Can you make a screen?
I don’t understand what a player could have inside 14 Bank tabs.
Pretty sure the OP said his/her friends were interested in playing in Core Tyria, thus he/she was looking for (just)Core editions.
They are out there, for about half the cost of Core+either expansion.
Good luck.
F2p core game and looking for severa base accounts?
You shouldn’t buy this dude
Cause maybe He wants accounts for daily login farm.
Would be really nice.
But He has a point.
If your connection goes down 1 time per month, you can obviously understand and accept 15 mins of dishonor.
If your connection drops many times in a day, you shouldn’t be playing with other ppl, cause you know you are possibly going to ruin their game.
Didn’t know.
Thank you.
I want everything 50% off.
Got 4k gems from pof to use.
So it’s a renegarbage.
Open World exploration.
It was always worth it, to me.
Dueling should be made in a specific spvp area imho.
If the players really do want a 1v1 mode, then there should it be.
This, for many reasons:
-spvp skills are meant for pvp ( at least, more balanced than pve’s )
-no armor/offsets differences
-no infusions
-no food/oil/potions/buffs
-no rng sigils ( like air/fire/blood… etc… )
-balanced stats ( and somehow you have to trade for something in order to get something. no more celestial for an instance. On the other hand, pve will allows players to build "hybrid builds ).
Think i didn’t forget anything.
tldr: up for a 1v1 mod ( otherwise you can buy a private server and use it ), but not openworld/wvw. Would be a waste of time.
Twitchers ( sorry, i forgot to link )
First impression: Wow.. Mesmer really didn’t get much this time. Hope it gets better.
…[Illusionary Ambush] , [Axes of Symmetry] and [Jaunt] all failed to remove Deadeye’s Mark. This renders deception basically useless against a Deadeye. Once again, Mesmers are being set out as thief food.
Currently deadeye is not the best build, so maybe deception skills could be not that viable but still could be able to deal with him.
It’s a first impression, but i really doubt that mesmers will have hard times against deadeye…
Would grant indeed more builds and possibilities…
…daredevil build with rifle could be worth a shot.
I just saw sindrenerr and phantaram for a few and…
i know the release is not tomorrow but still
Seems insane, what do you think?
Could you please bring back this sometimes?
Mystic Forge:
- Let us queue up repeated mystic forge transmutations instead of having to re-add the items over and over.
- Remember forged items (MF recipes) so we don’t constantly have to jump in and out of the game to look things up on the wiki. The discovery aspect is only fun the first time. Also let us just find recipes for high-level stuff like legendaries that we just look up on the wiki. We shouldn’t have to leave the game to play it.
- Let us access the bank from the mystic forge panel. Ideally this would function as it does in the crafting panel (and in conjunction with MF recipes), but at least add an access tab so we can move relevant items to inventory without running back and forth to the bank.\
- Expand the left panel. We need more space for manipulating the panels, rather than a giant, mostly empty art panel that has no function.
Totally agree!
Less time sink, and more time spent playing.
HoT map completion gives you a gift used for HoT legendaries ( it’s a single gift, not a 2x like the old legendaries ).
-It works for elite skills if they are part of a specific category ( since months, Guild Thieves is a deception skill ).
-It is pure rng ( i also use the trap, so i can summon up to 6 thieves ), so if you got 2 out of 2 reset you are lucky ( if is the cd you needed ofc ).
It’s a waste they do “no damage” ( a signet of power is way better ) at all, but still my favourite setup \o
shrug Many players avoid mobs with stealth teleports and swiftness regardless of mounts. Have you ever done dungeon or fractal runs? People avoided mobs whenever they wanted to.
That’s what i am talking about.
There’s no need to push in that specific direction with mounts too ( glider also did his part indeed ).
For dungeons/fract they should have done something like “if you aggro, mobs follow you till the end of cave”.
Don’t get me wrong, you save time up and this is great… but would be better a major reward and a dungeon run how it should be.
Part of the content ( exploration, dungeons, fractals, etc… ) is made for… nothing?
Since you can skip whatever you want ( or exploit through mechanics ).
That’s it.
Here’s dulfy’s timer
Avoiding places in terms of “there’s a pull between me and the cave and i can’t avoid it nor kill em. Oh wait, with that specific mount i could avoid em”.
If you avoid the plain full of enemies and reach directly the cave, for an instance, it’s not skipping exploration, but having a easier one.
Moving around is exploration. Walking is just one of the ways to explore.
Depends if mounts could allow you to exploit and avoid fights/places.
If so, it will be still exploration, but way less than walking.
Dear ANET, when we said that we wanted back S/D we didn’t mean as an unskilled condition build
Btw, I know that ANET would like to give each class a decent condition build, but would be nice not to transform what rest of spvp into a “major” condition war ( they finally did great with sigils modifies ).
As for PVE , i guess physical dmg builds ( for thieves ) will remain top tier.
This box only covers the first half of LS1. Scarlet’s Champion pack was released in March 2014
Didn’t know that.
Still it is correct to say that currently there’s no way to get those miniatures, right?
Or maybe sometimes are they put into the black lion shop?
I just “came back” yesterday.
Too bad there’s no chance to get the miniature set needed for mini armored scarlet.
Currently the only way is through
but as wiki says
These blooms ( Currency needed in order to buy stuff ) are found on Mordrem invading Tyria. When Mordremoth launches an invasion, do everything in your ability to fight its minions back.
Talk more option tango.png
Have there been any recent reports of invasions?
We have not received any reports of new Mordrem invasions in Tyria.
