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CDI- Character Progression- Vertical

in CDI

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Is it fair to say that regarding Ascended Gear we would like to see more ways to earn it and in terms of drop rates, a higher percentage chance of acquiring them through this method?


I’m very sorry Chris, but I will be very blunt.
Could you finally stop going for RNG?

There are a lot of us who hate it and you should already know that.
I leveled all crafting shools for that reason and it cost me fortune. I would probably had a legendary already, but I went another way for my alts and now what?
Do you really want to make all crafters look like total fools because we wasted hundreds of gold coins on your gold sink?

Also making big drop rate will never help us gear alts.
I really don’t want to pray everyday to RNG divine algorithm to get like 1 part of set for one of my 8 alts.

That is why I already wrote it 2 times. Reduce material cost after crafting few weapons/armors (3-5 weapons/6-10 armor pieces) so we can gear alts cheap after loosing a lot of money (and time but one equals the other).

We want to gear up and be done with vertical progression. That’s all we really want and we really, really ask you (all ANet) for that because Ascended is very bad idea, it harmed many players as you can read on the entire forum and you need to make a really good decisions in that regard before the acid will poison more people.

But remember RNG is the worst way you can go.

(edited by Septemptus.7164)

CDI- Character Progression- Vertical

in CDI

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


5 points title needs:
1. Completing at least 1 personal story (race part)
2. Completing at least 1 personal story (order part)
And 3 from optional list
10 points title needs:
1. Completing at least 3 personal story (race part)
2. Completing at Arach story (killing Zaithan)
And 3 from optional list (not counted for lower tier – 6 in total)
15 points title needs:
1. Completing at least 2 personal story (order part)
2. Completing map exploration
And 3 from optional list (not counted for lower tier – 9 in total)
20 points title needs:
1. Completing at least 5 personal story (race part)
2. Completing dungeon master title.
And 3 from optional list (not counted for lower tier – 12 in total)

Those are my propositions for “Must to have list” categories:
- getting at least 5 races story completed
- getting all 3 orders story done
- killed Zaithan
- getting dungenmaster title
- getting all bosses category titles done
- 3rd rank in PvP done
- taking castle 5 times,
- taking garrison 10 times
- taking tower 20 times
- taking camp 50 times.
- having at least 10th fractal level unlocked

Those are my propositions for “optional” categories:
- getting grandmaster crafter title (all to 500)
- getting at least 1 mini collection title compleeted
- getting at least 1 mini game achievments compleeted
- active guild member title done
- no one left bahind title done
- teamwork gets it done title done
- all you can eat title done
- thirst slayer title done
- golden title done
- 500 hearts done
- 5000 events done
- 1000 skill points earned
- 90% of jumping puzzles done
- 90% of slayer titles done
- 90% of weaponmaster titles done
- all races 1st Tier culture armors bought (1 set per race)
- all races 2nd Tier culture armors bought (1 set per race)
- all races 3st Tier culture armors bought (1 set per race)
- something from WvW but on an logical numbers
- 5 living stories metas done
- 10 living stories metas done
- 15 living stories metas done

- 100 living stories metas done (and more)
- 50 dailies done
- 100 dailies done

- 250 dailies done (I would stop in here)
- 6 monthlies done
- 12 monthlies done (I would stop in here)
- 4rd rank in PvP done
- 5rd rank in PvP done

- 8rd rank in PvP done
- having at 20th fractal level unlocked

- having at 50th fractal level unlocked (and more if you make more)
- 5 titles acquired
- 10 titles acquired

100 titles acquired (and more if you make more)

(edited by Septemptus.7164)

CDI- Character Progression- Vertical

in CDI

Posted by: Septemptus.7164



Many people in here say we need a title for doing something, but really I kinda feel like its a bit misguided .

You can have only one title.

Because of that one will think that the most awesome was doing fractals, someone else will feel that the best title is the one for achievement points and 3rd person will think that the best title was from GW1 (I just love GW1 titles because they meant my character progression).

If you want titles to matter there should be the master title like it was in GW1.
It was called GWAMM – God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals.

For those of you who don’t know how it worked.
There were several achievements in the game and for maxing 30 out of 43 (I think and they were really hard to get). The titles had to be maxed. For each 5 progression in this title thread, displayed title changed to another title, so it showed progression.
So when you looked on someone with the title you read it like: “He mastered 20 aspects of the game, and this one only 10, that one is awesome he has 30.”

