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Opinions on player ability to get gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


No problems getting gold. I usually gather in Orr on 5 80s when I dont have anything else to do. Killing what comes my way so I can get some bags/dyes or such.

No magic find gear on any toons and I get 10-15g total on 5 runs. After a node reset it takes a while to find all nodes/woods on one character, but after that a zone takes maybe 15-20 minutes per toon to gather in before you have all Orichalcum and most Ancient Wood. Thats roughly 2 hours a day to get 10-15g

Heavy Moldy Bags are great for loot if you dont like gathering and prefer grinding.

The easiest way to make gold is to take your time and level alts, once you have enough things will be fast. Also take notes where nodes and wood are located.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

(edited by SneakyErvin.3056)

Tough issues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Recently tweaked my warrior a bit.

Used to have full berserk gear and full dps spec. Had tons of dodge due to signet and trait (50% endurance back on bursts). I felt survivability was just too low. Too many mobs in Orr and it got sweaty. So I shuffled some traits around aswell as picking up 3 pieces of knight gear (helm, chest, legs), replaced some runes and started to use healing signet.

With the new spec (15/0/15/10/30) I barely take any damage whatsoever. I still maintain high dps, regen 960 health (not counting healing bonuses) over 3 seconds (3 heal signet ticks+adrenal healing). It’s a balanced spec/build and it works great in PvE, WvW and for farming. Bonus is, I can still dodge like a maniac and make some very nice combos with it both with axe+shield and longbow.

I was about to just ditch my warrior, since the survivability was just that low.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

What class would you pick in real life?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


@SneakyErvin Death is sacred. Maybe not as much as in our past (ancient Egyptians), but we still bury dead animals and humans. Necromancy in most forms of fiction is regarded as a “dark art”. You actually think society would allow people to summon the dead? The smell alone would be a reason to outlaw it.

But there is a difference between Necro reanimated undead things and the Orrian type. There is a reason why necro minions look like they do, worms, scorpions, shades, rat things and golems. I’m sure there would be regulations, but if someones last will and testament would be to donate themselves to necromancy so be it.

I just dont see how it would be a crime or awful in any form. They wouldnt run around with random people of their own choice as minions, if they did it wouldnt be different than todays grave robbers or necrofiles.

And honestly, I think there are more things with the necromancer that would be far more appealing than the minions if I would be one IRL.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

How many characters do you have?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


So far I have, in the order they were leveled.

80 Asura Engineer – Ervin the Fixer: Love him to death, most fun class imo. Rifle+SD spec, balanced traits and gear for survival and damage. 0/30/10/0/30. Leveled him to 80 in a week after release or something. Played parts of it with a friend who played a warrior. I could have done so many things better if I leveled him now. For example, I didnt use speedy kits and I leveled with dual pistols sigh.

80 Sylvari Mesmer – Watain Blacklight: Leveling him wasnt too fun, since I had no real knowledge about the class. If I were to level a mesmer again I’d stick to staff+GS when leveling. Once you get 20 points in duelling and 3 utility slots it gets easier, since you have an infinite amount of shatter fuel. Running in full dps gear, some valkyrie parts thrown in for extra health, rest is zerk. 20/30/0/0/20 spec. I want some form of passive speed utility since I hate focus with a passion.

80 Human Necro – Marduk Irondawn: Loved him when I leveled and still do, must be the fastest thing you can possibly level. Pull together 5 mobs (more is pointless due to AoE target cap), stack bleeds and transfer it to the rest, clean yourself from conditions with your staff, then clean yourself from random bodyparts and goo. Scepter+dagger and a staff, Consume Cond, BiP, Epidemic, Corrosive Poison Cloud (or spectral walk/sig of locust if you want speed) and Plague or Golem. Full rabid gear, 0/30/20/20/0.

80 Norn Guardian – Skallagrim Kveldulv: Really resilient class, balanced dps gear (valk+zerk), can still take a massive beating from most things without ever worrying about dying. Was a breeze to level, not the killing speed of the necro, but no worries about dying to anything really. 0/10/30/30/0. Only thing I’d redo if I were to level a guardian again would be to pick up GS+Staff from the start, I leveled with sword+shield and scepter+torch.

80 Norn Warrior – Gard Blodstrup: Loved levleing him, was about as quick and easy as it was with necro. Was bummed at 80, didnt like the lack of survivability, now 2 weeks later I’ve switched the spec around along with a bit of gear replacement, now hes as resilient as my guardian but deals more damage. Armor is made up of Knights head, chest and legs, zerker shoulders, gloves and boots. 2 Sup. Speed Runes, 2 Sup. Monk and 2 Sup. Water. With 10 points in tactics and reduces signet cd this gives me perma fury and swiftnes along with perma might (stacks may vary). Rest of the gear is zerker gear, using axe+shield and longbow. 15/0/15/10/30.

19 Norn Ranger – Hilding Hrafnson: About to start leveling him soon, just need a bit more gold to feel floating.

2 Sylvari Thief – Mithotyn the Rover: Still just goofing around in sPvP from time to time with him, will level him eventually.

8th character slot is still empty, elementalists just doesnt suit me… yet.

