Your teeam should always be aware, because they can always get outnumbered at some point. One of my biggest and most common mistakes is forgetting to look at the minimap because I’m being hassled too much, often resulting in poor ole me getting ganked
Sorry, but Thief is very viable in this Meta. Much more than last season. With my current build I can 1v1 any class, and I feel bad for reapers when I fight them 1v1.
Why are reapers letting you 1v1 them? o_O
backstab from a theif is like getting stung by a mosquito as reaper
meanwhile they die if you use 1 or 2 spells on them.
I don’t think this particular thief lets them get spells off. Anyways, when someone can’t play a decent ranked match in amber with a team that doesn’t blow, class regardless, he’s very bad.
(edited by Siren.2843)
ask the guy who keeps kicking your kitten on the other team how he’s doing it.
That’s the best way to get info tbh, asking in combination with flattering opens doors hahaha. I asked everything I wanted to know about GW in game.
I like warrior, they have their uses, they have their drawbacks. I liked stun locking a necro so my team could cap without being wiped. The thing is, meta builds are pretty much good at anything, when played right, but why in kitten´s name would I play a frigging revenant when their kit doesn´t sit well with me at all. I hate most meta builds, I only like the scrapper, but when I suddenly feel like bringing a mortar engi with a shield, a condi ranger, a shatter mes or something else ooky I do it, my game, paid for it, now go away!
Example: someone has been playing mesmer for 2 years, deeply enjoying it. So anet decides to buff some cookie cutter class. Do you honestly think quickly learning the meta build will outperform 2 YEARS of practice on mesmer? nice joke, I would want the real mesmer that actually does something over the scrapper that can’t play his build.
(edited by Siren.2843)
pushing far works if well coordinated. Having a bunker steal far works wonders to disrupt the enemy team.
Also, when my team is wiped in the first mid clash, i usually head far instead of going back mid. No point trying to retake mid in a teamfight when we obviously don’t have what it takes to win a teamfight.
Only works if you wait for your team to respawn or the same people that wiped your team will gank you at far, they don’t have anything else to do since they already got mid and your team is dead. Your point is absolutely valid though, can´t win a fight, don´t fight it.
That´s people for you, they wanna tell you what to do all the time, and when you ask them ´how´ they fall silent. Don’t listen to them
If I see 2 DH on opposing team I definitely push far, some teams are a drag to fight when they’re together, besides, they’re at a disadvantage when they countersplit ‘cos they’re slow. If I go against a team with a mesmer and 2 thieves, I might NOT push far because I’ll get outsplitted.
When I play a ranged character on foefire I don´t even have to choose, I push far with my teammate and I can fire at both far and at graveyard depending on how the enemy splits. When the enemy splits another guy to far I go far as well and there´s an even spread.
Guild wars is like making a sandwich, make sure theres enough meat loaf everywhere, not just on half the sandwich, else the sandwich doesn´t taste right. It´s a bit irksome when 2 people zerg mid knowing there´s 4 people waiting for them while they have the other points for free.
This is true, unranked matches have had people in them that rotated, talked, and gg-ed the opposing team for winning by only a noselength. Who needs ranked anyways? wanna pvp? play unranked. Want a beating because you get off on it? play ranked.
I sound a tad cynical, but I’m actually happy that S2 didn’t ENTIRELY ruin my pvp experience.
(edited by Siren.2843)
4 words: Skyhammer calibrated to red
I said this in another thread, but it seems like some players are getting screwed waiting for folks with higher MMR’s to go through;
If only the season didn’t have an expiration date I would be cool with waiting, really :P
Most likely need to make a preseason during the breaks to keep placements going into the next season as has been mentioned.
Yes please, just put me in the bucket of baddies so we can all suck together, win/win
(edited by Siren.2843)
I play ranked to try out new builds atm :P
Don’t. That’s just rude. Same as tanking or going afk and you wouldn’t like it. No more of that.
Did it twice, won once, was carrying the team pretty badly with a pistol/shield support/bunker engi. Does that say something about me or does that say something about ranked S2? When I test something I actually play the ball game because else testing something would be useless, so my team will suffer minimal inconvenience/not even notice. We probably won because I ran a support build in the first place, causing my team not to blow up in seconds.
The fact that I didn’t afk once in ranked s2 while suffering devastating loss after loss tells us enough about my resolve I think. I played through the majority of season 1 with a headbutt warrior, back then I easily had a 50% winrate, and I didn’t cheat. Got to league 4 while doing so before the opponents were getting really tough and I started losing more.
