The fight is boring and tedious. I don’t even go anymore. It’s simply not fun. Both phases you spend more time sitting and waiting than fighting anything. The whole fight needs to be scrapped and made over from scratch.
Egoraptor covered this horrible concept of “waiting =/= difficult” in his Zelda Sequelitis.
Very true. Just wish the devs would watch this vid, and apply it to Jormag—-and Ascended crafting, ( I want to play, not hang around waiting for time gating, thanks! grinds teeth in frustration).
Ok so this wont go down well with the champ farmers, but its about time someone said something. The amount of champ farmers on the second phase of Jormag is, well, a lot.
This morning at Jormag, there must have been 3/4 of the entire server just farming champ bags and doing little else.
Nothing against the farmers, but when it impacts the other players trying to do Jormag, by scaling it through the roof and not contributing to the event, except to get the kill at the end, it bites kind of hard.
(tin foil hat on and waits in dugout trench for flack)
Went to play sanctum sprint for the first time in ages, and the old mexican style music has gone!
It was about the only thing that made it bearable considering the rabid bugs players had to endure, literally over the years.
Please bring it back.
Sure. Im on the EU server, PM me ingame and lets get this done^^.
(Remind me when you pm me tho, as Ill probably have forgotten—long, short, intermediate memory loss—what was the question again? )
Hmm, well then I’m sorry but I’m afraid I won’t be able to help anymore, I have ran out of suggestions
Maybe you could try contacting Support, they could give some more help, or maybe wait for some other player come in with another options. Anyhow, good luck and I hope you get it fixed asap. I may come back around if I think or find out something else though.
Aight, thanks for the help! I guess I’ll have to contact support. I will update this with the solution if I get one.
Hi. Did you get a solution from support? I’m having the exact same issue ( I’ve contacted support although they’ve only told me to make sure my GPU’s drivers are up-to-date and to repair the game so far. Neither worked.
First off, please either remove the youtube clip, or block out your e-mail address at the beginning, its for your own secuirity!!
Second, im not a techi, so this is only a guess on my part, but try and see if it works.**
On the interface (F11 by default), put—-Refresh at 60hz—-Frame limiter at 30 (the human eye cant tell the difference, and stops the machine running away with-itself ie overheating due to frame rates)—Render sampling at Native. Mite want to have a look at the resolution and put it to what the native background is, on the proviso that it works with other games with no perceivable problems.Guidance on how to repair the game via command line arguments from wiki
Anyway, hope that works, and good luck
**(this is only an attempted solution to that particular youtube clip and not the rest of this thread, sorry)
Unless ArenaNet use bad security practices, I’m not too worried about my account being stolen with just my e-mail address.
Anyway, I’ve tried the game in windowed mode and limited my frame rate but that doesn’t seem to help. Are you joking about eye’s not being able to see beyond 30 fps? 10-12 fps is the point we perceive motion rather than individual images. Science hasn’t proven the limit at which we stop seeing smoother motion. 144 Hz monitors running at 144 fps does look smoother than 60 Hz monitors running at 60 fps. So the limit is somewhere beyond 144 fps.
I’ve done multiple repairs of the game and also reinstalled. Though it doesn’t help. OP mentions that other games seem to be playing up however games I regularly play such as GTA V, BF4 and The Witcher 3 are running completely fine for me. So I suspect this issue is limited to Guild Wars 2.
Why do I even bother?
Hmm, well then I’m sorry but I’m afraid I won’t be able to help anymore, I have ran out of suggestions
Maybe you could try contacting Support, they could give some more help, or maybe wait for some other player come in with another options. Anyhow, good luck and I hope you get it fixed asap. I may come back around if I think or find out something else though.
Aight, thanks for the help! I guess I’ll have to contact support. I will update this with the solution if I get one.
Hi. Did you get a solution from support? I’m having the exact same issue ( I’ve contacted support although they’ve only told me to make sure my GPU’s drivers are up-to-date and to repair the game so far. Neither worked.
First off, please either remove the youtube clip, or block out your e-mail address at the beginning, its for your own secuirity!!
Second, im not a techi, so this is only a guess on my part, but try and see if it works.**
On the interface (F11 by default), put—-Refresh at 60hz—-Frame limiter at 30 (the human eye cant tell the difference, and stops the machine running away with-itself ie overheating due to frame rates)—Render sampling at Native. Mite want to have a look at the resolution and put it to what the native background is, on the proviso that it works with other games with no perceivable problems.
Guidance on how to repair the game via command line arguments from wiki
Anyway, hope that works, and good luck
**(this is only an attempted solution to that particular youtube clip and not the rest of this thread, sorry)
(edited by Shadey Dancer.2907)
Occasional sound crash, which affects music and environment sounds. All I can hear was the steady whistle of the waypoint tone. Happened (last week (?) in Frostgorge, and today in Ascalonian Catacombs dungeon. After going to character select the game completely crashed.
