One major thing that people like Dog miss is what I brought up in my earlier post, something they probably ignore.
The other classes dont give up close to what mesmers have to give up in order to get speed or close to it. I also find it straight out laughable the people saying guardian staff is bad. It was semi decent pre patch, but after the patch its wonderful.
Mesmers MUST spec 20 points into a rather pointless tree, they have to equip 6 less than useful runes. Centaur is ok, but you need to waste heals to power it aswell as bonus #2 is wasted). Anything below that and you end up with less swiftness uptime than a guardian, 4 sec downtime if specced for 2h spec, but its there when needed without having to spend runes or traits on it.
Some classes have multiple ways to obtain permanent speed, either through swiftness or passive 25%. Many of them also just get it while gearing/speccing for other things without giving up anything. Example SoR or banner specced warriors.
It’s just that Mesmers give up too much for perma speed, they arent that much better than other classes and they lack in other areas to balance them compared to other classes combat efficiency.
Depending on spec the mesmer has to give up.
20 trait points worth of pow, prec+cdmg or shatter cd aswell as minor and major traits boosting their damage. Or 20 trait points worth of toughness or something that boosts their condition damage. It depends on spec.
What do they get? Phan retaliation, phan health (optional), phan buffs regen (trivial) and lower cd on focus plus feedback on the focus skills. Oh and they get a static phan (yay /sarcasm) with focus #5. And none of this gives them perma swiftness in return.
Mesmers are indeed in need of some form of better speed options, either in the form of swiftness or a passive 25% option through utility.
Currently I have an 80 each of Warrior, Necro, Engi, Guardian, Mesmer and leveling a ranger. The Mesmer feels so utterly slow compared to all of the others, it is infact the only profession without a viable form of permanent movement speed or close to it.
Warrior: Built around boon duration and swiftness duration, balanced defense and offense. Has swiftness, fury and a minimum of 3 might stacks at all times.
Necro: Passive utility with 25% movements speed, can just replace it when its not needed, like when running a dungeon/fractal or when taking part in keep siege/defense.
Engineer: Speedy kits+Centaur Runes+Medkit#5. Very easy to obtain perma swiftness with no real drawback.
Guardian: Does not have perma swiftness, but it has a 8sec swiftness on a 12sec CD. And staff is a very great weapon of choice for the secondary slot. With the recent buffs to it its even more useful.
Mesmer: I could equip centaur runes, which are very buggy (says 10 sec cd but that is not correct), I would also have to activate a heal to put up swiftness, also very risky if running in WvW. Or trait focus, giving up alot of dps (20 trait points worth), use swiftness stack runes (giving up even more dps), just to obtain close to perma swiftness. Traited focus gives #4 12sec swiftness on a 20sec cd, 19sec swiftness with 60% swiftness duration (max you can get).
Not only would I be forced to use focus, I would be forced into a buggy MH sword or a lackluster MH scepter. Aswell as the 20 trait points that give no real benefit up until the focus talent.
No other class needs to give up this much for close to perma swiftness or 25% runspeed. On all other classes it has come with the spec, without any drawbacks whatsoever. Same deal goes with elementalists, rangers and thieves. Actually, rangers, thieves and necros have the optimal choice like I explained in the necro passage.
Why are mesmers the only class with such limited ways to obtain perma swiftness or 25% extra movement?
IMO Anet should do the BioWare approach, at x level you will get travel speed just like it worked in SWToR. It was the perfect system for movement. Make it 25% and remove the passive effect on signets. This would free up options and make many more specs open. Everyone would benefit from it.
(edited by SneakyErvin.3056)
5 signets leads to +200 precision
heavy armor leads to +200 toughness
warrior has high base health poolThis means that 200 less toughness has to be invested for same durability. These points can then be invested in more precision or power.
Not to mentiokittensignet warrior is extremely easy to play.
I do agree your engineer probably does more damage and your guild knows it. However a pug has to know for sure, and because of that, an easy-mode zerk warrior is preferred because skill isn’t a variable to consider.
I would take ANY class over a signet warrior, especially one of the less liked classes like engi, ranger, necro. Because those that stick to those classes to 80 and beyond are usually good at playing them and enjoy them.
A signet warrior on the other hand just proves the player is terrible with class knowledge even after 80 levels. Slap berserk gear on him and chances are he will spend more time on his back than on his feet.
I rather have a group where people are on their feet most of the time and bring steady dps, instead of a little face tank burst with big numbers before the dpser takes a dirt nap.
Most people just look at big numbers and never on individual situations. Bosses are generally easier with alot of ranged dps, since the bosses will never comes close to the group to deal damage. And when the bosses do use ranged attacks they are easy to spot and dodge away from. One exception is Alpha, staying within melee range is better, but then again it doesnt matter if you are heavy armor or not on him if people stack he does no damage.
Please stop the “You just do not understand other classes” posts. It is not true.
I do agree that fun can be had with many different combinations of classes, but some parts of this game are just a means to an end, like CoF. Need gold , want it fast, not interested in wasting time. 4 wars + my mesmer is the fastest way, but I don’t care as much as others so as long as at least two of the group are War/Guardian I am happy enough. It is always MUCH slower than a full war/mesmer group.
No class can match the damage of a warrior and survive as well at the same time, add a Guardian and you increase everyones survivability.
lastly, Warriors are easy for anyone to play and I am less concerned you might just be bad at your class, die constantly and really make my play time a nightmare.
My advice, join a guild and play with that guild. I have even tried some combos of classes in fractals that went completely wrong with guildies, but we tried anyway for the challenge. 2 ele, 2 thiefs and a necro for fractals, sure why not lets see if we are good enough.
When I play in PuGs I want the best possible outcome so I do my best to stack the deck in my favor.
But the thing is, the “You just do not understand other classes” is true. People often also do stupid things like comparing range damage to melee damage, which obviously should be different since it’s safer to dps from range, so naturally the damage is lower.
A melee class will have a harder time to survive than a ranged class, especially if they are glasscannons. And if they go down they deal no damage. It’s all ok in a place like CoF, but dragging those same warriors to another place they will be dead very often.
There is also a much wider range of bad warriors than the harder classes, since it’s an easy class to play. This doesnt help one bit when they cant take a single hit before going down due to being a GC. And once people start going down the run gets even slower.
I’ve ran plenty of dungeons with GC warriors in groups and they are very often dead and a dead weight we must rezz. It just becomes much more obvious in fractals than in easier regular exp dungeons.
Recenty I ran SE with my warrior (balanced spec and gear) with 2 other warriors, a guardian and an elementalist. The two other warriors were zerk GS warriors and I cant keep track of how many times they were downed and dead while the rest of us kept fighting. They were constantly face tanking whatever mobs we fought while I danced in and out of melee range utilizing both my bow and axes. And if I did get hit it wouldnt be the end of the world since I can take a few hits and have pretty decent regen.
The GC specs work in some places, but in others they are a risk.
(edited by SneakyErvin.3056)
Currently I have 5 level 80s, Warrior, Guardian, Mesmer, Enginner and Necro.
They all preform very well in dungeons, the only glasscannon of them (although with valkyrie armor) is my Mesmer. There hasnt been a need to give him toughness since they just have so many ways to avoid aggro and direct damage in instances.
I’ve had rude comments comming my way before dungeon runs on both my necro and engineer, two classes I just love in PvE aswell as WvW. It often comes from the warrior crowd and rarely from people playing other classes. Whats fun is that most times it’s a GS swinging warrior that spends more time on his back than on his feet dpsing.
Necros and Engineers just brings alot that guardians and warriors dont, things that are just as valueble i.e control and debuffs. Both engineer and necro brings great AoE damage, which can be used safely from range or as a one time close quarter burst hit.
Necro is also a superb “tank” while dealing great damage in the process, there is only one encounter where the necro is a drag really, Powersuit/Elemental in dredge fractal since even when the debuff is up DoTs dont do more damage. But hey, he can control the switches.
The minimal armor gain between light, medium and heavy armor wont make any difference in a duengon if you get hit. The “looking for heavy” is a relic from the trinity system, infecting the minds of those that dont understand the GW2 system.
“Heavy” armor is really only worth taking if the player has invested points to raise his armor, since at that point he is aware of his armor value and survivability. Taking any run of the mill guardian or warrior just for his baseline heavy armor is a waste. It wont save him since it doesnt mitigate enough if he plays a full face to the mace style of play.
It all depends.
If you WvW or do fractals, get them. If you just do general PvE and dungeons I dont see the use for them. But both in WvW and fractals they can decide between life and death, even if its just a minor stat increase.
There isnt much else worth buying.
I rather stay out of these types of CoF runs with my warrior than rebuilding him to a squishy one trick pony.
I enjoy my balanced spec which works perfectly fine everywhere except in the CoF speedrun groups. Which I dont care about anyways, I dont care if it’s a run at optimal time or if it takes a while longer, it’s still a very short run either way.
I tried the squishy type of warrior a while after hitting 80, didnt enjoy it one bit.
In the end its up to the creators of a group. However, there is one thing I hate when I see it, guild groups centered around speed runs instead of picking whichever guildy that wants to go. It hasnt happened to me, but I’ve seen it happen in my own guild.
“Looking for x berserkser for CoF” and so on in guild chat. I personally think that when you are in a guild you try and bring guildies, even if they might not have your exact views on spec/gear. Otherwise, dont advertise in guild chat.
Na, dont find underwater combat in this game very good. It was fun in the Cataclysm expansion of WoW since they made it pretty good, but the GW2 system is sadly not good enough. Probably the only part of WoW that actually beats GW2 in my opinion, I had a blast in the underwater zone, escpecially on a pvp server.
yes, but the chances of getting one is quite low. converting gold to gems may be costly for some people. i.e. x1 fine transmutation stones cost at least 80 silvers based on the price of 2 gold per 100 gems.only the fine ones are "expensive " and even those can be gotten as dayly/chest rewards or even convert gold to gems to get them
the fact remains that a gem store item is required to do this and there is no other options.
this is not the case in guild wars 1.
in guild wars 1, prefixes can be easily removed and reapplied.there are better ways to earn monies (character slots, bank slots, bag slots, town clothes, armor skins, etc other form of permanent items) from the players, forcing players to use fine transmutation stones is not one of them.
Hate to burst your bubble, but Armor skins as you mention are not permanent items. They work no differently than transumation stones. Once you’ve applied it to a set you need a new pack of armor skins or transmutation stones to carry them over to new gear.
And you gladly spend gold on town clothes but not on transumation stones?
No one is forcing anyone to buy transumation stones, you can wear the skin you got with the stats in the first place, stones and changing looks are optional. They are also not very costly. It takes you a day of farming to get enough gold for x-mute stones.
I’m getting bothered when I play on RP servers, but since there are no RP servers here I tend to just wonder what made a player pick that stupid name. Some names can be cute, but some are just flat out stupid.
It is afterall something that will stick with that character to the end, unless you get a chance to change it.
Personally I pick names that sound like names and fitting to the lore. What I did miss in GW2 was that sylvari dont use lastnames, so hes stuck with a lastname. I will probably change it when namechange goes live.
Will probably use my thiefs name on my mesmer, take the mesmers name as firstname on my necro and use the necros current first name as his lastname. The necro theme fits better with my mesmers name, since its one with quite a dark inspiration, mesmers just have a bit too many fluffy pink spells and butterflies. I used to use the mesmers name on my Witch Doctor in D3, so it would fit on a human necro.
Also when naming toons I tend to take inspiration from things I like, historical figures, bands, songs, myths and so on. Thats from where I draw my inspiration.
I love that that there is no trinity. It just make the game more fun and combat more dynamic.
And using WoW as some form of measuring tool of trinity success is flawed. The trinity is most likely not the reason so many play WoW, its more likely its because its the “pop” of MMOs while GW2 is the “heavy metal” of MMOs. WoW is filled with mainstream MMO elements while GW2 has mainstream elements but many specific elements that make it different and catering to a smaller crowd.
People have also spent several thousands of dollar on their WoW progression, so its likely they stay due to this.
Not so keen on ‘win X so many times’, but I’d definitely find it impressive if Legendaries had some sort of challenge attached to them. Maybe an exhausting 3-hour (if perfectly done, of course) jumping puzzle to reach the top of a mountain/structure for the key component to some air-based legendary weapon, or completing every temple in a certain order with a special (suicide-inducingly hard) twist in the same day, or commanding a force to capture SM castle and every garrison and holding them all simultaneously.
Notice how painful to read that is?
It’s because they’d be an outstanding feat to accomplish. One may even call them legendary.
Something like thatwould be great.
The legendary system is in a great need of a revamp imo. Force us to go out there and do something epic that makes the word legendary ring true.
Yeah guild missions, especially bounty is a bit kitten backwards.
It doesnt matter if you do T3 or T1, you can still only get 2 commendations total from Bounties per week. Only difference is the amount of guild merits you can get. 15, 20 or 25 per week depending which tier is your highest before reset.
I dont understand why its so limited and still so unfriendly towards small guilds. It’s not like it takes any effort for a big guild to get one T1 kill per week, so I dont know why its gated like it is.
T1 bounty should be designed for small guilds so its members can get commendations. Merits is ok at 15, but its not OK to gate the content so memebers suffer for being ina small guild.
I’m in a fairly large guild myself and we did T3 today with no bigger problem. But now that thats done, there is nothing else guild mission oriented to do until reset since trek or the others arent unlocked yet.
It seems like a very odd system.
Hope they make it more viable for smaller guilds, alot more viable.
But ok, too meet you halfway.
Add a lunatic running around chasing invisible snakes and let those that want to go hunt him down, since hes a security risk. Maybe make a world event of it, stop him from razzing a statue or a temple of one of the six gods. Have him drop a chest of rewards.
Oh and toss in some asuras with green clothes, a funny hat and hunger for gold.
There is a big difference between x-mas, easter, midsummer, new years (whatever its called where its called what its called) celebration and the celebration of St. Patrick.
On neither of the other holidays do people celebrate a murderer, fanatic or bigot.
Almost every other culture has something that falls in under christmas, easter, midsummer and so on, they are all universal holidays. But St. Patrick is a very specific holiday, catering to a very small crowd, and what the center of that holiday is infact a murdering fanatic.
And the people that say “you are taking it too literally/seriously”, how? It is a serious thing that has just gotten obscured by time, just because the major religion is christianity. It’s still horrible deeds done, even if done thousands of years ago.
Will we have a Hitler day in 1500 years aswell? Will people tell the jews then that they take it too seriously or litterally and its just about having fun when they object to the celebration?
Again it could have nothing to do with St Patricks day, it is just synonymous with green, drinking, leprechauns and whatnot. Yes there is a serious and actual account of what this day actually means, as is there one for Christmas and every other holiday. But I’m not asking them to toss in encyclopedia britanica into the game, I’m asking for what is almost universally celebrated, which is the theme alone. Since I doubt even half the people know anymore about the actual day other than everyone else wears green and drinks. And again, this is not a religious debate on what religious days/holidays/events are right or not.
Simply put they can call it “Day 17” for all I care, or “Green week” it matters not. But seriously to bring in religious beliefs and try to say that we cannot celebrate it in a game that has several gods, dietys, evil worshipers, centaurs, and quaggens,, Any debate thereof is pointless. I understand we all have our right to speech and religious beliefs but this is not the place for that discussion. Nor was it intended to be as such. Again, for the most clear I can possibly be, I’m interested in peoples opinions of what they would like to see for holiday """"Themed""" gem store or event ideas.
As for “But St. Patrick is a very specific holiday, catering to a very small crowd, and what the center of that holiday is infact a murdering fanatic.”
That small crowd of people who celebrate the “theme” and enjoy it for the “theme” is in excess of 4 Million. That’s outside the USA. Inside the US almost every single state holds a parade, gathering or celebration of some sort.
But lets get back to the topic, because come Monday i see forum mods handing out infractions for every religious ideal posted. And again, that was not the intent of this thread.
It doesnt really matter what its called in the game.
The thing is, we who know about the history of this holiday and dont agree with it, we will know what its refering to in game. Why should we have to passivly take part in or be reminded of something like this that we see as a crime or black mark in our history?
It just doesnt belong in-game, especially if it offends some people due to it’s religious and extremist backstory. When people hear about desecrated temples, shrines or statues on the news these days they are disgusted and dont understand how people can do such things. But if it was done 1500 years ago its ok to celebrate the man who did it and passivly force others to be part of it?
To me grinding is the classic grinding. Slaughtering mobs on end to gain experience to level, without any real quests. Grinding a full gear of PvP or PvE armor in WoW. Do the same thing over and over, for several hours each session, for several sessions.
One could (but shouldnt) argue that dailies in this game is a grind to get laurels, but it really isnt. It’s a side thing you get done while doing other things, many of your own choice. Maybe you need to do one daily part you really dont want to some day, but its not a grind.
Must be some different type of “material” simulation.
Try Iron aswell for black color, it does an amazing job on some cloth/leather fabrics.
Since it’s not a world wide festivity I dont see why they should. It’s just a very irish christian celebration that stretches to irish parts of america.
Personally, with the mythos around Saint Patrick, I dont see it fitting at all to celebrate this day in a worldwide multicultural game.
As a very strongly non-christian I would personally find it very offensive for such a celebration to take place, especially due to the story about St. Patrick driving the “snakes” from ireland. Aswell as the destruction of ancient celtic monuments.
Thats not something that should be celebrated.
Merida Bravestarr, I like the sound of that, with the mix of our real life cultures that go into norn culture I find it very fitting. Plus that 80s cartoon is awesome!
Well here are my norn names. All males.
Guardian: Skallagrim Kveldulv. Skallagrim can mean "the helmeted one, the bald, the one with a grim visage, grim skull a.k.a cranium/deathskull. Kveldulv means Nightwolf but can also refer to werewolf. (Wolf spirit)
Warrior: Gard Blodstrup. Gard modernisation of Garthr, can mean yard or in earlier use guard/protector. Blodstrup means Bloodthroat. (Bear spirit)
Ranger: Hilding Hrafnson. Hild or Hildi means battle or chieftain, -ing = descendant. So Hilding would be Kin of Battle or Kin of a Chieftain. Hrafnson means son of the raven. (Raven spirit)
And yep there are many norn body tattoos that are native american looking, I do prefer the norse looking ones, the knots. The hand patters, facial war tattoos and such remind me of native american or gaelic warpaints.
(edited by SneakyErvin.3056)
Yeah not a big fan of the helmets either, especially not the heavy ones.
They all look so… hollywood viking. Sure northmen had horned helmets… but never in battle, they were ceremonial pieces. The one with the wings is ok, it has a Thor feel over it, but it still looks very out of place in combat. Couldnt they add smaller wings on it that maybe followed the head so it isnt a death trap to anyone who wears it?
Heck the whispers heavy helm looks more nornish than the norn helms.
To me norn armors should look like a mix between norse, saami and native american due to the mixed lore. Why dont we have wolfhead helmets similar to the one from HotW? Would be great for all armor types, just a bit different design. It would fit the shamanistic inspiration taken from native american and saami culture aswell as the berserker/ulfhednar inspiration from the norse.
Personally I think there are way too many horns and such.
Darker blue, and he would fit in with the Swedish flag. That blue is too bright.
And yes, everyone I see (including me) runs around with 1 colour only. It’s either full dark colour, or full bright colour.
I’m running around with Celestial and Silver.
Yeah the colors in the screenshot the OP posted is more a Ukrainian blue/yellow tone than Swedish.
The screenshot of the swedish guild members look awesome though.
@OP: You will not be happy about your decision when they implement the rewards system for achievments done. Something they have said is in the making and should probably go live during the first 4 months of 2013 i.e during the Flame and Frost storyline.
They give us small portions of things to do while we wait for the major patches, March the WvW patch and presumably April the PvE patch with the achievment reward system, atleast thats what I think.
Going and deleting alts like that is just… I dont know what to call it.
Reason why things are currently so slow is because its a workup to the Flame and Frost climax, if they released the reward system in january, and ascended amulets available for purchase from fractals, we would have people buying it instantly then whining about how there is no end game.
Now we will probably be able to gear up our alts fairly fast when Flame and Frost comes to an end, then when the next thing starts we will have another slower progression until it reaches it climax and so on. That way there will always be a minor progression, 1-2 items per month to work for on one toon, then at the end you can most likely gear up the rest while you start anew on your “main”.
Even if they dropped a wide variety of gear, say a full ascended outfit with rings, armor weapons and all at the same time, along with a few new dungeons and unlimited grinding possibilites (no daily or weekly guild missions etc.), people would still be bored and cry for more since there werent enough dungeons, too much gear, unfriendly to alts and so on.
What we have now is a small progression that doesnt take you more than 2 hours per day (daily) and a few hours a week (T1 guild missions for 4×2 comms, although trek isnt rewarding it). Sure you cant miss a day without falling behind, but its not much to ask from the players. The rest of the time you can enjoy whatever you wanna do in-game.
I was negative at start to the system with laurels and how slowly you obtained them, had the same feel with guild missions. But the bright side is, I have to spend very little time on that and can enjoy the game where I want to. I never feel I must do this and that which in other games restricted me from playing alts at times.
(edited by SneakyErvin.3056)
So I take it those people in chat who link 20+ commendations are just exploiting or lying?
Exploiting most likely.
If trek doesnt give anything, the maximum per week should be 8 commendations.
Mesmer, I dont even think the ranger would have close to a shot (no pun intended).
The ranger just doesnt have the burst or survivability compared to a mesmer. Stealths and all that just confuse the enemy too much and givbes the mesmer alot of free time to get his deadly combos off.
edit: Since it’s also a specific Mantra build, I assume 16% extra damage from the start, just this would kill or take the ranger close to death with a GS#2, zerk, mind wrack and 3 mantra DD.
(edited by SneakyErvin.3056)
I like the colors. They go well together.
I ran a similar pattern on my Asura enginner for a while, a bit darker blue. Thinking about doing it again since I’ve rejoined Team Sweden [SWE].
The armor in the screenshot reminds me of Tzeentch. And can anyone honestly think Thousand Sons or followers of Tzeentch in general have a bad color scheme?
@Hule: Not sure if you got it right.
-Aslong as you personally havent participated in a guild bounty you will get rewards for whatever tier bounty you kill, even if its T1 after the guild has completed T3 already. It’s all about being in on the kill to get 2 commendations. Merits is a different story.
-The bosses in T1 are dirt easy, they certainly do not scale based on player numbers only, they have a set difficulty per tier. It’s also much quicker to organize and find that 1 mark in T1 and get the whole guild to it.
Your points one and three are contradicting.
And regarding commendations and merits. Straight from the wiki.
“Players representing the guild that started the event will receive the following rewards. These rewards can only be earned once per week per guild mission type. For example, completing 2 guild bounties will only reward one set of rewards, but then completing a guild trek will be rewarded with another set.
2 pieces of rare or better equipment
50 silver
2 Guild Commendations”
“Guild merits are earned primarily through participation in guild missions. The amount of guild merits earned varies by guild mission type and tier. There is also a weekly limit to the amount of guild merits a guild can earn through each guild mission type.
Note that each week a guild will only be awarded guild merits based on the highest tier level completed for each guild mission type. For example, if a guild bounty tier 1 and tier 2 are both completed by a guild in the same week, only the rewards for the tier 2 bounty (20 merits) will be given to the guild."
So you cannot, as some have claimed, grind merits only through T1 bounty up to the T3 limit of 25. So once the guild is confident in running T3 thats what needs to be done to net you 25 merits from bounties per week.
(edited by SneakyErvin.3056)
You’re not burdened by the cost of 5 alts, you choose to try to gear out 5 characters. A person trying for a legendary shouldn’t get bonus cash just because he’s going for a legendary or some some other optional garbage.
You could dress your character in greens you found on the way to 80 and still farm all the events exactly the same. Theres no cost there, just huge profit, so that kind of falls apart.
And rich nodes are account bound along with all forms of DR for a good reason. There’s nothing special about alts that should entitle someone to this much more loot.
Yes it is a “burden” as you put it if you cant farm and gain gold for each toon individually. Since the cost is 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x etc the cost of a single character. The income you need to gear them is increased with each alt you max out in levels.
See this is your problem. You don’t need 5 geared characters, and the same thing applies if you’re trying to legendary 5 characters. Just because you want more doesn’t mean it should all be easier to get. This is your basic entitlement rant without substance.
If I want my toons to be competative in WvW or top preforming in dungeons when I run them, then yes, they all need to be geared.
And how is it easier to get? I need x amounts more gold, so my choice (provided by the game at release) to play more than one toon should suddenly be a drawback?
If I hoard 100g in a week with 5 toons and you hoard 20g in a week with one toon, its still the same profit in the end, since my gold will be scattered over 5 toons.
It only gets faster if I hoard for one toon only with all 5. But thats no different than spending real cash in the TP to buy things faster, since I spent RL cash in TP for my slots.
The difference is, I spend time in-game to get my gold over several toons, while the guy who buys gems and sells them really doesnt play the game.
So do you want the gem shop to stop aswell because it gives an advantage over “poorer” people when it comes to gold earned?
It’s sad you only see alts as money hoarding pigs instead of actual characters to be enjoyed to the fullest.
sPvP skill does not = WvW skill.
All of them can also be obtained in the “outside” world, so no one would notice or give a skritt about sPvP prowes.
I always go with one Accuracy sigil when I dual wield. It’s 5% crit chance that is always there that you cant lose. Many run with the stat stack on kill, but if you go down you lose the stacks.
I prefer the 5% most of the time with 2h weapons aswell, lets me trade some dps stats for survival and still stay around 50% on most classes.
If you like the look of them sure, they are worth it.
For me personally, no, they are far from worth it. I prefer my weapons clean looking, maybe with some ornaments here and there. I love the look of ancient historical weapons, kinda bummed out we dont have a real “viking” sword in game, but we do have a Gladius… wtf.
Same with helmets and armors, we have no real scandinavian northmen looking helmets or armors (well we have chainmail armors), but there are tons of roman/greek inspired armors aswell as gladiator things. Why cant we get the full facemask viking helms or the pothelms with eye and nose covers? Those would be great cultural helmets.
All the current Norn cultural helmets look like ceremonial scandinavian helmets with horns and stuff on them that has no place in combat.
Dont think the people that claim they have no lag really know what they are talking about.
It is not fps drops and choppy slow graphics people talk about. It’s ability delay they are talking about, something that cannot be avoided by buying a better computer. It’s all about connection and nothing else, and getting better connection speed does not help one bit.
I have a 24M telephone line myself and 2 of my friends have 100M fiberoptic hole in the wall lines. We all experience the same ability delay in events.
So the people that think they are some kind of computer wizards, stop saying “get a better computer”, it wont help. I honestly wish you could report some of them and have them banned, because someone with below avarage computer knowledge might listen and waste cash on a new PC even though they dont need to.
man, i didnt know hardcore farmers existed.
anyway, when “1” activity is more rewarding than anything else and doesnt have any chance of failure.
i think the game failed.thats a personal opinion obviously..
Mesmer LF4M zerker war – ping gear on join – $$$ CoF P1 speedfarm. $$$
Look familiar?Anyway, Vol, I get why they tested this. But the changes can now be reverted because nobody I’ve spoken to in-game likes it and very few people actually go to CS now, because of this.
I wonder what kind of ghost town server you play on. CS is loaded with people on SFR pretty much from noon too midnight.
And to be fair, Anet has upgraded the rewards for the temple events and dragons. So making the others less rewarding is not more than right. You shouldnt get insane rewards by grinding an easy mindnumbing event over and over.
They want us to experience more things of the game, last patch has turned the game in the right direction.
Pretty much agree with the OP.
It has a few bugs here and there, but with each patch the game just gets better and better. Only thing I really havent liked is the massive restriction on progress through laurels. Being an altoholic it really sucks that you can only get 1 laurel per day. Would have been nice if we could get one per character, soulbound per character would be nice. Or have them as a progression thing instead of a currency i.e once you’ve obtained x amount of laurels this and that item opens up for purchase on the laurel merchant.
But I guess with the upcoming laurel rewards system from achievments it could have been messy to make them soulbound and obtainable daily for each character when achievments are account wide, same with the progression idea.
Also the dodge mechanic is great! I cant see myself playing an MMO without it.
(edited by SneakyErvin.3056)
You’re not burdened by the cost of 5 alts, you choose to try to gear out 5 characters. A person trying for a legendary shouldn’t get bonus cash just because he’s going for a legendary or some some other optional garbage.
You could dress your character in greens you found on the way to 80 and still farm all the events exactly the same. Theres no cost there, just huge profit, so that kind of falls apart.
And rich nodes are account bound along with all forms of DR for a good reason. There’s nothing special about alts that should entitle someone to this much more loot.
Yes it is a “burden” as you put it if you cant farm and gain gold for each toon individually. Since the cost is 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x etc the cost of a single character. The income you need to gear them is increased with each alt you max out in levels.
My latest character did cost me something around 70g, not counting transmutes etc.
I expect to be able to gear my characters individually or have account wide modifiable gear, its either or. You shouldnt be punished or have a harder time to stay floating if you invest time in a character. With 2 characters you should be able to contribute to their “well being” with both characters, 1 character should not pull the weight for both.
You tell me to use green gear, just as if I only use the alts to farm events with, which I dont. I play all my characters in different settings on a very regular basis, settings that require full exo gear for optimal preformance. Doing world bosses is just a bonus, not something I do activly. I enjoy the freedom to be able to do lets say grenth or melandru on whichever toon I play in CS at the moment the event starts.
I probably do just as many bosses as someone effectivly farming them ALL with one toon. I just happen to do the same encounter more than once, since I spend alot of time in Orr. That means I dont get more rares than someone with just 1 toon, but it still gives me the freedom we should have with our “alts”.
No idea where you get the idea from that nodes are account bound, they arent. They are character based with a respawn rate. I gather in Orr on a daily basis on 5 characters when I need gold, I’ve never once bumped into a rich node being depleted after taking it on one character.
There is always the option for everyone to level alts, there is no reason to restrict the use of alts, since it came with the game, with options to increase character slots for RL money.
I also like the legendary comment… what if I want legendaries for all my alts?
Also please tell me, what difference is ther between spending cash on character slots or in-game gems and trading for gold? Should we restrict how much people are allowed to spend int he gem shop too since “there is a huge profit” in that too?
“You get the best reward for playing the easiest and most boring part of the game.”
We get ascended gear from dragons? When did they implement that?
Oh or are you refering to rare items? Yeah they are far from the best. Nice silver, but thats about it. Still have to remember, ectos are RNG.
ascended items are for free, I refer best “money” reward. A chance to get 100g. If you could sell ascended items they wouldn’t be worth that much. Yesterday 2 or 3 players got Final Rest after the Behemoth event.
I dont see why you have an issue with this after reading your posts further down.
You say you want your character to look good, just like the rest of us. Increased droprate on world event bosses means you can either get it as a drop or that the item will become more common so you can buy it cheaper on the TP if RNG hates you.
Eitherway you lose nothing on it, unless you actually dont care about the look and only want to farm Final Rest and other items for the gold benefit.
Anet did something great with this patch, they gave us a means to balance the economy by introducing more Ectos (although RNG) and a greater shot at some rare exos.
“You get the best reward for playing the easiest and most boring part of the game.”
We get ascended gear from dragons? When did they implement that?
Oh or are you refering to rare items? Yeah they are far from the best. Nice silver, but thats about it. Still have to remember, ectos are RNG.
A question to the people with the “1 chest per account” mindset.
Are you aware that alts cost to level, cost to gear and so on? If 1 80 costs 30g to gear, 8 alts would cost 240g.
You must see how inappropriate restricting chest rewards to one per account would be.
It would also have no impact on the hardcore farmers in this game, since its a sub free game, all you need to do is browse online and physical stores, find copies of GW2 on sale and create more accounts.
