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Unshakable, an Useless Mechanic?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


And this is where rifle engineers, bow warriors and other classes with immobilize abilities are so handly.

Mostly you want to keep bosses at bay, immobilize does this just fine and if you run with a good group, the rest keeps the defiant stacking CCs off the boss until they are really needed. Why? Because immobilize doesnt trigger defiant.

Sucks vs unstoppable mobs though a.k.a Abominations.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Is Magic Find even worth it now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Since it only effects trash mob drops and not chests in dungeons its not worth it one bit. For running around doing events, sure, but its still a waste of gold in the first place if you plan on getting it to grind gold. It’s just counter productive.

@kRiza krimos.1637: Did you reactivate him post patch and have you played your warrior post patch in Orr?

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

The "Inspect Gear" Discussion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


I dont think a “gear check” feature is needed. It would just cause more harm than good.

However, I would personally love to see a feature that shows how much MF group memebers have. I want my group members to have stats that benefit their group and not selfish stats. MF doesnt bring anything to boost your own combat preformance or the groups. So a system that shows the MF of group members would be great. It would help people kicking those MF users that refuse to put on proper gear.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

What's the purpose of "attack" attribute?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


“Combines weapon damage and power; determines skill damage”. Thats straight from the character window.

I’m not sure which to believe, wiki or actual in-game info.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

How do you beat a Warrior 1v1

in Warrior

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Never have much issues with warriors as a condition mancer.

Running full rabid gear for condi, toughness and precision. Running a scepter+dagger/staff setup. Stats in PvE/WvW are.

HP: 21000+
Condi: 1600
Crit chance: 52%(staff), 57%(scepter+dagger)
Armor: 2800

Heal: Consume
Utility: BiP, various skills as second depending on situation, 25% movement on third mostly.
Elite: Plague, Grenth (human racial) or pet. Pet is nice for its KD, but thats about it.

The spec is 0/30/20/20/0

Runes: Undead
Sigils: Earth (staff+underwater), Accuracy+Earth (scepter+dagger)

You get alot of ways to apply bleeds in big stacks, alot of condition removals and so on.

I’m honestly not sure what people see in P/V/T gear as a necro. You can get close to the same survivability through rabid gear, without giving up alot of dps.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Survey: Boon Duration

in Warrior

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Planning on a boon duration build myself when my warrior hits 80. Been playing around alot with it in sPvP to test damage, staying power and uptime on boons.

I will probably go with 70% total, 30% from trait line and 40% from runes (2 monk, 2 water, 2 major water). This would give me 100% uptime on SoR, both for swiftness, fury and might. I just really want the swiftness since I plan on running axe+axe/shield/mace and a longbow. And there just isnt room for warhorn.

So far I’ve enjoyed it in sPvP, although, fury and might from SoR hasnt been 100% uptime, but along with FGJ it works. Will be better in the open world though, since you get the full 15% bonus from superiors aswell as the option for major.

Attack is at an acceptable level, so is my life. Crit damage will be much higher in open world. Planning on a 10/0/0/30/30 spec. Not sure on the empower trait or the shake it off trait. Would be nice with 2 shake it off, one auto and one self cast. Third utility is taken by the endurance regen/condi removal sigil. The shake it off trait seems nice, would give me one more shout heal too. Empower would only give me +6% damage when running alone, guess up towards 10% in a group.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Cutting the lawn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


I’m still trying to understand how you got real world payment to equal RNG drops.

I also just love this part “Its not fun. You dont know what fun is, you think if everyone gets everything itll all be fun, its not. The fun comes from having more than someone else. Wether you know it or not, thats whats going on if you were honest about it. Obviously you dont know whats going on if you think everyone having everything is going to be fun for everyone – bigtime.7410”

Bigtime, you also forget that events and such scale up, but the grass on your lawn doesnt magically grown taller and the lawn doesnt get bigger just because the kid brought friends.

But I’m still not seeing which part of the game makes you feel like its paying everyone equally for doing less.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

FOTM only way to get Ascended

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Oh yay…1 laurel a day…35 for rings/30 for amulets. Still doesn’t make up for the fact that there’s no real other way than FOTM. That is, if you dont mind waiting 3 months for 3 pieces of gear. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy FOTM, but like anything else, if that’s the only way to get something, especially something so little, it gets old fast…even faster than raid content in other games.

That’s about 2 months for the rings, not 3 and running FOTM will get you the rings in 21 days (1 day to get from level 1 to 10, 20 to run dailies 20 times) and there’s no way to get ascended amulets trough fractals.

Thats almost correct, but not really.

There is one HUGE difference. Each toon progresses at their own pace, not at the pace of only one toon like with the laurel system. You also have a chance to get the ring as a drop in the daily chest in fractals.

If you have 1 or 8 toons (well 8 might be pushing it), you will have atleast 2 rings on all of those toons within 21 days. Probably much faster since each toon will have a chance for the drop in the chest, per day, per difficulty.

Laurels are limited to one per day and is maxed at 38-41 per month, depending on the length of the month.

