Showing Posts For Shufflepants.9785:

Unfinished Puzzle in Caledon Forest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


I’m guessing it was originally supposed to be part of Spekk’s Laboratory, but large sections got cut because it was going to be too big.

Unfinished Puzzle in Caledon Forest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


Then, teleporter gun from the building over the wall (and invisible wall that’s higher) and you’re in.


Unfinished Puzzle in Caledon Forest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


Then, from the branch, climb up and from here, teleporter gun to the top of the building.


Unfinished Puzzle in Caledon Forest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


First, get up on this rock, and use some kind of leap (I used an experimental teleporter gun to get to the branch.


Unfinished Puzzle in Caledon Forest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


Ok, managed to get the other side of that door by swimming around from elsewhere. And based on the proximity that big blue sphere is to where spekk’s lab is, It almost seems like that the two area’s were supposed to be connected. Like, it seems like the end of spekk’s lab would otherwise be right next to the big blue sphere room.


Unfinished Puzzle in Caledon Forest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


This is where I get stuck, not sure if it’s possible to continue. Maybe I’ll try getting into the place from the beginning again and see if this part can be passed from the under water.


Unfinished Puzzle in Caledon Forest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


I also found and made it in. Had to use the experimental teleporter gun 3 times. I dunno how the other guy was getting past all the permanently sealed doors in here though.


Unfinished Puzzle in Caledon Forest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


Any more information on where the entrance is or how to get in?

Why no option to remove gliding camera?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


It’s not that we “dont even feel that the camera is gliding around becuase they have never felt a responsive came”. It’s that we don’t know what you even mean by a gliding camera. Like I know what it is to glide over ice, like low friction, or to glide through the air, navigating currents of air, but what does it even mean for a camera to glide? Do you mean that there is too much of a lag between swinging your mouse and the camera actually responds? Do you mean that it keeps moving after you stop moving your mouse? Because as some one who also played WoW for 5+ years, I have no camera issues other than the awkward random zoom ins and not being able zoom out much. I find it likely that your camera issues are not widespread and are some kind of hardware/software interaction issue.

Our Guild Stash has been emptied

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


Congratulations on your new found plethora of freed up storage space!

Why Map Completion should not include WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


@Astral Projections.7320
More arbitrary line drawing. Just because it’s pvp, why does that mean you shouldn’t have to do it for your gold star? If it’s just a “well, at least I know I did it” what does it matter if your achievement doesn’t say 100% completion. If you just want to do the PvE areas to 100%, then go do the PvE areas to 100%, no one can stop you. Would it make you happy if ANet split the achievement into two? Have a 100% PvE and a 100%PvP but still only gave the gold star if you had both achievements? Or are you really that desperate to be be handed a little gold star that only other people see?

Why Map Completion should not include WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


Oh, okay. I see what you guys are saying. You guys don’t care about legendaries. You just want to know why you have to explore the whole map for map COMPLETION?
Hey guys, I just defeated 90% of a dungeon, can I please have the reward at the end without finishing it please? Hey guys, I’ve got 90% of the mats for my legendary, why doesn’t ANet just give me the rest?

Why Map Completion should not include WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


1) It is a PvP area
2) There is no way to walk into WvW from other zones. You must use an Asura Gate.
3) All PvE exploration can be completed solo while WvW requires groups to take points.
4) If one team remains first for weeks, other teams will have a hard time taking their points to get the exploration.
5) WvW is separated from PvE just like PvP is but we are not required to get PoI in PvP

This is in no way me crying that it is to hard to get these points. I just think that having WvW required for a PvE achievement seems flawed.

All of your points are nonsequiturs. You say these are why map complettion should not include WvW.

1) Why does it matter if it’s a pvp area? Who ever told you that the designers intended you to be able to get a legendary without a little pvp? They didn’t say that, and by the design, they specifically intended that legendaries require stepping foot in a place you can be killed by players.

2) There’s no way to walk there?? I don’t even know what you’re getting at. Just total nonsense. Why would it follow that if you can’t walk there that it shouldn’t be a requirement? That’s like saying “I shouldn’t have to go to work and I should be given free money because my job is to far to walk to.”