I play all my 80s on a regular basis since they are all too much fun.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

(edited by SneakyErvin.3056)

Magic Find, how high do you go?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


0% Since the effect from it is minimal. You still get plenty of bags and other things in Orr for instance.

Bags = crafting mats T5+6 which = money.

No need to grind slowly for a slight increase in getting rares you need to RNG again with a salvage kit for ectos.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Gap closers and conditions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


@OP: Blinks and teleports arent movement skills, so should really not be effected by chilled or crippled (well maybe brain freeze from chilled so you cant focus the full distance?)

And if you do find yourself chilled or crippled at a distance of 900 yards, pull out your boomstick and blast their face. All classes have very viable ranged weapons, use them and stop complaining.

So there you have the way of dealing with chilled and cripple without wasting cleanse… you could also dodge or block and waste their CD.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Will open world PVP servers be considered?

in PvP

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Like you I too also love to gank and grief players. Sadly what I find is that some people who say they love FFA love world pvp and that ganking is part of that so sad day for you for rolling on a pvp server. I fine that those same person who beveled that after dealing with me they suddenly have a change of heart not always but sometime. Pretty sure some of them even report me saying that I’m harassing them, imagine that. Now all the suddenly world pvp has become a harassment in there point of view….. I guess any reasonable person would have a change of heart to after being grief for hours sometime even days. Just to be fair even though I was on a pvp server I don’t shoot first I let Han shoot first then its grief time. Am I not merciful.

It used to happen back in WoW on several occasions that people tried to report me or my brother for herassment after ganking their kittens for hours on end. Several times you got cross faction tells, calling us this and that, things that we could easily report them for as herassment, but didnt since it was too kitten hilarious.

We could spend days ganking, was fun when our gnome rogues were max level. Just camping Stromgarde Keep, TM or STV back in the day. Then with each coming expansion we found a new zone to “live” in.

Heck my brother even managed to gank one from his own faction back in classic. Some guy that was interrupting our crusader recipe grinding in the tower near Hearthglen. Guy rushed up pulled the elite, the elite MCs the poor fellow and my brother kills him during the MC. Most hilarious moment in WoW.

I would honestly love to see a full FFA server, only restriction would be guild affiliation i.e true guild wars. DaoC did it and it was a blast on Mordred.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Least played class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


First 80 was an enginner for me, I still love to play him the most. I now have 5 80s and will level a ranger next, the only one of my 80s I dont really like is my warrior that turned 80 2 weeks ago or something.

He just feels awfully squishy in melee compared to my guardian. Both are in full dps gear, guess the 300 toughness the guardian has from talents plus the 10% dmg reduction signet makes the difference along with blinds, aegis and the reliable 8k+ heal and meditation heals.

He does pretty well at range, but my necro, mesmer and engi still feels less squishy. Necro is in pretty tanky gear, so up close or at range doesnt matter much. Engi is mix and match, PVT+zerker things/rubies, mesmer is full zerk+valkyrie mix.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

What class would you pick in real life?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Necros would be jailed / killed as it would be highly illegal.

That leaves the Mesmer and Elementalist. Both use magic that doesn’t exist here, so I would think they would be the two best choices.

I’d go with Elementalist since we could generate our own electricity, start our own fires for heat / cooking, use the water to never be thirsty, and manipulate the earth to landscape.

Whats wrong or illegal with what necros do? Taking the in game necro to our real world would have nothing illegal to it actually, since their pets are really nothing different than the organ donation we actually have. They dont go around and dig up bones at the graveyard.

And actually mesmers… they kinda also exsist, maybe not spot on as in game, but mesmers and tricksters go a long way back. They are still there on the streets or stages, either as preformers (magicians) or as hustlers. Though the hustler is more a hybrid between thief and mesmer imo. Its still about illusions and mind tricks.

But to asnwer the question. Probably a ranger. Good survival skills, killer pets, good at providing themselves with what they need. Plus as someone else said, who wants to mess with the guy who has a big grizzy or a wolf by his side. Not me atleast.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Guild Wars Gamer Murders rival gamer in NZ

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Putting blame on new things will never stop. In the 80s we had the PMRC with their views on music that would be the decline of the youth. Bands got blamed for suicides (Judas Priest), others were blackmarked for having too sexually or satanically inspired lyrics.

If that would lead the masses to become rapists or murderers I guess that means all of us that listen to even more “extreme” music would be fullblooded psychopaths just waiting for our next victim.

Sure there are people that are unstable, but its no indication that blames, movies or music are to blame.

There are fairly modern examples where music has gotten the blame. The church burnings in Norway in the early 90’s where black metal got the blame, when in fact it was just the ideas of a man, unrelated to the music, that set it into motion. Press said it was satanists when it actually was a man with “pagan” and rightwing ideas that did it.

He kept being labeled as a satanist, even by fans of his music, which has nothing to do with satanism.

edit: Not claiming that Varg was unstable or insane, what he did was just not acceptable by the norm of society.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

(edited by SneakyErvin.3056)

Will open world PVP servers be considered?

in PvP

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Personally I love ganking and griefing, it kept me busy and happy for 7-8 years of WoW. Howver, as this game is designed it will not work or have any meaning. I miss it sure, but I also like the way this works. If I want to go gank and grief there is always the EB JP or WvW in general.

