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BRING BACK point-click for movement [like in Guild Wars 1]...

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Point-click movement in a third person MMO?

I dont think I’ve ever played an MMO (besides WoW) that had a point-click movement option. I dont think I could ever be able to play an MMO that used it, especially not a PvP heavy game.

You think there are too many skill buttons? I wonder if you have played any other MMO besides GW1. This game has a perfect number of skill buttons, the class with most is the engi but its still a minimal amount of skill buttons compared to other MMOs.

Sure it would be great if they added point-click options for those that want it. But it would really be to no benefit to you as MMO players. You would be better off getting used to the keyboard movement. There are just too many things that point-click cant do.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Norn Elite: Become the KRAKEN

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Honestly not sure how either fits in with the Norn theme which is heavily influenced by norse/native american cultures.

The current forms reflect both very well.

We have the wolf and bear which are fine reflections of the Wendigo or Werebears/Wolves or the embodiment of Fenris, Freke, Gere, Hate, Skoll, Garm, Månegarm and so on.

Ravens as far as I know it are very common in native beliefs aswell as key figures in Norse culture, Hugin and Munin for example.

Cats (snow leopards) have a strong connection to norse culture, the 13 cats of Freya that pull her wagon for example.

What is missing is in my opinion some form of horse shape, to reflect the stallion of native lore aswell as Sleipner, Oden’s 8 legged stallion. Or a spider type form and perhaps a squirrel (Ratatosk the messanger, whom they’ve oddly enough named a mountain after in one of the Norn zones). A bull form would also work and maybe a Boar?

But kraken or medusa, I dont know. Those are both very greek.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


IMO add +25% speed mounts that can be used out of combat, much like the thief signet. They should only be usable in the PvE part of the world, not in WvW or sPvP etc.

Force dismount as soon as you are hit by a mob, this would still force people to take the roads and not skip across terrain. Also, dodge would not be possible on a mount.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Healing-Based Class

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


No, nay, never! No, nay, never, no more! Will I play the old healer, no never, no more!

Or something like that. I prefer the system as it currently works. There are PLENTY of support healing roles in this game that can be fullfilled by a wide selection of professions. Just like every class can tank if they are specced right and the player knows how their class works.

Stats in conjunction with traits make up for alot of what trinity brings to a game, you just need to have that knowledge to do the right thing with the profession you are playing. There is no need for a trinity.

If you get into a bad group you are SoL, but with a good or even decent group you need not worry much. But when you get people that blast away like a maniac while having no clue what dodge is and yelling at the guardian/warrior for not holding aggro there isnt much you can do.

As for healing support classes you have.

Elementalist (with most weapons while in water attunement)
Engineer (turret, kit or the underrated elixir gun which brings alot of support)
Necromancer (wells and such)
Mesmer (to a certain degree, some specs bring party regen)
Guardian (staff, scepter, mace, utility skills, elite skills and so on)

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Character bound keymapping.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


No support, It would be a hassle to re-key bind every time you made a new char

Wouldnt be a hassle to rebind the keys on every toon you make, because it wouldnt be needed.

WoW (I know I shouldnt mention it) has a perfectly working character based keymap system when you need/want to use it. All it does is save the keys to your account, then you can just go in, click a checkbox that says “save keybinds to character” then you switch the keys you want for that character but all other toons have the same old setup.

You create a new toon and the basic setup is there for him with all changes done except for the keybinds you saved to your special toon.

So no there should be no hassle with a game thats 8 years younger than WoW.

They could even manage with a ToRish system that they use for UI customization. You create a UI, in our case a keymap, give it a name then you load it on your character.

You create a “general” mapping theme. Then you create one named “engineer” which is only active on your engi. Then when you create a new toon you just load the “general” keymap you made, just like in ToR you loaded a UI you prefered that was saved to your account. Easy, simple, flawless and no hassle.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Option to turn off "double tap" dodging

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Yeah the option should be there somewhere with a little checkbox. Just browse through the options and you’ll find it, think its under the section marked “combat” or such.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Character bound keymapping.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


As the title says I’d like to see a keymapping system that is tied to characters (when we want to) and not to the whole account.