I am wary of doing dungeon / fractal runs with a party nearly full of a single random guild.* It never hurts to be up front if you find yourself in one and just ask, ‘hey guys, will I be kicked at last boss?’. That way your making an informal verbal agreement that can be seen in chat, if you want to take it further (tbh iv found it a very, very rare occurrence to be kicked).
*Nothing against outside guild runs, they can be a blast, but they can vary as much as a pug runs can on occasion!
Looks like the Cookie Monsters half brother.
(its the eyes)
In answer to Basandra Skye.4031
(from wiki)
Can be equipped
A Ring of Red Death and a Ring of Red Death (Infused).
A Ring of Red Death and a Crystalline Band — they have the same stats, but one comes with an offensive infusion slot while the other offers a defensive slot.
Cannot be equipped
Two Ancient Karka Shells, even though you have two accessory slots.
One Bagh Nakh with a Malign Infusion and another with a Mighty Infusion, since both rings have the same unique name, i.e. adding an infusion is not the same as crafting a new infused item from its non-infused counterpart.
Certain trophies and other items can have the unique property, but has no impact on their functionality.
confused yet?, only the most rampant fanboy would say this is not confusing, but lets continue
Not to be confused with Infusions
and this
So your unwarranted sarcasm has only served as a reflection on yourself !
Im with the OP on this. The descriptions on ascended rings are very poor, and ridiculously convoluted.
The Consortium are rebuilding LA, and if previous events are anything to go by I woudn’t want to be under any high rise buildings for the foreseeable future—if ever!
Would have to be pretty hard hearted to watch someone be downed and hear them say ‘help me’ and do nothing, xp or no xp.
Why would one persons personal choice in the real world affect how I want to play in gw2?
Seems like yet another non starter post meant to illicit a response!
So when does a rare become exotic? When its very rare, very very rare, impossibly rare, or just plain stupidly rare? And does making it that rare make the game anymore enjoyable if its so far out of people reach? WvW achievements redux me thinks>>.
Aww come on, do you realize how much time it takes to polish that armour, not to mention shoe shopping with queeny at the weekends.
Have you tried watching the ledges?
Yep, full of semi afks not contributing to the task at hand, ie destroying ice formations to let golems through, and the collectable from the frost chest is just a tad this side of impossible to get (approx 89 gold on TP for a 1 silver item shows its rarity).
Other than that, pretty good, enjoyable event, that doesn’t require the co-ordination at Tequatl, which is a lot of fun but at a whole different level.
Stopped after realizing they were using wvw as a cash cow for server transfers, and refused to be played for a mug.
I could go on ie allowing server stacking immediately before a major tournament, and then have the audacity to say what a fantastic tournament it was afterwards O-O, but who would listen!
(edited by Shadey Dancer.2907)
A dev did say in the wvw section of the forums that they would be looking into changing the current wvw achievements to something more realistic. That was over eighteen months ago (approximately) so dont go holding your breath
After porting from the labyrinth event to camp resolve caused a permanently invisible bug. Re-porting to various way-points in silverwastes had zero effect, forcing a relog.
Think its wise to differentiate between afk players, who get called away for a short periods, and those players who have placed themselves at event locations to essentially afk farm for extended periods of time.
Nothing wrong with the first category as life happens etc. However, I have seen the latter myself over a period of several hours. I wont go into detail as to how they do it, as it will only encourage a certain element to copy their actions.
The best way to deal with this, is to type into the chat bar /ip to bring up the servers ip, take a screen shot and submit it to the devs with a short explanation of whats going on.
Was just in a party for the Vinewrath meta in Silverwastes, and came across this bug.
If the party members are spread out over the lanes, after the first lane , everyone else in that party will be prevented from participating in the boss event with the debuff., even though they havnt entered the boss area themselves, preventing any active participation on the actual bosses.
Thanks. Explains a lot, plus my growing frustration. And Im a vet player LOL.
One of the very first events players are introduced to.
Unfortunately there is no water to put the bales out with, the buckets are failing to spawn, so can neither put them out, nor water the crops (part of the heart).
Hope the current tab targeting is a bug and not deliberate.
Kinda confused.
Today on
it states:- Please ensure that you’ve signed up for our newsletter so that we can contact you!
However on
We’ve been asked about whether you must be a newsletter subscriber to get access to the beta test. Signing up for the newsletter is not required to be given access to the beta test. However, to get beta schedules, instructions on how to access the test, or any other beta-related information, you will need to sign up for the newsletter.