Create a character with either passive 25% speed or perma swiftness and roam your kitten off and kill stragglers.

This isnt WoW, its not designed with 2 factions and contested zones. DaoC had 3 factions, but you had no need for open w-pvp ther either, you had the frontier where you could roam.

The only solution imo is the following.

When they add an expansion, make some WvW based leveling zones, with hearts, events and pvp. However, make PvE zone counter parts to those zones aswell i.e 2 different zones of the same level range.

This would let people that wants to level in PvP zones able to do so and people that want to avoid it do so. Bonus with the PvP zone to make up for the risk would be to reward PvP tokens of whatever type they plan on sticking to.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

An observation and a question.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


So the last few days running around on my engi I’ve tested crit chance a bit.

Running with 46% chance with one spec and 51% in another. What I’ve noticed, which at first I thought was some placebo effect, was that with just barely over 50% crit chance it feels like you crit a whole lot more often than with just below 50% crit chance.

In honesty its just a 5% difference, but in game the difference feels much greater. Is the benefit so much great having just above 50% compared to being just below 50%?

It doesnt feel that 45% vs 50% should make much of a difference.

Am I going nuts?

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Precision and Condition Dmg = bad

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


But those warriors are one trick ponies, place them in any other encounter and they are lackluster or DoA.

It’s not overly hard as a necro to stack 18-20 bleeds solo and keep them rolling. It just takes the right amount of crit chance and on crit effects from sigils and traits. With my own necros stats its around 2300 dps just counting the bleeds. And most of those bleeds last a minimum of 8 seconds.

People often underestimate necros in WvW, but once those bleeds are rolling you will take heavy damage that you cant avoid, unless you remove them. But a good necro will weave in other conditions too in the process so its harder to remove the damaging ones.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Playerbase declining?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Yeah no issues here either. Tons of people in 80 zones, queues for WvW during primetime and always overflow in LA. This is on Seafarer’s Rest a medium server.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Playerbase declining?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Maybe you are just in the wrong timezone or something.

I’m playing on SFR (Seafarer’s Rest EU) from sweden, its a medium population server, but its loaded with people everywhere. I recently leveled a warrior to 80 and I always bumped into people. Orr is alive (well except for the risen) at 80, people everywhere. LA always puts me in the overflow (SFR LA is full).

My suggestion to you would be switching servers.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Tough issues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Thought about this a while back and decided to balance out my spec/gear on my engineer.

I used to be close to full SD, rifle GC (10/30/0/0/30) in mostly berserk gear with a few valkyrie trinkets or beryl orbs. I’m now 0/20/10/10/30 in PVT armor with ruby orbs and rest is berserk gear or equivilent ascended gear.

I lost 100 power, around 8% crit chance and 12% crit damage, I gained 400 armor and a bit of health. The difference in damage output is small. Crit chance is at 46%, attack is close to 3.3k and crit damage is at 96%.

The spec still allows me to insta gib GCs, but gives me enough of extra survivability to last longer in slower fights. That is really the only thing that matters in WvW, taking out GCs asap. There is no reason to overkill people, they cant become deader than dead.

Boss fights are also alot easier, since you dont have to dodge everything.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

How to make the Engineer more popular

in Engineer

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


JS should be smoother, like the guardian GS leap attack or thief shadowstep on SB.

FT should add one second of burning per tick during its #1 skill. Getting scorched by a FT without catching fire instantly… WTF?

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.


in Engineer

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Well the warrior can pull 30k sure, but thats his one single trick. In PvE it doesnt really matter, except using one skill gets rather boring. In WvW if he fails to land that 100B hes toast.

I think I used GS on my warrior for maybe half a level around level 20, before I got bored out of my mind. Axes, the hammer, mace off hand, heck any weapon besides GS is fun as a warrior.

From range on my enginner I probably do (if I crit) 13-14k in a toolbelt burst, and a close quarter burst with a jump shot and blunderbuss is 12k or something. Add a group envoirment on that with reliable might and vulnerability and its goes way higher. And its not in full bersker gear, armor is PVT with rubies, rest is berserk or equal ascended gear, 0/30/10/0/30 spec.

Bonus for the engineer is, that is can be done at range, its not all tied up in one skill (along with atleast 1 utility), so if parts of it gets avoided we dont miss out on so much damage.

Personally I’d rather see them redo 100B into something similar to whirl for guardian GS and rework the burst into a heavy hitting 600 range leap attack similar to axe burst. But it wont happen and I will stay clear of GS on my warrior, I far prefer the hammer and its control.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

(edited by SneakyErvin.3056)

Longbow Warrior for WvW?

in Warrior

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Running LB+Hammer setup myself. 20/0/0/20/30. Runed for perma uptime on SoR.

Great control, great damage, infinite endurance (or so it feels), nice combo finishers for might, along with FGJ and SoR it stacks up quite well. Using condition removal heal along with the trait that removes cripple etc on heal. FGJ, berserk stance and end regen sigil as utility, with SoR as elite.

Currently thinking about dropping the hammer and testing rifle+LB with my spec.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Movement Speed!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Warriors and engineers can get perma swiftness without giving up too much of other things.

