Showing Posts For Shufflepants.9785:

How is Bone Pick worth buying?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


Without touching a calculator I can’t wrap my mind around how much farming someone would need to do for the Bone Pick to be worth it.

Orichalcum Mining Pick is only 4 silver.

Can someone explain to me why I would want it other than bag space (which I always have a ton of).

Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon
Or ask the grinning bob cat why he grins
Can you sing with all the voices of the mountain
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind

But in all seriousness, most people who buy these things do so for the convenience, not the monetary benefit. It’s most certainly a monetary loss, but if all you value is monetary gain, then I would ask: with money, can you paint with all the colors of the wind?

Players stealing from guild bank

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


What the OP means by ‘permission’ is that the ‘thief’ didn’t ASK THEM if he could take the stuff. He obviously had guild permissions via rank.

Just a bad choice of words.

Sorry, you’re SOL.

And what I’m saying is that they already gave him implicit permission to take what ever he wants by giving him guild permission via rank. If they wanted people to have to ask first, they shouldn’t give him permission via rank at all. They should have people ask and then manually dole out what they want themselves.

A question about GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


That’s why people say “permanent content”, not just “content”.

I’ve seen plenty of people claim “temporary content” doesn’t even count as “content”.

Players stealing from guild bank

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


ArenaNet never involves itself in guild issues. You can submit a ticket, but it will not do much for you.
(However, if the person who stole from the guild bank did other things, like spamming or verbal abuse or somesuch, you can report them for that in-game.)

People taking stuff from guild bank section without access isn’t a guild, but a feature issue.

It’s a guild issue because the OP is mistaken that the player didn’t have permission. If they were able to remove something, clearly they did.

Players stealing from guild bank

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


with out permission

NOPE. Players without permission are incapable of removing anything from a bank. Some one in your guild must have given him permission.

A question about GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


making the game harder and nerfing gold farming methods accomplishes two things

1. people who are dedicated players who like to farm for stuff will quite, making server load lighter

Or, you know, people who like to farm will have to look for a different place to farm. Like, you know, maybe the frostgorge champ train which was already more profitable than the queensdale one. The only champ trains that were destroyed were the ones in the lvl 1-15 zones. And besides, champtrain farming of any kind never was the fastest way to farm gold. Doing dungeons is far better for that.

2. people who aren’t so dedicated but still want gold will end up spending even more money on buying gold because it’s now impossible to make gold by playing the game

Or, people will have to find a different way to make money in the game. They still exist, they’re just slightly less mindnumbing.

it’s very easy to understand these kind of situations once you face the fact that it’s all about the money

You’re right that it is about the money, but you’re wrong about it being so easy to understand since you got it wrong about how it’s about the money.
They didn’t destroy the champtrain in queensdale to prevent players from making money (since there are still plenty of other ways to make money that made more than the champtrain in queensdale before the changes), they did it to adjust the experience of the game for new players and they’ve said as much. When a new player loads up the game and sets off into queensdale for the first time, their initial encounters with the champtrain can have a few negative affects. For one, players who mostly ignore the train and just go around doing what they encounter would often stumble upon one of the champs in the train and start trying to kill it. Then, when some one from the train noticed or show up to find their champ already dead, the new player gets accosted with all sorts of insults and negativity because their train was “ruined”. This leads to a very negative experience with the game and could make the player think that all this awful negativity is indicative of the community at large and lead them to quit. Secondly, a new player may stumble upon the champ train early on and become informed on how the champtrain works and being told that it’s a good way to level and make money and get caught up in doing it. They might end up leveling a great deal in just queensdale and make it a considerable way to 80 without ever really learning how to play the game or seeing what the game’s about. Then once they try other content, the state of their gear/traits/skill will leave them unequipped and everything will seem far too complicated and difficult because they’ve just been champ training for so long already. With the train killed, they likely won’t see or even hear about a champtrain until they are much higher level and have things more figured out.

inb4 “omg how dare anet try to make money blah blah blah”

yes, anet deserves money for content. however, taking present content and making it harder is not content, and therefore not deserving of money.

it’s sad to say that i’m thinking about leaving too, for wildstar

This most recent couple of patches weren’t even pretending to be new content. The bazaar was intended to fill 3 primary purposes:
Give players who missed the bazaar and pavillion before a chance to do it.
Give players at least a little something to bridge the gap till Living Story Season 2 starts.
Give players who missed various meta-achievement rewards another chance to earn them.

