Showing Posts For ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106:

More Liadri Praise

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


I’m confused Quark….. there were numerous times where I fought Liadri w/o any of her visions walking around and I had simply messed up my skill useage and she dominated me in melee range. AS a WARRIOR. And I’m one of those guys who’s always in the melee and knows fights well enough so ranged isn’t necessary. But she hits hard unless your using PVT gear.


A well designed fight would replace the 1-hit kill mechanics with 90% health damage mechanics. 1-shot kills are for bad designers.

Yes, I said it. Whomever designs 1-shot kills in MMO’s shouldn’t be working at a gaming company.

Yet so many are, and you aren’t…..

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

Liadri Slayer Club

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


Finally after over 103 attemps. I Beat her!

I was on my Warrior using 30/30/0/10/30

Oddly enough, I switched to Mace/Shield for 1st Phase

then Rifle for second Phase.

I was using 40% endurance regen food. Endurance signet, stability stance, endure pain and signet of rage

As soon as I hit that 3rd orb it was all about Crack Shot for piercing rounds and keeping her crippled while kiting

Haven’t felt this good since 25Man Heroic Lich King

30/30/0/10/30 is a fantastic build.

Oops. Meant 30/30/0/10/0

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

Liadri Slayer Club

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


Finally after over 103 attemps. I Beat her!

I was on my Warrior using 30/30/0/10/30

Oddly enough, I switched to Mace/Shield for 1st Phase

then Rifle for second Phase.

I was using 40% endurance regen food. Endurance signet, stability stance, endure pain and signet of rage

As soon as I hit that 3rd orb it was all about Crack Shot for piercing rounds and keeping her crippled while kiting

Haven’t felt this good since 25Man Heroic Lich King

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

The Ultimate Liadri Strategy

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106



Learning an extremely punishing encounter and adapting to even the random elements IS SKILL. So losing several times, and eventually winning, is not luck. But perseverance.

I’m guessing you’ve never done any end game raiding in games such as WoW.

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

Birthday Gift Requirments

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


@Drakkon, did the same thing. And hopefully all GW1 vets did. They should know better.

Indeed they should. On a semi-related note, I recently logged on all my GW1 toons and got 2 Bone Dragons for 2 1 year Bday’s. Oh the irony! I wish I needed them still for HoM or GW1 was still regularily played so I could sell 1 of them. ARRRGGGHHH!!!!

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

Birthday Gift Requirments

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


SOOOOOO Much complaining about birthday gifts.

In Guild Wars 1 you got 1 pet per character turning +1 and that was it. We didn’t get boosters or any of that kitten. The only thing I think would be reasonable to change about the tradition is to make it a set of possible mini’s instead of guaranteed Queen Jennah.

BUT, if Queen Jennah is only for those who still have a character from Launch and not every character that turns 1 at any time in the year. Then THAT Makes Queen Jennah a VERY Unique Mini. Value or status increases!

I also would like them to be sellable, but if the previous theory is true about only launch players get Queen Jennah, I think she SHOULD be Account Bound. The the regular 1 Year Mini’s should be sellable.

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

A call to arms?

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


tl; dr all the comments. But you do notice the Mesmer dissipation effect when you kill the Clockwork Knights right? They’re actually extensions of the vast power of Jennah’s abilities. At least the ones we keep killing are. There may indeed be some real deal ones, but IMO we have been killing Illusions displayed by Jennah’s freaky insane Mesmer Powers

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

Birthday protest for Fall of Abaddon

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


Sore losers will be sore losers

Kiel won because 10% waypoint discount mezmerized you. Pathetic.

Kiel won because she’s more likable and a lot of people don’t give a hoot about Abbadon. Next time, use your time farming tokens rather than bashing the opposition and being a little brat.

Not to pry, but your just defended someone who was also being a brat……

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

immortal mesmer 4th challenge

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


Ah my bad. Don’t remember any other memsers in the arena

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

immortal mesmer 4th challenge

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


You need to get her to walk into the shadow wells/vortexes/whatever they’re called to remove her invulnerability. You yourself need to step into them to gain the dark buff/debuff to survive her one-shot attacks. Depending on how much damage you can survive, it might be best to more or less stay in them the whole time rather than try to predict when she’ll one-shot you.

Not the fight in question. In fact I don’t recall that fight at all.

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

[Feedback] Gauntlet; Liadri

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


After 3 days (150+ tickets) of trying to do what up till now really seemed impossible I finally beat her, on my necro. It was aggravating, annoying, enraging, confusing and frustrating beyond words and in the end the single greatest feeling of accomplishment I’ve experienced from anything in GW2. That single fight tests your skills in all facets of the game, some not as obvious as others. For instance it tests your theory crafting, understanding of encounter mechanics, understanding of your class, weapons, skills and overall game mechanics, your ability to find and share information and work together (res each other, join party so you can target, exchange strategies etc.) watch and analyze other player’s attempts and even just basic reaction speeds. It posses a very difficult and complex problem that seems impossible all the way up to the point when you solve it. And then at last you get…The Mini.