Only class I really feel slow as is when playing the mesmer. They have to give up alot to obtain perma swiftness or decent speed in general. I’ve tried speccing for reduced focus CD, but you just give up way too much, add runes on that and you do even worse.

Guardian is fine without perma swiftness, they have a 4 second gap where they move at normal speed.

Every class should get a utility skill that gives 25% movemnt boost, it would be a choise for each player.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Zerker's gear - end game gear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


I prefer a balanced set of gear depending on class.

I run berserk+valk on my mesmer and guardian. Since both have great survivability skills.

P/V/T+ruby orb armor on my engi, with berserker trinkets, cloak and weapon. Used to run full berserk, but got tired of the full glasscannon squishyness. Just the PVT set pieces help alot with survival, I gave up 12% crit damage for it and a wee bit of crit chance (5% or something). With traits included I have high survivability and still deal good damage.

Full rabid, head to toe on my necro. Massive damage and great staying power.

IMO balance is the best way to go. Remember, a dead person deals zero damage.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Launcher login error

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


This needs to be solved soon. Was in game, had to log out shorty and then I cant get back online… again.

Still need my daily done, dont want to lose out on another laurel becuase Anet screws up.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Launcher login error

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056



Playing from sweden, had to relog since TP had an error and now I cant log in.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

"LF1M FotM, no engies"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Even if the thread got necroed its still quite an important topic.

Mostly when classes are seen as bad, its because of personal experience, people try them but cant play them, so the class must be bad. When in fact, those classes have a steaper learning curve than others.

Ranger, elementalist, engi and necro mostly.

The thing is, most of the people that stick to those classes all the way up and then beyond 80 are usually pretty darn good at them. Sure you get the few odd bads here and there that power level through crafting or similar and dont have a feel for the class.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

"LF1M FotM, no engies"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


I just love threads like this one that bash engis. It shows just how clueless people are.

Engineers probably bring the best control when it comes to boss fights, while at the same time bringing sustained damage, or going down the route of debuffing while doing sustained damage. They also bring decent backup heals for their group, a few k extra health is a life saver when needed.

They have close to 100% control on melee bosses with immobs and cripples.

People love to nag on engis, rangers and necros, even though all three classes are outstanding with the right spec and in the hands of a player that knows how to play them, like with every other class.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Profession Tier List

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Just a note: The warrior might not be dying a lot simply because of face tanking. Another issue that I see quite a lot is when there is an abundance of ranged/squishies the plate classes get focused a WHOLE lot harder since mobs look at toughness as one of the agro factors.

Not saying that is definitely the case, but with 2 engineers in the group already, chances are good he was high on the list of agro targets.

Especially the grawl boss. Man does he love me when the rest of my group is cloth/leather…

It’s true to a point, but seeing as it was a warrior with dual axes, his damage was high, that added with being in the face of the enemy leads to easy aggro. Since its 2 of the top criteria for the aggro mechanic. His toughness didnt do much since he was most likely in full zerk gear and my engi is in balanced gear. P/V/T armor, some T traits, 3250attack, 47%crit chance, 94%critdmg. Both toughness and armor being higher than a fully geared dps warrior.

At that point the warrior should have adapted to the group. We had a guardian in group too, but he didnt have survival issues. The warrior should have used his gun or LB and hung back with the rest of us. So in the end it was the warriors lack of knowledge that killed him, since he didnt work with the group composition.

If you are in a group with ranged as a melee and you dont have gear that allows you to take hits you dont want to stand toe to toe with the champs and boss mobs.

Aggro criteria:

1. closest target to them
2. who is dealing damage
3. top damage dealers
4. who is using a shield / has more toughness and overall armor

So given the criteria, even if the rest did competative damage, point 1, 2 and 3 would still make him a prime target due to his stubborness of staying in the mobs face. Since we all know, most if not all melee attacks have a higher damage than their ranged counterparts. Point 3 is easy to achieve as melee in a range heavy group, especially for a dual axe or GS warrior.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

(edited by SneakyErvin.3056)

Profession Tier List

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


You’re list seem wonky.

Elementalist are only A+A if the player is skilled. At which point the enginner actually also ends up as A+A. Guardian is spot on, even a mediocre player can do great with them and not be one trick ponies. They also have a wide vareity of traits that fits whatever playstyle you want.

Mesmer is another class that should be A+A honestly. Even when specced for all out damage they still have great staying power, debuffs and control. It’s also a class that takes semi skill to play well.

Ranger and Necro in B? But warrior in A? Personally I think they all fit in A, but its all a player to player thing. I’ve had the easiest kitten runs in game with 4 rangers and my engi. Necro damage and debuffs in PvE is just top notch, except vs structures, which luckily doesnt matter. Downside is, more than 1 necro is a waste, since they can keep more than 50% of the stack limit up on bleeds solo.

If I were to play an elementalist for instance, it would not be a S-class, it would more likely be a C-class.

When I played with my friend the other day on our engi’s we got a fractal group together. First thing the warrior in our group mentions was “Wow… 2 engineers, never seen that before”. Still, no one in the group had to bother with rezzing us, but on the otherhand, the warrior died several times due to being stubborn and face tanking things he couldnt.

In the end it all comes down to tweaking your spec, knowing your class and picking the right gear to function at optimal preformance. I recently ditched a bunch of berserk gear on my engi to pick up P/V/T gear, losing a whole 13% crit damage 5% crit chance while gaining alot of health and toughness. Damage is close to the same and the burst is still there when needed, which is only in WvW vs solo glasscannons. They still die just as fast, no need to overkill when you can kill them with the same round of burst. In dungeons survivability means better staying power, better staying power means more sustained damage. Losing a little dps isnt the whole work when you are assure to not go down at all. Maximum dps does nothing when you are dead or downed.

I’ve tweaked most of my classes into a more survival oriented spec, without giving up much damage.

All classes can be A+A in the hands of the right person.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Monthly contents on the last day of the month

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


@Iridiana.9078: You got it all wrong. What it means is that there will be major patches within a month of eachother. It has nothing to do with which month you effectivly play them.

They still come in the month they say it will, it doesnt matter which date it comes, since in reality it doesnt matter. The content is braught to the game to stay permanently, its not something thats only going to be played until the next patch. If it was like that, each old zone would be abandoned after each new patch, which isnt the case.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Do you really like the daily as it is ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Not a big fan of them, not a big fan of daily systems in general.

I would be more interested in a wide variety of other activities connected to laurels, with more freedom to do what we want. Events, dungeons, fractals, WvW, exploring, special achievments and so on. To me dailies should be a side thing that you completed while doing other things, not something to aim for.

If other things would give laurels and be part of the dailies it would be more fun, since if you felt like it you could skip the daily and do something else for an extra laurel. Now dailies are the only way to obtain them.

And what Orion says, it would be nice with a system so you could catch up on missed dailies instead of being punished for not doing them every single day. Too much WoW over the current dailies.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

(edited by SneakyErvin.3056)

Drop rate of.. just about everything

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


@OP: If you want mats, farm bags not the mats themselves. Whatever you get in the bags that you dont need you can sell and buy the things you need. Or better yet, farm high end bags and buy what you need from the lowbie mats. Bags drop alot and with the high end ones you get T6 mats at a quite steady rate which brings in nice gold.

@The drop rate discussion in general and making gold: I have no issues myself keeping my character wealthy enough to get what I want. You also dont need alot of gold in this game, what drains my gold are my alts. But I level one character, gear him, gather 100g, level another. Every gold above 100g is converted into gems for future use.

I’ve got 5 80s, farming Orichalcum and other high end crafting mats is a great way, thats roughly 15 ores per orr zone, 6 in FG, per character each day, which is around 180 ores in total per day if I do all zones. I usually dont, since I get enough anyways, but it depends on my mood. Some days I just mindlessly slaughter grawls, dredge or orrians for bags and other goodies. I do atleast one Ori run per character in Cursed Shore after I find the 5 locations.

Othe than that I run fractals, no MF gear since its not worth it. Getting a good amount of drops anyways, got 2 exo 2 days ago over the time of two full fractal runs.

Not sure how someone can have as little as 5g when hitting 80. With the completion of the Orr zones I had around 40 on my warrior when he hit 80 a few days back. I havnt finished maelstrom or frostgorge yet for those exos.

I was down below 10g in bank after gearing my warrior a few days back and now I’m back up at 60g after a few days of casual farming.

I also dont understand what people mean when they say “anet wants people to use the gem store”. With the cost of items in the regular TP compared to what you can earn yourself by farming, I dont see it harder to get what you need in this game compared to others.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

(edited by SneakyErvin.3056)

Anyone feel like a hero?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Not so much a hero, more an adventurer.

It’s sad though, games these days focus too much on the “good” side of things. I would love to be the “badguy”. Was a blast in DaoC, WaR, WoW and ToR. The line between good and evil was thin in all those games and it was from a factional perspective. Still if you wanted to be that bane to whatever faction you faught you could be.

The shadowblade assassinating friars, the angry stone troll smashing into the albion army and so on. In ToR you could be an agent of the sith that was lightside or a jedi with a darkside affinity. It also had impact on conversations and story. There was however always a great evil if you like to call it that or a force that could ruion your characters life if not acted upon. Not so much in ToR sine it was reps vs imps, even in instances mostly.

This game sadly only has one faction, so the fight will always be “good vs evil”. I would love to see more options in the future, that can turn your character more into the villain direction. Maybe has less of the “pure evil” enemies everywhere and let us pick a bit more. Sure the evil must be there in the end, but I would love to see my toon just stopping it for his own benefit and no one else.

D3 is also a fluffy example of where you have to play a good guy. Why couldnt they let us be an agent of grandpa Beelzebub?

Was a blast in ToR when you did instances with other, some being light, some being dark and you had to “vote” the outcome of some incidents. Open the airlock and kill the crew, set off the nuke or stop it, let the man live or choke him. Those were fun times.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

The Quaggan Appreciation Thread (merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Coo! …. Quaggan mean BooooOOOOOooo!

I like them. I actually chose to align with them when I leveled up my 2nd character. I thought that was pretty cute. I wouldn’t mind a Quaggan plush toy.

That line from the halloween event made me laugh at more than one occasion, same with the piwate quaggan.

I love the quaggan race, those and the skritt are just too adorable. The skritt had the best npc during the wintersday event, the one at the fountain laughing like a madman when he hit someone with a snowball.

@Pandemoniac.4739: I could deffinently see some Therion or Nightwish inspired symphonic opera metal with a strong quaggan theme. Lots of OoooOoos, Foos and Coos.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

(edited by SneakyErvin.3056)

What are your favourite Story Segments?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


I love all of the small comical moments during the story quests. Had some hilarious ones that I remeber.

-The asura mesmer girl you have with you in Orr, the sidekick to that other “older” asura. He keeps telling her to stay quiet and she keeps making these gigantic very lowd clones that sound like a boxing match promoter.

-The two charrs from different legions bickering outside the Mouths holdout, although agreeing in the end that they are both quite awesome.

Other than that I really enjoyed the part where you pilot the Golem suit and deathray risen to death. Taking part of quarky asuran experiments while playing through the story as asura was also hilarious. I kept thinking “what can possibly happen next? Heh beats me, its asuras we are talking about”.

The whole mansion where you fight the Mouth in the end is actually quite good, it has that morbid feel to it. Could use some bowls, pans and such with human body parts being cooked/served.

All in all I’ve enjoyed the story on 5 80s so far, only part I really hate is the last part, where you face Zaithan, it’s really an anti-climax when it should be the climax of it all. Hes just too weak.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

How many of you would have a legendary if....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Not me since they look like crap pretty much across the board. “Mystic” weapons look far more legendary.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Guild wars 2 ruined all other mmo's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056



*How are hearts different from quest when it comes to replayability, once you’ve done a quests you cant do it again in most MMOs.

*I have 5 level 80s now, I havent done the same personal story with either one of them, except for a few quests in the middle/end.

*Name a game that doesnt have bugs or get more buggy with patches when they fix other bugs. WoW is a prime example of a game with bugs where more bugs got introduced when some old ones were fixed, same with ToR. Also the events work pretty fine these days.

*Semi true, but its changing, see new Grenth and Melandru, mindless zergs there = wipe. Zergs also happens since they dont want people to miss out on the experience and bottleneck the max amount of players. WoW dragons werent much different, neither were city attacks on the leaders.

*Trinity doesnt make things harder, it doesnt make things more complex when it comes to boss mechanics. It’s still the same old scripted encounters, you learn them and they are easy, no matter which game. As this game is based around 5 mans, you cant expect more complexity than 5 mans in other games, which you have here. Or are you claiming WoW heroics and ToR instances had mad scripted boss fights? Sorry, but it deserves a big lol. You barely didnt need a healer in WoW 5 mans or ToR 5 mans, just a tank that knew his kitten and some “oh crap” heals if you pulled a bit too many mobs. And if you compare it to raid encounters, well then you are 20-35 man short in this game, so its no wonder they are designed like raid bosses…

*Who cares? It’s sPvP, it’s BG PvP, eSports, boredom. It’s boring in whichever game you play it, except in ToR actually, Huttball was a blast and the BG scenarios were fun in general.

*Then you havent truly WvWed my friend. It has the same base as DaoC had, you dont need to zerg, you can do alot as a commando team just fine and its alot more fun. Just like Anet said ages ago, there is something in WvW fitting everyones style. Personally I enjoy keep defense, assaults and commando guerilla tactics, aswell as kitten people in the JP.

*Havent run into many dungeon bugs in the last 2-3 months, no idea what you are talking about. Better since patch with the no ress at WP in combat, seems people concentrate more on the task at hand. Dreaded the Alpha fight after patch, turned out it wasnt bad at all.

*Not true if you know how to make gold. You also dont need tons of gold, 100g if you plan on leveling and gearing an alt, but all you really need when you are geared is to cover repair bills and travel really. I keep 3g per toon and the rest in bank, everything over 100g is turned into gems for later use. I’ve made 40g the last 2 days, just exploring on my latest 80 in Orr, doing a fractal or two.

*Havent seen many bots lately, it’s not more out of hand in this game than it’s been in every other MMO+D3. WoW is still littered with bots and hackers, after what, 9 years?

Tin foil hat time. Then thats odd since my server used to be very heavy a while back (SFR), but now it’s down on medium, there are still plenty of people *everywhere, even in lowbie zones, saw tons of people in every zone during the last week while leveling my warrior from 1-80.

*That I do agree on. Most of them also look butt ugly. Many of the “mystic” weapons look 100 times better… Mjolnir for instance <Drool>. But thats the same in every game, well WoW had it pretty right, those weapons took some “legendary” effort, cudos to Blizzard on that. But then again, how legendary were legendaries in D3… :P

*I dont mind Trahearne really.

*Agreed, Zhaitan was the anticlimax of the personal story, when in reality he should have been the big bad climax. But it’s something they can learn from when designing the continuation of the story. It’s just a bad personal quest, many of them were a blast though, so no biggy to me.

Neither of the things are gamebreaking or anything out of the ordinary compared to other games. I’m amazed you didnt bring up the “dem Anet pepulz browk dem minafezto” ascended/fractals thingy or the laurels.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Next character choice

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Not sure how you can notice if someone outdamages you in dungeons.

Personally I have more bad than good experiences with both elementalist and thief full dpsers. They just die horribly easy. However a thief or ele laying down combo fields is just super sweet.

Warrior can do the same and deal massive amounts of damage in the process. I run LB+Hammer warrior myself based around boon duration, power and crit damage. Still with a decent amount of crit chance, 63% or so. You bring alot of might buffs to the group and perma fury, you have massive control and great damage, both single target and AoE.

But I enjoy all my toons and they all do respectable damage. Necro is really fun if you go condi spec, but you just need to make sure your group doesnt have too many condi specced people, otherwise your group will underpreform due to stack limits on bleeds. They also have the awesome boon converters for bosses that get high or long boons like might or retaliation. And then they have a million support based spells aswell for the group.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Why Hate on RNG?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


I see many people hating on RNG.


Life is based on RNG. Your conception was RNG. Out of 375 million sperm cells, one only get to fuse with one eggcell and formed you.

1/375000000. that’s still worse than the mystic forge.

I really hope you arent either of the following.

Biology Teacher
Sex Education Teacher

…or have a degree higher than 3rd grade.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Which Ascended Amulet and which infusion.....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Looking through the wiki and doing some thinking, I expect the “fine” version of stat infusions that dont have AR on them will be aither +10 or +15 depending how much AR is worth when it comes to stat budget on infusions.

The utility stats does nothing really except when running around farming, at which point the ascended pieces are pretty much overkill anyways.

In the future when laurels get easier to obtain, if they ever will, it might be a different story, but now when it takes one month per piece I would recommend saving it for a good buy. Which means, just do some fractals and get a +5AR for now if you must fill the slot.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Which Ascended Amulet and which infusion.....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


The thing is for me atleast, I wont get a neck with a utility infusion slot.


Because we dont know yet what offensive and defensive infusions will come that are of the currently utility quality (which is higher than the AR or +stat infusions). Getting a utility infusion now might lock you out of nice stats, seeing the high MF value on the utility infusion leads me to think that we will see offensive and defensive infusions with quite nice stats in the future. Or if you really want the high stats in the future you might have to go with the much more expensive omni approach.

Just my 2 cent.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

map "instanced" content.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Sorry but I dont see the use or place for such a thing. There are already dungeons and fractals, both serving the exact same purpose. What they need to do is rework dungeons to get them inline with fractals. Up the loot from chests, get some universal token, tweak each dungeon to be fairly even in difficulty to each of the others.

Put some different difficulty tiers in there, something equal to 1, 10, 20, 30, 40 fractals, no need to grind them, just set your difficulty and go. A bit higher drop chance for each difficulty.

Revamp all world events to make them less of a drag, add mechanics to all fights that make them lethal, scaled like now through player participation. Put them at a difficulty similar to the avarage 5 man dungeon and reward loot for that level. Only thing that should be 100% to drop should be tokens.

That would be a good starting point. Lower level group events would have to be fixed from a different perspective, since it involves lower levels.

edit: This way people would be able to obtain whatever gear they want through whatever type of gameplay they enjoy.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

(edited by SneakyErvin.3056)

Guild wars 2 ruined all other mmo's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


If anything this game’s poor design has reaffirmed my faith in other MMOs were the developers actually put forth honest effort. GW2 feels like nothing but a formless mass of ideas that didn’t pan out, everything tried an afterthought to the next “big idea” that got abandoned down the line.

An example of the poor design would be nice to hear.

IMO there are bugs, but thats the same with every single game. Sure there are a few balance issues, same there with every other game.

So some concrete examples would be great.

@Sylosi.6503: Everyone still has a great chance at getting credit. It’s not a first hit tag like every other MMO.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

New Race or New Class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


A heavy armor minion class would be fun.

Something along the lines of the Man-at-Arms idea. They could just name it Marshal, Sergeant or something. Sergeant would probably better, or maybe just Officer.

Make it work somewhere in between necro pets and rangers. 4 pets maybe, some ranged and melee weapon option for the character, some choice what type of duty their different minions would fill and so on.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Post your new Valentines hair-do!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Nothing new with it, just the old recustomization hair kit. It just allows you to switch between your racial hairstyles/beards and such, the ones you have access to when creating your character.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Guild wars 2 ruined all other mmo's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


“Guild wars 2 ruined all other mmo’s”

Mmm not really, the others mmo’s s im currenctly playing are alive and kicking!

May be you should tweak your title for : GW2 ruined all other grinder f2p Korean sauce mmo’s no-life oriented?

Yes because GW2 is so very similar to Korean grind MMOs…

And you should probably read more than the title of the thread… for instance his post. The thread is not about which game is alive and kicking or which got killed by this or that new MMO. To sum it up, it’s about personal views of other MMOs compared to GW2, personal experiences.

Ruined refers to how one thing can ruin your feeling towards something else. Which GW2 has done, in a good way IMO. It really is a nice contrast to the other MMOs out there, something that shows how old and unoriginal most other MMOs are with their quests, trinity, raids, endless gear grinds (no ascended is not even close), more work than fun attitude and so on.

This is the first game since WoW that I have played for more than 2 months. I tried ToR after 7… or was it 8 years of WoW. I’d taken a few short breaks in between for a month here and there to test other MMOs, but they mostly lasted a month. One even only lasted a week before I ran out of content, and that was STO (Star Trek Online).