The reason is that I play an engi aswell as other classes, but when I’m on my engi I really want my F1 skill to be on my regular heal button since I use the med kit alot due to how hes specced. And with the medkit your heal is on F1 and the regular healing button only equips the kit. You could also switch them around, so the F1 skill equips the kit and the heal button is the heal even for the kit. But this would mess up some traits that are tied to the toolbelt skill. So a character based keymapping system would be the best solution.

Currently I need to remember to remap the healing key when I play him and remap it back when I’m on another toon, sometimes I dont remember until its too late.

So some form of system to bind keys individually to characters would be awesome!

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Damage Meter

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


@Domino: Nope sorry, a damage meter doesnt fit in this game.

This game is not based around the trinity, its based around utility and situational awareness. Something which means that a damage meter wont be an option to display skill. The game is about managing your aggro and not going ape on the dps. No one and everyone is a tank and healer aswell as dps at the same time.

A dps meter would just show who was most lucky dpsing without snatching aggro, nothing more. Personally when I play my engi I care little about what dps I pull, I make sure to keep the needed dots up on certain fights aswell as cleansing conditions as soon as I possibly can.

But I regularly hear people whine on “tanks” about how they need to learn to hold aggro and whatnot in this game aswell. My suggestion is that they should all go back to a trinity based MMO if they want defined classroles.

You can do dungeons in this game with whatever setup you want, 5 thieves, 5 mentalists, 5 whatever. There are no defined class roles because any player with basic knowledge knows how to “tank” in this game.

Took a sidepath from the main subject that was the dps meter, but it was needed to show how pointless a dps meter would be.

The person who should pull most damage is the guy that wants to kite the aggro around.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Universal Dungeon Tokens

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


And as I said before, there is always the easy path or easy option to obtain tokens in any explorable. You just kill the easy bosses, reset and do it again. Same amount of tokens through an easier path. There is no difficulty for those that chose the easy way. And as far as I know there is no lockout, so grinding the easiest boss over and over for tokens is easy.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Black Dye

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


If you wear parts that have a reflective effect to them, such as glossy leather pieces or metallic armor Midnight Ice Dye is the way to go. Its pure black, but looks very good with the reflections that metal plates and leather gives.

It doesnt look good on materials with very little reflection, such as very authentic cloth items and such. It just goes really black, like absence of light, essence of black purity.

Leather looking materials with a glossy effect can be obtained for all armor types. So my suggestion is, find good glossy gear, slap MID on it or keep cloth armors and stick to abyss/black. I still use most of the starting set look on my mesmer, have changed gloves, boots and shoulders, but everything has a shiny leather look to it, with MID and white dye and some gold (the starter dye gold) where it fits.

On a few odd pieces midnight ice dye gives a dark blue highlight on raised areas, however this is only on a few pieces.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Dungeon tokens and gear.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Nope you dont see the problem. You fail to see my point. The options for the stats arent there. If I want my stats and gear along side my friends I will have to run a different dungeon, because the stats I want arent on the vendor the majority of the group needs.

So either we need to graind 2x the points per person in total or we have to split up our group and not run together to gear up at the same pace.

So one last time, I cant get the stats I want/need from the vendor the majority will use, so “go out and actually get the armor with stats” isnt a solution, because its not possible without running 2x the instances for our group.

So either I need to spend gold for the stats I want at which point there is no point running the dungeons or I have to run alone with other people, which isnt the way to solve this. Friends should be able to gear up with friends.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Universal Dungeon Tokens

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Thats utter and total BS imo. Because all explore modes WILL have an easier and a harder part, people will figure out the easiest path and run it. Also, deleveling gives all the instances pretty much the same difficulty level. So the difference is minimal.

