Noticed today that diminishing returns on karma are following on successive new maps. I went from Silverwastes to Queensdale to clean my DR, which didnt work, so went to Blazeridgesteps, same thing again, karma rock bottom.
Edit* tried Gendaren fields there after, same thing!
(edited by Shadey Dancer.2907)
Would have loved to see Cantha back as well as Istan (what happened there as well?). Played Prophesies and all the expansions way back in the day and loved it. Gwen was a brilliant expansion. I remember running up with guildies and just standing around a camp fire marveling at the flames. The story line was compelling in fitting with the rest of games.
Like everyone else I was looking forward to GW2 with practically unashamed fan-boy enthusiasm (my days of being a boy, or indeed a young man being a long distant memory!) and rushed out and bought it.
However, since playing GW2 as enjoyable as it undoubtedly is, doubts keep rising over the direction the entire game is taking.
No Races—er why, GW1 was all about that. We had no time, really? Find that one particularly hard to believe, unless they mean ‘We really didnt care and gave it minimal resources knowing it would fail.’
I cant help feeling that the devs who started out in GW2 decided, ‘Hey, this is GW2 not GW1, we will do things our way, not the old way’, and condemned themselves to make new mistakes instead of re-enforcing the success of the previous game. This was particularly evident when the metrics came out. No master piece was ever created with the use of metrics! The original creators of GW1 had a vision and were brave enough to see that vision through. If it was left to metrics, GW1 would never have been born!
(edited by Shadey Dancer.2907)
Felt embarrassed for him at 8:00-8:10. (and angry Joe was right, no escaping that, no matter how he wriggled)
Saying that I have been in too many parties after clicking to join them via the LFG tool.
One small problem, I was never joined those parties I clicked to join in the first place O-O.
Heart seeker (thief) and Leap of Faith (guardian) seem not to be working as intended. Spamming Heart Seeker to get to move faster can, on occasion send you in the opposite direction in which you were heading (with no targets selected and melee assist turned off).
As for Leap of Faith, it seems to stutter to either the left or the right (has been an issue with warriors for several months now).
Both tested on pvp map Battle of Kyhlo (anyone want to test on pve be my guest this is far as im going)
(edited by Shadey Dancer.2907)
Not really sure how to put this. Since last patch I’v been getting these weird horizontal, almost invisible lines. Its almost as if the game is getting confused and putting in an under water line across the screen.
If you want to replicate it, go to the Divinities Reach home instance where the nodes are and walk towards the caravan on the right. You will see it if you walk back and forth where the edge of the caravan is, and have the camera looking down at the ground, at a roughly 45’ angle and panned back (guess that would medium pan back, pre-patch)
(of course it may be just me, however iv been playing other games and this is the only one iv noticed this on)
(edited by Shadey Dancer.2907)
What I don’t like is the position it puts legit players into.
Your put into a situation of 4 vs 5 and given two unspoken choices, either A, carry on a frustrating match and be steam rollered, or B, speak in map and say ‘dont cap, let them win its 4 vs 5 we dont stand a chance’, to bring the match to an end asap and risk being reported for breach of EULA, whilst Jo blogs (made up name), who created the mess walks away scot free!
I would like to know what the official stance on afk’s leaching and ruining other players games! Hope their pc’s melt!!
Fish Dueling.
AngryJoe Interview - HoT Questions for Devs?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Shadey Dancer.2907
Love your show Joe (butt kissing over).
After 2 + years of playing one thing I’v come away with is—Don’t believe the Hype and take it for whatever comes! Ask by all means, guaranteed it will be different to what they say now.
Event enjoyable, however the scaling on the interrupt was ridiculous, from 2 to 100.
Also the restriction of only one event was pretty dire. Mite as well put a sign up, ‘If you don’t like this event go away, Chinese New Year off limits to non-players!’
Biggest gripe with this for me, the scaling on the achievement Dragon’s Gaze. It goes from 2 interrupts, being the first level achievement to the next level being 100 interrupts.