Over time there were many people with 30 titles, but GW1 was kinda locked with the way it operated, GW2 on the other hand has ability to make it kinda infinite title

This can easily be implemented into GW2 if you make it an infinite title: and add a bunch of ways to contribute to it.
(I know that achievement’s aren’t the best in the game, but you would need to make wort something anyway, not like now, and master title would really refresh that in my opinion.)
Some of my Examples:

(edited by Septemptus.7164)

CDI- Character Progression- Vertical

in CDI

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Making the gear available account wide via ach panel method doesn’t really solve the alt problem – you’d still have to craft every piece of gear that you’d want your alts to use. If you craft a berserker heavy set and your alt is a condition necro, it’s no use

Very true, yet using guild panel to give us LS skins would rock.
I wait for this feature very long time.

It both frustrates me taking bank space for skins I don’t use and on the other had it makes me sad for characters with more than one gear set I have only one skin :/.

CDI- Character Progression- Vertical

in CDI

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Anyone here have a huge complaint against the idea of being able to buy Ascended Weapon/Armor Chests with some of our account-bound currencies?


Guild Commendations – 150 commendations, any stats
Badges of Honor – 800 badges, any stats
Dungeon Tokens – 1,000 w/ stat combinations matching the each dungeons’ existing flavors
Fractal Relics – 1,500 w/ stat combinations matching the current capacitors

((all quantities subject to change and offered only to inspire thought))

Good question. And morning/afternoon everyone. Just reading through all the new pages and great discussion. This is awesome.


At a time I hopped to see new ascended items for laurels, but this could work.
Of course people who spend their last copper for crafting will need a punching bag.

Yes, this could kinda work, but this still won’t anser the biggest of my issues – how to make ascended for my alts without me spending 2+ years or farming champions for a year.

Please, take it seriously. There are more people who likes to have alts in the game and if they go for ascended they don’t want to gear for years of everyday playing.

CDI- Character Progression- Vertical

in CDI

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Ok another brainstorm idea.

What if certain pieces of ascended gear could be crafted and sold on the TP such as gloves and boots?


Generally allowing any of high tier gear and mats for it acquirable by TP is bad idea.
People lost mountains of gold in Ascended crafting. You should move away from any TP ideas.

I also explained that is also th reason why people started threating legendaries like almost useless “only grind to get items” – yes, TP.

We need things that for acquire will require effort, not grind.
Any reputation systems, promoting playing doing various things, maybe redoing few and a lot of new, reasons to go back to dungeons, some tokens for redoing JP and all that could help.

All stuff in TP is kinda: “ok, 4 more hours in Frostgeorge train? Ok, I will do it..”

Not to mention that a lot of people have way to much gold due to TP playing and for them its like they own anything in the game without really playing it (leaving town).

That is really the issue you should work on to make vertical progression really promoting playing the game.

(edited by Septemptus.7164)

CDI- Character Progression- Vertical

in CDI

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Here is a crazy brainstorm idea, not in anyway indicative of our direction.

What if there was vertical progression in the Fractals with gear that increased in stats but when outside of the fractals defaulted back to BiS numbers?

I am asking this because it is going to generate some left field conversation not because I think it is or isn’t a good idea.


This could be a problem for kinda new people. It’s quite easy to get relics for few +5 ARs, but it would kinda made it hard to progress and again it would mean another set of gear in my bag pack (I have 148 slots now, but I don’t want to loose 8 of them just for fractals).

Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic Rarity Change?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


No it goes back to being boring old almost useless item.

imo one of the best items you can get from the bltc and totally worth it’s money.

Well sure, I would pay more gems for the upgrade for masterwork with the same cost per salvage.
It kinda would fit infinite tools that way.

I don’t really like the normal way the item works (basic kit with only a little savings).

CDI- Character Progression- Vertical

in CDI

Posted by: Septemptus.7164




  • Separate the concept of (ascended) gear crafting from the concept of equipment stat customisation. Make it easy or easier to change stats, or at the very least, to craft new copies of the same gear with different stats.

There are some good ideas here which I would like to see us discussing as a group.

What do you all think about these ideas?