I can imagine. I’m waiting for that feeling of accomplishment myself. Haven’t felt it since Raiding in WoW on Heroic 25man Lich King

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

Gauntlet bosses account wide or per character

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106




~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

Announcer Voice Actress

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


Tara Strong was also the voice of Bubbles from the Powerpuff Girls!


Ok, back to the topic at hand ^^

She also does Twilight Sparkle from MLP. I heard this from a friend of course.



~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

10G in 40 minutes, intended?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


i don’t know why people worries about an economy in a place that doesn’t exist.
the new event is really awesome so far reward wise.

Bad economy means you won’t be able to buy those fancy things in TP as prices will skyrockect to reflect easy to gain money

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

10G in 40 minutes, intended?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


Yay! My chance for good loot nerfed before I can log in! Thanks inconsiderate, I mean do-gooder!


~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

New Geaphics looks awesome!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


It was mentioned by a dev they would be fine tuning/scaling down graphics with this patch to allow better performance. So most if not all should see an improvement in FPS

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

What disaster will befall QJ?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


“Look to the skies” was our hint from the developers, fyi…

I hope its something like the books. Where Kralkatorrik shows up at the Ebonhawke and Jenna uses her apparently Godlike Memser abilities to fool it off. My memory is hazy on that part of the book.


This one is perfect

I predict that the Aetherblades will attack the party and try to kidnap the Queen.

They’ll show up, their ships appearing in the skies over Divinity’s Reach. The captain of one of the ships will appear before Jenna and demand her surrender. I expect the conversation will go something like this:

Captain: “Congratulations, your Majesty. However, you seem to have forgotten to invite us to your party. So, if you don’t mind, you’ll be joining us instead.”

Jenna: “How DARE you!”

Captain: “Oh now, don’t be like that, your Highness. I’m sure you’ll be returned to your little party soon enough, once the people of this fair city give us what we want.”

Jenna: “Miserable cretins! You’ve knocked over the table with the food, broken the glass roof over my new stadium, and worst of all, you’re thirty minutes late!”

Captain: “Typical. We’re here to kidnap you, and all you care about is… wait…. what? Late?”

Jenna: “Well, yes. I expected you lot to show up half an hour ago, and I’m paying charr cannon crews by the hour.”

Logan makes a signal, and false fronts fall away from several buildings on the walls of Divinity’s Reach, revealing charr with turrets ready to blast the Aetherblade ships out of the sky

Captain: “Ummm… hell.”

At that point, the new mini-game is revealed to be a shooting game to see how many Aetherblades you can gun down with a spare turret.

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

(edited by ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106)

Rock the Vote

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


What would be hilarious if Kiel wins and she is assasinated, then Evon takes the seat any how =D

I have Agent 47’s number. Just give me the word.

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

Ellen Kiel and Evon Gnashblade - Trial T3 & 4

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


I’ll be on around 6 or 6:30 pm CST. An easier name to type is Afro Claptrap

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

Ellen Kiel and Evon Gnashblade - Trial T3 & 4

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


If you see me online you can tag along and watch me solo it for you All tiers.

I’ve walked a few people through it already.

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

Token Wallet! Thank you a-net!

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


So, Devs, what happens now if a player has no coin in the wallet or not enough for a waypoint fee? Do they stay dead until someone happens upon and revives them? What if they’re not really in an accessible area and should not expect anyone to happen across them? Or will they then have switch to an alt if they have one, or for those with only one character, will they have to then make an entirely new second character just to kill a few things to get a few coin in their wallet so they can then log back into the dead character since they can now afford a waypoint fee?

The exact same thing that have happened since release if you die without any kind of money.
You get a free WP.

The nearest WP becomes free, if I remember correctly.

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


I reckon Shiro could take down two elder dragons at once.

Well, yea! Once they got him to 50% he’d Meditate and then use Battle Scars and WTFPWN them.

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

Rock the Vote

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


There is plenty of amazing content that Anet has delivered in small patches, eg Molten Facility end fight alone was pretty epic.
They have amazing designers who are more than capable of given us mind blowing content. I will continue to put my faith in them and hope for the best.
I hope the majority of the players do the same and vote for Evon Gnashblade.

FOR ABADDON! ahem…. I mean… FOR EVON!

I Agree, Molten Facility had the best fight in the game in my opinion. Multi-stage fight, insta-kill danger, and consequences for killing one guy before the other. Almost felt like raiding in WoW again, was fun

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

Token Wallet! Thank you a-net!

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


I too, love the wallet! Though I will agree removing the gold bank isn’t the wisest choice. But it’s also not terribly expensive to make a personal guild for that purpose, so really I’m not worried. Just has to change locations for my 5 Legendaries Savings.

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

15 kills in Aspect Arena

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


Tag them with a moderater amount of damage, walk off, still get credit….

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

Advice For a New Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


98 views, no replies. Incouraging…. I’ll make a Mesmer instead lol.

If you want to be competitive in every aspects of the game, you would be better serve as a mesmer to be honest, it is no sarcasm. They do better pve, pvp and wvw.

no offense but you come here asking alot of different build where the main page of the ranger forum is covered with and have a sticky about them.

No offense taken, I know I put up a lofty request. Just don’t get enough time in my work week to dig through it all during the summer.