GW2 feels like the good old MMOs, with an atmosphere.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Guild wars 2 ruined all other mmo's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Agreed with OP. This game has changed my view on how I want MMOs to be. Now the closest to a perfect MMO would be a hybrid between GW2 and DaoC with the contested world leveling of WoW/ToR.

GW2 combat mechanics.
DaoC RvR (3 different factions)
Open world PvP while leveling (in zones after a certain level) with loot drops similar to WvW here.

Heck if they add “WvW” leveling zones in the future with renown, events a stuff I’d be all giggity giggity in my pants. It would make this game close to perfect for me.

The game already has great races, asura being my absolute favorite minikin races ever followed by gnomes, kobolds, lurikeens and goblins.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

About elitism in MMOs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Only one thing that I dislike in group, and thats magic find. It’s a worthless selfish stat and does nothing. Besides that I dont care if people lack knowledge about places or if they play a little worse or better than me.

To me there is no such thing as elites in games, sure there are those that like to see themselves as it, but in all honesty its a self made label that makes them feel warm and fuzzy inside. True elite is labeled as such by outside sources, like the different elites within our real society. Thinkers, sportsmen, poets, musicians, special forces and so on people that are extraordinary within their work. And not some armchair generals that think they are elite because they say so themselves.

The true computer elite was the old school hackers back in the day, however, this is a game, there are no elites, just elitist thoughts. Many people seem to think they are elite for spending hours on end over scripted content.

I’m honest when I join dungeon groups. I havent done many at all, since I only started with the casually 2 months ago with some friends. So far I’ve only done AC and CoE pretty much. After the first run of each path I now know how they work.

Everyone is new at something at some point, not everyone prioritize the same as everyone else. My time was spent with alts, WvW, sPvP, zone completions and so on before even stepping into dungeons. Fractals however, those I did from day one.

edit: Oh forgot. Even though there are no elite players, there are certainly very bad players that never learn things. But thats a different story. Maybe some of those that feel mistreated by “elitist pricks” are just very bad players and the players kicking them or similar are just ordinary gamers.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

(edited by SneakyErvin.3056)

Would you pay a subscription to play GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Nope, wouldnt have bothered with the free month even. The sub fee system is a dinosaur in the MMO genre IMO. It’s an outdated tool from the age when hosting servers for games were expensive. But nowdays servers and bandwidth is dirt cheap.

Some guy back when I played WoW had done some research, the server cost could barely be noticed on Blizzards annual. That was a few years ago.

Safe to say I will probably never pay a sub fee MMO again. Did some calculating right after quitting ToR, adding up the sub costs for the MMOs I’ve played and it came out at a total of something like $1800 over the last 10 years, not counting server x-fers, the games and their expansions and so on, just the pure sub fee.

With the ups and down on the dollar market, the sum in Swedish kronor would be something like 15000sek just on sub fees. The dollar has ranged from 1:10 down to 1:6 over the last 10 years.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Dolyak or Soldier Runes for WvW?

in Warrior

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


It also goes without saying that no decent Warrior beside support ones run FGJ or shout cd reduction in WvW.

I just noticed this gem. So basically your rune choice is even more horrible than I thought possible. Not to mention it’s hilarious that you are so desperate to get a tiny buff to your might but you spit on permanent 3 stacks of might to your entire group. And LOL even more at wasting a trait on signet cooldown as well when you could get 9% crit out of it instead.

Actually, in WvW its about more than just the might and fury.

What is also a great bonus is permanent swiftness, without having to use warhorn. You spend the same amount of tactical traits, but you can build more to your liking.

My warrior is axe+axe/shield and longbow. For me damage per boon+longbow range is the prefered major trait setup, since 900 range is not fun. Thats 20 points in tactics, with runes on it nets me 60% boon duration, which equals close to permanent swiftness (1.5 sec gap).

Its also a quality of life thing. With my current setup I have enough condition cleansing (heal+sigil for DoTs aswell as the heal removing cripple tc from trait). Only thing I want to actually get in there is a stun breaker, but with the few choices we get for that I have to live without one (no idea why berserk stance isnt a stun breaker). Balanced stance would be nice, but it takes up the slot of passive end regen, which also can be used to clear all conditions in the blink of an eye.

However, I dont think I would run without FGJ, or maybe I should and pick up a stunbreaker and another condi removal with shake it off?

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

(edited by SneakyErvin.3056)

Is Ascended gear better than Exotic gear for WvWvW?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


In GW2 pvp outcome is 99% skill 1% gear.
Especially because there are diminishing returns (especially on power).
Check your character sheet while in WvW.

What are you talking about? DR on power… uhm? You’ve probably missed a few important buffs somewhere and then thought your power went down.

But please do tell, how does DR on power work in your mind.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Is Magic Find even worth it now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Just remember, to make it worth it you need to stack it enough to make up for the time it takes to kill mobs.

Say you kill a mob in 3 sec without MF, and it takes you 9 sec with MF gear. You would in reality need enough MF to tripple your chance. Otherwise you would be better off just killing 3 mobs in 9 sec with the regular drop chance.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.