28-31 days per month = 28-31 laurels for dailies + 10 for monthly.

The laurel system is flawed in its current state.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Defektive's tPvP Longbow/GS Build:

in Warrior

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


How on earth do you get 1000-1200 burning ticks with no condition gear?

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Underground Facility

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Underground… as in the dredge one?

In that case I havent done it on 20+, but up to level 19 its dirt easy and fun. Not sure what the fuzz is about. There are a few simple tactics, you cant fail. Stressy people can ruin it.

1. One guy runs to the first switch, when gate opens the other 4 runs in and kills the 2 vets at cage while the guy who opened runs down to gate one.

2. When vets are dead one guy runs up to the second switch, stays there til 4 people are isnide the cage. He runs down and the 4 in the cage kills the initial dredge.

3. 2 people stand on the switches, one guy works the cogwheel and one pulls the vets from the cogworker. Topguy should be down by now and help killing and keeping mobs off the cogworker.

4. Door opens, continue.

5. Rest of the instance is a no-brainer.

Quitting solves nothing, what happens if you get them as your 2nd or third fractal after reset? Learn the places and you wont have to quit.

On Grawl fractal, just strafe left and right all the time on the legendary shammy, that way most of his arrow attacks that cause fireshield+agony will miss you, they arent tracking missiles. Break his earthshield asap then pull together adds and AoE them.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Scaling Change Gone Too Far?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


The only thing with downscaling that bugs me is that we pay level 80 repair bills when out effective stats are dropped down to whatever zone we are in. Shouldnt repair costs go down aswell?

Oh and travel costs should be zone specific.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Would You Still Play if There was NO Loot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


ALL loot? As in greys, whites, blues, crafting mats and so on?

Probably no. Sure WvW is fun, but I enjoy the odd farm run and instance here and there also.

If the game had no gear progression, then sure I’d keep playing, I could still farm skins, farm gold, buy new looking weapons and armors and so on. Stat progression isnt important to me, I just want the best I can get, but if there was only one type of quality on sets I’d be just as happy.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

why do people hate magic find?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


4 on the get go? No 4 after two chains as I said.

And sorry about that misscalculation, I have missed a number while tapping it into the calculator, my bad. The dps should be 818 total with the 4 stack example, DD dps should be 371. I pointed out your misscalculation and you pointed out mine, mistakes do happen and misstypes do happen frequently, even on a calculator.

So rampagers would still fall behind on the second chain.

The final example dps result for ravager should be 1419 dps. With the avarage of 12 stacks. You see you are falling behind in any gear except rabid for a condi spec. The math doesnt lie. And not only is the damage lower, but the survivability and aggro is lower aswell. Survivability for a class such as the low dodge necro is important, it lets you survive more hits, avoiding that low end regen and lets your death shroud take more hits.

And your own final example is only a 24 dps difference between rampagers over rabid, meaning it will fall behind fast after the 2nd chain and up. Since there were no calculation mistakes in that.

And I love how you claim a mistake is madeup numbers when you go and count dps in a very wrong way to try and prove a point. I also dont know what kind of spec you run that can only get 4-5 stacks up before they start falling off… trait for condi duration in curses maybe?

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

(edited by SneakyErvin.3056)

why do people hate magic find?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056



Actually your math is flawed. Your dps calculation is way off.

Each strike of the skill takes ½sec, that means the chain takes 1.5sec total. You cant double the damage per strike to get the actual dps. Dps would be.

Rabid 129+129+184 / 1.5 = 295dps+(89×2)176 = 649 dps
Rampagers 171
171+215 /1.5 = 305dps+(75×2)+148 = 603 dps

You are already behind after 1 attack chain from scepter.

Berserkers 248+248+354 /1.5 = 567dps+(43×2)+84 = 737 dps

This is the result after 1 chain, the initial dps from direct damage wont go up for each following chain, it will be the same, since the next chain you will have done.

(129+129+184)x2 / 3 = 295 dps etc. But the stacks of bleeding will double.

So after the second chain it will be like this.

Rabid 129+129+184 / 1.5 = 295dps+(89×4)176 = 827 dps
Rampagers 171
171+215 /1.5 = 305dps+(75×4)148 = 753 dps
Berserkers 248
248+354 /1.5 = 567dps+(43×4)+84 = 823 dps

And it goes on like this. To make it fair we can see how it will be with the avarage of 12 stacks. in a chain.

Rabid 129+129+184 / 1.5 = 295dps+(89×12)176 = 1539 dps
Rampagers 171
171+215 /1.5 = 305dps+(75×12)148 = 1353dps
Berserkers 248
248+354 /1.5 = 567dps+(43×12)+84 = 1167 dps

The higher the stacks go, the more beneficial Rabid is. You already see it tops rampagers even in the first Sc#1 chain.

Not sure where you got the idea from to calculate dps like that. You need to calculate total damage divided by time. Chain is 1.5 seconds long, so you need to divide the chains total damage with 1.5. Conditions are static and deal damage per seconds, in their case you just add up the sum for active stacks and you get the right number.

