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10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Agreed Elkantar. They should have seen it coming long before release.

Not sure what they can do to change it into a working state though. Currently its a mess.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


“Up until about 2 hours ago” Well that is when we lost our keeps, when we got zerged by a mass of ruin players. Before that it was pretty even because I looked at the map before joining and it was roughly 33% of the cake for each server.

1 hour ahead of most EU players on deso, so that means its probably smack dab in the middle of FSP time, which doesnt make it change one bit. Since that would mean its that time for FSP people whoe have probably already logged, since we are 1h ahead maybe. Or what is the point you are trying to provE?

It still doesnt matter how deso tries to twist and turn it, having a heavy US crowd is very rewarding compared to an eastern crowd. Being behind in time is just much better.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

(edited by SneakyErvin.3056)

Desolation has no Dayshift

in WvW

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Farshivers got russian guilds so they got 2-3 hours head start on us during mornings.

Should really comprehend timezones, sleep, work and such befoer commenting like this.

2-3 hours head start only works during weekend, russians work, just like most other people on this planet. However the avarage 8 hours the US has to spend when we sleep isnt interrupted by work, not even during weekdays. But when they finaly go to sleep us euros go to works, when we get home and the US players go to work we still have other euros to face.

The largest bonus is still going to those with a heavy US continent crowd. Since even when the russians do start playing during mornings they still have americans to face before the americans go to bed, at which point russians head for work.

You see being ahead a few hours is not as rewarding as being behind a few hours, because nightcapping is far more giving.

There is never a point during the day when some europeans have little opposition. We also probably dont have more russians on FSP than on any other EU server. We are heavy on scandinavian and dutch players really.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


@Raap: Your screeny is taken at 23.40 on a sunday. It’s work tomorrow for many so most of FSP prolly logged already.

While in the US is around 3-4 in the afternoon, which is primetime on a sunday for gaming.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Sorry, but comparing US nightcapping to Russian morning capping just isnt the same thing, not even close.

There is an avarage of 8h difference between europe and the US, while russians are only 2 hours ahead of central europe. That gives the US roughly 6 hours extra. This might not be so serious on weekends when people can sit up and play. But during weekdays its a hell of alot different. When euros have their morning time its usually time for work, when US nightcapping starts its after work.

When euros sleep, americans play.
When americans sleep, euros work.
When americans work, euros play vs other euros in equal numbers or close to it.

Big difference.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

MMO's need a grind but not for fluff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Stat differences due to time invested = Bad.
GW2 has no stat differences = Good.

Some people here say that it feels a bit wrong to have invested more time than someone else and still not have that adge over someone that plays much much less. Because there is no improved stat reward that gives you that edge, but guess what!

You spend more time PvPing so of course you should know your profession better. That is your reward, that is your carrot, that is your edge.

To me it feels 100 times better to beat someone up on equal terms. If I know my skill composition, gear composition and trait composition better I will have the upper hand.

Isnt that why people PvP to test their skills against other players?

If you need superior gear to kill people you shouldnt PvP in the first place.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Were people suprise that many GW2 players are complaining about PVE Endgame?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


@helladoom.4317: Not what I said. I just said its been stated several times that this game is designed with a focus on PvP and that if you have zero interest in PvP it might not be a great idea to play it.

Personally I havent done much yet, did some WvW while leveling my first two 80s and then I havent done any WvW until yesterday night actually. I’m still having tons to do, I havent done all the dungeons yet, only rank 20 so far in sPvP, havent leveled any crafts, have 5 more professions to get to 80. I still enjoy my time very much and I dont feel forced to do anything.

And the people that say they hate PvP should really try out WvW if they havent, its a blast.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Were people suprise that many GW2 players are complaining about PVE Endgame?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


What the haters complain about in this game, what they say is lacking, are the things that made me pick GW2.

I also have no clue why people didnt do some research before they picked up a copy. Its not like its news that GW2 wouldnt be another run of the mill gorilla clone, it was stated long ago. You also need to look at it from another perspective, the game is designed around PvP, while most every other game has PvP as a side dish that just doesnt taste very good (except for SWToR warzones, amazing fun).

Here the game is designed with PvP in mind all the time, so mechanics in PvE are similar to those in PvP. Like using dodge and such. Also, since the game is designed from a PvP perspective that is going to be 100% even the best gear will be obtainable for everyone through different means. The dungeon gear is just there for people who like PvE and some of the skins, not so you can run out and faceroll in WvW.