Or as I said they should seperate the tokens into universal stat tokens for a generic set and use dungeon based cosmetic tokens for those that care about the skins of certain dungeons.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Dungeon tokens and gear.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Thats not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about stats not look. There are many missing stat options on the vendors, mostly on the Arah one.

I want to be able to get the stats from say the eternity vendor and still be able to run Arah and not feel like the tokens are wasted. Be able to use the Arah tokens at the eternity vendor for the stat options missing on the Arah vendor.

I’m fully aware of x-muting, which I plan on doing and keep the look I have. But the tokens give me very limited stat options.

Can I make it any clearer what my concern is?

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Revert combat mechanics to a structured class role.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


I enjoy this game just the way it is, any move into the trinity direction would disappoint me. I started playing this game to not have to get forced into roles and instead have a free option to build my class the way I wanted.

You cant walk into an instance and think that the spec you enter with will work on every encounter, thats the reason trait skills, utility and elite skills are interchangeable on the fly outside of combat.

Take the tar boss in Arah as an example. Pick up all burn traits/skills you can and dont bother with the whiskey, most simple fight in the whole game. Then afterwards switch back to what you use regularly.

All encounters are easily beatable with the right skills in your group, do some study, tell people what they need to use and you cant fail. Many people also die because they stress dodge when its not needed, many ranged attacks for example are easily avoidable by just strafing left and right very small distances (oozes and grubs for example).

Proactive thinking also helps, like engis equipping their med kit and dumping med packs before a pull then putting their turret back as a heal skill.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Universal Dungeon Tokens

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Yep sharing that exact view. Though AC and Cad should not provide these tokens, but Arbor and up should. There is a reason you get deleveled in lower level zones, so there is no reason to not have universal tokens.

There is always the argument that people will grind easier dungeons for the better gear, but there is no better gear from running arbor instead of arah, its the same gear except for looks and stat options (not enough stat options on Arah gear imo).

IMO you shouldnt be forced to run Arah even to get the look from the gear. Or they should just use 2 types of tokens, 1 for the cosmetics and one for the stats. All dungeons from Arbor and up should give the same stat tokens and then each dungeon gives the respective cosmetic tokens. Then there should be one extra vendor that sells the generic looking gear which holds the stats (all possible options, valkyrie, carrior, shaman, zerker and so on) and one vendor for each dungeon that sells the cosmetic skins which can work as both an x-mute stone and a piece of armor.

This way people can grind whatever dungeon they want for the stat sets then focus on one for the cosmetic skin. Problem solved.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

You made something wrong

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


I agree that PvE equip should be usable in sPvP.

I Do very much not agree with this. Spare time or gold should not have an impact on sPvP type of gameplay. Especially not in a game where you can make gold from real money.

Its currently the perfect vision and implementation of BG type gameplay. Everyone is on equal footing from day one. Bragging rights come from gear looks (if you enjoy using those looks)

It also solves many balancing issues and helps the devs balance PvP from class to class to bring them all in line.

What they could do is implement rings, ears and cloaks at the pvp vendor for more options. But it isnt really needed since the amulet does the job pretty well.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Dungeon tokens and gear.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


So yesterday I decided to have a first look at the token vendors in Lion’s Arch, I noticed one big issue.

The options for gear are far from optimal, not the looks, but the stats you can pick. I run alot with friends and we all need or want different stat distributions on our gear. A friend of mine is running a power/crit nades/bombs engi spec while I run a condition pistols spec. We litterally cant run whatever dungeon we want because not all options are represented on each level 80 exotic vendor (arbor and up).

I understand there is a need for different tokens due to the cosmetic look each difficulty brings, but I dont see the need for different tokens due to stats, because the stat value on each level 80 vendor is exactly the same, just different stat options.

I want power, crit, condition on my engi, but its impossible to get this by running arah, which imo is a very fun instance. I dont care much for the item looks from the Arah vendor either, I love my pirate/musketeer look which I will keep. So for me the tokens from Arah seems wasted.

