Why people will still complain Moa is OP-
—Bird form is still death if the mesmer has a bursty build OR if the character presses any button besides #5
—Animation isn’t obvious as most moves of that powerWhy people will complain MoA is useless
—Long freaking CD. I know I wouldnt wana use my elite every other fight
—Long cast time.What this nerf essentialy did
—Moa still useful to negate enemies defenses in 1v1.
—Less time it takes an enemy out of the fight in a group fight
—Doesn’t give enemy as much time to set up a second volly of attacks while your in chicken formBasically it decreased its teamfight power. Itll still be lethal in 1v1, but the chance of survivals gona go up alot more if you survive the mesmers initial burst after they moa you
If it actually is easier to survive in 1v1 yall should push for lower CD
1.) Uhmm you do know you can time when to use #5 and #2 right?
2.) When you get Moa’ed your team has/can peel for you right?
3.) You can even survive a Moa Burst even with the 10 full seconds.
The reason why people complain Moa Is OP:
People are basing it on a solo q experience, when 4/5 times most of your teammates will not peel for you, Losing 1v1 vs a mesmer on a point with Moa, etc allllllll solo q reasons.
Moa has always been a broken skill btw, so broken that has always been banned from duel and it has always been source of qq.
The best solution would be to totally rework the humility signet active effect with something less lamer than moa but with a lower cd.
Passive: Reduces duration of incoming stuns, dazes, fears, and taunts.
Active: Transforms yourself on a illusion for the next 5 sec becoming invulnerable to cc and conditions for that duration and trasfering the 50% of taken dmg to other illusions (if up) while healing for 1k/sec. Since you are an illusion every related trait work on yourself). Leaving the illusion form leave a fatigue debuff on the mesmer that deny to trasform yourself on a illusion again for the next 60 sec.Cd 60 sec (traitable cause it’s a signet).
The only advantage of cs this elite is to having back faster the passive effect cause fatigue doesn’t allow the double cast, and the low cd makes it usuable for both chrono spec and core mesmer without great difference.
The pros:
-it’s a defensive skill with low cd that can be used from every mesmer build, included the core mesmer and the old power shatter build, who are out of meta for lack of survability.
-it’s a low duration skill (5 sec) with low cd (60 sec) and mid cast time (1 sec) that can be interrupted from your opponent and if he miss the interrupt, it can be countered (your opponent can aoe down your illusion and hold his cc\condie skill till you are an illusion).It’s just an example of a signet who promote an active gameplay and an active counterplay.
Kinda better than moa-to-dead for the next x sec your target that cant 5-run away cause you immobilized it xD
Duels are pathetic tho, If you are really good, then vs someone with what you run in an ACTUAL game.
Man people just keep complaining bout everything.
>Movement skills nullify this trait
>You can cleanse the immob
>Sometimes you don’t get the proc
Is this OP? LOL
How bout we also nerf your class OP?
Pick one of the axes and put a water sigil on it. You can use it for both Power/Condi builds in PvE.
What water if your building around power or condi? Smh..
Watch the video and laugh, the sigil + pulmonary impact takes zero skill, does ridiculous damage, and is super laughable.
my friend i love to make easy builds its not about 0 skills
we could do 1vs1 with any-build u want,
thanks for posting my videohope u post the new ones <3
Ohhhhh you got called out Furajir! Really curious to see the duel, and let’s see how good this forum people are.
Can’t tell if satire. Need more sleep.
It’s probably not a satire. Condi mes and bunker mes are highly unpopular with people pretending to be long time mesmer mains
Fixed that for you. 620 hours is a long time Mesmer main? Don’t make me laugh. Come back when you’ve cracked 3k and we’ll talk.
Didn’t say that he was a long time Mesmer main. (I’ve been rev main for longer than that.)
But AFAIK they want power shatter back over the “skilless” condi Mesmer.
Lies! you were a ranger main! lololol
I have two words for these types of posts Stockholme Syndrome. We are going to have another pvp season where the majority of the player base plays 3 or 4 classes because they are clearly the strongest. By all means keep shaving away. Taking 6 seconds off MOA totally balances the class yup. In another three months, which would make 9 months of Mesmers being op, maybe we will make some more changes to them. As much as I complain I just adapt and play whats strong in the end but I personally find A-nets methods to balancing totally lacking.