At your bottom example I can give you this, rampagers will be ahead by a whooping 24dps on the first chain, anything after that will be behind. There will be enough condition on the target by the time the second chain has reached its second attack on the target that rampagers will fall behind. Reason is because DD is static, but conditions stack, so at a certain point, in this case a very easy point, rabid will be far superior.

And if it came down to a PvP situation vs the two sets, rampagers wouldnt have the benefit of its power vs the toughness of the rabid set, just the two duking it out with auto attacks would make the rabid wearer win, because he mitigates your power while dealing his full intended damage hes specced for, the damage you are behind on.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

(edited by SneakyErvin.3056)

why do people hate magic find?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Xavori.3768: You are making less and less sense for each post. You just dont see the difference in condi damage and DD. You probably love to see big numbers, but condi deals the same kinda of big numbers, only in a different way.

Your GS example (which you still hold onto) is a prime one of how you cant compare things properly. Time and time again I’ve stated clearly for you that Rabid gear is the best gear for a condition class, for a thief though it can be argued, but you would probably be better of with carrion there even, since the thief barely has any on crit procs that apply conditions. Carrion would max your condi and power as far as you could, while giving some wee bit extra surviviability.

Your comparisons are like comparing cucumbers to pineapples.

Crit does alot for condition specs, it helps you stacks more conditions faster if you have the traits that benefit from it, which is included in most condi builds. Extra bleeds, burns etc on crit.

You also fail to take things into acount, like when the stacks are up and rolling after a few seconds, you still need to stay within range to get benefit from your power (on a thief as the example was). While on a necro after the stacks are up, the one with more condi gear will do more dps (see numbers in previous post), and thats at a low stack of 6, which is up just as fast as yours.

On a thief it becomes even more or a difference, because when you decide to take time with your auto attack, the other guy builds his bleeds, your primary damage in the example. That way you sit there with no bleeds on the target, since you cant use death blossom and #1 at the same time. You example is flawed, your example should compare death blossom to death blossom, otherwise all you do is your auto attack damage and nothing else, while the other guy in rabid stacks his bleeds, making you fall behind more and more.

I say it again, clear as it can be.

Rabid gear is the currently optimal set for a condition based spec. It gives you top condi stat and as high crit as you possibly can get while keeping max condi damage.

Berserkers is the optimal set for DD specs for pure damage.

Rabid gear is worthless on DD sepcs.

Berserkers is worthless on condi specs.

Every other set is in between for their respective damage build type.

MF gear brings nothing to the table.

edit: Also to help you understand why your GS example is off the mark. GS is based around power, crit and crit damage, it has no benefit from condition damage. So you cant really use it to test out which condition gear is best, of course in that case whatever gear has power on it would pull ahead.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

(edited by SneakyErvin.3056)

Passive speed increases a poor design

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Slow enginners? What? It’s the fastest class in the game if they put some talents for it.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Passive speed increases a poor design

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


I do enjoy the passive speed. I think its fine how it works now as a utility. What I dont like is that not all the classes have the option to use a passive speed signet.

Granting passive 25% speed across the board is not the way to go, it would render swiftness useless. But adding the signet option to every class would give people the choice, stick to limited swiftness only and use another utility skill or use ths signet for the speed.

Personally I’d probably use the signet on some classes and swiftness on others.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

why do people hate magic find?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


1.) It takes about 2 seconds to apply 10+ bleed stats on any of the bleed based classes. The stacks come natural as part of dealing damage, you dont need to focus nearly as much on it as having to stay in range for big hits, even thief condi application is dirt easy and stacks fast. They have the drawback of no bleed on crit trait. Engi is the only class with a drawback when it comes to condi, since their duration is short, necro isnt. And if you learn anything about DoTs and scaling, the longer their duration is the more beneficial is the condi coeff.

And claiming necro damage is bad or ineffective just shows that you have never played one, or atleast not properly. Their damage is realy easy to deal and it comes with alot of other side things at the same time, like cripples, chills and weakness. Necro is not a special case when it comes to poorly scaling DoT inflicters, that covers every class. Either they scale porly on power, or they have a key feature that requires something fromt he player, like positionals.

2). Crits does the same thing, it ups the damage, both for DD and condi classes, given they pick the right traits (this goes for both cases). And crit was taken into account with the gear, but it wouldnt make much of a difference in either of the examples. Well for a thief it would to a minor extent, since they have no bleed on crit traits.

3). Why on earth do you bring up warrior GS when talking condi damage? Are you out of your mind? The weapon has zero condition damage skills. You’ve just lost all proper arguments and go talk about War GS when discussing condi… oh gods, kitten You cant test something by comparing like that, you need to compare rabid vs rampagers on actual condi inflicting skills and weapons. You are starting to make less and less sense for each post.

4.) No you dont want power along with condi, unless the weapon scales very well with power. Otherwise you are better off with Rabid, which gives the highest possible condi through stats and toughness+rune aswell as a high crit chance.