Also picking up this game and not liking PvP one bit is not a very great idea. Its been stated over and over and over that this game is heavily designed around PvP.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Server choice

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Can still roll on those servers, you just need to wait until off-peak hours and you should be able to roll there when they are high.

If you start out on another server just check the server list from time to time, when the server of your choice is just high, transfer to it.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Reserved Names

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


If someone reserved them and they arent available then someone is obviously using them. Why do you feel the need to know which names were reserved or not. It’s not like you will be able to use them anyways since they are probably still in use.

I just dont see your point.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


@OP: I hear you. It’s not a bad thing, not at all, see it as the reinvention of MMO gaming really. I used to play MMOs very casually and for fun up until the gorilla got on the news. After that it felt like I had to play in order to not miss out on several things.

Gear (PvP and PVE), gathering, farming, making pots, flasks etc etc. Not only was there a need to grind the gear, you had to keep/gain ranks (in the early days of PvP) or grind out the weekly/daily fix (later on). It was like a fulltime job you payed for. I never experienced this with games prior to the gorilla. But it gave MMO gaming a new twist and most gorilla babies had the same idea.

Now I’m back at the point where I enjoy MMOs again, it feels fresh and new. Sure I might really want that gear from that place, but its no sweat, its just a new look and I’ll do just as fine without it. I dont need to spend hours on end to keep a PvP rank or gain better stats to have a better chance versus people who grind day in and day out. We are equal, we face off using our skills and have the same shot at being victorious.

Last weekend when Xcom was released I actually took the whole weekend to play it, because GW2 doesnt force me to give it attention through restrictions or caps or stat inflated shinies to wear. It gives me full freedom since it has nothing of that AND it doesnt demand me to pay every month.

Imo GW2 is probably the best MMO I’ve played, well I have some small doubts, since I really loved DaoC, which had this same feel over it.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


“were I am not getting out geared by people who play more than me.”

yeah god forbid a game reward people for you know playing the game, what a silly concept.

I play games to have fun and relax after a hard working day, not to get rewards.

Pogo and Farmville sound right up your alley not MMOs, they have always been driven by rewards for timed played.

Many old MMOs worked roughly how this works, where you could craft some of the best gear or buy it from a crafter.

WoW however set a new mindnumbingly boring standard. Grind away like its a second job that you actually have to pay monthly for to be allowed to work at the place.

Thats not what a game should be about, a game should be about having fun, if you enjoy grinding countless hours of raids then this isnt the MMO for you. But there are plenty to pick out there that follow in the trampled trail of WoW.

This game takes us back to the roots of when MMOs were good.

I had this same convo with a friend regarding sPvP. He hadnt even tried the sPvP and still said it was bad, imbalanced and no point trying, because he couldnt get better gear. What the hell happened to having fun in games?

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Obligatory 'best name I've seen' thread...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


I prefer names that fit in, that looks like possible names connected to the lore. However, some clever names, like for instance Kate Moss on a sylvari can give me a good laugh.

Personally I take my inspiration from things I like, bands, historical persons, songs, album names and so on, so none of mine are fun or witty. I have one name that has followed me since DaoC which many people have commented on during the years. It has also saved me from getting ganked/zerged more than once back in WoW while being out doing dailes/farming or leveling.

Mithotyn, well in this game hes named Mithotyn Stormleaf and hes my soon to be sylvari warrior.

Fun names I’ve seen lately have been a few, have two I can think off from the top of my head in my guild.

Desolation Invader
Lucy Laglös (Lucy Lawless in swedish)

Also seen

Kittykitty Bangbang (charr engineer)

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Most Powerful Class

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


It you put all 8 classes in front of training dummies with 100,000 health each and have each of the classes deal damage to their own dummy the best way possible, there’s going to be a profession that kills their dummy the fastest. There’s nothing subjective about a game that deals with math. If you don’t know the answer which class deals most damage on spot, it doesn’t mean that there is no correct answer.

Sorry, thats not a viable test. People just dont stand there and take hits, people also dont have the same thoughness, health or armor across the board. Damage isnt everything. So players tailor their toon around control, others around survivability, others around dps. Thats why no class is better than the other, except in the hands of good/bad players.

A thief might be brilliant at taking out lone targets very fast, but he brings less utility with that spec and offers less to a group combat situation. He will die fast and will most likely be the first target since hes a squishy. He also brings very little utility support compared to any other class.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Most Powerful Class

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


All professions are equal, there is no rock, paper or siccor here.