I have kinda a problem with this.
I know that there is or soon will be in gemstore an item that allows stat changing. (datamined)

So I kinda see it like this: We get extreamly money consuming armor and istead of making another copy of it we can do a one time stat change – so you just kinda created yourself a market for new item that was already datamined like 5 months ago.

It looks really bad for me.

I kinda would have a nice solution to back it up:
Make an item (gem shop item of corse) that will one time add another stat combo to an item.
How should it work.
I will craft berserker gear but I will think “wait on WvW I would use soldger” so I buy that new item and add soldger to the item and I will get list of 2 stats I can change on the item. I will then think, Carrion or Rabid could be also nice for come builds, so I will buy that new item 2 times and I will have ascended item that can choose stats from the list of 4. (or make them have choice ot 2 stats and add more to the list with gemstore item?)

That would be something I could place my money on and if it was only doable for ascneded those would be kinda (limited legendar like) and so they would have some meaning in making with the cost of them, because now they are way more like an eyesore.

I have read the posts. And I will specifically comment on them why I get to them in the order I am parsing through the thread. My point was for everyone to have a focused discussion around this. The point of the CDI is for us all to brainstorm not just Devs and single participants. I hope this makes sense.


It sure does.

(edited by Septemptus.7164)

CDI- Character Progression- Vertical

in CDI

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Agreed. Let’s spend a little more time discussing and brainstorming the following questions:

Controversial: Vertical Progression acquisition can be a pain but what if any elements do you like about Vertical Progression?

Lets keep coming up with some awesome Horizontal Progression systemic ideas and also reward ideas?

Try to tie these ideas into the core foundation of GW2’s systems and mechanics please.


Sure, all is in this 3 posts. I hope you will look into it:

CDI- Character Progression- Vertical

in CDI

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


I think I would quit the game if they raised the level cap. It’s so not necessary.

If they raise level cup in year or two (not now, not after ascended…) it wont be bad ONLY IF they make ascended gear always max level and way easier to acquire – look on my previous post.

CDI- Character Progression- Vertical

in CDI

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


3. Use achievement points to gate acquisition. Simply require people to buy something with a token they get in their 20/40/60K/etc achievement point box before they can create one of this new class of legendary weapons.

This would only work if achievements would really mean anything.
That can only be done by plugging the leak of daily and monthly achievements by giving them a max cap.

For now it works like this:
I wont go for hard achievements, I will grind few dailies and have more points by doing nothing but logging in.

That undermines the every essence of achievement system and leaderbord for it only shows who has no live and does all possible dailies that can be done.
That really is a poor implementation.

Also maybe multiply normal achievement points by 5 or 10 (the non daily/monthly ones.)

CDI- Character Progression- Vertical

in CDI

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Home instance

Why dont use this as character progression?
Atm home instance in only for personly story and nodes nothing else.
Give us option to unlock mystic forge, craft stations, bank, portals to ur faction (order of whisper, etc) special merchants (exchange skill points to lvl up alts), etc…
Build ur home! <3

Upgrade ur home instance something like guild upgrades (by using skill points or something else) where you can make some cool events.

The legend

Make panel where you can exchange skill points to unlock new skills, items, and other character options.
-Repair ur armor free once per day,
-Special emotes,
-Upgrade ur finisher bronze/silver/gold effects,
-Special auras for dance, etc…
-Upgrade mini pets to pick up items,
-If you have open Radiant achivment armor parts, unlock Hellfire too,
-Summon merchant once per day,
-Summon trade post,
-Guild Bank,
-More chanse to loot dye,
-Less cost of WP…

I think there is tones of options to add here.

Horisontal progression in Home instance would also be cool. At least for the beggining. After some time it will be kinda standard, but at least home instance would have some meaning.

CDI- Character Progression- Vertical

in CDI

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


-force players to spend money: introduce the “Ascension” of Exotic items trough game methods. I can be an expensive crafting recipe with turns your weapon from exotic to ascended. A MF recipe. A game quest. A reward for some activity. Whatever you can come up with. But gve players the option to turn exotics in ascended without Cash Shop. You can make it grindy, make the ascended acc-bound on creation, but at least there’s the option.

I agree but I would go with it kinda another way.
Allow us create skins from exotic items. Use mystic forge stones or something else.

Allow after crafting certain amount of ascended items (like 3-4 weapons and 6 armor pieces) to gain achievement like “ascended weapon/armor crafting master”. The achievement would allow you to craft whole armor set in cost of single item and 4 weapon boxes in cost of a single weapon.