5.) It’s not a poor skill, it probably has a higher scale than most other auto attack skills, it still didnt outdamage a simple easy to stack 12 stack bleed, didnt outdamage even a 10, 8 or 7 stack bleed. Same will be the case for any other class, since most other classes have much lower power scaling ont heir condi skills.

For pure condition based specs rabid will always be better than anything else, since it adds the most damage, as proven by my examples, taken straight from your own examples and the wiki scaling for DoTs.

Berserkers is the worst choice for any DoT spec, since it gives you 0 condi damage.

For a self proclaimed skilled player, you lack very much of the basic knowledge.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

why do people hate magic find?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


@Xavori.3768: All skills are effected by coefficients, not just condi damage.

“Damage done = (weapon damage) * Power * (skill-specific coefficient) / (target’s Armor)”

“Tooltip damage = (average weapon damage) * Power * (skill-specific coefficient) / (level-based Armor value)”

You also keep ignoring the stacks of bleeds aswell. My necro with 1600 condi damage deals with an avarage stack of 12 bleeds and a poison 1720 dps. Thats what alot of other DD classes crit for with their #1 skill if they are in crit damage gear. Without it, they get crit somewhere around 1000-1200. Still depends on skill coefficients. And a sidenote, 12 stacks is just common, its not hard to get higher than that, it depends crit, sigils and traits. Currently its not rare to come to 20 stacks alone.

Would be nice with a list of power coefficients for condition stacking skills.

In the end, its not worth giving up toughness for a minor increase in power when you can get the same damage with pure condi damage.

And even in the mists with the easy to achieve 12 stacks, the rabid gear comes to 1404dps (1467 condi) vs your 1212dps (1175 condi). Thats a difference of 192dps (223 if you count poison), where your 300 power only gives you 110dps extra with direct attacks, and that is for a thief ontop of that, with a fairly high power scaling. I need to reduce my stacks to 5 or 6 if my poison is also running its course in order to get down to that damage increase, take not of the word down. Now compare rabid vs rampagers for a scepter or staff necro and the direct damage coefficient will be even lower and condi will benefit much more.

Also all the direct damage is mitigated by Armor, which reduces the damage more. And as your example seems to be a thief, they wont have any hard hitting skills really since they lack the crit damage with a condition build and each time you use another skill your initiative will go down and result in death blossom not getting used, resulting in no bleed ticks, rendering your condi spec pointless.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

why do people hate magic find?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Xavori.3768: Actually no, rampagers in not better than rabids, since the dps for a condition class will be the same due to a much higher condi stat instead of some power, most attacks that apply condi damage have a very low damage value and they scale badly with power.

Not only that, but rabid has a much higher base condi damage than rampagers since its the primary stat, which isnt the case for rampagers. Sure, rampagers is better for someone that has condi as their secondary damage, but not for a true condi specced character. What matters mostly for condi classes is the ability to stack extra condi on crits. The survivability and higher condi damage from rabid outshines the little extra power you get from rampagers.

You keep bringing up how skilled you are, still your lack of knowledge about many professions tell me otherwise. There is a big reason most condi engis, necros, mesmers etc pick rabid over rampagers. The earlier comment about guardians and AH was the point where most of your credibility went down the drain for me.

For a sword warrior rampagers might be good, I dont know, I dont play one, but its a bad set for most other professions. It’s primary stat is precision and secondary is power/condi. You should really look up how poorly some of those, well most of those condi inflicting skills scale with power.

An example. My mesmer is a full burst build, 3500attack, 52% crit chance and 108% crit damage. His staff#1 skills, which inflicts conditions doesnt even break 1k on crits. Same goes with most every other condition inflicting skill in the game.

MF is bad in general, Power is a waste for conditions specs.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Ascended Amulets: Only from laurels?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Yeah they need to add other ways to obtain the necks aswell as lowering the laurel cost to match the current pristine fractal relic cost of rings. Laurels are slower to get, still the items cost 3 times the fractal cost. Doesnt make one bit of sense.

I’m starting to get to the point in this game where I got in WoW, the point which led me to stop playing. I’ve started to run out of fun things to do and all I see is this daily I must do to not fall behind. Which to start with isnt very interesting or newthinking compared to the old dailies. It’s the same, but with other things to do, mostly with one task more mindnumbingly boring than the other.

I want to be able to chose from a multitude of things to reach my goal, dungeons one day, fractals the other and then some WvW or just open world PvE events and still be able to reach the goal and get that item I would like.

What I dont want is being stuck in fractals or a daily grind to get what I want, certainly not at the pace you progress with the laurel system. They should have added the achievment laurels system at the same time they release the items, a sytem with a multitude of new achievments you had to do to get laurels and not the retroactive laurel rewards they are planning. That way people could start now with setting out to get the gear they want through the achievments and activities within the GW2 world that they like.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Can't get a group for fractals anymore.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Honestly, I’m surprised they didnt stage the levels.


That would mean easier grouping options and still no newcomers in fractal 10 and above.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

why do people hate magic find?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Reading more and more in this thread I can see one person being in love with AC. Is it the only dungeon he can beat?