Ranked lacks serious competition, so I can’t take it seriously, srry…
(edited by Siren.2843)
This is a good thread, there’s no whining in it, just information. Make 5 more of those and sticky them? As to my 2 cents, if you really wanna win, communicate. Not only do you show your team what’s gong on, you also show your team that you are giving it your best shot, better for morale…
(edited by Siren.2843)
1) Day you started ranked league (e.g., last Tuesday was day 1)
start of the season
2) Your division.
got out of amber, barely, had to play 10x as many matches as there were pips
3) Is your win-rate below 50%?
4) Stuck, or are you advancing?
5) Are you experiencing huge loss-streaks?
6) Are you continuing to play in Ranked?
Unranked is more fun atm, low level pvp-ers like me that still want good matches play unranked, quality of the average unranked match has DRASTICALLY improved, coincidence? I play ranked to try out new builds atm :P
I see thieves, sometimes I see them, then I don’t see them, then I quickly see them again. There’s thieves, you just don’t always SEE them.
I tanked my mmr to bottom level right now, to a point where I get BETTER matches in unranked. The number of total ranked games I played wasn’t as high of that of most of you. This means the s2 debacle actually had an impact, so now I can forget about playing any ranked match.
I get kids that call me names, people that feed all the time, and people that don’t talk. Lol guild wors. Atl unranked has more maps.
Rotating requires you to be able to count, can you count? gud, you can play guild wars now.
If you think GW1 wasn’t aoe based you never played HA. But still, coordination was required to keep them in said aoe, and you had the choice to walk out of AoE.
Guild wars 2 is annoyingly simple, theres only 4 maps in ranked, and the things you have to do are always the same, so people always bring the same tools to the table to do so. The difference between GW1 and GW2 isn’t the skills, but the objectives. GW1 had plenty of pvp modes, HA only had 5+ maps to play on. Next to that there was AB, 4vs4 and GvG.
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The new match making system forgets one thing. Players like me. I’m not awesome, not by a long shot, but I know that and I practice. I learned a lot more from the game in Season 1 then in the current season. In season one I managed to climb as far as league 4 before I didn’t get any further, I didnt cheat/tank mmr, I simply logged on and played. Do you honestly hink I give a crap that I got to league 4? I took the gold and I was done with it.
I play for fun, I don’t expect to get carried, I expect people to voice their criticism, I wanna get better. Season 2 makes that pretty hard for me. I don’t particularly learn much from being basecamped by people that are 10 times better then I am. I also don’t learn from playing with vegetables that don’t talk. When you say casuals belong in the ‘bottom barrel’ I am fine with that, but the thing I’m NOT fine with is the fact that I get kitten matches just because I can’t play 24/7 due to rl issues.
I’ve given this system a chance, but after a week, not much has changed yet, the majority of the matches is still kitten. For f’s sake, I don’t want phat rewards, I find the legendary wings fugly, I don’t care what league I’m in, even if it’s dung-tier, I just wanna frigging PVP.
Think about it: BIG downtime when there’s no ranked, all you can do is unranked. When ranked season starts people tell you to wait ANOTHER 4 weeks until things have settled down. All you can do, again, is unranked. When the season is over you’ll be stuck with ANOTHER huge downtime, where all you can do, is unranked.
How can I improve when I CAN’T PLAY RANKED for 50% of the time? I need the practice people. And don’t tell me to practice in unranked because that’s not the same. All you can practice in unranked are class mechanics, not tactics. I’ve had to endure somuch abuse, afk, lopsided matches and whatnot that I actually long back to GW1, especially RA, because compared to this RA is a quiet place of zen where everyone is pink, fluffy and happy….
(edited by Siren.2843)
This new league system has brought quite some discussion to light about how people should l2p, and, if we’re stuck with this system it might be a good idea to give things a positive turn. So here’s my question to you, how do you strategically outplay FOTM builds? I challenge each and every one of you to tell me how yo do it. Here’s to my 2 cents.
-The elite has a huge animation (BIG drake head), often it is interruptable since revenants don’t carry much stability).
-BIG hammer above your head means the gods hate you, walk some place else before it hits.
-Unrelenting assault HURTS, if you see him hopping from the floor, dodge
-Kite/block them when they got quickness, it lasts as long as their upkeep and they can only do so much before it expires.
-break their momentum, dodge/interrupt one attack and you have a small window, use that window to land a stun on him, they don’t have much cleanse/break and little health. Don’t be predictable, wait small times before you hit a skill to confuse him, spam and you’re dead.
-When they pop their trap jou have a split second to dodge before it fully goes off.