This would make gearing alts really something and reduce painful very unrewarding and punishing grind to gear alts.

  • make ascended switch stats like legendary

This is kinda any other way to make ascended feel like worth it but that would undermine legendary usefulness.

(edited by Septemptus.7164)

CDI- Character Progression- Vertical

in CDI

Posted by: Septemptus.7164



I have to add that making things like legendaries buyable and madeable by all tradeable items is kinda very bad for any progression towards showing off some skills and feeling like some kind of veteran or champion.

At first dungeon armors meant something, you had to be expirienced and to hard stuff but they quickly lost that except for Arach armor, but it also faded in time.
Legendaries meant something on the start, now it’s only money grind or being lucky. People who play only or mostly on TP have them easily.

Could it be possible… Well it is possible, maybe would you consider making things like legendaries madeable only by effort and hard work instead of playing TP and mindless grinding?

There is just no progression in feeling special.
If you would have to make 100 charged quarts, every path in every dungeon 3-4 times (spacial tokens for each path or achievement), use all those always BTA crafting items like all obsidian refined materials and raw ecto refined materials, maybe some kind of tokens for making living stories, laurels, guild commendations, fractal relics, gifts of explorations, maybe some special quests (like you are planing for precursor hunt – data mined source).

It would really force people who want to stand out make some real effort with challenges not only time consumption effort.
I loved the system in tribulation SAB that you had to redo that hard experience and you could show of with your skins. This kinda should fit legendaries – how they are made and all that. Making them all tied by resources on TP or buying them from TP kinda killed the idea in the first place.

Now when I see someone with legendary and all I see is someone who got lucky at the start of GW2 or farmed gold by any means.
That’s not the feeling that I should have.

CDI- Character Progression- Vertical

in CDI

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Ascended creation time

We had a lot of discussion pre-releasing ascended armor to make sure the time to make ascended doesn’t blow out, We pull a lot of data and are watching how long it takes players and like we do with everything we will keep and eye on it but with anything with progression there are always a lot of tradeoffs when you make changes but we’re always looking at it.

If you really are looking at ascended creation time I would like to know what do you think because after playing since first betas I played almost daily, and all my characters have ascended amulets, only few rings cause I don’t play fractals that much, as for accessors only one character cause their price is just too high in laurels and guild commendations come slower, as for back pieces I have two. Thats a daily playing since you introduced them.

The way you made with ascended crafting it is really bad.
I could probably craft like 3 weapons and maybe half of an armor is just out of my reach.

I don’t feel like I really gain anything about that.
I only feel that I have to get to the best gear spot so I can be sure I from this point it’s only my skills – if I die or not.

Also I see ti TOTALLY punishing for having alts. It really is bad since for every content I will always choose the best geared character – just because.

So please, I really want to know how should people who play many strategies(stats)/characters(alts) feel about ascended gear and how time and money consuming it is.

I will also say that for me it’s fail to say it doesn’t matter cause you made vertical progression and even that 1% will always matter for many people.
And it really kills my fun – the spot that I’m in.

Especially that going for that limitations you kinda made everyone who spends more time playing TP than any other game mod be at disadvantage. Not to mention that people with a lot of cash just got richer. So they way for little players to earn gold is as I see it a fail.

CDI- Character Progression- Vertical

in CDI

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


*PART 3 *

1. I would love to get as a horizontal progression a way to use cultural armor (please people put the knives down…)

It would work like you would have to do many quests or redo hearts and such (maybe with limitations – those 10 hearts can be redone for today, random like dailies) and those would give you points for your reputation for each culture.
*Example: *
I made 3 hearts for humans and 2 or asuras and I will get 3 human reputation points and 2 asuran.
If I get to 1000 I will be able to buy cultural T1 for any of my races, maybe 2500 for T2 and 5000 for T3.

2. Almost forgot upgrading cloths.
You can make cultural armors and maybe other items upgradable with some glow or elemental particles like fractal back piece.
I hate it but some people love to look like Christmas three so they will go for it.

3. Also unlocking some new skins – similar to HoM or achievement system would be nice, but I would have to say in here we want cool skins. New ones and GW1 skins. All reusable like zenith/radiant/hellfire.

4. All that has to come also with more skills and adding weapons to classes and new weapons – like you said you will do it.

