary Weapons and Armors.

LOL… Just because Legendaries got some QoL doesn’t mean Ascended cant get a less convenient system similar to it to help people in community and set new goals to people who for example are bored or rage quited when their ascended gear became bad with balance update.

And legendaries did not had changeable stats at that time (this was a feature they gained when asc. Was introduced). They weren’t more than a skin to be transmuted with an exotic that had the stats of your choice.

I agree 100%.

What most people fail to see is that ascended would still cost a lot and wouldn’t make Legendaries obsolete just because you could add to the a stat combo for 1/4th of their praise… LOL, so much more is with what Legendaries give…

I personally think that half of people who rush to trash the idea didn’t read fist post to the end or just didn’t understood it and didn’t bothered to read it again…
Well, they fail.

[Suggestion]Unlockable stats on ascended gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Throw a completed Ascended weapon with an inscription with different stats into the mf, and you unlock the ability to change to those stats. Seems like a fair compromise to me.

Expanding on this “idea” a bit, would it be so horrible for a set of MF recipes that allowed for ANY equipment to be converted to another stat set? I’m not talking about something cheap and easy, but a path of some sort.

I was thinking if you put, for example, an ascended Berserker GS and an ascended Sentinel GS in the Mystic Forge with like five Crystals and an Eldritch Scroll you could make a GS with the ability to swap between these two stat combos (when out of combat of course).

Well This would be too expensive and the idea is to not only save space, but also save grind and focus player on traveling to do something more for their horisontal progression.
Some people will have fun just to make their Ascended in pair of legendaries (but the cost will be even higher than making a legendary) .

It should be noted that the OP did not suggest free, any-time, unlimited stat changes. The post suggests a mystic forge recipe. Even a single ascended inscription is reasonably expensive (relevant exotic inscription + 10 Dark Matter + 10 Crystalline Dust + Deldrimor Steel Plated Dowel). Throw in a couple of other items as well.

The ascended weapons would have changeable stats, but it would cost about a quarter the price of an entire new ascended weapon each time. I hardly think that comes anywhere close to what legendaries have.

Mose people will just unlock what they need to adjust to the balance updates or will do it to check how would other build works. That should be encouraged in game not punished by making new items for each build you want to test.

I sure hope this will be noticed by devs and they will make CDI about it or just implement it. I’m not an expert but I see it would benefit most of the community (people with various interests would enjoy it).

New Trading Post but No Interplayer Trading

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


The convenience of the TP is nice, but in other games I frequently undersell items in order to help newer players (or at least those without large stockpiles of in game currency) get something nice without it being a handout. In GW2 that is not really a viable option.

Few months ago I still saw people on the map channel offering some items for player in need (just like many of us saw them since launch). I think you can just pass items free and you will be as much reassured if that person really needs them or not.

Also new players gathers a lot of gold in expensive mats that drop on lower levels so for me they have few gold for exotics on the max lvl and silver for gear on the way and with recent changes and loot rewards it will be even better for them.

New Trading Post but No Interplayer Trading

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Are you kidding me? You can’t get scammed if it’s p2p interaction. Both people would have to hit accept for the transaction to occur. The TP-only method also has a tax percentage, which could also be considered a “scam”.

Are YOU kidding me? GW1 had a “Both parties must accept” p2p trade system too, and people got scammed ALL the time. Here’s some common scam techniques:

1. Buyer puts the price in silver instead of gold. Seller doesn’t notice and hits Accept. Scammed!

2. Seller advertises for an item, but puts in a different item with the same icon. Buyer doesn’t notice and hits Accept. Scammed!

3. Seller advertises for an item in bulk, but in the final trade, puts in one less 0. Buyer doesn’t notice (very easy to happen when you’re buying materials in the thousands) and hits Accept. Scammed!

You grossly underestimate the amount of people who are too inattentive, too tired, too drunk/high or too greedy to stop themselves falling for scams. “Who cares? Just let them pay the price for their own stupidity!”, I hear you say? Well, each of those people will still go screaming to ANet, who has to spend time reviewing their complaint and verifying/banning the scammer. (Because why should criminal scumbags get to enjoy the easy life?)

And if you choose to do nothing at all, each of those players will quit, depriving ANet of future revenue, and further badmouth ANet for “terrible customer service”, costing them further new players who hear that GW2 is a “we don’t care what happens to you” kind of game.

No, it’s far better to just protect people from their own failings and make all trades go through the TP in the first place. Prevention is better than a cure.

Not to mention that the TP taxes are a crucial element of keeping game inflation under control, but that’s already been mentioned before.

Great post, great reasonings.

Miniature Set 3

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


So…anyone else here with the set 3 miniatures that now, after prices going up by 400% doens’t have the money to finish their Miniature Collector Set 3 achievement ?

Does anyone know how it’s gonna work after the patch update ? Will it trigger when you have the minis in your inventory or when you add them to the wardrobe ?

The bank tabs will be gone, right ? So how are we gonna get this achievement then ?

Arena didn’t say this was temporary, if they did, I would’ve shifted priorities. Quite frankly, if they ’’disable’’ this achievement, as someone with 19,4K AP and an unfinished Miniature Collector Set 3 achievement, I will be very displeased and disappointed, that is, IF the speculations are true that they will lock the ’’old’’ achievements.

Read the article again.
They described how it will work, and that minis in the bank will be only for taking out.

as for prices – they will drop. If not soon then after ANet regulates market with another Mystic Forgable minis released – maybe on Halloween/Christmas?

Don’t panic, just wait few months.
If you don’t you will loose a lot of gold in a stupid way.

PS. I think they will not lock old achievement just transparent the new system on the old one. So if you had collection one done you wont need to make it bind for achievement. If I’m wrong I will loose collection 3 just like you, but oh well…

(edited by Septemptus.7164)

Being level 80 is boring

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


IF lvl 80 is boring for you, go level an alt. Lots of new stuff for that being introduced recently.

Good point as I see it.

Anyway, everyone who plays the game finds something that is interesting at max level and game has a various things to do.
I found it fun to make alts to explore very different paths in personal story, level them and then complete world map and LS2.
6 done 5 to go.

(edited by Septemptus.7164)

[Suggestion]Unlockable stats on ascended gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


There is a simple answer to this: introduce a gemstore item which resets the stat allocation on ascended gear, allowing you to choose a new set.

This would destroy any runes, sigils and non-crafted agony infusions (crafted AR blobs would simply be removed from the item and placed in your inventory) as a new item is created.

Encounter-specific ascended drops such as tequatls’ hoard and triple trouble cannot be reset (not sure about this).

This could work, but my idea leaves less people buying gems (less people posting about how bad it is) and more horizontal progression for people to enjoy.

Yet if this item would become cheap gem item (like 10-20 gems per use I could consider it). The price would have to be stall since it would be must to use at least 7 times per change.

Or just make a kit like salvage kit that resets items as you mentioned.

Impact of upcoming collection achievements

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Right now its just an assumption youre making and there is no point in discussing it until we actually see the requirements for the achievements.

There is a point.
If we react to the bad changes fast, some of them might be reworked before launch – like commander tag prices from 1200g to 300g.

I think that problem mentioned by OP is very real and ANet should look into it if they don’t irritate community again (while the original problem – precursors) is not solved at all yet.

New Items since release...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Very good post.
I also agree that gem store is not the main vain for new skins.

[Suggestion]Unlockable stats on ascended gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


I really would like to see ideas like OP’s put into the game. More build customization would always be welcome for players both veteran and new I’m sure. In GW1, characters had the option to save different loadouts to quickly adapt to different places in the game without the hassle of picking out each individual class feature and stat combination.

Thats something that would give a lot of QoL to players – very true.
It would be a good step towards veterans and people having alts.

I just read an amazing thread that show that ascended now aren’t worth it for players – Yes those for who the game was supposed to be targeted and also those for who stat changes would be important.

Read it:

[Suggestion]Unlockable stats on ascended gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


IMO these are good ideas that I could imagine in the future of the game. The real question I’d have is this: how would it benefit the developers of GW2? Aside from competitive pvp, the game developers don’t seem to be interested in making such beneficial features in the game for veteran players. Small tweaks to the hero menu and small things that should have been introduced over a year ago seem to be all they can really put out atm on top of their precious Living Story nonsense.

Bitter, yes. Opinionated, certainly. Your idea is good. It’s certainly just my opinion (and I hope to be proven wrong by the developers) that the people in charge simply don’t care about making such innovative and desirable changes to the game that would require effort and wouldn’t end in a gem store cash-grab in the end.

Approval and bringing the idea by support is all we can do and that I believe is what is needed. It also is very needed by devs to address that build variety problem by this change.

This is something that they do for veterans and I hope they will if we support that since veterans now feel a lot left behind.

The idea with an item to change stats would also be nice. It could work, but the idea to back up ascended gear as meaningful should benefit this game more.