-The annoying fences skill can only be dodged when he’s almost done channeling it.
-Watch him when he kneels, that’s true shot, you don’t wanna be hit by that.
-Out of form: hit him, in form: kite him, green transparent means he charges life force when you hit him.
-Know most have slick shoes which make it a drag to chase him, get stability.
-When you dodge rocket charge, he might end up out of position because kitten knows where it will take him, usually behind enemy lines, try to focus him down then.
-Dodge thunderclap, 20 sec cooldown, inbetween you should be fine.
-Try to punt them out of the teamgame and keep them on their butt, they don’t necessarily have to die as long as they can’t heal their team.
(edited by Siren.2843)
I’ve had some huge losses lately where my team didn’t score a single point, funnily enough, no one went AFK. Surprised the hell out of me too.
Those people will eventually get good, no surprise here that he who doesn’t give up always gets rewarded in the end.
So from my understanding the mmr is purposely pitting pro vs noob. In an attempt to rush them out. Ok now I know my place. Makes sense sorta. Legendary should belong to pros. Thank you.
They just couldnt keep people in season 1 leagues, they most likely reset the leagues because half of the players cheated their way up. I’m beginning to think more and more that THAT is the reason we’re in this mess right now. Leagues have been reset, MMR hasn’t. When everyone is normalized around 50% winrate it will theoretically get better. I still wonder where my ‘place’ is, as matches are still seldom even.
Add on top of that that many new players have low MMR. I am a good example, I’m fairly new to the game, so the first 100 pvp matches I played I likely lost 80-90%. I also like to play with people who are bad, because they’re rl friends. My MMR does NOT take into account that I practiced a fair bit before this season, that’s only gonna show later when my winrate is normalised at 50%. I expect to get to division 3 this season and linger there and eventually have good matches, improve my play and move on.
I just hope people will sit it out, the numbers don’t lie in the end.
I really don’t understand how ppl can defend a system that pair good team vs bad team, and don’t try to balance the matches.
I’m not defending the current situation, I’m just defending the outcome, ie: everything will be even. I do feel you though. A Muay Thai boxer wouldn’t compete against a player that’s two leagues higher then him. He would most likely get hospitalized.
(edited by Siren.2843)
One thing that I keep wondering is that why matchmaking only pairs me WITH people from my own MMR range, but not AGAINST. Ofc. it’s not too hard to progress, but I played 20 matches from which only 2 were competitive.
The necro nerf is a step in the right direction, it wasn’t slammed into obliveon, just tuned down. Keep up these small patches please. It’s exactly what PVP needs. Everyone plays thieves as well, I bet they’re just popular.
ps. Necrophilia isn’t inappropriate when you use a handsome corpse
And he is right, you know it. Build diversity is pretty bad.
Is it really though?
Yes, it it really is, and the metabuilds dominating other builds. Especially necro and scrappers. And with the last corrupt boon pacth, necro is just broken.. I think we all have experienced atleast 5 or more matches with 4++ necros these days.
Thank the heavens for dat treb…..
I can feel people, having played, but, amber isn’t a very long run. I’m almost up for the next division and I only played for 2 nights, and MY mmr, lol, it must suck BALLS really. I don’t pvp for very long and I played a lot of matches with rl friends of mine who really suck at ranked. The matchmaking algorithm probably thinks I have 1 chromosome too much and I was born without limbs.
It will blow over, I’m pretty sure. Now the only thing that DOES kitten me off is the amount of abuse I get during matches. Peole are so desperately trying to get out of amber through sheer attrition that the overal morale is VERY bad. And it’s no coincidence that the matches with positive people in them were the best I played last days, and really, the onlymatches that ended close or winning.
Anyone remember the random arenas from GW1? I bet noone wants that kind of atmosphere back :P. Can’t pvp with a head full of rage, makes you stupid.
When they talk about “skill level” they mean MMR, as it is the only way they’ve to measure it.
At the start of the season, your own team is created somewhat around your own MMR, while the opposing team is formed around some enemy player MMR (so totally unrelated and random to you).
Ah, this sure helps me understand better, thank you for that.
Lol my MMR must suck balls, but it’s kind of tricky. Half of the matches I play I’m not even sober (weekends :P), and when I log on I’m not preoccupied with stuff like ratings and MMR, I just want to play. MMR in my case is a pretty good indicator of how much I had to drink last month, and it’s a good indicator of how many troll builds I played/tried.
“We’ll then find you opponents within that same pip range and pair them against you, regardless of their skill level.”