Mesmer already got nerfed, then it’s still not enough!? lol. Forum people are always pathetic.
I’ll have to disagree on arcane skills. You’re arguing from a point of ‘defensive’ utilities, which is TOTALLY NOT what arcane skills are all about. And no, arcane skills are not meant for raw damage either.
Elemental Surge is wayyy underrated.
Uhm… so I have to waste a grand master trait slot to get a burn/immob every few seconds?
Why not?? You have no idea how OP those imo are in tf.
I have no idea what logic you use to say the trait is fine to be slotted, by first glance even the most uninitiated MMORPG player will say that that trait is not even GM worthy. Adept Minor at best.
Look, i have yet to touch ele but how is a trait that give you. and i quote “so I have to waste a grand master trait slot to get a burn/immob every few seconds?” not op??? It’s like, us , warrior having a trait that stun folks every few second..
What warrior trait?
i was making an anology, we have no such traits.
Bad analogy though, read the ele GM again.
<Looks at how many eles there are compared to guardians in every game mode.>
Ye… right. Comparing the most flexible class to the one that has the weakest traits and utilities in the game, it feels like an insult.
Even if Ele has one viable build, they are at least meta + they are not an optional choice in raids as Guards are.
You are forgetting this might be the first time guard is out of the meta, Guardian has been in the meta numerous times.
I’ll have to disagree on arcane skills. You’re arguing from a point of ‘defensive’ utilities, which is TOTALLY NOT what arcane skills are all about. And no, arcane skills are not meant for raw damage either.
Elemental Surge is wayyy underrated.
Uhm… so I have to waste a grand master trait slot to get a burn/immob every few seconds?
Why not?? You have no idea how OP those imo are in tf.
I have no idea what logic you use to say the trait is fine to be slotted, by first glance even the most uninitiated MMORPG player will say that that trait is not even GM worthy. Adept Minor at best.
Look, i have yet to touch ele but how is a trait that give you. and i quote “so I have to waste a grand master trait slot to get a burn/immob every few seconds?” not op??? It’s like, us , warrior having a trait that stun folks every few second..
What warrior trait?
People are really overthinking this. Nerf CS to not work with elites and reduce Time Warp to be a cd of about 60-70 seconds to keep mesmer strong in PvE.
That’s it. That’s all that needs to be done.
So make the class mechanic like mimic? No thanks. This is the laziest way to fix it.
I’ll have to disagree on arcane skills. You’re arguing from a point of ‘defensive’ utilities, which is TOTALLY NOT what arcane skills are all about. And no, arcane skills are not meant for raw damage either.
Elemental Surge is wayyy underrated.
Uhm… so I have to waste a grand master trait slot to get a burn/immob every few seconds?
Why not?? You have no idea how OP those imo are in tf.
I have no idea what logic you use to say the trait is fine to be slotted, by first glance even the most uninitiated MMORPG player will say that that trait is not even GM worthy. Adept Minor at best.
Currently, the trait Trapper’s Expertise only affects offensive traps for some reason.
Except it doesn’t.
I think what he meant is that there’s no comparable thing to “offensive ones cause cripple” when it comes to our only defensive trap. We don’t really get anything extra besides shorter cd and longer lasting boons on HS with this trait.
In that case, yes. But the cripple is closer to negligible than anything else. They could obviously add vigor to it, similarly to how the old “gain vigor when using a heal skill” trait worked.
I’d simply want them to return HS to how it functioned earlier, and later improve each individual trap as needed. Then you can look at the trait.
Although you are correct about the downsides of HS being a trap, I would say HS is still very good considering now you can run it @24 secs cd while traited vs the default 30.
But yeah, I think vigor will be very good on it like you and the others have suggested, In could be anything to be honest, a buff is still a buff.
In connection with my Healing Spring rework, I’d like to have cripple on this trait to be something else.
For one reason, The July 2015 Feature Pack made it so that movement skills are not affected anymore by movement impairing conditions anymore.
So this trait only functions when the target does not have a movement skill, which most of the time they will. Which brings the trait to a 30-40% effectiveness in a fight.
All the more when most classes are running -% on movement impairing conditions by default nowadays:
Golemancer’s Freedom
Time Marches on
Any suggestions?
PS: No matter what people say or how I look at it, there is no contest that Daze>Cripple all day long.