Are there any plans to make the vendor options a bit wider for the level 80 gear so we can spend whatever tokens we want for whatever stats we want? Like will there ever be an option to buy power+precision+condition armor/weapons on the Arah vendor? Or will I have to spend gold on TP to get that gear while my friends gear up in Arah? I’m not asking for AC or Cad to give 80 gear, but all places above that should have the same stat options on weapons and armor.

We shouldnt be forced as a group to grind 2x the points just because we want different stats on our gear. Right now we have to grind that way just to gear the group.

And no crafting is not an option, if I loved crafting I would go that route, but I prefer playing with friends. And no its not ok to have to run 2x the dungeons because of poor itemization options on vendors.

Besides this little rant I just love the game and the way PvE works, first MMO in a long time where I enjoy beating up npcs.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Norn Thieves- Dude what?

in Norn

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Well its not an uncommon thing really at all in fantasy genres or in history.

We have Conan the Barbarian, hes a thief and sneaky barbarian at times. We have the northmen as mentioned before, very large people for their time. They had assassins and whatnot, just like any other culture.

And a norn picking pockets I imagine going on a bit differently than an asura or human picking pockets. Instead of the sneaky approach they grab the person by the feet and shake ’em till they drop all the goodies on the ground. :P

Also norns are very scandinativeamerican by their culture, its a very strong mix of the two, I imagine native americans had very fine assassins. Body size doesnt matter.

Think of this the otherway around. How does an asura pickpocket a norn…

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[Solution] How to solve the dead Trading Post?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


The TP isnt dead, you just need to know which items sell and dont sell.

The only problem with TP are the cheap epople with their lower-than-vendor buy orders, which seems to have been fixed now so you cant sell to them. Seems like TP now calculates the price minus the listing fee and cut and tells you if its equal to or higher than the vendor, if its less profit in the end the item cant be sold.

The cheap people need to learn to place proper orders on stuff, otherwise its just to put on those tools and start chopping, harvesting or picking on your own.

IMO stacks that are worth 1c per unit at a vendor should be worth atleast 2c at the TP. Single items such as armors and weapons should be worth 2x their vendor price at TP if people werent cheap. Lets face it, I’m not going to sell an armor piece for 2s 5c over the TP when I can get 2s at a vendor, that would give me less profit.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Trading Post: For those of you selling 1¢ above vendor price

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


The listing fee was obvious to anyone, but there’s a sale’s fee as well? Outrageous!

Not what the topic is about. It’s about getting less from TP than from a vendor. About people not being fully aware what they miss out on.

You need to sell items for 15% higher than vendor value to break even when using the TP, many people dont and just sell it for 1c higher, at which point its not worth it unless you sell stacks with x units in it, where x needs to cover listing fees and TP cut before the stack starts to give you profit.

My point is that, if you are too lazy to go and cut down woods, harvest or mine you should atleast be prepared to pay for the items people offer you to cover their tool cost, listing fee, TP cut and time spent, otherwise get your hiney out there and work for your mats.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Trading Post: For those of you selling 1¢ above vendor price

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


This is just one of the things that I dont understand with people selling. Getting less for an item by using TP to sell it instead of running to the vendor boggles me. There is a vendor at every possible point as you level, no excuses to getting a full backpack, every heart is a vendor you can sell to, every repair guy and you guessed it, every merchant will take your stuff.

So what else bothers me with people that use the TP to sell or place buy orders. Well I sit here with some crafting mats in my backpack/bank that I dont use, I feel like I should sell it for some fast cash on TP. I go have a look and check the highest buyer. Turns out hes offering 2c less per unit than a vendor would. Why should I bother selling to him when I can run 10 yards down some stairs to a vendor and just sell it to him, instead of running all the way to TP and get less?

Are people really that cheap in this game? Like why should i sell butter sticks to a player for 1c when the vendor gives 1c aswell, I lose on selling to the player.

And this isnt just some odd crafting mats we are talking about, its many of them, they just arent worth selling on TP, still the demand can be quite large, large but very cheap.

