May have been mentioned before, but cant seem to find it at the moment. Pathing or agro (not sure which) seems to be slightly buggy for the NPC’s in the maze in the latest LS. In my case, I cleared everything around myself for the four NPC’s, only to find, two of them had decided to go off on a ‘jolly’ the other side of the map (literally, they were off the limit of the mini map which was expanded to full), whist the other two stayed with me. I t was only after their apparent defeat did they re-spawn next to myself 30 – 45 secs later.
Sure he is not trying to corner the market on Krait Greatswords with a cunningly laid plan for market domination? !
Iv given up. If being repeatedly being punched in the face and told to be happy, then carry on. For myself, the last time i ventured into wvw was months ago, and only go into eotm now if my side is green. Do i miss it, sure, but not under these conditions.
Op, you have bigger problems. From that lower attachment preview it appears you have turned into, a Werewolf Werecharr. Beware the moon And could be much much worse, the tail could have been docked ‘ouch’.
I am okay with this particular design, as I’ve said earlier in this thread, other than its implementation as a Halloween costume and brushing aside all my problems with Cantha itself.
However, I find worrying that people are so quick to jump in shouting “it’s just a Halloween thing who cares” the moment people start discussing it, because it’s the same kind of defensiveness you see in people who find it fun to use blackface or wear feathered headdresses when told they’re being disrespectful, right before they shut down the conversation.
Fantasy and Cantha or not, the fact is inspiration is drawn from existing cultures. Please be open to discussion (or criticism, if it comes to that) on it, and be willing to accept that what seems ok to you as an outsider to those cultures can rub someone who knows and/or lives it wrong. People are allowed to say if something is wrong.
Note that this is not adressed to anyone in particular, but more a response to the tone of some of the posts I’m seeing in this thread. OP was wrong in saying the hat was a result of “not enough research”, as has been pointed out – but several people seem to see a general criticism of the costume and immediately jump on the “it’s just for fun/Halloween sheesh cool down” excuse, when it is not, in fact, a good excuse. If the issue had been that the hat was designed after a real life hat that had significant cultural meaning but was used here as a trivial matter and thus cheapened that culture for the sake of looking cool in a game, for example, would they have still used that excuse? Probably, and that’s what my issue is.
No, this is you making this a way bigger deal than it is.
First: “It’s just a Halloween costume” is no excuse for racism, and yes, it can be racism when you decide to generalize an entire continent with old stereotypes.
I sincerely hope you are not inferring that I am racist?
i think this thread is mad as a hatter. . .
Most sence I have read so far. Too many touchy feely ‘omg your racist’ type comments over, of all things a hat. Get over yourselves. It was a Halloween costume, and a great two week event, but some people will never be happy it seems.
When you say Asian, please be specific. The Asia area encompasses a huge area. If you are referring to the Halloween female costume, then Anet hit the bulls eye, as it is an accurate representation of Medieval Japanese peasant farmers rice straw hats. Also taking into consideration the close proximity of Japan to China, it is highly probable that this design was adopted from there, as it affords head protection, is relatively easy to make with readily available local resources. Unlike the picture indicated, peasants, would not have been able to afford the luxury of tightly wound stylish hats, that look like they came straight from a shop!
I enjoyed it, but it does need some tlc.
As has already been pointed out, The mad king says on villagers; the channel is too long and needs to be shortened. I would keep the teleports in for the ghosts, but lengthen if not entirely remove the radar blips of villagers. The reason being, at late game stage its brutally hard to stay alive as a villager, plus it encourages inter team play of the ghosts, instead of them (and I was as guilty as anyone) standing on tele pads waiting for a tel tale blip.
As for AP, well, seems a lot of jealously about AP yet again. AP is simple, you want it go for it, you don’t then don’t. When I hear arguments about AP it reminds of the same arguments about precursors. Others have them so we demand that we should have them! Sorry doesn’t work that way.
It’s because when I level up in real life, that happens.
(my shockwave is larger in real life though)
Thanks John. Seriously trying not to giggle my self silly here. Why am i having mental images of Tequatl Surfs up
I can understand regaining adrenaline, and max health, but why the blow out? If your ranged it wont matter, however, if your melee class, it is counter productive, unless your on the point of death, and in any case your returned to full health, and now have to run after the mobs, you were just trying to kill.
There is growing controversy over the hiding spot in the South East of the map, on a cliff there.
If a Dev would care to give a definitive opinion as to if this is a legitimate tactic, I am sure a lot of people would be very grateful, and hopefully put this in its grave, either way at last.