(edited by StickerHappy.8052)
I gotta tell you, if you wanna wanna get the The Dreamer (Legendary Shortbow) you need get jeweler to 400 for the unicorn statue.
A step toward balance. Let’s have:
- When elementalists attempt to switch to an attunement, there is a 25% chance it will go on cool down without switching them.
- When engineers attempt to use a toolbelt skill, there is a 25% chance they will be unable to due to a device error.
- When guardians attempt to activate a virtue, there is a 25% chance it will not activate.
- When mesmers attempt to use a shatter skill, there is a 25% chance the illusions will be unable to track to the target, and expire with no shatter effect.
- When necromancers attempt to enter shroud, there is a 25% chance it will instantly drain all their life force.
- When rangers attempt to use their pets, there is a 25% chance it will stow even during combat.
- When revenants attempt to switch legends, there is a 25% chance they will lose the stance and lose their healing, utility, and elite skill until their next swap attempt.
- When warriors attempt to use a burst skill, there is a 25% chance the skill will go off without hitting the target even when they are not blinded or out of range.
Because clearly, doing all that must be easier than fixing no valid path for thief steal., so let’s bring the other class mechanics in line with this one class.
Thank you.
Just wanna say, core ranger pets have been broken/bugged since launch They can’t even hit moving targets. And you whine because of steal? lol. Mind you pets are roughly 30% of the ranger’s damage.
Another random idea – how about making HS strip boons at a rate o x per x seconds when traited? Now that would make it a most interesting AND unique choice for a heal skill imho.
Unique yes, but having a defensive skill with offensive capabilities is not so good, you do not wanna blow off HS just to strip boons right? Boon stripping is very much needed for rangers but let’s leave that ability to other classes. You do not want rangers to become jack of all trades otherwise other classes would lose representation.
(edited by StickerHappy.8052)
I would like if the trait brought back our Healing Spring pulsing vigor. The trait that made it so healing gave vigor died with the trait rework, and you only ever took it on Healing Spring for the AoE vigor pulses, so they could always just put that on the trapper trait for our “support traps”
I like this idea, I feel like we have SO MUCH access to regeneration already, to a point that it is over plentiful, we need some variety to bolster some of our weaknesses and boost build diversity.
I would like if the trait brought back our Healing Spring pulsing vigor. The trait that made it so healing gave vigor died with the trait rework, and you only ever took it on Healing Spring for the AoE vigor pulses, so they could always just put that on the trapper trait for our “support traps”
What if instead of pulsing vigor it pulsed 10 endurance a second for anyone in it.
This is super strong. Healing Spring lasts for 10 seconds too, at the same time this effect will stack with vigor, and will stack with the traits that increase endurance regeneration (Natural Vigor, Adrenal Implants.) not to mention Daredevil traits.
That’s like 3 sources of endurance, 4 if you take energy sigil (grants 25 endurance)
I guess call me insane then because I think just adding 2s of Resistance or Vigor on HS trigger onto Trapper’s Expertise is as far as it should go. The only reason is for the trait to be consistent with all traps on adding extras instead of just the offensive ones.
Vigor being a nice alternative for trap builds or people taking HS in general over Primal Reflexes or Resistance to cover you and your allies between the first two condition cleanses. Anything else seems rather unnecessary for an already solid heal. #lowhangingfruit
Thank you for convincing me. I would now agree it is very strong with a pulsed heal.
About your ideas, what if It did both?
Pulsed Vigor for 1s (not affected by boon duration, since it is already affected by the boon duration for the trait)
Resistance of 2-3s on Cast (not affected by boon duration, since it is already affected by the boon duration for the trait)
Osicat, I thought he was your guildie from JUDGE
That’s FrouFrou. She and I are old school double melee fans together back when s/d + GS was hip and edgy, but that’s where the connections end.
Oh yea, FrouFrou, sounds like a love story between you two XD, does she still play?
Please do. Thanks Fluffy. Btw, does Osi still play?
No you have to look first haha. Go back to 3 years-ish ago and look for something like “zoo” or “summon” in the title. Honestly it’s not worth it. He took like pet whistles and ele summons and blah blah blah. The traits are not even remotely like what they are now. The value of the video is only in the concept and nostalgia.
Who is Osi?