The “real content” starts coming out again July 1.
(inb4 Living Story isn’t content because it isn’t all permanent. Just because it isn’t content that you personally like and just because all of it isn’t permanent doesn’t mean it’s not content. Do people even know what the word content means??)

Festival of the Four Winds Shenanigans!

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


It is possible to get to the very top. There are screens/videos of it from the previous festival.

It was possible last year. Last year the now intangible beams were tangible. It is no longer possible to climb to the top because of this odd change.

Stacks disappear underwater

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


Just noticed this also, what happened did anet go all RP and decide that water washes off the blood or something? mind boggles.

[EDIT Update] Just bought a Sigil of Bloodlust for one of my underwater weps, now I do not lose the stacks. Maybe this is actually an intended change.

Does the sigil on the underwater weapon need to be the same quality of sigil to maintain the stacks, or can I put a Superior Sigil of Bloodlust on my greatsword and a Minor Sigil of Bloodlust on my spear and keep my stacks?

Indomitable => control builds useless

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


Contradictory game design

They nerf zerker because DPS builds are too powerful.
A few weeks later, they’re nerfing boon duration making support builds less powerful
A few weeks later, they’re introducing indomitable making control builds worthless

They wonder why there’s so much hostility on the forums. Make up your mind and quit constantly contradicting yourselves.

No DPS, No buffs, No control.
Gemshop only.
Final Destination.

I haven’t seen that reference in quite some time. Thank you for that, it made my day

Questions about Conditions/Regen

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


Scenario 1:
Yes, 3 seconds of low damage, then 2 seconds of high damage.

Scenario 2:
All 8 stacks will tick for their respective damage every second of their individual durations. So, assuming alice’s bleeds last 5 seconds and Bob’s bleeds last 10 sec, and all 8 stacks were applied at the same time, the enemy would experience 5 ticks of low damage and 3 ticks of high damage every second for 5 seconds, then 3 ticks of high damage every second for another 5 seconds.

Scenario 3:
I actually don’t remember whether new stacks cannot be applied at 25 or whether new stacks overwrite any stacks that have a lower duration, but the situation would be symmetric.

Scenario 4:
The effectiveness of regeneration ON a player is determined by the healing power of player it is on. So, if you apply regen to a player, it uses their healing power.

Sanctum sprint and the aspects are so broken

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


You know that other players can mess with how the aspects work during the race?

Could you specify how? So I can work around it.

The buff “Grounded” can be quite the life saver. You can get it by picking up the little bags that have a white shield on a blue background. It will show up as an available skill where your healing skill would be. When you activate it, the next bad thing (fake buff, gale, lightning stun) that hits you in the next few seconds will be negated and have no affect on you. So, if you pick up a “grounded” buff, then the next time you see the lightning forming over your head, or you see a buff that doesn’t seem to belong where it is that you can’t go around, you can activate your buff and walk right through unharmed. But note, to really avoid fake power-ups you really have to have a good knowledge of where all the real power-ups are supposed to be so that you can tell it’s fake since you have to activate grounded before hand and it only lasts for a few seconds.

Sanctum sprint and the aspects are so broken

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


Things such as when i go into light aspect as soon as I come out of lightening aspect it shoots me backwards, dropping me off a cliff and losing me the race

Are you aware that players can pick up a power up that allows them to drop a fake buff that looks like one of the augmented aspect power buffs but it knocks you back when you get close to it? Are you sure you weren’t just running into a fake buff?

or the light aspect not cancelling when i clearly cancelled it. Sometimes I move about 200 metres while in light aspect even when i tried to cancel it.

As stated by another poster, if you pick up one of the orange crystals it makes your light aspect go farther and faster. And if you pick up an augmented light aspect buff, your next light aspect will go about 3 times as far, and I think with the added length, it gives the cooldown enough time to come up so that if you try to cancel it right at the end of the path, you can end up re-activating your light aspect instead of cancelling the one that was just finishing anyway.

Lightening aspect is just as bad, throwing me off cliffs and into places I never even targetted

As for the places you didn’t target, if you’re near by one of the lightning aspect lightning rod things, your #3 skill will change slightly and will pull you towards the lightning rod, could this be what’s happening?

and when I’m moving point to point it still cant do it! Dropping me mid jump! FIX THE kittenING THING!!!

Are you aware that there are two picked up weapons that other players can cast that can have a considerable aoe range that can stun or knock you out of the air? If you get hit with either of these mid-flight it will knock you out of the air. Are you sure you are not getting hit with one of these?