3) Even if this were true (and it isn’t for all classes), who told you ANET intended for you to be able to solo a legendary the whole way. In fact, you have to farm a dungeon for every legendary and that takes 5 players necessarily and that’s PvE.

4) Imagine that, they’ll “have a hard time”. Again, who told you it would be easy?

5) More non-sequitur.

Your whole list is just crying about how hard it is. I hope they make it harder. But you know what, ANet will most likely not take my suggestion either. I HOPE they don’t take my suggestion based on just my opinion, because I hope they don’t change the game based on handfuls of peoples’ entitlement issues.

WvWvW jump puzzles.....REALLY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


I expected that rebuttal….please continue to flame. I don’t care, as my opinion is not for the forumites.

Not for the forumites? Well, if it’s for ANet, while they do read these forums too, suggestions go in the suggestion forum. Besides, if you got some one from ANet to respond to your request, I almost guarantee you they’d tell you the same thing: “WvW Jumping Puzzles are for PVPing in. If you want to do jumping puzzles where you don’t have to worry about other players, go do the other jumping puzzles. We’re not going to take content away from people who are enjoying it just because you aren’t when there is plenty of content for you to enjoy elsewhere.”

WvWvW jump puzzles.....REALLY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


Or let me give you an analogy. Lets say that there’s a Board Game club. And at this board game club, you can sit down and play a number of different board games. But you choose chess. So, you sit down with your opponent and start playing. You have decided you just want to get a pawn to the other side of the board, but as you push your pawns forward, your opponent keeps capturing them. Then, at the next club meeting you come and complain about how people keep capturing your pawns and won’t let them get to the other side of the board. They ask you, “So, you’re having trouble promoting your pawns? Maybe we can show you some new openings to let you beat your opponent.” And you respond, “No, no. I don’t want to beat him, I just want to play on a chess board by myself with only my pieces and move 1 pawn across the board.” They will tell you, “Well, then you’re playing the wrong game. Why don’t you go play one of those other board games over there where everyone helps you get your pieces across the board?” And you demand, “NO! I want the very rules of chess redefined to where no one can play against each other and people can only move pawns! I want all the pieces to be white pawns, and no black pieces and no one is allowed to play the old way anymore!” And then they kick you out of board game club because no one wants to play with a self centered child who doesn’t realize that getting what they are asking for would take away what other people want and who don’t realize they can get what they want by just going and playing a different game like the 30 or so other jumping puzzles in the game that are completely PVE.

Open world pvp

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


What’s that? You want a large area that has pve goals but allows ganking? WvW is that way →

Why are Condition Builds < Berzerker

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


Because 10 * 10 > 10 + 10

Molten Pick... Ori or Master?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


I’m seriously considering buying this not because I think it will save me money on picks in the long run, but so that I won’t have to worry about pick management anymore. I won’t need to constantly check how many uses I’ve got left. I won’t need to remember to buy more picks. I won’t have to use up inventory spaces to store extra picks on me. I won’t need to switch between mithril and orichalcum picks. I can equip a molten pick and then just forget about picks altogether unless I’m on an alt. It is an item of convenience.

200g for pre-cursor attempts, what're you at?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


Again, Arena Net stated they didn’t want “grind” in their game.

Jebus, how many times do you people need it explained to you. They didn’t want any MANDATORY grind where the word “mandatory” means that you need it in order to be able to complete content. You don’t need a legendary in order to do anything in the game. Therefore, it is not mandatory.

If you had one million gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


I’d buy up the entire supply of Candy Corn.

Has the game released an end-game yet?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


Well, I was going to read the entire thing to see if the OP ever came to a point or a real question instead of just a rambling, opinionated bashing of GW2, but then he used the word ‘swag’ and I couldn’t continue.

The difference between Need and Want

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


I agree to an extend. Though I have to point out that “It’s optional, you have HAVE to do it” is the worst excuse for a problem and I’m sick of hearing it.

Keep in mind that the entire game is optional.

Your grievance with the use of the word “optional” as an excuse to the problem comes from your misunderstanding of the exact use and context of the word “optional” when we apply it to things in guild wars 2.