Osicat, I thought he was your guildie from JUDGE
Dolyak (Greenz)
Mad King (Birds)
Pirate / Rock Dog (Zoo)
You also might be able to spawn the mist wolf yourself with Rune of the Pack (+WH +Clarion Bond) – not tested, just an idea crossing my mind.Anyway you could make a zoo build for general pve map completion?
Wooden Potatoes (semi annoying semi interesting hardcore YTer) made a zoo build for ele like 3 years ago. It’s 100% viable and even effective. Just take a bunch of kitten and overwhelm the open world enemies. Probably good for when you’re drunk.
If you’re really interested and can’t find it yourself, I can probably find the video. It’s blatantly obvious though, just take every available summon and pet and etc.
Please do. Thanks Fluffy. Btw, does Osi still play?
Dolyak (Greenz)
Mad King (Birds)
Pirate / Rock Dog (Zoo)
You also might be able to spawn the mist wolf yourself with Rune of the Pack (+WH +Clarion Bond) – not tested, just an idea crossing my mind.
Anyway you could make a zoo build for general pve map completion?
It SHOULD compete with it imo. It gives a reason to create core ranger builds too.
It already does compete with it, as does all our heals. Pulsing a heal on HS wouldn’t give a reason to create core Ranger builds; it would create a larger advantage for taking Druid. You’ll receive twice as many AF regeneration from HS – one for the regen, a second for the heal.
It would bolster the elite spec two-fold and scale better with more allies while supplementing Glyphs traited with Verdant Etches. Combine that with the 10s water field, additional on-point condition cleanses, and base Druid synergy with minor traits; it all means taking HS as a Ranger is fine, but taking it as a Druid would be better.
But you are forgetting that you have to have it traited. Will you replace NM (no more boon sharing) or BM (no more traited shouts,stronger pets, taunt, etc) for Skirmishing? I would say its still a tradeoff.
Here is the major flaw of this post:
No offense, but your MMR experience skews your whole perspective. You have never fought really good mesmers/ Tourney quality ones.
I think it would compete too much with Glyph of Rejuvenation at that point.
It SHOULD compete with it imo. It gives a reason to create core ranger builds too.
What if a traited HS also would heal allies (besides the regen)? Would that be too powerful?
Yes it will be too powerful, that’s why I suggested it pulsed heal on top of the regen. This gives it more counterplay via poision and knocking someone out of the Healing spring.
Currently, the trait Trapper’s Expertise only affects offensive traps for some reason.
Except it doesn’t.
I think what he meant is that there’s no comparable thing to “offensive ones cause cripple” when it comes to our only defensive trap. We don’t really get anything extra besides shorter cd and longer lasting boons on HS with this trait.
Correct, I meant this one. Sorry for being vague, corrected it.
how is even dazing traps on par with cripple traps? lol.
0.5 sec daze is barely noticeable. Added to this, you can dodgeroll out of them very easy. I won’t take into account Dragon’s Maw, because ranger doesn’t have an elite trap.
Spike trap does more CC with knockdown + cripple and you can’t dodge it. Flame trap doesn’t have CC(besides cripple), but with 12 seconds cooldown it does a kittenload of damage. Combine it with the plentiful immob that druid has and it really shines.If ranger had any proper sustain on his weapons(besides dancing around with sword/dagger), trapper druid would be truly cancerous.
0.5, 0.1, 0.3 daze is still a daze, still a CC very useful in cleaving, interrupting, etc.
Spike trap is 1 shot trap, evade it and it does nothing on a 45 second CD.
Also, ranger traps do not grant boons.
Also, ranger traps do not have a stun breaker either.
The traps are set up for 2 different play styles…its unrealistic to compare them especially beimg they are on 2 classes that have completely different game mechanics, weapon skills, and traitlines
Yes they are different, I agree.
But having a stun breaker trap will also be good for ranger, its a matter of build diversity.
I like the idea resistance would not be great though would much rather see pulsing regen or an aoe heal…resistance ruins an entire style of gameplay and the game is becoming overly filled with classes that can produce this boon
Pulsing regen is inherent with HS even untraited.
I added resistance to boost core rangers, sometimes even inside HS, if you get condi bombed, the condition removal of it will not keep up.
Also gives you another reason to stay inside it.