In the hands of the right player any class is as deadly as the next. They all suit different playstyles/people depending on traits, weapon options and utility/elite skills. And it all works differently from player to player.

My friend plays a bombkit/granade specced engi, I play a rifle/gadget/toolbelt engi, we both destroy people in BGs, but if I tried his spec I would be bottom last.

Same with my mesmer, rocked in beta with the spec I used, messed (no pun intended) around with some other specs during live which didnt suit me as much, went back to my beta spec a few days ago and now the class works perfectly for me.

It’s all about the little things and the players style. For instance, I suck at playing a dps elementalist type, I play very well as a support mentalist, though it bores me to death. Thief I’m not very good at and I’m ok with the warrior (rifle + 2x axes). I’ve just found my specs with the other classes and handle them well. I need serious training with thief and elementalist and could use some for warrior too.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


@Sad Swordfish.9743: Agreed. This is the type of game I’ve been waiting for. A game that you can take breaks from to do other things without feeling you lose out on points, items or something else.

Aslong as they bring some optional carrots to the table I’m happy. It’s always good with carrots, aslong as they arent mandatory to keep playing or being competative.

I just love GW2!

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

My exit review of Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


@GreenZap.1352: Yes every other games has had some form of carrot on a stick. Every game has some form of carrot, but it doesnt meen it has to be the same as in every other game.

We dont need a WoW-themed carrot in this game, we have plenty, just as I said in the post you quoted. But the carrots here are more old schoo. You PvP to win and get cosmetic looks, not to get higher stats to beat the opponent, thats what your skill is for. You have high scores in BGs, server scores in WvW aswell as server wide bonuses. You have shiny looking armor sets from dungeons.

You have all that is needed to keep playing except one thing the WoW-(de)generation needs. Stat inflation, which leads to a game thats hard to balance. What were the stats up in when I quit WoW? 150k HP in the just below top tier of PvP gear and people critting for 70k a pop? Yep that sounds fun and balanced. I rememer back in the day when low levels could gang up and kill max levels, these days that just wont happen. In WotLK even a level 70 could fend of a fresh geared 80, in cata a fresh geared 85 could easily 1 shot a level 80. WoW these days is a mess.

We play for fun, we play to win, we play to bash the pixilated skulls of our enemy. GW2 has all that already, no need for other carrots, except some levels in the future. The gear system in this game is the best I’ve seen. You can gather your level 80 exotic gear in a few hours after hitting 80 and then just have fun.

Only thing bugging me in this game are the bugs, rest is just perfect. No trinity makes me a happy camper because the game is fun and needs you to have situational awareness. It’s the first game in many years where I dont feel a preasure to play every day, because I dont miss out on anything. Like in WoW, if you didnt cap your points during a week you couldnt catch up the next week and so on.

This game allows me to play other things while still enjoying GW2 on a regular basis, like this weekend I took 3 days off from GW2 just to play Xcom – Enemy Unknown. If I would be playing WoW I probably wouldnt even test the new U.F.O, because I would fall behind in points. Not the type of carrot I like in games.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

(edited by SneakyErvin.3056)

GW2, misunderstood game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


I see alot of people calling it a grindfest. What grinding is actually needed to get anywhere?

Leveling? Nope, dynamic events, hearts, dungeons, WvW, crafting etc. It’s all up to the player.

At 80? Nope, not really, unless you really want that shiny gear, otherwise all you need to do is spend 3 hours and have full exotic gear and do what you feel like.

In sPvP? Nope, not really, you play it because its fun, just like people used to play or still play CS, BF142, 2142, BF3, Vietnam, SC1, SC2 and so on. We PvP cos we like it.

In WvW? Nope not really, you WvW cos you think its fun, you already have the gear you need when you hit 80 pretty much.

There is nothing in this game that forces you to grind for anything. It doesnt matter if you stop playing for a long period, you are still at the same footing as others. The game is about having fun, not chasing carrots.

People also claim its hard to make gold in this game or buy gems with gold. Its not, its very simple. Only gems I’ve bought with real money was the gems to expand my character slots. Rest has been upgraded through gems bought for gold. Including spending several gold on transmutation stones to keep my looks.

Mining, herbing and cutting down trees is quick and easy gold and doesnt rob much of your gametime.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

(edited by SneakyErvin.3056)

People I feel bad for.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


you may want to remove number 25 its likely to get this thread reported and is quite frankly tasteless .

It is? Yep not nice making fun of autistic polar bear, they might get offended.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


There is an open pvp server called WvWvW. It basically is a PvP server.