1. Ascalonian armor is the best bunker armor in the game currently. Power/toughness/vitality.

2. It very low risk, moderate reward.

3. It’s quick. I only have to spend an hour of my time to make 3+ gold. That buys a lot of WvW upgrades and gear repairs.

4. I ONLY WEAR MF GEAR ON EASY STUFF WHERE LOSING A BIT OF DPS JUST DOESN’T MATTER, AND AC IS DEFINTELY EASY STUFF. Since this thread is about MF gear, and I’m defending MF gear, I’m only going to defend it those cicrumstances I feel it’s acceptable. You’ll never catch me running Arah exploraton or level 40+ fractals in MF gear. Hence, I’m not talking about Arah or level 40+ fractals.

But your view isnt honest. Sure its easy and quick even if you wear MF, but how quick is it when your whole party wears MF. You are still underpreforming in a non-MF group when you wear MF gear. Thats just fact, you will never have the preformance of a real set. Thats where it becomes selfish, for a tiny gain of roughly 50-70s per run (your own numbers) you skip the good of the group for the good of yourself.

You would also be better off just running a fractal 10+ for a much higher income, without the need for MF gear. Something that takes 45m-1h to complete.

Also, point #1 doesnt matter, because you dont need MF gear to obtain it, so its a moot point. MF doesnt improve your speed or chance of getting it.

There are instances/fractals where a full MF group would lie dead in their tracks, not being able to push through due to lack of dps. Same goes for any group with a lack of dps. I’m also curious how the new patch and no WP bumrushing will effect the MF users. Just another reason not to grab them. Lower damage, lower survivability, so you have to spend more time fighting, which results in a bigger risk of wiping and having to start over on the boss.

Dude. You have to stay with me here. I wasn’t talking about MF in those 4 points. I was responding to why I’m talking about AC so much in this thread.

Oh, and to answer your ‘lack of DPS’ concern…how is one of the highest DPS set in the game turribul turrbul zomg can’t take them? Pretty sure a well built DPS toon in explorer gear is doing his or her fair share of DPS. The problem with explorer isn’t DPS, it’s survivability.

(p.s. please note ‘one of’ in my statement. It means it’s not THE highest which would be zerker or rampager depending on build and/or opponent, but only ONE OF the highest.)

But AC isnt whats being discussed in this thread, its about the difference in MF gear compared to useful gear. Everything is done better and quicker in proper gear, even AC.

Explorer gear is awful for dps, just like you proved by posting your stats earlier in the thread. Attack, crit, critdmg does not lie, it’s simple math. You also claim ramapgers would be higher damage, when there are actually better dps sets for condi classes that provide more survivability aswell i.e Rabid gear.

You will never reach close to the same condi damage bonus with rampager since rabid syncs much better with undead runes and some class traits. The power you gain from rampagers is not worth it, since condi is the lesser stat. Rabid has condi as main stat and still keeps the same precision, in addition to that you will gain even more from undead runes due to the toughness on rabid.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

So.. why do you hate alts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


I don’t have alts. I have 11 main characters.

Look at it that way?

Pretty much my way of reasoning too.

The game started out really great with no holding back when it came to multiple toons and progression. It worked all the way up until this patch.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Respect please.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


There is the same lack of respect from the “fanbois” towards the “vocal minority crowd” as the “vocal minority crowd” has towards the devs.

There are many of us from the “vocal minority crowd” that do tell it as it is, in a civilized manner, only to have the “fanbois” lash out at us for pointing out issues with the patch/game.

In this patch there were some blatant mistakes done, things that are so out of place compared to things in the last patch that it makes no sense. Things that make no bit of sense. Sure there are good things too, but I would rather wait a month without most of the things in this patch and have the laurels system fully implemented and not staged.

If they just patched the fractal fix, the culling for WvW,the class tweaks and dungeon tweaks I’d be more than happy. They could have kept the new dailies out aswell as the laurels for now, saved it for the feb update and brought it in fully optimized.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

So.. why do you hate alts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


So as of yesterday, playing alts became pretty much impossible if you want to gear them up at your own pace.

“I want the best gear in the game for each of my eight characters and I WANT IT NOW!!!”

/stamps foot
/tantrum face

Read the full post before jumping to closeminded conclusions. Or maybe you want to get reported for trolling? To help you out so you dont have to read more than you can handle, here is the important part that makes your answer pointless and non contriobuting to the discussion.

“Who at Anet let this pass through? Sure I wouldnt mind not being able to buy them for pristine relics since they are hoarded already by many players (me included). But they could atleast add laurels as a reward in the 10+ fractals in the daily chest aswell as for each finished daily instance path. And of course up the number you get for a daily from 1 to 5 and monthly from 10 to 50.”

And further down I come with the not too odd suggestion that maybe they should try and set the price at the same level as it costs isnide fractals i.e 10 per ring. There is no reason to require 3x as many tokens of the sort that takes longer to grind compared to the type you get in fractals, which you can get 1 per day, per difficulty scale, per toon.