Thank you in advance.
Minor bug. The Halloween consumables such as candy corn Strawberry Ghost, Candy Corn Almond Brittle, etc can not be off loaded at an NPC merchant, but can be sold at the TP, but considering they are at the border of being under merch prices (which is kind of odd in itself as you can not merch it) makes it a bit—odd.
Needs to roll back. It was easy peasey before, and elegant. Anyone not able to work out how to use the previous system, would find it hard to use ANY system.
Not sure why your feeling sorry for yourself. All you have to ask is one basic question, ‘Did I enjoy myself?’. Only you can answer that. If you did, then all is good. As for AP, its open to all, if you want it go for it, if not, don’t. Either way, it does not make you a bad player.
(This part doesn’t apply to the OP but is on topic) There is a lot of pettiness about AP. Sweeping empty statements often put out there, that people who may or may not have it link AP to skill level, which is quite frankly ridiculous.
Many people out there are specialists in their field. IE, dedicated WvW players, who do not step out of WvW, will quite often have low AP, but know their craft inside out, same could be said for Fractals etc.
Being polite costs nothing. Some people seem to forget that past the pixels there are real human beings, and 99% would not dream of running up to strangers in the street and hurling abuse at them!
However, on a lighter side note (but related) reminds me of the time I was in EB last year. Friend of mine got killed, and I ressed him with my meager up level, to which he replied ‘Your an up-level! O-O’, completely missing the point, I was the one alive!
Nada, zip, not a single thing.
Why not change title to, ‘Why can’t we change GW2 to WoW’, because that’s what the OP is really saying.
This topic comes up from time to time, gets beaten to death, and eventually resurrected, usually on the pve forums, like some creature from the great beyond that just wont give up.
The GW2 business model is free to play, that is what made it different from all the other ‘pay to play’ mmos, and is still one of its major selling points, and unfortunately the devs have to step into topics like this to remind everyone of exactly that point.
Topics like this automatically assume that if you throw enough money at anything, everything will be fine and dandy. With that theory we should be living on Mars already! (Probably a bad analogy, but you get the point)
All the OP’s ‘ranting’ (his words) about ‘cheap-skate players’ wont change a single thing. But I am sure that wont stop him>>.
I like ice cream, you like ice cream? Who doesn’t. But the same flavor ice cream day after day for over two years? That’s the way I feel about WvW (and the tournament) at the moment. (Although the rewards were a nice touch at least).
Buy a stable server!
WvW and EOTM have both been suffering from mass lag/ mass drop outs. Anet is aware and Gaile is looking into it.
Well, its over two years now, and it would seem that one of consistent things about the Big J event is, its a tale of two groups in the second half. One part being the ones running around desperately trying to keep the ice shards down, to let the golems through, the other half, stacked on the right hand side, pressing one, whilst seeming munching down on a heros sandwhich, doing, well, not very much.
So here is the question, is it about time, Big J was made immune to all types of damage on the golem phase, until it is fully vulnerable? I can no see any other way to get the message across. After all, there is even verbal instructions from the NPC there in what to do, which is ignored>>. And don’t even try to say protect the golems, unless you like having a troll target painted on your back!
A while back, going through metrica, cant really remember why i was there, nothing special, just bumbling around, during Halloween. Came accross two or three NPC’S talking about the Mad King, so stopped to listen. One of them , if memory serves had an old style gramophone, and was on a low built stage.
It kind of blew me away, that very few people would ever see it as it was in a not much frequented part of the map. So will be popping back to try and find it this year ^^.
(just barely qualifies on this topic, but was in the mood to share )
(edited by Shadey Dancer.2907)
OK here is a tip—time to man up, stop acting the victim and stand your ground!
People are pretty quick on the uptake, if you tell them not to chat to you because your busy, in a polite manner, they usually respond well.
As for people being a nuisance, the block function is there for a purpose—use it! (doesn’t have to even be a permanent block, sometimes people need space to cool down).
As for this little gem:-
And if you were to keep re-adding and conversations became a problem for me I would have all the more reason to file a report.
I would be very, very careful of filing malicious reports because, you were having a bad day, without solid justification. It may well end bad for yourself!
Having said all that, I am curious as to the disparity with what you have written. Judging from the vitriol , I am amazed at your followers.
If your character is facing directly into the camera, ie, looking directly at you, pressing the W (forward by default) causes it to run, not away, but towards the direction it is looking. This does not happen every time by any means, but it when it does, it can leave you with your heart in your mouth, especially next to ledges etc.