It has NOTHING to do with open world PvP. People claiming so haven’t got a clue of what open world PvP is.

That all depends how you define W-PvP. It also depends strongly on how the game is designed.

In this case two solutions would work.

1) ! FFA PvP server i.e a Mordred style server. It would still make no sense, since you would need more than just a PvE envoirment server to go with the FFA server. You’d need a special WvW zone aswell for the FFA server that would be purely guild based. Otherwise it wouldnt make much sense running around killing everyone then suddenly you are all happy campers fighting together in the mists.

2) Open world PvPvE zones in a future expansion. Zones shared by 3 servers, much like the current WvW zone with a few changes.

-No keeps or other structures to claim.
-Seperate major heart locations in your “home area” for each server. You would be able to do all of them eventually when your servers color/starting spawn changes every two weeks.
-Neutral shared hearts/events in the central map
-No queues.

In addition to these zones there would be PvE zones of the same level range for those that dont want or cant PvP while leveling, like small servers for instance if they face large servers in their rotation. This would solve everyones needs without having to split up server populations or create new rulesets on servers. It would also work completely like any regular PvP server in any other MMO.

@: Corian.4068: Very true what you wrote. It happened in WoW too. That game was a blast in W-PvP, just ganking and being an kitten but slowly it died away due to changes to this and that. People leveled on, zones died out, instance systems changed, camping stones got “nerfed” and so on.

Finding that one guy in a zone and camping his poor body just wasnt fun anymore.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

(edited by SneakyErvin.3056)

Alittle upset not having Heros...Cant mulibox to play alone either..?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


You can already solo everything in this game except dungeons.

It is afterall an MMORPG i.e MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER online roleplaying game.

What you should think about is if GW1 was really an MMO or just a single player RPG with multiplayer features. I guess A-net just really wanted to do a proper MMO, with an open world and player interaction.

Also, your LotR analogy is way off. That would be more like making Eir a male asura guardian i.e breaking the lore.

Also, a henchmen group wouldnt survive dungeons seeing how the system works. No tanks, no healers and such, you must dodge things manually.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

GW2, misunderstood game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


All I see and all I hear from the negative nancies that just want another WoW clone is.

“Time is money friend!” Thats all the WoW generation gamers care about because its all they’ve seen/experienced, not only in WoW but in post-WoW games too.

GW2 takes a step back through time, before WoW and bringing new ideas with them to make a Neoclassic original MMO.

If you want a WoW style MMO there are many out there to chose from, either fantasy or sci-fi. No need to nag on GW2 since most of us who bought it were very aware that it was nothing like WoW or the post-WoWpocalyptic clones.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Bored beyond measure?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


For those with issues regarding skills.

Swap weapons if they dont fit you or attunements/kits.

I far prefer this system with a select few skills that does the job compared to games like WoW or ToR and so on with countless useless skills that clutter your skillbook/QB.

10-14 skills is just enough, it limits the need and job with balancing and gives the devs more time to create things we need.

But if you dont like the game then there is nothing forcing you to stay.

@GreenZap: Very untrue, you dont NEED people for anything in this game except a maximum of 5 people for dungeons. Events are a bonus and not needed for leveling, hearts and your personal story aswell as some instances on the side easily gets you to level 80. After that EVERYTHING is obtainable from TP to keep you on equal footing with others. No need for other player when it comes to grinding money/gathering.

p.s. Scouts are your friend.

edit: A question to those that dislike the skill system. What difference is there between having 10-14 skills that you always use to having 40 skills where only 5-10 are actually used by 90% of the playerbase? Because thats the case in WoW, you have millions of skills but you use mostly if even 10 skills per class/spec.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

(edited by SneakyErvin.3056)

This game's business model was hype

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


MMO’s require so much investment, I personally don’t think not having a sub fee is going to keep ppl here as much as others seem to.

If you mean time investment to get anywhere in the game then thats not the case in GW2. There is NOTHING in this game that you cant obtain VERY casually and be on equal footing on others.

All you really need time for is.

1. Buy the game.
2. Roll a toon and level it to 80 (pretty fast and fun) or sPvP.
3. Gather around 25g and buy full exotic/runes/sigils
4. Grind Dungeons for new skins, WvW your brains out, farm gold, craft or whatever rocks your boat.

Neither of things under note 4 are time consuming or gets you left behind if you take a week, month or whatever off. You can play when you feel like it and have time. All you need is to pick up expansions and such to get higher levels and new gear when the time comes, but no grinding is needed for anything really.