When we say that it’s “optional”, we mean, “you do not need to do this first in order to do or see any of the content in the game.” You do not need ascended gear in order to complete explorable dungeons. You may need ascended gear to do some later levels of fractals, but later levels are not considered new content, they are the same fights with lower tolerances on mistakes; ascended gear is not necessary for Fractals lvl 1.

Notice, this sort of system where the best gear is unnecessary to complete certain content is not present in all games. In vanilla world of warcraft, epic gear was not optional. There were simply some fights in the later dungeons that your group simply had no hope of beating without farming up epics from previous dungeons.

But in Guild Wars 2, the best gear (and the best skins) are not necessary in order stand a reasonable chance of defeating all the content in the game. Thus, they are optional.

This usage of “optional” is not the same at all as the “optional” you use when you say “the entire game is optional”.

Miniature Super Trio acquisition

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


I bought them not because I particularly had to have them, but because I wanted to reward ANet for a job well done on the Super Adventure Box. Although, I have to say, if there had been some element of randomness here, I’m not sure if I still would have bought them.

SAB: Ok what kind of game is this?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


then back packs and hoodies came out in the store…..really ?

Just because people in earth’s history didn’t start digging hoodies and plush backpacks until after the industrial revolution doesn’t mean the order of fashion would play out the same in Tyria. Earth history fantasy is just a subset of Fantasy as a whole. This stuff is still completely within the realm of fantasy.

There already ARE motorized vehicles in the game, just look at the war engines that the charr have. Fantasy just means magic. It doesn’t mean everything has to be identical to Middle Earth.

Please make SAB permanent [Merged]

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


I agree wholeheartedly that this needs to be permanent.

Please make SAB permanent [Merged]

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


I might need to obtain the GW2 accounts of a few dead people just so I can vote for this more times.

Are videogames art or just entertainment?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


Art is just entertainment.

rookie trading post question

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


Also, in regards to greens, my own personal policy is:

Level 80: store until they can be dumpped into mystic forge for promotion to rares (for ecto cracking).
Level 70-79: vendor.
Level 1-69: crack with master kits for sigils/runes. Combine sigils/runes in mystic forge as possible.

It takes a while, but you only need 1-2 superior runes of Divintiy out of the forge to pay back in full a LOT of rune combines. It also means that on “Mystic forgemaster” dailies, I just stroll by the bank and grab a few sets fo runes to process and then I’ve checked that one off. Easy XP on my lower level alts.

Have you made any effort in to calculating how much money you make over just selling the greens to vendor/TP directly instead of what you’re doing now?

Super Adventure Box? [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


I must know where and what is this!

(edited by Moderator)

EB Puzzle Camping

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


It’s poorly designed, honestly. For a jumping puzzle in a PvP zone, I’d expect it to be more straightforward than it is. The long, elaborate nature of the jumping puzzle makes it so that no one wants to actually take the time to figure things out themselves, considering the constant threat of enemies about.

It basically encourages most people to skip the puzzle entirely with mesmer portals or not bother at all.

WUT. Wait, are you saying that people who don’t like long elaborate jumping puzzles don’t like to do long elaborate jumping puzzles? As some one who does like long elaborate jumping puzzles, I can say, and I think I speak for others like me, the fact that it was long and elaborate or that there were mesmers ferrying people up did not in anyway detract from my experience or make me not want to figure it out for myself. If you’re saying that people who don’t like it and just want the achievement and chest at the end but otherwise hate jumping puzzles are taking the easy way out because the puzzle is hard, I don’t know what you’re getting at.

No, I like long, elaborate jumping puzzles. I’m saying that making a long, elaborate jumping puzzle in a PvP zone was a mistake. Forcing the player to figure things out in a hostile environment means that lot of them are just going to skip past that content and never figure it out themselves.

Elaborate jumping puzzles make sense outside of WvW, but I would’ve preferred a more straightforward puzzle in WvW. It just makes more sense to me as a shorter jumping battleground than a longer jumping puzzle.

You’re describing a bunch of things like they are bad, but I don’t see why they are bad. You say people are skipping, so what? You say it’s not straightforward, why would that be better? This is why I don’t understand you.

EB Puzzle Camping

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


It’s poorly designed, honestly. For a jumping puzzle in a PvP zone, I’d expect it to be more straightforward than it is. The long, elaborate nature of the jumping puzzle makes it so that no one wants to actually take the time to figure things out themselves, considering the constant threat of enemies about.