No, The trait is an entirely different one even if the y share the same name as the shout on the trait description.
Allies Aid only let’s you double res a downed body, you and the pet do the ressing (no tele), when you approach and try to revive someone
Search and rescue, teleports the downed to you and you both res the downed.
Currently, the trait Trapper’s Expertise only affects offensive traps for some reason. (In terms of cripple)
Make it so when traited, Healing Spring also Pulses healing to allies. like Well of blood from necros.
Although we get longer boons, I think that part is crap since HS lasts for 10 seconds even standing on it for the whole duration will give you so much regen.
Pulsed Heal
Initial Heal: Healing: 4,920 (1.0)?
Healing Per Second: 250 (0.2) Max targets: 5
6 Regeneration (3s): 2340 health
Number of Targets: 5
Duration: 10s
Trap Radius: 180
Radius: 240
Conditions Removed: 1
Combo Combo Field: Water
Pulsed Heal and Vigor on Cast
Initial Heal: Healing: 4,920 (1.0)?
Healing Per Second: 200(0.15)
6 Regeneration (3s): 2340 health
* Vigor (2s):* Only on Cast
Number of Targets: 5
Duration: 10s
Trap Radius: 180
Radius: 240
Conditions Removed: 1
Combo Combo Field: Water
Pulsed Heal and Resistance on Cast
Initial Heal: Healing: 4,920 (1.0)?
Healing Per Second: 200 (0.15)
Resistance (2s): Only on Cast
6 Regeneration (3s): 2340 health
Number of Targets: 5
Duration: 10s
Trap Radius: 180
Radius: 240
Conditions Removed: 1
Combo Combo Field: Water
- I adjusted healing coefficients for the variants with the boons to be lower. Although the changes might look OP, HS is balanced since it still carries the disadvantages of a regular trap which are:
- This trap is triggered when an ally with less than their maximum health (yourself included) walks/stands over the trap. Having non-damaging conditions alone will not cause the trap to trigger.
- The initial healing effect only occurs once upon skill activation and heals you and your pet.
- As with all traps, there is a slight delay before the trap can be tripped.
(edited by StickerHappy.8052)
how is even dazing traps on par with cripple traps? lol.
0.5 sec daze is barely noticeable. Added to this, you can dodgeroll out of them very easy. I won’t take into account Dragon’s Maw, because ranger doesn’t have an elite trap.
Spike trap does more CC with knockdown + cripple and you can’t dodge it. Flame trap doesn’t have CC(besides cripple), but with 12 seconds cooldown it does a kittenload of damage. Combine it with the plentiful immob that druid has and it really shines.If ranger had any proper sustain on his weapons(besides dancing around with sword/dagger), trapper druid would be truly cancerous.
0.5, 0.1, 0.3 daze is still a daze, still a CC very useful in cleaving, interrupting, etc.
Spike trap is 1 shot trap, evade it and it does nothing on a 45 second CD.
Also, ranger traps do not grant boons.
Also, ranger traps do not have a stun breaker either.
Can we make ranger traps on par with DH traps now?
Fire trap and spike trap are on par with DH traps already. I agree poison and chill need some rework though. The problem is running 2 traps doesn’t give you much wiggle room to run stun breaks and/or condi cleanses.
how is even dazing traps on par with cripple traps? lol.
Can we make ranger traps on par with DH traps now?
and while we’re at it, can we make guardian healing on par with druid?
This is not even a comparison.
Druid is an elite spec that SOLELY REVOLVES ON HEALING
heck, even the class mechanic is 4/5 healing, Staff is 4/5 healing lol, no comparison
Hello! I only recently started playing this game seriously and am reaching almost full ascended on my ranger. Here are my 2 cents.
I play my ranger on full zeolot. At literally a weapon swap I turn from a pretty decent zerk to a pretty decent cleric.
Both my damage and heals are good and I use this build all the time in all situations because that’s how I like to play. I only swap 1 talent tree in raid healing.For pets I use a hawk. It has great precision and good power (2nd highest I believe). I have the taunt trait and even tho his health is lower he often survives better and deals faster dmg then some other popular dmg choices.
1. His animations are fast and with the extra movement speed from trait and signet I can send him in and out of the fray very fast and cancel some of his animations very quickly. If your good with micro-management your hawk/eagle will stay alive in almost any situation.