Anyone who finds a Portal to Maguuma’s Heart will have access. A certain number of testers will be selected from the newsletter subscriber list. So as you can see, being a newsletter subscriber has a dual benefit: You increase your chances of getting into the beta test, and you receive direct communication about the test and its schedule.
Looks like some will be disappointed as its a random pick from the—er, random portal drops. But from a purely personal perspective, I do not want to sign up to the news letter (Im kinda paranoid about handing out my e-mail address when they already have it ‘twitch twitch’). If that means no Beta, so be it, no loss but would have been nice to have had a look
On occasion the Veteran event in the Silverwastes is not spawning. The circle for the event is clearly visible on the map, but no veteran.
Whether this is linked to the previous bug I reported (last month or so?) I have no idea, whereby the drops where disappearing from mobs. Possible link both going under the sand??
+1 to what Crystallize.8603 just said, plus, some people have posted on this topic seventeen times so far, when they should have made their point in two or three me thinks>>.
This topic reminds me of Shrek, with Donkey asking, ‘Are we there yet, are we there yet’?
There will always be some pushing to have the work done for them, and quite frankly, getting waypoints is hardly work (try sweating on a factory floor or going blue in the face from stress because your under the cosh of a technically insane office boss). If they are that busy its a wonder they have time to switch on their pc’s.
GW1 vets must be reading this laughing themselves under the table!
First off, I wasn’t the one to spot this first but a player I was talking to in the Silver Wastes, so kudos to you Sir
In Silverwastes, even after the map was at capacity, the miniatures were still on display. So really no idea if this is a bug or not, but thought you should be made aware, ( it was functioning as per usual at the Shatterer event immediately after wards).
Typed in the chat bar /wiki, and as per usual had to go to task manager to minimize after a new patch (to let my firewall recognize it).
Nothing unusual there. However, when I minimized GW2, the GW2 cursor was still on my pc screen not my cursor, so had to close it down entirely via task manager.
Does not bother me either way, as a click and its its gone.
However, what I do find interesting is that the copper fed salvage kit from the TP, was originally sold on the premise that, wait for it, that it would eliminate the pesky minor sigil/rune drops (if you want to go back literally months of official game update statements to find that, be my guest).
Maybe the owners of the copper fed wanted those drops and got in touch with anet and that why they changed it? Until there is an official statement (not holding my breath on that) its anyone’s guess as to why the change.
I know money is tight these days, but did they really have to move it, presumably via sneaky asuran technology to LA?
What I’d like is a separate bag or space for only weapons and spare armor sets. I always imagine a side-bar-bag exclusively for those.
But yes. Inventory space can be quite bothersome.
Hope this of some help^^.
Equipment Boxes — Looted weapons and armor are placed here first. Items in this bag are not affected by inventory sorting.
Invisible Bags/Safe Boxes — Items in the bag never appear in sell lists at vendors and the Trading Post, and are not affected by inventory sorting.
I am shocked and horrified that ummm, things could happen and errr, I am emotionally traumitised becouse—- i saw it on CSI thigummy—i umm errr demand compensation, your honor, err no wait that’s not right, oh forget it
Anyway beer for everyone!
(edited by Shadey Dancer.2907)
Riddle me this—-Spot the inconsistency. In the home instance, we have farmable nodes, but no npc merchant to buy harvesting gear.
However, we do have, three npc traders trading stuff your probably never use, two merchants selling armour and weapons only the clinically insane would use, a belchors buff, umm, thing, and a bar man.
ps, im no good at riddles
You have to accept a party invite from an opposing team member in WvW for them to talk to you. Decline party invite, job done! Any other unwanted whispers, that is what the block function is for.
(Interesting you bring up that you know that they have blocked you. Makes me wonder if there something more going on here than at first glance)
(edited by Shadey Dancer.2907)
OP, wouldn’t worry too much about it, as has been stated by the above posts you wont notice that much of a difference.**
If this was posted pre-account bound, I would be agreeing with you, however since then, its more like a one off grind, so you can share with any other characters, (assuming they meet the armour requirements ) you may have.
PS, (Dont forget that even back before ascended was account bound, you would be stepping on some vested interest toes, from guys selling ascended mats on the TP by asking this question )
**PPS, will be interesting to see if this is still the case after HOT is released.
Send in Bear Grylls with a Swiss Army knife, game over! Probably adopt it as a pet.
The Hulk can’t fly but can jump really—really far. Maybe the dragons are just taking long run ups out of eye sight. OOORRRR, they have constructed very big trebs and launch themselves out of eye sight. And you thought they could fly—-puny humans
3. He has both front legs and wings. That makes no sense. The wings of bats, birds and their ancestor flying “dinosaurs” are actually their evolved arms/hands. Look at the dragons in Skyrim, that’s what a reptilian would evolve to if it became a dragon instead of a bird. Here they have front legs AND wings, I mean wtf?
you really need a lesson in fantasy creatures, a dragon has 4 legs and wings on it’s back but a wyvern has 2 legs and wings as arms.
skyrim has them called dragons but they are still wyverns no matter how you look at it, there is even a modder who wants to correct this flaw.learn your mythology before you complain about something you have no knowledge about.