25g are obtained by gathering orichalcum 2x per day for 15 minutes per run during roughly 5 days, thats an hour and 15 minutes for a full exotic gear. Lets say 3 hours maybe since you need to find the nodes on the first day.

This game is designed around having fun and I think they nailed that perfectly, giving everyone the choice about what they wanna do in-game. But you dont need to spend hours on end to get anywhere, because you are already where you need to be shortly after hitting 80.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

My exit review of Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


No money sinks?

Waypoints = Money Sink
Durability loss in WvWvW = Money Sink
Commanders badge = Money sink for those with the money since it dont do much except for a blue marker and a few other things not “100 golds worth” of features
Heck….always buying mining picks/sickles/axes = money sink.

Just MY opinion

Commander and Legendaries are the only two money sinks in the game. But neither is a must or something everyone wants. What you spend on WPs you earn back in a few kills or some random nodes/herbs/woods on your way to the big ones.

Deaths arent money sinks either, paying for WvW deaths just make you more aware and you lose a bit of something on death (would you prefer perma death or maybe a requeue before being able to participate in the fight again?).

I stopped playing for these reasons and simply that i’m having more fun playing MOP

Serious or troll? Enjoying MoP? I guess addicts need their fix no matter how filthy it is.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Has Guild Wars 2 been worth your $60.00?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


A big yes.

There is one big dissapointment however that could have been much more epic, well it would be good if it was even remotely epic to start with… The Zhaitan fight, it must have been the biggest drag yet imo in any mmo. Was looking forward to it but it turned out to be so cheesy and boring.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

My exit review of Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


I wonder exactly what Deth wonders, whats with the gaming community these days? When did people stop playing games to have fun and when did people start playing games to have a second job?

GW2 takes us back to how games were done when they were indeed good and fun without a carrot around every corner.

This game lets you focus on what you like, grinding new gear, RvRing, BGing, Crafting, farming or you name it. For me its great, there are no money sinks unless I really want legendaries, so I can grind a bit and focus on alt when I want. Just like it is with BGs, even if I slack for a week or two I wont fall behind because the gear is just looks, the way it should be, BGs are about having fun, thats the main point with the whole gaming industry. Something many gaming companies have forgotten about, A-net not being one of those.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

My exit review of Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Wall of text crits you for 9001.

Seriously, why bother writing up these reviews or even calling it a review. No one really cares if you are dissapointed or leaving, besides maybe your guild and some few people you’ve gotten to know in-game. What exactly do the rest of us have to do with this? We cant change anything of what you feel is bad. You would be better off posting suggestions instead of bashing the game, if you have any better ideas how it could be made.

You also say something about how people leave game and never go back later on and instead keep playing an older game… How is that NOT going back to another game? They must have left that game, even if its for just a short moment while testing the new game.

You also answer way to often for a guy who will probably not look at the thread again since hes quitting. You’ve already been back to the thread 6+ times since you posted it today.

Also the fix to the invis bug was patched a few days ago, shortly after it was detected.

And IMO the absence of the trinity works great, same as the downed system.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Lifetime Survivor, how does it work?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


The daily is not character based, its account based. So should be the case with the monthly too unless you are bugged.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Guardian: Swap Shield skill 5 with Focus skill 5.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


No thanks, dont switch them. I like the way it currently works and I’ve built around it with my scepter/focus sword/shield setup.

It’s nice to have a block when wielding a scepter aswell as a ranged blind. Switch them around and the setup wont be the same.

It would impact just as many people in a negative way as it would in a possitive way. If you dont like the shield the way it is, use the focus.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Boss Fights, No healing class, is there any point to this?

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


People arejust too stuck with the trinity mindset. It’s not needed here, you just need people that know what to do. This isnt a mindless dungeon grinder like WoW where you can facepull, have no knowledge about your class and still beat the dungeons.

Combo fields, dodging, “tanking” ranged mobs by blocking LoS to the real target. You cant go full on tank spec/gear and expect to hold aggro, aggro is all about damage. You need to reactivly manually tank in this game if thats the route you are taking.

Otherwise you should pick a dps spec with high vigor proc chance or high base end regen from traits and dodge tank kitten and make use of LoS etc.

Big issue in this game are the players, they freak out when you drop an AoE and think it belongs to the enemy. If they would just stand in those cleansing and healing would be alot easier. The tools are there for everything you need, just not the brains of some players.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Change skills -> refund current trait book !