IMO A-Net should implement a lowest price on TP which is 1.5 times vendor price. Currently you need to take 1.15 times the vendor price to break even. If A-net sets a lowest price for sell orders and buy orders I think more people will bother selling at the TP instead of just vendoring the stuff people are too cheap to place a proper buy order on.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Condition Master?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


DoT’s can’t crit. I guess thats answers more than your question.

Thank ya, that solves my question perfectly. My oh my do I feel noobish now. :P

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Why play after you have the set you want? Here are some answers.

1. For fun (isnt that the carrot really, to have fun?).
2. To crush the enemy (thats a carrot right there, winning).
3. To get another set for another toon (you dont need to level all toons to 80)
4. Go focus on WvW (the real PvP that never gets boring)

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Do Mesmers get any better?

in Mesmer

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Only trouble I’ve had leveling my mesmer is when I outlevel my items. Other than that its fast kills and all that. The game isnt very forgiving even if you outlevel a zone, since the de-level system seems to set your active gear level lower than your de-level if your gear is lower than your actual level.

Like say you are level 50 with leve 25 gear in a level 25 zone. Even though the gear is at the level of the zone its 50% lower than your actual level, so the game de-levels the gear stats to level 12 or 13… or so it feels. But if you run a level 25 zone at level 50 with level 50 gear it counts as a level 25 with level 25 gear. Atleast thats how it feels to me.

You also need to figure out if you wanna run a condition based build or a power, crit, crit damage build. I personally run a power+crit build, focused on phantasm damage and cooldown reduction, both for the phantasms own skills and the skills to summon them. Running with Greatsword and scept+pistol, works great. Lovely burst, very short phantasm CDs. Using disenchanter, defender(thats the name right?) and mirror image as utility and the chicken as elite currently.

Fully maxed dualist will be on an 8sec CD or something.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Condition Master?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Necro and Engi plus Thieves I guess. Mesmer condition builds I have no clue about. Why go with condition builds when you have a perfectly working phantasm burst build that requires crit, crit damage and power, which you can get by only dipping into 2 of your trait lines?

The phantasms might die quickly but they have silly short CDs and massive burst.

I play an engi as main, dual pistol condition build. Melting people really fast.

One thing I’m still trying to figure out with my engi is the following. Can DoT crits proc extra bleeds and vulnerability or no? Or can they only proc on the DD crits of the attacks?

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Thievies: When are they going to be fixed?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Heartseeker + haste + %50 or below dmg bonuses = out of balance with other classes. If you took away all initiative abilities, the thief would actually play very similar to most other classes as far as consistent dmg output. However, combine their ability to do unparallelled burst , as WELL as their ability to stealth, along with their mobility, and the class needs to be brought into line with the other classes.

Again, incorrect. You also must mean quickness not haste, which is long cooldown so that makes it very situational and low uptime.

Where is this burst you are speaking of? Backstab requires stealth, even a high stealth build is gonna sacrifice some power or crit, you arent in stealth all that much, AND the ONLY stealth ability that removes any conditions is the heal. Well last I checked most classes can cause burning or bleeding if not ALL. So that negates most of their stealth. Secondly if they are stealth build they probably have 100% crit chance in stealth which takes the place of the 20% increased damage if target is below 50%. talent…

Maybe you mean Pistol Whip, the long activation time ability (unless you have quickness up), easily dodged and short stun.

Or do you mean heartseeker? That does 1-2k on non-tank targets when it doesn’t crit. Even glass cannon full crit builds dont have near 100% crit.

Tried playing thief yourself to see how they did it?

Hope you are not a thief, since you dont even know the names of your skills or how stealth works.

First: the skill that buffs quickness is named Haste, so why picking on him about it?

Secondly: Stealth does not break on damage taken, so burning or bleeding does not “negate” most of their stealth.

“Stealth is broken when the user attacks, however characters remain hidden while taking damage or stealing” – From the Wiki.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.