Make shields more popular

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


Or, let some classes be able to main hand shields, or DUAL WIELD SHIELDS.

Damage Meters and Inspect Commands

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


And remember, you are completely free to build a guild or group of like minded friends who also wish to minmax their dungeon runs and you can play with the same group of people day to day. And that way you can always be sure people are geared properly without having to check

You are completely free to build a guild or group of like minded friends who don’t want to minmax their dungeon runs and you can play with the same group of people day to day. And that way you don’t have to be sure people are geared properly without having to check

Oh good, so you agree with my reasoning that the current system is sufficient to accommodate players of all play styles and that we don’t need gear inspection or dps meters in order to do so!

Everyone pack everything up! The debate has been solved!

Not it’s not. I will never get this playerbase’s resistance to additional features and content. Seemingly all because it will lead to hurt feelings and a loss of anonymity. When people can see someone ruining world boss events by running around, spamming 1 in a snowflake build, it becomes a lot less appealing to do that, eh?

This is exactly why we need instanced content, and not this megaserver-megablob garbage.

So, you just don’t buy that dps meters and gear inspection will lead to a more elitism and a more negative community. But the evidence of this is writ large. All one needs to do is to look at the communities of other games that have these features and compare them to this game. A lot of the players of this game don’t want this kind of elitism and negativity in the game and the developers of this game have made it quite clear that they want to foster a more harmonious community wherever possible.

Damage Meters and Inspect Commands

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


And remember, you are completely free to build a guild or group of like minded friends who also wish to minmax their dungeon runs and you can play with the same group of people day to day. And that way you can always be sure people are geared properly without having to check

You are completely free to build a guild or group of like minded friends who don’t want to minmax their dungeon runs and you can play with the same group of people day to day. And that way you don’t have to be sure people are geared properly without having to check

Oh good, so you agree with my reasoning that the current system is sufficient to accommodate players of all play styles and that we don’t need gear inspection or dps meters in order to do so!

Everyone pack everything up! The debate has been solved!

Stop zerging on Crown Pavillion!!!!!!

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


Telling people to stop zerging on the forums is useless. I’d wager that 90% or more of the people who are still zerging in crown pavillion and who don’t read or don’t listen to map chat have never even visited the forums once.

Damage Meters and Inspect Commands

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


And remember, you are completely free to build a guild or group of like minded friends who also wish to minmax their dungeon runs and you can play with the same group of people day to day. And that way you can always be sure people are geared properly without having to check

Fortune ticket scraps

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


It seems there IS a bug with Golden Fortune Scraps. I met some one in map chat that couldn’t see the option “I have one of the limited-time claim tickets” option at the black lion weapon specialist even though he has a Golden Fortune Scrap in his starter backpack. And I can also confirm that the BLWS has a tab that takes Golden Fortune Scraps still, but I was able to get the option with regular Fortune Scraps.

Is ranger in a terrible place right now?

in Ranger

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


I’m surprised that so many feel that rangers are useless or rally fodder in a zerg. I just recently got my ranger up to 80 and decked out in full berzerker with a LB/GS build and I’ve been having a blast doling out 3k auto crits and Barrages from 1500 units away. And then I’ve got the GS there to high tail out of there with #3 if they start to get too close.

What happened ? I just don’t find any real reason to play

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785



Is that even content ? That is nothing… it’s been 2 years, not 6 months… 2 years and this is all they could do ? Looking at other games you can see that in 2 years they’ve released one or even two expansions, not bug fixes, not UI and map improvements but real expansions that keep people interested…. You know an mmo needs people to actually “work”, people need to be interested in the game in order to stay, content keeps players interested… so no real content = less interest = less money for the game company. You really think that by supporting this stupid (in my opinion) policy that Anet has adopted you’re really helping the game ? If no one complains then nothing changes. I’m not saying that GW2 is a bad game, but I am saying that it needs real, permanent content to stay alive…

6 months? You expect all of that to be released in 6 months? Holy time scales, Batman! You do realize that those other games you’re thinking of that supposedly released more in 6 months were most likely working on most of the stuff that was released for far longer than 6 months it’s just that they didn’t release it piece-meal, they saved it up to release all at once. I think there is very little that ANet released after launch but already had significant progress on before launch. They spent most of their time up to launch finishing what was gonna come out on release. It may not have been permanent content, but including all the Living Story releases, ANet has produced easily an expansion worth of stuff.
You say an MMO needs new content to keep people coming back and interested, but that is exactly what the LS stuff is designed to do. No other MMO has new content every 2 weeks for any stretch of time. They spend 2 years working on an expansion with nothing but balance changes and bug fixes in the mean time, and then they put most of the best content behind a gear grind that forces you to grind the same couple of dungeons over and over for weeks until you can even manage the next dungeon all to keep you busy on the same content until 2 years down the line when they have another real content release.