(edited by Septemptus.7164)

CDI- Character Progression- Vertical

in CDI

Posted by: Septemptus.7164



Vertical progression kills fun from playing for me. I don’t want to feel forced to get another stronger item. I respected you when I played GW1 and in there for 7 years was no gear progression.
In GW1 players were in there always on equal level and what mattered were skills and looks. I loved that. I looked in that in GW2 and now I’m disappointed. So I will really strongly consider leaving the game with another vertical progression. It won’t matter for me if it will be in 2 or 7 years.

I know that nobody forces me to have the best stats, but let’s face it, it’s in players nature that stats needs to be the best. That is why i feel really bad about the way you betrayed my trust. I really trusted you there will be no vertical progression.

I oppose vertical/ascended progression for this reasons:

  • When I geared my 8 characters I used a lot of money on transmutations stones so I can look good. Spending another 50 or so transmutation crystals is kinda silly. Especially when I asked on the forum about a way to do recrafting an item to save the looks.
  • When I want to go on to my other characters I want to feel they are the same level and I have problem with that with ascended trinkets not to mention the rest. Basically you made me feel bad that I love to switch and play alts. I’m very disappointed especially when I see where you went in WvW. (I also made a thread about making mastery in crafting ascended to reduce cost of crafting each to around 10% after making like 5 weapons and 10 armors so people with many alts could gear them fairly chap. That would prevent them from feeling like me. Yet I still feel lousy about the new gear and it makes ma loose fun from playing. Just the fact that there is a stat boost that could matter in fractals/WvW or challenges that will come. It really sucks… For me it should be about skills and experience.
  • You kinda gave ascended items the worst look ever so I feel like you want to milk my money. I don’t have problems when I buy skins for gems but I have major problem when you make it so it feels like you want to make me spend cash just because. I will never knew why didn’t you use GW1 armor for ascended items (even thou old GW1 players would be really happy about it).

For me character progression should go fully horizontal and more account wide like you did with WvW. I would really love to play whatever character I want and progress on whatever is in there – again look on WvW. You even made it possible to buy levels and farm skill points that is possible account wide so making progression after level 80 kinda bound to the account really is a good way. You kinda learn character in those 80 levels, uncover the map (but it would be great if next/new maps would be kinda account oriented in exploring) and get ready. Then it should be about time you spend playing across whole game.

I would love to see the same system you use in WvW (yet there are another ways).
For example, lines like:

- more dmg to veterans then elites, champions and legendaries similar to (guards/lords)
- more def from veterans then elites, champions and legendaries similar to (guards/lords)
- swiftness after gathering (like picking up supplies)
- boost in dungeons (dmg/def?)
- boost to earned karma (1%-10%)
- boost to certain enemy types like vermins, ghosts etc? (dmg/def?)
- boost in event (after 5 ranks also boost to events rewards and maybe some extra after finishing an event with success)
- boost hearts progression?
- maybe additional boost to mf?

You could do few things to gather points for these in PvE.
A little % form general xp or levels earned, more from events, event more form group events, up to 5 the same grade points from dailies, Nice boost for making monthly. Maybe some extra for each title and finished achievement?

There can be many many traits it would make you progress and became stronger and it would be cool as far as I’m concerned

One thing is sure for me: NO MORE VERTICAL PROGRESSION, I really, really please…

CDI- Character Progression- Vertical

in CDI

Posted by: Septemptus.7164



To clarify I am looking forward to hearing the communities thoughts on speed of acquisition such as how long crafting time takes? or drop rates in fractals and other areas of the game etc.

I hope this adds some clarity.


Ok, here is a bunch of my thoughts about progression.

Leveling is OK as a first part of the game play.
Then we hit the level 80.
From then we kinda worked to make us look as we want (everyone has some taste in it).
Then I felt I’m ready to take on every challenge or story you provide.

I looked on WvW progression and it made me really happy (I hate how WvW works so I play only a little of it, but progression in there is really amazing). It’s like you specialize in one thing after another in any aspect of the WvW, despite build stats and all that and it just rewards you. You feel your character is evolving, becoming stronger and better in what you can do. That’s just great.
Going BTA on WvW ranks is amazing. I finally got reason to play my other characters in there. It really made me enjoy the change.