ANET, could you please add it?
Or, if anybody knows a way which i don’t know, please tell me.
Could be really useful.
could be fine but still i am worried about queue time.
easy, form your own team and enter queue as a party instead of relying on the stupid match making system.
good idea i am just surprised that people do not take advise from long times pvpers because odds are they can make a big difference
is quite something to read complaing about who plays ranked with a build like this
Usually there could be problems about leading up a team or simply communicate with it, but as said before you can do only 2 things about:
-1 play your class at your best ( build/role/writing at your team )
-2 set up a premade and try to improve with em.
edit: i find unbecoming when some1 dare to queue with his own fanta build and ends up to ruin the game as some1 who does not listen to the team or reject cooperation.
Gyro spawns oftens below the ground so you can’t see it (nor target for that matter).
They could remove it tbh, instead trying to fix it.
Mother of Tyria
Shortly ( i know it won’t be short, but really i’ll try to be shorter than ever ).
SPvP has issues due to many things:
-Bad Behavior ( AFK, DISC, FEED, TOXIC )
About Balances there’s nothing we can do about ( and i guess the SPvP team has its own issues about what “can” or “cannot” be done ), except give em suggestions or simply “feedbacks” about the game.
But what about Matchmaking and Bad Behavior?
I have to adming, due to the specific game ( competitive + soloq ), sometimes i feel the way that the most you feel.
So i was thinking about it… and ended up to considerate the best way to “fix” this problem.
To avoid both matchmaking and bad behavior issues, why don’t we all try cooperate and work about a guild in terms of “Census”?
I mean, who wants to play, learn and cooperate with others instead of Playing solo, why don’t we make anything to have a “list” of potential partners which we can queue up?
You don’t have to rappresent the guild ofc.
Just try follow me:
-Check on the guild who is online and make up a party to queue with.
-Also, try to cooperate with a voice chat would be nice too.
If some1 is not good enough you can simply train him or give him advices ( i would like to give and receive advices, but still i don’t like the toxic way, which bring negativity into the entire team ), and it will turn into an improvement both of the single player and the entire team.
I would like to discuss with you about it.
And also trying to find people who would like to share the game with others as a better coop game
i love steaks… mhhh…
im sorry cause your pc has issues, but the fact is:
People with connection/pc problem or no time ( you don’t know if you have time enough for a match? Don’t join Ranked) should have respect for the others, and just play unranked.
And would be nice if ANET starts to warn at first and, if recidive, permaban players who continue to ruin games to others.
I also dislike dishonour, cause it count nothing and is not enough to prevent players bad behavior.
Whining about thief only hard cc.
It’s an elite for a single target 1sec stun that has a very long cast time and a buff on the target to show its on.
To me, Nocta said everything.
1 sec cast.
Elite skill with 45 sec cd.
On status bar.
well, 1 charge and 30 sec cd would be nice too.
Agree with lighter ( tempest should also be ok, but i will chose druid tbh ).
Also get ready to switch class before game starts if needed.
Are thieves atm into meta?
Always d/p build?
(edited by Shirlias.8104)
Great idea dude.
Good luck with it.
Hi everybody,
season 3 is started and we, me and some friends, are looking for some players to fill our premade.
we would like to set up 1 d/week in the evening, and the only other requirement is to have skype.
It will not be a tryhard team, but something to have more fun than random pug games.
PM if interested or write down for info.
Limited to X players could be ok but:
-No players from premades are allowed to be legends
-No players from stronghold are allowed to be legends.
Balances are not meant to spvp.
All modifies are up to pve.
The only thing who can work about the spvp team are necks, or the aviability of runes/sigils.
The first you accept it the fast you can proceed the step ahead, which is
“cause lack of players the matchmaking works like” :
- Random classes put together instead 1x ( u can see 2x in both teams ). Still no1 knows why u can find 3 thieves vs 3 guardians insteam mixing team up.
- Premades vs Pug
- Stronghold, a pve map, in the same league of Spvp maps
“then you can aim for making up a premade with broken classes/setups, using voice chat”
That’s it.
Thank you Doc.
Last question: Have i to create a f2p account and then uppgrade it or can i create a new one directly?
I’m planning to buy an old copy of gw2 ( not expansion ) due to daily login reward.
It will count as an old standard account or as f2p ( no daily login reward ) plus heroic edition bonus, for instance?
Thanks, I won’t report them then, maybe I’ll do it myself lol
As PyrateSilly said, gw and gw2 are 2 different games.
But ANET is working on a Remastered GW ( with gw2 Graphic and some tiny new features ).
Here you can find a short anticipation
Just bought the SAB glider which is very nice.
But i’m disappointer that it can’t be colored ( you should add a tag into stuff which cannot be colored ).
We have 4 SAB weapon colors atm, so it’s unfair we re not able to color our glider.
A lot of you may already know that … but I wondered why they chose orange as the color for the new Kaiser Snake weapons when we already had yellow ones … but then it hit me. It’s the item quality codes.
fine > masterwork > rare > exotic > ….
blue > green > yellow > orange > pink > purpleSo we may see pink SAB weapons next year?
Very Nice.
The real problem is to wait for 3 years for pink and 6 years for purple.
If a player start and the SAB end while his achievement is x/8, when SAB will be back he will resume the achievement or it will restart?
They should allow instead to join an existant game, like dungeons, raids, etc…
Pay and get no chest drop but only token is not worth it.!%22
Despite the January 26th, 2016 rework, activating this shout still prevents capture-point contribution.