0/10 for attempted sane scaling! Id like to see the dev who implemented this to attempt it!!
Yep, Mystery cave, im looking at you. And please dont give me the ‘it would affect play’ argument, it no longer washes, especially at the final scene. Sure some of it is skippable, but not others, like the ending for instance? Its almost as if you want us to suffer, as the forums have been asking for this for ages>>. I guess some of it skippable is at least moving in the rite direction.
Odd…my pet ressed me just fine. (In the fight with the Shadow Dragon…I can’t remember needing it elsewhere in this Episode.) Could yours have died before helping you?
Nope, made sure my pets were alive, and yes was in Shadow dragon part. In any case irrelevant due to skill reviving downed pets.
Quote from wiki—-Lick_Wounds:- Revive your pet at your location to revive you.
Has the new daily system been delayed for a later date? Was my understanding that, monthly ap cap would be rolled into the daily cap (daily ap cap was 10k, with monthly raised to 15k) on the 13th of this month will the new LS.
Tested in new LS. Pet just watches you die as you press for the pet to ress you!
I am not in the habit of posting more than necessary on a single topic, but this is the exception due to a certain amount of growing frustration.
The total lack of de-bugging over the winterday period has had be scratching my head as to why? I realize that staff need holidays like everyone else. However that has to be balanced with the brutal fact that GW2 is a business. If you ignore the bugs over the Christmas period you risk the player base granting you the same favor.
We are now into the 9th day of the new year with no sign of any de-bug patches, which is more then likely be rolled out on the 13th with the new LS.
(and before any white knights come galloping in with ‘you dont know how hard it is to de-bug’ I am sure it is. But then I am not the one being paid to do just that, with all due respect!)
Enjoyed it up to the first patch, after which it stopped giving any ap, and totally killed wintersday for me. Sure i could (and did for a short time) do the daily wintersday for a laural, but to be perfectly honest, it wasn’t worth the effort, and only logged on, and off in short order thereafter.
Toy apocalypse, enjoyable. But since there were complaints (complaints on forums, who would have guessed>>) from the very first toy apocalypse, of Tixx’s voice being too repetitive, it was killed off almost entirely, depriving everybody of something that was kinda nice! (but wont hold my breath to have it reinstated in manner which pleases everyone).
Snowball mayhem, a welcome come back to that. Im not a big pvp fan but once i got into it was kinda adrenaline pumping fun.
Winterday JP. Again a lot of fun, and had a lot of major sweating doing it.
However, I did these pre-patch, and looking at the feedback I am really glad I didnt wait.
Pff, too consumed by apathy on expansion. If it happens it happens, if not, oh well.
If there was/is (whatever) an expansion (or even an extended campaign), I would suggest it would most likely be announced at the share/ stock holders meetings first. We are way down the food chain when it comes to that.
(edited by Shadey Dancer.2907)
Id like to know the stance on going afk in the Snowball Mayhem activity. At the moment its getting kinda bothersome with on occasion half the team afk. If this was PvP they would be auto kicked within two mins. Toyappocalypse has a more severe afk kick timer but is pve!
This is only a personal perspective, and the first time Iv posted on my views on AP (that I can remember).
I am a high ap achiever, roughly 23k. My daily’s have been capped for, what seems like ages (probably not that long, but it seems that way). I did the dailies that the powers that be offered to me, and like a fool I took them eagerly.
Then they said that to be kind to me I was being capped to ‘free me’, to do other things ( I could almost hear Kane from the Tiberian universe saying the same thing ‘I free you from the burden of free will my brothers!’ ).
Now they expect me, like some Pavlovian mutt to get excited over the new cap to be lifted and be replaced—-by a new cap. Simply awesome, slow hand clap!
(edited by Shadey Dancer.2907)
Thanks for that. However I stand by what i said previously that the Winterday Daily is a separate entity just like the Halloween event. In any-case after 23k (and a bit) I am feeling disenfranchised with the whole AP experience (which i am not going into here), and feeling excluded from the wintersday events.