While you made ascended items that were obtainable by laurels it was not bad. I read all your reasons, but I felt like they were a smoke screen. I kinda said to myself: “Ok if I have to grind dailies I guess I will have to do it, but most people will so we all will kinda hop to the same space”.
I never felt it was important. I never felt better cause I got all my trinkets ascended, even back piece. It was kinda useless but I did it so I could be kinda on the same level as others. It really didn’t felt good thou.

When you made grindy time-consuming crafting I said to me self: “NEVER!”
Although I leveled crafting for achievement I never did a singe item. I kinda sticked to GW2 because I was assured there won’t be useless gear grind. I left last game because of that. I strongly oppose that and with exotic gear basically everywhere you was happy. Some farmed legendaries or other skins for looks and it was all basically great.

When Anet will answer ?

in WvW

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


I wonder when Anet will react ?
When the main topic on wvw discussion is “WvW Season One Rewards Are Unacceptable” (and other topics like that) we can expect that Anet will react and answer to people : yes or no.

In any case we can expect an OFFICIAL answer and not just a blank.

As far as I can tell. Rewards in WvW season one were greatly done due ot many, many injustice that were present.

I’m really thankful to them by doing the right thing and I will opose every thread like this.

There are 4 reasons:
- you don’t need great rewars if you are WvW player cause all you did was play and have fun.
- if you went for the rewards it’s your problem, you expact gold mountains and you should just spend the time elsewhere – maybe in Frostgeorge?
- if you went for achievements you got your points so don’t scream for rewards now cause you got what you went for.
- if you made it for your server the glory for the spot in rankings is your and noone will take it back from you.

That’s basically it, so please let go and have fun playing.
Noone will give you a procursor even if you server was 1st in golden league.

Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic Rarity Change?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Yeah… O really want the rarity change on my Salvage-o-Matic.
Making it masterwork I thought that finally the item is great and worth the money you spend to buy it. No it goes back to being boring old almost useless item.

The change to yellow made it finally in line with other unlimited tools that are in long term kinda great investment and now it pains me to see they reverted the change :/.

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


I really want:
- GW1 armors, at least some more, probably you can add them each few months and it would be cool.
- Cultural armors for each race

There is also thing I DON’T WANT:
- reskins
- not buyable items by gems aka Mr Sparkles (buying it with $ and getting gems as a bonus)

Allow me to Gift Account Upgrades

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


P.S. They just don’t want to let us use 40% sale price for collection expander

I think so too.

If I’m right few month ago when there was sale on upgrading to Digital Deluxe there was an option to send it as a gift.
So now they blocked it because account upgrades cost the most. Thats basically it.

That means this promotion is kinda cheating but still it’s great promotion for skins and such.

Reused GW2 armors vs GW1 armors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


However, I don’t think it should be done through the HoM. Limiting some reward content to the HoM is fine, but expanding on the HoM now that GW2 is live would just place an unnecessary restriction on new content.

I think the skins that would be brought forward would be much better used as in-game rewards for new dungeons, karma vendors in new explorable maps, or, best of all, crafting recipes that might actually make crafting worthwhile.

I think getting new skins just as easy means like karma/dungeon tokens wont help the game. We basically have some in there and as far as I see it’s not really good.

HoM would limit things. I agree to that.
Well they could add armors that you could buy in HoM and gem if you haven’t played GW1, but I kinda don’t think they would do that, although it would be great gesture for those who supported them since GW1 and let’s face it, there aren’t many of people like that (I see it by the very decreased number of GW1 titles).

We sadly probably won’t see the nice gesture for GW1 players but that doesn’t mean we won’t see GW1 armors cause they are very, very good. So I will hope for that.

bell choir all year

in Suggestions

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


I guess at least adding it to activities would be great. As for going for new songs – I dont like the idea of making team for that, its better for them to focus on LS and other patches.

Fractals, AR, and sinking gold

in Suggestions

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Well if +10 costs over 200g, them make ascended armor and place in it AR bought with fractal relics.
You will spend a lot less this way.

You actually do not need more than 3x +8 and 3x +7 to do fractals 80 when the amulet and accessories can be infused.

Maybe, but fractal cap will will go up and you will need more.
Many, many people who I did fractals with had the same idea.
Never use +1, sell them. It’s not worth it and I totally agree with them.