Also as I said in another thread on this subject, restricting it to once per account now, would pretty much force Anet to refund the people that want to, whatever cash they spent on extra character slots above the 5th. Since those slots can have been bought just to use as farming alts.
Whats the difference between farming with alts created on slots you bought for RL money or buying gems for RL money and selling them for gold? The asnwer is, playing alts is fun and gives you something to do.
Do you want them to restrict nodes to once per day per account too? Yeah that’d keep many players…
Those are not “huge downsides” to having alts. That’s just like the person who chooses to have only one character complaining that he has no variety and can’t play other characters in WvW and PvE, and then demanding extra loot for this downside.
Number of alts you have says nothing about how many hours you play or how “hard you work”. Arenanet has managed to be largely agnostic about whether you choose to play 1 or 8, which is what they SHOULD do…but they totally dropped the ball here. Just about everything in the game should be based on account…including daily dungeon and world event lockouts!
You create alts because you want to try new characters out, see the stories, unlock the handful of achievements that require it, or have a variety of characters to play in WvW and PvE… and if you don’t want those things then you shouldn’t have to make alts in order to min/max rewards…
You clearly havent payed attention to laurel income, it pretty much screwed over alts, since you can only get 1 laurel per day, even if you have 8 toons. That is far from alt friendly.
There is a big difference between having one character or having two. Not only does it take time to level the second, it also costs the player 2x the gold to get gear for both. If things should be right according to yours and everyone else of the alt bashing crowd, we should only ever have to buy one set of universal armor that can be transfered between characters and turned into the appropriate version for the class, with the exact stats we want for whatever spec they are.
If it costs you 30g(usually costs more now) to fully kit a level 80, it costs the guy with 8 toons 240g. So you are really telling me he shouldnt be allowed to farm gold with all of his toons? Even when it costs him 8 times the gold to kit them all. Oh and thats without adding in optional legendaries for the altoholics that want those.
No matter how you look at it, a player with alts always have more expenses than someone with just one toon, so of course he should be able to farm whatever he wants with each of those. I bet your next suggestion would be that ore and all other types of gathering should also be account restircted.
No many of us level alts to farm, but we do farm with alts to keep each of them geared.
You will also never get around the people that hardcore farm, restrict the event chests to once per account and they’ll just get more accounts. The game is sub free, so it costs them very little to get another account… or wait, should we restrict those too?
You also forget that those with 6 toons or more have payed real money in some cases to unlock the extra slots. If you restrict the event chests to once per day, then Anet needs to make refunds to everyone that wants to who have bought character slots just to make farming character. Because if they knew restrictions like this would happen, they would have put their RL money on gems instead and sold the gems for gold.
Alts is just another way of gaining gold. Some of us get extra characters to farm, since its a nice pass time activity, others buy gems for RL money and sell it.
Level alts if you want to farm more, or buy gems at the TP if you envy the “riches” of the altoholics…
And again to all of you anti-alts. You need less gold to get around than us with alts, understand that before typing more ignorant posts/threads. Not all of us are power farmers, most of us enjoy our alts.
And those with no alts cant be “punished” like you claim Tenicord, since you only need the gold you bring in from one toon, but making it account wide per boss would infact “punish” the alt makers, even though the game came with 5(!) character slots.
(edited by SneakyErvin.3056)
Sorry but store coupons have nothing to do with anything I’m saying. It’s a totally different situation.
I was hoping you’d get the analogy but oh well.
Store coupons = almost guaranteed rare from world bosses
Being able to use them all up at once = per char per server
Mistake = price of ectos plummet too fast than expected by Mr. Smith
New policy = account-wide or only in 1 per boss regardless of server, idk.
Discount = amount of rares you get/ectos you getAnyways, that’s not the point. To be honest, I’m happy with this change as it lowers ecto prices and helps me finish my legendary faster. What I’m annoyed at is the attitude itself. If it does happen, yes it will suck for you who has 7 alts. But not every thing that sucks is a punishment aimed at you.
EDIT: ‘Sucks’ isn’t a censored word?? :o
Sorry but your analogy is not even compable to alts. You sound like alts magically pop as level 80s the second they are created. Your analogy is just horrible.
You also seem to forget, alts also cost to gear at 80, suddenly if they restrict chests to 1 per account its a drawback to have alts, because the total cost is greater for the player with alts. They already need alot more ectos than someone without alts to get laurel bought accessories for all their toons. They already also need many many many more days to even have the laurels for them.
The thing is also this. Even if they did set a limit of 1 chest per account, per event, per day it would do nothing against the hardcore farmers. They would, instead of spending gold on character slots, just get another copy of the game level the alt there and avoid the system, since this game has no sub fee and isnt very expensive in retail stores. Heck it would just be to find the stores that have it on sale.
You also forget that many of the people have spent extra money on character slots, why should they who pay extra for more characters get less out of their toons than someone else?
If it’s such a quick and easy task to level alts to 80 do it instead of complaining here and you too can start doing events on more than one character. Just because you dont like to play alts doesnt mean everyone else has to feel the same. It’s your choise, there are plenty of free alt slots on your account. The problem is you not using them, not the other way around.
After all, we, the altoholics, spend more gold than others since we have alts, so its not more than right each alt can provide/contribute on his own. Or should we start asking for free gear of equal quality of our main’s? Since we are on the same budget as you we shouldnt be forced to spend more just because we have alts right… isnt that how you are thinking?