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Please do tell what skills were so horribly changed that it requires a trait respec.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


It would be nice if they were account wide, but no. It’s one of the fees that A-net can get money from. So I’m ok with how it works, however there is on change I’d like to see.

Let us have a shared dye preview window where we can see all the dyes in game. Should look/work much like the current dye window, except that the colors wouldnt stay on the gear when we close it down. This would help alot with obtaining specific dyes. That way people wouldnt need to collect more than the colors they want for their armor set.

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[Sollution] Condition Stacking & Boons

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


@Nurvus: Exactly my point, thats 25 stacks during 4 or 5 seconds that can very well be an army killer if people set up their assists. As my above example of a few necros in WvW, how do you get away from 15k damage per second over a 4 sec duration? Thats 60k damage dealt to everyone hit by them. Nothing would survive that or be able to heal through it. Currently a person takes roughly 3200 per second with 25 bleed stacks on him, thats 12800 over 4 sec before stacks start to fall off.

Do you see the difference?

You cant compare DoTers to bursters in PvP regarding the ganging up thing, we arent talking about a group of DoTers ganging up on a single poor soul, we are talking about wiping out entire armies with 10-15 people. Melee and bursters need to stay and do their damage, often killing 1 at a time or bombarding AoE which you can move from.

With DoTs they are on you before you notice them and with individual stacks in WvW you are SoL if you get hit by a group (and assist trains arent a rare sight in WvW/RvR settings). There are also many narrow places where people are packed, like bridges and infront of gates, you would never be able to claim a keep if DoTs were stacking individually in WvW. Necros would be the ultimate defenders, Asura necros to be exact.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

(edited by SneakyErvin.3056)

WvW Commander Suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Some classes just have a harder time in WvW getting badges, since the system is very odd. Some form of ranking system in WvW would be better, a system thats equal for all classes. The commander should also be account wide.

WvW is more forgiving when it comes to ranged classes, so range classes would be the most common commanders even if they have little knowledge about whats actually needed out there.

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Samurai Class Concept for Cantha

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


I like the concept but not the name. It would be like wanting berserkers, vikings, carolians, minutemen or anything like that. Its already there up for grabs in the shape of other generic classes. Real world names for special classes belong outside the game.

Maybe a Spiritwarrior would be a fitting name. But slimfitting it to a region wouldnt be right, all races should be able to roll one.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

[Sollution] Condition Stacking & Boons

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Yep a necro can get off 12 stacks of bleeding incase hes unlucky and gets 0 crits while applying them, critting would result in something like 15-16. After those he can spread them if hes in group combat. Have a few of these setups and you would have some fine weapons of mass destruction in WvW without the current 25 stack limit.

Add poison on that with stacking changes and it goes even more out of hand, burning to that and well… you get the picture.

Then take into account racial skills such as radiation field which is usable in WvW. The list just goes on and on.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

[Sollution] Condition Stacking & Boons

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Well there is one huge problem. DoTs will become very OP in PvP. Now you have 25 stacks at max that roughly do 115-130 per second, roguhly 3000 per sec. Let people have their own stacks and that damage will quickly become very high. Its not an issue in PvE because, well, bosses and encounters dont try and run away with stacks on them. But allowing 25 individual stacks in PvP will indeed raise the damage too much. You can get away from bursters, but you cannot outrun dots.

Its very easy to stack DoTs as a necro, you can quickly stack up to do 1500 per sec now, this is without counting poison. And thats one necro. Imagine the total mayhem in WvW if 10-15 necros light up a crowd with their bleeds if only 2-4 can be removed. Thats 15000 damage per second to everyone hit, not very hard if they get off 2 staff skills and a dagger skill. And those 15k damage would most likely tick twice before some of the damage starts falling off. Thats 30k damage, unmitigated damage and I’m still not counting poisons, burns and such.

Imagine the crazyness of mass charging flamer engineers or mass porting guardians spreading fire.

Since damage will be the same as before per tick, there is no solution other than letting removals remove all stacks of one type. But in all honesty, I think the system would be perfect in PvE, but should stay out of PvP, WvW will just be too crazy even with condition removals. Since removing conditions isnt very accurate, you might be unlucky and remove the wrong DoT and die in the next 2 seconds.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Necromancer, Greataxe, and minions

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


I can really imagine a great scythe for necros, would work like a great axe but with a reaper looking scythe skin.

Scythe was such a cool weapon when playing Valewalker in DaoC.

I also wanna see whips, chains, flails and other cool “linked” weapons in the future.