This is not entirely new. Noticed this behavior months back, but paid it no heed thinking it must be there for a purpose, but seems to be becoming more apparent.
Well somehow—iv reached 10k AP in daily’s—-pretty sure its a bug and submitted a ticket for it.
However, as I am now currently not gaining anything by doing dailies, its had an interesting affect on me, in that, I feel directionless.
I’m not complaining, its their game , their rules, they can do what they want, which I accept. But I used to look on daily’s/ monthlies as a form of loyalty reward scheme. Now I feel like my services are no longer required>>. Guess its time to dig the garden!
Logged on this morning, started my daily, needed 2 AP points for my next level. They were accruing—but not on my total tally.
(support ticket submitted)
(edited by Shadey Dancer.2907)
Been asked over and over and beaten to death. I would like it but does not look promising.
Things people keep bringing up against it—-combat—omg—-it would destroy game play by going first person—answer—really? Are people that dense they would be unable to use their mouse wheels to scroll out?
Having it as it is makes people more ‘involved’ with their characters—-Really? Don’t know where the person who thought that one up got their PHD in Psychology, but they need a refund! Plenty of games have first person views and don’t suffer from ‘non-involvement with their characters’.
Its the way the game was made—-leave it alone——well we could say that about any aspect of the game. If a minor thing like first person view enhances the game for some, to take screenshots and jumping puzzles, how is that impacting the majority of the player base negatively? Answer—its not!
And one final—minor point—-we had first person view in Guild Wars 1. Yes this is Guild Wars 2, but technology has moved on, so come on guys—-how about it—please.
I would be happier if the content was more interesting and engaging—hey—you asked
Pet Evolution/ pet training. Because it made you connected to your pet in an active way, i felt more of an emotional bond with my pets, than I currently do.
To para phrase—-‘This is my pet, there are many like it, but this is mine!’ (should be past tense, but you get the picture).
PS—-they had proper fireworks back then—the ones we have now are pathetic in comparison.
(edited by Shadey Dancer.2907)
Weapons bought with WvW badges used to be able to be salvageable, via the Mystic Forge, way back, in the mists of time (throw four in, salvage what you get out). The last I heard a dev was looking into why we cant any more. That was when I was still young, and not the shell of a man I have become!
Someone pass the walking frame please.
Whole bunch of us including the comm got dc’d from eotm—-twice in approx 30 mins, plus huge lag spikes experienced simultaneously, (easy to tell via map chat).
*Nothing particularity new in this—-however today was the worst I have seen it.
(edited by Shadey Dancer.2907)
The auto part of lightening pull, is transporting too short, and missing platforms. Tested on Norn, made sure was not hit with any skills.
Please, leave well alone. They have been removed from beginner areas already. If they remove them from level 40 areas, next they will be making Arah a tele-tubby area only.
I have salvaged like > 500 items.. and then I get a basic salvage kit as reward for level 38 ?? Is this really a reward or is Arenanet making fun of us !! ??
It appears there are two basic arguments running parallel here, the first being the above OP’s post, and some of the long term players posts on gating.
OP, level 38 reward is not for you salvaging 500 items, it is for reaching level 38. You would have had that regardless of how you reached level 38.
Personally I like it, not so much the salvage kit, you can get those any place but the free buff, its a nice touch, which we didn’t have before. The exotic drops around the level 75 mark are very much appreciated.
Whilst we are on the subject, we mite as well complain about getting freebies from the TP —--any takers—- thought not>>. Seems to me this is a benefit of the new system, what ever your views may be.
So there i am—skipping merrily along Altar Brook Vale, and to my horror I see a Tamini Death marker. A sudden shudder went down my spine as I witnessed the sheer brutality of the Tamini an what they do to their victims—because, dear reader—-on top of the Death Marker was——nothing.
It looks like the Tamii have developed a sence of irony in that the Death Markers no longer have skulls on them, but are mere sticks in the ground. Rumor has it that in the never ending tide of battle, the Tamini High Command will go a step further and replace the Spike traps with bubble wrap.
Basically—you cant. Once it starts channeling, you cant evade until it finishes, leaving you completely open to attack.
Wiki description states ‘Movement will cancel this skill while channeling’, no mention about evade, so guessing this is new.
I would like to address this issue ‘Dropping siege on top of legitimate siege build sites’.
I am sure many of us here have seen dropped siege rams (in particular) placed legitimately, by commanders etc, only to be frustrated in being unable to actually construct them, without difficulty. This is because, in the main, the footprint of frames are too big. Put 5 rams on a gate and it becomes a real effort to build them. Click on a construction site is not 100% reliable to build it, ie its more like—edge forward 1 inch—to the left 2 inches—nearly there—got it—-ouch missed—back 3 inches—-where was i again?>>.