Correct me if I’m wrong, but this comes from the homepage, and noone is mentioning neither win rate nor MMR anywhere.
I played again today, mostly soloQ now, and matches were pretty random. 500-200 loss because half the team gave up, 500-200 win because my team looked at the minimap and knew how to rotate, and a pretty devastating loss because I personally sucked that match and botched objectives. All factors are random, human, and not arenanet’s.
Loss streaks can be self-fulfilling prophecies at times. Grab a red bull or get some sleep.
(edited by Siren.2843)
There’s always a chance in soloQ that you get matched up with bad frenchie feeders that think Jalis rev’s are good. Worried about winrate? play with friends, you’ll get the best matches anyways. That or duoQ and carry dat kitten. I sometimes wonder what people find more important, stats/winrate or simply playing guild worz?
kittenters will sort themselves out in time. People that quit/afk don’t get good, they quit pvp because of no backbone, good riddance.
This forum is a toxic QQ wasteland.
It’s not moderated, which is really bad, forum is supposed to be a knowledge base, not a wailing wall.
(edited by Siren.2843)
Admitted, they’re slow with balancing, but they did nuke bunker meta which noone liked. Game isn’t perfect, also admit that, but it’s far from bad. GW playerbase is lazy, I doubt if there’s patches for that. They always want everything spelled out for them with the minimum amount of effort.
Kinda stupid that people kitten at anet’s for people tanking ladder, people running fotm cheese and people using foul language. Example: Joe Necro joins a match with 2 other necro’s, is it really anet’s fault that Joe does not reroll another class just because the only thing he can play properly is reaper? You can’t patch lack of creativity/imagination.
I’ve been a rabid GW1 player, and from start to end you also had the same continuous whining about ‘game being dead’ and ‘balance sucks’. Seriously, who wants to hear people’s dumb opinions about how hard this game sucks in eotm chat? The silent ones are the ones actually playing.
I still wouldn’t mind a small balance patch though, really not at all
(edited by Siren.2843)
Only positive thread on this entire page, seriously people, the game can’t possibly be THAT bad :P.
I learn from these pro players that bumrape me. In the old system I would never face them. It’s quite refreshing sometimes to see how it’s done, and after a few minutes of play you already start anticipating and it only hurts half as much. Hell it even becomes fun.
Some of these matches can actually be played to their full potential and I see the enemy lose a match just because of ONE bad split that lastst 5 seconds. Besides that, there were alo legenday players on my team not too shabby to share a few tips.
As Andy Dufresne would say: Are you busy living, or are you busy dieing?
Their stances come to mind. I always use 3. Balaced stance (stab), berserker stance (resistance) and endure pain (invulerability to attacks). Make stances traitable so they give bonuses to allies, because that way you can slot for everything the current meta throws at you, which is lots of hard cc, conditions and overall high amounts of physical damage.
Fix the bug where passive balanced stance doesn’t proc when you headbutt. There’s a pretty lethal combo in that one. Now I have to either use up my slotted balanced stance, or enter berzerk to proc rousing resilience.
Bring other stuff on par a little bit. It kinda irks me that engineer is picked as the better shock trooper over warrior, and revenants also dish out good melee damage while bringing lolsupport to boot. That and murder DH, noone will miss it, because if there’s anything that ruins a warrior’s options in poop league, it’s a DH.
(edited by Siren.2843)
Close your eyes, think guild wars 1, especially shock warrior, and improvise from there. Full disruption warr works better then I imagined in yoloQ.
Who needs perfect matchmaking when you can play twice as many matches now. Short queues are sexy. I had a good feeling about it. Got rekt on some points by teams actually belong 4 leagues higher then me, but the overall pace was pretty even. That and I’ve been playing warrior pretty much all night :P.
Had awesome matches, but lots of tryhards that just started climbing the ladder. When good players move to higher divisions games will probably get easier.
Reaper necro, scrapper engi, revenant, thief, guardian.
Forum should actually be a knowledge base and a social medium, this particular forum feels kinda one sided.
On warriors you want disruption, really. Bulls charge qualifies as such, but it requires you to ditch balanced stance, and that’s a must have on stance warriors imo. Problem with warriors is low sustain, so if you want to be viable you need shutdown to prevent people from throwing pesky AoE at you. With disruption I am talking hammer or mace.
Juggernaut is good, but be weary of the fact that it disables utility skills, so either use in combination with endure pain or expect to be focused as soon as you slap it on. But same story, at least with Juggernaut you have the disruption available to actually shut down their heavy damage.
