Just curious, but what exactly would the difference be between the Quaggan backpack arriving ready to use as a low-level back item and applying the skin to a low-level back item? You mention you do not want to do the latter, but I fail to see the difference? It sounds like you’re arguing for two completely different things: 1) you want the backpack to be a level 24 or lower item, and 2) you don’t want the backpack to be anything lower than a level 80 item so you don’t have to re-transmute it later.
And I’m pretty sure if you double click on the initial item you got from the mail, you end up with both the skin and the low-level back item to use it on.
(edited by Serenity.6149)
Agreed on the DPS Meter. Along the same vein, if it could track things like HPS and maybe even boon uptime, that’d be great.
I’ve heard the argument many times that DPS Meters would ruin the game because of the elitism it arguably fosters, but one look at GW2LFG and one can see that elitism is already alive and well. As per the common saying, DPS Meters aren’t elitist; people are elitist.
My guild already has a DPS calculator, but the results are more theoretical (assuming perfect uptime on all cooldowns) than anything. It would be nice to be able to track ones personal performance from run to run. It would also help clear up a lot of the misinformation re: skill performance in the game.
Just another point of view here…
I find the new Magg event much harder than before, and I don’t mean compared to kiting. I was never a big fan of 1-2-2, so any chance the group would listen to me, I’d have them fight instead. Whether PUGs, or the subpar group of guildies I run with (18 minute Path 1s, for point of comparison), it would be a hectic fight, but very doable. For groups who could do Path 1 in 14 minutes or less, it was even quite easy. I’m willing to go on a limb and say a lot of the people who claim it was too hard before either 1) didn’t have someone calling targets, or 2) had never bothered to really give fighting a try, and simply relied on everyone else’s opinion that it was impossible without kiting.
Whereas I’d have a 80-90% success rate before (even with groups who had never tried before), it’s probably closer to 30% now with the change. I don’t know if it’s just an unusually bad streak of PUG groups (haven’t tried it with my guild yet), but speaking from my own experience, I’m taking a lot more damage than before. My AH Guardian had no problem dancing with the silver mobs before, and now she flirts with death almost constantly (and is it just me, or is the fight much longer?). My Berserker Elementalist used to either not go down even once, or just once at the very end of the fight, and now I’m downed several times each attempt. I still manage to survive until we complete or fail the event, but I’ve never had this much trouble staying alive.
The Assassin isn’t the issue here, as he dies every time; it’s the rest of the mobs. I wonder if, possibly, groups with more AOE DPS are finding it easier, while groups with less have an easier time with the old event? There was probably also less coordination needed before, whereas now, with more mobs running about every which way, more attention to control is necessary.
Before anyone claims I’m arguing in favor of making everything so easy there’s no point anymore, I’m not — I would have been just fine had they left the Magg event alone. I’m just saying that the new event may actually be harder, not easier, and less favorable to random grouping than before. Just my experience, anyway.
Have had this happen several times. One thing that helped was picking up a banner (might work with any other object that replaces your skill bar); upon placing it back down, the weapon swap button was no longer grayed out. Would be better, of course, if it just didn’t happen at all (especially during a boss fight, right after switching to your offset).
Just go the eastern JP in LA. Stop where you jump into water. Spam relog till you finish.
Did you actually try this out? Doesn’t work here.
Okay, so it should have been pointed out that it’s jumping overflows and not the simple mechanic of relogging that does it. Clearly, my server doesn’t get full enough. =P
Just go the eastern JP in LA. Stop where you jump into water. Spam relog till you finish.
Did you actually try this out? Doesn’t work here.
The sigil does not work on my greatsword either. I have ~40% crit and I never see the healing number (when under 100% hp) during any dungeon runs, nor do I see the lifesteal damage in the combat log either.
If they ever get around to fixing this, they should also probably fix all the other sigils/runes. Many are broken, or have had incorrect tooltips since launch.
They didn’t nerf anything. I just made 2 tonics with 5 tries.
Unfortunately I gambled all my tonics and got a useless accountbound back. Yay for RNG.
Consider yourself lucky. One look at the inflation in the price of Magic Glue and Stuffing suggests the overall chance of success as much lower than what you experienced.