Fully ascended: now what?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


Do you have full ascended of every stat combination? Work on your condition set or clerics or what have you.

Caladbolg buyable skin

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785



I can’t believe I’ve never heard (read) that one before! If I haven’t because you just came up with it, nice one! You gave me a nice little laugh.

I usually see it called “Saladbowl”.

PvE Dueling

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


Allow dueling in PvE, but only at the end of Arah path 4.

Strange skill behaviour in World vs World

in WvW

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


1- I don’t play my thief much, but I do know Dagger Storm is in fact the only reflect skill the profession has.

In fact it is not. The stolen item that you steal from warriors (note OP is a warrior) is Whirling Axe which also reflects projectiles. I’ve totally used that to reflect back a kill shot from a warrior (although not from stealth).

Fiery Dragon Sword aura is too big :(

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


Scale up Jormag’s Breath to match, that’s the correct answer.


We need a villian player race

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


We need a villain race in game. Like in a galaxy far far away, sometimes you just want to be Sith. LA/Bioware said they were blown away by how many players chose the Dark Side at launch. We have Charr, but they are on the “Good Side”. Either we need a new villain player race or possibly have a split between Sylvari and the other races because of Scarlet. Have a real civil war.

Thoughts? Sometimes I just don’t want to wear the white hat, ya know?

Are you saying that an entire race could be villainous? That’s racism, my friend. There are good humans and bad human, good Charr and bad Charr. Don’t judge a Charr until you’ve pet them.

Seems Everyone doesnt like thier class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence where there are better players than you.

Furocity= gear Re Roll

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


I also don’t see the complaints about celestial. Yeah, celestial lost a good amount of crit damage, but it gained some of everything else. More power, more precision. Has anyone even done the math to see whether the changes to celestial gear has resulted in a net increase or decrease in damage?

Furocity= gear Re Roll

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


Are there really people out there who believe that berzerker gear is no longer the best for pure DPS? All these people asking for a refund on their gear, if they got one, what would they replace it with given a total refund?

Laurels for mystic clover/obi shard

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


I’d be more interested in this trade in the other direction, one clover for one laurel.

How to obtain zealots' armor/wpn/trinkets?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


You can only get the recipes off the TP and that is the only place to get them now. You have to craft Zealot’s yourself as the armor pieces are Account Bound.

Why do Anet people play with Anet Tags?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


it’s actually quite fun on my end to see them

~ what i usually do when they’re on

me: “pssst Anet dev (i actually call them by their name instead of anet dev), give me super powers so i can fly”
them: “no”
me: " darn"

me: " pssst, Anet dev… give me a hug"
them: “hugs”
me: “oh yeah”

me: “pssst, Anet dev. let me get a peak of that dev menu so i can give a champ 10x my actual damage so i can feel like a super hero woman”
them: “no”
me: “darn”

me: “pssst, Anet dev – will there be sab this year?”
them: “hey look, shadow behemoth is up”
me: “hmm…. and darn”

While they have the ability to have a ANet tag over their heads, that is about the limit of their powers on live servers. They do not have access to dev powers on live servers normally and would get in super trouble if they used them.

Feedback regarding Conditions

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


If you nerf conditions they become useless. YAAY LETS ALL WEAR ZERKER AND RUN AROUND WITH OUR ZERKER FRIEND IN ZERKERLAND! Get a reality check and learn to counter conditions or don’t roam with things that are not supposed to roam.

In zerkerland, do the zerks grow on zerkies? Also, where can I find the zerk cannon?

The incoming updates look promising.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


The problem is, at least from the perspective of a primarily WvW player, that the devs have been taking the game AWAY from the original vision. Just about everything that has been added to WvW has promoted a mindless zerg behavior instead of the broad-spectrum strategy-based warfare that was originally intended. As I said before, it’s not an issue of how much time it takes to make changes … it’s an issue of which things were worked on and which ones were ignored. I don’t think that anyone can claim that WvW is in a better place today than it was 15 months ago (aside from possibly the implementation account-wide WXP and the elimination of repair costs … minor changes in my opinion), and that’s about as kitten ing an indictment as I can think of.