If you wanna go down this path I recommend other weapons (with block, daze, stun or KD) and swapping out Bull’s for signet of might (unblockable attacks).
It’s funny, but when you use headbutt (self stun) in combination with the passive Balanced Stance trait, it does not proc. It’s a shame because it makes for an interesting combination, and 3 second stun is sexy.
The problem isn’t always l2p, it’s the amount of hassle you need to counterplay a class which functions just by pressing 2 buttons on recharge. It’s not a fair trade off imo. I seriously love the ideas of making guard more of a support bunker, because in low leagues they’re already used as such and I see some potential there, but nothing more then that atm. A simple class like DH that can annoyingly dictate the pace of matches in low tier is just meh
Me, and probably tons of others don’t exactly care what’s run in pro league, because they’re not in it. They’re in poop league, they think from a poop league perspective, and they just want poop league to be fun that’s all. That and some people are actually talking out of their rear, it happens
thieves dont see the high player count because of their awesomness, but mostly because the profession has a rather large fanbase.
I love going up against a good thief in the opposing team, keeps me on my toes, unfortunately most just like deathmatch type of play and are plain bad In guild wars 1 you had the assassin, same problem.
Necros and DH’s are another plague really, win or lose, they tend to stagnate play quite a bit due to their one dimensional nature
Rampage = kills
Conquering = Cap points
Siege master = Repair treb
Demo expert = Treb kill
Make it rain = Treb hits
Edit: Combat Medic = rezzesI don’t notice them anymore so I am not sure it’s up to date.
I’ve seen Conquering and Rampage, but I’ve never seen any of the others.
Im order to ‘make it rain’ you have to spend the better time of the match on the treb. This doesn’t happen often because people will usually come contest the treb.
Can you spell “thieves” properly? I am starting to think there is a correlation between that and people who get killed by them.
When I see Thiefs I tighten the grip on my mouse, when I see thieves I tighten the grip on my wallet OP is being dramatic, but I’m afraid he does have a point. Poop league players have a hard time getting better at the game now because they are forced to run trash builds, because most builds that require any finesse kinda get punished hard.
Not a bad statement, VIP or not is a matter of perception but there’s sure as hell a couple of differces between my league (poop league) and pro league.
Pro league:
-mesmers aren’t used
-DH isn’t used
-Thief isn’t used
-People play to won, and use the best tools to do so.
Poop league
-Can end up in a match against 3 mesmers and the whole game becomes an insufferable clusterkitten
-Can end up against dual DH who totally control the pace of the match, wether they win or lose is a non issue.
-You have thieves coming out of your ears making the whole match a random gankfest.
-People sometimes muck around with unorthodox builds, and don’t always solely play to win.
So either the pros and the amateurs both have a point, because they’re both playing 2 COMPLETELY DIFFERENT GAMES, where pro league looks more like Guild Wars and Poop league reminds me more of counterstrike.
Balancing the game with the pro’s in mind effectively leaves out a HUGE load of players that don’t play pro league and probably never will. Do you really wanna tell those people to stop playing cos the game will continue being bad? Since pro and poop hardly overlap I don’t see the problem with listening to both, all in the right perspective.
Of course I can beat DH and thieves at time, but it has come to a point where PVP simply isn’t interesting anymore for the sake of competition. And yeah, scrubs also like competition, it might make them good at the game.
If you want to solve your forum problem, I’d suggest a moderator who is knowledgeable about the game. Don’t bash players for giving feedback just because they can.
(edited by Siren.2843)
Careful with those queues now, they go off when you just look at them. I had a 20 minute dishonour yesterday because I thought I could take a leak. After that I thought I could quickly pick up a package from the mailman at the door.
Short version, I LOVE what they did to the queue times, but people are still used to waiting 2+ minutes they automatically walk away from the screen to do stuff. GW does not want you to have a life, gw does not want you to do stuff
Honesty forces me to admit i’ve been killed in 3 hits by thieves before the update as well. Their gimmicky nature is the reason why I personally don’t like thieves very much, but afaik they don’t specifically use their auto attacks to actually kill something. Their most devastating effect comes from the rest of their skills and from the fact that they can be pretty hard to catch.
this is actually good info, it’s always in the small things. Thx
Hey, can any of you offer me any insights on how to target the right players in obvious clusterkittenes with minions, clones pets and whatnot running around? I have no problem killing people but when I try to point and click the right person I often have problems getting it done. The characters in pvp can blend over one another often making targeting a drag. I bet others have the same problem, how do you deal with it?
2 melee swaps is right out, as a warrior I have to concur. DH kinda hardcounters melee fighters.