4 toons = 4 pristine fractal relics per difficulty and a ring costs 10
4 toons = 1 laurel in total per daily, rings cost 35 and neck costs 30.

5 days doing 4 daily fractals will give 1 character 2 rings.
20 days doing 4 daily fractals will give all 4 characters 2 rings each.

20 days of dailies will give you 20 laurels and no necklace. Add the monthly and you will get one in 20 days, if you do a full monthly on the 20th day.

There is no reasonable logic behind this type of itemization options.

If they would lower the cost to 8 as I said earlier and 10 for rings, they should NOT up the daily reward to 5 per daily. However if they keep the cost at 30/35, they should up the reward for daily/month to 5/50.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

(edited by SneakyErvin.3056)

So.. why do you hate alts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


So as of yesterday, playing alts became pretty much impossible if you want to gear them up at your own pace.

I did some calculating and it resulted in rouhgly 1 month needed per character in order to obtain the new necklace. Although, this would be all ok if you could work on each character each day i.e one laurel per character.

However you are limited to one laurel per account and you need 30 for a necklance. There is zero symetry between ascended rings and necks. I dont even see why the necks costs 30 laurels and the rings 35. Currently rings can be bought for 10 pristine fractal relics, and you can obtain one per character per difficulty each day from 10 and up. But suddenly you require more from a currency that is slower to obtain (laurels)…?

Who at Anet let this pass through? Sure I wouldnt mind not being able to buy them for pristine relics since they are hoarded already by many players (me included). But they could atleast add laurels as a reward in the 10+ fractals in the daily chest aswell as for each finished daily instance path. And of course up the number you get for a daily from 1 to 5 and monthly from 10 to 50.

Or they could let dailies be done with each character so you could progress on each toon on a daily basis and not on a monthly basis.

Currently there is only one thing to do in game, log on, do daily on a toon and log off pretty much. Before patch there was things to do for hours that were fun, but not fun enough to do without seeing a little progress at the end of the tunnel. Thankfully there was progress for each fractal, plus it was fun doing them.

I was just about to level another toon (have 4 80s that I love), a ranger, but with this system it seems rather pointless, because I wont be able to fully gear him within the next 5 months.

They said this patch would have alot of new things, multiple options to obtain items, all they did was add a new and slower way to obtain rings and only one way to obtain laurels and int he end the necks.

edit: I also think they should reduce the neck cost to 8 and the rings to 10 laurels, this would add symetry and consistance between the different ways you can obtain them. Right now its donkey backwards.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

(edited by SneakyErvin.3056)

Daily/Monthly Laurel system not alt friendly

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


The way it works now is absurd.

Lets do some maths.

4 characters: 4 necks wanted.

1 neck = 30 laurels, 4 necks = 120 laurels.

Maximum obtained in a month 38-41. Thats 4 months before you can equip 4 characters. I would understand if you could do dailies once per character and maybe if they lower the price to say 10 laurels for a neck, to be inline with rings (10 pristine relics, 1 per day per toon).

I dont see why they have decided on 30(!) laurels for necks when its obtained at a maximum rate of 1(!) per day.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Laurel Tokens that I should have but dont

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Jan monthly shouldnt give it.

And no AndresR, the combos are not ok, hence why they disabled them…

I hope we get compensated for the bugged combo daily.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Ascended Amulets with Fractial Relics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


I support this.

We should be able to get Ascended gear our way, like Colin once said. To accomplish this, amulets and back pieces should be available with Pristine Fractal Relics just as rings are available with Laurels. Furthermore, back pieces should be obtained with laurels, too.

True, they missed the backpieces on the laurels vendor.

What an awful patch all in all IMO.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

How to start the flame and frost story?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


•Starting shortly after the January 28^th^ update, heralds will begin appearing in cities across Tyria. Their task is to keep adventurers apprised of the events currently underway that are driving the Living Story forward. Be sure to check in with them if you need direction.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

People with mult 80s kittened by Laurel limit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


If, if, if. Well if doesnt cut it. Adding something half finished like this is not acceptable, especially not after they say they are adding mutliple options to obtain things.

There is nothing in this patch that has me interested really, I was hoping to delve into fractals a bit more, level another character or two and gear them up. But currently the big ifs really took all the fun away for me to play.

This is the first time I’m strongly considering quitting this game. I was waiting for a patch that gave me more to do, but the laurels and daily thing is straight up awful. Forcing us into doing something we’ve done since release, to be able to get 1 item 20-30 days later (depending how fast you finish your monthly). It’s a slap in the face to everyone with alts.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

People with mult 80s kittened by Laurel limit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


What if, for each of your 80’s, you had to farm fractals to get your ascended gear.

And now you don’t.

I’d be fine with that, because I’d have the CHOICE to farm my gear at my own pace. Here, I’m restricted to one amulet per MONTH.

Well guess what? You can still choose to go and farm your gear at your own pace in Fractals, OR you can choose to pick them up via dailies/monthlies instead without doing fractals.

Though wait for it, this is really mindblowing, you can even CHOOSE to do both at the same time!

No you cant, the laurel necks arent obtainable through fractals. So there is no pace other than what the game sets for you, which is dailies each day and not missing one. Smells like WoW.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

In my view, the game is going in the wrong direction

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


The adding of daily laurels and ascended necks have gotten me really worried about the future of the game aswell as my future with the game.

I left WoW due to the daily system, no the quests but the daily dungeons. If you missed one you fell behind. Now this is arriving in GW2 aswell, plus you need to spend 20(!) days for one item, that is if you do the monthly on the first day it arrives.

And this is after they supposedly wanted to add more options for obtaining gear… its still only one option to obtain the necks and other laurel items. At a horribly slow korean rate at that.

I’m an altoholic too, so I’m torn which toon to get the neck for first, since I love the 4 80s I have and want to level more.

How soon will the other options arrive for obtaining gear? No necks from fractal dailies? What? Who came up with that not so brilliant idea?

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Ascended Amulets with Fractial Relics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


It should be added asap IMO. To me it makes no sense to not have the ascended gear as fractal rewards.

The daily laurel system is fine and all, but 20 days for a neck is too much and if you miss a day you cant catch up. This all smells very blizzrd/WoW to me, a big reason I quit that game. And why on earth limit item obtainment yet again this patch. There was an uprising with last patch and forcing people into fractals, now you force people into dailies, something that cant even be done at their own pace.

Add more options for gear obtainment, not less.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Combo Killer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Well its good we got an answer and that it was removed for now. But that still doesnt solve the problem with not getting the laurel.

Will we see any compensation, like a laurel added to our account?

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

why do people hate magic find?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


There are instances/fractals where a full MF group would lie dead in their tracks, not being able to push through due to lack of dps. Same goes for any group with a lack of dps. I’m also curious how the new patch and no WP bumrushing will effect the MF users. Just another reason not to grab them. Lower damage, lower survivability, so you have to spend more time fighting, which results in a bigger risk of wiping and having to start over on the boss.

Thats what multiple armor sets are for. Just switch sets on the fly. You don’t really believe that mf gear is the only set of gear people have do you? Survivability has nothing to do with gear when in ranged combat. It’s all about dodging.

But thats not what the discussion is about. We are talking about MF gear and its gains and drawbacks. And yes, survivability has alot to do with gear even in ranged combat. Things that deal high damage to my engineer/mesmer if it hits does very little when it hits my necro for instance. He has alot more armor and HP, so he can just stand there and take it. This is also at a place where dodging is very risky i.e the asura fractal with harpies.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

January 28th Update Anticipation Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


People missed the obvious PST part that was tied to the 28th. Which in short means, it will come sometime during the 28th, counting Pacific Standard Time. According to that time its the 28th for 13-14 more hours or so. So they still have more than enough time to deploy it and still hit the mark they set out.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

January 28th Update Anticipation Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Somewhere within the next 11-12 hours or so.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

How I understand a patch date

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Uh what? How can you not get that? PST is a timezone, if its the 28th in that timezone its 28th PST (Pacific Standard Time) meaning sometime within those 24 hours.

So the patch will be out on the 28th PST means the patch will be out before midnight PST. Big difference from say 28th GMT or CET, which ends 7-9 hours earlier.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

In regards to the patch...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Honestly I dont see your point Xavion, they’ve said the 28th, if that means 1sec before midnight PST then they hit the mark. I dont know why people get worked up when its still the 28th from eastern europe to the US.

They still have around 12 hours to hit the mark.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

How I understand a patch date

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


28th PST is 28th PST, thats just how the world turns… litteraly.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

In regards to the patch...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


It’s to avoid further threads just like this one.

They said the 28th PST, so dont get your panties in a twist before the 28th is over.

If they gave us an exact time they would be over their ears in QQ about how they didnt keep their promise, that the world is ending and pigs flying.

Honestly if it’s still buggy and needs sorting out I wouldnt mind waiting another week.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

why do people hate magic find?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Reading more and more in this thread I can see one person being in love with AC. Is it the only dungeon he can beat?

1. Ascalonian armor is the best bunker armor in the game currently. Power/toughness/vitality.

2. It very low risk, moderate reward.

3. It’s quick. I only have to spend an hour of my time to make 3+ gold. That buys a lot of WvW upgrades and gear repairs.

4. I ONLY WEAR MF GEAR ON EASY STUFF WHERE LOSING A BIT OF DPS JUST DOESN’T MATTER, AND AC IS DEFINTELY EASY STUFF. Since this thread is about MF gear, and I’m defending MF gear, I’m only going to defend it those cicrumstances I feel it’s acceptable. You’ll never catch me running Arah exploraton or level 40+ fractals in MF gear. Hence, I’m not talking about Arah or level 40+ fractals.