Reused GW2 armors vs GW1 armors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


I think bringing the skins from Guild Wars would be cool but they could add it as another feature or benefit of playing Guild Wars. Why not make it so if you had the armor in GW1 you can pull it off the merchant in the Hall of Monuments.

For me if they bring back skins from GW1 they should be sold for gems.
It would be their work and they have to be paid for a good work – licensing to what people want is a part of that.

They shouldn’t add more things to HoM, maybe they should revamp the place. Basically as I see it sad I can’t deny it GW2 can’t make people go and fo stuff in GW1. They are focusing on GW2 and as much as I love GW1 they shouldn’t make people go that way.
Having some neat skins and titles from GW1 as all they did and that shouldn’t change.

Why not make all Dyes account wide please! I would pay for this

in Suggestions

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


We all do… We all do…

Disrespect in gem store

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Yes you have a point to. This is the first item that is only available outside of the gem store and does set a bad precedent. But it’s a solution to a problem they created by having a mini as a con exclusive in the first place. It wouldn’t have been such a problem if they gave away funny town hats or even a special title. They stepped in it when they made it a collectible. This is their way to dig out of it and as long as it’s a one time thing, great.

1 question.

Why don’t they put it in gem store for 1k gold?

It would work. Buy 4k and get present for 1k or spend 1k gems for the mini.
It would work fine without making this exclusivity problem…

Yet they want to go the outside gem shop way.

That is disappointing to me.

Disrespect in gem store

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


I know im just repeating myself over and over, so i’m done arguing, I know your providing money for future content, but that is your choice. This is a game, and why play a game if you cannot get items through actually playing it. If i want to play a game where i get exclusive items with my credit card i can choose any of the free games out there. The fact that GW2 has a different model is the reason i play it.

Good luck & enjoy your exclusive free pet you got using your credit card.

You just marked what I tired to say, yet there are those who don’t want to hear it. It’s not a question of if you want the mini or not, but how do you get an item. Paying 50$ to get an exclusive item and then getting 4k gems (YES THAT’S HOW IT IS) is disappointing.

I said it before. If we accept this there will be more situations like this.

Its different then before cause when on Dragon Bash you for minis they were obtainable so you were like – here is 500 gems item if you don’t like its was free.

This one is an exclusive item and don’t write as minis aren’t important. It is an ITEM, next time it can be armor, skin, booster or account upgrade.

This thread exist only because I respected their business model and I still want to respect it. Until now they had great cash flow and I don’t believe they need to go this route. It is a major mistake.
That is why I say NO!

Collection Expander

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


I’m disgusted at you Anet.

People have been asking for this for months now.
So not only does ANet listen to the feedback, but they do it in time for the holidays, AND at the same time as the 40% discount gifting thing.

Yeah, I can see how that would kitten you off. Those kittens. /sarcasm

TRUE to that!

All except for the fact that 40% doesn’t work with account upgrades that I hope they will change.
Yet I’m really glad for the expander. It helps so much!!!
Yes we asked for it and we got it. I love this kinds of deals!

The Death of PvE?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Please, try other games and then come back to say how bad it its in here and how many games rewards you more.

This game has very many flaws but it is EXTREMALY casual friendly.

Charge Quartz, just not fair

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Personally I prefer the normal ones as I can sell them. The charged ones are no biggy, I just get them from mining the regular ones daily. I did get 1 charged out of a present and thought it was odd, now I know why.

Lucky you, were arround at summer and bazaar and you could get the quartz node, limited time events made many ppl (including me) not being able to farm a node daily, so i just buy them.

You didn’t loose much, mainly almost no one goes in there to main them – too much time too little result cash wise.

I’m glad they patched it. Not my making one a day means again something.

Allow me to Gift Account Upgrades

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


I really, really want to gift upgrades also!

Ascended in WvW + solutions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


I think that WvW should use PvP template just like mini games.

It prevents very very many unnatural situations.
Hopefully one day when they integrate PvP with the rest of the game they will do it.

LivingStory rewards re- accessible thru AP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


I think it was said before and it would make sense and all, but I don’t know why haven’t they don’t this quick fix.
I guess we will have to wait and see…

Yes I love the idea!

Trading Post: Light Medium Heavy Filter?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


We need it badly.
Please implement it.

No gifting Option??

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


I hope they will unlock gifting for account upgrades.