2. He has great damage. No fancy buffs to give but while traited his bleed/taunt (F2) is on a 5 second CD. This means not only does he stack bleeds constantly but you can peel mobs off of yourself every 5secs. Combine his movement, your longbow survy skills and good positioning and you make an incredible team.
I dislike taking cats for example because their animations are long and it takes longer to cancel them to make it come back to you if it’s dangerous.
3. My second pet is the one that’s situational. Usually it’s fire wyvern (really only because it’s cool and has pretty decent dmg + knockdown),
Smokescale (murder dog) is my go-to second pet because his smoke field is excellent for survy but on a longer CD, it helps that he has the shadowstep ability to help him and also he uses shadowstep right away on attack, meaning he gets to enemies faster than most pets due to porting before he gets into melee.
For healing/raids I use Fern Hound because of healing talent tree his f2 howl gives a great amount of regen aswell as a good burst of healing, very dandy to keep him on boss to help you burst heal your melee’s.Closing words:
I haven’t done a lot of WvW and I think my whole build wouldn’t be so good, but I haven’t tried it.
PvE is great because I go from a decent zerk to a decent healer with just a flip of a button.
PvP I rarely heal, only when I have no choice to survive and I kill a whole lot and my hawk by itself deals INCREDIBLE damage. I love kittening over rangers who have cats or dogs (anything other than hawk/smokescale/bristleback rly).
If you are good at pet management Hyena is also a great option because with his F2 you can pull off 2 seperate knockdowns or a double-knockdown on a target.That’s it, feel free to discuss and if you want I can post my build.
How did you get ascended zealot gear?
Can we make ranger traps on par with DH traps now?
So Signet of Might with rifle warriors makes the shots unblockable and cannot be reflected (?). What happens when they shoot into Sublime Conversion?
The same. Signet of might is just unblockable, not unreflectable iirc.
Can confirm.
Signet of the Wild or Rune of the Dolyak triggers the minor Druid trait Live Vigorously.This is correct ^^.
My bad y’all.
Just curious, if Rune of Durability was still available in PvP; do you think it would be a better choice over Dolyak?
2 Different sets and 2 Different pros:
If you take traited shouts naturally durability will be better because of the boon duration.
It is also good when you have fortifying bond traited so more boons for your pets via the number 4 proc, and ultimately giving you 40% boon duration. Another important thing is that you get the resistance which rangers do not naturally have. Resistance will be around 1.5 seconds with NM.
Dolyak Imo is better building builds lacking Astral force generators like SotW or Traited shouts. Since you free up a utility slot. Also Dolyak is not like regen that can be stripped or corrupted.
Dolyak + Staff is more than enough to generate AF, now you have so much flexibility in the traits and utility slots
Well the big thing in WvW that I’m noticing is that you aren’t really short on Astral Force ever (this is my most offensive build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJAWRnUqA1CiVsCOsActglOB7pFEqWYwr0Y6N1pvFAKclMtzA-TVyGABkfBAmU9HDOEARqLAgHAwdKBLf/hCOCALp8DA-w ), but the Durability Runes can provide you nearly permanent Protection between procs of Protective Ward, the runes, and Protect Me.
At least, I think that’s their selling point, but I can’t tell if the benefit is too marginal compared to the guarantee-able and constant Dolyak benefits.
Your build looks great, but I mean this is just me but, you have clerics gear and have perma prot too, yes that would make you super tanky but I would just get a different gear since the perma prot will still cover your defences.
Also why healing power gear?
I do not get the Warden change? If it chases the target and the target kites, so its still useless since it wont be able to attack the kiting target?
Unless you meant to say his attack is not rooted anymore?
My take was that the attack was not rooted. He’d constantly pursue the target and spin freely.
There’s synergy between that and the curtain pull now too as that cripples. So once the target gets up from a pull, he’ll only hobble away unless he dodges. Moving the trait is perhaps the single most important change to get focus up off the ground at this point. Even still, without QoL improvements like these, it’ll never compete with shield. Though that would make it a decent weapon for base mesmer (non chrono) specs again.
Of course completely agree.
Moa needs a CD shave too if you want it to be just 5 seconds, even atleast 160.
I do not get the Warden change? If it chases the target and the target kites, so its still useless since it wont be able to attack the kiting target?