But your view isnt honest. Sure its easy and quick even if you wear MF, but how quick is it when your whole party wears MF. You are still underpreforming in a non-MF group when you wear MF gear. Thats just fact, you will never have the preformance of a real set. Thats where it becomes selfish, for a tiny gain of roughly 50-70s per run (your own numbers) you skip the good of the group for the good of yourself.

You would also be better off just running a fractal 10+ for a much higher income, without the need for MF gear. Something that takes 45m-1h to complete.

Also, point #1 doesnt matter, because you dont need MF gear to obtain it, so its a moot point. MF doesnt improve your speed or chance of getting it.

There are instances/fractals where a full MF group would lie dead in their tracks, not being able to push through due to lack of dps. Same goes for any group with a lack of dps. I’m also curious how the new patch and no WP bumrushing will effect the MF users. Just another reason not to grab them. Lower damage, lower survivability, so you have to spend more time fighting, which results in a bigger risk of wiping and having to start over on the boss.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Is the 28th Update in the 29th?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


28th PST, that means they have up until midnight PST to deploy it, which means up until 09.00CET on the 29th since US time zones are 7-9 hours behind CET.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Fractal concerns with 1/28 patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Regarding the Legendary Shaman in Grawl fractal. One easy way to avoid his agony attack is staying at maximum range, strafing left/right during the fight, this works here just as it does with most other mobs that dont have tracking missile attacks.

Many of them will miss you aslong as you dont strafe in just one direction (mob calculates the impact position with your movement). If you stay at max range and strafe L/R alot you will most likely avoid it

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Would you buy an expansion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Yes I would, no doubt about it.

The game is fast enough toi obtain gear in so I wouldnt mind more levels. I just wish they stick to the philosophy they are bringing back in the patch, that gear will be obtainable in a multitude of ways to cater to every type of gamer.

To me GW2 is the best MMO on the market. I have little hope for ESO but Archage looks interesting. It’s just that ESO and the series on a whole have a habbit of being buggy like hell. However, the deciding factor if I’ll get either or not will be if there is a sub fee or not, if there is I’ll skip it. GW2 is perfect for me since I dont pay a monthly sub fee, so if I only get time to play say an hour or 2 per day, I wont feel like I’ve payed for nothing.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

why do people hate magic find?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Reading more and more in this thread I can see one person being in love with AC. Is it the only dungeon he can beat?

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

why do people hate magic find?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Since y’all want to talk about stats now. Here’s my MF warrior:

Power 1902
Precision 2401
Toughness 1413
Vitality 1023
Attack 2926
Critical Chance 58%
Armor 2624
Health 19,442 w/ 2 regens
Magic Find (no luck stacks or food) 129%

Pretty sure that’s well above average even without the extra toughness I could get from Knight’s instead of Explorer’s.

Right now you’ve gimped your stats for 129% MF in return. You wont do either tanking, support or dps at any great preformance, no matter how you try to tell us that you do.

Without the added damage from crit damage, your crit chance matters little, you wont get any big crits, you are roughly 75% behind in crit damage compared to someone filling a proper dps role, you deal about half as much crit damage as them (80% vs 155%+). You dont have the toughness to help take hate. Your attack is around 300 behind a dpser (600 behind my mesmer), so fairly low. You do about the same damage a tank does, minus the survivability. You tank worse than a dps specced/geared person since your damage is lower and you have no toughness, so have a harder time taking hate. All in all you preform no real role, since you dont have healing to support your shouts (if you are even specced for that) either.

Again, MF is a waste.

edit: Regarding your guardian AH comment. There are other viable traits and skills that build on the monk trait with meditations, that does roughly the same for your group and giving the guardian a more easier time to burst heal himself while holding hate and dealing great AoE damage. It’s up to the guardian really if he decides on AH or MoF, since both are personal heals, only difference are a few boons or condi cleansing/movement (king on Alpha fight). Also asking an AH based guardian to wear P/T/V gear means he will not proc his might very often and he will most likely go down due to lack of constant incoming AH. Great you come with such marvelous examples.

Your guardian example is one based on lack of knowledge, its not even a close comparison to those that want people to NOT wear MF gear.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

(edited by SneakyErvin.3056)

Skipping and zerking, the new cool?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


I’m not a big fan of skipping, atleast not in fractals where you know the mobs drop loot (besides blizzard map, either bugged or nerfed drop rate). But for instance on jade maw I prefer killing, not only for drops, but incase someone gets an unfortunate shot in the back while jumping, I dont feel like suiciding to rezz, since it costs more time than clearing everything.

However if people skip I tag along and skip.

What does tick me off however are the “elitists” that have to exploit every possible boss. Like the Mossman for instance. I was in a group with a friend of mine a few days back along with 3 puggers, the two of us aswell as one of the puggers refused to exploit on him, in return we got a rage fit by one of the memebers. Claiming he joined up for a speedrun (which we said, skipping everything except on jade maw), then calling us “noob” for doing it the proper way.

Now who is the noob? The guy that feels a need to exploit or the people that can handle the fight the way its supposed to be handled?

Those people just make me sick. I dont feel like risking my account due to some lazy SoBs feeling the need to exploit.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.