So since my first toon has full exo gear with ascended back, rings and neck all my alts should get tokens mailed to them when they hit 80 so I can pick an appropriate set for them aswell, since I’ve already payed for it or done the “grind” to get it.
So where are my mails with those tokens?
Guesting is a big issue, without guesting, less people native to the server would be put in overflows.
Why dont the natives have priority to the regular map? As soon as there is overflow, the guests should be moved from the regular map to the overflow, so native can get into the regular one.
This would solve alot of issue, since it doesnt seem to work this way currently.
Guesting is IMO total BS. It would be fine at a friend to friend basis, but letting people pick an activie guesting server seems very wrong. If you wanna join a friend sure, but it should be restricted to joining people on your friendslist and not just joinign a random server.
In my opinion they should skip stealth and the initiative mechanic as a whole and rework the thief to work similar to other classes when it comes to CDs and such on skills. Currently they are more or less immune to side effects of chilled, since they have no CD on weapon skills.
Rework stealth into either an escape mechanic or an offensive mechanic similar to the benefit of stuns i.e stealth would allow you to attack unseen for 2-3 seconds, with weapon skill cds this wouldnt be much different than a class with a stun that gets to beat you for a while when you cant do anything in return. Of course the ability that stealths you should be on a similar cd to other classes stuns.
They can even make both types of stealth, one defensive escape kind and the offensive one.
Currently stealth is more permanent during combat in this game compared to pretty much any other MMO out there.
They invest time in leveling their alts to 80, so there is no reason why they shouldnt be able to get everything they can out of the toons.
If you have such a big issue with alts getting chest rewards from event, then why not just level 8 alts, since it seems like you think it takes around 5 minutes to go from 1-80.
Oh and it doesnt cost one bit to gear your alts either at 80…
Leveling 10 toons to 80 and gearing them costs 10 times the gold compared to just gearing one toon. So of course each toon should be able to do whatever it can to provide for itself or the “main”, but its all up to the player.
There are already enough restrictions in this game spawned by the recent patches, no need for more.
Saying you do not care for something isn’t the same as saying you do not care about something. Looks like you misunderstood what he/she was trying to say.
This pretty much sums it up, dont think it can get explained much better than this. The key word is “for”, which makes it mean something completely different than if it ended with “about”.
Amazing that some people are suprised by this “nerf”.
And I just love the people that claim they have little staying power on warriors. Maybe its time to rework those all out dps specs and go for a more balanced approach. A full dps build should not have massive staying power.
I felt full dps on a warrior was squishy, so I changed traits. Now with a balanced amount of armor, damage, crit, crit damage and passive regen things are very smooth. Healing around 1000 health over a period of 3 seconds is pretty nice.
Adrenal health 360 each 3 sec, healing signet 200 each sec, thats 960 during 3 seconds without adding in any healing power, WvW bonuses, consumables or runes.
Combat is dynamic, you cant expect to be pure melee. When you need to gain distance, dodge, weapon swap and use gun or LB. With the right spec you will have more or less infinite endurance aswell.
A thing that was obviously imbalanced gets fixed and people go about like its the end of the world.
All nodes give ruined items now, both in Frostgorge Sound and Cursed Shore.
It’s not related to getting attacked, its happens on every single node, started to happen 5 minutes ago.
I’m on Seafarer’s Rest and it’s not just me it happens to, it seems to be server wide atleast. Lot’s of people experiencing it in chat.
Please look into it asap.
Agreed with OP, too many currencies.
There is also a lack of options to obtain the currencies.
Another big issue with the recent patch is with guild missions. You know need to rely on the higher ranks in the guild to understand the system so they can get missions rolling asap so you can progress and get the accessories. Which currently has me worried in the guild I recently joined. They have AoW rank 5, but are currently queuing politics, economy and other things instead of bounty missions…
Is it me whos missing something or are they wasting time queuing those? I thought you needed AoW5, then bounties to get the new guild currency to unlock the other missions with.
@OP: You are seriously comparing ranger pets to clones and illusions?
Clones and illusions hit for a maximum of 15 damage at level 80. Versus structures they do 0 most oftenly.
If you are refering to phantasms then those are equal to your ranged attacks and follow the same rules, ecxept that they stay in world until killed and repeat their attack every 8 second (or close to that, depending on the individual phantasms attack cooldown).
I dont see the issue with it. You just need to equip it and unequip it and SK will be as smooth as before.
Equip MK+MK#5, unequip MK, equip MK when needed for SK.
It will take a bit getting used to for those/us that used only MK for SK, but it will get us used to using SK with other kits aswell if we decide to move away to another heal due to another build.
MF works. I’ve tested it in orr. I have around 350 hours plus farming penitent/shelter. When i first started farming there i had no MF and would avg about 1 gold a hour. Then i got my MF up to 175% and avg 4 gold plus a hour. So i really think MF works. Theres other factors that matter to when farming events like these. A group is a must to get most loot possible and having right class that has good aoe. I use engineer with granades by far best farmer for these two events. btw i have one 80 of every class and tried them all.
And you can get the same or more gold by doing other things without having MF at all. Since you have 80s of each class you would by far benefit more from just gathering with all of them and killing what you bump into.
I avarage 10-15g during 2 hours by just gathering with 5 toons in crused shore, 4 hours would mean cursed shore and malchors, thats 20-30g in 4 hours. Sure if you grind events for several hours you might make more, but its a quick way to farm when time is limited, plus it requires zero MF.