Unless you meant to say his attack is not rooted anymore?
This is another problem that people need to see.
INSPIRATION is kinda a mandatory pick for condition removal.
We need more other options like, Condition removal from weapon sets (Like Ele Earth focus 4),
Maybe even improving the signet trait to remove 2 conditions from you and allies?
As it stands now, the condition spam in the game is too much and you HAVE to get INSPIRATION
(edited by StickerHappy.8052)
I assume no one is casually walking out of that with -% immobilize duration.
Thing is almost all builds have that -immob duration
Geomancer’s Freedom
Dogged March
Chrono gm minor trait
Can confirm.
Signet of the Wild or Rune of the Dolyak triggers the minor Druid trait Live Vigorously.This is correct ^^.
My bad y’all.
Just curious, if Rune of Durability was still available in PvP; do you think it would be a better choice over Dolyak?
2 Different sets and 2 Different pros:
If you take traited shouts naturally durability will be better because of the boon duration.
It is also good when you have fortifying bond traited so more boons for your pets via the number 4 proc, and ultimately giving you 40% boon duration. Another important thing is that you get the resistance which rangers do not naturally have. Resistance will be around 1.5 seconds with NM.
Dolyak Imo is better building builds lacking Astral force generators like SotW or Traited shouts. Since you free up a utility slot. Also Dolyak is not like regen that can be stripped or corrupted.
Dolyak + Staff is more than enough to generate AF, now you have so much flexibility in the traits and utility slots
The problem with ANYTHING involving defensive stats and condi is that unlike power you only need to invest in condition damage to do effective damage. With power builds, a combination of power, ferocity, and precision is needed. The occasional condi trait and sigil benefits from precision, but it’s rarely a must have.
Amulets like Settler allowed for some builds to both be tanky and deal decent damage. While Mercenary is semi similar, not having healing as a stat at least limits its ability to also be highly supportive, it also has no precision or ferocity so the power stat is just more of a side benefit than anything.
This is actually only half true.
Some condition builds need precision.
Some also need condi duration to be really effective.
im not against the idea of unblockable attacks , im against the idea of it being a IDC trait as that would effect every build we use rather than just the ones we have to build for and it doesn’t take up a utility slot or a weapon choice.
the perfect example of a QoL improvement would be to do this
Signet of the hunt (increase from 20seconds to 25seconds) or 18seconds traited with brutish seals)
you and your pets next attack is unblockable plu deals 50% more damagethis would be the same as other classes , takes up a build type , weapon and utility slot.
and with its 1 attack only unblockable it stops Mulitipul hitting attacks becomming Overpowered vs said defences , the use of the signet is a finisher still but that single attack can no longer be blocked.
so you’d have to skillfully remove things like Aegis or make a foe burn his first block then attack with Signet of the hunt+a burst skill(just remember all unblockable attacks are limited to a certian amount of hits or a single hit or one effect per skill)
in this case signet of the hunt could even make the next 3 attacks unblockable but then the cooldown would have to increase to 30seconds (24seconds traited) or reduce the 50% damage boost to 25% keeping the 20second cooldown, then slightly increase some weapons coefficient of friction to recover some of the damage loss from the hunt.
But you have to build for it too, not every build can afford to go MM.
Any chrono relying on distortion and CS cannot be a bunker. If the point gets decapped/capped out from under you, you failed as a bunker.
The “burst” doesnt really compare to what’s classically been meant when the term is used. The chrono build can apply and reapply some nice torment and confusion though. However it can be avoided, and cleansed. What is true of a condi chrono is that there’s some nice reapplication, if you take your time and don’t blow your load. That advice can serve you in other areas of life too.
As for heavy sustain? Someone already said, the build has what it needs to survive so that it can do its supporting job. Really though, the chrono build has various weaknesses, and can be burst down by a couple of good players.
I apologize for Mesmer requiring competence to defeat
Care to name those weaknesses?
- The Chrono build has no boon strip, so resistance is the #1 counter, given most of it’s damage comes from either a condi “burst” or the constant reapplication of confusion/torment.
- The chrono has a single stun break and is incredibly susceptible to CC. This gives an opportunist approach to defeat for anyone bringing heavy CC and burst (not condi, as cleansing is so easy for Chrono, even under stunlock). At the very least, you can force the Chrono right off point using that blink to reset.