Just a FYI. Post by a dev months ago (no—im not going to dig for it—-if some enterprising individual wants to—go for it) that yes, ranged weapons hit further than their posted descriptions.
If memory serves, this was because to accommodate terrain features/ contours/ bumps etc, that a projectile has to traverse, they had to do it this way. If they did not have it thus, projectile weapons would fall-short of their range descriptions, and would end up in the opposite predicament.
Hope that helps some.
Please note that;
Signet of the Wild
Signet of the Hunt
Both does NOT increase your dmg.
They actualy Decrease DMG…
RoyalPredator, I would recommend you make a separate post for that, or its likely it will be missed, or at the very least delayed in seeing by a dev, thinking on passing that its part of the frost spirit bug post.
Same problem. Screen goes black, although I can still see the GW2 cursor and move it.
(same specs)
Savage Leap (short sword second skill) is behaving oddly when activated. Instead of heading in a direct line when running forward, it behaves as if your hitting and invisible object and bouncing off to the side (no target selected) towards the end of the leap.
A somewhat minor glitch for the most part. Positively lethal on bridges and narrow ledges of eotm!
Why would you want someone in your party that is a low level? They can’t use skills or traits.
Because I get a kick out of helping people, nothing more, nothing less. I take into consideration the party make up and their levels, and know my limitations, so it wont be a farce.
One thing I do notice though, 99% of the time, low levels enjoy the experience, which in turn gives me a buzz, where as guys who have done it hundreds of times, look on it as a business. That is fine, but I would rather spend free time with the former group rather than the latter.
Dear OP,
I feel your pain. I too have been a victim of said camping, but on this occasion it has sunk to new levels of depravity. There I was flying around minding my own business, when I saw a party of revelers having a good time, so naturally I decided to drop in and partake of the festivities.
No sooner had I arrived when things turned very nasty indeed and the revelers revealed their true nature and immediately started to attack me. Needless to say I tried, unsuccessfully to communicate my desire to join in the party by inviting a few friends and some party crystals, but to no avail, I eventually flew off in disgust.
This has to stop, signed—-The Shatterer
The new tab targeting, when you target closest thing, which previously was the closest thing on your screen, appears to be behaving as target ‘anything’ that is closest, including doors in wvw, and basically anything that mite be a threat (how a door falls into this category is beyond me).
I haven’t seen anything in the patch notes on this so am assuming its one of those silent updates, but oh boy, it sure is irritating!
Anyone else experience the same?
- ps—-including stuff behind you off screen (re read my post and realized i hadn’t made that point clear—apologize)
(edited by Shadey Dancer.2907)
The shatterer commanders (?) voice doesn’t match what is actually going on since the change of the Pulsating Crystals, ie he says something along the lines of ‘break them out of the crystals’, only—there are no crystals, as they spawn less now.
(I realize that there’s a lot to get through debugging the recent patch, so realistically this is a FYI only, plus its been like that quite a while now so hardly a priority )
In eotm, hitting the ogre champ boss—-and with beserker stance activated, i was losing adrenalin faster than i could gain it (ie it went up, filled half an adrenalin bar, then fell off immediately).
This is the second bug in exactly the same place on exactly the same boss iv reported.
This reminds me of one other thing about the progeny heart changes. Didnt the inquest used to talk to you before you fought them? I thought the recruiters would say things like, “we’ll help you gain power unrestricted by petty morals” or something along those lines, and your character would soundly reject them. Now you just interact with them and they’re automatically threatening/picking a fight.
Am I remembering this wrong?
Why would that world building/depth be removed? The Inquest have always been obviously amoral but isn’t that a little early to be saying “here, evil thing, hit”…?
Your memory modules are in perfect working order
Read this, so had to have a looky at the progeny heart. After a quick run past, my first impressions, if I was a brand new out of the box beginner——Why is this place so empty?
I am afraid this is appears as classic example of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing. One the one hand we had the mega servers, which was, on the whole a good thing, as, as was quite rightly pointed out made the place seem a busy, vibrant game. Then on the other hand, the Progeny heart is moved to who knows where (I didn’t bother searching for it—-why should I? An absolute beginner would be completely unaware of its presence in any case), and in its place is replaced with—-nothing. If they had tumble weed blowing through that area would be more fitting, with a big sign—-‘Move along please—Nothing to see here’.