Hmmm Slaver profession maybe? Or a crazy archeologist profession… :P

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Went from: This game is AWESOME to, ehh, maybe come back in a Year!

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Some decent points, some horrid ones too.

Karma to gold conversion? Are you kittens kidding me? Sounds to me like you really have a hard time getting gold.

“Black out” option when downed really kills the idea of downed/defeated. It works like it does for a reason.

Free travel in zones you have completed? Why, what sense does that make? It’s not like its expensive to travel. It’s on of those things that only lazy people bicker about. All it would do would make farming faster, they want us to experience the zones i.e running between trees and nodes. I prefer how it is. I could see them allowing us to set 1 homepoint that is free to travel too. Thats enough with the currently free system to travel to Lion’s Arch.

Also no, A-net should NOT give into the gold farmer prices. What happens outside the game is not important for those that play the game fairly.

And the commander change wouldnt help, not in that way. Some ranking system in WvW would be the only way to go, something that was even for all classes.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

[Sollution] Condition Stacking & Boons

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056



Good read and a very good idea when it comes to fixing condition builds. But as it works now in PvP with 1 cleanse removing all conditions of one type i.e all 25 stacks of bleeding should work just the same with the changes.

The people claiming damage would be too high and so on are way wrong. It’s no different than a DD class getting their full punch. Take 20 DD classes and compare it in a fight to a 10DD/10DoT group vs the same encounter. The 20DD group will kill so much faster because 6-7 of the DoTers wont do any noticeable damage, since 3-4 of the DoTers will hit the stack mark very fast.

@xenkaidos: What are you talking about, DoT necros wreck havoc in sPvP, the staff is just a golden sweet tool along with Sc+D. Trait for big marks and all that for the staff, longer bleeds and scepter condition and you will bleed out any enemy very quickly and reapply it very quickly if cleansed. With the right setup 50% or more of your auto attacks WILL stack 2 bleeds at a time that last a very good while.

My current PvP spec is 20/30/20/0/0 And it works great. Only trouble I have is the odd thief or warrior. But with the gigantic staff hit radius you have opportunity to stack massive bleeds in group fights (what all PvP in this game is based around).

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


There is no problem in this game when it comes to giving yourself a stable ecconomy.

15-30 minutes a day is enough to give you 2.50-3g with litte effort, this is by just mining 10 simple nodes in Orr. Add some kills on that, some trees, some mithril and you get maybe 5g for very little work, its usually how I start my day before doing other things.

There is also no good way to “play the trading post market”. The TP doesnt work like an AH, you risk alot by putting stuff up here, because the game always picks the lowest price that is up. I’m still not sure people understand the concept of highest buyer and lowest seller. If I wanna make fast and good money (on most items) I sell to the highest buyer and get payed on the spot. If the current buyers are too low for my taste I can bank my things or put it up for sale, but doing so might rob me of my listing cost.

Getting a full set of exotics should take you maybe 10 trips of farming nodes after hitting 80 if even that. Depending on how much you play those trips can take you anywhere from 5-10 days or less if you play 15+ hours a day.

And regarding what to do after you get all exotic gear? WvW, BGs for fun, dungeons for fun, farming gold to get a the next expansion for free (probably), level an alt or maybe level all crafting skills. There are endless things to do.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Things I Would Pay for

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


@lookitsandrea: No, no, thats not what I ment, that thing has nothing to do with gathering, that was a point towards the other things that heavily effected gathering and the way it works.

I was just saying there is no use for a travelling stone when you think about it, it might look neat and useful but all it does is eat your gold/RL money to get, because it wont be used to fill its value. Unless you are on one really odd quest that needs you to port all over the place many many times within its duration.

@marianitten: They would be kind of critical in a way, because they would shorten gathering by way too much, you could also just use the node tracker thing once per week and find all the node locations for that week and write them down, so it would give a very strong upper hand over others when it comes to gathering. And with guilds and friends more than one person would easily benefit from it at a time.

Atleast now you have to physically run around the zones each new week and find the Ori nodes and trees atleast once to remember the locations. Its part of the exploration in the game and it brings some fresh air into gathering.

And well regarding travel form, it could be a nice thing to add it, but with one condition, it breaks on any form of skill use/interaction, so you cant use one to run around and gather everything or explore a full zone. You would have to consume one after each vista or node and so on.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

This game would be mind blowing with open world pvp

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


I’m a big gankarooing a-hole when it comes to MMOs, oddly enough I havent missed the PKing part while leveling one bit. The game is just designed in a completely different way, the way DaoC was designed back in the day. Level in a shielded really fun envoirment then go out and bash skulls in the frontier (RvR/WvW).