Fractals, AR, and sinking gold

in Suggestions

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Well if +10 costs over 200g, them make ascended armor and place in it AR bought with fractal relics.
You will spend a lot less this way.

Thanks for the 40% off/friend but Upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


The offer is great.
I also hope they will change it so it can work with account upgrades…

Hide Chest Piece

in Suggestions

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


It would be neat!

Why not make all Dyes account wide please! I would pay for this

in Suggestions

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


We all would do and it’s another topic like that.
As far as I know there were more than 20 already.

Hopefully they will learn.
We all want dyes to be account bound!

Builds Templates when ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


The pain is that it has a really low priority.

I know, I would love to have them but CDI seems to be on another track.

Don’t get me wrong CDI is doing really great and there are many things they need to fix so I guess you have to make more noise about it and maybe then more people will vote for that.

Short bow got nerfed? Why?

in Ranger

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Oh boy, is warrior op ? Better nerf ranger and necro more.

I agree…
This hurt and I didn’t know they did that yet I felt it in game today.

I hope they will finally stop giving the most for warrior (the easiest class I played in GW2). I think it’s like this to encourage people who just don’t want to learn playing feel strong.

You go for Hulk and HULK SMASHES!!!

So basically they hurt other peoples, those who want more fines in their gameplay so they can give casuals way to not even think.
(PS warrior is also the one who can run the longest on swiftness in WvW – that is why my ranger killed the least of them, great work…)

Thankfully my second best class the mesmer still is great/unnerfed.

Bleed Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Bleed is totally broken … 25 Stacks are way too low for that bleed isn’t even dealing more damage than a direct hit. Bleed is actually a direct hit over time that gets destroyed by your allies and this is just wrong.

I personally hope they will increase the cup like this:
Elites 30 stacks
Champions 40 stacks
Legends 50 stacks.

That is my wishful thinking, but maybe someday.

GW1 players are a minority?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Well I can only speak for me personally. I quit because of vertical progression and because fractal levels were reset. I don’t find enjoyment or challenge in any of the new content and the story telling is too light for my appreciation.

I agree those reasons hurt the most.
I already dealt with the vertical progression. I won’t do it and on another tier I will quit entire GW2.

As for story, I find latest Toxic alliance the first semi-decent story line (you know, the begging, the ending no weird rush or such – I had some fun and few decent dialogs). But if they won’t introduce more good arcs soon and kill scarlet in next 4 months I will probably go like you.

As for GW1 players I’m one, and I find less and less people with titles from GW1, and those feel so exclusive now so I stick to those and I think that most of players from GW1 left and if they come back it will be for expansion.


WvW Season One Rewards Are Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


There is basically enough crying…
Lets face it. If you are WvW player all achievements were done without effort, cause its just the way you play.
If you were PvE or PvP you went there to farm achievements and getting achievements points was supposed to be reward for you.

I’M VERY GRATEFUL to ANet for the reward system that will discourage PvE zergs on next season and also they made it so that people who deserted their servers (just like many deserted my) now can be disspointed for going after rewards to transfer.

I feel that rewards are very good and all of you forget how much more you get that other games give you in terms of rewards.

This game is not “login and get rewards for every minute of your time playing”, just have fun or make effort but do it for fun not always the rewards. If you want rewards leave GW2 and get side job, earn money and buy yourself a “reward”.

Thank you again ANet for making things right.

Reused GW2 armors vs GW1 armors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Of course, Anet likes the money they make off of those transmutation stones/crystals/etc. Not that there is anything wrong with wanting more money, but, I am guessing there is a realistic reason why all the Living story skins and gem store skins are one time use only.

They said they will implement some kind of wardrobe system.
Some people have hopes it will allow for multiple uses of skins.
I guess we will have to see.

Collaborative Development: Commander System

in CDI

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


  • Account bound commander tags vs character bound.

If commander can have chosen once name on becoming commander and that name replaces character name as long as tag is on it would help VERY MUCH.

3) A guild gating system would be clean but require all commanders to be in a fairly active guild is this a fair gating system?

All active guilds can buy commanders for people. 100 people rush 1 CoF and we have 1 commander a day. If guild is smaller go for HoTW or do it in 2 days.
So I would say please don’t go that direction.

Collaborative Development: Commander System

in CDI

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


1.) How important is it to see your squad members as a different color and always visible on your map like party?

It’s very needed.