I disagree. I would however agree that it is very easy to get by with zerg mentality at lower WvW ladder ranks. I do not play WvW on a top 3 server, but I imagine that there isn’t much zerg mentality on the top 3 and I’m fairly confident that a coordinated team who doesn’t zerg will win against zerging. It’s just that at lower ranks where servers do not have enough WvW focused players to keep a cap on the map at all times (or even any of the time) what ends up mattering most is how many players your server has on the map.

I’m not really sure how much they could do to disincentivize zerging. Ideally, a lone player defending a tower, keeping watch for enemies, and calling out when the tower is about to be attacked should be rewarded as much or even more than a person that is part of a zerg running around stomping undefended towers, but from a developer’s perspective it is nearly impossible to differentiate between that defending scout from an afk leecher.

Guess SAB isn't happening =(

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


I hope there won’t be any more sab, it just doesn’t fit gw2’s universe and gameplay…

I agree with this statement and to add, 8 BIT GRAPHICS is soooooooooooo 1970’s(this is the 21st century, wake up guys) and FUGLY as hell.

Well, that’s just like your opinion, man.

It was also my opinion that my great-grandparents were wrong when they said that automobiles were an inconvenience, they too, were wrong as well.

>Implying no one could possibly like SAB.
>Implying ones subjective tastes have an objective basis

Guess SAB isn't happening =(

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


I hope there won’t be any more sab, it just doesn’t fit gw2’s universe and gameplay…

I agree with this statement and to add 8 BIT GRAPHICS is soooooooooooo 1970’s(this is the 21st century, wake up guys) and FUGLY as hell.

Well, that’s just like your opinion, man.

Any way to make 10 gold in 10 minutes?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


…pure profit based solely on instant buy orders just from the mystic forge…

What do you mean by this? Can you explain this further please?


4 words: “Vision of the mists”
Go earn your profits…

By my calculations, it costs about 186g to make one and they are going for 208g and after taxes you’d make 177g, how is -9g a profit?

Feedback/Questions: Transmutations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


Yeah, I for one am excited for this conversion because it means I’ll have a use for my 100 or so stones that were otherwise gonna rot in my bank forever.

I had 40 gold and I felt poor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


If you believe some thing is overpriced, then go farm it yourself instead of buying. If you think that farming it would take longer to farm it than just farming up the gold and buying it, then, guess what, it’s not overpriced.

I feel like I need to say this again.

You people do realize that this is an arbitrary drop rate set by Anet and can be changed.

People saying something is overpriced isn’t generally what you think. It is really saying saying that the drop rate is too low or gold is too hard to come by, not necessarily that it is overpriced.

If people actually want to complain about drop rates, then they should say as much. What you’re saying here is that I should just infer that people complaining about prices are really complaining about drop rates?

And even if they changed drop rates, it wouldn’t change much. Say they doubled the drop rate of everything in the game. This would increase supply, and everything would slowly drop in price. And then, because everything dropped in price, when you go to sell something on the TP, you won’t get as much money for it, and thus you will have less money with which to buy things.

Rune of Balthazar change will cost me real £

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


you do know you can apply a different rune over the current one right?

I dont think you can do that once you have transmuted an item, ive tried it before and it wouldnt let me.

No, you totally can. Just double click the new rune, then drop it on your armor. It will destroy the old rune, but nothing else.

I had 40 gold and I felt poor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


If you believe some thing is overpriced, then go farm it yourself instead of buying. If you think that farming it would take longer to farm it than just farming up the gold and buying it, then, guess what, it’s not overpriced.

I feel like I need to say this again.

I had 40 gold and I felt poor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


If you believe some thing is overpriced, then go farm it yourself instead of buying. If you think that farming it would take longer to farm it than just farming up the gold and buying it, then, guess what, it’s not overpriced.

New GM Traits from Ready Up

in Thief

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


Err, what are you talking about? 30Acro is more favorable than 30SA to a backstab build. Only trolls goes 30SA because with that much points into SA, you’re damage output suffers.

Wait, what? Are telling me that putting 30 in SA hurts my damage output, but putting 30 in Acro doesn’t? What game are you playing?

New GM Traits from Ready Up

in Thief

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


Trickery: Bewildering Ambush – Stealing applies 5 stacks of confusion for 5 seconds.

They try to pass it off as an interesting decision, but we already have this….
What thief is going to be interested in confusion but doesn’t want to run perplexity runes? Stealing with perplexity runes and sleight of hand already gives 5 stacks of confusion. And sleight of hand reduces the cooldown on steal as well… Maybe a condition thief in sPvP might want this where perplexity runes don’t exist, but it kinda sounded like they might be adding them to spvp.