The game is designed with heavy cooperation in mind for the PvE part, W-PvP would never work as it is now.

However, they could add fully open “WvW” leveling zones in a future expansion. For every new questing zone added there would be a WvW zone aswell, no keeps to claim or queues, just zones to level in while fighting the enemy aswell. This way the server bond would still be intact and everyone on a server would strive for the same goal. There would also be no need for new PvP/PvE labeled servers.

These zone would sure be active but if you happen to be on lower population server you wouldnt have to participate since the regular PvE zone would be there too.

They would just have to have seperate hearts for each server in the zones.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Classes too strong that I've noticed while pvping

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


And for mesmers, I agree that phantasms are just a spell, but that spell is too strong or too frequently used with ease to be balanced imo.

Nope, they are no different than any other spell. They are just as hard/easy to use as any other spell in game. Actually the only phantasm that attacks directly is the berserker, the dualist and the others have a very short period after they are summoned before they start attacking. Berserker lands on the target and does his whirlwind attack.

Then the phantasms have a decent cooldown before they can attack again, during which time they just stand there.

What exacly is too strong about the different phantasm spells?

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Things I Would Pay for

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


The account ideas are great, except the last one. There is no reason unless you buy or sell characters/accounts (which is against the ToS I assume), to transfer characters between accounts.

All of the PvE ideas except the mobile crafting station, homepoint and traits are just too much.

There is a reason why waypoints are contested. There is a reason why you get deleveled and mobs are attracted to you while skipping through the terrain. There is a reason why node locations switch around once per week and so on. The ideas only makes me think one thing, you are a person that wants a super quick and easy time gathering with little effort. Traveller Stone as you mentioned would be a pointless item, it would be more rewarding to just buy gems for real money and sell them for gold to use as travel money. Or if you were to buy it for gold gems you might aswell spend that gold on WPs in the first place.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Classes too strong that I've noticed while pvping

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Mesmer’s phantasms are too strong and are much more terrifying than the actual mesmer.

Well… thats how mesmers work, their phantasms are their versions of damage spells. If they get nerfed other mesmer skills will need to get buffed and the mesmer playstyle will go from a illusion based thing to your regular run of the mill caster.

Phantasms are nothing more than spells, you can dodge them and all that aswell as hitting them or LoSing them, you can also kill them quite quickly.

As for the ranger root, yes its buggy and annoying and I can rarely ever target it, also good point on the condition thing and root. I’m annoyed whenever I try to take out any form of “structure” in the world and conditions not stacking.

Stealth lag, yep also noticed it alot when facing thieves, they can stealth sure, but it doesnt last THAT long, also it should break on attack which it doesnt at times.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

A queue for trasnfering to full servers?

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Well its based on currently logged in accounts, there is no other way to check activity really because there is no sub fee or active/inactive accounts.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Change the 25 bleed stack limit

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056



I dont understand the people that are against the OPs suggestion.

What is the difference between a burster being able to do their full damage and a DoTer doing their full damage? There shouldnt be one IMO, but currently there is a big difference.

A DoTer should have his own stacks of every DoT he has, poison, bleed and burning. There is no reason it works the way it works.

If a DoTer can do 2k per second with his DoTs its no different than a burster being able to pull off 2k per second. The current DoT system is broken and really needs to be looked at.

If you have say 5 necros, you would actually be better off replacing 3 of them by bursters. Switching DoTs to personal stacks would give the group the same dps with 5 necros as it would have with 2 necros and 3 bursters. It wouldnt skyrocket as some people claim, it would be the same damage but with working DoTs.

And using a DD build is not a viable fix to this issue, some people want to play a DoT build and should be able to do so in every situation. If you can get around the DoT stack limit by switching to a DD spec there is no reason to not allow individual stacks on a boss, because the damage will be equal to that of a DD spec.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

GW2 and Swtor 1st moth comparison graphs.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


All it tells us is how many xfire users played ToR and how many played GW2 during the first month, many players arent xfire users. So its full of flaws.

Also, this game doesnt need the ammount of players ToR had even at release, becuase this game isnt littered with servers. It has enough servers so people cant pick their type of population, in this case medium to full, its been like that since release.

I personally switched servers because I didnt like medium population, but some do. There is no issue with the player base until servers go very low or empty, at which point people will migrate to other servers. There is no issue yet, however a ToR server that was full at release was close to empty 3 weeks later.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.