Only showing a small percentage of whats in the bank on the crafting discovery tab. In some instances its showing some tiers of items but not others:- ie, tier 3 fang’s shown, but not tier 5.
(I am at 500 crafting, tested on Leatherworker, and Huntsman)
It would appear that since the latest patch, if you have the 10k daily cap, you are now excluded from gaining any achievement points from the Winter daily’s, which was a separate category.
Christmas cancelled for high achievers I guess>>.
Taking falling damage whilst running down inclines is as old as the game itself unfortunately. It can happen any where in the game, usually when you have some sort of speed boost on, when running down inclines.
I highly doubt there will be a fix any time soon, as if it was a simple fix, it would have been done by now, and has been reported quite a bit.
However there is a work around, as you run down the ramp, keep spamming jump. Its not a perfect solution, and I have been caught by this bug myself everywhere from WvW to various locations in PvE and yep, on this JP as well.
Quote from wiki, – The Chaos Crystal Cavern Grand Chest is shared with the Weyandt’s Revenge Magnificent Chest. When one is opened, so is the other.
Hope that helps
+1 to what has been said here. Plus if you click on the ‘leave instance’ button it sends you to the loading screen of Divinitys Reach, and then sends you back into the Toyappocalypse, to random games which have already been completed and are on countdown counters, typically between 20 – 30 mins in duration.
To add insult to injury, the kick for player inactivity is very buggy. In many instances it will kick a player without any warning. No warning on the main screen (as is custom) nor in the chat log.
So you will be kicked out of the blue, whilst waiting for a new game.
(have to say as well that the ‘kicked for player inactivity’ is WAY too short. Seems even shorter than that for regular pvp )
(edited by Shadey Dancer.2907)
Beat me to it. I am currently on the 10k cap, and the new dailys are not adding to it.
So either,
A, I’m bugged,
B, its by design,
C, I’m cursed.
(ps could you put this as flagged as a question please, or it mite be lost in the flood)
Im am afraid this whole topic makes me feel very uncomfortable at every level.
Iv several stacks of maize balm left over from Halloween that iv never used, and in the current state of affairs never will.
The reason being this whole argument, regardless of who is at fault, is based on the premise of ‘kill stealing’, which goes against the entire ethos of GW2 !. I refuse to put myself into the position of arguing with anyone over kill stealing.
So I will sit on them until the current situation is sorted out, or leave them there forever!
Nice JP. Died so many times, my nerves are shattered. Was sweating like a bank robber on a heist next to a Police station. On finishing it BOOYYAAAA, (punches air in triumph!).
Maxed out my daily AP, so how will this affect myself? Not a great deal, it will be nice to have the extra AP to see it going up again outside of the living story, and the new rewards are outstanding. But as I have stated in previous posts, I always looked at the daily/ monthly AP as a loyalty reward system.
What I will say is this. Anet seems to struggle with conflict. They give away freebees in the form of rewards for doing stuff we would in any case. Then starts wringing their hands in angst that people feel ‘forced’ to complete them. Basically the same people would complain if you put a bowl of ice cream in front of them and complain of (fill in blank space).
There I am wandering around Queensdale, and decide to pop into the hunting lodge (the one where the vet boar event pops) there. However, the bar tender is missing!
What mystery surrounds the missing Hunting Lodge bar tender? Was he kidnapped by thirsty bandits, or nefarious Kraitt intent to corner the market on illicit booze. Who knows, the truth is out there!
Will the collection for ’Acolyte of Dwayna ’, be rolled out to the other temples at some point*.
*Not asking when as that would be unrealistic due to scheduling etc.
Its not a bug, its members of your own party. First indication, the writing is in blue (they are colour coded) second indication the start of the lines begin with a P for Party.
Im afraid the OP is a victim of their own experiences. Yesterdays Challenge is today’s grind. There is no escape from that, no matter the amount of content you throw at people.