Wasn’t really sure so took a look myself.
TLDR:—-easily confused and basically regarded as the lesser cousins of dragons.
So really, how about cutting the guy a break. It is after all supposed to be about having fun!
Wyverns vs. Dragons
The wyvern has often been confused with the dragon due to the similarities between the two and due to the wyvern ultimately being a lesser-known mythical creature. However, in fantasy and heraldry, the wyvern is considered to be the distant, lesser cousin to the dragon, similar to a dog being the distant cousin to the wolf. Wyverns tend to be smaller, weaker, not as intelligent, and ultimately inferior to the much more ferocious and powerful dragon. While a dragon almost always has the capability to breathe fire (though other types of breath such as lightning have been seen as well), a wyvern will usually be unable to breathe fire. Those who can breathe fire are often termed “fire drakes” and are still considered a lesser form. Also, typically a wyvern will be unable to speak, while a dragon often does have the ability. The most distinctive difference between the two is a dragon has either zero or four legs, while a wyvern always has two legs.3
Various depictions in pop culture have also controversially labeled wyverns as dragons. Notable examples are the TV depiction of Game of Thrones, the 2002 film Reign of Fire,4 the 1981 film Dragonslayer,5 the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, the Harry Potter films, and the Hobbit films.6 It could, however, be argued that the creators of these franchises can call the fictional creatures that they have created whatever they want.
You do realize that you can NOT have fire or electricity* emanating from your fingertips, not without visiting the Accident and Emergency at a Hospital at any rate
(Van De-Graff generators excluded) *(do not try this at home!!!!)
The event I am referring to is the ‘Shut down the Inquest experimentation into Aspect crystals’ at crash sight 2.
If the event is successful but you get knocked off, you have either, hope a mes can portal you back up asap, or run like a headless chicken to try and get back up there before the platform disappears, even though you have contributed but got caught in the dying seconds of the event.
So why not just have a portal appear at the base of the structure to open up on success of the event, so poor players don’t have to sit and watch their chest disappear.
Grind your green drops down for MF and salvage mats. Grind rares down for ectos and salvage mats. Sell salvage mats or craft into rares and sell on TP (also ectos, your choice, may want to save if your going legendary route).
Now go and buy yourself a precursor and thank your lucky stars you didnt waste your cash chasing pipe dreams.
You can thank me later ^^.
(PS, magic find is a joke, but no-one is laughing)
(edited by Shadey Dancer.2907)
It isn’t required but suggested.
We’ve been asked about whether you must be a newsletter subscriber to get access to the beta test. Signing up for the newsletter is not required to be given access to the beta test. However, to get beta schedules, instructions on how to access the test, or any other beta-related information, you will need to sign up for the newsletter.
Anyone who finds a Portal to Maguuma’s Heart will have access. A certain number of testers will be selected from the newsletter subscriber list. So as you can see, being a newsletter subscriber has a dual benefit: You increase your chances of getting into the beta test, and you receive direct communication about the test and its schedule.
Thanks for that. Dont like the idea of my e-mail address being at different departments for security reasons, way too late once the damage is done (and to answer any nay sayers, it happens!).
Had my HOT portal thing drop today and the mail that came with it (major WOOOOHOOO).
Was wondering why it was necessary to sign up to the newsletter and include my e-mail, when you have my e-mail anyway?
Just for WvW not for RP. If you want to RP just find a guild that RP’s. Reasoning: because mega server
What Andraus says. Still with Piken, (from first day) and even though obvious merits of the mega server system, I remember the family feeling in Piken. It stood out for myself as I guested quite a bit back then (there were a couple of servers that came close though Deso also leaving me with fond memories).
So ye, no need to spend gems to join in an RP guild in Piken.
Nope. Day seven now, or is it eight – I forget (it all blurs together now) – of farming SW for hours and hours and no portal drop.
Also, rng is rng. “shrug”
Same. Just—one —-more--event. I can do it!
This is how the Joker went mad O-O.
Conspiracy theories aside, code breaks, it happens often enough in this game, uttering the mindless mantra that RNG is RNG, doesn’t take this into account. I would be much more comfortable if someone said, ‘hey we will check it out’, or ‘we have checked it out and nothing is wrong’, rather than ’nothing is wrong (and we are cant be bothered to check if it).
(edited by Shadey Dancer.2907)