It basically encourages most people to skip the puzzle entirely with mesmer portals or not bother at all.

WUT. Wait, are you saying that people who don’t like long elaborate jumping puzzles don’t like to do long elaborate jumping puzzles? As some one who does like long elaborate jumping puzzles, I can say, and I think I speak for others like me, the fact that it was long and elaborate or that there were mesmers ferrying people up did not in anyway detract from my experience or make me not want to figure it out for myself. If you’re saying that people who don’t like it and just want the achievement and chest at the end but otherwise hate jumping puzzles are taking the easy way out because the puzzle is hard, I don’t know what you’re getting at.

EB Puzzle Camping

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


You guys are taking what I say wrong. I’m saying that it needs to be possible to avoid the endless camping. Even by one person. the arena is IMPOSSIBLE to do, even if one mesmer is sitting at the top. It needs to be counterable. A choke point or something would be great.

You equate your lack of numbers and skill with impossibility. It is entirely possible to break through campers camping the arena. I’ve done it a few times. But it takes nearly an equal number of players or greater to do it. It also helps immensely if you can pull them down with mesmer focus #4 or thief scorpion wire (i think there might be another I’m missing). It also helps to have swiftness or rifle jump from engineer. With people spamming aoe’s on the cliff above from below, it becomes fairly difficult for the campers to get attacks on everyone trying to climb up the puzzle. And once you’ve got a few near the top, it becomes very difficult for them to stop you all. But again, it takes numbers. You say it should be one way, and what we’re saying is, “No, it shouldn’t.” If you wanna do jumping puzzles without people kittening with you, go do ANY OTHER PUZZLE.

EB Puzzle Camping

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


A PvE “puzzle” shouldnt be put into a pvp warzone due to the massive swarm of kitten and pre-pubescent trolls that follow.

You see, you make your mistake right here. In no uncertain terms: IT IS NOT A PVE PUZZLE. It is a PVP puzzle. ANet intended for there to be fighting and camping in there. The only reason they took out the ability to build siege inside of it is because they wanted camping to be difficult to break through instead of impossible.

Unique Legendary Weapons Bonuses?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


Legendaries already have a bonus:
+20% Coolness

So You're LFG? No Problem I Got You Covered

in Community Creations

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


I’m confused. How is going to this site and making a posting any different from going to Lion’s Arch and posting in map chat?

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


“Things that take a long time to complete” are not the same as “Things that take a lot of play time to complete”. If you can’t continuously make progress on it by playing 24/7 it is not a grind. Furthermore, ANet never said they wanted to remove all grinding, they only said they wanted to remove all MANDATORY grinding. And by mandatory grinding they mean grinding to get gear needed to do content. Getting a full set of exotics in order to be able to do all content takes no grind at all. There is no mandatory grind. Whatever grind you find you impose on yourself to get cosmetic upgrades.

GW2 revolves around grind and time tables..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


and it should have revolved around kick kitten pvp/wvw content.

but the wow appeal was too strong :/

Why would you kick kittens?! You monster!

GW2 revolves around grind and time tables..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


“GW2 revolves around grind and time tables..”
No it doesn’t. I don’t grind anything nor do I have any time tables. I play about once a week with my friends. This game revolves around my friends and having fun. Claim: invalidated.

Guesting and Overflow [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


I think the most obvious and best solution to the problem is for people who wish to participate in world events to simply SHOW UP EARLIER. The zones where these events occur are not full 24/7. They only fill up right before or during the big fights. Show up to the zone 15-20 minutes before the window and do some other dynamic events while you wait. If you are just zone hopping around to all the boss fights as they start to farm boss chests yourself, I have little sympathy. If you had gotten in, then some other chest hopper would have ended up in overflow. And until I see evidence from ANet with actual data to the contrary, I am inclined to think that this problem has absolutely nothing to do with guesting and that the maps are filling up with people from your own server.

Overflow servers make world events difficult

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


1) I do not believe this problem is because of guesting. It is most likely because people on your own server all coming to do the event because of the increased rewards in the chests.