- This is usually the point people bring up staff 2 as the psuedo “stun break”, but it’s not, and an appropriately pressured chrono is going to have to swap out of staff, or give up the point (assuming you haven’t locked him down anyway.)
- That leaves sword/shield, and as good as those shield blocks are, blocks are also easily countered with unblockables.
- Yes Chrono has distortion, and cs (both forfeit the point cap), but the build has zero stability (again, susceptible to CC/interrupts). Both Moa and SoL have lengthy cast times, easily interruptible unless they draw from other mitigating sources (such as distortion). These are simply opportunities upon opportunities.
- Forgot to add: No stealth. Cannot drop target. Minor considering the build makes up for it in other ways, but this is huge for ranged pressure. Oh and that reminds me, has the classic mesmer weakness against good ranged pressure XD
But let’s be fair to our broader playerbase.
- 1. They’re not running the right classes/builds. Power lockdown? That’s a tall order for most people even without facing this chrono.
- 2. Lockdown/interrupt gameplay? That’s high end. That’s like a few of us long standing high end mesmer/warrior/thief player stuff, and quite frankly seems to be well out of reach of not only the cast majority, but even the comprehensive playstyles of pros (i.e. players who are good, but good in different ways).
Still, the weaknesses are there!
Look deep within your heart Stickers, you know this much is true.
1.) how many classes have access to reliable resistance? Ranger 0, Ele 0, Guardian 0, Thief 0
2.) CC could work, but only if you get past that double distortion.
3.) Unblockables? Everyone needs to build around unblockables so far, except maybe for select skills. Warrior needs to trait for it, so does necro, traps? maybe, but no one runs traps, etc. Could be a possibility if classes have this option. But even if you break through, that is considered an attack so block is usable again no?
Ranged pressure? 2 blocks, masterful reflection, evades.
Again not saying OP or what not, this is such an uphill battle (always talking about the meta build, this is where the qq comes from)
Let’s look at the strengths too of the meta build:
1.) Tanky/Sustain mental defence + toughness + blocks + distorts + ports + evades + Restorative Illusions
2.) Damage: High Condition Application + Direct Damage through shatters
3.) CC: Shield 5 , Moa, F3, CS. All AoE.
But this is still doable with only those.
Now Let’s add C-split and Signet of Illusions. This matchup now becomes a nightmare
not to mention Illu reversion, Illu celerity, Alacrity, Chronophantasma Persistence of Memory all stack/work together.
I think SoI is very strong on chrono.
I do not know about you guys but I think I can only have a chance of beating a high MMR/skill mesmer at around 30%. (in a real match, not using dueling builds)
(edited by StickerHappy.8052)
Portal has always been here, but we have never had the capabilities of condi mesmer paired with portal. Unless you want to keep having mediocre builds and be carried by these 2 skills they need to change so mesmers can get actual normal viable builds. I dont mind either but id imagine alot of people wouldnt in the end want to be completely locked to these 2 skills.
1v1s can be a big part of pvp. People always qqd about moa, but now theres actual reason to, theres no real big punishment so to say for missing moa when you can use it every 70s or so, and thats being generous.
So you’re forgetting history a bit here. Condie mesmer has always been top tier 1v1. A well played condie mesmer has been able to trash just about anyone else from the PU condie era onwards. Despite that, it’s never been considered viable or strong in PvP for many reasons. So obviously, there’s a difference now that’s making it viable, and most would agree that that difference is double moa plus the added defense of chronomancer.
You are missing 1 more important thing. The addition of new amulets.
Now you have a condie mesmer with toughness plus 1050 direct damage.
Any chrono relying on distortion and CS cannot be a bunker. If the point gets decapped/capped out from under you, you failed as a bunker.
The “burst” doesnt really compare to what’s classically been meant when the term is used. The chrono build can apply and reapply some nice torment and confusion though. However it can be avoided, and cleansed. What is true of a condi chrono is that there’s some nice reapplication, if you take your time and don’t blow your load. That advice can serve you in other areas of life too.
As for heavy sustain? Someone already said, the build has what it needs to survive so that it can do its supporting job. Really though, the chrono build has various weaknesses, and can be burst down by a couple of good players.
I apologize for Mesmer requiring competence to defeat
Care to name those weaknesses?