No, not really. While I admit 2 tonics with 5 tries is quite rare, the reason why the mats are so high priced is because;
1. More people are finding out about the endless tonics = more demand
2. More people are finished the dungeons and cant get any more glue or stuffing from them = less supply
Yes, it’s elementary that the price would go up. I’m not talking about the directionality of the shift, but its magnitude. If you assume that 1) every player gets 1250 total of a combination of glue/stuffing from doing the five runs, and 2) not everyone cares about getting the full 5 tonics + 2 pets, the current demand graph is much higher than it would be if the success rate was about 1 in 2 or 1 in 3. The first several hours people learned about the tonics, failure was the exception whereas now it seems to be the rule.
BTW, just a note, “less supply” is incorrect if you look at the supply chart. Supply is up, so your point #2 is irrelevant right now.
(edited by Serenity.6149)
They didn’t nerf anything. I just made 2 tonics with 5 tries.
Unfortunately I gambled all my tonics and got a useless accountbound back. Yay for RNG.
Consider yourself lucky. One look at the inflation in the price of Magic Glue and Stuffing suggests the overall chance of success as much lower than what you experienced.
TL;DR: Make RNG-items a certain cost equal to the average cost via RNG, so that players can work toward those items within the context of the game they enjoy playing and without the dissatisfaction that usually comes with gambling.
There are certain places where RNG is great. For instance, I don’t mind if something requires farming the same dungeon, or drops so rarely that you would only hope to see it after playing for a year or more on average. I know some people hate this kind of RNG as well, but at least you can work toward something else at the same time.
So far, I don’t think anyone has actually proclaimed, “the RNG is one of the things I like about GW2.” Given the current achievement-based nature of games today, it’s fair to say a lot of people are in the mindset of trying for every mini, title, etc. This doesn’t mean you have to make it easy on them, whereby the achievements become meaningless, but if the drop rate (via event box, mystic forge or whatever) is 1 in 10, for example, then I’d be much happier simply paying 10x more or using up 10x more game resources to achieve it. The end result might still be the same if you look at resources spent by the player-base as a whole, but the big difference is you replace the inherent dissatisfaction that comes with gambling (and losing) with the satisfaction of working toward something within the context of the game you presumably enjoy playing.
I don’t know how much I’ve spent on skins for LoL (it’s safe to say it’s over $100, and I don’t even like the game that much!), but it’s a lot more than the first and last $10 I will ever spend on GW2’s mystery event boxes. Maybe this is purely anecdotal and the current system is the most profitable approach, but I doubt it. Maybe in a booming economy where people don’t care about their wallets, but I’m pretty sure most people are pretty wallet conscious these days and would appreciate being able to plan ahead. Again, make everything however much you’d normally bring in via RNG, and see if you don’t make even more money by converting all the people who have been boycotting the current system.
If RNG isn’t going away, there might be a pretty easy fix right under ANet’s nose. Much of the dissatisfaction comes with spending $10/10 gold with no guarantee that you won’t end up with random items that you can simply buy off the TP for a combined 10 silver. Make the mystery box/mystic forge “you lose” common drops account-bound so they can’t be sold! Yes, this may seem backward, because it’d be better to give people the option to sell something they don’t want, right? At the same time, it’s because the stupid one-time use tonics and festive mortars can be had for 10 copper (bought off all the dissatisfied victims of RNG) that people are dissatisfied. If I don’t get the thing I want, at least I can take solace that I have a ton of “fun” items for use in guild dungeon runs that can’t be acquired any other way.
(edited by Serenity.6149)
I think it’s more important that ANet kept their word, rather than the specific worth of what came out of the chest.
EXACTLY. Those who are reasonable only care that they didn’t spend the time for nothing. Then you have all the other people who can’t stand that someone else got something better (dang you for that precursor — j/k!). People need to worry more about their own happiness rather than trying to make sure nobody else is happier. ANet kept their word, and that’s all my girlfriend and I care about.
If they are gonna give eveyrone a chest. Then they should give everyone a chest.
Some people finished the event and got a chest, and also were mailed a chest. While others only got 1 chest for doing the event. how is that fair?
How is your proposed solution better? “[They] should give everyone a chest.” Okay, now everyone has at least one chest, and some have more. Think about it.
It doesn’t seem to matter if you dc’d during the final fight, already got the chest, participated in the event but not during the final fight, or even didn’t do any of the event at all. All of those cases have gotten chests on the Tarnished Coast server. All I’ll say is that if Anet’s solution was to just mail everyone a chest, then why has it taken weeks to do. It could’ve been done in days. Were they waiting to see if issue went away so they wouldn’t have to do anything. There really is no excuse for it to have taken so long if everyone was going to get the chest anyway.
1. Love your speculation on them waiting to see if it went away so they wouldn’t have to do anything. Completely baseless, but bravo anyway (sarcasm)!
2. Even if their solution was to just mail everyone a chest, your conclusion that there was no excuse for it taking this long is silly. What, so they can’t try to figure out a more elegant solution? Oh, the horror!
3. But no, they didn’t just mail everyone a chest. I don’t know what the actual script checked for, but I know some people who received a chest prior didn’t get a second one, some people who did receive a chest prior got a second one, and the people who didn’t get a chest finally got one. Not a perfect solution, but all that matters is the people who deserved a chest got theirs. Anything more is just being greedy now.
Well that’s fair, but what about me who had a bugged event for over 1 hour in overflow? i planned to do the event but it bugged for over 1 hour for me and i had to go see my mother in hospital, fair.
You should have seen the people who were still waiting on the bugged event on Dragonbrand. One hour is nothing compared to the six-plus hours some of them waited. :-p
So, people who got disconnected get a chest with a guranted precursor?
While many who looted the actual event chest got exotic crap only useful for salvaging (about 5g value). I and people in my group only got crap excluding the guranted 20slot bag and trinket.
Way to jump to conclusions. Some people got precursors during the actual event; some people got precursors in the reimbursement. I didn’t, and you clearly didn’t. Tough for us. I’m still thankful for the accessory and the bag.
I was partially at fault for my girlfriend not receiving the event loot (I got her killed while trying to complete credit for the monthly by going after the endlessly spawning hatchlings, then her loading screen froze when she tried to respawn at the waypoint), so I just wanted to say thank you for lifting the guilt off my shoulders. You cannot imagine how bad I felt seeing our other party members exclaim about the wonderful loot and being unable to find the chest anywhere when we finally made it back to the group. Thank you!!!
High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Serenity.6149
well a officer from my guild got hacked and we lost the gold for the commander that was on the guild bank, and since the System dont refund gold from the guild bank we cant do nothing.
And Since the Hacker got in the email adress he lost all the info about the game(Serial number and CC info)he cant get his account back…
So tell me what should we do now?
should we start all over again since we lost in 1 day all the work that we had done in the last 3 months or stop playing?
When your game experience is affected due to a personal e-mail account (your officer’s, in this case) being compromised, I’m not sure what you expect ANet to do about it. The more important issue at hand is whether an exploit exists that allows game accounts to be targeted and compromised.
As an aside, @Gaile, I just wanted to thank you for your work in the forums. I can tell that it’s often a thankless job, and I don’t remember any other game where actual attention is given to forum posts to the same extent that you do.
You do realize that the other people replying here are players similar to yourself, right? I don’t know why you’re escalating your frustration off of other people’s posts. I can understand that if you were actually having a fruitless back and forth with an ANet rep, but you’re feeding your own unhappiness here. It seems like you’re just threatening to quit unless you get what you want, when you want it, which is a bit unreasonable. It completely negated your valid point, which is that certain items (jugs of karma, etc.) should require a delete confirmation for added protection. Is what happened to you unfortunate? Yes. Is it fair? Fairness has nothing to do with this; you make a mistake and are trying to pass the blame.
When the next MMO is unable to tend to your every need, will you be moving on yet again?
(edited by Serenity.6149)
I did this earlier today and while Forgal got stuck a few times, I had no problem swimming ahead without him.
Bots are still in game just moved to new areas out of plain sight into caves farming bats etc, I’ve reported 10 in the past week.
There will always be bots — the question is how many. If the situation is still as dire as you make it sound, then please explain what those “bots” do with their spoils? If they’re still pumping massive amounts into the TP, then we have to conclude that the real player base is either completely inactive or too incompetent to sell mats on the TP.
They don’t deserve to be praised when 1000 of accounts are being hacked while they can’t do anything about it.
Of course they can do something about it.
Just force players to change their passwords. Either weekly or monthly.
They already check your new password towards the known password lists these botters use for stealing accounts. So at least they are learning slowly.
No amount of reasonable password changing (changing passwords on a weekly basis is not reasonable, especially since ANet puts your old passwords on the ban list as well) will ever solve the issue when most people do not practice safe computer usage. I don’t know how many times I’ve had to explain to people who’ve repeatedly had fraudulent purchases made on their online accounts that cancelling their credit cards and changing their passwords do nothing when their computers are compromised to begin with.
You will only be able to congratulate them on getting rid of bots when 3rd party sites no longer exist because they no longer have gold to sell. So, it’s a bit premature to congratulate them as the sites are still bustling and there will be no positive impact on the economy though anything they have done to date.
1. Those sites service more than one game, and as such, no amount of cracking down will cause them to shut down.
2. If you actually looked at TP supply graphs, you’d notice the impact the ban has had on the economy. Whether the impact is positive is another question altogether, but most of the market supply vanished post-bans. Problem is, part of the player population wants cheaper materials to craft with (the bans caused prices to spike), and another part wants to be able to make gold easier (spiked prices = more profit, but with prices higher across the board, it’s a moot point). No amount of banning will ever generate the kind of “positive” impact that everyone will be happy with.
It seems the heart of this argument is the discrepancies between the way they present the discounts with one item vs another item. With the stones, the “WAS” price lists what the actual price was for the discount packs before Black Friday, versus the keys which lists the price of 25 individual keys (not the discount pack price) before Black Friday.
While it may seem confusing, or even deceptive, stores across the nation do this every day. Have you ever noticed that, for example, stores will list some soda prices by $ per weight, and some by $ per volume? Two different ratios for two similar products, side-by-side on the shelf. They do this to make one product seem more appealing than another. Does it fool people? Sometimes. But anybody who has used common sense while shopping reads labels and makes the necessary conversions in their head to find the best deal.
- The short of it:
When you decide to buy something, the smart course of action would be to research the price (or any current “deal”) to see if you’re being swindled. It doesn’t matter if they list a deal price against the product’s individual price, use a different unit of measure, or tell you the cost in lire. Always do your research, because impulse buying is the worst way to purchase anything.
See, this response is actually constructive to the discussion (and I thank you for it). While we may have differing opinions on the importance of consistency, everything you state is indeed correct.
You are receiving a discount when you buy 5 keys for 450 gems. The base price for one key is 125 gems. 125 X 25 = 3125. 1560 is slightly more than 50% off of 3125, so you are receiving a 50% discount off of the base key price of 125 gems, at 62.4 gems per key.
Why are we receiving a 60% discount off of the bulk rate for Black Lion Merchant Express then? Consistency in marketing is all we ask (no need to change the actual prices).
Its called a bulk discount…. you buy in bulk you get a lower price per item.
Here is where OP failed. He/she decided arbitrarily to use the price for buying 5 keys (which has a lower price per key) instead of the price of a single key to make the math work in favor of his complain.
Just like He/she used the price for the 5 keys bundle, we can use the price for a single key to prove him/her wrong.
Read the whole thread.
Black Lion Merchant Express, 35 gems for 1.
Buy 5 for 50 gems, was 125 gems, 60% off.
That’s 1 for 10 gems, or 71.5% off if you go by individual price. Care to explain the difference?
No need to read the whole thread.
I’m answering OP his / her math while correct is misleading. If you want me to check your math I can, bu would need to log in later to check the TP as I only have the pricing info for the keys.
You can’t conclude the OP is misleading without doing the math first. The only place OP failed was by not presenting the math on all the other items as well, but judging from most people’s adverse reaction to math, it was probably for the best.
You can do the math from the numbers I already quoted for one of the other sale items, unless you’re saying you think I may be fudging the numbers for my argument as well. =P
I’ve attached a screenshot of the prices for your convenience.
Black Lion Merchant Express
Individual Price: 35 gems
Bulk Rate for 5: 125 gems
Sale Price for 5: 50 gems
Discount: 60% off bulk rate for 5
If we used the individual rate, it would be 50/175 or 71% off.
Fine Transmutation Stone
Individual Price: n/a
Bulk Rate for 5: 200 gems
Sale Rate for 5: 120 gems
Discount: 40% off bulk rate for 5
Bulk Rate for 10: 360 gems
Sale Rate for 10: 215 gems
Discount: 40% off bulk rate for 10
Bulk Rate for 25: 800 gems
Sale Rate for 25: 480 gems
Discount: 40% off bulk rate for 25
Black Lion Key
Individual Rate: 125 gems
Sale Rate for 25: 1560 gems
Discount: 50% off individual rate for 25
As a note, neither the OP nor I are asking for anything more than increased transparency. We are not asking to receive an even lower rate on keys, nor for the world, etc, as some are suggesting. We are not complaining that the sale is not good enough. Those are straw man arguments and completely irrelevant. We’re asking for consistency.
(edited by Moderator)
Maybe what Dyno meant was that they’re only going to put on sale items that a lot of people may not otherwise purchase. :-p Character slots are much more certain (relatively speaking). ^^
Its called a bulk discount…. you buy in bulk you get a lower price per item.
Here is where OP failed. He/she decided arbitrarily to use the price for buying 5 keys (which has a lower price per key) instead of the price of a single key to make the math work in favor of his complain.
Just like He/she used the price for the 5 keys bundle, we can use the price for a single key to prove him/her wrong.
Read the whole thread.
Black Lion Merchant Express, 35 gems for 1.
Buy 5 for 50 gems, was 125 gems, 60% off.
That’s 1 for 10 gems, or 71.5% off if you go by individual price. Care to explain the difference?
Smart marketing? Yeah. Players are smarter? lol I fail to see how. As others has mentioned above, no companies in their right mind would do a discount on an already discounted item. I will never run into such a deal, because just about everyone would have buy them all out as soon as they noticed it.
Then ANet is not in their right mind. Both Black Lion Merchant Express and Fine Transmutation Stone are discounted off an already existing discount. Do the math. =P
@Serenity Not saying I want special skills here, what are in those boxes usually aren’t worth very much anyways, all thief classes in all game are mostly concerned about theirself and money not knowing lockpicking is just absurd. The only good reason we can’t is because they would rather force us to buy them off their in game store. Say I’m lieing lol please…
Think about it this way. There is no lock-picking because all the in-game chests are already unlocked. While this makes thieves feel unloved, oh well, everyone’s envious of your shadowstepping anyway.
The Black Lion chests should not be considered in-game chests but cash shop items. If thieves were allowed to acquire cash shop items for free, how do you think all the other professions will react?
The chests are only distributed in game to lure people into buying keys. Whether or not they should do this or whether or not the contents are valuable are different questions altogether. They’re not valuable to me, but all that means is I don’t spend on the boosters/keys; it doesn’t mean they should be given to thieves for free (and I have a thief myself as well).
angan, Thank you, you said that beautifully and accurately.
why people cannot understand that the discount is on the original price and not a discounted price is beyond me
Take a look at the discount on the other two items and maybe you’ll understand. Neither of the other two are discounts on the original price. Perhaps you’d like to revise your disbelief?
I have to agree with the OP on the misleading nature of the sale. Yes, it is 50% off of buying them individually, but one look at how the Fine Transmutation Stone sale should demonstrate that something is a bit off.
Notice how the Fine Transmutation Stones come in packages of 5, 10 and 25? Notice how they all say 40% off? They don’t say 40% off, 46% off, and 52% off of the cost if buying them at the most expensive rate possible. They all show discounts off the already discounted price of buying them in bulk, whereas the Black Lion Key’s discount represents the discount off buying them individually. Not to mention, if all we’re concerned with is discount off the individual price, then the Buy 5 offer should have “28% off” on it to avoid confusion as well.
Saying that people shouldn’t complain because it’s cheaper is a lame, straw man argument. The complaint is over the inconsistency and the likelihood to mislead some buyers.
Question why in god’s name can’t thief’s have a skill to picklocks? If not a useable skill that can be used to also open chests for others at least a skill that allows you to open your own locked boxed. What is the good lore reason that a “Thief” by profession decided that they would learn poisons, backstabbing, camouflage/stealth abilities or tricks as you might call them, common bandit type weapon skills…. O but opening locked boxes that contain treasure? Nah why would they want to do that?
Why can’t my Necromancer raise a guildmate from the dead and force them to obey my will? Why can’t my Mesmer turn enemies into kittens instead of moas? Why can’t my Warrior face-tank bosses without dodging like in other games? You just can’t. =P
While I agree with you that keys (and boosters, for that matter) are overpriced…
Option A would not work the way you think it does. If you add a ton of gold into the market, that would only cause massive inflation. This “80 cents to 5 gold” rate would just go up as well, and then you’d be unhappy about each key costing 25 gold each.
Option B… they’re not going to make everything in their Gem Store cost essentially nothing. That’s how they’re making money. It would be more realistic to ask for a price adjustment to the keys, but not to the extent that you’re asking (10 silver is crazy).
BTW, I’d like to note that your initial argument is flawed because you’re basing your gem to gold rate off of bannable real money transactions. The current in-game rate for 62.4 gems is ~62 silver and not the 5 gold you quote. While you’re entitled to make your cost analysis (for yourself) using methods that are against the TOS, it is silly to assume ANet should price their products accordingly with something they specifically do not allow.
Also, if you have tons of chests saved up, well, there’s no requirement that you open them all. Chests, like everything else in this game, are a commodity traded on the TP, and as you can see from the sell orders, they’re not worth very much (8 copper each right now). What you’re presenting is not very different from saying “the price on fine mats should be lowered because for me to use up all my _ ore, I’d have to spend _, which is crazy.” Just sell what you can’t use and be done with it.
Silly complaint, when you clearly got to play the game earlier than those who just bought it and got the upgrade. Maybe if you bought the game a day before the upgrade was offered, then there might be some sympathy, but that’s just life. There has to be some cutoff or everyone would be asking, “what about me?”
It’s very simple really. Anytime something comes out, you have the choice of paying the highest price to get it immediately, or waiting for it to go on sale. You clearly picked the former and are trying to get the benefit of the latter as well. No sympathy here.
More importantly, there is a huge disincentive to play a support role during such zergfests. Why bother bringing Guardian shouts if it lowers the chance of receiving credit? Why bother reviving people if it might cut into your damage %? Better to keep auto-attacking than try to revive all the people steamrolled by the Veteran Karkas to prevent a wipe.
There needs to be a better way of gauging contribution than simply damage %. It makes sense in a normal setting where someone who lightly wanded a Champion once during the entire encounter should not benefit from the kill, but when you spend minutes actively trying to kill something and still don’t receive credit? Very demoralizing. The event pretty much turned into Whack-a-Young-Karka for me — jumping on them before they disintegrated to the massive zerg-fire so that I’d at least receive a chance at something.
Guild Wars 2's customer support is the Worse
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Serenity.6149
Back in the WoW days, I was able to miss out a whole year and they still able to refund all my stuffs back… this is such a big differences.
Yes, some kind of account restoration system would be appreciated (they are working on one, FYI).
And somehow, I doubt even Blizzard keeps snapshots of your characters dating back a year. I have personal experience with this and if the loss was more than a month prior, they would send you a “sorry” package, which consisted of a set of crappy gear and a small sum of gold. It wasn’t even enough to compensate for the loss of a maxed out Enchanter’s Rod, let alone everything else in your bags/bank.
Play a broken game until you can fix the bug, and just eat the losses from not receiving these advertised game mechanics? (sounds like a class action lawsuit)
No, it doesn’t sound like a class action lawsuit at all.
I also missed the chest. I had died in an area no one could reach me to rez me. I waypointed and the chest disappeared in front of me. I just bought this game and am starting to wonder if it was worth it.
Not even remotely the same issue as the people posting in this thread. Complaining about one event where you likely died due to inexperience (just going on an assumption, you probably stood on the death location of the Ancient Karka and fell into the middle of the lava) is a pretty poor basis for demanding a make up reward. But sure, blame the developers and judge the game with a skewed perception due to a player error. Staging this fight as a one-time event was obviously an awful decision, but no one can be blamed for you dying but yourself.
Check your arrogance at the door. Unless you never died once during the zerg fest while actually participating, never relied on someone to revive you, never relied on someone else’s boons, etc., this is a rather stupid comment to make (and if you assert all of the above, you’re a big fat liar). Chest access did not depend on staying alive at the moment of the actual kill, nor was it based on performance during the 2.5 hour event. Whether someone disconnected or had the loading screen crash on them on the way back to the waypoint, the issue is with the chest despawning before they could receive what they earned with their hard-spent time. I was lucky that after about 20 logoff attempts, I found an overflow that finished slower than the others and was able to claim my just reward, but even that chest despawned three seconds after I looted it, leaving some of my party members SOL as they clamored to switch overflows. The chest should have persisted, relying simply on a participation check for access (to prevent people who didn’t participate from looting).