There have been several topics opned this week on Ogre Wars ( ), in Fields of Ruin. however I would like to debate the merits of making the champions in Ogre Wars have at least a greater health pool than they currently do.
The situation as it stands is like this. People do the pre events, talk to the NPC, then have to run full tilt to try to get to the champions before they die as there are people already camping the spawn areas.
It was more or less the same situation with the Shadow Behemoth and (to a lesser extent) the Jungle Wurm* a while back, where volunteers would do the pre, but hardly anyone was wiling to participate in those pre events, but rather camp the spawn area. At least in that situation the Behemoth and Jungle Wurm both had makeovers increasing their health pools to alleviate the problem.
- In the Jungle Wurms case it was not so much the pre and spawn camping was the problem rather if you looked at it harshly it died before many could tag it >>.
Try swapping weps and using them on thin air. Usually clears it
(edited by Shadey Dancer.2907)
On the challenge aggressive infiltration, on the first room, an unkillable champ golem spawned (the type with the Gatling guns). Got it down to 20% health twice on the same instance. It healed back up to 50% the first time, and on the second time back to 100% (instance done solo).
Update, the challenge mote makes the champ golem come on Aggressive Infiltration. No idea if its intended to be unkillable though.
(edited by Shadey Dancer.2907)
I know a lot of work has gone into them, and we all really appreciate it, honest. But, please, allow us to skip the cut scenes.
I go make a cuppa when they are on, but truthfully, there is only so much tea and coffee a guy can consume!
Chears GM Talon and the team, all sorted and good to go now.
Often wondered why the cursor was disabled on the ‘Show me’ function, on the story etc.
I realize before someone stomps on me that is a trivial matter, but having the cursor activated would mean we could travel whilst using the function, instead of as it is currently, having to come back out and relocate where it was it was pointing to.
*18 or older, for legal reasons
Curious how you would actually vet the age restriction.
Im starting to feel like a stuck record reporting bugs ^^. Seen the same behavior in the lfg tool.
Or at least thats what happening of the new map of SW. Running through the sand gives the appearance and sound of running through water. Should have brought my bucket and spade
My guild bank shows all the items greyed out,with a warning ! in red,preventing me form gaining access, even though I have full permissions.
Interesting interview, however.
“If you look at film, when film got started, people were not even allowed to talk in film. They didn’t have the technology,” Hoyer said. "As soon as film got the ability to have their characters talk, they very quickly stopped using text, because that was a storytelling medium from books.’
Unfortunately, it wasn’t very quickly. It was some time before sound was completely introduced, and in some instances there was hybridization eg The Jazz Singer
’They’ll still use it to this day in just the right way, like the opening to Star Wars and the like. But they use it very sparingly, and they use what they do best, this very visual medium that has sound in synch with it."
Think you will find, George Lucas deliberately did the scroll at the begging of Star Wars as a homage to Buck Rogers, as Stephen Speilberg and himself where avid fans of the Saturday morning films in cinemas, and wanted to bring back the same feeling.
I am sure she is very capable, and has an impressive résumé but for myself, it looked like a politicians answer, talk, but don’t actually answer any questions. This may be due to just getting into post and settling in, who knows, time will tell.
Currently if you are buying a recipe off the TP, if you have the craft on your character it is shown in green. If it not your craft it is in white. Proposal: If it not your craft have the writing for tailor / weapon-smith etc in red.
Clearly it was meant to have it in green to show you have it, so I can not see a reason to have a simple warning system like that to prevent people from buying stuff they cant use accidentally.
I would like to see a serious attempt at adopt a dev, with devs attempting to go to all the servers, over a period of months, including the undermanned ones, and then coming back and giving honest feedback, of the good, the bad and the ugly. At least that way they can see for themselves what is happening, because honestly, I don’t think they have a clue what it is like at the moment.
(edited by Shadey Dancer.2907)
Havn’t seen it mentioned yet so here goes. Its good. Really good. I actually look forward to hearing the score, when I’m not playing. So there!