Thief needs more evades

in PvP

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


1. Add evade to clusterbomb while it is in air

Holy Kittens, Batman! That would be the longest evade ever! Do you know how slow that projectile is? You can fire it at max range and then out RUN it with swiftness on! It’s so slow that you regen initiative faster at the base rate than you can burn it shooting cluster bombs to max range because you have to wait for it to land before you can cast another. Like, when I read about the new Ranger grandmaster trait, I though to myself, “Man, if thieves had that trait for shortbows, maybe our cluster bombs would finally be able to arrive at their destination faster than Domino’s can get a pizza to my house.”.

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


zerker is not the problem not having holy trinity in the game IS the problem Geting ONE shoot from boss IS problem

List the bosses that one shot you, please.

  • I had a 28K health, 3000 Armor necro die to one attack to the Champion Risen Knight in Malchor’s — right after it was changed from a Vet. I was in one of those tight spaces under the ruins mining the rich mithril node and it did its chain lava font thing. Thinking it was a vet, I kept right on mining. Since it was a tight space, all of the fonts landed in the same place. Game over, man.
  • Then there’s the pink Champion Risen Gorilla at Lyssa, before the scaling issue was fixed. It’s Ground Pound was nasty if you were out of dodge from avoiding the catapults.

To be fair, though, those are maintained effects, so I’m not sure either qualifies for a one-shot — even though it was one ability happening in a perfect storm.

You know you can interrupt your mining to dodge, right?

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


The game’s ruined! Hear that everyone? It’s ruined! Stop having fun, the game’s over, it’s ruined! Better start looking for leaked data to find out when Guild Wars 3 comes out since 2 is ruined and we’re gonna have to start over.


More seriously, berserker gear is not a problem in and of itself. It doesn’t matter how you change the stats available on gear or how they interact; there will always be a build and gear set that maximizes dps and so long as players can manage to survive in that build and set, whatever problems you think there are will still be a problem.

You solution to give bosses more HP will not solve anything and may in fact make things worse. If bosses have even more HP, players will be even MORE inclined to build berserker so that the boss doesn’t take 30 min to kill.

There have been many much better suggestions in other threads about what could be done to increase optimal build diversity such as:
more passive unavoidable damage
bosses and enemies with more rapid attacks (so that they cannot all be dodged or blocked)
making defensive stats scale non-linearly in such a way as to make adding just a little increasing your survivability a lot but as you add more, the benefits of adding more slowly tapering off
adding more and different mechanics to boss fights that make the time to kill a boss not significantly varied depending on gear (like some boss that dies in 3 min to a zerk party but still dies in like 3 min 10 sec to a full cleric party)

But, many of these solutions are quite drastic, would take a long time and a lot of effort to implement and balance properly, and as young as this game is (in terms of the lifetime of an MMO and how long it usually seems to take for MMO development teams to get a great handle on how to solve its game’s particular systemic problems and difficulties) we should really give the developers more credit and more time to sort this stuff out.

Just take a look at the state that WoW was in after a year or so. There were SO MANY problems it was ridiculous. I don’t think they really sorted a lot of their issues until Cataclysm (their 3rd expansion). And they didn’t really fully fix the inherent problems with their traits until just before Mists of Pandaria. Really, I think traits are a bigger problem than anything about our gear system. ANet didn’t learn from Blizzard and hasn’t yet figured out that damage increase traits are not fun or interesting choices. I really hope they do.

A futures market

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


You can essentially already do this. In order to bet that something’s price will rise, just buy a lot of that thing. If it rises, you get to sell off your supply and make a profit. And if you already have a supply of something and you expect it to fall, you can sell it off.

Why is the inbox mail limit?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


Part of the reason is to dissuade players from using the inbox as cheap storage space. If a player has 2 accounts, they can mail any number unbound items from one account to the other. If there was no mail limit, and you could always sort through it all, there’d be no reason to open your mail, you could just leave it there till you need it. Granted, players can still do this to an extent in that they can still mail a ton of things, however, if they want to get to any of it, they have to open and delete all of the older mails before they can get to what they want. So, essentially, such players still have access to a very large storage queue, it just don’t make for good random access.

TL:DR To encourage people to buy more inventory/bank space.

What happen to hold-Down-charge-up skills?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


There are also a lot of channeled skills in the game that can be voluntarily interrupted.