2) Get there earlier. Instead of trying to show up 2 minutes before hand or after the fight has already started, show up soon enough that you have plenty of time for your queue to pop or early enough that there isn’t a queue yet. There is still plenty you can do in the zone while you wait.

Gilded Infusion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


It won’t affect it much. +20% of almost nothing is still almost nothing. Gold from monsters is not a large chunk of the gold production in the game. Far higher is the amount people make from DE rewards, hearts, vendoring items, and so forth.

New dailies don't seem to accomplish goals...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


“Well, I have to finish my dailies instead…”

You can do your dailies at any time. I think maybe people are just using it as an excuse not to play with you and your negative nancy attitude.

"Final Rest" and Necros Autoattack Animation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


Wait, YOU FOUND “FINAL REST”?! Where did you get it?!!?!?!?!?!?

If you read the hints thread (hints on where it’s at) it drops from Shadow Behemoth chest in Queensdale.

I had been reading a Final Rest speculation thread off and on, but last I looked, it was 18 pages in and still no confirmation where it dropped. I guess it was a drop bug all along. Sad.

"Final Rest" and Necros Autoattack Animation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


Wait, YOU FOUND “FINAL REST”?! Where did you get it?!!?!?!?!?!?

Do JP's ever give anything good?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


Every JP chest I open gives me 10 exotic fun’s.

Poll: Would you use your BL Chests if...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


Also, ANet would NEVER implement what you suggested or what’s suggested in the forum link you posted. Either of these options would completely eliminate the need to buy keys off of the gem store. No matter how much players wanted these options, ANet would never give it to us unless they had just completely given up making money from keys sold in the gem shop. Realistically, what ANet should do is just put something in the BL chests that is actually worth dropping the money on or make the keys way cheaper.


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


I would recommend just farming up the gold to buy it off of the TP. Theoretically, the expected value of how much money you would need to spend gambling on the mystic toilet might be lower than what it sells for on the TP giving an expected savings. However, getting one is not guaranteed no matter how many forges you do. And NOTHING is more disheartening in this game than throwing 500g worth of mats into the mystic forge and coming away with nothing.
I don’t have personal experience throwing away that much into the mystic forge on precursors, but it took me 18 tries and 13g (more than half of all my money at the time) to make my endless princess tonic and I was on the verge of manic depression by my 10th attempt.

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


You people all missed the main point of his post, he said the game is evolving into a non casual game, means “slowly changing”..

And i agree with him

Some examples?

Fotm, everything about this thing is non Casual..

Ascended items direction, cannot get them as easily as exotics (as you claim are so easy) but ascended take months no matter what either hardcore grind or time sink to get.

Dungeons not PUG friendly, cannot just pick up a group and play anymore.

Guild Events coming not sure if this is casual or not yet..can small casual guilds even compete?

Dailies taking much much longer (effecting player with real lives e.g Casuals)

Let’s clear something up first. A “casual player” means some one who does not play the game much. A “casual game” is one where all of the game’s content (where content is gameplay, not items; open world/dungeons/JP/WvW/sPvP not exotic/ascended/legendary weapons) can be played and beaten by a casual player.
Note, some one who sucks at the game doesn’t not make them casual, and being casual doesn’t mean some one sucks. You can just pick up and do dungeons if your party doesn’t suck at the game.
In this sense, GW2 completely caters to casual players. Any content in the game can be reasonably completed while wearing greens/yellows. Dungeons are harder, yes. But if you cannot complete them, it’s not because you don’t put in enough time to get better gear, it’s because you or your party suck at the game.
FotM is completely casual. FotM lvl 1 can be completed by people who aren’t even level 80. This means anyone who doesn’t suck can go see this content.
Dailies are also completely casual content. They take maybe an hour to complete tops. If you think they aren’t casual because it takes 30 dailies to get an item, you are mistaken about what casual means. If that were true, then by that logic, the open world is super hardcore content because it takes many dozens of hours to do 100% world map completion.

P/V/T thief

in Thief

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


Well, one reason not to stack exclusively power is that power and precision stack multiplicatively.

100 power does less damage than 50 power and 50 precision.

New map question- is orb a bundle or a buff?

in PvP

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


Swiftness will be disabled, but what about movement speed buffs from traits and signets?