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

Advice For a New Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


Have you checked the sticky thread? Lots of guides in there already.

I have, though I have little time to read through all of them and try each one of them on my now lvl 21 ranger. PVP seems fun enough with SB/axe&horn.

Just looking for some experienced opinions. My 3 decked out toons are a Warrior, Thief, and Ele. So, its a different ball game for me in a sense

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

Advice For a New Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


Play a guardian …

But I have one already

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

Advice For a New Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


98 views, no replies. Incouraging…. I’ll make a Mesmer instead lol.

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

Advice For a New Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


I’d like some advice/builds for my ranger I’m buidling.
What I’d like is
A good leveling Build/Skill set
PVE Endgame Build/Skill Set
PVP Build/Skill Set
and possibly even WVW Oriented Build/Skill Set

I’ve heard SB/Axe is beast, but I’ve also heard LB/GS does wonders as well. Just looking for some advice. Thanks!

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

Rock the Vote

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


How does one find out the current standings? Or is Anet just telling us the supposed values at random????

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

Vote for Evon!

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106



Uh… I mean


~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

IMO: ArenaNet favors Evon (Unfair!)

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


We will not make both fractals.


Now I’m definetly voting heavily to Evon. I want to see how Abbaddon was defeated. Period.

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

New thing in Great Collapse

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


Been missing your stories Konig. You still making them?

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

Belcher's Bluff strategy: how to beat Adnul

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


Might want to add this as the 100% chance to win. Since regen from other sources is being stated as strategies, this one blows the others out of the water ( and may get nerfed )

If you have one of those Boxs of Fun from the Achievement point system rewards. Use it just before you start the Belcher Bluff with him. Make sure its set to only Change Appearance, ( doesn’t matter much but easier ). Then when you start the Belcher with him, just click the box to transform and watch your health instantly be refilled each time. Just make sure you re transform. Laugh as he dies slowly.

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

I am going to burn Hoelbrak to the ground

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


Oh it most definetly works, Game thinks your in Costume Brawl, so it regens your health automatically

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

Thanks for the kite... NOT

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


Patience young Padawan. This seems to be a reoccurring theme, I’m sure they will give you something in the next content update.

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

I am going to burn Hoelbrak to the ground

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


If you have one of those Boxs of Fun from the Achievement point system rewards. Use it just before you start the Belcher Bluff with him. Make sure its set to only Change Appearance, ( doesn’t matter much but easier ). Then when you start the Belcher with him, just click the box to transform and watch your health instantly be refilled each time. Just make sure you re transform. Laugh as he dies slowly.


~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

Obsidian Sanctum Campers at Kite [Merged]

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


Some are like that. I’ve honestly not gotten that vibe from anyone here, though. Not sure where you’re getting that.

Every. Single. Content. Update. There are people saying its the worst ever and everything in it is too hard, make it easier. For the most part Anet has done a good job of ignoring the whiners, but some content has definetly been weakened to much.

One main thing that should still be changed IMO to give it real value, is Legendaries can’t be sold only precursors.

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

This drinking is kittening me off

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106

ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106 for how to do Belcher’s Bluff achievements. All are easy if directions followed except Adnul is definetly some luck involved. Perseverance ( and Regeneration buffs ) will win the day.

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

I can't get high enough dmg!! as Guardian DPS

in Guardian

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


Make a warrior, OP.

Warriors aren’t good DPS anymore with the trait nerfs. Pretty much every class has higher DPS potential now, except maybe the necromancer.

Hahah, Thanks for the laugh! Completely irrelevant and false as well.

Continue with original topic….

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


Shiro Tagachi Strikes back! You can’t kill whats not dead or alive!

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


I was really hoping that when they said we’d hear familiar music that it would be the Canthan Login music from Guild Wars 1. So disappointed Bring back Cantha!

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

Wireless Mouse Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


Nope, and come to think of it. I’ve been running with this mouse for a month or more now and only just started up recently. So maybe its with the recent patch?

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

Wireless Mouse Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


I’m currently experiencing some very laggy reaction time with my brand new wireless mouse from Microsoft when playing Guild Wars 2. This isn’t the case on the desktop or any websites. So I wondering if it has something to do with configuration? At a Loss as for why its so terrible in Guild Wars 2 but nothing else

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


If they are still sticking with not introducing Cantha as an expansion at LEAST give us the District back in DR. Half of my characters originate from Cantha, making their heritage basically lost and not represented at all in Divinity’s Reach

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


There are a few of my GW1 friends that have GW2 but only played throught the story once and quit saying they were waiting for the Cantha expansion, as if its only natural.


~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


I just want to say I support the return of Cantha. Back when I played Factions I used to roam around just looking at the Jade Sea and the Echovald Forest and I’d love to see these again one day in GW2 along with the rest of Cantha.

That forest was awesome to explore!

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

Would you buy an expansion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


ABSOLUTELY, and if it were Cantha I’d buy the super awesome edition. Also, please include a free character expansion slot.

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


I was kitten at that scene the first time I was there, then on all 9 of my other characters I was just as kitten as before. LOL! You think your all powerful Shiro! I’ll turn you to stone!

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer